Search results for ""Author The Editors of Food"
Creative Homeowner Press,U.S. Char-Broil Grilling for the Family: 300 Delicious Recipes to Satisfy Every Member of the Family
Let’s Get Everybody Together for a Family Grilling Fiesta! The best part of grilling is the shared experience of cooking and eating great food. Welcome to the definitive cookbook and how-to guide for memorable outdoor family meals, packed with recipes from America’s favorite grill brand. Inside you’ll find 300 mouth-watering ideas for delicious appetizers, main courses, salads, vegetables, and even desserts, all with easy step-by-step instructions and color photos. We’ve made sure to include plenty of suggestions on ways to include everyone in the family—from the youngest to oldest—when making a grilled feast. • 300 flavorful new recipes for epic family cookouts. • Backyard cooking tips for perfect hamburgers, drumsticks, kebabs, steaks, chops, ribs, fajitas, wings, sliders, skewers and more. • 47 ways to use The Big Easy® for delicious fried turkey, rotisserie chicken, BBQ pork, roast beef and grilled vegetables. • Tips on getting the kids involved with simple child-friendly tasks that they can do to help.
Taylor & Francis Inc Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet
When it comes to seeing depth and lateral connections in the development of popular culture, nobody exceeds Marshall Fishwick. -Canadian Psychology In Probing Popular Culture: On and Off the Internet, one of the leading authorities in American and popular culture studies presents an eye-opening examination of the Information Age’s influence on what we do, how we live, and who we are. Dr. Marshall Fishwick, author of the textbooks Great Awakenings: Popular Religion and Popular Culture; Popular Culture: Cavespace to Cyberspace; and Popular Culture in a New Age focuses his penetrating gaze upon the impact of the icons and events that color the fabric of our lives. Peppered with quotes from influential figures ranging from Plato to P. T. Barnum, this book provides food for thought that will spark smart discussion about every aspect of popular culturefrom Henry Ford to Y2K, the impact on popular culture of the September 11 tragedy, and more. Probing Popular Culture examines our cultural icons, our fads, our hopes, and our fears-and ties them into the images we see everyday in the news and on the Web. Dr. Fishwick probes the most recent developments, crises, and anxieties encountered on our headlong dash down the Information Superhighwayand illustrates the reasons behind the media madness. Religion, sports, food, comic books, TV, and movies-none escape his microscopic dissection. Probing Popular Culture focuses on: historical pioneersfrom Socrates to Walt Whitman and Walt Disney-who pondered and studied the phenomenon known as popular culture culture frenzieswhy Americans have a tendency toward trends, fads, and frenzies the emergence of America as a super popular culture with current predominance in world media, movies, clothing, music, and food the loss of old traditions and the invention of new ones hypeits definition, its origin, and its negative effect on the human race the gaps that have developed all over the worldmainly between the United States and other countriesbecause of the introduction of the Information Age in popular culture and much more Who will arbitrate, regulate, and modify our flow of information? How much is too much? What is at stake? What lies ahead? Probing Popular Culture takes an incisive look at the current situation and probes for answers. With a foreword by Dr. Fishwick’s former student, Tom Wolfe, a preface by Peter Rollins (Editor-in-Chief of Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies), and the inclusion of opinions from other authorities on popular culture, this volume will be interesting and informative to the college student, the general reader, and the specialist.
Time Inc. Books Dinner Special: 150+ Recipes for a Great Meal Any Night of the Week
For the first time, Food & Wine presents delicious menus—one classic recipe with two ultimate sides, complete with wine pairings, tips for leftovers, and a technique for each main recipe— in one essential volume. Each recipe is gorgeously photographed and each technique is clearly illustrated. Many recipes are perfected in Food & Wine's test kitchen and many are sourced from celebrity chefs. Daniel Holzman of NYC's Meatball Shop shares his Meatballs in Tomato Sauce; the meal planner pairs it with Broccoli Rabe with Black Olives and Lemon Zest, and Romaine and Tomato Salad. F&W Tips include 5 Uses for Leftover Meatballs and the illustrated technique explains How to Make Uniform Meatballs. Looking for something a little lighter? Pair Ted Allen's Pan-Roasted Salmon with Tomato Vinaigrette with a Squash Gratin and Couscous with Red Lentils and Easy Preserved Lemons; F&W Tips include 3 More Ways to Prepare Salmon and the technique illustrates How to Remove Salmon Skin. Chock full of delicious dishes and endless tips and techniques, Dinner Special will be your go-to cookbook every week, all year long.
Johns Hopkins University Press COVID-19 and World Order: The Future of Conflict, Competition, and Cooperation
Leading global experts, brought together by Johns Hopkins University, discuss national and international trends in a post-COVID-19 world.The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of people and infected millions while also devastating the world economy. The consequences of the pandemic, however, go much further: they threaten the fabric of national and international politics around the world. As Henry Kissinger warned, "The coronavirus epidemic will forever alter the world order." What will be the consequences of the pandemic, and what will a post-COVID world order look like? No institution is better suited to address these issues than Johns Hopkins University, which has convened experts from within and outside of the university to discuss world order after COVID-19. In a series of essays, international experts in public health and medicine, economics, international security, technology, ethics, democracy, and governance imagine a bold new vision for our future.Essayists include: Graham Allison, Anne Applebaum, Philip Bobbitt, Hal Brands, Elizabeth Economy, Jessica Fanzo, Henry Farrell, Peter Feaver, Niall Ferguson, Christine Fox , Jeremy A. Greene, Hahrie Han, Kathleen H. Hicks, William Inboden, Tom Inglesby, Jeffrey P. Kahn, John Lipsky, Margaret MacMillan, Anna C. Mastroianni, Lainie Rutkow, Kori Schake, Eric Schmidt, Thayer Scott, Benn Steil, Janice Gross Stein, James B. Steinberg, Johannes Urpelainen, Dora Vargha, Sridhar Venkatapuram, and Thomas Wright.In collaboration with and appreciation of the book's co-editors, Professors Hal Brands and Francis J. Gavin of the Johns Hopkins SAIS Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, Johns Hopkins University Press is pleased to donate funds to the Maryland Food Bank, in support of the university's food distribution efforts in East Baltimore during this period of food insecurity due to COVID-19 pandemic hardships.
Watershed Media Press The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises
This diverse collection by best-selling authors, renowned scientists, and experienced activists is an engaging and practical book that will be of interest to the lay reader as well as university students in both graduate and undergraduate courses. The expert contributors to The Post Carbon Reader were asked to unflinchingly describe the deep and interconnected sustainability crises confronting humanity in the 21st century--and then give readers concrete steps for addressing those crises. This unprecedented collection of writings (34 essays, 4 previously published) is an honest, informed and engaging exploration of the most challenging issues of our time. It includes chapters by best-selling authors like climate activist Bill McKibben, renowned scholars like "ecological footprint" co-founder William Rees, and up-and-coming experts like urban food systems pioneer Erika Allen. Lead editor Richard Heinberg is the world's leading author of mass-market books on fossil fuel dependence and depletion. Heinberg says, "We've run out of time, natural resources and capital, so this is our only chance to get things right."
Island Press Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes: A California Study in Rebalancing the Needs of People and Nature
As the world population grows, so does the demand for food, putting unprecedented pressure on agricultural lands. At the same time, climate change, soil degradation, and water scarcity mean that productivity of many of these lands is deteriorating. In many desert dryland regions, drinking wells are drying up and the land above them is sinking, soil salinity is increasing, and poor air quality is contributing to health problems in farm communities. "Rewilding" the least productive of these cultivated landscapes offers a sensible way to reverse the damage from intensive agriculture. These ecological restoration efforts can recover natural diversity while guaranteeing the long-term sustainability of the remaining farms and the communities they support. This accessibly written, ground-breaking contributed volume is the first to examine in detail what it would take to retire eligible farmland and restore functioning natural ecosystems. Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes uses the southern Central Valley of California, which is one of the most productive and important agricultural regions in the world, as a case study for returning a balance to agricultural lands and natural ecosystems. This project—one of the largest rewilding studies of its kind in dryland ecosystems—has shown that rewilding can slow desertification and provide ecosystem services, such as recharged aquifers, cleaner air, and stabilised soils, to nearby farms and communities. Chapters examine what scientists have learned about the natural history of this dryland area, how retired farmland can be successfully restored to its natural wild state, and the socioeconomic and political benefits of doing so. The book concludes with a vision of a region restored to ecological balance and equipped for inevitable climate change, allowing nature and people to prosper. The editors position the book as a case study with a programmatic approach and straightforward lessons that can be applied in similar regions around the world. The lessons in Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes will be useful to conservation leaders, policymakers, groundwater agencies, and water mangers looking for inspiration and practical advice solving the complicated issues of agricultural sustainability and water management.
Duke University Press Trans-Status Subjects: Gender in the Globalization of South and Southeast Asia
A Thai foodseller on the streets of Bangkok, a cyclo driver in a Vietnamese village, a Pahari migrant laborer in the Himalayas, a Parsi-Christian professional social worker shuttling back and forth between London and Calcutta—Trans-Status Subjects examines how these and other South and Southeast Asians affect and are affected by globalization. While much work has focused on the changes wrought by globalization—describing how people maintain foundations or are permanently destabilized—this collection theorizes the complex ways individuals negotiate their identities and create alliances in the midst of both stability and instability, as what the editors call trans-status subjects. Using gender paradigms, historical time, and geographic space as driving analytic concerns, the essays gathered here consider the various ways South and Southeast Asians both perpetuate and resist various hierarchies despite unequal mobilities within economic, social, cultural, and political contexts. The contributors—including literary and film theorists, geographers, historians, sociologists, and anthropologists—show how the dominant colonial powers prefigured the ideologies of gender and sexuality that neocolonial nation-states have later refigured; investigate economic and artistic production; and explore labor, capital, and social change. The essays cover a range of locales—including Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Borneo, Indonesia, and the United States. In investigating issues of power, mobility, memory, and solidarity in recent eras of globalization, the contributors—scholars and activists from South Asia, Southeast Asia, England, Australia, Canada, and the United States—illuminate various facets of the new concept of trans-status subjects.Trans-Status Subjects carves out a new area of inquiry at the intersection of feminisim and critical geography, as well as globalization, postcolonial, and cultural studies. Contributors. Anannya Bhattacharjee, Esha Niyogi De, Karen Gaul, Ketu Katrak, Karen Leonard, Philippa Levine, Kathryn McMahon, Andrew McRae, Susan Morgan, Nihal Perera, Sonita Sarker, Jael Silliman, Sylvia Tiwon, Gisele Yasmeen
Guido Tommasi Editore The Pan'Ino
What could be more simple than a pan'ino? Take some bread and butter, slice it through the middle and fill it. Seen in this way, the sandwich is almost an "anti-cuisine", a nomadic shortcut that allows for speed and little thought. But when Alessandro Frassica thinks about his pan'ino, he considers it in a different way, not as a shortcut, but as an instrument for telling stories, creating layers of tales right there between the bread and its butter. Because even if the sandwich is simple, it is not necessarily so easy to create. Alessandro searches for ingredients, and in the raw foods he finds people: producers of pecorino cheese from Benevento, anchovies from Cetara, 'nduja spicy salami from Calabria. Then he studies the combinations, the consistencies and the temperature, because a pan'ino is not just a random object; savoury must be complemented by sweet; tapenade softens and provides moisture; bread should be warmed but not dried; thus the sandwich becomes a simple way of saying many excellent things, including finding a complexity of flavours that can thrill in just one bite.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Soup Book
Sophie Grigson, editor-in-chief and foreword writer, is an award-winning English cookery writer and celebrity cook. She has written for the Sunday Express, Evening Standard, The Independent, and the Sunday Times, and was awarded the Guild of Food Writers Cookery Journalist of the Year Award in 2001 for her work in Country Living Magazine. Her first TV series, Grow Your Greens, Eat Your Greens, won the Caroline Walker Prize. Sophie runs the blog Sophie Viva in Puglia documenting her new life in Italy.
Rodale Press Inc. The Women's Health Big Book of Pilates: The Essential Guide to Total Body Fitness
Trained by Joseph Pilate's protege, Romana Kryzanowska, Brooke Siler is an unparalleled expert and one of the most sought after teachers for her signature body re-shaping techniques. Combining the best of flexibility and strength training, Pilates is the path to the lean fit body every woman craves - and the Women's Health Big Book of Pilates guides readers in every step (and leg lift...) of the way. Using the body as the ultimate fitness vehicle and taking inspiration from yoga, dance, and strength training, Pilates transforms bodies in record time. From basic mat moves to the right foods that fuel a lean, toned figure, The Women's Health Big Book of Pilates is the go-to guide for beginners and experts alike.
Skyhorse Publishing Welcome Home Diabetic Cookbook 450 EasytoPrepare Recipes for the Slow Cooker Stovetop and Oven
Low-carb comfort food from the editor of the New York Times bestselling Fix-It and Forget-It series.
University of California Press Rethinking Popular Culture: Contempory Perspectives in Cultural Studies
"Rethinking Popular Culture" selects some of the best and most important recent work analyzing popular culture. Drawing upon recent developments in cultural theory and the exciting new techniques of critical analysis, the essays in this volume break down disciplinary boundaries in a fresh and innovative fashion. Eclectic and wide-ranging, "Rethinking Popular Culture" includes works by authors in the humanities and social sciences. The essays touch on a variety of features of popular culture, from photography to fashion, romance novels to television, jokes to food habits. The editors' comprehensive introduction sets each essay in the context of intellectual developments in history, sociology, literature, and anthropology and in the study of popular culture as a whole. Arguing that recent scholarship has revolutionized our understanding of popular culture, the editors articulate what that new perspective is while introducing some of the most influential and important work that gave rise to it.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Mermaid Handbook: An Alluring Treasury of Literature, Lore, Art, Recipes, and Projects
Answer the enchanting siren call of the mermaid with this comprehensive, lavishly illustrated and intricately designed one-of-a-kind lifestyle compendium from the editor in chief of Faerie Magazine and author of The Faerie Handbook and globally published novel Mermaid, packed with lore, legends, facts and trivia, beautiful illustrations, and numerous step-by-step projects and recipes.Beautiful, seductive, mysterious, and potentially dangerous, the mermaid is a global literary and pop culture icon whose roots date back to ancient sea goddesses and Greek mythology. From Homer’s Odyssey and Hans Christian Andersen’s fairytale The Little Mermaid to T.S. Eliot’s "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and the Disney animated film The Little Mermaid, this sea vixen has long seduced popular imagination. Cosmetic companies have drawn inspiration for their makeup lines from mermaids, as have designers throughout fashion history, from Jean Patou to Jean Paul Gaultier and Alexander McQueen. The fishtail dress is a perennial long red-carpet staple, favored by the likes of Marion Cotillard, Sofia Vergara, and Blake Lively.Divided into four sections—Fashion and Beauty; Arts and Culture; Real Mermaids and Where to Find Them; and Food, Entertaining and Stories of the Sea—The Mermaid Handbook is a unique and sumptuous compilation filled with creative ideas for decorating and living inspired by these beauties from the deep. Learn to make a sailor’s valentine; a mermaid comb and crown; and a pearl and sequin paillette necklace. There are recipes for mermaid-themed poke bowls, aquatic-themed honey gingerbread cookies, and the official cocktail of the 1960s-era mermaid attraction Aquarama.Folklore expert Carolyn Turgeon also includes profiles of true modern mermaids, tail makers, and mermaid bars; visits mermaid attractions like Weeki Wachee Springs; and provides tips on getting beachy mermaid hair and creating an alluring eye. This collector’s item also includes an inset image on the front cover; ornate metallic blue foil patterning on the front, spine, and back; blue stained edges; a satin bookmark, and quality paper.
Bellevue Literary Press Science Next: Innovation for the Common Good from the Center for American Progress
"As we turn the page on eight years of cynical science policy in the White House, Science Next is exactly the book we need, with more provocative ideas per ounce than any volume you are likely to read this year."--Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food "Science Next addresses important topics in science policy in prose that is beautifully written, clear, and to the point."--Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics and What to Eat "Science Next illustrates the profound connections between science and many facets of our society. I have enjoyed hop-scotching through the book and others who are concerned about the need for evidence-based policies in government and industry will too."--Harold Varmus, Nobel Prize-winning author of The Art and Politics of Science "This elegant book lucidly covers an impressive amount of territory and sheds light on the current horizons of science. It links science and innovation policy. It bridges between the laboratory and the policy community. As such it will be invaluable to informed citizens, scientists and policy makers alike." --John Kao, author of Innovation Nation Emerging from the Bush era when right-wing ideology frequently trumped mainstream science in government, America needs bold new approaches to the most important issues of our time, such as global warming, stem cell research, national security, and improving communication in the digital age. This is the informed citizen's essential guide to science policy from the premier progressive think tank dedicated to improving the lives of Americans through ideas and action. With foreword by Elizabeth Edwards. Jonathan D. Moreno is editor-in-chief of the Center for American Progress' online magazine, Science Progress, and a professor of bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. Rick Weiss came to CAP from The Washington Post, where he was a science and medical reporter for fifteen years.
Pegasus Books Have You Eaten Yet: Stories from Chinese Restaurants Around the World
An eye-opening and soul-nourishing journey through Chinese food around the world.*A PEOPLE MAGAZINE BEST NEW BOOK**A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW EDITOR'S CHOICE**A NEW YORK POST BEST NEW BOOK* From Cape Town, South Africa, to small-town Saskatchewan, family-run Chinese restaurants are global icons of immigration, community and delicious food. The cultural outposts of far-flung settlers, bringers of dim sum, Peking duck and creative culinary hybrids, Chinese restaurants are a microcosm of greater social forces. They are an insight into time, history, and place. Author and film-maker Cheuk Kwan, a self-described “card-carrying member of the Chinese diaspora,” weaves a global narrative by linking the myriad personal stories of chefs, entrepreneurs, labourers and dreamers who populate Chinese kitchens worldwide. Behind these kitchen doors lies an intriguing paradox which characterises many of these communities: how Chinese immigrants have resisted—or have often been prevented from—complete assimilation into the social fabric of their new homes. In both instances, the engine of their economic survival—the Chinese restaurant and its food—has become seamlessly woven into towns and cities all around the world. An intrepid travelogue of grand vistas, adventure and serendipity, Have You Eaten Yet? charts a living atlas of global migration, ultimately revealing how an excellent meal always tells an even better story.
Pegasus Books Have You Eaten Yet: Stories from Chinese Restaurants Around the World
An eye-opening and soul-nourishing journey through Chinese food around the world. *A PEOPLE MAGAZINE BEST NEW BOOK* *A NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW EDITOR'S CHOICE* *A NEW YORK POST BEST NEW BOOK*From Cape Town, South Africa, to small-town Saskatchewan, family-run Chinese restaurants are global icons of immigration, community and delicious food. The cultural outposts of far-flung settlers, bringers of dim sum, Peking duck and creative culinary hybrids, Chinese restaurants are a microcosm of greater social forces. They are an insight into time, history, and place. Author and film-maker Cheuk Kwan, a self-described “card-carrying member of the Chinese diaspora,” weaves a global narrative by linking the myriad personal stories of chefs, entrepreneurs, labourers and dreamers who populate Chinese kitchens worldwide. Behind these kitchen doors lies an intriguing paradox which characterizes many of these communities: how Chinese immigrants have resisted—or have often been prevented from—complete assimilation into the social fabric of their new homes. In both instances, the engine of their economic survival—the Chinese restaurant and its food—has become seamlessly woven into towns and cities all around the world. An intrepid travelogue of grand vistas, adventure and serendipity, Have You Eaten Yet? charts a living atlas of global migration, ultimately revealing how an excellent meal always tells an even better story.
Grub Street Publishing South Wind Through the Kitchen
Before Elizabeth David died in 1992 she and her editor, Jill Norman, had begun work on a volume of The Best of but then her health deteriorated and the project was shelved. The idea was revived in 1996 when chefs and writers and Elizabeths many friends, were invited to select their favourite articles and recipes. Some sent notes explaining their choice, others provided an anecdote or a recollection about her, others sent lists of recipes they had been using for years. This book is the fruit of that harvest of recommendations and the names of the contributors, who number among them some of our finest food writers such as Simon Hopkinson, Alice Waters, Sally Clarke, Richard Olney, Paul Levy and Anne Willan, appear after the pieces they had chosen along with their notes. The extracts and recipes which make up South Wind Through the Kitchen are drawn from all Elizabeth Davids books, namely A Book of Mediterranean Food, French Country Cooking, Italian Food, Sumer Cooking, French Provincial Cooking, Spices, Salt and Aromatics in the English Kitchen, English Bread and Yeast Cookery, An Omelette and a Glass of Wine, and Harvest of the Cold Months. There are over 200 recipes in the book organised around courses and ingredients such as eggs and cheese, fish and shellfish, meat, poultry and game, vegetables, pasta, pulses and grains, sauces, sweet dishes and cakes, preserves, and bread, all interspersed with extracts and articles making it a delightful compendium to dip into as well as cook from.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Monocle Book of Gentle Living: A guide to slowing down, enjoying more and being happy
Monocle has always been a champion of taking it slow. It has encouraged readers to dive into a lake and go for a run. To sleep well. To eat food whose makers are proud of its provenance. In a shouty, jabbing-finger moment in history, it has done its bit to argue for a new modern etiquette to be generous with our time, hospitality and forgiveness. Now its editors and correspondents have brought all of this together in The Monocle Manifesto for a Gentler Life, a book that urges us all to slow down, reconnect, make good things and see nice places. And it also knows when to wear a cheeky smile. Chapters include: • An illustrated guide to being nice, respecting your neighbour and controlling your social media rants. • Profiles of the happiest nations – and the least lonely too. • How to build a house that’s good for you and your family. • Essays from leading thinkers and great writers on what we can gain if we shift gear. • The businesses charting a better course – from management to pride in production. • Food – a celebration of the locally made, the chefs that bring people together and a recipe or two. • The objects to own that will give pleasure for years. • The people who changed direction, slowed down and made it work. • The compact cities where you can run a company, be inspired, have a good social life – and be hiking in a forest at 5pm.
She Writes Press Justice is Served: A Tale of Scallops, the Law, and Cooking for RBG
“The book is a romp from cover to cover—and, just like a great meal, left me ready for more.” —Karen Shimizu, Executive Editor, Food & WineWhen Leslie Karst learned that her offer to cook dinner for Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her renowned tax law professor husband, Marty, had been accepted, she was thrilled—and terrified. A small-town lawyer who hated her job and had taken up cooking as a way to add a bit of spice to the daily grind of pumping out billable hours, Karst had never before thrown such a high-stakes dinner party. Could she really pull this off? Justice Is Served is Karst’s light-hearted, earnest account of the journey this unexpected challenge launched her on—starting with a trip to Paris for culinary inspiration, and ending with the dinner itself. Along the way, she imparts details of Ginsburg’s transformation from a young Jewish girl from Flatbush, Brooklyn, to one of the most celebrated Supreme Court justices in our nation’s history, and shares recipes for the mouthwatering dishes she came up with as she prepared for the big night. But this memoir isn’t simply a tale of prepping for and cooking dinner for the famous RBG; it’s also about how this event, and all the planning and preparation that went into it, created a new sort of connection between Karst, her partner, and her parents, and also inspired Karst to make life changes that would reverberate far beyond one dinner party. A heartfelt story of simultaneously searching for delicious recipes and purpose in life, Justice Is Served is an inspiring reminder that it’s never too late to discover—and follow—your deepest passion.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Microbial Synthesis of Nanomaterials
The present book Microbial Synthesis of Nanomaterials is written mainly for the public's acquaintance with the synthesis and characterisation of different types of nanomaterials (NMs) and their sustainable applications in various fields. The nano-era began the late 1990s, after which the production of NMs increased rapidly and is expected to reach 1.663 million tons by the end of 2021. Recent findings have shown that NMs play a vital role in various fields like agriculture, food industries, environment, medicine and pharmaceutical, electronics, and so on. Microorganisms play a key role in the formation and transformation of nanoscale minerals in the environment. These natural processes can be harnessed for the green synthesis of nanomaterials for a diverse array of commercial, industrial and environmental applications, presenting a sustainable alternative to more traditional physiochemical synthesis routes. This new book consists of 15 chapters which provide comprehensive knowledge about the synthesis of NMs and offer a critical overview of the current understanding of nanoparticle synthesis using microbes, covering NMs' synthesis, characterisation and applications, and providing discussion on future prospects. The editors believe that this book will be helpful to researchers, the scientific community, academicians, business farmers and policy makers. The editors thankfully acknowledge the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project no. 19-05-50097 and of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state task in the field of scientific activity (no. 0852-2020-0029).
Taylor & Francis Inc Development and Uses of Biofortified Agricultural Products
Although ending world hunger remains the most important goal, increasingly the focus is on simultaneously improving world malnutrition. Paradoxically, nutritionally important trace elements essential for human health are both deficient and over-abundant in soils in many regions of the world. Using a multidisciplinary approach, Development and Uses of Biofortified Agricultural Products provides new strategies and techniques for the production of biofortified agricultural products from different soils.Seventeen contributors from twelve countries explore the effects of environmental and biological factors on the accumulation and speciation of nutritionally important trace elements in agricultural products. They explore novel strategies regarding the functional foods and animal feed and other forms of biofortified agricultural products. The text addresses alternative biosources and bioproducts produced from phytoremediation processes as well as the bioavailability and the effects of bioproduct compounds.The editors comprehensively synthesize the ever-mounting body of new information on biofortification, including theoretical, practical, and practiced agricultural-based strategies in micronutrient management and improvement in different types of soils. The book provides a unique and useful platform to further the understanding of nutritionally important trace elements in the context of biogeochemistry, food chain transfer, and health-related issues.
O'Reilly Media Best of Make: V 2
After ten years, Make: has become one of most celebrated magazines to hit the newsstands, and certainly one of the hottest reads. If you're just catching on to the Maker Movement and wonder what you've missed, this book contains the best projects and articles from the magazine. Find out what keeps Makers coming back to Make: with this assortment of DIY projects and articles selected by Make:'s editors. Learn to: Outfit your workshop and make some must-have tools Build electronic projects from actuators to antennae Make things with Arduino and Raspberry Pi Create drones and robots Build noisemaking projects and musical instruments Augment your photo and video capabilities Make your own food, soap, ink, and more
Archaeopress Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 8 2023
Our volume opens on a very sad note, the sudden passing of that great scholar of Greek Art, Andrew Stewart (1948-2023). A scholar of immense knowledge and energy, Andy was also greatly loved and admired by his students as well as innumerable colleagues in international scholarship. He supported this Journal from its creation, peer-reviewed papers, contributed his own pathbreaking articles, and encouraged others to successfully offer their work to us. Over many books and papers he gave us unique insights into Greek artistic culture, a contribution to the field which is irreplaceable. This volume is dedicated to him, while our first article is an appreciation by his close friend and colleague Tonio Hölscher. Later in this volume the article by Maria Panagiotonakou is also dedicated to Andy’s memory. Moving on to the other contents of this volume, as always we have encouraged and succeeded in spanning the millennia of Greek Archaeology in its fullest sense. We begin with Copper Age and Early Bronze Age lithic industries and food economies in Attica and Cyprus respectively, before diving into the complexities of the dating of the immense eruption of Santorini in the early Late Bronze Age. A detailed geographic study of Cretan settlement history over the Late Bronze Age and into Protohistoric times is complemented by an article on the existence or not of a Dorian invasion of the island over the same period. For the Early Iron Age, an innovative exploration of Geometric vase decoration deploys the patterning of chess moves. With Classical-Hellenistic times we learn about houses and group dining in Sicily and a contextual analysis of the construction of the Segesta theatre on the same island. In the absence of Roman-era offerings (readers and prospective authors please note!), we jump to two papers on Medieval ceramics. One focusses on their production in Messenia, the other is a response to a review on architectural ceramics (bacini) in Crete that appeared in Volume 7. Finally we give you a study of physical landscape transformation by geoarchaeologists from the Valley of the Muses in Boeotia, and a very insightful report on public outreach initiatives undertaken by an archaeological project in the Xeros valley on Cyprus. Following on these articles there appears our usual wide-ranging set of book reviews, compiled by our Assistant Editor Damjan Donev. John Bintliff, General Editor
HarperCollins Publishers Eat the Rainbow: Band 12/Copper (Collins Big Cat)
Collins Big Cat supports every primary child on their reading journey from phonics to fluency. Top authors and illustrators have created fiction and non-fiction books that children love to read. Levelled for guided and independent reading, each book includes ideas to support reading. Teaching and assessment support and eBooks are also available. Why do fruits and vegetables come in so many different colours? How do they help us to stay healthy? Find out why healthy foods are good for your physical and mental health and how you can add more to your meals to create your own rainbow plate! Copper/Band 12 books provide more complex plots and longer chapters that develop reading stamina. Pages 30 and 31 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Ideas for reading in the back of the book provide practical support and stimulating activities. Kathryn Kendall Boucher is an editor and author, with a wealth of experience in educational and children’s publishing. She studied English Literature at the University of Sheffield, and began working in educational publishing in 2005. Having a child with numerous food allergies, Kathryn has been interested in food and nutrition for many years. She doesn’t believe in ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods; rather everything in moderation. She hopes that this book will encourage readers to eat as brightly as they can, and perhaps even to try new things.
Simon & Schuster The Unmade Bed: The Messy Truth about Men and Women in the 21st Century
“Satisfying food for thought on the ever-changing dynamics of men and women as they interact and go about their individual lives” (Kirkus Reviews) as cultural commentator Stephen Marche examines contemporary male-female relations—with the help of his wife, writer and editor Sarah Fulford.One morning in New York City, Stephen Marche, then a new father and tenure-track professor, got the call: his wife had been offered her dream job…in Canada. Their decision to prioritize her career over his and move to Toronto sheds new light on the gender roles in their marriage (and in the world around them). As Marche provocatively argues, we are no longer engaged in a war of the sexes, but rather stuck together in a labyrinth of contradictions. And that these contradictions are keeping women from power and confounding male identity. The Unmade Bed is a deeply researched, deeply personal exploration into the moments in everyday life where women and men meet. After all, within offices and homes, on the street, online, and in bed, we constantly ask ourselves: What are we expected to sacrifice? Is it possible to be equal? As he attempts to answer these questions, Marche explores the issues that define our modern conversations on gender, from mansplaining and sexual morality to parenthood and divisions of the domestic sphere. In the process, he discovers that true power remains shockingly elusive for women while the idea of masculinity struggles in a state of uncertainty. The only way out of these mutual struggles is together. With footnote commentary throughout the book from Marche’s wife, The Unmade Bed is a “compelling” (The Globe and Mail, Toronto), uniquely balanced, and honest approach to the revolution going on in our everyday lives—a thought-provoking work of social science that is sure to be a conversation starter.
Guido Tommasi Editore Tuscany in the Kitchen: 30 Recipes That Are Too Good To Miss!
Tuscany is home to Florence, the Renaissance, stunning landscapes, great wines - and food. Simple, slow cooked, made with the finest ingredients, locally sourced. Maite and Marie collect 30 traditional recipes, combined with 40 of Mau's delicious photographs, and published at an affordable price. Now the best of Tuscan food is within easy reach of any home cook.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products
Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products In Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products, distinguished dairy technologist Dr John J. Tuohy delivers an expert discussion of advances in the sensory profiling of dairy products, including the physiology of sensory perception, sensory profiling methodology, statistical data analysis and consumer studies. The book covers the sensory profiling of dairy products like fluid milk, yoghurt, a wide range of internationally popular cheese varieties, ice cream, butter, and milkfat products. Beginning with a historical review of the sensory evaluation of dairy products, the book covers recent advances in the practice. The editor has also included resources that profile the sensory attributes of the products most important to the dairy industry: fluid milks, cream and milkfat products, frozen dairy desserts, and a variety of cheeses. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to sensory analysis and consumer mindsets and emotions regarding dairy products Comprehensive explorations of the chemistry, biochemistry and physiology of sensory perception of the flavour and mouthfeel stimuli imparted by dairy products Practical discussions of the sensory attributes of fat-rich dairy and ethnic Indian products Fulsome treatments of the sensory profiles of natural and processed cheese varieties Perfect for dairy professionals, regulators, and lawmakers, Sensory Profiling of Dairy Products will also earn a place in the libraries of food marketing professionals, retailers, and culinary practitioners, as well as professors and students with an interest in dairy products. For information regarding the Society of Dairy Technology please visit
Stone Bridge Press Yoga Heart: Lines on the Six Perfections
"Yoga Heart is a tiny treasure to hold and to behold. Even the typography and colors are food for contemplation...highly recommended for people who will not only read the lines for enjoyment, but also use them for contemplation and right action in life." --New York Journal of Books These sixty poems on the Buddha's six "perfections," or qualities for a meaningful life--generosity, kindness, patience, joy, stillness, wisdom--were written over years of yoga and meditation practice, inspired by Tibetan Heart Yoga, nature, Buddhism, Osho, Tantra, ancient Japanese and Chinese poetry, Rumi, Kabir, haiku, love, and life. They seek to capture a journey from the physical body to the subtle body to the light body, until the heart bursts open into the beautiful radiance of divine energy in the world. Leza Lowitz is an award-winning author and editor. She owns Sun and Moon Yoga Studio in Tokyo and has written for Yoga Journal and Shambhala Sun. All author proceeds from the sale of this book go to relief efforts for people and animals affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment
The global expansion of irrigated lands during the 20th century and beyond continues to contribute to food production, but also degrades the environment significantly. The consequent search for policy remedies has stimulated a vital body of economic research.The issues addressed in this comprehensive collection of previously published articles include the effects of existing government intervention on the environmental impacts of agriculture, the economic costs and benefits of environmental regulations for agriculture, and the economic and environmental merits of alternative mechanisms for water allocation and water quality protection.In this volume the editors present a sampling of economic research on the interface of irrigated agriculture with the environment. The articles included are by leading researchers in this field and span the topics of nonpoint pollution control, salinity management, and the allocation of water.
Duke University Press The Affect Theory Reader
This field-defining collection consolidates and builds momentum in the burgeoning area of affect studies. The contributors include many of the central theorists of affect—those visceral forces beneath, alongside, or generally other than conscious knowing that can serve to drive us toward movement, thought, and ever-changing forms of relation. As Lauren Berlant explores “cruel optimism,” Brian Massumi theorizes the affective logic of public threat, and Elspeth Probyn examines shame, they, along with the other contributors, show how an awareness of affect is opening up exciting new insights in disciplines from anthropology, cultural studies, geography, and psychology to philosophy, queer studies, and sociology. In essays diverse in subject matter, style, and perspective, the contributors demonstrate how affect theory illuminates the intertwined realms of the aesthetic, the ethical, and the political as they play out across bodies (human and non-human) in both mundane and extraordinary ways. They reveal the broad theoretical possibilities opened by an awareness of affect as they reflect on topics including ethics, food, public morale, glamor, snark in the workplace, and mental health regimes. The Affect Theory Reader includes an interview with the cultural theorist Lawrence Grossberg and an afterword by the anthropologist Kathleen Stewart. In the introduction, the editors suggest ways of defining affect, trace the concept’s history, and highlight the role of affect theory in various areas of study. Contributors. Sara Ahmed, Ben Anderson, Lauren Berlant, Lone Bertelsen, Steven D. Brown, Patricia Ticineto Clough, Anna Gibbs,Melissa Gregg, Lawrence Grossberg, Ben Highmore, Brian Massumi, Andrew Murphie, Elspeth Probyn, Gregory J. Seigworth, Kathleen Stewart, Nigel Thrift, Ian Tucker, Megan Watkins
Duke University Press The Affect Theory Reader
This field-defining collection consolidates and builds momentum in the burgeoning area of affect studies. The contributors include many of the central theorists of affect—those visceral forces beneath, alongside, or generally other than conscious knowing that can serve to drive us toward movement, thought, and ever-changing forms of relation. As Lauren Berlant explores “cruel optimism,” Brian Massumi theorizes the affective logic of public threat, and Elspeth Probyn examines shame, they, along with the other contributors, show how an awareness of affect is opening up exciting new insights in disciplines from anthropology, cultural studies, geography, and psychology to philosophy, queer studies, and sociology. In essays diverse in subject matter, style, and perspective, the contributors demonstrate how affect theory illuminates the intertwined realms of the aesthetic, the ethical, and the political as they play out across bodies (human and non-human) in both mundane and extraordinary ways. They reveal the broad theoretical possibilities opened by an awareness of affect as they reflect on topics including ethics, food, public morale, glamor, snark in the workplace, and mental health regimes. The Affect Theory Reader includes an interview with the cultural theorist Lawrence Grossberg and an afterword by the anthropologist Kathleen Stewart. In the introduction, the editors suggest ways of defining affect, trace the concept’s history, and highlight the role of affect theory in various areas of study. Contributors. Sara Ahmed, Ben Anderson, Lauren Berlant, Lone Bertelsen, Steven D. Brown, Patricia Ticineto Clough, Anna Gibbs,Melissa Gregg, Lawrence Grossberg, Ben Highmore, Brian Massumi, Andrew Murphie, Elspeth Probyn, Gregory J. Seigworth, Kathleen Stewart, Nigel Thrift, Ian Tucker, Megan Watkins
Emerald Publishing Limited Business in the 21st Century: A Sustainable Approach
How can businesses around the world incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their models, policies and practices? The editors of Business in the 21st Century help answer this by bringing together scholars from around the world with chapters examining various industries ranging from finance, hospitality, aviation, tourism, food production and more. With international perspectives, business concepts such as HRM, employee wellbeing, leadership and digitalisation are also researched within the framework of the SDGs. Insights from how to implement such policies in a post-pandemic world are introduced to help businesses navigate the biggest disruption they have faced in decades. Business in the 21st Century provides a valuable framework for scholars, managers, leaders and business stakeholders to help navigate the incorporation of SDGs into the business world, shape strategy, improve practices and create a better business future.
Greenhill Books Jewish Flavours of Italy: A Family Cookbook
'Glorious food from an engaging family - informative, fascinating, moving and delicious' - Claudia Roden 'Food and family stories are the best way, perhaps the only way, to begin to unravel the intricate history of the Jews of Italy. This is a brilliant book to cook from and, as you do that, get a glimpse into a community more than two millennia old' - Yotam Ottolenghi "Silvia lives and breathes the Italian food of her family and their forbears, she has carefully researched the provenance of each dish, and lends great authenticity and exuberance to every single page of this book. Brava!" - Joan Nathan "Don't buy one copy - buy two (that caponata is to die for)!" - Gil Hovav "Once you set foot in Silvia's Italian Jewish kitchen, you will never want to leave. Much more than a cookbook, this is a delicious deep dive into heritage, family and the Italian Jewish soul." - Lisa Goldberg, Monday Morning Cooking Club "A joyous celebration of the history and culinary heritage of Italian Jews. Silvia Nacamulli beautifully weaves together personal stories of family, friendships and, of course, delicious food." - Linda Dangoor, author of Flavours of Babylon "Silvia's stunning book is a fascinating and delicious journey into the Italian Jewish kitchen." - Victoria Prever, food editor of The Jewish Chronicle "Cooking in itself is a creative and fulfilling activity, and the results of your efforts can satisfy not only your taste buds but also your soul. This is my aim: cooking for the soul." - Silvia Nacamulli in Elle a Tavola Jewish Flavours of Italy is a culinary journey through Italy and a deep dive into family culinary heritage. With more than 100 kosher recipes, Silvia offers readers a unique collection of authentic and traditional Italian-Jewish dishes, combined with stunning photography, practical tips, and clear explanations. With a delicious mix of recipes, family stories and history, Silvia offers a unique insight into centuries' old culinary traditions. Discover recipes from everyday home-cooked meals to special celebration menus for Jewish holidays. Highlights include recipes such as pasta e fagioli (borlotti bean soup), family favourites such as melanzane alla parmigiana (aubergine parmigiana), as well as delicious Jewish dishes such as Carciofi alla Giudia (Jewish-style fried artichokes), challah bread, and sarde in saor (Venetian sweet and sour sardines). Silvia's extensive cooking repertoire combined with her life experiences means that her recipes and family stories are one-of-a-kind. She introduces the reader to soup, pasta, matzah, and risotto dishes, then moves on to meat, poultry, fish, and vegetable recipes. Silvia finishes with mouth-watering desserts such as orecchie di Amman (Haman's ears), Roman Jewish pizza ebraica (nut and candied fruit cakes) and sefra (aromatic semolina bake). Even the most sweet-toothed readers will be satisfied! Each recipe is introduced by Silvia in a friendly and conversational tone that will get readers involved before they even get the chance to preheat the oven. Throughout the book, in-depth features highlight ingredients such as artichokes, courgette flowers and aubergines. A personal touch shines through and provides a connection with the author. Silvia's enthusiastic and charming personality transforms this collection of recipes into a culinary experience that will be cherished by generations to come.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Microalgal Culture: Applied Phycology and Biotechnology
Algae are some of the fastest growing organisms in the world, with up to 90% of their weight made up from carbohydrate, protein and oil. As well as these macromolecules, microalgae are also rich in other high-value compounds, such as vitamins, pigments, and biologically active compounds, All these compounds can be extracted for use by the cosmetics, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and food industries, and the algae itself can be used for feeding of livestock, in particular fish, where on-going research is dedicated to increasing the percentage of fish and shellfish feed not derived from fish meal. Microalgae are also applied to wastewater bioremediation and carbon capture from industrial flue gases, and can be used as organic fertilizer. So far, only a few species of microalgae, including cyanobacteria, are under mass cultivation. The potential for expansion is enormous, considering the existing hundreds of thousands of species and subspecies, in which a large gene-pool offers a significant potential for many new producers. Completely revised, updated and expanded, and with the inclusion of new Editor, Qiang Hu of Arizona State University, the second edition of this extremely important book contains 37 chapters. Nineteen of these chapters are written by new authors, introducing many advanced and emerging technologies and applications such as novel photobioreactors, mass cultivation of oil-bearing microalgae for biofuels, exploration of naturally occurring and genetically engineered microalgae as cell factories for high-value chemicals, and techno-economic analysis of microalgal mass culture. This excellent new edition also contains details of the biology and large-scale culture of several economically important and newly-exploited microalgae, including Botryococcus, Chlamydomonas, Nannochloropsis, Nostoc, Chlorella, Spirulina, Haematococcus, and Dunaniella species/strains. Edited by Amos Richmond and Qiang Hu, each with a huge wealth of experience in microalgae, its culture, and biotechnology, and drawing together contributions from experts around the globe, this thorough and comprehensive new edition is an essential purchase for all those involved with microalgae, their culture, processing and use. Biotechnologists, bioengineers, phycologists, pharmaceutical, biofuel and fish-feed industry personnel and biological scientists and students will all find a vast amount of cutting-edge information within this Second Edition. Libraries in all universities where biological sciences, biotechnology and aquaculture are studied and taught should all have copies of this landmark new edition on their shelves.
Guido Tommasi Editore Sicily in the Kitchen: 30 Recipes That Are Too Good To Miss!
Sicilian cuisine is known as curtigghiu - of the courtyard - with recipes passed from door to door and from generation to generation by word of mouth. Influenced by the endless crossing of cultures that is Sicily's history, its food is as rich in tradition as it is in taste. Here this mingling of Europe, Italy, the Middle East and North Africa is celebrated in 30 recipes chosen by Maite and Marie and photographed - both landscapes and finished dishes - by Mau.
The University Press of Kentucky Indigenous Public Health: Improvement through Community-Engaged Interventions
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines social determinants of health as "the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age" and "the fundamental drivers of these conditions." Income, education, job security, food and housing, as well as gender and race are all examples of social determinants of health. These factors influence the health and wellbeing of patients, as well as how they interact with and receive healthcare. Unfortunately for some communities, many of these key factors to health are often jeopardized. Indigenous groups in North America and US associated Pacific jurisdictions have historically had troubled relationships with the federal government, experiencing occupation and forced relocation, mandated boarding schools, and attempts to eliminate cultural strengths and resources These denigrating experiences have marginalized these indigenous populations and increased their risk of poverty, food and housing insecurity, poor health, and limited access to healthcare.Indigenous Public Health: Improvement through Community-Engaged Interventions illustrates how successful community engagement strategies, programs, and resources within indigenous communities have resulted in diverse, successful public health programs, and helped community members overcome barriers to health. Editors Linda Burhansstipanov and Kathryn L. Braun explore the problems that impact engagement efforts, such as racism or resilience, and also discuss public health topics, such as infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The overarching focus of this book is to acknowledge and honor the strengths of different communities and emphasize that community collaboration and the sharing of resources can only improve the lives of all communities.
Running Press,U.S. Off Track Planet's Travel Guide for the Young, Sexy, and Broke: Completely Revised and Updated
In this completely updated edition of Off Track Planet's comprehensive, uncensored travel guide, you have all the tools at your fingertips to reignite your sense of adventure and travel the world to over 100 destinations.The editors of Off Track Planet specialize in inspiring the young, sexy masses to get off their asses and out into the world. Conquer the world's greatest mountains, oceans, and footpaths, let your passion for food take you across the globe, party like it's your job, and hook up with locals from here to Timbuktu.In this guide you will:- Find exciting, sexy, and -- most importantly -- free shit to do in every corner of the world- Plan, pack, and get yourself halfway across the globe on a Cup-O-Noodles budget- Discover charity projects that let you extend your travel and help a worthy causeAnd more!
HarperCollins Publishers The Little Brooklyn Bakery (Romantic Escapes, Book 2)
‘Irresistible’ Sunday Times bestseller Katie Fforde Take a trip to the best little bakery in Brooklyn, where there’s more than a sprinkle of romance and a slice of pie makes it feel like home! When Sophie Bennings arrives in New York, love is the last thing on her mind. Still reeling from a painful break up, she throws herself into her work as a food editor on a top-notch magazine. Columnist Todd McLennan is everything that Sophie wishes she didn’t want. Like the gorgeous bakery below her Brooklyn apartment, he’s as tempting as the delicious cupcakes on display. Surely a little of what you fancy can do you good? As Sophie and Todd get to know one another, a love of food isn’t the only passion they share. In the city that never sleeps, has Sophie finally met the man of her dreams…?
Johns Hopkins University Press Industrial Farm Animal Production the Environment and Public Health
Essential essays on the environmental impacts of factory farms on public health.The rapidand relatively recentconcentration of food animal production into factory farms makes meat plentiful and cheap, but this type of agriculture comes at a great cost to human health and the environment. In Industrial Farm Animal Production, the Environment, and Public Health, editors James Merchant and Robert Martin bring together public health experts to explore the most critical topics related to industrial farm animal production.The environmental impacts of these concentrated animal-feeding operations endanger the health of farm and meatpacking workers, neighbors, and surrounding communities. Factory farms create public health hazards such as antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to the overuse of antibiotics in livestock, as well as water polluted with nitrates, microbes, and other harmful chemicals. Despite the clear need for greater worker protection and oversight to m
Tommy Nelson The Gift That I Can Give for Little Ones
"It's never too early to get advice from Kathie Lee! This beautiful book is full of life lessons for your little one. My Haley loves it!"Hoda Kotb, Daytime Emmy Award, Edward R. Murrow Award, and duPont-Columbia Award-winning Today show co-anchor, Dateline NBC correspondent, and New York Times bestselling authorKids don't have to wait until they are grownups to make the world a better place! The newest Kathie Lee Gifford book empowers children to find unique ways to make a difference in the lives of those around them.The Gift That I Can Give for Little Ones is a heartwarming story that shows how all children can do something today to make a positive impact on others. From simply being kind to giving a loved one an extra-big hug to cheering for a friend, this story will inspire children with countless ways to show God's love, leading them to want to read it again and again.Kathie Lee is a trusted voice who feels like a friend for countless people. With her strong faith, enthusiasm, and playful writings, she appeals to young hearts and encourages them with the message that no one is too young or too small to share their gift with others.Kathie Lee Gifford is the three-time Emmy award-winning cohost of the fourth hour of the Today show, alongside Hoda Kotb. In 2015, Gifford was inducted into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame. She has written four New York Times bestselling books. Former cohost of Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, she is also a playwright, producer, singer, songwriter, and actress. Gifford has a passion for children and has been involved in numerous child-help organizations including Cassidy's Place and Cody House, named after her two children. Additional praise for The Gift That I Can Give for Little Ones:"The pictures are adorable, and the message is so important: teaching kids to be generous with their hearts. I can’t wait to read this to my little ones!"Savannah Guthrie, co-anchor of the Today show and NBC News Chief Legal Correspondent"My friend Kathie Lee has written a book I can't wait to read to my two girls over and over! Her humor and wit shine on every page as she shares with young readers that they are beautiful just as they are."Jenna Bush Hager, Today show correspondent, bestselling author, and editor-at-large for Southern Living magazine"Kathie Lee Gifford has done it again in this most endearing book! The gracious message and adorable illustrations will have your child enamored and inspired. It's my new favorite!"Kimberly Schlapman, Little Big Town"Kathie Lee has given us all a gift with the beautiful message in this book: to love and embrace your unique self. It's an important lesson for children and a refreshing reminder for the rest of us."Siri Daly, author and Today food contributor
Fox Chapel Publishing Handmade Woodworking Projects for the Kitchen
There are few things more rewarding than making something yourself – and being able to use it every day! A collection of 21 functional woodworking projects for the kitchen for food preparation, storage, serving, and more, this complete guide to making custom kitchen accessories features step-by-step instructions, coordinating photography, plan drawings, and expert tips for both beginner and intermediate woodworkers. Offering original designs from lifelong woodworker and previous editor of American Woodworking magazine, Larry Okrend, make beautifully handmade cutting boards, a knife block, wine rack, recipe book holder, tea box, and other kitchen essentials that are perfect for using, gifting, or even selling! Also included are opening sections on tools, materials, and basic techniques for a complete overview in gaining fundamental woodworking skills!
HarperCollins Publishers Positively Green: Everyday tips to help the planet and calm climate anxiety (National Trust)
Positively Green is a guide to caring for the planet – and yourself. From journalist and Positive News partnerships editor Sarah LaBrecque, National Trust’s Positively Green is an informative and captivating guide to sustainable living. With chapters on energy, fashion, food and more, you’ll discover what works, what’s worth doing, and what’s not. Positively Green provides advice on how to reduce your environmental impact, all while easing climate anxiety and boosting mental wellbeing. From changing how you clean your home to putting food impacts into perspective, this book is the perfect resource for those wanting to limit their effect on the environment and reduce climate-based worries. Chapters include: A Green Home, Energy, Food and Drink, Fashion, Technology, Transport and Travel, and Nature. As well as useful tips and links for further information, the book features ‘Positivity Pauses’ – inspiring vignettes that pull in wisdom from leading thinkers, academics and writers about how to face the climate crisis with optimistic realism.
Rodale Press Runner's World The Runner's Diet: The Ultimate Eating Plan That Will Make Every Runner (and Walker) Leaner, Faster, and Fitter
If you are a serious runner, or are thinking about starting running or run/walk program to keep fit and help you loss weight, forget about the traditional food pyramid - or today' low-carb diets. As noted dietician Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D C.N.S., explains, the eating plan that best meets the needs (runners at all levels is based on a 50 percent carb, 25 percent protein, 25 percent fat ratio. Here Dr. Fernstrom details realistic program, individualized for each person's activity level, that will enable runners to maximize their performance while maintaining long-term success at weight control. In "Runner's World: The Runner's Diet", the reader will discover: why the 50-25-25 ratio works best for runners-an even walkers; how to match your eating pattern to your running style; and how to make use of a daily food and activity log. With the imprimatur of Runner's World, the leading authority in the running field, this is the first book to recognize that runners cannot depend solely on physical activity to control their weight - and to outline a lifetime weight-loss plan that is best for their special needs.
Blackwater Press The Girl with Twenty Fingers
A heartwarming debut novel, commenting on the powers of music and friendship. Sarah's hope of becoming a concert pianist was shattered when she bombed an important performance of a Mozart concerto. Now in Munich, she feels like an imposter in her job as a food magazine editor. A chance encounter in a music shop leads to a surprising friendship with an elderly widower with a unique grand piano. When they start meeting to play Mozart's works for four hands, Sarah unravels the mysteries of his war-time past, uproots a musical secret in her own family -- and finds the strength to redirect her own future. Laced with melodies from Mozart and Schumann to Toto and Nena, THE GIRL WITH TWENTY FINGERS will delight readers, while asking the question: Can music change lives? Kate Mueser's debut novel cracks open notions of failure and second chances, living to the fullest and dying without regrets, and cultural identity and privilege, making it both timeless and urgently relevant to our age.
Time Inc. Books InStyle Parties: The Complete Guide to Easy, Elegant Entertaining All Year Round
Throwing stylish at-home parties is easier than it sounds. With this beautiful guidebook, anyone-even the novice host or hostess-can achieve entertaining perfection without hassle. The editors of InStyle share their expert ideas for hosting 15 unique celebrations, from dinner gatherings to baby showers to holiday affairs. Find out what invitation to send, learn shortcuts for party prep, and pick up chic decorating ideas. Readers will also find a section devoted to planning: how to set the table, which wine to serve, what barware to have on hand, and more. A resource section offers the best sources for food, confections, festive decor, and more. Look no further than this gorgeous book for inspired ideas for wowing guests with minimal effort.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Delish: Eat Like Every Day's the Weekend
This hugely popular site - their Bacon-Weave S'mores video racked up 11 million views and a quarter of a million shares within 24 hours - is the destination for fun, super-shareable recipes and stories that get people excited to get into the kitchen. The Delish editors want their audience to know it's okay to make a mess - food is meant to be shared, not perfected - and all of their content is 'accidentally educational,” featuring step-by-step photography that’s packaged in such a way that you don’t even realise you’re learning something. The fun-packed Delish cookbook brings the same message to the page, and features 175 recipes that are meant to be devoured: Grilled Cheese Dippers, Sloppy Joe Potato Skins, Chicken Parm Burgers, Lasagna Stuffed Peppers, Mint Chip Brownie Cups, Cookie Dough Cheesecake, and dozens more. This is the book their 30 million fans are waiting for.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Handbook of Research on Medicinal Chemistry: Innovations and Methodologies
This valuable new book, Handbook of Research on Medicinal Chemistry: Innovations and Methodologies, presents some of the latest advancements in the various fields of combinatorial chemistry, drug discovery, biochemical aspects, pharmacology of medicinal agents, current practical problems, and nutraceuticals. The editors keep the drug molecule as the central component of the volume and aim to explain the associated features essential to exhibiting pharmacological activity. With a unique combination of chapters in biology, clinical aspects, biochemistry, synthetic chemistry, medicine and technology, the volume provides broad exposure to the essential aspect of pharmaceuticals. The volume many important aspects of medicinal chemistry, including techniques in drug discovery pharmacological aspects of natural products chemical mediators: druggable targets advances in medicinal chemistry The field of medicinal chemistry is growing at an unprecedented pace, and this volume takes an interdisciplinary approach, covering a range of new research and new practices in the field. The volume takes into account the latest therapeutic guidelines put forward by the World Health Organization and the U.S Food and Drug Administration..Topics include: drug design drug discovery natural products and supplements and nutraceuticals pharmaceutical approaches to sexual dysfunction drug resistance parasites new natural compounds and identification of new targets stereochemistry aspects in medicinal chemistry common drug interactions in daily practices Handbook of Research on Medicinal Chemistry: Innovations and Methodologies will be a valuable addition to the bookshelves of pharmaceutical scientists and faculty as well as for industry professionals.
Running Press,U.S. The Recipe for Radiance: Discover Beauty's Best-Kept Secrets in Your Kitchen
Want to know the secret to growing gorgeous hair or how your favourite celebrities have such flawless skin? Introducing the power of food into your beauty routine in a whole new way, you'll uncover the recipes that promote beauty from within (with beauty-boosting foods you'll salivate for!) as well as topical DIY beauty recipes (for facial masks, body scrubs, and more that are, well, good enough to eat,literally!). Dubbed the Female Beauty MacGyver" by Access Hollywood, Alexis Wolfer shares with you 131 easy, all-natural, affordable, and effective recipes that feed your beauty. Combining the best recipes from her personal archives with DIY beauty secrets and food recipes shared with her by chefs, beauty editors, and celebrities (including Kristen Chenoweth, Brooklyn Decker, Vanessa Williams, Molly Sims, Byrdie Bell, Donna Karan, and more), The Recipe For Radiance will take you into your kitchen to discover the food-based beauty secrets even the most well-pampered women rely on to look their best. Each chapter in The Recipe for Radiance addresses a different beauty concern,acne, fine lines and wrinkles, brittle nails, lackluster hair, sun spots, cellulite, chapped lips, under-eye circles, and more,giving you the inside scoop on the causes and symptoms of the most common beauty concerns along with their food-based solutions. Sample recipes include:Strawberry + champagne serum to fight wrinklesAvocado + oatmeal revival mask to heal dry skinSweet potato chips + cumin dip to even skin toneCreamy kale and walnut salad to reduce under-eye circlesSweet watermelon serum to soothe sunburn Be prepared to cook yourself beautiful, all the while saving money on products and keeping your beauty routine chemical free.