Search results for ""author keith""
University of Wales Press Industrial Politics and the 1926 Mining Lock-out: The Struggle for Dignity
The seven-month national mining lock-out of 1926 was one of the most important industrial disputes of the twentieth century. This work contributes to the social and political history of the industrial working class in 1926, drawing on fresh methodological perspectives relating to the study of labour.
Lexington Books Mindful Alignment: Foundations of Educator Flourishing
Mindful Alignment: Foundations of Educator Flourishing develops a foundation for educators to flourish by promoting self-awareness as a mindful approach to ongoing professional inquiry. It presents three mindful arts—the art of well-being; the art of positive relationships; and the art of living from strengths, passions, and purposes—detailing several practices that, when executed over time, can provide a focus for developing mindful alignment. The authors present an approach to personal, professional learning that encourages educators to slow down, create space to notice, and then nurture their intentions and actions toward fulfilling their purposes and passions, in order to grow a sense of flourishing at work and overcome the challenges presented by teaching in ever increasingly fast-paced, rapidly-changing, accountability-driven professional environments.
Cambridge University Press Labour Law
Labour Law offers a comprehensive and critical account of the subject by a team of prominent labour lawyers, and includes both collective labour rights and individual employment rights. By placing the law in its social, economic and political contexts, and showing how the law works in practice through case-studies, students will acquire not only a good knowledge of the law but also an appreciation of its importance and the complexity of the issues. Fully updated with recent developments in the field, the text's clear structure, logical chapter organisation, and uncluttered text design combine to make it a truly accessible way into the subject. Suitable for undergraduates and postgraduates studying UK Labour and Employment law, this book is a must-read for those wishing to excel in the field.
Napier Press AQA A Level Sociology: Book 2
This latest edition of the UK's number one best-selling introduction to sociology for 2nd year A level students is fully revised and updated to fit the AQA A level specification perfectly. Written by an outstanding author team, it provides everything students need for success in the second year of the course and in the A level exams. The contents are carefully mapped to the AQA A level specification, so you can be sure you are studying exactly what you need to. The book focuses on the key topics of Beliefs in Society, Crime and Deviance, and Theory and Methods to achieve the depth of coverage required for top grades. Clear headings and subheadings signpost and organise the content - particularly important for students new to the subject. The text is accessible to students of all abilities, with key concepts, methods and studies explained in straightforward language pitched at just the right level for second year A level students. The attractive, full-colour design and thought-provoking photos stimulate students' interest and engagement. There are realistic practice exam questions throughout the book, together with detailed guidance on tackling them, plus marked student answers with examiner's commentaries to show what is expected. A separate chapter on preparing for the exams gives detailed examiner's advice and provides practice exams for all three A level papers. Every Topic includes activities for individual and group work to check students' understanding and consolidate and deepen their learning. The book comes with a comprehensive, free online resource package, including free student workbooks, online activities and schemes of work. The authors are experienced chief and principal examiners, teachers and authors who have written extensively for AS and A level students and teachers. This book is the companion volume to AQA A Level Sociology Book One by the same authors.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Time Machine and Other Works
In these 'scientific romances' H. G. Wells sees the present reflected in the future and the future in the present. His aim is to provoke rather than predict. The Sleeper falls into a trance, waking up two centuries later as the richest man in a world of new technologies, power-greedy leaders, sensual elites, and brutalised industrial slaves. Arriving in the year 802,701, the Time-Traveller finds that humanity has evolved into two drastically different species; going farther still, he witnesses the ultimate fate of the solar system. The Chronic Argonauts, the original version of The Time Machine, pits a scientist with daring views of time and space against superstitious villagers. In all three works Wells laces vivid adventure stories with the latest ideas in biology and physics.
University of New Mexico Press Breath and Smoke: Tobacco Use among the Maya
From Classical antiquity to the present, tobacco has existed as a potent ritual substance. Tobacco use among the Maya straddles a recreational/ritual/medicinal nexus that can be difficult for Western Audiences to understand. To best characterize the pervasive substance, this volume assembles scholars from a variety of disciplines and specialties to discuss tobacco in modern and ancient contexts. The chapters utilize research from archaeology, ethnography, mythic narrative, and chemical science from the eighth through the twenty-first centuries.Breath and Smoke explores the uses of tobacco among the Maya of Central America, revealing tobacco as a key topic in pre-Columbian art, iconography, and hieroglyphics. By assessing and considering myths, imagery, hieroglyphic texts, and material goods, as well as modern practices and their somatic effects, this volume brings the Mayan world of the past into greater focus and sheds light on the practices of today.
Houghton Mifflin Sometimes/algunas Veces
Kehrer Verlag Pigeon Hill: Then + Now
Guilford Publications The Therapeutic Relationship in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: A Clinician's Guide
From leading cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) experts, this book describes ways to tailor empirically supported relationship factors that can strengthen collaboration, empiricism, and Socratic dialogue and improve outcomes. In an accessible style, it provides practical clinical recommendations accompanied by rich case examples and self-reflection exercises. The book shows how to use a strong case conceptualization to decide when to target relationship issues, what specific strategies to use (for example, expressing empathy or requesting client feedback), and how to navigate the therapist's own emotional responses in session. Special topics include enhancing the therapeutic relationship with couples, families, groups, and children and adolescents. Reproducible worksheets can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Crossway Books ESV Church History Study Bible: Voices from the Past, Wisdom for the Present (TruTone, Brown/Walnut, Timeless Design)
The ESV Church History Study Bible is designed to help believers in all seasons of life understand the Bible—featuring 20,000 study notes from church history’s most prominent figures.
Bloomberg Press Complete Family Wealth: Wealth as Well-Being
John Wiley & Sons Inc Implementation of Large-Scale Education Assessments
Presents a comprehensive treatment of issues related to the inception, design, implementation and reporting of large-scale education assessments. In recent years many countries have decided to become involved in international educational assessments to allow them to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of their student populations. Assessments such as the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the IEA's Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) have provided opportunities for comparison between students of different countries on a common international scale. This book is designed to give researchers, policy makers and practitioners a well-grounded knowledge in the design, implementation, analysis and reporting of international assessments. Readers will be able to gain a more detailed insight into the scientific principles employed in such studies allowing them to make better use of the results. The book will also give readers an understanding of the resources needed to undertake and improve the design of educational assessments in their own countries and regions. Implementation of Large-Scale Education Assessments: Brings together the editors’ extensive experience in creating, designing, implementing, analysing and reporting results on a wide range of assessments. Emphasizes methods for implementing international studies of student achievement and obtaining highquality data from cognitive tests and contextual questionnaires. Discusses the methods of sampling, weighting, and variance estimation that are commonly encountered in international large-scale assessments. Provides direction and stimulus for improving global educational assessment and student learning Is written by experts in the field, with an international perspective. Survey researchers, market researchers and practitioners engaged in comparative projects will all benefit from the unparalleled breadth of knowledge and experience in large-scale educational assessments gathered in this one volume.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Human Economy
The global financial crisis has renewed concern about whether capitalist markets are the best way of organizing economic life. Would it not be better if we were to treat the economy as something made and remade by people themselves, rather than as an impersonal machine? The object of a human economy is the reproduction of human beings and of whatever sustains life in general. Such an economy would express human variety in its local particulars as well as the interests of all humanity. The editors have assembled here a citizen’s guide to building a human economy. This project is not a dream but is part of a collective effort that began a decade ago at the first World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and has gathered pace ever since. Over thirty original essays address topics that range from globalization, community participation and microcredit to corporate social responsibility and alternative energy. Each offers a critical guide to further reading. The Human Economy builds on decades of engaged research to bring a new economic vision to general readers and a comprehensive guide for all students of the contemporary world.
University of Washington Press Spy Satellites and Other Intelligence Technologies that Changed History
Much has been said and written about the failure of U.S. intelligence to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and its overestimation of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction under Saddam Hussein. This book focuses instead on the central role that intelligence-collection systems play in promoting arms control and disarmament. Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr. and Keith Hansen bring more than fifty combined years of experience to this discussion of the capabilities of technical systems, which are primarily based in space. Their history of the rapid advancement of surveillance technology is a window into a dramatic reconceptualization of Cold War strategies and policy planning. Graham and Hansen focus on the intelligence successes against Soviet strategic nuclear forces and the quality of the intelligence that has made possible accurate assessments of WMD programs in North Korea, Iran, and Libya. Their important insights shed a much-needed light on the process of verifying how the world harnesses the proliferation of nuclear arms and the continual drive for advancements in technology.
University of Toronto Press Orality and Literacy: Reflections across Disciplines
Orality and Literacy investigates the interactions of the oral and the literate through close studies of particular cultures at specific historical moments. Rejecting the 'great-divide' theory of orality and literacy as separate and opposite to one another, the contributors posit that whatever meanings the two concepts have are products of their ever-changing relationships to one another. Through topics as diverse as Aboriginal Canadian societies, Ukrainian-Canadian narratives, and communities in ancient Greece, Medieval Europe, and twentieth-century Asia, these cross-disciplinary essays reveal the powerful ways in which cultural assumptions, such as those about truth, disclosure, performance, privacy, and ethics, can affect a society's uses of and approaches to both the written and the oral. The fresh perspectives in Orality and Literacy reinvigorate the subject, illuminating complex interrelationships rather than relying on universal generalizations about how literacy and orality function.
Boom! Studios Hero Squared Vol. 3: Love and Death
Little Simon The Foolish Tortoise
Rutgers University Press Fredric Jameson and Film Theory: Marxism, Allegory, and Geopolitics in World Cinema
Frederic Jameson and Film Theory is the first collection of its kind, it assesses and critically responds to Fredric Jameson’s remarkable contribution to film theory. The essays assembled explore key Jamesonian concepts—such as totality, national allegory, geopolitics, globalization, representation, and pastiche—and his historical schema of realism, modernism, and postmodernism, considering, in both cases, how these can be applied, revised, expanded and challenged within film studies. Featuring essays by leading and emerging voices in the field, the volume probes the contours and complexities of neoliberal capitalism across the globe and explores world cinema's situation within these forces by deploying and adapting Jamesonian concepts, and placing them in dialogue with other theoretical paradigms. The result is an innovative and rigorously analytical effort that offers a range of Marxist-inspired approaches towards cinemas from Asia, Latin America, Europe, and North America in the spirit of Jameson's famous rallying cry: 'always historicize!'.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Functionally Graded Materials 2000
Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) has served as a unifying theme for interdisciplinary research for more than a decade. The biannual International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials has provided a forum for research on materials with spatial variation in microstructures or chemistries and have brought together a small, but richly interactive, community of FGM researchers from university, industry, and government labs all around the world. This new volume brings to readers current advancements and information on the topic of Functionally Graded Materials. More than 150 researchers from 20 different countries came together in Estes Park, Colorado for FGM 2000 to bring this information to the rest of the research world. FGM continues to be a vigorous topic stimulating new materials research, and this proceedings will keep you informed of all the latest developments in this area. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, September 10-14, 2000; Ceramics Transactions, Volume 114.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Understanding Emotions
Keith Oatley and Jennifer M. Jenkins’s best-selling book on the psychology of emotions is the most highly regarded and engaging text for the emotions course. While retaining its interdisciplinary breadth, historical insights, and engaging format, this new edition adds the expertise of outstanding researcher and dedicated teacher Dacher Keltner. The second edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest research and developments in emotions and includes the following features: Cohesive synthesis of evolutionary and cultural approaches to emotion New chapters on communication of emotion, bodily changes, and appraisal Increased emphasis on interpersonal implications of emotions, including studies of newly discovered expressions and systems of communication New coverage on moral judgment, individual differences, gene-environment interactions, and positive emotions New coverage of subjective well-being and pro-social emotions like gratitude and compassion Updated references throughout reflect current research and data, including research on affective neuroscience A new design and pedagogical features include new integrated boxes that depict historical landmarks and historical figures, updated tables, boldfaced terms, and end-of-chapter summaries. An Instructor's Manual with lecture notes and teaching tips is available upon request. Please visit
Edinburgh University Press The Lyotard Reader and Guide
The first comprehensive anthology of Jean-Francois Lyotard's writings together with a critical guide. The Lyotard Reader and Guide is designed as a one-stop companion to his thought. It covers the full range of Lyotard's work, from beginning to end, through his three main books (Discours, figure, Libidinal Economy and The Differend) and up to his influential essays in The Inhuman and Postmodern Fables. The readings are organised in sections on philosophy, politics, art and literature for ease of use. Detailed introductions to each section explain Lyotard's key ideas and raise criticisms, providing a clear critical introduction to Lyotard and his works. As a sourcebook and guide the book will be indispensable for the subjects touched by Lyotard's ground-breaking conceptual innovations and ideas, notably, philosophy, critical theory, literature, art and politics. Key features *The most up-to-date and comprehensive volume available *Includes the most important as well as less well known texts and newly translated work *Carefully selected and presented by leading Lyotard scholars *Broad coverage in sections covering Philosophy, Literature, Politics and Art *Full explanatory introductions to each section as well as a General Introduction provide a critical guide to Lyotard's work
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Human Emotions: A Reader
Human Emotions: A Reader brings together a collection of articles which give an approach to the fast-growing field of empirical and theoretical research on emotions. The volume includes classic writings from Darwin, James and Freud chosen to show their current significance, together with articles from contemporary research literature. The articles give a broad coverage of the subject and include selections from cross-cultural, biological, social, developmental and clinical areas of study. Human Emotions: A Reader begins with an overall introduction to both the volume and subject area by the Editors. Each of the six sections of the book, and each article are introduced, contextualizing and relating these articles to comparable research. The volume is organized to correspond with the structure and coverage of Understanding Emotions written by Keith Oatley and Jennifer M. Jenkins (also published by Blackwell). It can also be used independently allowing instructors to teach courses on emotions with their own emphases, and giving students access to a range of primary source material in this thought provoking field.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intellectual Property, Growth and Trade
In recent years intellectual property rights (IPR) took on major significance as an element of global trade regulation. The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) obliges member countries to protect patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. This mandate has great impact in developing nations, which had generally weaker IPR standards prior to TRIPS and subsequent agreements. This emerging international regime for protecting IPR raises thorny questions about how the new rules of the game might affect fundamental economic processes, including innovation, trade and economic development. The governments of many developing countries see the new regime as excessively protectionist and an impediment to their development prospects. They perceive potential problems with abusive monopoly practices, high costs for new medicines, and limited access to scientific and educational materials. Indeed, it is ironic that during a time of significant global liberalization of trade and investment barriers, the IPR system may be raising restrictions on access to the very technology flows that could substantiate the gains from greater trading opportunities. However, expansion of the global IPR regime also bears potential for economic gains. It is possible that the new system will encourage additional investments in R&D and innovation. The ongoing internationalization of commercial R&D could be accelerated. Such investments might increasingly meet the medical, agricultural, and educational needs of people in poor countries. The regime could also improve the mechanisms under which new information goods are transferred across borders, expanding the possibilities for fruitful diffusion of technologies. The implications of these reforms will be far-reaching, complex and hard to predict. It is possible, for example, that stronger patents will simply redistribute incomes across nations, generating significant winners and losers without much overall innovation gains. It is also possible that R&D investments could become more concentrated among the developed and newly industrialized economies but bypass the poorer locations. Ultimately, all such questions need close theoretical and empirical scrutiny. In this volume several economists who are closely involved in such analysis offer comprehensive and analytical literature surveys of the central questions regarding the linkages between intellectual property protection, international trade and investment, and economic growth. The authors range widely over their particular areas of inquiry. At the international level the contributions cover such questions as policy coordination in IPR, dispute resolution, markets for technology and technology transfer, international innovation, parallel trade, and economic development. On the regulatory side there are thoughtful reviews of the legal foundations of IPR, knowledge creation and the public domain, networks and standards, competition policy, access to essential medicines, and agricultural research. The contributions are aimed primarily at economists, who will find ambitious and up-to-date treatments of the most central areas of IPR and globalization. The chapters analyze recent literature, discuss shortcomings and key findings, and indicate where additional research is urgently needed. However, scholars of other disciplines, particularly in law, political science, and international relations, will find much of interest as well. The literature reviews also constitute a valuable resource for students in all these fields who wish to learn more about the economics of international IPR. This book brings together fresh insights from top economists. It considers various aspects of IPRs in the global economy from analytical and empirical perspectives. Areas covered include information technology, trade, investment, agriculture, medicine, firm behavior, and development.
Elsevier Health Sciences Neale's Disorders of the Foot and Ankle
Now in its 9th edition and fully updated to reflect 21st century podiatric practice Neale's Disorders of the Foot and Ankle continues to be essential reading for students entering the profession, qualified podiatrists and other health care professionals interested in the foot. Written by a renowned team of expert editors and international contributors it gives up-to-date, evidence-based content of the highest quality. Podiatric students should find everything they need within its covers to pass their exams, whilst qualified clinicians will find it a useful reference during their daily practice. All the common conditions encountered in day-to-day podiatric practice are reviewed and their diagnoses and management described along with areas of related therapeutics. Fully illustrated in colour throughout including over 500 photographs and illustrations. Complete coverage of podiatric conditions, including Circulatory Disorders, Rheumatic Diseases, Imaging, Foot Orthoses, Pediatric Podiatry, Podiatric Sports Medicine, Podiatric Surgery, Leprosy and Tropical Medicine. Brand new chapters covering key topics including Complimentary and Integrated Medicine, Forensic and Legal Medicine, Evidence Based Practice in Podiatry and Pharmacology & Therapeutics.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. The Heart of Zen: Enlightenment, Emotional Maturity, and What It Really Takes for Spiritual Liberation
Scribo Puzzles Publishing Limited 2024 366 Croesair Cymraeg-Saesneg Un Bob Dydd / One-a-Day Welsh-English Crosswords
Oro Editions LA+ Journal: Simulation: Interdisciplinary Journal of Landscape Architecture
Our epoch has been dubbed the Anthropocene Era to mark the significance of human activities as the greatest force of environmental change. The distinctions between biology/technology, organic/synthetic, and natural/artificial are increasingly impossible to maintain. Cloned sheep, climate models, digitally-printed tissue and lab-grown meat this is not the nature of our predecessors. This issue of LA+ addresses the theme of SIMULATION in terms of how recent technologies have changed how we understand the nature of nature. From Plato's Cave to Baudrillard's "Simulacrum," simulations were historically understood as counterfeits or facsimiles and were based on the distinction between a model and its copy. Simulations remain central to mediations between reality and its representation; however, the latest forms of simulation - whether genetic manipulation or computer modelling - are not seen as impediments to truth and knowledge but as tools to uncover the complexities of nature.A diverse list of contributors critically investigates the theme through a myriad of lenses including biology, computer sciences, engineering, environmental science, industrial design, philosophy, and planning, among other fields. LA+ Simulation is guest-edited by Karen M'Closkey and Keith VanDerSys.
Heyday Books Hansen's Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada
Delight in the Sierra Nevada’s diverse avifauna with this long-awaited field guide.Identify and learn about over two hundred and fifty birds of the Sierra Nevada. From tiniest hummingbirds to condors with nine-foot wingspans; from lower-elevation wrens to the rasping nutcrackers of the High Sierra; from urban House Sparrows to wild water–loving American Dippers, Hansen’s Field Guide to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada showcases artist-naturalist Keith Hansen’s sixteen-year project to illustrate the birds of the Sierra Nevada. Paired with stunningly detailed portraits is text informed by decades of birding experience—prose that while firmly grounded in expertise will nonetheless delight readers with its whimsy, allusion, and affection. Take the Bufflehead: "A diminutive and endearing diving duck," which moves "with spirited abandon." Or the "scrappy and antagonistic" Merlin, "holding dominion over winter skies, tormenting eagles, hawks, and vultures alike." The White-tailed Kite is "angelic in poise, a streamlined bird of unblemished tailoring"; the Blue-gray Gnatcatcher sports a black eye-to-eye brow, imparting a "Frida Kahlo–like stare." This book is the field guide companion to the Birds of the Sierra Nevada: Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution, also coauthored by Edward C. Beedy and illustrated by Keith Hansen (University of California Press, 2013).
Cengage Learning, Inc Great Writing 1: Student's Book
The new edition of the Great Writing series provides clear explanations, extensive models of academic writing and practice to help learners write great sentences, paragraphs, and essays. With expanded vocabulary instruction, sentence-level practice, and National Geographic content to spark ideas, students have the tools they need to become confident writers. Updated in this Edition: Clearly organized units offer the practice students need to become effective independent writers. Each unit includes: Part 1: Elements of Great Writing teaches the fundamentals of organized writing, accurate grammar, and precise mechanics. Part 2: Building Better Vocabulary provides practice with carefully-selected, level-appropriate academic words. Part 3: Building Better Sentences helps writers develop longer and more complex sentences. Part 4: Writing activities allow students to apply what they have learned by guiding them through writing, editing, and revising. Part 5: New Test Prep section gives a test-taking tip and timed task to prepare for high-stakes standardized tests, including IELTs and TOEFL. The new guided online writing activity takes students through the entire writing process with clear models for reference each step of the way.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Island of Doctor Moreau and Other Stories
With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Emily Alder, Lecturer in Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University 'Each time I dip a living creature into the bath of burning pain, I say: this time I will burn out all the animal, this time I will make a rational creature of my own!' declares Doctor Moreau to hapless narrator Edward Prendick. Moreau's highly controversial methods and ambitions conflict with the religious, moral and scientific norms of his day and Wells later called The Island of Doctor Moreau 'a youthful exercise in blasphemy'. Today his vivid depictions of the Beast People still strike modern readers with an uncanny glimpse of the animal in the human, while the behaviour of humans leave us wondering who is the most monstrous after all. This volume unites four of Wells' liveliest and most engaging tales of the strange evolution and behaviour of animals - including human beings. The Island of Doctor Moreau is followed by three fantastic yet chillingly plausible short stories of human-animal encounters. The Empire of the Ants is a darkly humorous account of intelligent Amazonian ants threatening to displace humans as 'the lords of the future and masters of the earth'. In The Sea Raiders, the south coast of England is terrorized by an unwelcome visit from deep-sea predator Haploteuthis ferox, while Æpyornis Island provides a marooned egg collector with an unusual companion.
Guilford Publications Stress Management for Teachers: A Proactive Guide
Ideal for use in teacher workshops, this book provides vital coping and problem-solving skills for managing the everyday stresses of the classroom. Specific strategies help teachers at any grade level gain awareness of the ways they respond in stressful situations and improve their overall well-being and effectiveness. Each chapter offers efficient tools for individuals, as well as group exercises. Teachers’ stories are woven throughout. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes 45 self-monitoring forms, worksheets, and other handouts. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Stanford University Press What’s Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question
It has become increasingly clear in recent years that, for all their differences, the many varieties of thinking commonly grouped together under the rubric of “postmodernism” share at least one salient characteristic: they all depend upon a stereotyped account of the Enlightenment. Postmodernity requires a “modernity” to be repudiated and superseded, and the tenets of this modernity have invariably been identified with the so-called Enlightenment Project. This volume aims to explore critically the now conventional opposition between Enlightenment and Postmodernity and question some of the conclusions drawn from it. In so doing, the authors focus on three general areas. Part I, “Enlightenment or Postmodernity?”, reflects on the way in which contemporary discussion characterizes the two movements as radical alternatives. Part II, “Critical Confrontations,” provides a kind of archaeology of this opposition by charting a series of critical engagements by those who have affirmed or demeaned Enlightenment values in the twentieth century. Part III, “A Postmodern Enlightenment?”, complicates the perceived dichotomy between Enlightenment and Postmodernity by pointing to the existence within the Enlightenment of elements frequently seen as characteristic of Postmodernity. The contributors are Lorraine Daston, Dena Goodman, David Hollinger, Lawrence E. Klein, Jonathan Knudsen, Michael Meranze, Richard Rorty, Hans Sluga, and Johnson Kent Wright.
The University of Michigan Press Speaking for Academic Purposes: Introduction to EAP
Speaking for Academic Purposes< is an Introduction to English for Academic Purposes in speaking skills. The exercises practice an array of important academic speaking strategies, including tips for impromptu speaking and making presentations, and also reinforces vocabulary. Each unit includes activities based on the types of speaking situations that students will encounter in academic settings—including pair work, group discussions, and debates. Toward this end, six video scenes (available on the companion website) model student behavior and incorporate key worth and phrases typically used when working in groups.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Beef Cattle
The most complete text and reference on contemporary beef cattle production available. New edition merges current production technology with management and flexible marketing. Text organization reflects the industry: cow-calf (including purebred herds), stocker or growing phase, and the feedlot or finishing phase. Explains scientific basis of beef production. Describes proven management techniques for efficient production.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Regression and ANOVA: An Integrated Approach Using SAS Software
The information contained in this book has served as the basis for a graduate-level biostatistics class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The book focuses in the General Linear Model (GLM) theory, stated in matrix terms, which provides a more compact, clear, and unified presentation of regression of ANOVA than do traditional sums of squares and scalar equations. The book contains a balanced treatment of regression and ANOVA yet is very compact. Reflecting current computational practice, most sums of squares formulas and associated theory, especially in ANOVA, are not included. The text contains almost no proofs, despite the presence of a large number of basic theoretical results. Many numerical examples are provided, and include both the SAS code and equivalent mathematical representation needed to produce the outputs that are presented. All exercises involve only "real" data, collected in the course of scientific research. The book is divided into sections covering the following topics: * Basic Theory * Multiple Regression * Model Building and Evaluation * ANOVA * ANCOVA
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistical Pattern Recognition
Statistical pattern recognition relates to the use of statistical techniques for analysing data measurements in order to extract information and make justified decisions. It is a very active area of study and research, which has seen many advances in recent years. Applications such as data mining, web searching, multimedia data retrieval, face recognition, and cursive handwriting recognition, all require robust and efficient pattern recognition techniques. This third edition provides an introduction to statistical pattern theory and techniques, with material drawn from a wide range of fields, including the areas of engineering, statistics, computer science and the social sciences. The book has been updated to cover new methods and applications, and includes a wide range of techniques such as Bayesian methods, neural networks, support vector machines, feature selection and feature reduction techniques.Technical descriptions and motivations are provided, and the techniques are illustrated using real examples. Statistical Pattern Recognition, 3rd Edition: Provides a self-contained introduction to statistical pattern recognition. Includes new material presenting the analysis of complex networks. Introduces readers to methods for Bayesian density estimation. Presents descriptions of new applications in biometrics, security, finance and condition monitoring. Provides descriptions and guidance for implementing techniques, which will be invaluable to software engineers and developers seeking to develop real applications Describes mathematically the range of statistical pattern recognition techniques. Presents a variety of exercises including more extensive computer projects. The in-depth technical descriptions make the book suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students in statistics, computer science and engineering. Statistical Pattern Recognition is also an excellent reference source for technical professionals. Chapters have been arranged to facilitate implementation of the techniques by software engineers and developers in non-statistical engineering fields.
University of Texas Press In the Maw of the Earth Monster: Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use
As portals to the supernatural realm that creates and animates the universe, caves have always been held sacred by the peoples of Mesoamerica. From ancient times to the present, Mesoamericans have made pilgrimages to caves for ceremonies ranging from rituals of passage to petitions for rain and a plentiful harvest. So important were caves to the pre-Hispanic peoples that they are mentioned in Maya hieroglyphic writing and portrayed in the Central Mexican and Oaxacan pictorial codices. Many ancient settlements were located in proximity to caves.This volume gathers papers from twenty prominent Mesoamerican archaeologists, linguists, and ethnographers to present a state-of-the-art survey of ritual cave use in Mesoamerica from Pre-Columbian times to the present. Organized geographically, the book examines cave use in Central Mexico, Oaxaca, and the Maya region. Some reports present detailed site studies, while others offer new theoretical understandings of cave rituals. As a whole, the collection validates cave study as the cutting edge of scientific investigation of indigenous ritual and belief. It confirms that the indigenous religious system of Mesoamerica was and still is much more terrestrially focused that has been generally appreciated.
Indiana University Press Louis Johnson and the Arming of America: The Roosevelt and Truman Years
"Without question this is an important new addition to World War II and Cold War historiography. . . . Highly recommended." —Douglas Brinkley, author of Dean Acheson: The Cold War Years and The Unfinished Presidency: Jimmy Carter's Journey beyond the White House"A remarkably objective, yet sympathetic, study of Louis Johnson's life and career. Now only half-remembered, . . . Johnson was a major national figure. Colorful, aggressive, independent-minded, egotistical, his strong views and conflicts with Dean Acheson proved to be his undoing. All in all, a fascinating tale." —James R. Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense"McFarland and Roll have performed a real service in rescuing from obscurity this Democratic mover and shaker. Their account of the rise and fall of Louis Johnson provides us with the fullest depiction yet of an important Washington figure employed for better or worse as a blunt instrument of policy change by both Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman." —Alonzo L. Hamby, author of Man of the People: A Life of Harry S. Truman and For the Survival of Democracy: Franklin Roosevelt and the World Crisis of the 1930s"[Johnson's] career is a cautionary tale of how even the most ruthlessly effective men can become pawns in the Washington power game. McFarland and Roll bring Johnson to life in this thorough and well-told history." —Evan Thomas, Newsweek, author of Robert Kennedy: His Life and The Very Best Men: The Early Years of the CIALouis Johnson was FDR's Assistant Secretary of War and the architect of the industrial mobilization plans that put the nation on a war footing prior to its entry into World War II. Later, as Truman's Secretary of Defense, Johnson was given the difficult job of unifying the armed forces and carrying out Truman's orders to dramatically reduce defense expenditures. In both administrations, he was asked to confront and carry out extremely unpopular initiatives—massive undertakings that each president believed were vital to the nation's security and economic welfare. Johnson's conflicts with Henry Morganthau, Secretary of War Harry H. Woodring, Winston Churchill, Harry Hopkins, Dean Acheson, Averell Harriman, and Paul Nitze find contemporary parallels in the recent disagreements between the national defense establishment and the State Department.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Offshore Wind Energy in the U.S.: Development Strategy & Resources
The Francis Frith Collection Around Cheam: Including Sutton, Ewell, Banstead and Epsom Photographic Memories
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Raptor Research and Management Techniques
Pelican Publishing Company Clovis Crawfish and His Friends Sixtieth-Anniversary Edition
Pearson Education (US) Workbook for Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene
Emergency Medical Responder: First on Scene will help you think like an emergency medical responder and prepare for a career or voluntary service in the field. It provides clear, first responder-level training for fire service, emergency, law enforcement, military, civil and industrial personnel. The leader in the field, the text is based on the new National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards for Emergency Medical Responders. It includes the 2017 Focused Updates from the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid. The 11th Edition has been fully updated. This revised edition covers new topics recently introduced into emergency medical responder programs.