Search results for ""Birkhäuser""
Birkhauser Product Development and Architecture: Visions, Methods, Innovations
From idea to product In the construction sector, demand is steadily increasing for innovative products. Product Development and Architecture presents selected examples that illustrate how the planning disciplines can contribute to such innovations in building. Introductory essays comprehensively explain the thematic and methodological framework. Case studies exemplify the transformation of ideas into prototypes or products. Creating dynamics, shifting boundaries, building and expanding networks, conserving resources, developing and optimizing planning tools, as well as implementing use-additive processes — all these processes are discussed in order to clarify the necessary collaboration between various actors in the construction industry. Groundbreaking solutions clearly explain the role applied sciences play in the active collaboration between university and industry, as well as the interdisciplinary integration of disciplines and experts. This publication presents interdisciplinary collaborative projects such as the “Seaweed Facade,” which resulted in the realization of a building with a bioreactor facade at the International Building Exhibition in Hamburg in 2012, or the "Printed Envelope,” the result of a collaborative research project in which free forms for the facade design were generated from 3D computer-generated processes.
Birkhauser City by Landscape: The Landscape Architecture of Rainer Schmidt
City by Landscape documents the work of a landscape architect active in the interface between urban planning, open space planning and architecture. For many years Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten + Stadtplaner have been among the leading offices in the fields of landscape and urban planning; the projects are also increasingly being realized internationally, above all in North Africa, the Middle East and China. The company’s overriding objective is to find answers to the urban-planning problems of today, and to do so in the awareness that 21st century landscape architecture should be a ‘built’ reflection on how people deal with one another and with nature. The office puts these answers into practice as designs and strikes a successful balance between design, functions and feelings. The intelligent use of natural resources is of prime importance for the work of the office so as to maximize the ecological, economic and social impact of the projects. In various essays the book addresses the central topics in Schmidt’s work and documents some 40 selected projects including the highlight Business Towers in Munich, the park city Schwabing, the Congress Center Doha and the Great Mosque of Algiers.
Birkhauser Raum, verschraubt mit der Zeit / Space, Twisted with Time: Architekturjahrbuch Graz Steiermark 2010 / Architecture Yearbook Graz Styria 2010
Das Buch ist die Dokumentation des weit über die Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannten Architekturpreises des Landes Steiermark, der alle zwei Jahre vergeben wird. Die handwerklich hervorragend gearbeitete Publikation besteht aus zwei gebundenen Teilen, die parallel gelesen werden können. Der Textteil ist eine Art Reisebericht, der die Projektbeschreibungen der zehn nominierten Projekte und die Preisträger integriert. Parallel dazu gibt es eine Kommentarebene, in die der Reisbericht eingebettet ist und die die steirische Architekturszene im Nationalen wie Internationalen sowie übergeordnete Fragen der Architekturdiskussion behandelt. Diese Texte betreffen die „Grazer Schule“, Verbindungen zwischen Graz und der Schweiz oder auch Fragestellungen des Entwurfs. So wird über die reine Dokumentation des Architekturpreises hinausgegangen und mit dem Blick von Außen Inhalte mit übergeordneter Gültigkeit transportiert. Damit gibt es in mehrfacher Hinsicht Verbindungen zu „Dialogues in Time – New Graz Architecture“ von Peter Blundell Jones. Der zweite Teil des Buches besteht aus einer Fotostrecke von Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien von Hertha Hurnaus, die alle nominierten Projekte neu fotografiert und damit interpretiert hat.
Birkhauser Projektfeld Ausstellung / Project Scope: Exhibition Design: Eine Typologie für Ausstellungsgestalter, Architekten und Museologen. A Typology for Architects, Designers and Museum Professionals
The book is a fundamental reference work for exhibition designers, architects, and museum professionals who want to adequately conceive, design, plan, and produce clearly focused thematic exhibitions. Each thematic field represents different challenges for an exhibition design. This typology by Bertron Schwarz Frey elaborates the special features of the various thematic fields – nature, archeology, history, art, and science. Sketches, floor plans, visualizations, and photographs illustrate the approach, whose essential structure remains the same while finding a different solution for each theme. For students of architecture, interior design, exhibition design, scenography, and visual communication it is also useful as an introduction to the subject. The book presents current exhibitions including the Museum für Naturkunde and the Jewish Museum in Berlin, the Pommersches Landesmuseum in Greifswald, and the Württembergisches Landesmuseum in Stuttgart. Ulrich Schwarz has been professor of design at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2000.
Birkhauser My Desk is my Castle: Exploring Personalization Cultures
The desk is a place of work and of action, but it also serves as a place to exhibit personal things and preferences. Thus it always characterizes in two ways a material and symbolic unity. The desk is not only very informative in itself, but also must always be studied and understood in the context of its cultural, gender-specific, and field-related surroundings. The focus of this study is a comparative analysis of the use of desks. Desks in insurance companies, banks, administrative authorities, call centers, and design studios in twelve countries on all continents were studied. This publication presents the results in the form of extensive visual material, empirical analyses, and critical essays. The study was carried out by the Köln International School of Design (KISD) in collaboration with universities in Hong Kong; New York; Seoul; Taipei; Curitiba, Brazil; Pune, India; Auckland; Milan; and Fukuoka, Japan.
Birkhauser Landschaft planen: Dimensionen, Elemente, Typologien
Bei der Ausformulierung eines Entwurfskonzeptes in eine realisierbare Planung bewegen sich Landschaftsarchitekten permanent zwischen zwei Betrachungsebenen: der konkreten Entwurfsaufgabe im Kontext der Planungstypologie wie Park, Spielplatz, Freibad oder Sportanlage und dem einzelnen Planungselement wie Treppen, Rampen, Wege, Einfriedungen, Freiraummöbel etc. Konsequent gibt Landschaft planen dem Planer ein durchdachtes Planungsinstrument an die Hand, in dem sich zwei Hauptteile gegenüber stehen: „Elemente“ und „Typologien“, zwischen denen der Planer je nach Betrachtungsmaßstab flexibel hin und her wechseln kann. Alle planungsrelevanten Informationen werden hierfür detailliert, übersichtlich und im Zusammenhang präsentiert. Flankiert werden diese beiden Hauptkapitel durch ein Einleitungskapitel, das die Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen für das Entwerfen im Freiraum erläutert, und dem „Nachschlagewerk“ am Schluss des Buches, in dem allgemeine Maße und Einheiten, Vorschriften und Normen übersichtlich zusammengestellt sind.
Birkhauser Furnishing | Zoning: Spaces, Materials, Fit-out
What is the process of forming rooms, which elements are used and how are room-shaping components defined? The fourth volume in the SCALE series, Furnishing | Zoning, deals with the relationships between building typology and building structure, and between spatial composition and interior design. The relationship between the briefing and the catalogue of requirements, and between shell construction and fit-out, is elucidated. Connections at walls, ceilings and floors are explained in detail and illustrated with case studies of selected projects. In addition, the authors demonstrate how a well-designed sequence of spaces can create added value by means, for example, of the choice of materials and the lighting scheme, or adaptability to accommodate new functions. Following the introductory chapter on the subject of space, the volume is divided into chapters on floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture and fixtures. Furnishing | Zoning examines the subject from different professional angles and thereby provides valuable support for practical interior design.
Birkhauser Klimagerecht Bauen: Ein Handbuch
In future, buildings that make sense from a bioclimatic perspective will not be the exception; planners will simply be expected to design them. With its wealth of facts, this book serves as a concrete aid to planning and design. With the planning process as its roadmap, it accompanies the planner from the basic evaluation stage through conception and implementation planning all the way to building operation. The building-related characteristics of the various climatic zones form the basis for the made-to-measure development of integrated building solutions. Well-conceived graphics illustrate planning contexts and facilitate efficient planning decisions and realistic predimensioning. Materials, systems, and technologies are described, and their areas of application are pointed out. Reference parameters, costs, and the presentation of interrelationships equip the planner to make a strategic and well-informed selection.
Birkhauser Die böse Form: Design an der Grenze des guten Geschmacks
A blood stained shower curtain, a lighter that shows an airplane aboutto collide with the Twin Towers, plush slippers shaped like penises: the world of commodities today is marked by stylistic diversity, irony, and trash – there are no limits on so-called bad taste.This book attempts to get to the bottom of the current fascination with the disgusting, the grotesque, and the provocative. Products from the most disparate realms are juxtaposed on facing pages. The result is confrontations that are sometimes surprising, with a fascination all their own. Introductoryessays by prominent authors shed additional light on wide-ranging aspects of design, morality, and irony. It is not just tasteless items that are placed under the microscope; politically incorrect ones have their place in this volume as well.
Birkhauser Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual
Understanding Steel Design is based on an overall approach to understand how to design and build with steel from the perspective of its architectural applications. Steel is a material whose qualities have enormous potential for the creation of dynamic architecture. In an innovative approach to the reality of working with steel, the book takes a new look both at the state of tried-and-tested techniques and at emerging projects. Hundreds of steel structures have been observed, analyzed and appraised for this book. In-depth construction photographs by the author are complemented by technical illustrations created to look more closely at systems and details. Drawings supplied by fabricators allow greater insight into a method of working with current digital drawing tools.
Birkhauser The Articulate Surface: Ornament and Technology in Contemporary Architecture
Ornament is currently acquiring a renewed status in architecture. As contemporary technologies of design and fabrication introduce unprecedented opportunities to intertwine the constructive logics and expressive articulations of buildings, ornament has re-emerged as a means to explorethe interactions between function and decoration, volume and surface, structure and envelope. This book gives a systematic account of the technologies employed in the production of ornament and thestrategies of its application today, examining a range of international built examples. Architects with particularly advanced approaches to the question of ornament contribute reports and reflections on their experiences: Sam Jacob of Fashion Architecture Taste (FAT), London; Andreas Hild of Hild und K Architekten, Munich; and Alejandro Zaera-Polo of Foreign Office Architects (FOA), London.
Birkhauser Support I Materialise: Columns, Walls, Floors
Designing and constructing load-bearing building elements Columns, walls and floors make up the skeleton of nearly every building. This third volume in the series SCALE, Support| Materialise, takes an in-depth look at these load-bearing structures, covering the development and realization of appropriate constructions from idea and design intention all the way to constructional implementation. Following the traditional building methods of massive, cross-wall, and skeleton construction, it points the way toward a material-appropriate constructional approach to these defining structural elements – columns, walls,and floors. Special attention is given to how constructional and technical considerations can be harmonized with spatial and formal commitments. The load-bearing elements are organized, described, and explored in detail from a material as well as a formal and constructional perspective. Their practical implementation is illustrated by a series of international examples.
Birkhauser Designing the Patient Room: A New Approach to Healthcare Interiors
Interior architecture is the main factor in creating pleasant environments for in-patient healthcare. Whether in paediatric or geriatric wards, economic efficiency, patient well-being and staff satisfaction are increasingly the focus of treatment, healing and healthcare concepts around the world. Well-designed interior architecture concepts for patient rooms can benefit the patient’s process of recovery and, through its atmosphere and functionality, improve the quality of the hospital experience. This book explores the design of the patient room as a core part of healthcare environments. It describes the different design components, such as material, colour, light and surface finish, and addresses the needs of hygiene and the specific challenges presented by demographic change and digitisation, as well as workflow issues and economic efficiency. Fourteen international case studies illustrate these design principles.
Birkhauser The Modulor and Modulor 2
In the years 1942 to 1948, Le Corbusier developed a system of measurements which became known as “Modulor”. Based on the Golden Section and Fibonacci numbers and also using the physical dimensions of the average human, “Modulor” is a sequence of measurements which Le Corbusier used to achieve harmony in his architectural compositions. Le Modulor was published in 1950 and after meeting with success, Le Corbusier went on to publish Modulor 2 in 1955. In many of Le Le Corbusier’s most notable buildings, including the Chapel at Ronchamp and the Unité d’habitation, evidence of his Modulor system can be seen. These two volumes form an important and integral part of Le Corbusier’s theoretical writings.
Birkhauser Sculpture Parks in Europe: A Guide to Art and Nature
There is a continually increasing interest in parks and gardens in which modern sculptures and nature form a special symbiosis. Landscapes are an inspiring ambiance for works of art, which in turn add something to the parks and gardens, thus creating a very unique interaction between art and nature. This guide is the second edition and presents more than 90 parks in 27 European countries, now also including Finland, Hungary, and Poland among others. The parks presented include classics such as the Fondation Maeght in Saint-Paul-de-Vence and the Louisiana Museum in Humlebaek, as well as spectacular new schemes such as the Museo Atlantico, Europe’s first underwater park off the coast of Lanzarote. Each park and the works of art exhibited therein are illustrated with photographs, drawings, and text.
Birkhauser Growing Architecture: How to Design and Build with Trees
A growing, living house, a building made of a plant seems to be a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, the Khasi in eastern India already knew how to connect the branches of rubber trees to form footbridges, and in southern Germany dance lime trees formed the centre of villages for centuries. Following on from this, the new discipline of Baubotanik is dedicated to designing with trees. Built projects, prototypes and visionary concepts point the way to a new green architecture. This introduction shows the possibilities of such living constructions and goes into the botanical growth laws that guide the design. The basics of constructing with trees are presented. The book encourages a whole new look at architecture that becomes part of urban nature.
Birkhauser Guidelines for Thermography in Architecture and Civil Engineering: Theory, Application Areas, Practical Implementation
What does it take to obtain significant measurement results in thermographic examinations? These guidelines convey in condensed form the authors' many years of experience in detecting thermal engineering defects and structural damage such as thermal bridges, air leaks or moisture penetration damage with a non-destructive and easily applicable method of measurement and investigation. As well as providing an introduction to the physical fundamentals of thermography, the book offers an up-to-date overview of the technology, structure, standards and selection criteria of common thermographic systems. Using selected examples, it shows the many possibilities and areas of application of infrared thermography as well as the limits of its use.
Birkhauser Basics Projektsteuerung
Birkhauser Interior Gardens: Designing and Constructing Green Spaces in Private and Public Buildings
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the planning and implementation of this special kind of garden, taking the concrete planning process as its guide. From design fundamentals and concept development with different typology variants all the way to the choice of materials, the various construction principles, and building services, all subjects relevant to planning are comprehensively presented. The planning information is illustrated with numerous international examples, with projects ranging from a "green wall" as interior design element and private house gardens in Australia, New Zealand, and Germany all the way to award – winning ecological office buildings in the USA and the Netherlands, an old - age home in Sweden, and an indoor park in Canada.
Birkhauser Unbuildable Tatlin?!
The book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna Edition Angewandte, published by Birkhäuser Basel and De Gruyter Berlin/Boston, comprises anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on architecture, visual and media art, design, conservation and restoration, art theory, art pedagogy, art education, and language arts. Appearing since 2007, the series has become widely known and recognized as an established platform for relevant publications from art and science. The books are published in German as well as in English.
Birkhauser IOA Studios. Hadid Lynn Prix: Selected Student Works 2009
The book series of the University of Applied Arts Vienna Edition Angewandte, published by Birkhäuser Basel and De Gruyter Berlin/Boston, comprises anthologies, documentations, and monographs with a focus on architecture, visual and media art, design, conservation and restoration, art theory, art pedagogy, art education, and language arts. Appearing since 2007, the series has become widely known and recognized as an established platform for relevant publications from art and science. The books are published in German as well as in English.
Birkhauser WIEN.BLICKE / VIENNA.VIEWS: Stadtbild-Fotografien von Reinhard Mandl / The City in Photographs by Reinhard Mandl
Living cities change continuously. Many small interventions change the appearance of the city, day in, day out. Reinhard Mandl transforms such fleeting moments in Viennese urban life into lasting photographic memories. The photographer explores the city alphabetically by street name in easily followed routes, literally from A to Z. What surprises are there from Abbégasse to Baaderwiesenweg and why are "No Photographs Allowed" right at the beginning? Are there really new perspectives of the familiar to be discovered when walking from the hubbub of Calafattiplatz to Dachauer-Straße, and how did he ultimately make it from Ybbsstraße to Zachgasse? The exhibition invites readers to join Reinhard Mandl on a seven-year exploration of Viennese city life.
Birkhauser The Art of Precast Concrete: Colour, Texture, Expression
As a building material, precast concrete allows a wide range of sculptural forms and design options. By treating the surface in various ways, fascinating textures and fine finishes can be produced. This book provides a systematic overview of the variety of applications for such concrete elements throughout Europe. Author David Bennett provides in-depth information on newly developed, especially lightweight forms of concrete such as GRC (Glass-Fibre Reinforced Concrete), Ductal and CRC (Compact Reinforced Composite). A selection of some 24 projects which are of particular significance, are documented in detail and provide a wealth of inspiring design ideas. The appendix comprises an overview of the building practices in the individual European countries and the availability of concrete elements. Amongst the buildings documented are the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh by Enric Miralles Benedetta Tagliabue, the Synagogue in Dresden by Wandel, Hoefer, Lorch + Hirsch, and the Mexican Embassy in Berlin by González de León.
Birkhauser Tod und Leben großer amerikanischer Städte
In The Death and Life of Great American Cities durchleuchtet Jane Jacobs 1961 die fragwürdigen Methoden der Stadtplanung und Stadtsanierung in Amerika, der "New Yorker" nannte es das unkonventionellste und provozierendste Buch über Städtebau seit langem. Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde schnell auch im deutschsprachigem Raum zu einer viel gelesenen und diskutierten Lektüre. Sie ist jetzt wieder in einem Nachdruck zugänglich, mit einem Nachwort von Gerd Albers (1993), das nach der Aktualität dieser Streitschrift fragt.
Birkhauser Night Fever: Interior Design for Bars and Clubs
the book features some twenty portraits of distinguished and selected design firms from all over the world. Their spectacular designs for bars, nightclubs, discos and dance clubs are presented, revealing the wide spectrum of creativity. A ten-page profile is dedicated to each design firm and full business details are included. The graphic design is by the well-known Dutch studio Staat Amsterdam. Among the firms featured are: Concrete, Amsterdam Ronald Hooft, Amsterdam Binc, Amsterdam Plajer/Franz, Berlin Mack and Partner, Frankfurt Geomim, Istanbul Mueller Kneer, London Stephen Macdonald Assoc., London Turbo 2000, Copenhagen Bushe Assoc., London Orbit, Paris Graven Images, Glasgow.
Birkhauser Building with Infra-lightweight Concrete: Design, Planning, Construction
Infra-lightweight concrete combines the structural and thermal insulation functions of the building envelope in one monolithic material, thus providing new design options. The handbook is a practical guide to building with this new type of material. The architects and structural engineers of the interdisciplinary team of authors combine their findings from many years of research, including from a project in which the team investigated the architectural and structural potential of infra-lightweight concrete in multi-story residential buildings. In addition to essential information on designing with the material, including construction details, and an overview of the building physics properties, practical advice on building details is provided in the form of sizing tables and numerous details from various projects.
Birkhauser Schwanzer – Architect. Visionary. Maestro.: Three Decades of Architectural and Contemporary History
It is impossible to imagine Austrian architecture and contemporary history without Karl Schwanzer, who would have marked his hundredth birthday in 2018. His buildings, like the BMW administration building in Munich, caused quite a furor domestically and abroad; his institute at the Technical University of Vienna influenced offices like Coop Himmelb(l)au, Haus-Rucker-Co, Missing Link and ZÜND-UP. Posthumously, Schwanzer rose to cult status among his staff, students and clients, conferred especially for his passionate way of working, sparing no effort or expense, and for his relentless search for the optimum solution. In every sense, his life and work were unconventional. The idea to relate them in the form of a graphic novel is also quite unconventional, but certainly a logical consequence!
Birkhauser Cuban Modernism: Mid-Century Architecture 1940–1970
In the 20th century, modern architecture thrived in Cuba and a wealth of buildings was realized prior to the revolution 1959 and in its wake. The designs comprise luxurious nightclubs and stylish hotels, sports facilities, elegant private homes and apartment complexes. Drawing on the vernacular, their architects defined a way to be modern and Cuban at the same time – creating an architecture oscillating between tradition and avantgarde.Audacious concrete shells, curving ramps, elegant brises-soleils and a fluidity of interior and exterior spaces are characteristic of an airy, often colorful architecture well-suited to life in the tropics. New photographs and drawings were specially prepared for this publication. A biographical survey portraits the 40 most important Cuban architects of the era.
Birkhauser Farbe räumlich denken: Positionen, Projekte, Potenziale
The interaction between color and architecture determines our perception of space, and defines the tectonic relationships. The fascinating spatial potential of color, and the multi-layered dimensions of interpretation in the experience of color are design and communication means which, however, are often not fully used – color oscillates between autonomy and functional purpose, and should be understood as a distinct "material" that can be used as part of the design. The book focuses both on the tangible aspects and design criteria of color, and on its indeterminate nature and its experience value. Using examples in art and architecture, the spatial interdependency of color is illustrated, as is its interaction with structure, light, and geometry.
Birkhauser Architecture and Modelbuilding: Concepts, Methods, Materials
Architectural models are used at various stages of a project. As working models they support the design process: they are made up from time to time using simple materials, such as cardboard, without any attempt at accuracy, and continue to be adjusted and added to as the ideas and the design progress. The point here is to swiftly check a design idea, to allow it to be continued or dismissed. Presentational models are more involved; at this stage the design has been completed and the purpose of the model is to convey the ideas to the potential user in a clear and easy-to-understand way. The book Architecture and Model Building includes outstanding examples explaining the possibilities of this medium and, at the same time, provides comprehensive information on materials and techniques.
Birkhauser EVENTS: Situating the Temporary
The Amsterdam-based design office of EventArchitectuur has been active in the fields of exhibition and interior design and temporary architecture for more than 20 years, with their projects and interventions present in Berlin, Paris, New York and many other locations world-wide. In this substantial book, designed by the Dutch design studio Experimental Jetset, Herman Verkerk and his team dedicate their knowledge and experience to the design community. With contributions by Bernard Tschumi, Beatriz Colomina, Dirk van den Heuvel, Ellen Blumenstein and many others, topics comprise time-based narrative architecture, the architecture of events, display in public context, building-related landscape and many others. This approach makes the book a content-driven tool of communication and knowledge.
Birkhauser Re-Scaling the Environment: New Landscapes of Design, 1960-1980
From 1960–1980, both eastern and western Europe experienced a construction boom of new dimensions. Cybernetics, the science of planning, and sociology, as well as the new possibilities offered by technology and production, paved the way to large-scale processes and systems in architecture and urban design, which favored technocratic and utopian concepts. Increasingly, architects and planners saw themselves as designers of comprehensive infrastructure and mega-structures in a technology-focused world. The authors assesses these developments on the back of a knowledge transfer between East and West. It confirms a change in attitude that can still be felt today – recession, social changes, and environmental problems led to criticism of the then contemporary concepts of modernity.
Birkhauser Visualisation of Evolution: molecule/calculus
Post-genomics and molecular biology provided the basis for a collection of drawings and installations from 20 years of artistic practice and artistic perspective on an increasingly media-driven world of communication in which subtleties are gradually disappearing from an individual language. The generalised theory of evolution and extended synthesis in theoretical biology have both inspired the work of artist and scientist Petra Maitz until the present day. From these, Maitz has formed a comprehensive hypothesis of the chemical world change, showing visualisations of evolution in a cultural and scientific context in her drawings. She presents medical and biological scientists and their research seen through the eyes of an artist.
Birkhauser TransArts
TransArts is a novel approach in the art education system, a course whose content and forms are adapted to the dynamics of art today: the separation of the theory and practice of art – while maintaining all the differences – is seen as arbitrary and even obsolete. TransArts teaches the common and distinctive features of theory and practice and takes account of the fact that different artistic disciplines are mutually dependent and reinforcing but are also in competition with one another. Art is taught and studied not only through traditional forms of teaching but in particular through communication, inventiveness, reflection and the exchange of ideas between teachers and students. This publication documents the activities of TransArts from 2010 to 2013. (Gerald Bast)
Birkhauser Architektur. Landschaft / Architecture. Landscape: Architekturjahrbuch Graz Steiermark 2013 / Architecture Yearbook Graz Styria 2013
This is the sixteenth time the Styrian Architecture Award is awarded. For the third time, the winner was selected by a curator, who is also responsible for the design of the corresponding publication, instead of a jury. Nathalie de Vries, of the MVRDV architecture office in The Netherlands was chosen to be the curator of this year’s award. Her choice includes six projects of varying typologies and sizes. What these buildings in different regions of Styria have in common is their great awareness for the individual urban and suburban contexts as well the intensive, discursive process that characterized their planning and completion. This publication describes the projects and features commentaries by the architects, users and clients that accompany the expressive images both in context and detail.
Birkhauser Claus Mayrhofer Barabbas: Gegenwelten eines Grenzgängers. The Transcultural Worlds of an Out-There Artist
Das künstlerische Schaffen während der 60er und 70er Jahre in Wien, Bali und Australien Beleuchtet die musikalischen Seite des Künstlers - Mitbegründer der Free-Jazz-Bewegung in Wien, inklusive einem entfaltbaren Leporello vom Monumentalgemälde "The Big Bang".
Birkhauser An Open System Meets an Open System: Sarah Morris and Hans Ulrich Obrist in Coversation
The American artist Sarah Morris talks with the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist about her films and paintings. Discussion includes her longtime interest in urban development, and architects including Philip Johnson, Mies van der Rohe, Robert Venturi and others.
Birkhauser Chinese Characters then and now
For the first time, leading personalities such as Qi Gong, Yau Shing-Tung, Zhao Jiping, Chen Guying and Zhao Ping'an write together about one of the most important vehicles of their culture, Chinese characters. This carefully edited and well-designed volume offers both the Chinese and western reader a unique and thorough insight into the world of Chinese characters.
Birkhauser MOVE: Architecture in Motion - Dynamic Components and Elements
Dynamic components and adaptive elements are becoming increasingly important in contemporary architecture, and not just because of their visual effect. If architects and engineers are engaging more and more with the issue of movement – whether in the form of sun-tracking solar cells, lowerable walls, or intelligently programmed elevators – it’s because they are busy exploring responses to three challenges: How can we control and reduce the energy requirement of buildings? How can we expand the range of possible uses? And how can we represent, illustrate, accommodate, and control dynamic movements in buildings? Designers and builders who seek to use kinetic components face technical and design challenges that aren’t covered by traditional structural theory. For these users, this book presents the technical tools and constructional solutions that will allow them to implement these movements concretely and deploy them functionally within the domains of of "Energy," "Change of Use," and "Interaction." First it lays out the fundamentals and design principles of kinetics in architecture, technology, art, and nature in a structured manner. In a third section, forty movable elements are shown in action, each on a double page – with specially prepared phase drawings and organized by type of movement, including rotation, sliding, folding, and transformation. The international examples from noted architects range from window mechanisms to solar protection and light redirection systems, movable walls and roofs, and movable civil engineering structures.
Birkhauser Fassaden / Façades: Gebäudehüllen für das 21. Jahrhundert / Building Envelopes for the 21st Century
The third edition of this highly successful book has been graphically redesigned as well as completely revised and expanded, with 220 new articles. It brings together facade solutions and ideas that are remarkable from various perspectives – city planning, architecture, technology, functionality. These qualities are attested by countless international structures and innovative plans by celebrated architects, which – organized on the basis of building typology – yield an overview of the technical possibilities of modern building envelopes: selected buildings by Albert Speer & Partner, WS Atkins & Partners, Toyo Ito, Murphy/Jahn, Riepel + Riepel, Richard Meier & Partners, Daniel Libeskind, Ingenhoven Overdiek, Gehry Partners, Yaser Darwish, BRT Architekten, Foster and Partners, Pysall_Ruge, Zaha Hadid, Ricardo Bofill, KSP Engel und Zimmermann, and FX Fowle.
Birkhauser Atmosphères: Environnements architecturaux - Ce qui m'entoure
What "really constitutes an architectural atmosphere," Peter Zumthor says, is "this singular density and mood, this feeling of presence, well-being, harmony, beauty ... under whose spell I experience what I otherwise would not experience in precisely this way." Zumthor’s passion is the creation of buildings that produce this kind of effect, but how can one actually set out to achieve it?In nine short, illustrated chapters framed as a process of self-observation, Peter Zumthor describes what he has on his mind as he sets about creating the atmosphere of his houses. Images of spaces and buildings that affect him are every bit as important as particular pieces of music or books that inspire him. From the composition and "presence" of the materials to the handling of proportions and the effect of light, this poetics of architecture enables the reader to recapitulate what really matters in the process of house design.
Birkhauser Limited Edition: Prototypen, Unikate und Design-Art-Möbel
Limited Edition is the new buzzword in furniture design. The demand for unique pieces is steadily increasing. With prototypes, one-offs and limited product lines, designers are celebrating a cult of individuality for all price classes. Furniture prototypes have always been an element of the industrial design process, but now they are being brought from the workshops and presented to the public as embodiments of one of the most exciting creative fields of our age. In the global village with its standardized commodities, exclusive one-offs with an artisanal flavor are turning into coveted objects. Limited furniture series satisfy the collector’s thirst for objects that dissolve the boundary between art and design.Limited Edition pursues this new phenomenon and uncovers its background in meticulous investigative essays based on the author’s ongoing interchange with key designers, gallery owners, auctioneers and manufacturers. With a rich selection of magnificent images and an attractive layout, it presents the best and most breathtaking pieces by the leading designers.
Birkhauser Basics Construction Scheduling
In a world of tight time frames and highly interdependent processes, scheduling is an indispensable prerequisite for successful project implementation. It is the duty of the architect to manage all the project participants in a goal-oriented manner and to call for their results when the time is right. For this reason, a systematic schedule of target dates, adapted to a project’s sequences and workflows, is a necessary tool for the day-to-day management and monitoring of complex construction projects.Topics: Organizing the planning and construction process The basics of scheduling Goal-oriented presentation formats and levels of detail Developing a schedule Using schedules in the real world