Search results for ""Emerald Publishing Limited""
Emerald Publishing Limited Kardashian Kulture: How Celebrities Changed Life in the 21st Century
Kardashian Kulture uses the royal family of celebrity culture to scrutinize wider understandings of 21st century life. Examining the worlds of business, politics, technology and entertainment, Ellis Cashmore shows how fundamental changes to the way we live have been prompted by celebrities. Examining today's celebrity-obsessed culture through the lives of a host of household names, including the Kardashians themselves, this book shows how celebrities have impacted on the wider culture from the birth of consumerism, the civil rights movements of the 1960s, and the growth of narcissism in the 1970s, to the rise of the paparazzi, reality television and the impact of social media, which has removed the barrier between celebrities and fans and led to the erosion of personal privacy. Celebrities are creations rather than people and ultimately, Cashmore argues, Kardashian Kulture is a product of our own making. Whether you regard celebrities as a witless bunch of overpaid show-offs or the conveyors of the zeitgeist is a matter of judgement and taste, the impact of the Kardashians and their kind is undeniable.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Development of Socialism, Social Democracy and Communism: Historical, Political and Socioeconomic Perspectives
This book examines how socioeconomic and institutional factors shaped the development of Socialism and its two contending variants of Social Democracy and Communism, investigating why each of these factions enjoyed varying levels of popularity in different societies between 1840 and 1945. It places a special focus on a number of factors including: inequality; industrialization; urbanization; political freedoms; literacy and education; national sentiments; ethnic fractionalization and other cultural factors. This important study offers a detailed and thorough analysis combining theory, empirical data and a number of important case studies reflecting the different dimensions of Socialism. It offers perspectives on the strength or lack thereof of Social Democracy and Communism during this period across a number of countries, including, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Britain, France, the United States, China, Mexico and many more. The work’s multi-faceted approach provides a rich and thorough analysis of Socialism during this period with new and valuable insights stemming from its unique combination of historic analysis, political theory and institutional economics.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership and Public Sector Reform in Asia
Present day knowledge about public sector reforms in Asia is quite scattered and seldom focuses on the challenges of leadership. This edited collection seeks to address this issue by presenting country cases that reflect the great diversity of the region. Home to roughly one-third of the world’s population, Asia-Pacific governments typically play leading roles in social and economic development, yet by measures of expenditures or civil servants per capita, most are among the smaller ones in the world. These regimes include democracies, one-party states and unstable systems; there is a broad range of cultural legacies including Confucian, Buddhist, and Western, and vastly different levels of economic development; the region includes some of the very least corrupt countries and those with high corruption levels; it includes the world’s most populous country, as well as some of the smallest. Public sector reforms are very relevant to these countries and their leaders. In Asia, a strong government is invaluable and public sector reforms are relevant to helping modern states meet their goals and performance. This collection explores what is known about these reforms with an eye towards helping leaders responsible for reforms. Clearly, there is very large variation; some Asia-Pacific countries are leading in public sector reforms, while others are not, and this book also seeks to further our understanding what leaders might need to do to be successful.
Emerald Publishing Limited Custard, Culverts and Cake: Academics on Life in The Archers
Leading scholars combine their love of The Archers with their specialist subjects, in Custard, Culverts and Cake - a sometimes serious, but most often wry look at the people of Ambridge. A group of Archers Academics take on subjects such as food, geography, social media, faith. There is, naturally, an entire section dedicated to the Helen and Rob storyline. With contributions from members of the Academic Archers network, the book blurs the line between fact and fiction - The Archers as a BBC soap opera, and Ambridge as a real place in a county called Borsetshire. Each chapter is ‘peer reviewed’ by a different Ambridge inhabitant. Custard, Culverts and Cake gives the reader a deeper understanding of the real life issues covered in the programme, an insight into the residents of Ambridge, and validation that hours of listening to The Archers is, in fact, academic research.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotion in the Library Workplace
Emotions are prevalent in the library workplace leading to many questions and areas of analysis worth exploring. For example, what tools for developing emotional intelligence are used effectively in library workplaces? How can emotional labor be managed to minimize the negative effects of emotion work? How can library employees express authentic emotions while still adhering to service expectations? How does dispositional affect how one experiences emotions - influence relationships in the workplace? What role does emotion play in effective as well as ideal library leadership and management? In this volume, we consider how emotions or related concepts such as affect, mood, or discrete feelings intersect with library administration. Offering eleven chapters ranging through inward reflection to outward practice, fourteen authors explore how theory has been applied in the study of emotion in the library workplace and provide a look at future trends in the area. Library managers will take away increased knowledge about how the library workplace can and should operate with consideration toward emotion, and will glean ideas for implementation with their own staff and services.
Emerald Publishing Limited Power, Politics, and Political Skill in Job Stress
The objective of this series is to promote theory and research in the increasingly growing area of occupational stress, health and well being, and in the process, to bring together and showcase the work of the best researchers and theorists who contribute to this area. As you know, questions of work stress span many disciplines and many specialized journals. Our goal is to provide a multidisciplinary and international collection that gives a thorough and critical assessment of knowledge, and major gaps in knowledge, on occupational stress and well being. Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being is focused on power, politics and influence. It has been widely accepted that power, politics and influence are pervasive within most social entities, including work organizations. However, research on the role of social influence in the stress process is still needed. This volume will focus on the connections between social influence processes, broadly defined (e.g., power, politics, political skill and influence), and employee stress, health, and well-being.
Emerald Publishing Limited Living Alone, Living Together: Two Essays on the Use of Housing
This book, from social theorist Peter King, considers how a dwelling can protect and promote both our anxieties and our relationships. Dwelling magnifies our anxieties and allows us to reject the world, yet it is also what we need to form long and lasting relationships. The first essay considers the one truly private space we have: inside our heads. This is the most intimate place we have, yet we are singularly unable to control it or even to know it. This leads to a discussion on anxiety and depression and how the solitude offered by private space – the head and the home – allows for anxiety to take over an individual. But it is also suggested that it is only through the privacy of a dwelling, and the intimacies that can develop here, that anxiety can be assuaged. The second essay is based on the premise that our relationships come out of our private dwelling. We need the protected intimacy, the inclusion and exclusion of private dwelling in order to flourish and to grow, and if we are to live together in a fully committed manner we depend on this enclosed and excluding space. Peter King builds up a new picture of dwelling from first principles. Both essays use a non-traditional literature to explore being alone and being with others, rather than relying on the social science literature, and offer a distinct and original contribution to the housing studies literature. Peter King is a writer and thinker on housing. He is currently Reader in Social Thought at De Montfort University.
Emerald Publishing Limited Homicide and Violent Crime
This volume of Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance addresses a variety of issues and concerns involved with the study of violent crime and homicide in the contemporary world. The chapters are conceived against the background of the enduring nature of violence and killing in the modern age, despite trends towards increased levels of civilization and the protection of rights. Whilst it is clear that the world of today is, in many respects, a better place, violence and homicide remain and even increase from time to time and from place to place. Each chapter tackles key questions of how and why these problematic forms of behaviour continue to exist. Specifically, chapters examine the killing of children, responses to domestic abuse, female killers, incidents of racial and religious violence, the dynamics of violence on college campuses, the role of police and state institutions in relation to violence, and global aspects of violence and murder. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in criminology, sociology, criminal justice, and public policy.
Emerald Publishing Limited Refugee Education: Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society
This volume examines how universities and colleges are working towards implementing various interventions to integrate refugees along with non-governmental organizations and local governments to achieve an optimal level of integration with host communities. The first part of the volume addresses the challenges of educating and integrating refugee populations, while the second part considers methods for establishing support systems. Using case studies and other empirical research, this volume presents a broad and in-depth overview of the various methods implemented to integrate the refugees into society. The international case studies reveal the complexity of the perception-practice dynamic and the multi-faceted factors that influence various levels of integration.
Emerald Publishing Limited International Aspects of Organizational Ethics in Educational Systems
While previous research in educational administration has focused on how to combat students' tardiness, absenteeism, and disciplinary problems, only a few studies have focused on teachers' withdrawal behaviors, such as absenteeism and the intent to leave. This book takes a unique organizational approach towards understanding the concept of ethics in educational systems. It provides a global perspective and connects theory and praxis through team-based simulations, case studies and scenarios. It also allows researchers, educators and teachers, and educational leaders and administrators around the world to understand how they can develop an ethical culture in their schools. This understanding can encourage the development and assimilation of a code of ethics for teachers and educators and the creation of a policy of intervention that can help to minimize teachers' withdrawal behaviors. In this way, the author presents an integrative approach towards creating a positive learning environment for teachers and students.
Emerald Publishing Limited Riding the Innovation Wave: Learning to Create Value from Ideas
Innovation matters – being able to create value from ideas is crucial to survival and growth. But while any organization might get lucky once being able to repeat the trick requires learning and developing particular ways of working which enable the process. Over a hundred years of research and practical experience now provides a knowledge base from which we can draw to help develop such approaches. But how do we move from prescription to implementation? And how does the innovation challenge play out over the lifetime of an organization? How does it renew its capability to innovate and do so against a background of dramatically changing markets, technologies and social trends? This book draws on a detailed history of a large German company (HELLA ), now active in over 35 countries, employing 34,000 people. It didn't start out that way, it began as an entrepreneurial start-up in the late 19th century in the (then) uncertain early days of the car industry. It moved from selling whips and other buggy accessories for horse-drawn carriages to horns and lamps for the new-fangled motor cars beginning to appear on the roads of north-western Germany. The journey since then has been one of innovation – in products and processes, in entering new markets, in adding services to its products, and in changing its underlying business models. Survival for over a hundred years is not an accident – it has been built on learning how to innovate and on constantly challenging and updating those models.
Emerald Publishing Limited Putting the Genie Back: Solving the Climate and Energy Dilemma
On November 4th 2016 the Paris Agreement entered into force. The warming of the climate system, first recognized over a century ago, has become one of the key political and social issues of our time. Some still deny it is happening, others are incensed by the slow pace of change, while most are left confused and uncertain not just by the science, but by the panoply of solutions put forward by politicians, business people, academics and activists. At its most ambitious, the Paris Agreement implies a transition within the global energy system such that carbon dioxide emissions fall rapidly from 40 billion tonnes per annum in 2016, to net-zero by the middle of the century. Yet our fossil fuel based energy system which ushered in the Industrial Revolution nearly 200 years ago continues to grow and evolve even as new sources of energy come into the market and compete. The principal economic instrument for change is clear and has been for over two decades, but in 2017 only a fraction of the global economy actively employs government led carbon pricing policies and within that only a handful of systems operate at a level commensurate with the pace and scale of change that is necessary. As deployment of new energy technologies accelerates, can solutions be found to cover the full range of services delivered by fossil fuels and can warming be limited to the agreed global goals? Putting the Genie Back explores the climate issue from its very beginnings through to the end of end of the 21st Century and looks in depth at the transition challenge we collectively face.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Role of Microfinance in Women's Empowerment: A Comparative Study of Rural & Urban Groups in India
While the important topic of women’s empowerment through microfinance has been the subject of academic and practitioner interest, Ramchandani examines these issues from brand-new perspectives. This new work focuses on the Self-Help Group (SHG) model, an under-studied aspect of microfinance practice, and looks at both rural communicates and urban slums. Ramchandani presents recent empirical work from India including first-hand field-level case studies, where microfinance plays a key development role in reducing poverty, addressing women’s empowerment, and fostering rural economic growth.
Emerald Publishing Limited Addressing Diversity in Literacy Instruction
This book presents recent research related to how issues of diversity are addressed within literacy instruction for K-12 learners. Over the last decade, issues of diversity have promulgated within the field of literacy. Recent revisions to teacher education standards call for new approaches to professional development to ensure that educators are positioned to view and utilize diversity as an advantage within their classrooms and notions of what constitutes diversity are expanding. As the population of learners continues to diversify, literacy teachers must be equipped with knowledge of who their learners are and how to effectively build upon their individual experiences, lifestyles, and ways of seeing the world. A systematic change is needed and this volume is directed at advancing research within the intersectionality between literacy and diversity to contribute towards this important mission. This volume features prominent literacy researchers sharing their evidence-based successes that are founded upon longstanding and newfound theoretical frameworks. It is suitable for both educators in K-12 and university classroom contexts for teachers, administrators, graduate students, and professors alike.
Emerald Publishing Limited Designing Creative Organizations: Tools, Processes and Practice
Designing Creative Organizations is one of the first books to cover ways to organize creativity, innovation and business model development in a way that provides a seamless transition from an idea generated through team brainstorming to a business solution. It provides systematic ways to design new business models, and how to choose technologies to support them. By defining agility as continuous business model innovation, the book describes how organizations can become agile in an increasingly complex and disruptive world. Drawing on current developments, the book examines both large and medium-sized organizations successfully creating a design-centric culture to encourage innovation in their products and in the ways that they engage with clients. Design-centric culture is seen here as one where people throughout the business ask the question: ‘how do I design my business to make things work better’, rather than ‘how do I use the existing system to do something’. This book will be of value to all those who are designing business systems in volatile environments and for students and researchers of innovation, design thinking, business model design and product development.
Emerald Publishing Limited Human Capital and Health Behavior
Human capital is embodied in human beings. It embraces the individual’s capacity to perform and enjoy activities that provide money and/or psychic income. Health behaviour affects human capital and is itself affected by the individual’s human capital. This volume consists of original theoretical and empirical contributions to our knowledge of the interdependence between Human Capital and Health Behaviour.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bad to Good: Achieving High Quality and Impact in Your Research
For decades, scholars have bemoaned the low relevancy and impact of most research in the leading journals in business, management, and marketing. The majority of the research that gets published, perhaps 70% of it, hardly has any measurable scholarly impact in terms of citations. Rather than low relevancy, ‘Bad to Good’ posits that the deeper issue is the pervasive use of bad research practices appearing in most articles in almost all ranked journals in the sub-disciplines of business. With the objective of reducing the high volume of bad practices in research in finance, management and marketing, the book offers tools for improving theory construction and empirical testing of theory especially by early-to-mid scholars. ‘Bad to Good’ covers 24 common bad practices, explaining why they are bad and how to replace them with good practices. Arch Woodside is a leading voice on how to improve business research. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Journal of Business Research’ (JBR) for forty years. In 2016 the JBR ranked first among the top-twenty journals in marketing in the h-5 index (an impact metric) and seventh among the strategic management sub-discipline.
Emerald Publishing Limited Instructional Practices with and without Empirical Validity
It is important that stakeholders are aware of practices supported as effective for students with learning and behavioral disabilities in order to provide instruction that results in improved learner outcomes. Perhaps equally important, stakeholders should also know which practices have been shown by research to be ineffective (e.g., have no, small, or inconsistent effects on learner outcomes). Special education has a long history of using practices that, though appealing in some ways, have little or no positive impact on learner outcomes. In order to bridge the gap between research and practice, educators must be aware of which practices work (and prioritize their use) and which do not (and avoid their use). In this volume, each chapter describes two practices one supported as effective by research and one shown by research to be ineffective in critical areas of education for students with learning and behavioral disabilities. Chapter authors will provide readers guidance in how to do this for each effective practices and provide concrete reasons to not do this for each ineffective practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Racially and Ethnically Diverse Women Leading Education: A World View
This book's primary focus is on racially and ethnically diverse women in educational leadership. Each chapter is written from a unique conceptual or empirical lens as shared by international female leaders. Of particular interest to readers is the ingenious pairing of contributors for optimum scholarship, whereby the majority of chapters are co-authored by at least one male in a leadership role who shares in the crusade for social, cultural, political, and economic gender and racial equality for effective leadership that works. The general content is framed by but not limited to theoretical frameworks such as Black / Feminist Thought, Critical Race Theory, and Leadership for Social Justice. The chapters range from a critical examination of global society and cross-cultural collaboration, to the intersection of race, law, and power. Each chapter illuminates the lives and experiences of racially and ethnically diverse women in leadership positions in a diverse range of educational settings and contexts.
Emerald Publishing Limited Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to Enhance Student Outcomes
Integrating Curricular and Co-Curricular Endeavors to Enhance Student Outcomes reports on a variety of innovative approaches taken in universities in a number of nations of their experience in bringing together learning in courses with learning in co- and extracurricular activities. Topics range from study abroad programs to service-learning. Also covered are community-based learning, cross-disciplinary collaborations, and peer-mentoring. This volume will introduce you to research and many interesting contexts, such as the U.S. Naval Academy, where promoting ethical leadership to cadets has been an important focus. Frame-breaking approaches, such as having university business students and circus performers collaborate, are explained within the context of the literature. The leveraging of Somali immigrant education programs for student learning is a stimulating activity that is also covered. Another inventive issue explored is the reformatting of traditional co-curricular transcripts to reflect a wider indication and measure of students' skills and abilities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Perspectives on Libraries as Institutions of Human Rights and Social Justice
Academic, public, school, and special libraries are all institutions of human rights and social justice, with an increasingly apparent commitment to equality, to ethical principles based on rights and justice, and to programs that meet needs related to human rights and social justice. Key topics at the intersection of information, human rights, social justice, and technology include information access and literacy, digital inclusion, education, and social services, among many others. Edited by Ursula Gorham, Natalie Greene Taylor, and Paul T. Jaeger, this volume is devoted to the ideals, activities, and programs in libraries that protect human rights and promote social justice. With contributions from researchers, educators, and practitioners from a range of fields, this book is an important resource for library professionals in all types of libraries, a reference for researchers and educators about all types of libraries, and an introduction to those in other fields about the contributions of libraries to human rights and social justice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociology of Sport: A Global Subdiscipline in Review
The Sociology of Sport has grown since its inception in the late 1950s and has become robust, and diverse. Many countries now boast strong scholars in the field and this volume reflects the fascinating research being done. This innovative volume is dedicated to a review of the state of the area by region, and country in some cases. For instance, Latin America is expanding widely in the field, and Korea and Japan have had vibrant Sociology of Sport communities for some time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership Lessons from Compelling Contexts
Research into leadership often focuses on standard business organizations. We know little about these proposed models apply to leadership in other contexts, such as the military, sports, film and television industries or religious organizations. Here, we deliberately reverse the idea of investigating how standard models fit into non-standard contexts; we want to know what leadership lessons can be drawn from compelling yet understudied contexts. Research and theory from four types of contexts are presented: Those characterized by high levels of competition, such as sport, those in which the generation of innovation and creativity is crucial e.g. film and television, high-risk contexts such as the military and aviation, and those where fostering the well-being of others is at the core. To summarize, as much as we can learn about leadership from standard business organizations and apply it to unusual contexts, the same applies the other way round: Idiosyncrasies of compelling contexts teach us fundamental lessons about leadership which are also applicable to other settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Financial Management for Small and Medium Sized Companies
Research shows the majority of small businesses fail in their early years due to poor financial management, turning the dreams of many business owners and novice entrepreneurs into nightmares. This book serves as a guide to prevent these financial disasters. In an applicable fashion, Karadag explains how financial management in an enterprise can be conducted strategically to attain significant improvement in business performance. Karadag takes the basic strategic management model of environmental scanning-planning-implementing-feedback as a framework, and approaches the core financial practices and instruments as elements of strategic financial management, which any small or medium sized enterprise can use as tools for sustainable organizational performance and growth. With its unique strategic outlook, this text is a vital reference for nonfinancier small or medium sized enterprise owners and individuals who aim to successfully establish and run their own businesses.
Emerald Publishing Limited Grand Transformation to Entrepreneurial Economy: Exploring the Void
We are now entering a new entrepreneurial economy, as we have shifted away from an industrial economy. This sharing economy has created a new paradigm of aggregation of individuals. It is around these communities organized into categories (workers, employees, executives, entrepreneurs, professionals) that the legislation takes shape. If public policy intends to give voice to the sharing communities, then it needs to enact pro-entrepreneurship policies, and move away from policies that cater to the old industrial economy. This can be done by facilitating experiments and studies of entrepreneurial ventures and start-ups. There is no work at the crossroads of economics and entrepreneurship such as this. Formica explains why public policy now needs to shift towards the entrepreneurial economy, and how this can be done. Employing illustrative examples, this book focuses on the crucial role of policies to support entrepreneurs and establish the right environment for new business development and rapid conversion of ideas into enterprises that contribute to booming economic growth and prosperity.
Emerald Publishing Limited Innovation Strategy for Enterprises in Emerging Economies: Case Studies for the Digital Age
For a company to grow it needs to generate more margin of profit. It can generate more profit if it provides more value to customers. For this, it needs to put more value in each of the value activities. Agrawal, Satpathy, and Mohapatra demonstrate how a firm can use innovation at all levels (strategic, functional and operational) to provide benefits to the entire value chain. Particularly in developing economies, there is a need for business alignment with innovation strategy and execution of strategies, and this book explains these to the readers through real-word examples and case studies, taking the environment into consideration and concentrating on not just growth but sustainable growth.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Ethical Contribution of Organizations to Society
Organizations promote all sorts of activities. Indeed it is difficult to think of any activity today that is not reliant on an organization. This volume of Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations contains two kinds of papers. First, papers that discuss what an organization provides to society, whether it be fast food, hypermarkets, education, training, supply chains or hamburgers, and an explanation of the ethical aspects of that particular contribution. Second, the ethics of the consumer's response in society to what an organization provides, be that the buying or boycotting of products, social approval or social condemnation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emerging Directions in Doctoral Education
This volume examines how universities and colleges around the world are developing innovative ways to provide doctoral education, including new theories and models of doctoral education and the impact of changes in government and/or accreditation policy on practices in doctoral education. Specifically, this volume looks at the emerging trends in student selection practices, research topic selection, supervision practices, and dissertation review and approval process across a range of disciplines across different institutional types across different countries. Seeking to understand the current landscape of how universities are preparing the next generation of researchers, scholars, scientists, and university faculty, Emerging Directions in Doctoral Education is a must-read for faculty, researchers, accreditation agencies, doctoral students and policymakers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
These ten chapters explore sequential aspects of the M & A process, from the pre-combination phase, to issues that should be taken into account when considering a merger or acquisition, to post-merger integration concerning the determinants of acquisition performance.
Emerald Publishing Limited Video Reflection in Literacy Teacher Education and Development: Lessons from Research and Practice
Within the field of education there is a growing body of research focused on the use of video as a mediational tool for reflection. The purpose of this volume is to bring together research and research-based practices from wide array of literacy scholars and practitioners who are using video in educational research and/or teaching and for the purposes of reflection. This volume will recruit authors internationally to provide a cutting edge treatment of video reflection as pertaining to literacy education. We seek educators including individuals involved with: teacher education, professional development, classroom teaching, evaluation, literacy practicums, centers and clinics or other educational settings. Inter-disciplinary chapters (e.g., science and literacy, the arts and literacy) are also welcome.
Emerald Publishing Limited Working with Teachers and Other Support Staff for Inclusive Education
Support staff in schools are increasingly recognised as playing an important, though often undefined, role in inclusive education. While there has been some research on how best to work with support staff, this book provides readers with a comprehensive examination of roles and responsibilities within the classroom. Issues in determining appropriate ways to work effectively with support staff are raised, along with strategies teachers can use to enhance the collaborative and reflective nature of working with others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sociological Studies of Children and Youth
The volume is organized in two parts. Following the Introduction, six chapters make up Part One, 'Empirical Studies'. Two quantitative analyses lead off: first an examination of residential mobility, peer networks and life-course transitions; second, a look at adolescents' participation in a particular social movement. Two ethnographic studies follow - here the foci are 'Zero Tolerance' school discipline policies, and female athletes' construction of femininity. A comparative content analysis of teen magazine advice columns, and a qualitative study of construction of 'adoptive family' identities, round out Part One. Three chapters constitute Part Two, 'Innovations in Theory and Research Methods'.The first offers an analysis of two films that explore childrens' struggle for agency and control. The next chapter develops a typology of children's participation in social movements, employing fascinating first-person narrative accounts. The final chapter demonstrates the unique ability of group interviews to capture processes through which adolescents accomplish group talk, develop shared perspectives, and construct gender identities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Genre Theory in Information Studies
"Studies in Information" publishes monographs on critical issues in the information society. The book series is concerned with all aspects of information; its nature, politics, institutions, usages, and technologies, and it presents research from a wide range of disciplinary traditions. Previously published as Library and Information Science, it is a fully peer-reviewed and high impact outlet for research in the field of information. This new volume, edited by Jack Andersen, is the first to be published under the new series name Studies in Information. The book highlights the important role genre theory plays within information studies. It illustrates how modern genre studies inform and enrich the study of information, and conversely how the study of information makes its own independent contributions to the study of genre. Various original contributions scrutinize core aspects of information and knowledge organization, such as information systems and distributed authorship; personal information management; and records management in organizations, all through the lens of genre.
Emerald Publishing Limited Exploring Rural Enterprise: New Perspectives on Research, Policy & Practice
This fourth volume in the Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research series edited by Colette Henry and Gerard McElwee draws together contemporary research contributions that critically explore a range of issues relating to rural enterprise. The chapters in this volume consider the various iterations of rural enterprise noting the underpinning synergy of the rural context but exploring the diversity of how this is articulated. Within this overarching theme, the volume contributors explore topics ranging across issues relating to networks, social exclusion, communities and gender. Research is presented from a range of different countries, including the UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, New Zealand, and Africa. The various studies use conceptual frameworks that underpin generic entrepreneurial theory and practice but recognise that their articulation within the rural environment acts as a particular lens to offer a novel perspective upon these issues. In offering their insightful critique, Henry & McElwee draw attention to the critical nature of rurality and its impact on entrepreneurship, thus furthering understanding in this area.
Emerald Publishing Limited Intersectionality and Social Change
Volume 37 explores the question, what can the emerging discipline of intersectionality studies contribute to our quest to understand and analyze social movements, conflict and change? This collection is part of a continued broadening and deepening of the theoretical contributions of intersectional analysis in understanding social structures and human practices. It lends analytical eye to questions of how race, class, and gender shape strategy and experience in social change processes. It also stretches to include thinking about how analysis of age, religion, or sexual identity can influence the model. The papers contribute to our growing understanding of ways to use the social power analysis unique to the intersectional lens to offer new perspectives on well-researched questions such as group identity development in conflict, coalition organizing, and movement resonance. Through the intersectional lens questions often ignored and populations traditionally marginalized become the heart of the analysis. Additionally, the volume also considers how surveillance and information sharing shape the complex relationship between democratic freedoms and hegemonic governmental systems.
Emerald Publishing Limited Case Study Evaluation: Past, Present and Future Challenges
In today's world, with its preoccupation with impact assessments and results-based management, program evaluation is all too often framed as an affirmation of an official narrative rather than as a source of alternatives. The power of case study is its insistence on opening up rather than suppressing the complexity of social programs, on documenting multiple voices and exploring contested viewpoints. In this way, case study resists the trend towards evaluations that simply focus on 'what works', that reduce the complexity of social life to a single narrative, and to formulations that strip out most of what matters. Now more than ever, as government policies and programs orientate to global economic crisis and its impact on the lives of citizens and communities, we require evaluations that resist information loss and produce richness.
Emerald Publishing Limited Theory and Method in Higher Education Research II
Higher education research is a developing field internationally, attracting more and more researchers from a great variety of disciplinary backgrounds within and beyond higher education institutions. As such, it is an arena within which a wide range of theories, methods and methodologies are being applied. As an expanding multidisciplinary area of interest, we may also expect increased development of theory and method. This is the second volume in this series dedicated to Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. Publishing contemporary contributions to international debates regarding the application and development of theory and methodology in researching higher education, this volume aims to offer a channel for discussion, critique and innovation. It should become essential reading for the growing numbers of researchers engaging with higher education across the globe.
Emerald Publishing Limited Emotions and the Organizational Fabric
Emotion in an organization is much more than a phenomenon experienced solely by its members - it is a deeply embedded component of the organizational fabric. Consistent with this idea, chapters in this volume deal with emotion at all levels of organizing: at the individual level, expressed in interpersonal exchanges and in groups, and across the organization as a whole. They represent a selection of papers from the Eighth International Conference on Emotion in Organizations, held in July 2012 in Helsinki, Finland; plus a selection of invited chapters. Chapters thus represent cutting-edge articles by leading and emerging scholars of emotion in organizations from around the world. Specific topics include creation of positively deviant business-to-business services, leader effectiveness and emotions in crisis situations, gender and role conflict among managers, developing shared wellbeing in communal settings, the nature of emotional labor across levels, managing workplace aggression, building customer passion, developing mindfulness, emergence of expectations, emotionalizing institutional theory, bullying as a form of institutional control, and how employees project competence.
Emerald Publishing Limited Building Resilient Urban Communities
"How do urban communities in Asian cities experience the impacts of urbanisation and climate change? This book throws light on the ongoing processes of rapid urban transformation in many cities in developing countries, with particular reference to cities such as Chennai in India. Due to increasing demands on infrastructures and urban services, cities in developing countries are often pushed to the edge of collapse even when not in times of disaster. While such cities try to implement measures to safeguard the well-being of their citizens, looming impacts of climate change such as increasingly frequent and intense natural hazards pose new and additional challenges to their urban communities. This book connects critical issues relating to the general functioning of cities with climate-related disasters with the concept of resilience. Furthermore, this research takes a pro-solution stance, and demonstrates that individuals can form collective power to deliver added value before, during and after a disaster. The concept of resilience is applied to determine whether an urban community would be affected or damaged during a climate-related disaster, and to what extent."
Emerald Publishing Limited Gendered Perspectives on Conflict and Violence
A global discourse regarding gender and violence is emerging as feminists, media experts, and social scientists consider the place of gender in episodic acts and chronic conditions of violence. The chapters in this two-part volume offer understandings of the relationship between violence and gender from the global to the domestic level. In Part B, authors trace the history of feminist antiviolence efforts, theorize the reproduction of symbolic gender violence, and show how violence might be re-conceptualized in comparative and intersectional perspective. They show how historical, cultural and religious elements contribute to or complicate violence, how development efforts can backfire, and how actions and techniques applied by governments and NGOs can reduce or exacerbate violence. Substantive topics addressed are as varied as masculinity in U.S. prisons, child abuse in Israel, neo-Nazism in Germany and religious nationalism in India. Much of the research was done on the ground through participant observation, interaction in affected communities and interviews with change agents directly involved. Each of the chapters has theoretical as well as policy or social implications.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sport, Social Development and Peace
In recent years, sport has attracted considerable attention as an effective means of combating such local and global issues as war and conflict, poverty, ethnic reconciliation, and gender conflicts. Sport has been shown to be an effective tool or triggering device compared to the other development sectors, especially when donors can apply grassroots activities to the development contexts in thoughtful and continuing ways. This book fills the gap in this critical topic- that will only grow more important as governments, sport and national organizations direct more funds towards forms of play, PE and sport in the hope that these will represent one way of coalescing communities and assist development and peace. This volume is part of the early serious and systematic inquiry into this issue. In addition to showcasing some of the most recognized names in the research subfield of Sociology of Sport, the book draws upon an international roster of global contributors. The empirical focus of the chapters spans from Africa to Asia. Further, these chapters represent three groups - theory and philosophy, empirical research in actual 'on-the-ground' case studies, and those using circumspection and care to construct cases regarding measurement and evaluation.
Emerald Publishing Limited New Directions in Children's and Adolescents' Information Behavior Research
The results of decades of research shows that children and adolescents encounter challenges and obstacles in searching for information and retrieving relevant results, and have difficulty interpreting results within various information environments. However, a recent paradigm shift points to the changed information behavior of the new generation of users; children and adolescents born after the advent of the Web. Technologically savvy, they skim and surf for information, multi-task, search collaboratively, and share information on social networks. This book comprises innovative research on the information behavior of various age groups and special populations. It provides studies and reflections on designing systems that help the new generation cope with a complex knowledge society. In addition to information scholars, this book will also be of interest to information professionals, librarians, educators, Web designers, and human-computer interaction researchers.
Emerald Publishing Limited Practical and Theoretical Implications of Successfully Doing Difference in Organizations
Organizations need not sacrifice workplace diversity in the quest for positive global reputation and profit. On the contrary, attention to social identity "difference" in the workplace drives organizations in deep, far reaching and measurable ways. Practical and Theoretical Implications of Successfully Doing Difference in Organizations critically interrogates power and meanings of ""difference,"" suggests avenues for building theory about ""difference,"" and offers reasons why real commitment to diversity is needed; an endeavor that requires conscious and sustained effort. Donnalyn Pompper has spent over a decade teaching, researching, and publishing about social identity dimensions in the workplace and in media representations. She offers a multidisciplinary approach to considering social identity intersectionalities at work. This is a core stand-alone book for organizational communication, business/management, research methods, classes of advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as a font of practical advice for organizations' managers. User-friendly chapters include applied sidebars, key term definitions, and questions for critical thinking and personal reflection.
Emerald Publishing Limited Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2014
The goal of the ARCIE volume is to examine current perspectives and future directions for the field using several essays as a context for discussion and analysis. Contributed Volume chapters begin by addressing the questions and themes discussed in these essays which will include: the use of new conceptual or methodological frameworks; the role of CIE in teacher education and higher education; the emergence of new area studies, and diversification of the field to include human rights, multicultural and social education, environmental education, education for sustainable development, arts education, and special education, among others. The format of ARCIE pieces entails an analytic overview of published work in the field, noting key issues and future directions. It provides an important and well-cited international forum for the discussion of matters of comparative and international education theory, policy and practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Leadership and Cultural Webs in Organisations: Weavers' Tales
The call for a change of culture is commonplace in corporate and governmental settings. What this means and how to go about it have proved to be elusive challenges for the field of organisation and leadership studies. This work brings insights from the field of anthropology to illuminate these questions and proposes a fresh approach to working with them. Interweaving ideas from the fields of Social Construction, Anthropology and Complex Responsive Processes with examples of cultural change drawn from across the spectrum of organisational life, this book offers a compelling perspective on how to work with these powerful yet hidden forces. The author combines 35 years of experience as a consultant with the rigour of business academia. With a capacity to bring clarity to complex issues, the author identifies a range of practical and strategic options for those leaders, managers and consultants looking to promote cultural change. Building on the metaphor of cultures as 'webs of signification', McLean considers how cultural webs form, how they change, and shows how to reveal the unique forms that they take in different organisational settings.
Emerald Publishing Limited A Research Annual
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology is an annual research series which presents materials in two fields, both broadly considered: the history of economic thought and the methodology of economics. The annual A-volume contains peer-reviewed articles comparable to other academic journals in the history of economics, except that long pieces are welcome. The A-volume also publishes symposia, and review essays on new works in the history of economic thought, methodology and related fields (philosophy of science, sociology of science, rhetoric of science, and intellectual history), including multiple reviews of the same work. The annual B- volume are archival supplements that present previously unpublished materials -- lecture notes, papers, longer manuscripts, correspondence, etc.- of interest in both fields addressed in the A-vol.
Emerald Publishing Limited Music and Law
This volume deals with various social-science perspectives on law and legal control pertaining to music in a variety of contexts. Under influence of important recent social developments, especially in the realm of communications technology, the world of music has been changing very rapidly and profoundly these past decades. As a result, the world of music, especially popular music, has been subject to a range of new legal issues. This volume brings together some 15 scholars to contribute their respective chapters on the socio-legal aspects involved in music as a social reality. The chapters address various pertinent questions from the perspective of socio-legal studies, sociology of law, jurisprudence, and related social and behavioral sciences. The issues addressed can range from matters of formal law and legislation to law-related behavior, deviance, and informal normative structures and processes that have a relevance to music, whether in a contemporary or historical setting. Thematically diverse within the province of the social and behavioral sciences related to law, the chapters in this volume are not restricted in terms of theoretical approach and methodological orientation.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutional Logics in Action
The Institutional Logics Perspective is one of the fastest growing new theoretical areas in organization studies (Thornton, Ocasio & Lounsbury, 2012). Building on early efforts by Friedland & Alford (1991) to bring society back in to the study of organizational dynamics, this new scholarly domain has revived institutional analysis by embracing a