Search results for ""Author Van""
CABI Publishing Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Organisms, Vol 4: Challenges and Opportunities with Bt Cotton in Vietnam
Within Vietnam, the environmental risks of transgenic plants, managing transgenic products safely, and building modern labs to assess their safety has received increased investment and research. This book is the first scientific effort to synthesize information relevant to GM crops in Vietnam, taking Bt cotton as an example. It can be used as a technical manual to enable Vietnamese scientists to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of Bt cotton varieties prior to commercialization, and provides guidance for environmental risk assessment of any transgenic crop.
Alfred Music Dot-To-Dot Adventures: An Artistic Elementary/Late Elementary Collection of Popular Children's Songs
Levine Querido Popcorn Bob
Ellis loves popcorn. No, she REALLY loves popcorn. It's serious. So when her school and her dads ban all snack foods—INCLUDING POPCORN—Ellis won't listen. But when she tries to quietly sneak her favorite salty snack, one kernel refuses to pop. LOUDLY. Soon, the kernel has sprouted a face, arms, and legs! He's alive, his name is Popcorn Bob, and he is NOT in a good mood. He is HANGRY. Will Ellis be able to keep Bob a secret until she can get rid of him? (And after a few days with him, will she still want to?)
DruckVerlag Kettler Hugo Schmolz / Karl Hugo Schmolz: Cinemas
In recent years, the images shot by the Cologne-based architectural photographers Hugo (1879-1938) and Karl Hugo Schmölz (1917-1986) have been winning wide acclaim and are receiving more and more attention. After completing his photography training and working in various positions, Hugo Schmölz set himself up as an architectural photographer in Cologne in 1911. Later, his son Karl Hugo took over the company. While the work of the two photographers fell into oblivion over the years, it is being rediscovered today and reveals its breathtaking aesthetic originality and technical perfection. Due to the development of a special, additional exposure technique, Schmölz was able to capture dark interiors in astounding detail even at the beginning of the century and to create dazzlingly elegant pictures which have lost none of their expressive power. For the first time ever, the book presents a series of photos, taken mostly in the Rhineland and the Ruhr district between 1935 and 1957, together with pictures showing movie theatres which were brand new at the time. Most of these cinema auditoriums have since been destroyed, but the light in the photos gives them a three-dimensionality that evokes a striking sculptural effect. They are certainly not imbued with nostalgia, on the contrary, they appear to be strangely lost in time and, owing to their extremely delicate gray nuances, seem almost hyperreal. Text in English and German.
Currency Press Pty Ltd Muff, MinusOneSister and SHIT: Three plays
Aftershock Comics BYLINES IN BLOOD
John Wiley & Sons Inc Stochastic Simulation and Applications in Finance with MATLAB Programs
Stochastic Simulation and Applications in Finance with MATLAB Programs explains the fundamentals of Monte Carlo simulation techniques, their use in the numerical resolution of stochastic differential equations and their current applications in finance. Building on an integrated approach, it provides a pedagogical treatment of the need-to-know materials in risk management and financial engineering. The book takes readers through the basic concepts, covering the most recent research and problems in the area, including: the quadratic re-sampling technique, the Least Squared Method, the dynamic programming and Stratified State Aggregation technique to price American options, the extreme value simulation technique to price exotic options and the retrieval of volatility method to estimate Greeks. The authors also present modern term structure of interest rate models and pricing swaptions with the BGM market model, and give a full explanation of corporate securities valuation and credit risk based on the structural approach of Merton. Case studies on financial guarantees illustrate how to implement the simulation techniques in pricing and hedging. NOTE TO READER: The CD has been converted to URL. Go to the following website which provides MATLAB programs for the practical examples and case studies, which will give the reader confidence in using and adapting specific ways to solve problems involving stochastic processes in finance.
Classiques Garnier Paroles Degelees: Propos de l'Atelier Xvie Siecle
Classiques Garnier Maurice Sceve: Le Poete En Quete d'Un Langage
Springer Verlag, Singapore The AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy, and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering: Proceeding of RCTEMME2021, Hanoi, Vietnam
This book (The AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy, and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering) gathers selected papers submitted to the 14th Regional Conference in Energy Engineering and the 13th Regional Conference in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering in the fields related to intelligent equipment, automotive engineering, mechanical systems and sustainable manufacturing, renewable energy, heat and mass transfer. Under the theme of “Integration and Innovation for Sustainable Development,” This book consists of papers in the aforementioned fields presented by researchers and scientists from universities, research institutes, and industry showcasing their latest findings and discussions with an emphasis on innovations and developments in embracing the new norm, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
CABI Publishing Primary Health Care in Tanzania Through a Health Systems Lens: A History of the Struggle for Universal Health Coverage