Search results for ""ASSIMIL""
Assimil Le Swahili
A 504-page book with 100 lessons, 1 mp3 download with 1,884 files and 3 audio CDs lasting 2 hrs 40 min. Learn this gateway language that can introduce you to various cultures in East Africa! This method teaches standard Swahili. It is an extremely regular language, so you can go with the flow of the lessons imbued with local colours, and the many explanatory notes on culture! Available in this box set in CD format and as an mp3 download, the recordings include all the texts in Swahili for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. These progressively more challenging texts have been recorded by professional native speakers. Lively, useful dialogue. Carefully-constructed progression. Pronunciation using the recordings
ASSIMIL Le Luxembourgeois
Are you coming to work or live in Luxembourg? This updated language method is a practical, fast-track course to learn Luxembourger for all occasions in which its use will come in handy or make your visit pleasant. The dialogues present genuine situations in everyday life (job interviews, business lunches, conversations at daycare, the post office etc.). Along with exercises at the end of each chapter, they have been designed to progressively teach the main language skills. Each dialogue has been recorded and is available as audio streaming files using QR codes.
Assimil Perfectionnement Allemand
A 648-page book with 70 lessons, 4 audio CDs and 1 mp3 download with 2,016 files lasting 4 hrs 10 min. German remains one of the most commonly learned languages among French speakers and given its specific features, it generally requires more assiduous study than Romance languages. This course takes you up a level in syntax, mastering inflections and grammar, all the while enhancing your vocabulary. The recordings include all the texts in German for each lesson and the translation exercises from the book. They have been recorded by professional native speakers. Available in this box as 4 audio CDs and 1 mp3 download.
Assimil Perfectionnement Italien
A 672-page book with 70 lessons, 4 audio CDs and 1 mp3 download with 2,011 files lasting 4 hrs 35 min. Italian is a Romance language that does not present major difficulties, but it does have many subtleties, especially in its conjugation and idioms. This method allows you to acquire a definitive command of Italian. The recordings, presented in this boxed set as a mp3 download and on audio CDs, contain all the Italian texts of the lessons and translation exercises in the book. They are interpreted by professional native speakers. Audio is available in this box as 4 audio CDs and 1 mp3 download.
Assimil Espagnol Superpack Tel Perf
70 lessons 636 pp 4 audio CD, download code. An indispensable tool for improving your knowledge of the Spanish language, this method allows you to master grammar and syntax while immersing yourself in Hispanic culture through the 70 lessons offered. The recordings include all the Spanish texts of the lessons and the translation exercises of the book. They are interpreted by professional native speakers.
Assimil Superpack Tel Hebreu
85 lessons 636 pp 4 CD audio and download code. Today, Hebrew is spoken by approximately seven million people in Israel. It is one of the oldest languages of mankind and expresses both the most venerable and the most modern realities. This method gives you the opportunity to speak modern, lively Hebrew. You will also learn how to write Hebrew: step by step, you will be introduced to the secrets of this very special script until you master it. An intuitive learning process in 85 dialogues that include all the Hebrew texts of the lessons and translation exercises of the book. They are interpreted at a progressive pace by professional native speakers.
Assimil LE Coreen Book MP3
Text in French: L'audio désormais en téléchargement. Envie d'apprendre le coréen ou de vous y remettre? En nous suivant attentivement et régulièrement , vous allez apprendre en quelques mois le vocabulaire de la langue courante, ainsi que les règles fondamentales de la grammaire et de l'écriture. Très rapidement, cette belle langue vous semblera familière, grâce á la centaine de dialogues tirés de la vie quotidienne que nous vous présentons, dans ce coffret, en téléchargement. Les enregistrements reprennent lintégralité des textes en coréen des leçons et des exercices de traduction du livre. Ils sont interprétés, á un rythme progressif, par des locuteurs natifs professionnels. Des dialogues vivants. Une progression très étudiée. La prononciation grâce á laudio
Assimil LAllemand Book 4CD Audio
Assimil Perfectionnement Anglais mp3 USB
Text in French
Assimil Polski Brocheacute
1 CD MP3 lasting 2:20. The recordings show the full texts of Polish lessons and the book translation exercises They are performed at a gradual pace, by professional native speakers. The MP3 CD is used to load all or part of the records on your MP3 player and view texts simultaneously.
Assimil Cahier Écriture Coréen
A 128-page exercise book. This writing exercise book has been specially designed to help you learn to trace not only all 19 consonants and 21 vowels in the Hangul (Korean) alphabet, but also words and common expressions. Step by step, pen in hand, you can easily practise writing using the grids and exercises with answers available here. You can even learn to write your own name! Pronunciation indicators are given on each page, to help you progress even further. This work contains some fascinating anecdotes on Korean language and usage, which are bound to surprise you.
Assimil Apprendre L'allemand niveau A2
A 296-page book and a 90-min of audio streaming. Learning German has never been easier than with our new method, book and audio available on streaming platforms free of charge. Catering to real beginners in German who enjoy being on the move, it teaches the necessary skills in 30 very progressive lessons in the form of dialogue up to level A2, also known as "survival level". The dialogues, recorded by native speakers, have been designed specifically to meet a certain number of aims and address the basic notions. The first collection to base its pedagogy on the specifics of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages drawn up by the Council of Europe. The dialogues are available on most streaming platforms (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Soundcloud), so anyone can learn anywhere, on any media.
Assimil Coffret Espagnol débutants + faux débutants Collector
A collector version of our classic box set to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our series. This limited-edition box set comprises two highly practical yet playful exercise books to help learners as they progress from beginner to intermediate level. There are nearly 350 progressively challenging Spanish exercises designed as games, along with answers and self-assessment.
Assimil Apprendre le Japonais Niveau A2
A 296-page book and a 58-min of audio streaming. Learning Janapese has never been easier than with our new method, bbook and audio available on streaming platforms free of charge. Catering to real beginners in Japanese who enjoy being on the move, it teaches the necessary skills in about 30 very progressive lessons in the form of dialogue up to level A2, also known as "survival level" . The dialogues, recorded by native speakers, have been designed specifically to meet a certain number of aims and address the basic notions. The first collection to base its pedagogy on the specifics of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages drawn up by the Council of Europe. The dialogues are available on most streaming platforms (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Soundcloud), so anyone can learn anywhere, on any media.
Assimil J'ecoute, Je Joue & J'apprends L'anglais
A 96-page book. A highly illustrated introductory book for children aged 8 and over for a first introduction to English based on numerous games, lively dialogues, songs and many other surprises.
Assimil Apprendre L'Italien
Assimil Korean Collector's Notebook Set
Assimil 300 Tests De Neerlandais
A 300-page book. Want to test your Dutch? The multiple-choice questions are good fun and help you quickly assess your Spanish. This compact work is easy to slip in your bag when youre on the go. It contains 300 tests corresponding to level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 300 multiple-choice tests for beginners through to level A2. The vocabulary corresponding to the multiple-choice questions Self-assessment & answers.
Assimil Methode Frances Kids 13+
A box set comprising 1 textbook + 1 exercise book. FRANCES KIDS 13+ Work on all aspects of French with this all-French method for young students aged 13 and upwards. Recorded dialogues will help you make swift progress in oral comprehension. You can also improve your reading comprehension by rereading the dialogues in the textbook. Each episode features grammar explanations with examples. And you can practise what you learn in the exercise books, using the Check your Skills section to make sure youre learning properly. All the dialogues are available for online streaming and can be downloaded as well.
Assimil Methode French Kids 13+
A box set comprising 1 textbook + 1 exercise book. Work on all aspects of French with this all-French method for young students aged 13 and upwards. Recorded dialogues will help you make swift progress in oral comprehension. You can also improve your reading comprehension by rereading the dialogues in the textbook. Each episode features grammar explanations with examples. And you can practise what you learn in the exercise books, using the Petit bilan section to make sure youre learning properly. All the dialogues are available for online streaming and can be downloaded as well.
Assimil QCM 300 Tests D'Arabe, niveau A2
Assimil CHTI - débutants
Assimil Aprender Frances niveau debutants A2 1 Book CD mp3
Text in French: Apprendre le francais pour un lusophone na jamais ete aussi simple avec cette nouvelle methode, livre et audio accessible sur CD et plateformes de streaming gratuitement. Destinee aux grands debutants en francais amoureux de mobilite, elle permet, en 26 lecons tres progressives sous forme de dialogues, dacquerir les competences necessaires correspondant au niveau A2, dit - niveau de survie. Les dialogues, enregistres par des locuteurs natifs, ont ete concus specialement pour repondre a un certain nombre dobjectifs et pour aborder les notions essentielles. Pour la premiere fois une collection base sa pedagogie sur les specifications du Cadre Europeen Commun de Reference pour les Langues etabli par le Conseil de lEurope. Les dialogues sont accessibles sur le CD mp3 inclus, mais aussi sur la plupart des plateformes de streaming (Deezer, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Soundcloud), pour un apprentissage partout, pour tous, sur tous les supports. Destine aux debutants pour at
Assimil Le Swahili (Book Only)
Assimil Engels English
Assimil Japonais - debutants
Assimil Le Suedois
Assimil Le Hindi (Book Only)
Text in French: Voici une toute nouvelle méthode d'apprentissage du hindi. Le hindi , langue nationale, est de loin la plus parlée des langues indiennes, pratiquée dans toute l'Inde du Nord, ainsi qu'au Népal. Outre l'apprentissage de la langue parlée, cette méthode vous enseignera l'écriture nagari et vous donnera de nombreux renseignements concernant la civilisation indienne. Tout au long des 85 leçons, vous aqcuérez le vocabulaire de base indiepensable á la conversation quotidienne.
Assimil Coréen
Assimil Cahier d'écriture Japonais 2: Kana (2)-Kanji
Text in French: Ce cahier d'écriture, complément du "Japonais" volume 1 paru dans cette collection, a été conçu spécialement pour vous permettre de compléter votre apprentissage des kana et vous initier á l'écriture des kanji, ces caractères d'origine chinoise qui mêlent de façon indissociable forme, sens et son. Pas á pas, le crayon á la main, vous apprenez aisément l'écriture grâce aux grilles, aux pages lignées et aux exercices progressifs á la pédagogie très étudiée. Chaque apprentissage est enfin ponctué d'entraînements spécifiques sous forme de jeux, accompagnés de leurs corrigés.
Assimil Espagnol: Faux-débutants
Text in French: Ce cahier d'exercices très pratique et ludique a été conçu spécialement pour les faux-débutants en espagnol. Plus de 170 exercices sont proposés, accompagnés de leurs corrigés : ils prennent la forme de jeux de réflexion, de déduction, de repérage et de traduction. À la fin de chaque chapitre, vous pourrez également autoévaluer votre niveau de langue. Aucune dimension de la langue n'a été oubliée : la grammaire, l'orthographe, la syntaxe, la prononciation et même l'accentuation des mots !
Assimil LAllemand Pack CD livre4 CD audio
Follow us carefully and regularly, you will learn in a few months the vocabulary of everyday language, as well as the basic rules of grammar. Very quickly, this beautiful language will seem familiar, thanks to the hundreds of dialogues from everyday life that we present in this book.
Assimil Volume Ingles Americano 2017
Gracias a la cada vez mayor internacionalización de nuestra sociedad, de Internet e incluso la música, el inglés americano forma cada vez más parte de nuestra vida diaria. De ahí que cada vez sea más importante conocerlo y practicarlo. Este método te ayudará a adquirir un buen dominio del inglés tal y como se practica en el continente americano, con sus particularidades en su estructura y vocabulario. 1 libro de 105 lecciones en 624 páginas
Assimil Cahier d'écriture arabe - Les bases
Text in French: Ce cahier d'écriture a été spécialement conçu pour vous permettre d'apprendre á tracer chacune des lettres de l'alphabet arabe (28 consonnes et 6 voyelles en tout). Pas á pas, le crayon á la main, vous apprenez aisément l'écriture grâce aux grilles, aux pages lignées et aux exercices progressifs (des signes simples aux ligatures) á la pédagogie très étudiée. Chaque apprentissage est enfin ponctué d'entraînements spécifiques pour consolider vos acquis, accompagnés de leurs corrigés.
Assimil L'Anglais (4 Audio CDs)
Assimil Apprendre L'Espagnol A2 2023
Assimil Cahier d'écriture Thaï
Assimil Coffret conversation anglais guide 1 CD audio
A few days in London, a trip to Wales or a visit to the Highlands of Scotland ? The creator of the famous Assimil method has designed the essential companion for your weekend or stay in Britain.
Assimil LAnglais Pack Book 1 USB
Level: beginners, intermediate learners. A1-B2 English learning method. Latest edition of the English method Assimil bestselling collection Without Pain. An approach through dialogue, learning vocabulary, with grammar coming naturally. The very British humour in these 110 lessons facilitates mastery of the basics of this language today. NEW: THE USB PACK, all audio on a USB stick!
Assimil Il Romeno Superpack
Niveau : (A1-A2) Débutant & Faux-débutant > (B2) Intermédiaire Méthode d'apprentissage de roumain pour Italiens Le roumain appartient au groupe des langues romanes et compte environ 30 millions de locuteurs dans le monde. 100 leçons á suivre pour progresser jusqu'á maitriser l'expression orale de tous les jours. Hormis quelques spécificités d'écriture, il est facile d'étudier cette langue á travers des dialogues et des exercices quotidiens. Les leçons de révision permettent de structurer les particularités grammaticales ou syntaxiques auxquelles l'apprenant est confronté. Les enregistrements reprennent l'intégralité des textes en roumain des leçons et des exercices de traduction du livre. Ils sont interprétés par des locuteurs natifs professionnels. La clé USB permet de charger tout ou partie des enregistrements sur votre baladeur MP3
Assimil Animals Colors
64 Card Pack and a 16 page booklet. Assimemor is a new collection of games introduction to English for children 6 to 10 years. With this game of 'memory', it is to assemble cards in pairs and form simple sentences (usually a noun + adjective ). Playfully, handling units, the child remembers both cards and vocabulary.