Search results for ""author lee""
Firefly Press Ltd Llwynog Tân Olaf, Y
Charlie becomes the keeper of a firefox cub, and he has to defend it valiantly from a supernatural hunter... A heartwarming story about family, friendship and finding your inner fire. A Welsh adaptation by Siân Northey of The Last Firefox.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who: Once and Future: Past Lives
The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form - instead, the Doctor's past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his 'degeneration'. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely... Settling as his Fourth incarnation, the Doctor goes in search of the Monk, with a vague memory that he had something to do with his 'degeneration'. On Earth, the Monk is meddling, bringing Sarah Jane Smith to the future UNIT HQ to steal a device for an alien race. The Doctor must help Kate Stewart and Osgood foil an invasion before he can confront the Monk about what he knows... CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Nerys Hughes (Margaret Hopwood), Guy Adams (Garlon Dees), Sam Benjamin (Attendant / Halfway Men), Chase Brown (Sergeant Ray Hunter), Barnaby Edwards (Stan Trubshaw / Private Massey / Edie’s Dad / Old Reg), Holly Jackson Waters (Alice), Joe Jameson (Jacob Harmer (16) / Jacob Harmer (35)), Kenneth Jay (Captain Ray Hunter), Evie Killip (Edie Carter), Shvorne Marks (Mia Valarna), Victor McGuire (Huthro), Jackson Milner (Private Joe Powell), Paul Panting (Nate Duffy / Mr Fennec), Ronald Pickup (Jacob Harmer), Olivia Poulet (Felsa Mavelock), Sara Powell (Moira Tenaka), Joe Sims (Tench). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Doctor Who The Monthly Adventures #253 Memories of a Tyrant
What if you’d committed a truly dreadful crime but couldn’t remember? The Doctor takes Peri to the Memory Farm – a state of the art space station where hidden memories can be harvested and analysed. To their surprise, they find the station in lock-down and all its resources dedicated to probing the memories of an elderly man. Garius Moro may, or may not, have been responsible for the deaths of billions of people many years ago, but he simply can’t remember. The assembled representatives of two opposing factions, each with their own agenda, anxiously wait for the truth to be unlocked from Moro’s mind. But when a memory does eventually surface, everyone is surprised to learn that it is of Peri. CAST: Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Joseph Mydell (Garius Moro), Diane Keen (Varish), Charlotte Strevens (Naras), Caleb Frederick (Offram), Sean Connolly (Kennedy), Steven Wickham (Grisk / Venorg), John Green (Otwoe). Other parts played by members of the cast.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Taking Control: Sovereignty and Democracy After Brexit
Taking Control argues that neither side in the Brexit debate really understood the European Union or what was involved in reclaiming Britain’s sovereignty. The EU is neither a supranational nanny state, nor an internationalist peace project. It is the means by which Europe’s elites transformed their own states in order to rule the void where representative politics used to be. Leaving the EU is a necessary but not sufficient step towards closing the chasm between rulers and ruled. This book makes the democratic case for national sovereignty, arguing for a radical, forward-looking reconstitution of the British nation-state through strengthening representative democracy. It is essential for anyone who wonders why British politics is so dysfunctional and who wants to do better.
Oxford University Press Commercial Law
Commercial Law offers a fresh, modern, and stimulating exploration of this diverse and fascinating area of law. The text provides thorough coverage of all key aspects of the syllabus, including the law of agency, the sale of goods, international trade, and methods of payment, finance, and security. This coverage is enhanced through a range of novel learning features, including examples, definitions, and diagrams, that encourage understanding and demonstrate how the principles behind the law are applied in practical transactions. Digital formats and resources The fourth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: This edition is also accompanied by a selection of online resources to support and further student learning, including: · Self-test questions · Additional chapters on alternative dispute resolution, the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods, consumer credit, principles of insurance law, and WTO rules and bilateral trade rules · Answers to questions posed in the book · Flashcards for key terminology · Further reading · A guide to OSCOLA referencing · Downloadable figures from the book
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Dogs
The author's "Draw 50" series has sold over 3 million copies. It aimed at children aged 5 and upwards. "Draw 50 Dogs" teaches aspiring artists how to draw with ease by following simple, step-by-step instructions. Celebrated author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to create a delightful pack of dogs, from greyhounds to Great Danes. He features exotic breeds, such as the Borzoi and the Weimaraner, as well as common breeds like the Beagle, Sheepdog, Boston terrier and Basset Hound. Ames' illustration style and renowned drawing method has made him a leader in the step-by-step drawing manual. Ames's insutrction allows seasoned artists to refine their technique and guides amateurs to develop their own artistic abilities. Even the youngest artists can make man's best friend look great. It's easy to draw dogs when it's done the "Draw 50" way.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Sharks, Whales, and Other Sea Creatures
This title features 50 inhabitants of the deep in step-by-step sketches, including 11 kinds of sharks and 13 animals of the whale family. Acclaimed author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw dozens of sea creatures with an easy, step-by-step approach. This title is suitable for children aged 5+. Targeted at young aspiring artists seeking to develop their technical skill and build a repertoire of subjects, Lee J. Ames' "Draw 50" series shows you how to draw with ease using his signature step-by-step method. His clear instructions help budding artists explore their interests in a fun, familiar way. With over three million copies in print, the "Draw 50" series has successfully shown children how to create everything from a robin to a spaceship, Tyrannosaurus Rex to skyscrapers, and UFOs to racing cars.
Guilford Publications Clinicians Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy
A research methods text with a unique focus on evidence-based practice with couples and families, this book bridges the divide between research and clinical work. The text offers comprehensive, user-friendly coverage of measurement and design issues and basic qualitative and quantitative methods. Illustrating research concepts with clinically relevant examples and sample studies, it teaches clear steps for evaluating different types of studies and identifying common threats to validity. Of special value to therapists, it provides a systematic framework for using research to guide the selection and evaluation of interventions that meet the needs of particular clients. Pedagogical features: *End-of-chapter Applications sections showing how to evaluate specific methods. *Appendices with quick-reference guides and recommended resources. *Instructive glossary. See also the authors' Essential Skills in Family Therapy, Third Edition: From the First Interview
Kohlhammer Judaism I: History
Bellevue Literary Press The Poetic Species: A Conversation with Edward O. Wilson and Robert Hass
World Literature Today Editor's Pick "Enchanting...The Poetic Species is a wonderful read in its entirety, short yet infinitely simulating." --MARIA POPOVA, Brain Pickings In this shimmering conversation (the outgrowth of an event co-sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History and Poets House), Edward O. Wilson, renowned scientist and proponent of "consilience" or the unity of knowledge, finds an ardent interlocutor in Robert Hass, whose credo as United States poet laureate was "imagination makes communities." As they explore the many ways that poetry and science enhance each other, they travel from anthills to ancient Egypt and to the heights and depths of human potential. A testament to how science and the arts can join forces to educate and inspire, this book is also a passionate plea for conservation of all the planet's species. Edward O. Wilson, a biologist, naturalist, and bestselling author, has received more than 100 awards from around the world, including the Pulitzer Prize. A professor emeritus at Harvard University, he lives in Lexington, Massachusetts. Robert Hass' poetry is rooted in the landscapes of his native northern California. He has been awarded the MacArthur "Genius" Fellowship, the National Book Critics Circle Award (twice), the Pulitzer Prize, and the National Book Award. He is a professor of English at University of California-Berkeley.
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Your Students, My Students, Our Students: Rethinking Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms
Winner of AM&P EXCEL Bronze AwardYour Students, My Students, Our Students explores the hard truths of current special education practice and outlines five essential disruptions to the status quo. Authors Lee Ann Jung, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Julie Kroener show you how to: Establish a school culture that champions equity and inclusion. Rethink the long-standing structure of least restrictive environment and the resulting service delivery. Leverage the strengths of all educators to provide appropriate support and challenge. Collaborate on the delivery of instruction and intervention. Honor the aspirations of each student and plan accordingly. To realize authentic and equitable inclusion, we must relentlessly and collectively pursue change. This book—written not for ""special educators"" or ""general educators"" but for all educators—addresses the challenges, maps out the solutions, and provides tools and inspiration for the work ahead. Real-life examples of empowerment and success illustrate just what's possible when educators commit to the belief that every student belongs to all of us and all students deserve learning experiences that will equip them to live full and rewarding lives.
Arcadia Publishing Angeles International Airport
Liverpool University Press Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific: True-Blue Internationals Navigating Labour Rights 1906-2006
Winner of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society (ANZLHS) Prize for 2023 Maritime workers occupy a central place in global labour history. This new and compelling account from Australia, shows seafaring and waterside unions engaged in a shared history of activism for legally regulated wages and safe liveable conditions for all who go to sea. Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific provides a corrective to studies which overlook this region’s significance as a provider of the world’s maritime labour force and where unions have a rich history of reaching across their differences to forge connections in solidarity. From the ‘militant young Australian’ Harry Bridges whose progressive unionism transformed the San Francisco waterfront, to Australia’s successful implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, this is a story of vision and leadership on the international stage. Unionists who saw themselves as internationalists were also operating within a national and imperial framework where conflicting interests and differences of race and ideology had to be overcome. Union activists in India, China and Japan struggled against indentured labour and ‘coolie’ standards. They linked with their fellow-unionists in pursuing an ideal of international labour rights against the power of shipowners and anti-union governments. This is a complex story of endurance, cooperation and conflict and its empowering legacy.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Food on the Farm: Band 02B/Red B
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. They are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 1–6 and contain notes in the back. The Handbooks provide support in demonstration and modelling, monitoring comprehension and expanding vocabulary. Join one farmer as she shows you how different vegetables grow on her farm in this non-fiction book. Red B/Band 2B books offer simple but varied text with familiar objects and actions, combined with simple story development and a satisfying conclusion. The focus sounds in this book are: /ai/ /ee/ /igh/ /oo/ /oo/ /ar/ /or/ /oi/ /er/ Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support forreading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
HarperCollins Publishers How Many Animals?: Band 01A/Pink A (Collins Big Cat)
This non-fiction counting book shows photographs of the following animals: one crocodile, two elephants, three lions, four birds, five frogs and six rabbits.Pictures of equal numbers of children add an element of fun to the book as they pretend to be the animals. Pink A/Band 1A books offer emergent readers very simple text supported by illustrations. Text type - A simple information book. The photographs of the animals and children are repeated in numerical order on pages 14 and 15 to encourage the children to count the animals again. This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.
Guilford Publications Essential Skills in Family Therapy: From the First Interview to Termination
Many students and beginning clinicians have relied on this engaging, authoritative text--now revised and expanded--to hit the ground running in real-world clinical practice. Focusing on what works, the authors show how to flexibly draw on multiple theories and techniques to conduct comprehensive assessments, develop collaborative treatment plans, and intervene effectively for frequently encountered clinical concerns. Mental health skills needed by all therapists are interwoven with state-of-the-art family therapy knowledge. Illustrated with instructive case examples and vignettes, the book helps the reader navigate typical dilemmas and troubleshoot when treatment gets “stuck.” New to This Edition *Discussions of addictive behaviors (pornography, gambling, video games, social media); children's brain development; premarital counseling; divorce therapy; preventing premature terminations; and uses of technology in clinical practice. *Chapter on working with older adults and their caregivers. *Revised throughout with current research and evidence-based practice recommendations. *Extensively rewritten chapter on treatment planning. *Chapter-opening vignettes, plus new and revised case examples throughout. *New assessment resources, including an Appendix on screening instruments. See also the authors' Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family Therapists, which shows how to weave assessment into all phases of therapy, and Clinician's Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 3)
Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Torchwood #34 Expectant
The Yalnix Empire is a fragile alliance of a dozen systems, under constant attack from their ancient enemy, the Vad. With the Empress unable to trust any of her court she gives the job of growing the next Ruler of the Yalnix to an old friend - Captain Jack Harkness. With hunters on the loose and a battle fleet in orbit, Cardiff's suddenly become a dangerous place for a man to be pregnant. NOTE: Torchwood contains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners. CAST: John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness), Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones), Aaron Anthony (Jonty), Catherine Ayers (Paula), Meryn Davis (Resident), Jessica Hayles (Brigadier), Emily John (Resident). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Ebury Publishing Doctor Who: The Monster Vault
You're going to need a bigger sofa...Doctor Who's biggest and most comprehensive monster guide yet, The Monster Vault takes you on the ultimate tour of the Whoniverse, discovering and cataloguing every wonderful and terrifying creature the Doctor has ever encountered.From the notorious Daleks, to evil Stenza warrior Tzim-Sha and the ancient Thijarians, The Monster Vault features in-depth profiles on each monster, showing the Doctor's most dangerous enemies in their natural habitat and unveiling their secret histories. You will also discover how monsters were created and designed, behind-the-scenes secrets, unseen details from the original scripts, case studies and rare artwork.This lavish and visually stunning book provides an unrivalled wealth of information, allowing you to explore the rich history of Doctor Who and expand your knowledge and understanding of characters old and new.
Greenhill Books Rorke's Drift By Those Who Were There: Volume I
The great host came steadily on, spreading out spreading out - spreading out till they seemed like a giant pair of nut-crackers opening round the little nut of Rorke's Drift. - Surgeon Major James Henry Reynolds V.C., Army Medical Department On 22 January 1879, during the final hour of the Battle of iSandlwana - one of the greatest disasters ever to befall British troops during the Victorian era - a very different story was about to unfold a few miles away at the mission station of Rorke's Drift. When a Zulu force of more than 3,000 warriors turned their attention to the small outpost, defended by around 150 British and Imperial troops, the odds of the British surviving were staggeringly low. The British victory that ensued, therefore, would go down as one of the most heroic actions of all time, and has enraptured military history enthusiasts for decades. Featuring a wide range of first-hand accounts and testimonies from those present during the Battle of Rorke's Drift, Rorke's Drift By Those Who Were There is a remarkable work of Anglo-Zulu military history by those who know the topic best, Lee Stevenson and Ian Knight. This updated edition of the classic work of the same name includes even more first-person accounts from the combatants on both the British and Zulu sides. Providing personal, microscopic accounts of events, while at the same time presenting a clear overview of the battle in its entirety, readers will gain an impressive, unique breadth of knowledge about one of the most awe-inspiring battles in British history.
Tuttle Publishing Hello Korean Volume 1
Touchstone Books Inherit the Dead
The University Press of Kentucky A Political Companion to Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow is one of the twentieth century's most influential, respected, and honored writers. His novels The Adventures of Augie March, Herzog, and Mr. Sammler's Planet won the National Book Award, and Humboldt's Gift was awarded the 1976 Pulitzer Prize for fiction. In addition, his plays garnered popular and critical acclaim, and some were produced on Broadway. Known for his insights into life in a post-Holocaust world, Bellow's explorations of modernity, Jewish identity, and the relationship between art and society have resonated with his readers, but because his writing is not overtly political, his politics have largely been ignored. A Political Companion to Saul Bellow examines the author's novels, essays, short stories, and letters in order to illuminate his evolution from liberal to neoconservative. It investigates Bellow's exploration of the United States as a democratic system, the religious and ideological influences on his work, and his views on race relations, religious identity, and multiculturalism in the academy. Featuring a fascinating conclusion that draws from interviews with Bellow's sons, this accessible companion is an excellent resource for understanding the political thought of one of America's most acclaimed writers.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advances in Construction Management: Select Proceedings of ACMM 2021
This book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Construction Materials and Management (ACMM 2021). It discusses the recent innovations towards construction management, building technology and new materials in practice in civil engineering. Various topics covered include architecture and urban planning, smart materials and structures, GIS in construction application, transportation materials and engineering, geotechnical applications in construction, energy and sustainability, green building technologies and materials and construction management. The book will be useful for beginners, researchers and professionals working in the area of civil engineering.
Kehrer Verlag Last Best Hiding Place: Tim Richmond
CABI Publishing Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe
This book focuses on understanding farming transition pathways towards sustainability, using case studies from Europe. It assesses the utility of the multi-level perspective in transition theory for addressing contemporary issues and identifies future research needs, making it an essential read for researchers of rural or agricultural change.
Enchanted Lion Books One Day
A gentle, delicately illustrated story, told from the perspective of a young boy who has lost a beloved grandfather.A Bank Street College of Education Best Book of 2022One of World Literature Today’s 100 Notable Translations of 2021Occupying two dimensions—one that is tangible and heart-wrenching in its details of traces left behind, and another that is cosmic, created by the boy's imagination as he longs for a reunion—One Day explores the inner world of a child as he comes to terms with a deeply felt and aching loss.A boy’s grandfather goes away suddenly, never to return. How could he leave just like that, without even saying goodbye? His smell remains in his sweater, and his shoes wait to be worn, but he is nowhere to be found. As the boy looks and wonders, a refrain runs through his mind, Grandpa is gone. The boy lingers in the midst of his grandfather’s things, to feel him and remember, but also as a way of beginning to say goodbye. There in the quiet, the boy begins to imagine his Grandfather returning to the planets and stars, the faraway home from which he must have come. This is a beautifully made book, in which the cosmic dimension of the story inhabits its very construction. It is a wonderful story of agency and imagination, showing a child navigating the very process of filling the absence that death brings through storytelling and self-reflection.
HarperCollins Publishers Food on the Farm: Phase 3 Set 2 (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised)
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics. Join one farmer as she shows you how different vegetables grow on her farm in this non-fiction book. Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
HarperCollins Publishers Old MacDonald had a Farm: Foundations for Phonics (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised)
Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised has been developed in collaboration with Wandle Learning Trust and Little Sutton Primary School. It comprises classroom resources to support the SSP programme and a range of phonic readers that together provide a consistent and highly effective approach to teaching phonics. Follow Old MacDonald as he works around his farm. Look out for all of the friendly farm animals, and listen to the noises they make. Pages 14 and 15 contain an “I Spy” feature, which uses visual support to help children explore the themes and sounds contained within the book. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
SAGE Publications Inc Literacy Is NOT Enough: 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age
How to upgrade literacy instruction for digital learnersEducating students to traditional literacy standards is no longer enough. If students are to thrive in their academic and 21st century careers, then independent and creative thinking hold the highest currency. In Literacy is NOT Enough, the authors explain in detail how to add these new components of literacy: Solution Fluency Information Fluency Creativity Fluency Collaboration Fluency Students must master a completely different set of skills to succeed in a culture of technology-driven automation, abundance, and access to global labor markets. The authors present an effective framework for integrating comprehensive literacy or fluency into the traditional curriculum.
Open University Press The Social Work Portfolio: A student's guide to evidencing your practice
The portfolio is an essential part of the summative assessment within qualifying social work programmes. All students are required to complete a practice portfolio to provide evidence of their learning in practice. This essential book demonstrates how students can use the portfolio to demonstrate their learning in terms of developing core knowledge, values and skills.Topics covered include: What a portfolio is, and how to make best use of it in your learning journey How to evidence your capability using the Professional Capabilities Framework for Social Workers How to reflect on your own learning needs and learning style How to work with your practice educator in terms of practice learning and portfolio development How to evidence the use of theory in your portfolio How to evidence meaningful service user and carer involvement within your placement and portfolio How to use your portfolio as a basis for future CPD learning, including the need to develop Personal Development Plans and the role of AYSE Written by a team of experts from Bournemouth University, each chapter uses a range of reflective activities, practice educator comments, and student testimony to illustrate the discussion.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Perioperative Quality Improvement
Quality improvement (QI) principles are increasingly important in every area of today's healthcare, encompassing efforts to make healthcare delivery safer, more effective, patient-centered, timely, equitable, and efficient. Perioperative Quality Improvement provides up-to-date, easy-to-read guidance for perioperative clinicians on this critical topic. Each chapter covers a pertinent area of QI in the perioperative setting, focusing on both concepts and implementation. Written and edited by key international opinion leaders in the field, this text is a relevant, concise resource for anesthesiologists, surgeons, nurse anesthetists, and hospitalists-anyone involved in perioperative medicine regardless of specialty area. Explains concepts related to understanding the tools and techniques used in improving the quality of care, establishing a culture of quality, prioritizing areas of improvement, collecting and analyzing data, communicating, motivating people to change, and performing ongoing evaluations. Covers key topics such as patient-centered care, equity, shared decision making, process mapping, and sustainability. Addresses the critical areas of structure, process and outcome with a focus on perioperative care and relevant case studies. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Perioperative Medicine: Managing for Outcome
Based on the most current evidence and best practices, Perioperative Medicine: Managing for Outcome, 2nd Edition, is an easy-to-follow, authoritative guide to achieving optimal outcomes in perioperative care. Written and edited by recognized authorities in anesthesiology and surgical critical care, this fully updated edition helps you think critically about complex, long-term issues surrounding the care of the surgical patient, providing decision trees that define strategies to enhance the medical outcome of care. Focuses on what anesthesiologists, surgeons, and intensivists need to know in order to improve outcomes through evidence- and outcome-based approaches. Provides practical guidance on potential risks to all major organ systems, the etiology of particular organ dysfunctions, preoperative and intraoperative risk factors, and perioperative protection strategies to minimize potential complications. Features a consistent chapter format - with even more color-coded algorithms, summary tables, and boxes - that enables you to quickly explore and determine the best management approaches. Includes six all-new chapters: Perioperative Fluid Management; Delirium and POCD; Role of Palliative Care/ICU; Value-Based Care: The UK Model; CFO Perspective on Value; Hospital to Home (Perioperative Transitions of Care) Discusses timely topics such as quality improvement, pay-for-performance, preexisting disease and comorbid conditions in anesthesiology, and the team-based model of care. Features two new editors, surgeon Clifford Ko, MD, and Perioperative Summit leader, Michael (Monty) Mythen, MD. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Watson-Guptill Publications Draw 50 Buildings and Other Structures
This title is suitable for children aged 5 to 11 years old. It is targeted at young aspiring artists seeking to develop their technical skills and build a repertoire of subjects, particularly those relating to architecture. Acclaimed author Lee J. Ames shows readers how to draw dozens of buildings with a comprehensive, step-by-step approach. His distinctive drawing method has proven to be successful for children and adults alike over the past 40 years and has shown artists, from the beginner to advanced levels, how to draw everything from animals to airplanes. The revised "Draw 50" series gives an old favourite an exciting, new look.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Asians: Principles and Techniques
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Asians: Principles and Techniques offers a comprehensive guide to all aspects of cosmetic surgery in Asians, focusing on the differences in surgical techniques and general principles when treating these patients. With special emphasis on minimally invasive techniques and minimization of scars, the book features contributions from surgeons in Asian regions who share their signature procedures and describe the latest innovations. The book is divided into ten parts. It begins with general principles and discusses the cultural and societal influence on Asian patients for cosmetic surgery as well as psychological and psychiatric considerations for Asian cosmetic patients. Next, the book covers facial rejuvenation with chapters on treatment for acne scars, laser skin resurfacing, fat grafting, and Botox. The book discusses the various approaches to face lift, including the classic face-lift and the short-scar method. A section on cosmetic surgery of the eyelid examines the special considerations in Asian eyelid surgery. It discusses upper and lower blepharoplasty, management of the sunken eyelid, and periorbital rejuvenation. A section on rhinoplasty covers alloplastic implants, autologous cartilage grafts, and primary open and closed rhinoplasty. The book also discusses cosmetic surgery of the ear and of the facial skeleton. The next chapters cover breast augmentation with implants, focusing on the transaxillary approach as well as the inframammary approach. The contributors discuss augmentation with conventional fat grafting and cell-assisted lipotransfer. Also covered are mastopexy, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction with pedicled TRAM flap. The final chapters cover abdominoplasty, liposuction of the trunk, buttock augmentation, calf reduction, and other procedures such as hair transplantation, penile enhancement, correction of varicose veins with endovascular laser, and correction of osmidrosis. Illustrated with over 2500 top-quality full-color drawings and photographs, and with three DVDs showcasing supplementary surgical techniques videos, this title is an absolutely indispensable resource for anyone involved in the aesthetic treatment of Asian patients.
Brookes Publishing Co Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Prevention and Intervention Strategies
This book provides educators with practical, step-by-step strategies to address students’ serious problem behaviors in school settings. With a focus on prevention strategiesand positive approaches, this proactive framework sets the stage for an assessment-based, functional approach for students with significant emotional and behavioraldisorders (EBDs) as well as those with less severe behavior problems.This book introduces readers to foundational information and describes techniques to avoid or reduce students’ behavior problems, improve social interactions, and increase academic engagement and motivation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Occupational Ergonomics: A Practical Approach
The approach to the book is analogous to a toolkit. The user will open the book and locate the tool that best fits the ergonomic assessment task he/she is performing. The chapters of the book progress from the concept of ergonomics, through the various assessment techniques, and into the more complex techniques. In addition to discussing the techniques, this book presents them in a form that the readers can readily adapt to their particular situation. Each chapter, where applicable, presents the technique discussed in that chapter and demonstrates how it is used. The supporting material at the end of each chapter contains exercises, case studies and review questions. The case study section of the book presents how to use techniques to analyze a range of workplace scenarios. Topics include: The Basics of Ergonomics; Anthropometry; Office Ergonomics; Administrative Controls; Biomechanics; Hand Tools; Vibration; Workstation Design; Manual Material Handling; Job Requirements and Physical Demands Survey; Ergonomic Survey Tools; Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders; How to Conduct an Ergonomics Assessment; and Case Studies
University of Georgia Press Soaring: Eleven Guiding Principles on the Path from Segregation to Success
A powerful underdog story, Soaring delivers practical leadership advice, business lessons, and tips for success mined from the real-life strategies of Lee E. Rhyant’s forty years as a corporate leader. Born into poverty in the postwar South, Rhyant was the fourth of eight children raised by a family of African American sharecroppers struggling to survive the last decades of segregation. Soaring combines compelling storytelling with practical lessons to demonstrate the transformative power of perseverance. In the trajectory of his life, Rhyant has achieved many goals considered beyond his reach. Here he shares compelling stories of growing up in the segregated South, working at an early age, graduating from the HBCU Bethune-Cookman University and Indiana University, and ultimately excelling at leadership roles at General Motors, Rolls Royce Aeronautics, and Lockheed Martin Marietta. Rhyant’s life reveals a great deal about the economic, business, and racial climate in the South in the last quarter of the twentieth century and has much to teach students, business leaders, and interested readers about resiliency and determination.
Stanford University Press Redefining the Corporation: Stakeholder Management and Organizational Wealth
The modern corporation is an institution of enormous economic power and social impact. Corporations have grown in size and numbers all over the world because of their ability to mobilize productive resources and create new wealth. The evolution of the corporation has given rise to new opportunities and challenges that require a redefinition of the corporation and its objectives. The legitimacy of the corporation as an institution, its "license to operate" within society, depends not only on its success in wealth creation but also on its ability to meet the expectations of diverse constituents who contribute to its existence and success. These constituencies and interests are the corporation's stakeholders—resource providers, customers, suppliers, alliance partners, and social and political actors. Consequently, the corporation must be seen as an institution engaged in mobilizing resources to create wealth and benefits for all its stakeholders. This book presents a stakeholder view of the corporation in both theoretical and practical terms. Its central proposition is that organizational wealth is created (or destroyed) through a corporation's interactions with its stakeholders. Effective stakeholder management develops and utilizes relationships between a corporation and its stakeholders for mutual benefit, thereby accomplishing the fundamental purpose of wealth creation. Following the empirical maxim that "Corporations are what they do," the authors examine the stakeholder management practices of three major corporations: Cummins Engine Company, Motorola, and the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. These companies are very different, and their current stakeholder management policies and practices have evolved in very different ways. However, they share a common commitment to humanistic values and to continuous learning. Their varied experiences illustrate some of the opportunities and challenges of stakeholder management, and confirm the appropriateness of the stakeholder view of the corporation as a basis for strategy and policy.
Princeton University Press Brazil in Transition: Beliefs, Leadership, and Institutional Change
Brazil is the world's sixth-largest economy, and for the first three-quarters of the twentieth century was one of the fastest-growing countries in the world. While the country underwent two decades of unrelenting decline from 1975 to 1994, the economy has rebounded dramatically. How did this nation become an emerging power? Brazil in Transition looks at the factors behind why this particular country has successfully progressed up the economic development ladder. The authors examine the roles of beliefs, leadership, and institutions in the elusive, critical transition to sustainable development. Analyzing the last fifty years of Brazil's history, the authors explain how the nation's beliefs, centered on social inclusion yet bound by orthodox economic policies, led to institutions that altered economic, political, and social outcomes. Brazil's growth and inflation became less variable, the rule of law strengthened, politics became more open and competitive, and poverty and inequality declined. While these changes have led to a remarkable economic transformation, there have also been economic distortions and inefficiencies that the authors argue are part of the development process. Brazil in Transition demonstrates how a dynamic nation seized windows of opportunity to become a more equal, prosperous, and rules-based society.
Harvard University Press The Behavior of Federal Judges: A Theoretical and Empirical Study of Rational Choice
Judges play a central role in the American legal system, but their behavior as decision-makers is not well understood, even among themselves. The system permits judges to be quite secretive (and most of them are), so indirect methods are required to make sense of their behavior. Here, a political scientist, an economist, and a judge work together to construct a unified theory of judicial decision-making. Using statistical methods to test hypotheses, they dispel the mystery of how judicial decisions in district courts, circuit courts, and the Supreme Court are made.The authors derive their hypotheses from a labor-market model, which allows them to consider judges as they would any other economic actors: as self-interested individuals motivated by both the pecuniary and non-pecuniary aspects of their work. In the authors' view, this model describes judicial behavior better than either the traditional “legalist” theory, which sees judges as automatons who mechanically apply the law to the facts, or the current dominant theory in political science, which exaggerates the ideological component in judicial behavior. Ideology does figure into decision-making at all levels of the federal judiciary, the authors find, but its influence is not uniform. It diminishes as one moves down the judicial hierarchy from the Supreme Court to the courts of appeals to the district courts. As The Behavior of Federal Judges demonstrates, the good news is that ideology does not extinguish the influence of other components in judicial decision-making. Federal judges are not just robots or politicians in robes.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Uncooperative Contemporaries: Art Exhibitions in Shanghai C. 2000
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side
National Geographic Kids The Skull in the Rock: How a Scientist, a Boy, and Google Earth Opened a New Window on Human Origins (Science & Nature)
Rowman & Littlefield Strong in the Struggle: My Life as a Black Labor Activist
In the 1950s the notorious House Un-American Activities Committee launched a ruthless smear campaign and outright attack against hundreds of labor leaders, teachers, leftists, Communists, civil servants, filmmakers, civil rights activists, and many others it accused of conspiring to overthrow the government. On the basis of little or no evidence individuals were dragged before HUAC and harassed and threatened. Many lost their jobs or were jailed if they did not cooperate with a Committee that flagrantly trampled the right of freedom of speech and condemned individuals for association with progressive causes. One man who stood tall and refused to cooperate with the diabolical Committee was Lee Brown, an African American labor activist and a leader of an interracial union of waterfront workers in New Orleans. For his courageous act Brown soon lost his freedom but not his dignity. He was tried and unjustly convicted of violating the Taft-Hartley Act that prohibited Communist Party members from also serving as the leaders of labor unions. Brown spent more than two years in federal prison but his militancy and commitment to the struggle for workers' rights and civil rights remained undiminished. Strong in the Struggle tells the powerful story of the political awakening of Brown as a youth from the rural South, his life from childhood among poor black farmers, his encounters with the Jim Crow system of racial segregation and racial violence, his discovery of the changes that could be won when working people organized into unions, his rise to leadership and his time of imprisonment, and his continuing advocacy of the ideals of racial equality and socialism. Told in his own words, it is an engaging story that follows him as a young man from Louisiana to Texas as a shipyard worker, to Arizona as a railroad worker, to Los Angeles and Hollywood where he worked in restaurants and as a bit-part actor during World War II, to the docks of New Orleans and the great hotels of San Francisco as the Civil Rights an
Astra Publishing House Paul Bunyan: The Invention of an American Legend: A TOON Graphic
Did you know that a mainstay of American folk culture was in fact created as an advertising ploy? Few people realize that Paul Bunyan, the legendary lumberjack, and his blue ox are the product of corporate marketing by a highly industrialized industry. Cartoonist NOAH VAN SCIVER shows us the myth creation as real life marketing man extraordinaire W.B. Laughead spins ever more wondrous tall tales. Van Sciver's story is bracketed by rich contributions from contemporary Native artists and storytellers with a very different connection to the land that the Bunyan myths often conceal. Readers will see how a lumberjack hero, a quintessential American fantasy, captures the imagination but also serves to paper over the seizure of homeland from First Peoples and the laying bare of America's northern forests. It's a tall tale with deep roots . . . in profit-making!
University of Minnesota Press The Great Minnesota Cookie Book: Award-Winning Recipes from the Star Tribune's Holiday Cookie Contest
Eighty delicious, imaginative recipes from the Star Tribune’s beloved annual cookie contest, with mouth-watering pictures and bakers’ stories It’s cold in Minnesota, especially around the holidays, and there’s nothing like baking a batch of cookies to warm the kitchen and the heart. A celebration of the rich traditions, creativity, and taste of the region, The Great Minnesota Cookie Book collects the best-loved recipes and baking lore from fifteen years of the Star Tribune’s popular holiday cookie contest. Drop cookies and cutouts, refrigerator cookies and bars; Swedish shortbread, Viennese wafers, and French–Swiss butter cookies; almond palmiers; chai crescents and taffy treats; snowball clippers, cherry pinwheels, lime coolers, and chocolate-drizzled churros: a dizzying array and all delightful, the recipes in this book recall memories of holidays past and inspire the promise of happy gatherings to come. These are winning cookies in every sense, the best of the best chosen by the contest’s judges, accompanied by beautiful photographs as instructive as they are enticing. A treat for any occasion, whether party, bake sale, or after-school snack, each time- and taste-tested recipe is perfect for starting a tradition of one’s own.