Search results for ""Author Léo""
Vintage Publishing Anna Karenina (Vintage Classic Russians Series)
'One of the greatest love stories in world literature' Vladimir NabokovAnna is a beautiful, intelligent woman whose passionate affair with the dashing Count Vronsky leads her to ruin. But her story is also about a search for meaning, and by twinning it with that of Levin, an awkward idealist whose happy marriage and domestic trials form the backdrop for a similar quest, Tolstoy creates a rich and complex masterpiece that has captured the imagination of readers for decades.'I've read and re-read this novel and every time I find another layer in the story' Philippa GregoryTRANSLATED BY LOUISE AND AYLMER MAUDEVINTAGE CLASSICS RUSSIAN SERIES - sumptuous editions of the greatest books to come out of Russia during the most tumultuous period in its history.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd US Naval Aviation, 1945 2003: Rare Photographs from Naval Archives
In this the highly illustrated second volume of his history of US naval aviation, Leo Marriott takes the reader through the extraordinary developments in design and capability that transformed American aircraft and aircraft carriers after the Second World War, and he describes the succession of conflicts in which they were deployed. Increasingly, advanced jets replaced propeller-driven aircraft and nuclearpowered carriers allowed the US Navy to project American military power across the world. As the many remarkable photographs in this book show, wherever naval aviation was involved, it played a crucial role, especially in the wars in Korea and Vietnam. The vessels built in the 1940s to fight in the war against Japan gave way to a new generation of super carriers. Supersonic fighters and strike aircraft entered service - the F-8 Crusaders and F-4 Phantoms of the Vietnam era, then the F-14 Tomcat, F/A-18 Hornet and S-3 Viking of more recent times. Carrier-based helicopters became more important, first for search-and-rescue missions, then for anti-submarine warfare and for landing assault forces. Throughout this period of the Cold War the US Navy's carriers and aviation served to demonstrate American power worldwide and to counter the threat represented by the Soviet Union's challenge to US mastery of the seas.
The University of Chicago Press The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion
Steinberg argues in this work that the artists regarded the deliberate exposure of Christ's genitalia as an affirmation of kinship with the human condition. Christ's lifelong virginity, understood as potency under check, and the first offer of blood in the circumcision, both required acknowledgment of the genital organ. More than exercises in realism, these unabashed images underscore the crucial theological import of the Incarnation.
The University of Chicago Press Receptive Bodies
Leo Bersani, known for his provocative interrogations of psychoanalysis, sexuality, and the human body, centers his latest book on a surprisingly simple image: a newborn baby simultaneously crying out and drawing its first breath. These twin ideas—absorption and expulsion, the intake of physical and emotional nourishment and the exhalation of breath—form the backbone of Receptive Bodies, a thoughtful new essay collection. These titular bodies range from fetuses in utero to fully eroticized adults, all the way to celestial giants floating in space. Bersani illustrates his exploration of the body’s capacities to receive and resist what is ostensibly alien using a typically eclectic set of sources, from literary icons like Marquis de Sade to cinematic provocateurs such as Bruno Dumont and Lars von Trier. This sharp and wide-ranging book will excite scholars of Freud, Foucault, and film studies, or anyone who has ever stopped to ponder the give and take of human corporeality.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Hard by a Great Forest
* AN OBSERVER BEST NEW NOVELIST FOR 2024 * ‘A spellbinding achievement’ FINANCIAL TIMES ‘Poignant and often painfully comic’ OBSERVER ‘I gasped, laughed, and wept my way through it’ KHALED HOSSEINI ‘Hugely impressive’ NEW EUROPEAN ‘Novels like this might help light the way’ GUARDIAN Tbilisi’s littered with memories that await me like landmines. The dearly departed voices I silenced long ago have come back without my permission. The situation calls for someone with a plan. I didn’t even bring toothpaste. Saba’s father is missing, and the trail leads back to Tbilisi, Georgia. It’s been two decades since Irakli fled his war-torn homeland with two young sons, now grown men. Two decades since he saw their mother, who stayed so they could escape. At long last, Tbilisi has lured him home. But when Irakli’s phone calls stop, a mystery begins... Arriving in the city as escaped zoo animals prowl the streets, Saba picks up the trail of clues: strange graffiti, bewildering messages transmitted through the radio, pages from his father’s unpublished manuscript scattered like breadcrumbs. As the voices of those left behind pull at the edges of his world, Saba will discover that all roads lead back to the past, and to secrets swallowed up by the great forests of Georgia. In a winding pursuit through the magic and mystery of returning to a lost homeland, Hard by a Great Forest is a rare, searching tale of home, memory and sacrifice – of one family’s mission to rescue one another, and put the past to rest.
Paizo Publishing, LLC Starfinder Adventure Path: Merchants of the Void (Fly Free or Die 2 of 6)
The crew of the Oliphaunt have earned the freedom to go where they please, but they've still got bills to pay and old enemies hot on their tail! The Fly Free or Die Adventure Path continues, as the player characters travel to the Veskarium, an interplanetary empire ruled by the militant and lizard-like Vesk, where the crew must become smugglers and bounty hunters, capturing illegal resources in the turbulent storms of a gas giant! But along the way, they're forced to make some tough decisions that will come back to haunt them later, attracting the anger of the Vesk military itself. Can the player characters keep running forever, or will they eventually turn, stand, and fight for their lives?"Merchants of the Void" is a Starfinder adventure for four 3rd-level characters. This adventure continues the Fly Free or Die Adventure Path, a six-part monthly campaign in which players take on the role of a merchant crew with an experimental starship, trying to get rich, escape interplanetary assassins, and outwit their rivals. This volume also details a crew of smugglers who cross the players at every turn, their starship, a collection of alien threats, a mysterious tropical paradise planet, and a series of “Side Jobs”-short mini-adventures the GM can insert into the campaign at any time.Each monthly full-color softcover Starfinder Adventure Path volume contains a new installment of a series of interconnected science-fantasy quests that together create a fully developed plot of sweeping scale and epic challenges. Each 64-page volume of the Starfinder Adventure Path also contains in-depth articles that detail and expand the Starfinder campaign setting and provide new rules, a host of exciting new monsters and alien races, a new planet to explore and starship to pilot, and more!
Arcturus Publishing War and Peace
Leo Tolstoy was born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828, and is considered to be one of the greatest authors of all time. His novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina best illustrate the dramatic scope and intense realism which became his trademark and stand as a testament to his extraordinary observational powers. The poet Matthew Arnold wrote that a novel by Tolstoy is not a work of art, but a piece of life. Tolstoy's own wartime experiences culminated in his conversion to pacifist and spiritual anarchist, and his ideas on non-violent resistance had a profound influence on 20th-century figures such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.Husband and wife Aylmer and Louise Maude were the most famous early translators of Leo Tolstoy. They had the great advantage of knowing Tolstoy and Aylmer was his authorized biographer. Of their translations Tolstoy wrote, 'Better translations, both for knowledge of the two languages and for penetr
University of Chicago Press Socrates and Aristophanes
In one of his last books, Leo Strauss examines the confrontation between Socrates and Aristophanes in Aristophanes' comedies. Looking at 11 plays, Strauss shows that this confrontation is essentially one between poetry and philosophy.
Prakash Books The Greatest Short Stories of Leo Tolstoy
Peeters Publishers Catalogue of Coordinates and Satellites of the Middle Egyptian Verb
Peeters Publishers Encomiastica from the Pierpont Morgan Library: T.
"Encomiastica from the Pierpont Morgan Library" continues a collaborative effort to make available in edition and translation what remains unpublished of the Coptic literary manuscripts at the Pierpont Morgan Library. A first volume appeared under the title Homiletica from the Pierpont Morgan Library (CSCO 524 and 525). The introduction to the text volume includes sections on the texts, the manuscripts, and the language, as well as some addenda to Homiletica and to the Catalogue of Coptic Manuscripts in the Pierpont Morgan Library (Peeters 1993). In the introduction to the translation volume, S. Harvey discusses the cultural and historical setting of the five texts. The texts are attributed to Anastasius of Euchaita, Epiphanius of Salamis, Isaac of Antinoe, Severian of Gabala, and Theopempus of Antioch, but these attributions are probably spurious. The works may have been composed as late as the seventh or eight century AD in Coptic, with the thematic features being derived from earlier sources, possibly including Greek church fathers, and in certain instances perhaps even the authors to which they are attributed; but this matter awaits further investigation.
Peeters Publishers Homiletica from the Pierpont Morgan Library: T.
Homiletica in the Pierpont Morgan Library is the first volume in a collaborative effort to edit and translate what has remained unpublished of the Coptic literary texts kept at the Pierpont Morgan Library in mid-town Manhattan, New York City. The showpiece of the Morgan collection is a group of some fifty parchment codices acquired in 1911 in Paris for Pierpont Morgan, the American financier and philanthropist, and discovered in 1910 on the site of an ancient monastery near present-day Hamuli in the Faiyum. The eminent Coptologist Walter Ewing Crum called them "the largest and, in some ways, the most important of extant collections, ...a body of texts unparalleled for completeness, if not for variety."
Peeters Publishers Homiletica from the Pierpont Morgan Library: V.
Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskab Iron Age Households: Structure and Practice in Western Denmark, 500 BC-AD 200
Creacion Sagitario
Brot und Spiele Verlag e. Der Tag ohne Abend
MEHRING Verlag Die Permanente Revolution Ergebnisse und Perspektiven
Edition Braus Berlin GmbH Berlin
Motorbuch Verlag KTM Motorrder seit 1953
Lübbe Sterbende Seelen
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Crise de la Philosophie Au Xixe Siecle
Archaeopress Arab Music: A Survey of Its History and Its Modern Practice
Arab Music: A survey of its history and modern practice is primarily meant for the general Western reader with some basic knowledge of music and music notation. It aims at correcting the still prevalent romantic image of Arab music, spread in the 19th century, as exotic and typified by long, plaintive and erotic sounding melodic lines and inciting rhythms. It offers the reader a comprehensive survey of the history and the development of Arab music and musical theory from its pre-Islamic roots until 1970, as well as a discussion of the major genres and forms practiced today, such as the Egyptian gīl, the Algerian raï and Palestinian hip hop. Other topics touched upon are musical instruments and folk music. The analysis of each genre is accompanied by a complete musical notation of an exemplary composition or improvisation, including lyrics and translation.
Hal Leonard Europe Limited Russian Fantasy No. 4 in E minor: Miniature-Fantasias for Violin and Piano
Chicago Review Press A Bone and a Hank of Hair
Carolus Deene, history master at Queen's School, Newminster, manages on the side to dabble in the art of gentlemanly detective work. In Leo Bruce's beloved A Bone and a Hank of Hair, Deene is approached by Mrs. Chalk, who is convinced her heiress cousin has been murdered. The suspect is, of course, Mr. Rathbone, the lady's wily widower. On the way to the truth, Deene encounters a host of friendly characters and oafish constabulary, leading readers in a delightful romp through the English landscape.
States Academic Press Introduction to Quality Management
Skyhorse Publishing Saint Peter's Snow: A Novel
It could have been a common street accident that put Dr. Georg Amberg in the hospital, but for the five weeks his doctors say he has been in a coma, recovering from a brain hemorrhage after being run down by a car, he has memories of a more disturbing nature. What of the violent events in the rural village of Morwede? The old woman threatening the priest with a breadknife, angry peasants with flails and cudgels, Baron von Malchin with a pistol defending his dreams for the Holy Roman Empire--how could Dr. Amberg ignore these? And what of the secret experiment to make a mind-altering drug from a white mildew occurring on wheat--a mildew called Saint Peter's Snow. In this feverish tale of a man caught in the balance between two realities, Leo Pertuz offers a mystery of identity and a fable of faith and political fervor, banned by the Nazis when it was first published in 1933. Saint Peter's Snow is typical of Perutz's storytelling mastery: extraordinarily rich and elegant fiction that is taut with suspense, full of Old World irony and humor.
Word Among Us Press Encounter the Lord with St. Mark: A 30-Day At-Home Retreat
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Grin and Bear It
Ivan R Dee, Inc Over the Edge: How the Pursuit of Youth by Marketers and the Media Has Changed American Culture
For decades young people in the 18-to-34 age group have been the darlings of advertisers and marketers who yearn for greater sales and the elusive "buzz" of publicity. Young adults buy a disproportionate share of movie theater admissions, popular music recordings, and video games, and are regarded as prime targets by most television advertisers. As a consequence of this focus, Leo Bogart argues, media content itself has changed. Sex and violence have become endemic in movies and TV because they attract young audiences. Recent years have witnessed a continual loosening of restrictions on media content and, in the larger culture, a parallel transformation in how people relate to one another. What is now acceptable in civil society is over the edge in comparison with standards of only a few decades ago. This momentous shift has come about, says Mr. Bogart, despite a flawed marketing premise—the idea that young audiences are the most valuable consumers does not jibe with the evidence. Drawing on long experience as a scholar and practitioner in media and marketing, and using extensive research and exclusive interviews with media producers, Mr. Bogart traces the connection between commercial interests and standards of propriety in movies and television. He shows how media content aimed at young adults inevitably engages juveniles as well. He describes how the threat of government regulation has prompted the film, television, music, and video-game industries to adopt systems that rate or label their output; but how the labels intended to keep children away from unsuitable content actually encourage them to taste the forbidden fruit. And these same labels encourage media producers to introduce such content gratuitously. Over the Edge is a compelling analysis of a major American social problem, with surprising conclusions.
Saint Benedict Press The Practice of Humility
Academy Chicago Publishers Death at Hallows End: A Carolus Deene Mystery
It was not so much a question of ""who-done-it"" as of ""who-done-what."" Respectable solicitors do not disappear every day, but Duncan Humby had vanished into thin air while on his way to prepare a new will for James Grossiter - a will in which the crotchety millionaire intended to dispossess all his relations and his manservant in favor of numerous charities.The death from a heart attack of Old Grossiter himself was too much of a coincidence for Carolus Deene, who was called upon to find the missing solicitor, and as he made his way to the remote village of Hallows End, where Humby's car has been seen and where Grossiter was staying, he had a strong feeling of sinister evil and danger...a feeling that was soon to be translated into horrible fact.
Academy Chicago Publishers Death with Blue Ribbon: A Carolus Deene Mystery
Carolus Deene becomes involved in his latest adventure when a famous restaurateur is threatened by a protection racketeer and a well-known writer of cookbooks is murdered under extraordinary circumstances.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Guild Repertoire Intermediate B SummyBirchard Edition
Cricket Books, a division of Carus Publishing Co Five Ways Patricia Can Kill Her Husband: A Theory of Intentionality and Blame
The titular example of Patricia, a woman who kills her husband, illustrates this book’s powerful theory of culpability. Depending on Patricia’s mental state and beliefs, her degree of guilt for killing her husband will vary. If, for example, she set fire to her apartment fully intending to kill her husband, we would deem her more blameworthy that if the fire was an unavoidable accident. Culpability, the author argues, is commonly confused with other issues such as responsibility, accountability, and liability. Yet it is concerned exclusively with the intentional mental states we have at the time that we act. Zaibert also offers a history of the theory of culpability, and gives a fascinating analysis of the beliefs and emotions associated with blaming others.
Candlewick Press,U.S. Thirteen Days of Midnight
Chester Music Un Dia De Noviembre
New American Library Patton At The Battle Of The Bulge: How the General's Tanks Turned the Tide at Bastogne
WW Norton & Co A New Approach to Ear Training
Organized into four large sections of carefully graded exercises that correspond to the progression of material in most theory courses, A New Approach to Ear Training offers instructors remarkable flexibility, enabling them to use the book as an assigned text or as a supplement for students to work through on their own.
Random House USA Inc Let's Play
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Family Happiness: Stories
Russian writer Leo Tolstoy is probably best known to the Western world for his epic WAR AND PEACE and splendid ANNA KARENINA, but during his long lifetime Tolstoy also wrote enough shorter works to fill many volumes. Reprinted here are two of his finest short novels -- FAMILY HAPPINESS and MASTER AND MAN -- and one short story -- ALYOSHA THE POT Alongside FAMILY HAPPINESS, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Herman Melville, Willa Cather, Stephen Crane, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a beautifully designed, boldly colorful boxset in the aim to attract contemporary fans of short fiction to these revered masters of the form. Also, in each of these selections will appear a story from one of the new collections being published in the "Summer of the Short Story."
Schreiber + Leser Nestor Burma 3 Wer einmal auf dem Friedhof liegt
aracari verlag ag Bär und seine Brille
aracari verlag ag Krah
MEHRING Verlag Fragen des Alltagslebens
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Athen und Jerusalem Versuch einer religisen Philosophie
Anaconda Verlag Meine Beichte
Anaconda Verlag Anna Karenina Roman