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Watson-Guptill Publications Dynamic Anatomy
Praised by critics and teachers alike for more than forty years, Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy is recognised worldwide as the classic, indispensable text on artistic anatomy. Now revised, expanded and completely redesigned with more than 75 never before published drawings from the Hogarth archives and 24 pages of new material. This award-winning book brilliantly reveals the live, expressive structure of the human form. Superb action studies and practical diagrams show how to render the anatomical details of the figure in motion and at rest. Over 400 remarkable illustrations explain the anatomical details of male and female figures in motion and at rest, always stressing the human form in space. This revised and expanded edition of Dynamic Anatomy initiates the re-launch of all six titles in the series.
Watson-Guptill Publications Extraordinary Everyday Photography
Watson-Guptill Publications Words for Pictures
This book comes from best-selling Marvel Comics writer Brian Michael Bendis. In this book, step-by-step lessons teach everything needed to take ideas from script to dynamic sequential art. It exposes methods for crafting comic scripts, reveals business secrets, insights from Bendis' fellow creators and more. Arguably the most popular writer in modern comics, Brian Michael Bendis shares the tools and techniques he uses to create some of the most popular comic book and graphic novel stories of all time. Words for Pictures provides a fantastic opportunity for readers to learn from a creator at the very top of his field. Bendis' step-by-step lessons teach comics writing hopefuls everything they'll need to take their ideas from script to dynamic sequential art. The book's complete coverage exposes the most effective methods for crafting comic scripts, showcases insights from Bendis' fellow creators, reveals business secrets all would-be comics writers must know, and challenges readers with exercises to jumpstart their own graphic novel writing success.
Peeters Publishers Les Figures De Construction Dans La Syntaxe Latine (1500-1780)
Peeters Publishers Le Traite de L'ame de Jean Buridan. Edition, Etude Critique et Doctrinale
Peeters Publishers Sealing and Seals on Texts from Kültepe Karum Level 2
In studies of the Assyrian merchant community established at Kültepe (KARUM Kanesh, level 2) in Anatolia in the early second millennium B.C., the texts with their associated cylinder and stamp sealings found there have traditionally been investigated separately. This book specifically seeks to integrate glyptic and textual studies in a way helpful both to scholars of Old Assyrian and to those with an interest in seals and sealing in the ancient Near East. The combined study of texts and sealings illuminates commercial and socio-legal activity in fresh ways, whilst the stylistic analyses sharpens chronological arguments and throws light on the community's foreign contacts. The book consists of two parts. The first analyses the sealing practices (in general and per type of record, with a special chapter on witnesses) and the seals, their ownership, manufacture, styles, iconography and inscriptions. Special chapters deal with the archives of the KARUM (with a list of their locations) and with the dating of texts and seals (with a list of the eponyms). Part two is a catalogue of 677 seals. It consists of tables offering, in a condensed form, essential data from the text envelopes on which the seals have been impressed, and of drawings of each of them. Extensive indices, of names, eponyms, seal owners/users, seal inscriptions, texts and seals complete this well-documented volume.
Peeters Publishers Petrifying Gazes: Danaë and the Uncanny Space
Of all the ancient myths where rain plays an important role, the impregnation of Danaë by Zeus through a golden rain is perhaps the one most often depicted in art. This essay is dedicated to the artistic afterlife of the myth, with special focus on the painting of Danaë (1527) by Jan Gossaert van Mabuse (1478-1532). Gossaert’s Danaë is a sophisticated articulation of outer and inner discourse: the hard, dry, background, with its eclectic architecture, in contrast with the sweltering, moist, foreground with the figure’s naked body. This essay develops Gossaert’s complex phantasmata surrounding architecture, decoration, and the female body in three spaces: the intimate space of impregnation, the psychosomatic space, and, third, the petrifying space of Medusa. Barbara Baert writes: “Danaë is the living emanation of painting as the uttermost exhibitionistic medium. Her unveiled skin fragile exposed in the midst of an overwhelming symphonic outburst of details, facades, windows. Danaë: martyr of glossy materials - marble and flesh - unable to disappear in her own skin; held hostage within a medium of walls. Her only desire is to disappear in the ultimate thin membrane, to vaporize beyond the harsh brocks and, then, at the very end, leave the medium of textile too. There were threads become drippings, lines become tears.”
Peeters Publishers Jerusalem Icons in the European Space
Based on scripture, exegesis, and an ongoing dialogue with the Jewish and Islamic presence, Jerusalem maintains a central position in Christian spirituality. After several studies that mapped visual references to the holy city in various other representational media, Bianca Kühnel dedicates the present volume to the monumental presence of Jerusalem in European Latin Christianity. The works discussed in this book have a spatial dimension, defined by mimetic architecture and mimetic topography brought to life by ritual movement. They consist of the reproductions of key buildings representing Jerusalem’s most sacred sites, standing alone or arranged in clusters. Jerusalem sites throughout the world challenge the usual notions of transfer and representation in the history of art by their number, their variety of means, and their level of historical consistency. This book traces key turning points in the long history of Jerusalem abroad, while defining a common methodological and theoretical framework.
Peeters Publishers Le mariage dans l'oeuvre de Flavius Josèphe: Une étude du droit matrimonial en ses sources
L’œuvre abondante de Flavius Josèphe laisse apparaître quelques brèves dispositions traitant des relations sexuelles entre un homme et une femme dans le cadre du mariage. Pour autant, aucune étude systématique sur le sujet n’a été publiée jusque-là. L’approche critique du droit matrimonial présentée dans cet ouvrage vient combler cette lacune en s’interrogeant sur l’originalité d’un système juridique élaboré au carrefour de deux cultures : juive et hellénistique. Comment, dans la 2de moitié du 1er siècle de notre ère, notre historien juif s’y prend-il pour s’adresser à ses contemporains ? Quels emprunts fait-il au vocabulaire, aux métaphores et autres concepts disponibles de la pensée de son époque ? C’est donc essentiellement à partir de leurs sources d’inspiration que seront étudiées les principales règles régissant le droit juif du mariage à l’orée de l’ère chrétienne.
Peeters Publishers Signed 'PAN': Erwin Panofsky's (1892-1968) "The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline" (Princeton, 1938)
In 1935 Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968) was appointed the first ‘permanent member’ of the School of Humanistic Studies (now the School of Historical Studies) at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. The famous institute was founded by the American educator Abraham Flexner (1866-1959). This essay contributes to the content and context of Panofsky’s important lecture “The History of Art as a Humanistic Discipline” from1938. The publication of that lecture functioned as a manifesto written by an intellectual émigré in a new American context. It is thanks to Panofsky that the locus classicus of iconography, as Irving Lavin (1927-2019) described the Institute for Advanced Study, received the compelling arguments for an “art history that deserves to be counted among the humanities.” A close reading of the text and an analysis of its impact can still teach us something about the origins and development of the Art Historical field and Iconological Studies today.
Peeters Publishers Theology Made in Dignity: On the Precarious Role of Theology in Religious Education
In a post-secular society contemporaries are challenged to raise and face existential questions in the midst of a plurality of (religious and non-religious) worldviews. Children, adolescents and young adults are especially eager for orientation in negotiating this plurality. Religious Education in European schools can provide them with solid insights and a safe space to accept this challenge. In this book the narrative, communicative and spiritual dimensions of religious education are discussed. In the act of theologizing with children, adolescents and young adults, “in each other’s presence” and with a view to wisdom traditions, they are empowered to patiently engage in new ways. Alternative patterns of framing identity and community, experience and interpretation, transcendence and immanence, can then emerge. The book is rooted in the teaching praxis of the author and reaches out to the centers of initial teacher education, where future leaders learn to discover the theological dignity of religious education.
Peeters Publishers Minoan Stone Vessels with Linear A Inscriptions
Inscribed Minoan stone vessels are ritual gifts that index their dedicants’ intention that both their gift and their name should survive permanently at the place of dedication. These vessels contained offerings, yet the vessels themselves were also offerings, serving as permanent records of a ritual act. These rituals were most likely communal, incorporating group feasting and drinking. The seasonality of these rituals suggests that they were focused on the cycle of life: fertility, birth, death and renewal. Offerings left with the vessels suggest that these rituals also addressed other, more personal concerns. As for Linear A itself: the language behind the script appears to contain a fairly standard phonemic inventory, though there are hints of additional, more exotic phonemes. The morphology of the language appears to involve affixation, a typical mode of inflection in human languages. The presence of significant prefixing tends to rule out PIE as a parent language, while the word-internal vowel alternations typical of Afroasiatic verbal inflection are nowhere to be found in this script. In the end, Linear A appears most likely to represent a non-IE, non-Afroasiatic language, perhaps with agglutinative tendencies, and perhaps with VSO word order.
Peeters Publishers Mythes Et Usages Des Mythes: Autochtonie Et Ideologie De La Terre Mere En Polynesie
L'affirmation que les peuples autochtones d'Amerique, du Groenland ou d'Australie, seraient, comme les Grecs de l'Antiquite, "nes de la terre", habite bien des nationalismes indigenes. Le present ouvrage s'interroge sur le caractere traditionnel de ces representations de la "terre-mere". Pour ce faire, il entreprend une plongee dans les mythes des Polynesiens, descendants de migrants asiatiques devenus autochtones des iles du Pacifique. Si leurs mythes evoquent bien la naissance d'une humanite primordiale a partir de la terre, cette terre n'est pourtant pas celle de leur sejour actuel. Dans ces mythes, la qualite des premiers humains, nes du sol, signifie-t-elle l'archaisme, l'appartenance, l'exclusion? Quelles sont fondamentalement les lecons de l'autochtonie, de la Grece antique aux rivages de l'Oceanie?
Peeters Publishers Subordination, Dependance Et Parataxe Dans Les Langues Africaines
De nombreuses langues africaines ont la particularite d'avoir des subordonnees non marquees segmentalement. Le lien de dependance entre les propositions n'est pas marque par un morpheme specifique, pourtant, l'enchainement des propositions construit un lien de subordination qui presente des proprietes semantiques specifiques. Il s'agit de ce qu'on appelle generalement A" parataxe A" par opposition a A" hypotaxe A". Ces phenomenes de hierarchisation sans marque segmentale posent, entre autres, la question des limites de l'enonce et celle de la nature des mecanismes par lesquels se construisent hierarchisation et dependance. Le present volume rassemble dix contributions originales sur ce theme, fruit d'une Operation de Recherche menee dans le cadre du LLACAN (Langage, Langues et Cultures d'Afrique Noire, UMR 8135 CNRS-INALCO). Ce programme s'inscrit dans une perspective de typologie des langues africaines visant, a partir d'analyses comparatistes, a degager des regularites, des types structurels ainsi que d'eventuels invariants. G. DUMESTRE. Typologie des enonces complexes en bambara : traits generaux N. QUINT. Coordination et parataxe en capverdien moderne P. BOYELDIEU. Logophorique et imminence/immediatete en yakoma P. ROULON-DOKO. Les marqueurs de discours en gbaya M. VANHOVE. Enonces hierarchises, converbes et prosodie en bedja S. RUELLAND. Parataxe et dependance en tupuri D. MORIN. Connexite lineaire et connexite configuree : l'exemple du joncteur oo en somali B. CARON. La structure enonciative des subordonnees conditionnelles E. OREAL. Les formes de la dependance entre syntaxe et enonciation : la solution egyptienne S. OSU. La nature de la relation entre propositions dans une construction de type parataxe en ikwere
Peeters Publishers La Chronique D'Apollodore Et Le Pseudo-Skymnos: Erudition Antiquaire Et Litterature Geographique Dans La Seconde Moitie Du IIe Siecle Av. J.-C.
On sait que la Chronique d'Apollodore d'Athenes, dont il ne reste que des fragments, a joue un role fondamental dans la tradition chronographique concernant les philosophes, les poetes, les prosateurs. A-t-elle ete importante egalement pour la transmission des dates de fondation des cites? Est-ce sur elle que s'est appuye l'auteur inconnu de l'ouvrage qu'on appelle la Periegese du Pseudo-Skymnos, lorsqu'il a voulu dater les ktiseis des cites du Pont-Euxin? Voila les questions qui ont ete a l'origine de cette recherche. Pour y repondre, il a fallu poser d'autres questions encore, et notamment: Quelle etait l'attitude du Ps.-Skymnos a l'egard de son contemporain Apollodore? Quelle etait sa maniere de travailler? Comment expliquer les ressemblances entre son expose et Ora maritima d'Avienus? Pourquoi, tout en pretendant decrire le monde du present, decrit-il en fait le monde de jadis? Quels etaient les aspects du passe envisages dans la Chronique d'Apollodore? Comment les informations y etaient-elles organisees? Quelle etait la place qu'y occupaient les fragments conserves par l'Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis? Cette recherche vise a eclairer le travail de deux intellectuels atheniens - d'un grand erudit et d'un litterateur mineur - du temps de l'effondrement politique du monde hellenistique. Elle entend aussi contribuer a l'etude de la chronographie grecque, a la geographie historique et a la critique du texte de plusieurs auteurs.
Peeters Publishers L'astrologie a Rome
L'astrologie a Rome se veut une synthese qui va bien au-dela des manifestations ou des pratiques immediatement percues comme predictives. Cette pseudo-science est presente a Rome, des l'epoque republicaine, a travers des practiciens systematiquement designes sous le terme de Chaldeens. Quand ces croyances arrivent a Rome, elles permettent a la Ville de servir de creuset a une osmose entre Orient et Occident. Quoique vilipendee, l'astrologie occupe, sous diverses formes, une place de plus en plus importante dans tous les domaines de la vie de la cite - intellectuel, culturel et politique. Rome n'a donc pas ete l'epigone passif d'un mode de pensee qui lui etait etranger, mais l'a, au contraire, parfaitement integre a sa propre culture pour le faire totalement sien.
Peeters Publishers Topologie Du Neant: Une Approche De L'ecole De Kyoto
Le philosophe japonais Nishida (1870-1945) et ses disciples de l'ecole de Kyoto, en elaborant une pensee situee a la croisee des cultures, ont ete persuades de repondre a une attente propre de leur epoque - une epoque marquee par l'europeanisation du globe et, singulierement, celle du Japon, depuis la politique d'occidentalisation systematique entamee par la restauration Meiji (1868). Afin de pouvoir faire face, en lui empruntant ses propres armes, a l'europeanisation heterogene et forcee que l'Occident faisait subir aux pays asiatiques, du fait de son expansion capitaliste et imperialiste, le Japon n'a pas seulement voulu apprendre les moyens de la puissance europeenne et americaine, afin de pouvoir resister a celles-ci, eviter l'assujettissement subi par la quasitotalite du continent asiatique et ainsi rester maitre de sa destinee, il a en outre voulu sortir de son isolement culturel, monter sur la scene de l'histoire mondiale, entrer dans la societe des nations que constituaient ensemble les puissances occidentales et, a partir de la, il a ambitionne de pouvoir participer a la logique universaliste dont ces nations se consideraient detentrices - a l'exclusion des civilisations non-occidentales formant chacune un monde ferme sur soi, et ignore du reste du monde. Nishida comprenait ainsi son oeuvre comme etant le produit ou l'expression, sur le plan intellectuel, de ce phenomene proprement nippon de l'occidentalisation consentie d'une portion du monde oriental afin d'entrer dans l'universalite en devenir de l'esprit occidental. Son effort devient ainsi emblematique de toutes les expressions culturelles non-occidentales qui, aujourd'hui, de maniere souvent hasardeuse, cherchent a leur tour a faire entendre leur voix au sein de ce meme concert.
Peeters Publishers Martyrium Polycarpi: Een Literair-kritische Studie
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Prééminence de YHWH ou autonomie du prophète: Étude comparative et critique des confessions de Jérémie dans le texte hébreu massorétique et la «Septante
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Isaïe 13,1-14,23 dans la tradition littéraire du livre d'Isaïe et dans la tradition des oracles contre les nations
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Preeminence de Yhwh Ou Autonomie Du Prophete: Etude Comparative Et Critique Des Confessions de Jeremie Dans Le Texte Hebreu Massoretique Et La 'Septante'
Brepols Publishers The Ghent Altarpiece
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Vases de pierre et de métal, vannerie, figurines et reliefs d'applique, éléments de parure et de décoration, armes, sceaux et empreintes: Fouilles exécutées à Mallia. Le Quartier Mu II
Ecole francaise d'Athenes La sculpture de Thasos. Corpus des reliefs I: Reliefs à thème divin
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Maine de Biran: Oeuvres IX Nouvelles Considerations Sur Les Rapports Du Physique Et Du Moral Textes Relatifs a la Physiologie Autour de 1820
Picador USA The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Oasis House Fire of Gods Love
Undena Publications,U.S. The Sam Languages
The Sam languages are spoken in the Eastern African countries of Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. They include Rendille, Boni and the various dialects of the Somali dialect cluster. The term "Sam" refers to a closely-knit unit of Cushitic languages within the Omo-Tana (formerly called " Somaloid" or Macro-Somali) branch of Lowland East Cushitic. The Sam-speaking people originate from the Ethiopian Highlands. During the last two millennia, it is claimed here, they took possession of the arid plains of northeastern Kenya, Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. In the present paper an attempt is made at reconstructing aspects of the history of the Sam languages.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Ramona Empieza El Curso
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Struggle for a Continent: The French and Indian Wars, 1689-1763
HarperCollins Publishers Morris the Moose
This classic story about a mixed-up moose is perfect for fans of Amelia Bedelia, Danny and the Dinosaur, and anyone who loves silly stories and fun word play.The cow, the deer, and the horse have four legs and a tail, just like Morris. But none of these animals is a moose! These different animals have one thing in common—their friendship. Morris the Moose is a Level One I Can Read, great for shared reading with a child, and especially wonderful for reluctant readers.
Books on Demand La Mortula Shipo: Historio de usona maristo
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Schwierige Kinder fördern und integrieren
Diogenes Verlag AG Die Brücke im Dschungel
Klett Sprachen GmbH La terre est ronde Buch mit AudioCD Niveau 2 A2
Klett Sprachen GmbH Un mundo lejano Buch mit AudioCD Nivel 2 A2
The History Press Ltd Well-Heeled: Public Benefit Boot Company
MI - New York University Fighting an Invisible Enemy The Story of the National Institute for Communicable Diseases
MQ - University of Nebraska Press The Evolution of Cyber War
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Outsourcing Security
MQ - University of Nebraska Press Gabby
MQ - University of Nebraska Press LongRange Goals
Sterling Publishing Co Inc AllAction Classics Dracula 1
John Wiley & Sons Inc Android Application Development All–in–One For Dummies, 3rd Edition
Conquer the world of Android app development Android has taken over the mobile and TV markets and become unstoppable! Android offers a vast stage for developers to serve millions—and rake in the profits—with diverse and wide-ranging app ideas. Whether you're a raw recruit or a veteran programmer, you can get in on the action and become a master of the Android programming universe with the new edition of Android Application Development For Dummies All-in-One. In addition to receiving guidance on mobile and TV development, you'll find overviews of native code, watch, car, Android wear, and other device development. This friendly, easy-to-follow book kicks off by offering a fundamental understanding of Android's major technical ideas, including functional programming techniques. It moves on to show you how to work effectively in Studio, program cool new features, and test your app to make sure it's ready to release to a waiting world. You'll also have an opportunity to brush up on your Kotlin and develop your marketing savvy. There are millions of potential customers out there, and you want to stand out from the crowd! Understand new features and enhancements Get development best-practices Know your Android hardware Access online materials With a market share like Android's, the stakes couldn't be higher. Android Application Development For Dummies All-in-One levels the field and gives you the tools you need to take on the world.
Watson-Guptill Publications Modeling the Head in Clay
Creative techniques step-by-step. This book offers the reader an opportunity to watch one of our foremost contemporary sculptors at work, to see not just highlights of the creative process, but every step from beginning to end.In order to recreate the immediacy of an actual workshop situation, Bruno Lucchesi takes a single life-size head through all the stages of roughing in, modeling, refining the surface, and finishing and texturing, so that the reader can see exactly how he positions and models every detail.
University of Toronto Press At the Mermaid Inn: Wilfred Campbell, Archibald Lampman, Duncan Campbell Scott in the Globe, 1892-93