Search results for ""science publishers""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Glass-Ceramics: Properties, Applications and Technology
Nova Science Publishers Inc Exploring Cities and Countries of the World: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt: A Study in the Origin of the Roman Empire
Nova Science Publishers Inc Essays in Political Anthropology: Reviewing the Essence of Capitalism
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 134
Nova Science Publishers Inc Colombia: Background, Issues and U.S. Relations
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Approach to Globalization from Different Perspectives
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Energy Research: Volume 30
Nova Science Publishers Inc Novel Systems and Applications in Clean Energy
Nova Science Publishers Inc Constitution: Overview, Issues and Interpretations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Alternative Energy Systems in Buildings
Nova Science Publishers Inc Solar Power Technology: Developments and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Higher Education: Goals and Considerations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Foreign Aid: Developments, Analyses and Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Future of Space Exploration: Implications for the Global and Private Sectors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Functional Neuroimaging Methods and Frontiers
Nova Science Publishers Inc Occurrences, Structure, Biosynthesis, and Health Benefits Based on Their Evidences of Medicinal Phytochemicals in Vegetables and Fruits: Volume 10
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in World Physics: Volume 296
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cultural Genomics and the Changing Dynamics of Cultural Identity: The Scholarly Bond of Archaeology, Genealogy, and Genomics
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Medicine and Biology: Volume 133
Nova Science Publishers Inc Origins and Evolution of Plants on the Earth and the Descendants of ANITA
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Lands: Background and Issues for Congress
Nova Science Publishers Inc Trade Issues: An Overview
Nova Science Publishers Inc Weapons Systems: Background and Issues for Congress
Nova Science Publishers Inc Womens Issues: Background, Legislative and Legal Developments
Nova Science Publishers Inc Single Variable Integral and Differential Calculus in a Nutshell with Elements of Critical Thinking
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 24
Nova Science Publishers Inc Keynesian Policies - A New Deal in the European Narrative: Employment, Equality and Sustainability
Nova Science Publishers Inc Drug Addiction, Trauma and Mental Illness: Interpretation and Intervention
Research and clinical experiences show that people engaging in drug addiction for some years usually embrace severe mental illnesses including schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Schizophrenia usually occurs in patients with prolonged use of amphetamine and hallucinogens. Borderline personality disorder commonly happens in female addicts who have experienced abandonment and childhood abuse. On the one hand, drug addiction can be used to cope with symptoms of severe mental illness. On the other hand, prolonged drug addiction can also induce severe mental illness. A close look into individuals with chronic drug addiction usually review that they encounter suffering, hardship and traumas. There are two types of traumas encountered by people with drug addiction. The first one is trauma before drug addiction and substance abuse. Many of them may have suffered through abuse, oppression and abandonment in their lives. Another one is drug led traumas because of psychosocial deprivation and medical problems induced by chronic addiction. In this book, apart from describing a comprehensive model in understanding and interpreting the complexity of trauma, mental illness and drug addiction, this model is applied and illustrated in clients with borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia, drug addiction and those who have experience different forms of trauma. Related psychosocial interventions are also thoroughly discussed.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Independent Component Analysis (ICA): Algorithms, Applications and Ambiguities
Nova Science Publishers Inc Analysis and Control of the Chaotic Behavior in a Multi-Cell DC/DC Buck Converter
Nova Science Publishers Inc Ion Implantation: Synthesis, Applications and Technology
Nova Science Publishers Inc Imperial Maladies: Literatures on Healthcare and Psychoanalysis in India
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Energy Policies of Turkey During the Erdogan Era: Facts and Lies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Endometrial Cancer: Risk Factors, Management and Prognosis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nanotechnology: Principles, Applications and Ethical Considerations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medicine and Humor from the Writings of Hans Sachs and Hans Folz, Meistersinger
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 23
Nova Science Publishers Inc Veterans: Benefits, Issues, Policies, and Programs -- Volume 6
Nova Science Publishers Inc Myosin: Biosynthesis, Classes and Function
Nova Science Publishers Inc Children's Issues and Challenges: CRS Reports from 2017 to 2018
Nova Science Publishers Inc Public Health Yearbook 2017
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nuclear Terrorism
Nova Science Publishers Inc Human Security: Social Support for the Health of the Aging Population Based On Geriatric Behavioral Neurology
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Book of the Popes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 22
Nova Science Publishers Inc Men of Invention and Industry