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John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Marketing
University of Nebraska Press The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1884–1886: Volume 2
Recipient of the Approved Edition seal from the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions This second volume of The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1884–1886 contains 156 letters, of which 111 are published for the first time, written from December 24, 1885, to December 31, 1886. These letters mark Henry James’s ongoing efforts to care for his sister, develop his work, strengthen his professional status, build friendships, engage timely political and economic issues, and maximize his income. James details work on his midcareer novel The Princess Casamassima and announces plans for The Tragic Muse. This volume opens with James’s engagement with friends in Britain and France and concludes with his arrival in Italy for a six-month visit.
University of Toronto Press The Appeal of Insurance
Tacoma Art Museum What Is a Trade?: Donald Fels and Signboard Painters of South India
What Is a Trade? Donald Fels and Signboard Painters of South India presents sixteen large-scale paintings that explore trade and globalization in India. Fels' conceptual starting point for this exhibition was Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama's 1498 voyage to Malabar, India, in search of a direct sea route for the spice trade. What is a Trade? explores the historic and modern-day legacy of that expedition more than 500 years later. In 2004 and 2005, Fels traveled to Kerala (formerly Malabar), India, as a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar, to work with local commercial signboard painters on a body of work that examines globalization in India and traces its roots to Vasco's voyage. Most of the signboard painters had formerly worked as billboard painters -- until recently, all billboards in India were hand-painted, but cheaper and more efficient inkjet printers are making the painters obsolete. In light of this trend, Fels and his collaborators created work in the style of traditional hand-painted billboards and Bollywood advertising. The bright colors and strong graphic narratives make visually arresting statements about the historic and contemporary effects of trade and globalization.
University of Nebraska Press The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1880–1883: Volume 1
Recipient of the “Approved Edition” seal from the Modern Language Association’s Committee on Scholarly Editions This volume of The Complete Letters of Henry James: 1880–1883 includes 122 letters, 67 of which are published for the first time, written between June 6, 1880, and October 20, 1881. The letters record Henry James’s confirmation of his identity as a London resident, follow his struggles with the complexities of his professional life, and illustrate his closer attention to family and friends. His friends, such as Henry and Clover Adams, and family members, such as his brother, William, view him as their resident Londoner. When his sister, Alice, and her companion, Katharine Loring, travel to Britain, James both supervises Alice’s state of health and also reports on its status to their parents. The letters show Henry James’s professional life as he shifts away from writing pot-boiling reviews and short fiction toward the greater novels that continue to be associated with him, especially The Portrait of a Lady. We also see James negotiating with publishers and arranging whenever possible simultaneous publication in Britain and the United States in order to maximize his writing income. This volume concludes with James’s much-anticipated return to his native America, buoyed by his completion of The Portrait of a Lady. The journey marked a significant milestone in the author’s life.
HarperCollins Publishers Mats: Band 01A Pink A/Band 08 Purple (Collins Big Cat Phonics Progress)
Using simple explanations and vibrant photographs, this engaging information book by Greg Cook looks at the process of making mats in India and goes on to show different mats from around the world. Collins Big Cat Phonics Progress books are specifically designed for struggling readers, giving them age-appropriate texts that they can read, building their confidence and fostering positive attitudes towards reading. This title has a text level of Band 1A / Pink A, which offers emergent readers very simple text supported by illustrations, and an interest level of Band 8 / Purple. Text type: An information book Children can recap the process of making a mat on pages 14 to 15. Curriculum links: Geography
Lexington Books Critical Rural Theory: Structure, Space, Culture
Critical Rural Theory is an attempt to bring together the concepts of structure, space, and culture in order to explain the relationship between rural communities and urban society. The overarching theme revolves around the many ways-structural, spatial, and cultural-in which urban systems create and maintain a hegemonic relationship with rural areas and people. Central to this theme is the concept of urbanormativity: the cultural assumption of the dominance and superiority of urban communities and patterns of life. Urbanormativity is an outgrowth of the structural forces in an urban society that favor the interests of cities over those of the countryside, of a generally exploitative relationship between the two. The structure of a society is encoded in the settlement space, which in turn influences one's experience. The experience of social space produces cultural dynamics that are reproduced from generation to generation. These mechanisms are explored through popular culture, physical patterns of urban expansion, and historical patterns of social change.
Capstone Global Library Ltd Hunchback of Notre Dame
Classic stories retold in exciting graphic novel format. Each title includes high-quality artwork, simple text, discussion questions and writing prompts.
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Corbin's Concepts of Fitness and Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach
University of Nebraska Press The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1878–1880: Volume 2
Containing letters written between September 2, 1879, and May 14, 1880, this second volume of The Complete Letters of Henry James, 1878–1880 documents the full establishment of Henry James as a professional writer and critic on both sides of the Atlantic, as James publishes the novel Confidence and the literary biography Hawthorne and begins work on Washington Square and The Portrait of a Lady. James also visits Paris, Florence, Rome, and Naples; begins his friendship with Constance Fenimore Woolson; and deepens his attachment to London and to his friends and acquaintances there.
Rowman & Littlefield New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation
New Essays on Samuel Johnson: Revaluation is a collection of essays by various hands that examines its point of focus, the inexhaustible English author Samuel Johnson, from a variety of different critical perspectives. The book also simultaneously interrogates particular texts (such as the Dictionary, the Lives of the Poets) alongside general themes (such as Johnson and intertextuality, Johnson and autobiography). The word “revaluation” from the title connotes both the deployment of specifically au courant approaches—viewing, for example, Johnson in relation to climate change, or Johnson and the notion of “osmology”—as well as more general reflections upon Johnson’s importance to our present cultural and temporal moment.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Geometric Analysis
Provides expanded versions of the lectures delivered in the Graduate Minicourse portion of the 2013 Park City Mathematics Institute session on Geometric Analysis. The papers give excellent high-level introductions, suitable for graduate students wishing to enter the field and experienced researchers alike, to a range of the most important areas of geometric analysis.
Grandin Hood Publishers National Parks Conservation Association: A Century of Impact
CABI Publishing Cultural Tourism Research Methods
Reprinted in paperback. The consumption of culture is one of the most important aspects of tourism activity. Cultural tourism includes experiencing local culture, traditions and lifestyle, participation in arts-related activities, and visits to museums, monuments and heritage sites. This book reviews a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methods applied to the field of cultural tourism, including surveys, mystery tourist visits, visitor tracking, grand tour narratives, collages, researcher-created video, photo-based interviews, ethnographic and actor-network approaches. It provides a practical guide on how to conduct research as well as a discussion and evaluation of the methods.
Duke University Press Trouillot Remixed: The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Reader
This collection of writings from Haitian anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot includes his most famous, lesser known, and hard to find writings that demonstrate his enduring importance to Caribbean studies, anthropology, history, postcolonial studies, and politically engaged scholarship more broadly.
Marvel Comics Weapon X Vol. 5: Weapon X-force
John Wiley & Sons Inc Operating System Concepts Essentials
By staying current, remaining relevant, and adapting to emerging course needs, Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne has defined the operating systems course through nine editions. This second edition of the Essentials version is based on the recent ninth edition of the original text. Operating System Concepts Essentials comprises a subset of chapters of the ninth edition for professors who want a shorter text and do not cover all the topics in the ninth edition. The new second edition of Essentials will be available as an ebook at a very attractive price for students. The ebook will have live links for the bibliography, cross-references between sections and chapters where appropriate, and new chapter review questions. A two-color printed version is also available.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Neuroanthropology and Its Applications
This collection includes research on engineering robots for emotional interaction, the vulnerability of soldiers to post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive dimensions of political and science communication, sports coaching across cultures, intergenerational health problems in Aboriginal populations, the political economy of addiction treatment, the impact of poverty on the developing brain, psychiatric care for Nepali Bhutanese refugees, and how culture and institutions affect psychosis. These cases show how a holistic approach to neural development and structure in social contexts provides a powerful new way to apply anthropology.
Ohio University Press Writing a Wider War: Rethinking Gender, Race, and Identity in the South African War, 1899–1902
A century after the South African War (1899-1902), historians are beginning to reevaluate the accepted wisdom regarding the scope of the war, its participants, and its impact. Writing a Wider War charts some of the changing historical constructions of the memorialization of suffering during the war. Writing a Wider War presents a dramatically new interpretation of the role of Boer women in the conflict and profoundly changes how we look at the making of Afrikaner nationalism. African experiences of the war are also examined, highlighting racial subjugation in the context of colonial war and black participation, and showcasing important new research by African historians. The collection includes a reassessment of British imperialism and probing essays on J. A. Hobson; the masculinist nature of life on commando among Boer soldiers; Anglo-Jewry; secularism; health and medicine; nursing, women, and disease in the concentration camps; and the rivalry between British politicians and generals. An examination of the importance of the South African War in contemporary British political economy, and the part played by imperial propaganda, rounds off a thoroughly groundbreaking reinterpretation of this formative event in South Africa’s history.
University of British Columbia Press Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds: Canadian Women and the Search for Global Order
Where are the women in Canada’s international history? Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds answers this question in a comprehensive volume that explores the role of women in Canadian international affairs.Foreign policy historians have traditionally focused on powerful men. Though hidden, forgotten, or ignored, this book shows that women have also shaped Canada’s relations with the world over the past century – whether as activists, missionaries, aid workers, diplomats or diplomatic spouses.Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds examines the lives and careers of professional women working abroad as doctors, nurses, or economic development advisors; women fighting for change as anti-war, anti-nuclear, or Indigenous rights activists; and women engaged in traditional diplomacy. This wide-ranging collection reveals the vital contribution of women to the search for global order that has been a hallmark of Canada’s international history.
Starry Forest Peter Pan
Nova Science Publishers Inc Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry
The Merlin Press Ltd Capitalism and Power: SOCIALIST REGISTER: 2023
The 59th annual volume of the Socialist Register examines the growth of corporate power and other important organizational trends in global capitalism. It rejects such notions as stakeholder capitalism and reviews the organisation and strategies of unions and the left, and its current and potential practices, as it searches for new routes to socialism.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coaching Basketball For Dummies
So you’re thinking about volunteering to coach youth basketball? Great! You’re in for a fun, rewarding experience. Whether you’re new to the sport and looking for some guidance or you’re a seasoned coach hunting for some fresh tips, Coaching Basketball For Dummies will help you command the court with confidence. Each friendly chapter is packed with expert advice on teaching the basics of basketball—from dribbling and shooting to rebounding and defending—and guiding your kids to a fun-filled, stress-free season. You get a crash course in the rules and regulations of the game, as well as clear explanations of what all those lines, circles, and half-circle markings mean on the court. You’ll assign team positions, run great practices, and work with both beginning and intermediate players of different age groups. You’ll also see how to ramp up your players’ skills and lead your team effectively during a game. This book will also help you discover how to: Develop your coaching philosophy Understand your league’s rules Conduct a preseason parents’ meeting—crucial for opening the lines of communication Teach offensive and defensive strategies Keep your kids healthy and injury-free Encourage good sportsmanship Make critical half-time adjustments during a game Help struggling players Address discipline problems and handle difficult parents Coach an All-Star or Travel team Complete with numerous offensive and defensive drills and tips for helping your kids relax before a game, Coaching Basketball For Dummies is the fun and easy way to get the score on this worthwhile endeavor!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coaching Football For Dummies
Few experiences are more rewarding than coaching a youth football team. Your journey through the season will be packed with moments that make you smile and that you and your players will remember for the rest of your lives. But what if you’ve never coached before? No worries! Coaching Football For Dummies is the fun and easy way to tackle the basics of coaching youth football. This friendly guide shows you how to teach your players effectively, regardless of their age or skill level, and lead your team to victory—even if you’re a first-time coach. You’ll discover how to: Develop a coaching philosophy Teach football fundamentals Encourage good sportsmanship Improve your team’s skills Ensure safety on the field Communicate effectively with parents Packed with valuable information on preparing your game plan before you even step on the field, this hands-on resource gives you expert guidance in building your coaching skills, from evaluating your players and running enjoyable, productive practices to working with all types of kids—uncoordinated, shy, highly talented—at once. You’ll find a variety of fun-filled drills for teaching everything from tackling and blocking to running and catching, as well as advanced drills to take your players’ skills up a notch. You’ll also see how to: Conduct a preseason parents’ meeting—an often overlooked aspect of coaching Gather the necessary gear and fit the equipment to your players Raise the level of play on offense, defense, and special teams Take steps to avoid injuries Deal with discipline issues and problem parents Make critical half-time adjustments Transition to coaching an All-Star Team Complete with tips for working with parents, keeping your players healthy, and leading your team effectively on game days, Coaching Football For Dummies is all you need—besides a whistle and a clipboard—to navigate your players through a safe, fun, rewarding season!
Starry Forest The Wizard of Oz
Random House USA Inc Around the Fire: Recipes for Inspired Grilling and Seasonal Feasting from Ox Restaurant [A Cookbook]
Monthly Review Press Capital and Politics: Socialist Register 2023
Rowman & Littlefield Critical Perspectives on the Internet
This critical reader of original essays places the boom and bust years of the Internet in a broad cultural context. Exploring the world of html, web browsers, cookies, online net guides, portals, and Internet service providers, this text includes the history of the Internet, interesting case studies and discussions on online community, user inequalities, and governance. Within the larger issues of technological infrastructure, government policy, and globalization, Critical Perspectives on the Internet highlights both the limitations and possibilities of everyday Internet use. Does the net function as a space for radical social and political change? For challenging established media? What opportunities lie in the cracks and crevasses of net structure? With its critical agenda for Internet studies, this text is a valuable tool for upper-level courses on the Internet, online communication, computer-mediated communication, communication and information technologies, and media and politics.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Reprogramming the American Dream: From Rural America to Silicon Valley—Making AI Serve Us All
** #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller **In this essential book written by a rural native and Silicon Valley veteran, Microsoft’s Chief technology officer tackles one of the most critical issues facing society today: the future of artificial intelligence and how it can be realistically used to promote growth, even in a shifting employment landscape.There are two prevailing stories about AI: for heartland low- and middle-skill workers, a dystopian tale of steadily increasing job destruction; for urban knowledge workers and the professional class, a utopian tale of enhanced productivity and convenience. But there is a third way to look at this technology that will revolutionize the workplace and ultimately the world. Kevin Scott argues that AI has the potential to create abundance and opportunity for everyone and help solve some of our most vexing problems.As the chief technology officer at Microsoft, he is deeply involved in the development of AI applications, yet mindful of their potential impact on workers—knowledge he gained firsthand growing up in rural Virginia. Yes, the AI Revolution will radically disrupt economics and employment for everyone for generations to come. But what if leaders prioritized the programming of both future technology and public policy to work together to find solutions ahead of the coming AI epoch? Like public health, the space program, climate change and public education, we need international understanding and collaboration on the future of AI and work. For Scott, the crucial question facing all of us is this: How do we work to ensure that the continued development of AI allows us to keep the American Dream alive?In this thoughtful, informed guide, he offers a clear roadmap to find the answer.
Smith|Doorstop Books The Laureate's Choice 2019 Bound Collection 1
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor's Guide to Pooled Investments: Mutual Funds, ETFs, and More
Do you only have a relatively small amount of money to invest? Do you think this limitation give you only a few investment choices? Well, it doesn’t. Investing experts H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck, and Halil Kiymaz offer an essential guide to one of the most common ways to invest: a pooled investment vehicle (PIV). A PIV is an investment fund that commingles the monies of many different investors to buy a portfolio that reflects a particular investment objective. – By using PIVs, you gain a diversified portfolio, which once was only available to large investors. The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Pooled Investments clearly explains the risks and advantages of investing in a PIV. This book introduces you to five PIVs – mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), closed-end funds (CEFs), unit investment trusts (UITs), and real estate investment trusts (REITs) – with a unique Q&A format employed to delve into issues that investors want and need to know before choosing a PIV. If you have ever felt limited by your investment choices, Baker, Filbeck, and Kiymaz explain your options to creating an investment portfolio, which is an initial step to becoming a savvy investor.
Duke University Press Trouillot Remixed: The Michel-Rolph Trouillot Reader
Throughout his career, the internationally renowned Haitian anthropologist Michel-Rolph Trouillot unsettled key concepts in anthropology, history, postcolonial studies, Black studies, Caribbean studies, and beyond. From his early critique of the West to the ongoing challenges he leveled at disciplinary and intellectual boundaries and formations, Trouillot centered the Caribbean as a site both foundational to the development of Western thought and critical to its undoing. Trouillot Remixed offers a representative cross section of his work that includes his most famous writings and lesser-known and harder-to-find texts essential to his oeuvre. Encouraging readers to engage with Trouillot's scholarship in new ways, this collection demonstrates the breadth of his writing, his enduring influence on Caribbean studies, and his relevance to politically engaged scholarship more broadly.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Invest for Good: A Healthier World and a Wealthier You
Investors are placing increased emphasis on capital allocation methods to achieve their desired social, environmental and financial objectives, and are targeting investments that not only facilitate economic growth in countries around the world but also do good in terms of aiding human development - from cleaner environments to safer products and better employment practices. At the same time, there is considerable evidence that if companies adhere to ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) standards, they will outperform companies who do not. But how do individuals - rather than institutional investors - invest using ESG criteria? And just how complex are the procedures? This new book, written by investment guru Mark Mobius and his expert team, is full of entertaining and informative anecdotes from the authors' day-to-day experiences in the world of sustainable investment. Readers will gain a clearer understanding of what sustainable investment actually means, the positive effects it can have on businesses and societies, what to look for in order to identify sound and sustainable investment opportunities, and how to balance sustainable investing with good returns.
Duke University Press The Guatemala Reader: History, Culture, Politics
This reader brings together more than 200 texts and images in a broad introduction to Guatemala's history, culture, and politics. In choosing the selections, the editors sought to avoid representing the country only in terms of its long experience of conflict, racism, and violence. And so, while offering many perspectives on that violence, this anthology portrays Guatemala as a real place where people experience joys and sorrows that cannot be reduced to the contretemps of resistance and repression. It includes not only the opinions of politicians, activists, and scholars, but also poems, songs, plays, jokes, novels, short stories, recipes, art, and photographs that capture the diversity of everyday life in Guatemala. The editors introduce all of the selections, from the first piece, an excerpt from the Popol Vuh, a mid-sixteenth-century text believed to be the single most important source documenting pre-Hispanic Maya culture, through the final selections, which explore contemporary Guatemala in relation to neoliberalism, multiculturalism, and the dynamics of migration to the United States and of immigrant life. Many pieces were originally published in Spanish, and most of those appear in English for the first time.
Ohio University Press Writing a Wider War: Rethinking Gender, Race, and Identity in the South African War, 1899–1902
A century after the South African War (1899-1902), historians are beginning to reevaluate the accepted wisdom regarding the scope of the war, its participants, and its impact. Writing a Wider War charts some of the changing historical constructions of the memorialization of suffering during the war. Writing a Wider War presents a dramatically new interpretation of the role of Boer women in the conflict and profoundly changes how we look at the making of Afrikaner nationalism. African experiences of the war are also examined, highlighting racial subjugation in the context of colonial war and black participation, and showcasing important new research by African historians. The collection includes a reassessment of British imperialism and probing essays on J. A. Hobson; the masculinist nature of life on commando among Boer soldiers; Anglo-Jewry; secularism; health and medicine; nursing, women, and disease in the concentration camps; and the rivalry between British politicians and generals. An examination of the importance of the South African War in contemporary British political economy, and the part played by imperial propaganda, rounds off a thoroughly groundbreaking reinterpretation of this formative event in South Africa’s history.
Image Comics The Old Guard: Tales Through Time
A STAR-STUDDED ANTHOLOGY EVENT!The bestselling, critically acclaimed THE OLD GUARD, now a hit Netflix movie starring Charlize Theron, returns with NEW stories by writers GREG RUCKA, LEANDRO FERNÁNDEZ, and an all-star lineup of guest creators, expanding the world of the immortal warriors in shocking ways! Meet the immortals' families, witness never-before-seen adventures, and discover the first appearance of a major new character!Featuring writers BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS, KELLY SUE DeCONNICK, MATT FRACTION, VITA AYALA, JASON AARON, DAVID F. WALKER, and more, and artists VALENTINE DE LANDRO, NICOLA SCOTT, MICHAEL AVON OEMING, RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE, MIKE HENDERSON, MATTHEW CLARK, KANO, and more!Collects THE OLD GUARD: TALES THROUGH TIME #1-6
Art Gallery of Hamilton and Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian Shelley Niro: 500 Year Itch
University of British Columbia Press Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds: Canadian Women and the Search for Global Order
Where are the women in Canada’s international history? Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds answers this question in a comprehensive volume that explores the role of women in Canadian international affairs.Foreign policy historians have traditionally focused on powerful men. Though hidden, forgotten, or ignored, this book shows that women have also shaped Canada’s relations with the world over the past century – whether as activists, missionaries, aid workers, diplomats or diplomatic spouses.Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds examines the lives and careers of professional women working abroad as doctors, nurses, or economic development advisors; women fighting for change as anti-war, anti-nuclear, or Indigenous rights activists; and women engaged in traditional diplomacy. This wide-ranging collection reveals the vital contribution of women to the search for global order that has been a hallmark of Canada’s international history.
Sage Publications Ltd Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional
′This book provides teachers in higher education with what they need - a compelling framework for improving student learning. It combines a comprehensive synthesis of the latest research on learning and teaching with practical strategies for implementing it in their classrooms′ - Professor Ken Bain, Author of What the Best College Teachers Do, Vice Provost for Instruction, Montclair State University Praise for the First Edition: `For too long we have waited for a book that brings together the best contemporary thinking about learning and teaching and that connects with academics′ everyday teaching practice in an engaging way. At last, in this book, we have it′ - Ronald Barnett, Institute of Education, University of London Worldwide, higher and professional education services are challenged by increased student numbers and diversity, tougher demands for professional accountability, increasing calls for educational relevance and thinning resources. This new edition addresses key issues in the practice and theory of teaching and learning in the sector and includes fully updated discussions of: - the professional in academic practice - mentoring - teaching with technology - the relationship between learning objectives, outcomes and assessment - the novice teacher The authors draw on theory, practice and current research to provide a new way of thinking about the many aspects of learning and teaching in higher education, enabling readers to reflect critically on their teaching. They also propose a model for continuous professional development appropriate to the higher education academic community. Learning & Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional is for lecturers, researchers, staff developers and others involved in teaching in higher and professional education. Greg Light is Director of the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence and an associate professor in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University, Chicago. Roy Cox was a visiting academic at the University of London where he helped establish one of the first centres for learning and teaching in higher education in the world. Susanna Calkins is Associate Director for Faculty development at the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence.
Unbound Region Locked
Not all games are released equal.The barriers of language and culture can leave our world divided, and this includes the video games that we get the chance to play. Matt Barnes, Dazz Brown and Greg Seago-Curl of DidYouKnowGaming? created the YouTube series Region Locked to offer an insight into the weird and wonderful titles that never left their home countries, and now they bring their expertise to you, the gaming reader.Encounter masterpieces you never knew existed from your favourite series and developers, as well as some utterly bizarre creations that seem so outlandish you might wonder how on earth they were released in the first place, from the trippy, meandering dreamscapes of 1998’s LSD: Dream Emulator to The Mysterious Murasame Castle, released in 1986 by Nintendo, and the intergalactic adventures of Crime Crackers (1994). The authors explore what it’s like to play these games, and investigate the fascinating characters and maverick designers behind them to discover why such remarkable creations never enjoyed international exposure.For the casual gamer, keen developer, intrigued reader and hardcore fan alike, Region Locked is the key to a surreal and adventurous journey through the lost world of video games.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Practice of Clinical Neuropsychology
This volume is a contemporary survey of practice-related issues in clinical neuropsychology in the United States. Section 1 includes chapters on topics relevant to practitioners in clinical neuropsychology such as managed care, practice trends, business aspects of practice, training and credentialing, internet resources for practice, and research in the private practice setting. Section 2 provides narrative descriptions of a range of different practice settings. Authors give firsthand descriptions of their settings, billing and coding practices, how they interface with colleagues and referral sources, and other unique aspects of their practices. Settings range from independent practices to university based departments for both pediatric and adult practices. The volume will be a valuable resource for graduate students interested in clinical neuropsychology, postdoctoral fellows embarking on a career in the field, and practitioners interested in enhancing their practices via the experiences of a diverse group of successful practicing neuropsychologists.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments
Do you want to see your wealth grow? If so, then this easy-to-read guide that focuses on alternative investments - hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and infrastructure - is just for you. The fourth book in The H. Kent Baker Investments Series attempts to remove some of the mystery surrounding these investments so that you can determine whether any of these are right for you. If you're willing to gain the necessary knowledge, you may be able to build long-term wealth by taking advantage of the benefits that each investment has to offer. The Savvy Investor's Guide to Building Wealth Through Alternative Investments is written for investors familiar with traditional investments but with limited knowledge of alternative assets and strategies.
University of California Press The California Naturalist Handbook
"The California Naturalist Handbook" provides a fun, science-based introduction to California's natural history with an emphasis on observation, discovery, communication, stewardship and conservation. It is a hands-on guide to learning about the natural environment of California. Subjects covered include California natural history and geology, native plants and animals, California's freshwater resources and ecosystems, forest and rangeland resources, conservation biology, and the effects of global warming on California's natural communities. The handbook also discusses how to create and use a field notebook, natural resource interpretation, citizen science, and collaborative conservation and serves as the primary text for the California Naturalist Program.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac Bible
Written by an expert in the field of technology training and author of nearly two dozen titles, this complete guide offers readers thorough yet clear instruction on using the Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Entourage Apple has welcomed Microsoft Office into its world and this reference is the ultimate resource for learning how to best capitalize on each application of Office Reviews creating, editing, formatting, and sharing digital documents with Word; gathering and analyzing information with Excel; creating dynamic presentations with PowerPoint; and using the e-mail and calendar of Entourage