Search results for ""Author Air"
Taylor & Francis Inc IgE and Anti-IgE Therapy in Asthma and Allergic Disease
Exploring the role of Immunoglobulin-E (IgE) in human disease, this reference summarizes current research on the mechanisms and utilization of anti-IgE therapeutics in the treatment of IgE-mediated allergic disease, inflammation, and asthma-discussing the structural composition of high- and low-affinity IgE receptors, the airway cells that express these receptors, and the functional activity of IgE-FceRI and IgE-FceRII interactions for improved control and management of allergic disorders.Compiles previously unpublished data from the first extensive scientific investigations of Xolair!IgE and Anti-IgE Therapy in Asthma and Allergic Diseasereviews studies on the distribution of serum IgE levels of normal and asthmatic populations in developed regions of the world such as the United States, Canada, Scandinavia, New Zealand, and Europe offers novel methods for the design and formulation of monoclonal antibodies discusses the use of allergen bronchoprovocation to identify the characteristics and efficacy of new antiasthma and antiallergy medications examines the role of IgE in food and parasitic allergiesand covers the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and urticaria novel strategies to target mast cells and basophils murine models of allergic pulmonary inflammation the pathophysiology of allergic rhinitisSupplemented with nearly 2000 contemporary references to facilitate further study, IgE and Anti-IgE Therapy in Asthma and Allergic Disease is an in-depth and timely source for basic and clinical immunologists; allergists; pulmonologists and pulmonary disease specialists; physiologists; molecular, cellular, and lung biologists; pediatricians; internists; and graduate and medical school students in these disciplines.
University of Nebraska Press Gang of One: Memoirs of a Red Guard
In 1966 twelve-year-old Fan Shen, a newly minted Red Guard, plunged happily into China’s Cultural Revolution. Disillusion soon followed, then turned to disgust and fear when Shen discovered that his compatriots had tortured and murdered a doctor whose house he’d helped raid and whose beautiful daughter he secretly adored. A story of coming of age in the midst of monumental historical upheaval, Shen’s Gang of One is more than a memoir of one young man’s harrowing experience during a time of terror. It is also, in spite of circumstances of remarkable grimness and injustice, an unlikely picaresque tale of adventure full of courage, cunning, wit, tenacity, resourcefulness, and sheer luck—the story of how Shen managed to scheme his way through a hugely oppressive system and emerge triumphant. Gang of One recounts how Shen escaped, again and again, from his appointed fate, as when he somehow found himself a doctor at sixteen and even, miraculously, saved a few lives. In such volatile times, however, good luck could quickly turn to misfortune: a transfer to the East Wind Aircraft Factory got him out of the countryside and into another terrible trap, where many people were driven to suicide; his secret self-education took him from the factory to college, where friendship with an American teacher earned him the wrath of the secret police. Following a path strewn with perils and pitfalls, twists and surprises worthy of Dickens, Shen’s story is ultimately an exuberant human comedy unlike any other.Purchase the audio edition.
Columbia University Press The Digital Transformation Playbook: Rethink Your Business for the Digital Age
Rethink your business for the digital age. Every business begun before the Internet now faces the same challenge: How to transform to compete in a digital economy? Globally recognized digital expert David L. Rogers argues that digital transformation is not about updating your technology but about upgrading your strategic thinking. Based on Rogers's decade of research and teaching at Columbia Business School, and his consulting for businesses around the world, The Digital Transformation Playbook shows how pre-digital-era companies can reinvigorate their game plans and capture the new opportunities of the digital world. Rogers shows why traditional businesses need to rethink their underlying assumptions in five domains of strategy-customers, competition, data, innovation, and value. He reveals how to harness customer networks, platforms, big data, rapid experimentation, and disruptive business models-and how to integrate these into your existing business and organization. Rogers illustrates every strategy in this playbook with real-world case studies, from Google to GE, from Airbnb to the New York Times. With practical frameworks and nine step-by-step planning tools, he distills the lessons of today's greatest digital innovators and makes them usable for businesses at any stage. Many books offer advice for digital start-ups, but The Digital Transformation Playbook is the first complete treatment of how legacy businesses can transform to thrive in the digital age. It is an indispensable guide for executives looking to take their firms to the next stage of profitable growth.
Columbia University Press Waves of Global Terrorism: From 1879 to the Present
Terrorism is a persistent form of political violence, but it appears intermittently, afflicting certain places in certain eras while others remain unscathed. Since the late nineteenth century, it has risen and fallen in recurrent generation-long spasms in which hundreds of short-lived groups wreak havoc. Why have past outbreaks of terror tended to come in waves, and how does this pattern shed light on future threats?David C. Rapoport, a preeminent scholar of political violence, identifies and analyzes four distinct waves of global terrorism. He examines the dynamics of each wave, contrasting their tactics, targets, and goals and placing them in the context of the much longer history of terrorism. Global terror emerged in the 1880s after technological changes transformed communication and transportation and dynamite enabled individuals or small groups to carry out bombings. Emanating from Russia, a first wave of anarchists assassinated prominent figures in what they called “propaganda of the deed.” This was followed by a second wave of anticolonial terrorism that arose in the British Empire in the 1920s. Beginning in the 1960s, a third wave of New Left movements took hostages and hijacked airplanes. Most recently, religious movements—mostly but not entirely in the Islamic world—have constituted a fourth wave, pioneering self-martyrdom or suicide bombing. Rapoport also considers whether a fifth wave of anti-immigrant or white supremacist terror is emerging today. Recasting the complex history of modern political violence, Waves of Global Terrorism makes a major contribution to our understanding of the roots of contemporary terrorism.
The University of Chicago Press No Dig, No Fly, No Go: How Maps Restrict and Control
Some maps help us find our way; others restrict where we go and what we do. These maps control behavior, regulating activities from flying to fishing, prohibiting students from one part of town from being schooled on the other, and banishing certain individuals and industries to the periphery. This restrictive cartography has boomed in recent decades as governments seek to regulate activities as diverse as hiking, building a residence, opening a store, locating a chemical plant, or painting a house anything but regulation colors. It is this aspect of mapping - its power to prohibit - that celebrated geographer Mark Monmonier tackles in "No Dig, No Fly, No Go". Restrictive mapping has been indispensable in settling the American West, claiming slices of Antarctica, protecting fragile ocean fisheries, and keeping sex offenders away from playgrounds. But it has also been used for opprobrium: during one of the darkest moments in American history, cartographic exclusion orders helped send thousands of Japanese Americans to remote detention camps. Tracing the power of prohibitive mapping at multiple levels - from regional to international - and multiple dimensions - from property to cyberspace - Monmonier demonstrates how much boundaries influence our experience, from homeownership and voting to taxation and airline travel. A worthy successor to his critically acclaimed How to Lie with Maps, the book is replete with all of the hallmarks of a Monmonier classic, including the wry observations and witty humor. Written for anyone who votes, owns a home, or aspires to be an informed citizen, "No Dig, No Fly, No Go" will change the way we look at maps forever.
Southern Illinois University Press View from True North
In these edgy poems of witness, Sara Henning’s speaker serves as both conduit and curator of the destructive legacies of alcoholism and multigenerational closeting. Considering the impact of addiction and sexual repression in the family and on its individual members, Henning explores with deft compassion the psychological ramifications of traumas across multiple generations.With the starling as an unspoken trope for victims who later perpetuate the cycle of abuse, suffering and shame became forces dangerous enough to down airliners. The strands Henning weaves—violent relationships, the destructive effects of long-term closeting, and the pall that shame casts over entire lives—are hauntingly epiphanic. And yet these feverish lyric poems find a sharp beauty in their grieving, where Rolling Stone covers and hidden erotic photographs turn into talismans of regret and empathy. After the revelation that her deceased grandfather was a closeted homosexual “who lived two lives,” Henning considers the lasting effects of shame in regard to the silence, oppression, and erasure of sexual identity, issues that are of contemporary concern to the LGBTQIA community. Even through “the dark / earth encircling us,” Henning’s speaker wonders if there isn’t some way out of a place “where my body / is just another smoke-stung / dirge of survival,” if, in the end, love won’t be victorious.Part eyewitness testimony, part autoethnography, this book of memory and history, constantly seeking and yearning, is full of poems “too brutal and strange to suffer / [their] way anywhere but home.”
Coach House Books Expressway
Shortlisted for the 2009 Governor General's Award for Poetry! This poem resembles urban sprawl. This poem resembles the freedom to charge a fee. The fee occurs in the gaps. It is an event. It is not without precedent. It is a moment in which you pay money. It is a tribute to freedom of choice. Reality is a parking lot in Qatar. Reality is an airstrip in Malawi. Meanwhile the expressway encloses, the expressway round and around the perimeters like wagon trains circling the bonfire, all of them, guns pointed, Busby Berkeley in the night sky. Echoing the pastoral and elegiac modes of the Romantic poets, whose reverence for nature never prevented them from addressing it with all the ideas and sensibilities their times allowed, Sina Queyras's stunning collection explores the infrastructures and means of modern mobility. Addressing the human project not so much as something imposed on nature but as an increasingly disturbing activity within it, Expressway exposes the paradox of modern mobility: the more roads and connections we build, the more separate we feel. 'Cleanse the doors of perception,' Blake urged, and with that in mind, Queyras has written a bravely lyrical critique of our ethical and ecological imprint, a legacy easily blamed on corporations and commerce, but one we've allowed, through our tacit acquiescence, to overwhelm us. Every brush stroke, every bolt and nut, every form and curve in our networks of oil and rubber, every thought and its material outcome - each decision can make or unmake us.
Little, Brown & Company The Man I Knew: The Amazing Comeback Story of George H.W. Bush's Post-Presidency
As chief of staff, Jean Becker had a ringside seat to the never-boring story of George Herbert Walker Bush's life post-presidency, including being at his side when he died and subsequently facing the challenge-and great honor-of being in charge of his state funeral. Full of heart and wisdom, THE MAN I KNEW is a vibrant behind-the-scenes look into the ups and downs of heading up the office of a former president by one of the people who knew him best.This book tells the story of how, after his devastating loss to Bill Clinton in 1992, President George H.W. Bush rebuilt his life, found a way to make a difference, and how, by the time he died in November 2018, was revered by his country and the world.Bush's post-presidency journey was filled with determination, courage, love, hope, humor, fun, and big ideas. He became best friends with the man who defeated him; developed the odd habit of jumping out of airplanes; and learned how to adjust to life in a wheelchair, after having lived most of his life as a high-energy athlete. He joyously saw two sons become governors of their states, one of whom would go one to become President of the United States.What happens when you go almost overnight from being the most important and powerful person in the world to a private citizen? THE MAN I KNEW tells just such a story, of one man's humble journey from president to man of the people.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Blazing Star, Setting Sun: The Guadalcanal-Solomons Campaign November 1942–March 1943
From popular Pacific Theatre expert Jeffrey R. Cox comes this insightful new history of the critical Guadalcanal and Solomons campaign at the height of World War II. His previous book, Morning Star, Rising Sun, had found the US Navy at its absolute nadir and the fate of the Enterprise, the last operational US aircraft carrier at this point in the war, unknown. This new volume completes the history of this crucial campaign, combining detailed research with a novelist’s flair for the dramatic to reveal exactly how, despite missteps and misfortunes, the tide of war finally turned. By the end of February 1944, thanks to hard-fought and costly American victories in the first and second naval battles of Guadalcanal, the battle of Empress Augusta Bay, and the battle of Cape St George, the Japanese would no longer hold the materiel or skilled manpower advantage. From this point on, although the war was still a long way from being won, the American star was unquestionably on the ascendant, slowly, but surely, edging Japanese imperialism towards its sunset. Jeffrey Cox’s analysis and attention to detail of even the smallest events are second to none. But what truly sets this book apart is how he combines this microscopic attention to detail, often unearthing new facts along the way, with an engaging style that transports the reader to the heart of the story, bringing the events on the deep blue of the Pacific vividly to life.
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. Shalom Ivrit Book 3
Shalom Ivrit 3, the final book in the Shalom Ivrit series, brings to life stories of spirited young teens at home, at camp, with friends, and in Israel. The new vocabulary, including mah'sheiv (computer), s'deih-teufah (airport), pitzah (pizza) and mahaneh (camp), reflects the interests and experiences of teens. Students have fun and learn about Israel as their ability to read and understand Hebrew continues to grow.With 190 new words, students’ ability to conduct simple conversations in Hebrew, using both the present and past tenses, steadily increases as they progress through the book.Features and benefits: High-interest, age-appropriate stories motivate students to improve their reading fluency and comprehension. The interdisciplinary approach of teaching about Israel in Hebrew provides students with an enriched, dynamic learning experience. Vocabulary boxes (milonim) introduce new vocabulary and a cumulative list of all new vocabulary appears in the back of the book as a resource for students. Comprehension activities—including true and false, word picture matches, cloze technique (sentence completion), and puzzles—provide students with the practice they need to build and strengthen skills. More than 120 age-appropriate, full-color illustrations and photographs enliven the text and cue students for textual meaning. Basic grammar—including present tense and past tense verb endings, and root letters—is presented sequentially and clearly, increasing familiarity with Hebrew word structure and syntax.
Columbia University Press Waves of Global Terrorism: From 1879 to the Present
Terrorism is a persistent form of political violence, but it appears intermittently, afflicting certain places in certain eras while others remain unscathed. Since the late nineteenth century, it has risen and fallen in recurrent generation-long spasms in which hundreds of short-lived groups wreak havoc. Why have past outbreaks of terror tended to come in waves, and how does this pattern shed light on future threats?David C. Rapoport, a preeminent scholar of political violence, identifies and analyzes four distinct waves of global terrorism. He examines the dynamics of each wave, contrasting their tactics, targets, and goals and placing them in the context of the much longer history of terrorism. Global terror emerged in the 1880s after technological changes transformed communication and transportation and dynamite enabled individuals or small groups to carry out bombings. Emanating from Russia, a first wave of anarchists assassinated prominent figures in what they called “propaganda of the deed.” This was followed by a second wave of anticolonial terrorism that arose in the British Empire in the 1920s. Beginning in the 1960s, a third wave of New Left movements took hostages and hijacked airplanes. Most recently, religious movements—mostly but not entirely in the Islamic world—have constituted a fourth wave, pioneering self-martyrdom or suicide bombing. Rapoport also considers whether a fifth wave of anti-immigrant or white supremacist terror is emerging today. Recasting the complex history of modern political violence, Waves of Global Terrorism makes a major contribution to our understanding of the roots of contemporary terrorism.
Canelo Ties That Bind: A compelling and heartbreaking WWII historical fiction
When Esme's past as a secret operative comes calling, she must choose - her husband or her job?After a bomb destroys Esme’s London home, killing her son instantly, she moves to her old country house in Devon to begin the impossible task of recuperating. Soon she is drawn back into the world of espionage, and as her marriage starts to crumble, a local airman pulls her closer.Meanwhile her cousin Louise is awaiting confirmation that she can relocate to Canada to be with her husband, Douglas. Biding her time back home, she notices her father behaving strangely and disappearing at odd hours to wander the nearby cliffs. With rumours of spies afoot, she needs to learn the truth before anyone else does...Louise and Esme still have battles to overcome as the war continues. Will Esme betray her wedding vows or can she find her way back to Richard?A stunning and heartwrenching Second World War saga, for fans of Liz Trenow and Ellie Curzon. Praise for Ties That Bind:'Wow what a book it is! I had every feeling possible while reading this book. This was such a beautiful yet emotional story, and I really and truly felt for each and every character, I welled up with tears at times, I smiled and cooed when it came to it. I really struggled to put the book down.' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Reader review'If you love family saga and wartime books you will definitely love this.' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Reader review
Vintage Publishing Animal Person
The highly anticipated follow-up to Alexander MacLeod's critically acclaimed debut, Animal Person is a wry and perfectly-observed collection of short stories about intimacy, family and the struggle to connectAnimal Person is a collection of startling juxtapositions. Criminals and bystanders, siblings and strangers, infants, adolescents, young parents, and the elderly, mammals, reptiles and fish: unexpected encounters occur and every meeting is an opportunity for recognition or rejection.An empty-nest couple, separated after years of coexisting, find themselves pulled into the dreams of their silent, gazing rabbit; a mysterious passenger in search of his missing suitcase roams through the caverns of a 1970s LA airport; a piano recital goes wildly astray; and a great-aunt refuses to apologise as she struggles to find a place for everything in the tight space of her senior's apartment. In the adjoining motel room, a serial killer plans his next move; and a petty argument between two sisters is interrupted by an unexpected visitor.The eight stories in Animal Person are filled with wonder and yearning as MacLeod captures the fleeting intensities that shape all of our lives. MacLeod is a master of the short story form, and this is a collection that beats with raw emotion and shimmers with the complexity of our shared human experience.'Exquisite...expertly paced and finely observed' New York Times'Excellent... The eight stories, composed in crystalline prose, glimmer and gleam with yearning and loss' Eithne Farry, Daily Mail'Tender, funny and ever-surprising' Lynn Coady
John Murray Press Time and Tide: The Long, Long Life of Landscape
'Literary, erudite, poignant and touching' Mail on Sunday'Stafford has a historical X-ray vision which allows her to look through the surface of a given landscape and describe what lies beneath . . . Miraculous' ScotsmanA village waits at the bottom of a reservoir. A monkey puzzle tree bristles in a suburban garden. A skein of wild geese fly over a rusty rail viaduct. The vast inland sea that awed John Clare has become fields.Chapter by fascinating chapter, alive with literary, local, and her own family history, Fiona Stafford reveals the forces, both natural and human, which transform places. Swooping along coastlines, through forests and across fens, following in the footsteps of Burns and Keats, Celia Fiennes and Charles Dickens, William and Dorothy Wordsworth, Noel Coward and Compton Mackenzie, join her, time-travelling deep into the stories of our Isles.From red squirrels to brick vistas, from botanical gardens to hot springs, the landscapes of Britain are full of delights and surprises. Chance discoveries of rare species, shipwrecks and unlikely ruins, curious trees and startling towers, weird caves and disused airfields, or even just baffling placenames offer ways into unexpected histories and hidden lives. The clues to the past are all round us - Time and Tide will help you find them.'Shot through with tender delights and unexpected revelations' RICHARD HOLMES'Wonderful . . . A fascinating compendium of people and places and how they endlessly interact to change each other' PHILIP MARSDEN
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Motorsport's Military Heroes
Motorsport has many iconic names attached to it. It has many that are celebrated as heroes in their chosen sport. However, what perhaps is less well known is how many of the motorsport icons of the twentieth century carried out acts of real-life bravery, many during war time, but some in selfless acts of bravery in saving the lives of their fellow competitors. Some of the iconic names of motorsport are linked to the great conflicts of the twentieth century. Enzo Ferrari served during World War One, the most revered of the 1920s Bentley Boys were all World War One veterans such as John Duff, Bernard Rubin, Woolf Barnato, Sammy Davis and Glen Kidston. World War One American flying ace Eddie Rickenbacker was an Indianapolis 500 racing driver. Muriel Thompson, Military Medal, who became a World War One ambulance driver, was not only a chauffeur for suffragette Emeline Pankhurst, but raced at Brooklands before the war. Commentator Murray Walker was a World War Two tank commander, fellow commentator Raymond Baxter was a Spitfire pilot who was mentioned in dispatches for bravery. Carroll Shelby was a United States Army Airforce pilot and instructor with a reputation for great leadership. His friend, engineer and racing driver Ken Miles, served throughout the war as a specialist in tank recovery, landing as part of the D-Day operations. These are just a few of the most notable names from a group of men and women who risked all in conflict, before risking all on the track profiled in this book.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Shipcraft 28: British Escort Destroyers: of the Second World War
The ShipCraft' series provides in-depth information about building and modifying model kits of famous warship types. Lavishly illustrated, each book takes the modeller through a brief history of the subject, highlighting differences between ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring colour profiles and highly detailed line drawings and scale plans. The modelling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets for super-detailing of the subjects, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. This is followed by an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and the book concludes with a section on research references - books, monographs, large-scale plans and relevant websites. This volume covers the many variations of Royal Navy wartime escort destroyers, both the purpose-built Hunt' class and the conversions from older fleet destroyers. The Hunts' were built in four groups (Types I to IV), while the old V&W' classes were modified to Long Range Escort, Short Range Escort and Wair' (anti-aircraft) variants. Also included are the fifty ex-US flush-deckers' that became the Town' class. With its unparalleled level of visual information - paint schemes, models, line drawings and photographs - this book is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build any of these numerous escort types.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Naval Eyewitnesses: The Experience of War at Sea, 1939-1945
Although many books have been written about naval actions during the Second World War - histories and memoirs in particular - few books have attempted to encompass the extraordinary variety of the experience of the war at sea. That is why James Goulty's viv-id survey is of such value. Sailors in the Royal Navy and the Merchant Navy experienced a war fought on a massive scale, on every ocean of the world, in a diverse range of ves-sels, from battleships, aircraft carriers and submarines to merchant ships and fishing boats. Their recollections are as varied as the ships they served in, and they take the reader through the entire maritime war, as it was perceived at the time by those who had direct, personal knowledge of it. Throughout the book the emphasis is on the experience of individuals - their recruit-ment and training, their expectations and the reality they encountered on active service in many different offensive and defensive roles including convoy duty and coastal de-fence, amphibious operations, hunting U-boats and surface raiders, mine sweeping and manning landing and rescue craft. A particularly graphic section describes, in the words of the sailors themselves, what action against the enemy felt like and the impact of casualties - seamen who were wounded or killed on board or were lost when their ships sank. A fascinating inside view of the maritime warfare emerges which may be less heroic than the image created by some post-war accounts, but it gives readers today a much more realistic impression of the whole gamut of wartime life at sea.
Little, Brown Book Group Someone Else's House: You're not the only one with the key...
'This is such a brilliant concept I can't believe no-one's ever thought of it before - a psychological thriller set in an Airbnb! . . . so compelling I couldn't put it down''Had me hooked throughout''Really addictive. Full of suspicious characters I promise you'll have no idea who to trust!'____________We all want to live like a local. Stay in a 'home away from home'. But if it's someone else's house, then you're not the only one with the key.Lauren has finally dumped her dead-weight boyfriend, and what better way to celebrate a break-up than by going on holiday with your best friend?Except the holiday isn't turning out as planned - their cosy twosome has become a three and while Barcelona might be heaven, their rented apartment is anything but. It's small, shabby but, more than that, Lauren can't help but feel hunted.As the strange incidents escalate, Lauren and her friends decide to make their escape. But it's when they leave that the real danger begins.____________'An excellent domestic thriller that stays with you long past your bedtime. Incredibly well depicted characters''This had everything - 'feel-for' characters, twisty plot - and the writing style was very smooth and easy, it was one of the best reads I've had in a while''You have no clue who to trust in the story, which is exactly how I like my thrillers, and the added pressure of being in a city that you do not know tightens the mood''The book kept pace until the end pages - an engrossing read'
Little, Brown Book Group Unmarked Graves
Can a killer ever be on the side of justice? In 1983, Professor Robert Balfour was found floating in Airthrey Loch at the heart of Stirling University's campus. His death was deemed a tragic accident but there were other, darker rumours. The death of a politics professor allegedly linked to the armed wing of the Scottish Liberation Brigade was always going to attract conspiracy theories. But that's all they were. Theories. Until now. To mark the 40th anniversary of his father's death, Jonathan Rodriguez has travelled back to Stirling - and he's brought a camera crew with him. Rodriguez is convinced his father's death was no accident - and that at least one of the killers wore a uniform. Desperate to make the problem go away, DCI Malcolm Ford turns to Connor Fraser for help. And then another body is found at nearby Bannockburn.On the trail of a double killer, Connor is forced to confront dark truths about the meaning of justice. And those truths may just break his heart - or stop it, for good. Praise for Neil Broadfoot:'Give Reacher a Scottish accent and a better moral compass and you get Connor Fraser' Tony Kent 'Tense, fast-moving and bloody. Broadfoot's best yet' Mason Cross'A true rising star of crime fiction' Ian Rankin'Beautifully crafted . . . There's no filler, no exposition, just action, dialogue and layering of tension that'll hold you breathless until the very end' Helen Fields'Wonderfully grisly and grim, and a cracking pace' James Oswald'A frantic, pacy read with a compelling hero' Steve Cavanagh
Lannoo Publishers Mindfulness: In the Maelstrom of Life
Mindfulness finds its origins in Buddhist meditation techniques. Instead of trying to achieve goals that lie far ahead in the future, mindfulness teaches you to be present in the moment, with a compassionate and open mind. This book, consisting of short and airy texts, follows the eight weeks of the traditional stress reduction programme as it was developed by dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the mindfulness movement. Based on his many years of experience as a psychiatrist, Edel Maex has written a clear, concise and heartfelt guide to mindfulness, that will help you to deal differently with the unavoidable agitations of life. With a preface by Jon Kabat-Zinn. "I bow to Edel Maex for writing this lovely book, and for all his efforts to bring mindfulness in an authentic and universal articulation, based on his own years of meditation practice and study, more and more into the mainstream of medicine, psychiatry, and Western culture." Jon Kabat-Zinn, Professor of Medicine Emeritus and founding director of the Stress Reduction Clinic and the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. "What a delight! This book is like a peaceful conversation, rich and dense. The mix of personal meditation experience, his professional experience as a psychotherapist, counselling techniques and zen wisdom transforms reading this book into an immediate Mindfulness exercise: while reading, you take the time to pause and reflect. The journey has already begun..." Christophe André, psychiatrist at the Saint-Anne Hospital in Paris. "This book invites the reader to make an appointment with himself, in an open and welcoming spirit. It seems so simple... In reality, this requires, as any other form of training, the daily discipline to perform mindful exercises and meditations. Edel Maex gives us different keys to sit, to maintain and to develop our mindfulness practice, with an exceptional clarity and a lot of wisdom. An admirably clear, didactic book. I would recommend it to all participants of our MBCT-courses and their instructors." Lucio Bizzini, Ph.D, Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Geneva. "Writing about Mindfulness is a delicate exercise. Edel Maex has found the words to convey the deeper sense of meditation in a remarkably simple way. The secret of his limpid and captivating style undoubtedly lies in his experience in the field, as a psychiatrist and mindfulness trainer. This book is a fantastic invitation to discover, maintain and develop our practice." Guido Bondolfi, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital of Geneva.
Simon & Schuster Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking
Michael Ruhlman’s groundbreaking New York Times bestseller takes us to the very “truth” of cooking: it is not about recipes but rather about basic ratios and fundamental techniques that makes all food come together, simply.When you know a culinary ratio, it’s not like knowing a single recipe, it’s instantly knowing a thousand. Why spend time sorting through the millions of cookie recipes available in books, magazines, and on the Internet? Isn’t it easier just to remember 1-2-3? That’s the ratio of ingredients that always make a basic, delicious cookie dough: 1 part sugar, 2 parts fat, and 3 parts flour. From there, add anything you want—chocolate, lemon and orange zest, nuts, poppy seeds, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, almond extract, or peanut butter, to name a few favorite additions. Replace white sugar with brown for a darker, chewier cookie. Add baking powder and/or eggs for a lighter, airier texture. Ratios are the starting point from which a thousand variations begin. Ratios are the simple proportions of one ingredient to another. Biscuit dough is 3:1:2—or 3 parts flour, 1 part fat, and 2 parts liquid. This ratio is the beginning of many variations, and because the biscuit takes sweet and savory flavors with equal grace, you can top it with whipped cream and strawberries or sausage gravy. Vinaigrette is 3:1, or 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar, and is one of the most useful sauces imaginable, giving everything from grilled meats and fish to steamed vegetables or lettuces intense flavor. Cooking with ratios will unchain you from recipes and set you free. With thirty-three ratios and suggestions for enticing variations, Ratio is the truth of cooking: basic preparations that teach us how the fundamental ingredients of the kitchen—water, flour, butter and oils, milk and cream, and eggs—work. Change the ratio and bread dough becomes pasta dough, cakes become muffins become popovers become crepes. As the culinary world fills up with overly complicated recipes and never-ending ingredient lists, Michael Ruhlman blasts through the surplus of information and delivers this innovative, straightforward book that cuts to the core of cooking. Ratio provides one of the greatest kitchen lessons there is—and it makes the cooking easier and more satisfying than ever.
Dalton Watson Fine Books The Golden Days of Thompson Speedway & Raceway: Sports and Formula Car Events 1945-1977
Occasionally a spark of inspiration can become the catalyst for transition. Just such an occasion took place with the construction of Thompson Speedway in 1940, a five-eighth-mile banked oval track, dubbed “The Indianapolis of the East.” A road course joined to the oval in 1952 enlarged the track to form the first privately-owned complex where sports car drivers could race safely. It transformed the face of sports car racing in America, and hastened the demise of the dangerous open-road events together with the majority of flat and boring airfield race venues. These two volumes tell the story of the ground-breaking racetrack and, as far as possible, detail the drivers and cars that participated in the races. They are profusely illustrated with contemporary photographs showing well-known drivers such as Briggs Cunningham, Bill Lloyd, Bill Spear, Lance Reventlow, Walt Hansgen, George Constantine and Denise McCluggage in action driving Maseratis, Jaguars, Porsches, Coopers, Ferraris and other makes that they imported from Europe and that are now in such popular demand. Today, the Raceway has been regenerated and runs as a successful venture under the control of Jonathan Hoenig, great-grandson of the original owner. Volume One, The Formative Years: 1945-1959, covers the years 1938-1960 and describes the development of sports car racing at Thompson as early as 1945. It explains the politics involved between land-owner, John Hoenig, and Raceway manager George Weaver, and their unsuccessful attempts to establish a working relationship. Their disagreements led to the development of the Raceway’s second layout by Weaver as it separated from the Speedway Oval in 1958. Volume Two, Changing Fortunes: 1960-1977, sees Hoenig and Thompson Raceway in Windham County Court in 1961, the culmination of a long-standing dispute over share holdings. SCCA policy changes in the first half of the 1960s involving the conflict between professional and amateur status also contributed to the eventual demise of the Raceway under Weaver’s control in 1967. Subsequently, the venue was revived by the Hoenig family, with a new track that incorporated the original Speedway oval, but the fuel crisis, a lack of investment and a general decline in spectator interest led to its closure again in 1977.
Edition Skylight Complete Masterworks
SORAYAMA: A Grandmaster of technical and erotic phantasy without limits. The Japanese artist Sorayama lives in Tokyo. He is a global phenomenon and has the reputation of being an enfant terrible. His art is being shown at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Smithsonian Institute of Technology Museum. Washington DC, the World Erotic Art Museum, Miami and numerous exhibitions around the world. At last there is a new and considerably expanded edition of his COMPLETE MASTERWORKS in enhanced print quality and at a very reasonable price. This thick tome is a reference catalogue to Sorayamas rich work including a lot of new illustrations. Printed in high-density and best possible quality his MASTERWORKS sparkle with extraordinary talent, wondrous imagination and impeccable skill. Enjoy! - Sorayamas surreal and futuristic DADAIST images not only produce incredible sensations in the observer, but also blend into a unique homage to life. With joyful freedom he combines and morphs fear with happiness, pain with pleasure, repulsion with attraction, past with future, flesh with metal, the organic with ethereal. Stronger than any constraint, the energy of life and love that goes through his work is what I admire most in his amazingly perfect technique. Thierry Mugler / SORAYAMA: Ein Großmeister der Fantasie in Sachen Technik und Erotik ohne jede Grenze. Der japanische Künstler Sorayama lebt in Tokyo und gilt weltweit als Phänomen und enfant terrible. Seine Werke finden sich u.a. im Museum of Modern Art, New York, Smithsonian Institute of Technology Museum. Washington DC, World Erotic Art Museum, Miami und über die Jahre weltweit in zahlreichen Kunstausstellungen. Endlich liegt eine wesentlich erweiterte Neuausgabe seiner COMPLETE MASTERWORKS in verbesserter Druckqualität und vor allem zu einem sehr günstigen Preis vor. - Sehr viele Nachwuchskreative aus dem Bereich der Airbrushmalerei sehen in Sorayama ihr großes Vorbild. Eine der Ursachen ist zweifellos der Umstand, dass Sorayama seine Vorliebe für alles Leuchtende und Glänzende sowohl bei den Sexy Robots als auch bei den vielen Pin-Up-Variationen so perfekt mit dem Pinsel umgesetzt hat, dass ihm fälschlicherweise die Spritzpistole als wesentliches Arbeitsmittel zugeschrieben worden ist. Sicher ein Missverständnis, mit dem es sich gut leben lässt Arno Welke Sorayama ist unangefochten die Nr. 1 in Sachen erotischer Illustrationen! Peter W. Czernich (Marquis)
Hodder & Stoughton To War With the Walkers: One Family's Extraordinary Story of the Second World War
**DAILY MAIL BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2019****SUNDAY TELEGRAPH CHRISTMAS BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2019**'So blissfully good that I'd give it to a reader of any age . . . deeply touching, unforgettable family memoir'ALLISON PEARSON, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH'Uplifting and enlightening . . . Venning has a good eye for what makes the Walker story both unique and universal . . . Thrilling'MAIL ON SUNDAY'Superb . . . With its sweeping narrative, readable style, sense of humanity and breadth of research, the saga casts a highly personal light on some of the most significant episodes of [the Second World War]'DAILY EXPRESS'A heart-pounding narrative that feels fresh . . . this marvellous book also depicts a world that was soon to vanish'DAILY MAIL'A moving book . . . This account of one family's experience takes us to hidden crannies of the war that more official accounts might not bother with . . . Once read, never forgotten'THE TIMES'A sensationally good book . . . I see reflections of my own family, and beyond them, like those mirrors tilted slightly into infinity, I can see literally miles of others lined up, inexorably linked forever by a shared experience . . . this is an exceptional book and should be required reading in modern history classes'JOANNA LUMLEY'An extraordinary, compelling picture of a family entwined in the Second World War . . . at turns funny, sad, redemptive and tragic. Fabulous'JAMES HOLLAND'A loving tribute . . . Brimming with anecdote and rich in fascinating detail'KEGGIE CAREW~How would it feel if all your sons and daughters were caught up in war?What would it be like to spend six years fearing what a telegram might bring?That was the heart-wrenching reality faced by so many families throughout the Second World War, including the parents of the Walker children. From the Blitz to the battlefields of Europe and the Far East, this is the remarkable story of four brothers and two sisters who were swept along by the momentous events of the war. Harold was a surgeon in a London hospital alongside his sister Ruth, a nurse, when the bombs began to fall in 1940. Peter was captured in the fall of Singapore. Edward fought the Germans in Italy, and Walter the Japanese in Burma, while in London, glamorous Bee hoped for lasting happiness with an American airman. In To War With the Walkers, Annabel Venning, Walter's granddaughter, tells the enthralling and moving tales of her relatives, six ordinary young men and women, who each faced an extraordinary struggle for survival.
Taylor & Francis Inc Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing
The implementation of early-stage simulation tools, specifically computational fluid dynamics (CFD), is an international and interdisciplinary trend that allows engineers to computer-test concepts all the way through the development of a process or system. With the enhancement of computing power and efficiency, and the availability of affordable CFD packages, the applications of CFD have extended into the food industry for modeling industrial processes, performing comprehensive analyses, and optimizing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the new processes and systems. Beginning a new series dedicated to contemporary, up-to-date food engineering practices, Computational Fluid Dynamics in Food Processing is the first book of its kind to illustrate the use of CFD for solving heat and mass transfer problems in the food industry. Using a computational grid, CFD solves governing equations that describe fluid flow across each grid cell by means of an iterative procedure in order to predict and visualize the profiles of velocity, temperature, pressure, and other parameters. Starting with an overview of CFD technology and applications, the book illustrates the use of CFD for gaining a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the performance of processes involving heat and mass transfer. Specific chapters cover airflow in refrigerated trucks, retail display cabinets, microwaves, and doorways; velocity in meat dryers and spray drying; thermal sterilization; plate heat exchangers; membrane separation systems; jet impingement ovens; food extrusion and high-pressure processing; prediction of hygiene; design of biosensors; and the fermentation of tea and ripening of cheese. Drawing from an esteemed panel of international professionals and academics, this groundbreaking bookprovides engineers and technologists in research, development, and operations with critical, comprehensive, and readily accessible information on the art and science of CFD technology.
MACK Bugis Houses, Celebes
In 1983, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg accompanied two ethnologists and an architect on a research trip to Tana Toraja on the central Indonesian island of Sulawesi. Initiated by the Royal Tropical Institute of Amsterdam, the trip was intended to “explore the changing patterns in architecture and symbolism among the Sa‘dan Toraja”. On the way back from Rantepao to Ujung Pandang airport, Schulz-Dornburg passed the distinctive houses of the Bugis or To-Ugiq people, perched on the yellow paddy fields. Fascinated by their complex, expressive architectures, she began to photograph the houses in the short time she had before leaving, realising that the structures would likely not exist in their traditional form for much longer. The result is a body of work that not only surveys the houses’ physical forms but also considers wide-ranging ideas of physical and emotional homebuilding and the precarious place of tradition in the present day. Poised between heaven and earth and standing above the water when the rice fields are flooded, the Bugis houses reflect the creation myth of their people, in which the gods of the upper and lower worlds came together to create man to populate the uninhabited middle world. The farmers depicted by Schulz-Dornburg are likewise suspended between historic tradition and the impending pressures of the contemporary world. As they go about their work or greet her camera, they and their homes are held in the balance between past and future, mythology and everyday reality. With these shrewd and sensitive images, Schulz-Dornburg captures life as it is built and lived within a particular culture and landscape, offering a searching reflection on the places we call home. With a text by Sirtjo Koolhof.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Death and Deprivation on the Forgotten Sumatra Railway: A Prisoner's Story
James Henry Banton was born in Burton on Trent in 1920\. He worked as a driver of a steam locomotive used to used to transport beer and supplies to breweries around the town. When war broke out Jim joined the RAF, eventually becoming a Leading Aircraftsman as part of the RAF's ground crew. During this time Jim had met the love of his life Dorothy Mason. Jim didn't know that when he left Gladstone Dock in Liverpool he would not see home or his family including Dorothy for another four and a half years. Eventually posted to the Far East he was captured by the Japanese in the hills on the island of Java. Used as slave labour, starved, beaten and witnessing death on a daily basis he was later put to work on the building of the Sumatra Railway. The Far East Prisoners of war became known as the Forgotten Army, however there has been little reference paid to the Sumatra Railway compared with other theatres of WW2\. With this in mind the prisoners who worked on the Sumatra Railway could be considered to be the 'Forgotten of the Forgotten Army'. In August 1945 the world celebrated victory in Europe, however for the FEPOW's the war dragged on. As parts of the world were trying to return to normality Jim and his colleagues were being made to dig their own graves in the Sumatra jungle. The FEPOW's lives hung in the balance as orders had been issued to murder all POW's should mainland Japan be invaded by the Allies. This book is Jim's story and it is hoped it will also be a reminder not only of the sacrifice of the Forgotten Army but also highlight the suffering of the 'Forgotten of the Forgotten Army' - The Sumatra Railway POW's.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ringside Stories: From the Kennedy White House to Real Estate Everest
Follow the life of a celebrated guru, from hardscrabble boy to self-made man In Ringside Stories, real estate guru Dick Corbett reveals the secrets to his success in business and in life, tracking the rough-and-ready life of a man who won't accept failure as an outcome. Setbacks large and small are taken as lessons for the future, and one small success leads to another, larger one until the dream achieved is grander than any restless youth could have imagined. In Corbett's long and remarkably successful career, his commitment to economic development and growth management have been stunningly reflected in the more than one billion dollars of complex real estate ventures he's financed, developed, and constructed—including International Plaza, a three million square foot mixed-use retail, office, and hotel development at Tampa's International Airport. Corbett's work has generated thousands of permanent jobs, hundreds of new commercial sales entities, office space, adjunct hotels, and restaurants—all producing hundreds of millions of dollars annually for the regional economy. Richard A. Corbett's story begins with an alcoholic mother, an absentee father, and a search for self that resulted in boxing titles, street smarts, wilderness survival skills, degrees from Notre Dame and Harvard, a spot on the Kennedy presidential campaign, and later a place at Robert Kennedy's side when he died. This book documents the events that built this remarkable life, with lessons learned and wisdom gained. Mine the insight of a recognized real estate investing guru Learn how delicate relationships contributed to Corbett's success See the Kennedy family from the inner circle's perspective Discover how sheer ambition built Tampa's International Plaza Life is precious—everyone gets exactly one. Few can say they've truly lived, but Corbett's experiences mark him as a man who has been there, done that. Ringside Stories is the story of how wisdom found a truly self-made man.
University of Illinois Press Waves of Opposition: Labor and the Struggle for Democratic Radio
Radio sparked the massive upsurge of organized labor during the Great Depression. The powerful new medium became an important weapon in the ideological war between labor and business. Corporations used radio to sing the praises of individualism and consumerism, while unions emphasized equal rights, industrial democracy, and social justice. Elizabeth Fones-Wolf analyzes the battle to utilize, and control, the airwaves in radio's early era. Working chronologically, she explores the advent of local labor radio stations such as WCFL and WEVD, labor's campaigns against corporate censorship, and union experiments with early FM broadcasting. Using union archives and broadcast industry records, Fones-Wolf demonstrates radio's key role in organized labor's efforts to fight business's domination of political discourse throughout the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. She concludes with a look at how labor's virtual disappearance from today's media helps explain why unions have become so marginalized, and offers important historical lessons for revitalizing organized labor.
Yale University Press Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry Between Paris and New York
An unprecedented study that reveals tapestry’s role as a modernist medium and a model for the movement’s discourse on both sides of the Atlantic in the decades following World War II With a revelatory analysis of how the postwar French tapestry revival provided a medium for modern art and a model for its discourse and marketing on both sides of the Atlantic, Weaving Modernism presents a fascinating reexamination of modernism’s relationship to decoration, reproducibility, and politics. Tapestry offered artists a historically grounded medium for distributing and marketing their work, helped expand the visibility and significance of abstraction at midcentury, and facilitated modernism’s entry into the dominant paradigm of the postwar period. K. L. H. Wells situates tapestry as part of a broader “marketplace modernism” in which artists participated, conjuring a lived experience of visual culture in corporate lobbies, churches, and even airplanes, as well as in galleries and private homes. This extensively researched study features previously unpublished illustrations and little-known works by such major artists as Helen Frankenthaler, Henri Matisse, Robert Motherwell, Pablo Picasso, and Frank Stella.
Trailblazer Publications Sinai: The Trekking Guide: 74 large-scale maps and route guides to the best of Egypt's mountain & desert treks plus Sharm el Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba, St Katherine, Wadi Feiran
Trek with the Bedouin and their camels and discover one of the most exciting new trekking destinations in the world. Egypt's Sinai peninsula is the small tooth of land between Africa and Asia, and the fabled Biblical setting of The Exodus. It's a region of high mountains and sweeping deserts, home to crumbling Egyptian temples, Byzantine monasteries and more. The millions that visit Sinai each year come mostly for its beaches and reefs but for a true adventure, the best way to see Sinai is to trek with the Bedouin. Walking with their camels gives access to the most remote and waterless parts of the peninsula and no other mode of travel immerses you so fully in your surroundings nor gives such a close feel for the desert - its freedoms and hardships. Trekking is becoming ever-better established and it's perfectly possible to arrive and organise a trek yourself. Sinai can be trekked all year and it's on the doorstep of Europe. Budget airlines fly direct and the trekking is affordable if you organise everything independently. Once you finish on trail it's easy to stay occupied off it: there are coral reefs and sunken shipwrecks off shore and the tombs and temples of Egypt's Nile Valley are just a short hop over the Gulf. 74 detailed trekking maps - tricky junctions, places of interest. Comprehensive trail descriptions and GPS co-ordinates for classic treks and lesser-known routes. The best in the High Mountain Region (St. Katherine), Wadi Feiran and the Muzeina deserts. Practical information - planning your trip, getting to Sinai, arranging your trek and more: everything you need to know for every budget Town guides and maps - Sharm el Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba, St. Katherine, Wadi Feiran and others. Where to stay and eat, what to see and do History, culture, environment - full background sections on this land of legend Safety and green trekking - stay healthy and minimize your impact on a fragile desert GPS waypoints Plus - survival Arabic dictionary, snorkeling and diving, how to ride a camel etc.
BroadStreet Publishing All Things Beautiful
We've probably all heard an older gentleman declare that his wife is more beautiful now than the day they married. And we likely thought he was crazy. What we fail to recognize in our outward-focused airbrushed society, is that time really does make things beautiful. More accurately, time gives us perspective on the true definition of beauty. When we sit and intentionally reflect on something, it affords us a glimpse into the depth of beauty that lies within. So, while the external beauty may be fading, there is a wealth of beauty inside. God says that he makes all things beautiful in his time. All things. As you reflect on these Scriptures, devotions and prayers, you will find the unfading beauty spoken of in God's Word. Perseverance, humility, grace, obedience-these are beautiful. But there's more. The beauty God creates in us cannot be fully described in human terms. When you are met with challenges, take time to sit in the presence of the Lord. As you rest there, you become more like him, adopting his thoughts and plans as your own. In time you will see how difficult situations became a catalyst for true beauty in you. SPECIAL FEATURES - High-grade faux leather cover provides durability and exquisite tactile appeal. - Special heat debossing gives the cover a two-tone appearance and creates indentation which shows off the intricate design and varied texture. - Metallic and matte foil finishing touches are elegantly placed to enhance features, capturing attention and adding class for an aesthetic appeal. - This high-quality, sturdy Smythe-sewn binding stitches the signatures together creating durability and allowing pages to lay flat when open. - Decorative head and foot bands are also added to further complement the binding. - This matte art high quality paper with a smooth satin touch provides long-lasting vivid coloration and durability. - A beautiful satin ribbon marker conveniently keeps your place so you can quickly pick up where you left off. - Coordinating sturdy zippered closure allows you to tuck important extras inside.
Vintage Publishing Fragile Cargo: China’s Wartime Race to Save the Treasures of the Forbidden City
'The kind of history deserving of a cinematic blockbuster' Julia Lovell, Literary Review'[A] gripping and meticulously researched account of an epic effort to transport delicate scrolls, paintings and carvings thousands of miles under the threat of bombing and invasion' Rana Mitter, Times Literary Supplement'Brilliant and thrilling... A tale of daring and adventure... A desperate race against time' Paul French, South China Morning Post_____The gripping true story of the intrepid curators who saved China's finest art from the ravages of the Sino-Japanese War and World War II.Spring 1933. The silent courtyards and palaces of Peking's Forbidden City are tense with fear and expectation. Japan's aircraft drone overhead; its troops and tanks are only hours away. All-out war between China and Japan is coming, and the curators of the Forbidden City are faced with an impossible question: how will they protect the vast imperial art collections in their charge?The magnificent collections contain a million pieces of art - objects that carry China's deepest and most ancient memories. Among them are irreplaceable artefacts: exquisite paintings on silk, vanishingly rare Ming porcelain and the extraordinary Stone Drums of Qin, which are adorned with 2,500-year-old inscriptions of crucial cultural significance.For sixteen terrifying years, under the quiet leadership of museum director Ma Heng, the curators would go on to transport the imperial art collections thousands of miles across China - up rivers of white water, across mountain ranges and through burning cities. In their search for safety the curators and their fragile, invaluable cargo journeyed through the maelstrom of violence, chaos and starvation that was China's Second World War.Told for the first time in English and playing out across a vast historical canvas, this is the exhilarating story of a small group of men and women who, when faced with war's onslaught on civilisation, chose to resist.'Fascinating... Brookes marries a reporter's grasp of detail with a novelist's narrative flair to bring clarity and readability to a complicated period of China's troubled history' Mail on Sunday
Casemate Publishers From the Riviera to the Rhine: Us Sixth Army Group August 1944–February 1945
Two months after D-Day, just as the battle of Normandy was reaching its climax, with all eyes on the Falaise Pocket, the Allies unleashed the second invasion of France not in the Pas de Calais but the French Riviera. Immaculately planned, effectively undertaken, the Allies quickly broke out of their bridgehead, drove 400 miles into France in three weeks, and liberated 10,000 square miles of French territory while inflicting 143,250 German casualties. On September 10 they linked up with Patton’s Third Army and advanced into the Vosges Mountains, taking Strasbourg and holding the area against the Germans’ final big attack in the west: Operation Nordwind in January 1945. US Seventh Army and 6th Army Group undertook a successful campaign placing a third Allied army group with its own independent supply lines, in northeastern France at a time when the two northern Allied army groups were stretched to the limit. Without this force the Allies would have struggled to hold the frontage to Switzerland and Third Army would have been exposed to attack in its southern flank—something that could have had disastrous repercussions particularly during the Ardennes offensive of December 1944.The images of palm trees and azure seas obscure our view of this campaign. It was no cakewalk. The Germans knew the Allies were coming and had strong defences in the area. A shortage of landing craft, vehicles, and matériel meant that the US Seventh and French First armies were restricted in the assault. The heavy fog and anti-glider defences made for a difficult airborne assault, but it was carried out effectively, the amphibious assault was textbook in execution and the invasion of southern France ended up as a significant victory. But the story of 6th Army Group wasn’t finished. Taking up a position on the east flank of Third Army it fought its way through the Vosges and withstood the Germans’ last throw: Operation Nordwind—the vain attempt to relieve pressure on the Ardennes assault by attacking in the Vosges. Heavy fighting pressed hard towards Strasbourg but the Allies were ultimately victorious, inflicting severe losses on the Germans.
Bradt Travel Guides Guyana
This new third edition of Bradt's Guyana remains the only guidebook available to this South American gem, a jungle-clad country teeming with exotic wildlife. Thoroughly researched, easy to use and interesting to read, Bradt's Guyana is written and updated by writers who have lived in and promoted Guyana for many years and is an ideal companion for all travellers, from wildlife watchers to fishermen, anthropologists to conservationists and 'voluntourists'. Guyana is a destination on the rise, described - justifiably - by the tourist board as 'South America Undiscovered'. This new edition of Bradt's Guyana has been updated to include all the latest developments, ranging from how to see harpy eagles at Warapoka to new culinary experiences, local tour operators, 4x4 self-drive and new hotels. Truly off the beaten track, Guyana is one of the most fascinating and least-known countries in the Americas. It is also the only English-speaking country in South America. The jewel in its crown is the mouth-droppingly beautiful Kaieteur Falls, which is nearly five times the height of Niagara and the world's tallest single-drop waterfall. Culturally Caribbean, its capital Georgetown is a curious melting-pot of quaint Dutch and British colonial architecture, steel drums, boisterous nightlife, rum shops with world-class rum, cricket and tropical sea breezes. It is also the gateway to the lush interior which is full to the brim with fascinating flora and fauna including monkeys, black caiman, harpy eagles, giant anteaters, otters and the mighty jaguar. With Bradt's Guyana, discover all of this, plus where to stay in community lodges and see the rainforest through the eyes of Amerindian guides, where to watch turtles nesting on the beach, how to explore the moody Essequibo river (the largest between the Orinoco and the Amazon), and how to visit the million-acre rainforest reserve of Iwokrama for the ultimate authentic wildlife experience. This third edition of Bradt's Guyana is the key book to plan an expedition into its densely forested lush interior, often accessible only by boat or small aircraft, before taking some 'time to lime' in a hammock in one of its tropical waterfront resorts.
Penguin Books Ltd Winkle: The Extraordinary Life of Britain’s Greatest Pilot
Discover the daring life story and astonishing adventures of Captain Eric 'Winkle' Brown - Britain's greatest-ever pilotSmall in stature but immense in reputation and talent, there was more to Eric 'Winkle' Brown than met the eye.From shooting down Luftwaffe bombers from the deck of a carrier in the Battle of the Atlantic and narrowly escaping death when his ship was torpedoed, to accumulating a never-to-be repeated litany of world records and firsts as a test pilot, his unparalleled flying career saw him take the controls of over four hundred different kinds of aircraft - more than any other pilot in history.A rival to Chuck Yeager and hero to Neil Armstrong, by the time of his appearance on Desert Island Discs' 1000th episode Winkle had become a legend in his own lifetime, and by his death, a national treasure.But despite his enormous fame, there have always been mysteries at the heart of Winkle's story.Now, drawing on previously unseen documents and unfettered access to Winkle's own personal archive, Paul Beaver uncovers the complex and enigmatic man behind the legend - the real story of Britain's greatest pilot.A story Winkle insisted could only be told after his death . . .----------'Compelling, fascinating and frequently jaw-dropping. A brilliant and revelatory biography' JAMES HOLLAND'Beaver recounts the story of a man he regarded as a mentor in unshowy but fascinating detail, and restores a British hero to his rightful place' OBSERVER'[A] thumping great biography by Britain's leading aviation historian' DAILY MAIL, 'BOOK OF THE WEEK''Winkle Brown's astonishing adventures make for fascinating reading' SUNDAY TIMES'An excellent biography' PATRICK BISHOP, DAILY TELEGRAPH'The extraordinary story [of] a fearless pilot and decorated war hero. Epic' THE HERALD'A thrilling new biography' DAILY EXPRESS'A thumping great biography of the flying ace who made Top Gun look tame ... enthralling' DAILY MAIL'Riveting ... one of those must-read books, compelling and full of incidents that leave you gasping with surprise ... an incredible story' FLYER'An incredible life ... Brown took a secret to the grave that makes his story all the more remarkable' THE SUN
Rutgers University Press Rockin' in the Ivory Tower: Rock Music on Campus in the Sixties
Histories of American rock music and the 1960s counterculture typically focus on the same few places: Woodstock, Monterey, Altamont. Yet there was also a very active college circuit that brought edgy acts like the Jefferson Airplane and the Velvet Underground to different metropolitan regions and smaller towns all over the country. These campus concerts were often programmed, promoted, and reviewed by students themselves, and their diverse tastes challenged narrow definitions of rock music. Rockin’ in the Ivory Tower takes a close look at two smaller universities, Drew in New Jersey and Stony Brook on Long Island, to see how the culture of rock music played an integral role in student life in the late 1960s. Analyzing campus archives and college newspapers, historian James Carter traces connections between rock fandom and the civil rights protests, free speech activism, radical ideas, lifestyle transformations, and anti-war movements that revolutionized universities in the 1960s. Furthermore, he finds that these progressive students refused to segregate genres like folk, R&B, hard rock, and pop. Rockin’ in the Ivory Tower gives readers a front-row seat to a dynamic time for the music industry, countercultural politics, and youth culture.
Stanford University Press Cultures@SiliconValley: Second Edition
Since the initial publication of Cultures@SiliconValley fourteen years ago, much has changed in Silicon Valley. The corporate landscape of the Valley has shifted, with tech giants like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter vying for space with a halo of applications that connect people for work, play, romance, and education. Contingent labor has been catalyzed by ubiquitous access to the Internet on smartphones, enabling ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft and space-sharing apps like Airbnb. Entrepreneurs compete for people's attention and screen time. Alongside these changes, daily life for all but the highest echelon has been altered by new perceptions of scarcity, risk, and shortage. Established workers and those new to the workforce try to adjust. The second edition of Cultures@SiliconValley brings the story of technological saturation and global cultural diversity in this renowned hub of digital innovation up to the present. In this fully updated edition, J. A. English-Lueck provides readers with a host of new ethnographic stories, documenting the latest expansions of Silicon Valley to San Francisco and beyond. The book explores how changes in technology, especially as mobile phones make the Internet accessible everywhere, impact work, family, and community life. The inhabitants of Silicon Valley illustrate in microcosm the social and cultural identity of the future.
Cornell University Press The Politics of Piracy: Intellectual Property in Contemporary China
China is by far the world's leading producer of pirated goods—from films and books to clothing, from consumer electronics to aircraft parts. As China becomes a full participant in the international economy, its inability to enforce intellectual property rights is coming under escalating international scrutiny. What is the impact, Andrew C. Mertha asks, of external pressure on China's enforcement of intellectual property? The conventional wisdom sees a simple correlation between greater pressure and better domestic compliance with international norms and declared national policy. Mertha's research tells a different story: external pressure may lead to formal agreements in Beijing, resulting in new laws and official regulations, but it is China's complex network of bureaucracies that decides actual policy and enforcement. The structure of the administrative apparatus that is supposed to protect intellectual property rights makes it possible to track variation in the effects of external pressure for different kinds of intellectual property. Mertha shows that while the sustained pressure of state-to-state negotiations has shaped China's patent and copyright laws, it has had little direct impact on the enforcement of those laws. By contrast, sustained pressure from inside China, on the part of foreign trademark-owners and private investigation companies in their employ, provides a far greater rate of trademark enforcement and spurs action from anti-counterfeiting agencies.
The University of Chicago Press A Ministry of Presence: Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care, and the Law
Most people in the United States today no longer live their lives under the guidance of local institutionalized religious leadership, such as rabbis, ministers, and priests; rather, liberals and conservatives alike have taken charge of their own religious or spiritual practices. This shift, along with other social and cultural changes, has opened up a perhaps surprising space for chaplains--spiritual professionals who usually work with the endorsement of a religious community but do that work away from its immediate hierarchy, ministering in a secular institution, such as a prison, the military, or an airport, to an ever-changing group of clients of widely varying faiths and beliefs. In A Ministry of Presence, Winnifred Fallers Sullivan explores how chaplaincy works in the United States--and in particular how it sits uneasily at the intersection of law and religion, spiritual care, and government regulation. Responsible for ministering to the wandering souls of the globalized economy, the chaplain works with a clientele often unmarked by a specific religious identity, and does so on behalf of a secular institution, like a hospital. Sullivan's examination of the sometimes heroic but often deeply ambiguous work yields fascinating insights into contemporary spiritual life, the politics of religious freedom, and the never-ending negotiation of religion's place in American institutional life.
Not for Tourists Not For Tourists Guide to New York City 2024
With details on everything from the Empire State Building to Max Fish, this is the only guide a native or traveller needs to navigate New York’s neighbourhoods and find the best restaurants, shopping, and more. The Not For Tourists Guide to New York City is a map-based, neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood dream guide designed to lighten the load of already street-savvy New Yorkers, commuters, business travellers, and, yes, tourists too. Each map is marked with user-friendly icons identifying NFT’s favourite picks around town, from essentials to entertainment, and includes invaluable neighbourhood descriptions written by locals, highlighting the most important features of each area. The book includes everything from restaurants, bars, shopping, and theatre to information on hotels, airports, banks, transportation, and landmarks. Need to find the best pizza places around? NFT has you covered. How about a list of the top vintage clothing stores in the city? We’ve got that, too. The nearest movie theatre, hardware store, or coffee shop—whatever you need, NFT puts it at your fingertips. This pocket-sized book also features: A foldout map for subways and buses More than 130 city and neighbourhood maps Details on parks and places Listings for arts and entertainment hot spots It is the indispensable guide to the city. Period.
Troubador Publishing So Little to Go On
Nita is a young teacher who is stationed in central Africa when a military coup forces her to be recalled. At a small airstrip, she joins a group of local citizens and foreigners who have all missed the flight that she's stunned to learn might have been the last one out. As tensions rise, Leandro, a charismatic Angolan journalist, tries to unite disparate travellers around a story-telling game. An intervention by Vernon, an elderly archaeologist, results in the adoption of an unlikely theme: who were the artists of the Palaeolithic era and why did they paint in caves? The game starts off tentatively, but soon everyone is drawn in - only to be stopped short with signs of impending danger getting closer. After failed attempts to find out more, the group decides to embark on a long walk to safety, agreeing to continue the story-telling along the way to distract themselves from the threats around them. Many of the travellers dread their turn but no one refuses. Some opt for fables, some seek clues from personal experience, others make thinly disguised arguments for their beliefs, while a few attempt a literal account of events that might have happened. But does their game about the past contain a subtle warning about their future they should heed...before it's too late?
Little, Brown Book Group Called to Account: How Corporate Bad Behaviour and Government Waste Combine to Cost us Millions.
In a recent study of 61 hospitals, it was found that they bought 21 different types of A4 paper, 652 different kinds of surgical gloves and 1751 different cannulas.Police forces could cut the cost of their uniforms by over 30 per cent if they all bought the same one. But they disagree on how many pockets they need.Having committed to buy two new aircraft carriers, the MOD realised it didn't have the funds to buy them. The delayed delivery cost an additional £1.6 billion.We've spent £500 million on an abandoned project to centralise 999 calls, £3.5 billion on privatising the Work Programme, £700 million on implementing Universal Credit (used by 18,000 people), £20 billion on medical negligence claims, £70 billion (and counting) dealing with nuclear waste at Sellafield, and countless millions on IT investments in the BBC, the Home Office, the NHS . . .Waste is everywhere.Fighting against this waste is the Public Accounts Committee, which oversees some £700 billion of public spending every year. As its chair from 2010-15, Margaret Hodge knows the excesses of government bodies better than anyone. Conversational, witty, engaging and packed with anecdotes and insights about the biggest political figures of our time, Called to Account shines a light on some of the most fascinating - and alarming - issues that face Britain today.
Little, Brown Book Group Rodigan: My Life in Reggae
'THE BOOK THAT EVERY REGGAE FAN SHOULD READ' John Masouri, Echoes'Rodigan can still claim a currency few presenters of his vintage can match. Perhaps it's because while his wider musical and professional milieu has been in constant change, his boundless enthusiasm has been constant. Reggae's been lucky to have him' Ian Harrison, MOJO'Rodigan was a major part of my childhood, he played the hottest tunes and in a style that just resonated with me and millions like me. Being able to contribute anything to a man that filled my life with such joy is an honour, respect, David Rodigan' Ian Wright'David is a pioneer in Reggae music. As a selector and radio personality, his vast knowledge of Jamaican music and its culture has helped to educate and fascinate music lovers around the world; he's an amazing son of the music, and an icon. We couldn't have made it this far without him' ShaggyThis is the unlikely story of David Rodigan: an Army sergeant's son from the English countryside who has become the man who has taught the world about Reggae. As the sound of Jamaica has morphed over five decades through a succession of different genres - from Ska and Rock Steady, to Dub, Roots and Dancehall - Rodigan has remained its constant champion, winning the respect of generation after generation of Reggae followers across the globe.Today, at the age of 63, he is a headline performer at almost all the UK's big music festivals, as well as events across the world. Young people revere him and he is a leading presenter on the BBC's youth network 1Xtra as well as a regular fixture at leading nightclubs such as London's Fabric and at student unions throughout the land. And he continues to go into the heartlands of Reggae, to the downtown dancehalls of Kingston and Montego Bay in Jamaica to compete in tournaments against the greatest sound systems. And yet, for all of this, David Rodigan is the antithesis of the stereotype of an international dance music DJ. 'I look like an accountant or a dentist,' he admitted to The Independent a decade ago. A man of impeccable manners, Rodigan prepares for a big sound clash by retiring to his hotel bed with a Thomas Hardy novel before taking a nap and then a cup of espresso before heading to the club. Rodigan is the inside story of this apparent paradox. It tells how a boy from Kidlington has become an admired international ambassador for a music form that remains as proud as ever of its African roots, a sound that emanates from and fiercely represents the ghetto poor. He now reaches across the age groups, from teens through to those of his own vintage. At the pinnacle of his career, Rodigan has become the DJ for all generations.'David Rodigan is a force of nature. His spirit and passion are a rare and wonderful thing. He has dedicated his life to carrying the torch for Reggae music and is hugely respected all over the world for his knowledge and talent as a broadcaster and a DJ. Long may he reign on our stages and on our airwaves' Annie Mac
John Wiley & Sons Inc Real Estate Investing All-in-One For Dummies
Build wealth through real estate Real Estate Investing All-in-One For Dummies will show new and seasoned real estate investors how to make smart decisions. With seven books in one, this complete resource will teach you how to purchase real estate, flip houses, invest in commercial real estate and foreclosures, sell your house, buy real estate internationally, and more. We even explain the ins and outs of short-term rentals like Airbnb, so all your passive income options are covered. With this book, you can start investing in real estate quickly and easily, thanks to user-friendly information and expert tips that will help you avoid costly mistakes. It’s your one-stop resource for all things real estate. Learn how to buy and sell real estate, including how to find the best deals Determine whether flipping houses or short-term rental management is for you Maximize your earnings and minimize your tax bill in real estate investment Extend your reach outside the United States by investing in real estate globally This is the perfect Dummies guide for amateur real estate investors who need a hand getting started, and for seasoned investors looking to up their game with commercial, international, and other investment strategies.
Baen Books 1636: The Atlantic Encounter
It has taken almost five years for the United States of Europe to stabilize its position in 17th-century Europe. Now it turns its attention to the New World, where the English have ceded their colonial claims to France. There are vast lands and rich resources across the Atlantic for any nations powerful enough to rule and control them—and equal incentive for other nations to block their path.The time-displaced Americans know about the future path that led to their own United States in North America, in the other universe they came from. But do they want to repeat that history as it was? Yes, they had democracy—but they are helping to create that in Europe. And they have learned the bitter prices paid for chattel slavery and the near-extermination of the native populations.Knowledge is power. Perhaps a new course can be taken. Accordingly, an expedition is sent to the New World to see just what might be happening there and what might be done. They are armed with their technology, among which are a radio and an airship. More importantly, they are armed with the knowledge of future history and their determination not to repeat the errors of their past.What could possibly go wrong?About Eric Flint:“This alternate history series is . . . a landmark . . . ”—Booklist“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist"[R]eads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . . ”—Publishers WeeklyAbout Walter H. Hunt: "A compelling and immersive novel in which every word feels authentic and every chapter draws the reader deeper into the dark and terrifying power of the mind.”—New York Journal of Books
Springer Verlag, Singapore Technology Application in Tourism in Asia: Innovations, Theories and Practices
This book very specifically focuses on technology application in tourism in Asia. The book contains twenty-seven chapters in four sections (i.e., theories, innovations, practices, and future research directions), based on the intriguing qualities and importance of technology applications in the Asian tourism business. This book, a blend of comprehensive and extensive efforts by the contributors and editor, is designed to extensively cover technology applications in tourism in Asia, including distinct topics such as mobile computing, new product designs, innovative technology usages in tourism promotion, technology-driven sustainable tourism development, location-based apps, mobility, accessibility, the post crisis situation of COVID-19, etc. This book is a significant contribution towards the very limited knowledge of technology applications in tourism, with selected examples of Asian countries. The importance of technology in Asian tourism is rapidly increasing, and has led to a rise in luxury, allowing citizens to enjoy leisure travel over both long and short distances. The rise of low-cost airlines and the region’s growing, affluent middle class have changed the tourism environment dramatically. More tourists are booking their holidays online as a result of technological advancements. Online travel is the most important and well-established aspect of Asia's Internet economy. Considering the ongoing trend of technology applications in the tourism industry in Asia, more research attempts like this book need to be made aiming towards exploring diverse aspects. As tourism is an expanding area, this book can serve as a reading companion for tourism students, policy planners and industry professionals. This book is expected to be appreciated by expatriate researchers and researchers having a keen interest in the Asian tourism industry.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Growth Hacking – konsequent umsetzen: Prozesse, Instrumente und Mindset für ein schnelles und nachhaltiges Wachstum – mit Roadmap und Checklisten
Der Nimbus des Silicon Valley ist ungebrochen. Doch was ist das Geheimnis hinter dem gigantischen Wachstum dieser Firmen? Wie ist es Facebook, Dropbox, Tesla, Airbnb und Co. gelungen, innerhalb von wenigen Jahren zu Unternehmen mit Milliarden-Bewertungen heranzuwachsen? Fragen, auf die Growth Hacking Antworten liefert. Diese Technik erfordert neben einem kreativen und innovativen Mindset zugleich tiefes Produkt- und Zielgruppenverständnis sowie eine strukturierte Vorgehensweise. Die Anleitung dazu liefert dieses Buch – mit Beispielen und Checklisten. Es bietet Growth-Hacking-Einsteigern und -Fortgeschrittenen einen praktischen Leitfaden zur Entwicklung und Überprüfung eigener Growth-Hacking-Aktivitäten. In einer Roadmap hat Lukas Gassner die Erkenntnisse und Growth-Hacking-Erfahrungen der letzten zehn Jahre zusammengetragen und zu einem roten Faden verknüpft. Sie erfahren, wie Sie regelmäßig individuelle Growth Hacks entwickeln können, die sowohl skalierbar als auch wiederholbar, messbar und wirksam sind. Dabei wird bewusst auf Veteranen-Storys und Anekdoten verzichtet. Hier geht es ausschließlich darum, wie Sie nachhaltige und reproduzierbare Ergebnisse erzielen. Ein umsetzungsorientiertes Buch für Start-ups und KMU sowie für Großunternehmen, die agil handeln können.Aus dem Inhalt Was ist Growth Hacking – und was ist es nicht? Und was ist ein Growth Hack? Der Growth-Hacking-Prozess: Mit Struktur zum Erfolg Customer: Der Kunde steht immer im Mittelpunkt Experiments: Wachstum ist kein Zufall, sondern das Ergebnis planvollen Vorgehens Culture: Einordnung des Growth Hackings im Unternehmen Product: Die fünf Produktphasen im Growth Hacking Anwendung der Growth-Hacking-Roadmap Growth-Hacking-Fallstudien digitaler und analoger Produkte