Search results for ""Author Mari Schuh""
Capstone Press Staying Safe from Injuries
Capstone Press Skunks
Capstone Press Penguins
Capstone Press Giant Pandas
Capstone Press Community Helpers at School (Community Helpers on the Scene)
Capstone Press Community Helpers at the Hospital
Capstone Press Stephen Curry
Capstone Press Blueberries Grow on a Bush
Capstone Press K-9 Police Dogs
Capstone Press Patience Is a Superpower
Pebble Books Facing Your Fear of Being Alone
Capstone Global Library Ltd Why Is Light Important?
People use light. Animals use light. Plants use light too! Read to find out why light is important to living things and how light is used.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Is It Light or Dark?
Flick the switch, and you have light. Go outside during the day, and you see sunlight. Read to find out how living things use light. Also learn how light travels and what happens when it is dark.
Capstone Global Library Ltd What Are Tornadoes?
A spinning column of air reaches down from a thunderstorm. As it touches the ground, a tornado is formed. Tornadoes can travel more than 100 kilometres per hour, and they destroy everything in their path. Find out how to prepare and stay safe when a tornado is heading your way.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Patience Is a Superpower
The line to go down the slide is so long, and you're at the back. Instead of complaining and shoving, you wait calmly. You made yet another mistake at basketball practice. You don't get upset. You keep trying. Find out more ways you can show patience and how this real-life superpower makes a big difference in the world. In this book, young readers will learn all about patience. The book is filled with examples of ways children can show this superhero-like quality in daily life. You don't need to be a superhero to have superpowers, you already have powers to make the world a better place, and patience is one of them!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Kindness Is a Superpower
Every act of kindness counts, no matter how small! Help a neighbour carry in their shopping. Smile at someone in the school corridor. Be a good listener. When you're kind, you make a big difference in the lives of the people around you. Show this real-life superpower, and watch kindness spread!In this book, young readers will learn all about kindness. The book is filled with examples of ways children can show this superhero-like quality in daily life. You don''t need to be a superhero to have superpowers, you already have powers to make the world a better place, and kindness is one of them!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Facing Your Fear of Being Alone
Do you feel scared when you are alone in your bedroom? Do you only want to play if someone else is nearby? Many people feel this way at times. In this book, explore the reasons why people are afraid of being alone and discover simple tips for facing this fear. Reassuring facts and helpful photos provide the knowledge young readers need to face their fear of being alone.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Facing Your Fear of Trying New Things
Are you worried about learning to swim? Are you nervous to try a new food that you may not like? You’re not alone. In this book, explore the reasons why it can be scary to try something new and discover simple tips for facing this fear. Reassuring facts and helpful photos provide the knowledge young readers need to face their fears of trying new things.
Capstone Global Library Ltd What You Never Knew About Ariana Grande
What are the names of Ariana Grande’s pets? Who was her first celebrity crush? Go behind the scenes to discover little-known facts about this superstar singer and actor. High-interest details and bold photos of her fascinating life will enthrall reluctant and struggling readers, while carefully levelled text will leave them feeling confident.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Caring For Your Mental Health
A healthy mind is essential for a healthy life. In this book, young readers will learn all the ways they can keep their minds healthy through activity, diet, sleep and stress management.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Caring for Your Teeth
A healthy mouth is more than just a beautiful smile. In this book, young readers will learn how to care for their teeth, discover foods to eat for healthy teeth, and find out what to avoid so they don’t damage their teeth.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Animals of the African Savanna
Biomes are home to unique animals and plants. Introduce beginning readers to the African Savanna biome! Readers will get an up-close look at the characteristics of the land and weather and how zebras, lions, giraffes and other animals have adapted to life in this amazing biome.
Capstone Global Library Ltd What Is Stress?
Stress can make you feel bad. It can be caused by lots of different things. A big test. A fight with a friend. A new experience. But no matter what causes the stress, the important thing is how you deal with it.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Being a Good Friend
To have good friends, you need to be a good friend. Listen. Be kind. Be reliable. Put others first. Being a good friend takes work, but the end result is worth it!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Racing Cars
It's a fight to the finish line! Which racing car will get there first? Some racing cars look a lot like regular cars. Others have thin bodies and open wheels. Some race on mud tracks, while others race on smooth paved tracks. But they all have one thing in common... speed! Young readers will find out about the types of racing cars, their main parts and why fans crowd racing tracks around the world to see them go!
Capstone Global Library Ltd Racing Cars
It's a fight to the finish line! Which racing car will get there first? Some racing cars look a lot like regular cars. Others have thin bodies and open wheels. Some race on mud tracks, while others race on smooth paved tracks. But they all have one thing in common... speed! Young readers will find out about the types of racing cars, their main parts and why fans crowd racing tracks around the world to see them go!
Capstone Press Stars of Stock Car Racing
Capstone Press Dairy-Free Diets
Capstone Press Regal Tangs
Capstone Press Diabetes-Aware Diets
Capstone Press Nut-Free Diets
Capstone Press Raccoons
Capstone Press Squirrels
Capstone Press Chipmunks
Pebble Books Ballenas Azules
Capstone Press Vegetables on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Sugars and Fats (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Healthy Snacks on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Fruits on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Jet Planes
Capstone Press Grains on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Get Moving (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Dairy on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)
Capstone Press Dairy on MyPlate
Pebble Books Lobos
Capstone Press Azúcares Y Grasas/Sugars and Fats
Capstone Press Protein on Myplate (Whats on Myplate?)