Search results for ""Author Alexander""
Bohlau Verlag Moskaus Fenster zur Welt: Die Nachrichtenagentur TASS und die Auslandsberichterstattung in der Sowjetunion, 1918-1941
Bohlau Verlag Magistra Vitae: Essays zum Lehrgehalt der Geschichte
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Konzerninsolvenz im französischen Recht: Eine Analyse des "Rechts der Unternehmen in Schwierigkeit" (droit des entreprises en difficulté) aus der Perspektive des deutschen Gesellschafts-, Insolvenz- und Zivilrechts
Während die deutsche Insolvenzordnung im Wesentlichen prozessrechtliche Probleme regelt, enthält der insolvenzrechtliche Teil des französischen Code de commerce äußerst praxisrelevante Vorschriften, die hierzulande etwa dem Gesellschafts- oder dem allgemeinen Zivilrecht zuzuordnen wären. Diese systematische Beobachtung trifft auch für die lebhaft diskutierten und vom deutschen Gesetzgeber nur in prozessualer Hinsicht aufgegriffenen Rechtsprobleme der Konzerninsolvenz zu. Alexander Arfert unternimmt einen funktionalen Rechtsvergleich des materiellen französischen Konzerninsolvenzrechts mit den im deutschen Recht anwendbaren Vorschriften des Gesellschafts-, Insolvenz-, Arbeits- und Zivilrechts. Dabei untersucht er, ob Deutschland bei der Bekämpfung von Missbräuchen und zur Erreichung des Ziels einer nachhaltigen Sanierung in der Insolvenz die richtigen Lösungen und das französische Recht übertragbare Lösungsansätze bereithält.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Finanzaufsicht: Der Staat und die Finanzmärkte
Die Finanzkrise und die spätestens seit 2010 einsetzende Eurokrise haben die Frage nach der Rolle des Staates in einer Marktwirtschaft im Allgemeinen und auf den Finanzmärkten im Besonderen wieder auf die Tagesordnung der gesellschaftlichen Diskussion gesetzt. Der "laisser-faire-Kapitalismus" der Finanzmärkte steht zunehmend in der Kritik, das richtige Maß staatlicher Intervention und deren Ausgestaltung im Einzelnen bleiben aber umstritten. Alexander Thiele untersucht in diesem Zusammenhang erstmals umfassend den grundgesetzlichen Rahmen für mögliche nationale Reformen der staatlichen Finanzaufsicht. Er kommt dabei zu dem Ergebnis, dass der nationale Gesetzgeber insoweit nur wenigen konkreten verfassungsrechtlichen Vorgaben unterliegt. Dieser hat mithin einen weiten Spielraum für die Ausgestaltung "seiner" Aufsicht, der auch durch europäische und internationale Regelungen kaum begrenzt wird.
Birkhauser Basics Modelbuilding
Models are spatial presentations of architectural concepts, miniature representations of the proposed buildings. Better than any drawing or computer simulation, they help to create a better spatial impression of the projected building, because anybody looking at a model can select the angle of view and thereby obtain a personal impression of the space. Designing and presenting a design concept with the help of a model is an important step in creating an awareness of the intended design. Basics Model Building provides students with concise knowledge of model typologies, materials, tools, and techniques for the professional creation of working and presentation models. The new edition of this successful volume has been updated and supplemented, in particular in the field of digital model building.
Carpenter's Son Publishing Virtues Work: Soar at Work. Soar at Life. Here's How.
People change over time. They can’t help it. They either become better people, more admired, and more successful or they slowly become the opposite, and all their wonderful goals slip out of reach. Are you changing into the person you want to be? Or is that better you slipping away? Virtues Work, a remarkable new book, leads you, step-by-step to become the person you want to be. Virtues have improved lives for millennia. History’s great thinkers have insisted on the virtues’ importance. In this clear, concise volume, the author presents the virtues in a practical way. It is full of entertaining, instructive anecdotes; clear, plain-English explanations; and concrete tips that will get you using the virtues today. This book will change your life. It will help the better you emerge and prevent your dreams from slipping away.
Smith Street Books The 5 Minute, 5 Ingredient Lunchbox: Happy, healthy & speedy meals to make in minutes
When your cupboard is looking a bit bare, it’s hard to get inspired to make lunch for the day ahead. We can often run out of ideas too, meaning we end up with the same dull lunch every day – or worse yet, buying every meal out and about. Those costs add up. The 5-Minute 5-Ingredient Lunchbox aims to streamline your lunch each day a breeze according to what you have lying around. Some forgotten rice or grains in the cupboard? Or a random assortment of tinned veggies? These 52 recipes will show you how to quickly turn them into a nutritious and delicious lunch. Plenty of these lunchbox ideas are also vegetarian, vegan, gluten free and/or dairy free. There’s also advice throughout on how to make bulk lunches for your week, if that’s your style, and how you might be able to overhaul last night’s leftovers into a great midday meal.
Oxbow Books Before the Military Revolution: European Warfare and the Rise of the Early Modern State 1300-1490
Before the Military Revolution examines European Warfare in the Late Middle Ages from 1300 to 1490. It is not restricted only to well-covered conflicts, like the Anglo-Scottish Wars or the Hundred Years War, but gives due weight to all regions of Europe, including the Empire, the Baltic, the Balkans and the Mediterranean, and considers developments in naval warfare. The Hussite Wars and the wars of the Teutonic Order and the Hanseatic League are covered, as is the expansion of Moscow, the Ottomans and Venice, and battles likeAussig (1426), Copenhagen (1428), Chojnice (1454) are discussed alongside Bannockburn and Agincourt.This age witnesses fundamental change. The feudal system of the High Middle Ages crumbled everywhere in Europe due to climatic change, economic crisis and population decline. This triggered a fiscalisation of the military organisation, the establishment of taxes and representation of the estates. This book argues that these changes are the most fundamental ones in the military and political organisation in Europe until the rise of the constitutional state around 1800 and so comes closer to the original concept of a Military Revolution. It also takes a critical look at other often discussed developments of this age, like the Infantry and Artillery Revolution or the decline of cavalry. Combining a chronological and regional narrative with deeper analysis of themes like chivalry, strategy, economic warfare or military publications makes this book an indispensable read for everyone interested in late medieval history.
Lerner Publishing Group G.O.A.T. Basketball Point Guards
Lerner Publishing Group G.O.A.T. Soccer Goalkeepers
Skyhorse 250 Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success
MASTER B2B MARKETING WITH AN EXTENSIVE HOW-TO GUIDE PACKED WITH OVER 250 VALUABLE STRATEGIES250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success is a step-by-step guide to becoming a leading B2B marketing professional. Written by Alexander Kesler, a seasoned marketing practitioner and thought leader, this book serves as a resource for every level of B2B professional, from those taking their first steps into the B2B marketing world to the most experienced pundits.250+ Best Practices for B2B Marketing Success synthesizes best practices that can take years to learn into an easy-to-understand (and easy-to-implement) guide. The information in this book is proven, ready-to-use, and contains steps that most marketers can apply right away—on everything from crafting content to measuring its effectiveness at the campaign’s end. Above all, this book presents engaging strategies and practices suitable for any business. Short and to the point, mark
Atheneum Books How We Became Wicked
Willis Music Company The Russian Technical Regimen for the Piano Exercise Volume IV Arpeggios and Block Chords
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Spring Concerto In Four Movements for Solo Piano with Piano Accompaniment
The University of North Carolina Press The Myth of the Picaro: Continuity and Transformation of the Picaresque Novel, 1554-1954
This critical interpretation of the origins of modern fiction follows the transformation of the picaresque novel over four centuries through the literature of Spain, France, England, Germany, Russia, and the United States. Blackburn uses for the first time the resources of myth criticism to demonstrate how the picaresque masterpieces of the Spanish Golden Age founded a narrative structure that was continued by Defoe, Smollett, Melville, Twain, and Mann.Originally published in 1979.A UNC Press Enduring Edition - UNC Press Enduring Editions use the latest in digital technology to make available again books from our distinguished backlist that were previously out of print. These editions are published unaltered from the original, and are presented in affordable paperback formats, bringing readers both historical and cultural value.
Picador USA Animal Person: Stories
Random House Worlds Battlefront: Twilight Company (Star Wars)
Axios Press Moral Foundations: an Introduction to Ethics
The Catholic University of America Press Respectably Catholic and Scientific: Evolution and Birth Control Between the World Wars
Respectfully Catholic and Scientific traces the unexpected manner in which several influential liberal-progressive Catholics tried to shape how evolution and birth control were framed and debated in the public square in the era between the World Wars-- and the unintended consequences of their efforts.A small but influential cadre of Catholic priests professionally trained in social sciences, Frs. John Montgomery Cooper, John A. Ryan, and John A. O'Brien, gained a hearing from mainline public intellectuals largely by engaging in dialogue on these topics using the lingua franca of the age, science, to the near exclusion of religious argumentation.The Catholics' approach was more than just tactical. It also derived from the subtle influence of Catholic theological Modernism, with its strong enthusiasm for science, and from an inclination toward scientism inherited from the Progressive Era's social science milieu.All three shared a fervent desire to translate the Catholic ethos, as they understood it, into the vocabulary of the modern age while circumventing anti-Catholic attitudes in the process. However, their method resulted in a series of unintended consequences whereby their arguments were not infrequently co-opted and used against both them and the institutional church they served.Alexander Pavuk considers the complex role of both liberal religious figures and scientific elites in evolution and birth control discourse, and how each contributed in unexpected ways to the reconstruction of those topics in public culture. The reconstruction saw the topics themselves shift from matters considered largely within moral frameworks into bodies of knowledge and practice ripe for controlled scientific planning in movements ranging from birth regulation advocacy and social hygiene to eugenics.
Alfred Music Preludes
Rowman & Littlefield SAS and Elite Forces Guide Ropes and Knots: Essential Rope Skills From The World's Elite Units
SAS & Elite Forces Guide to Using Ropes and Knots draws on the skills of the world’sbest soldiers to teach you how to use these essential tools in the wilderness. Tried andtested techniques used by the world’s special forces give you field-tested advice onissues such as: how to take care of ropes, the most useful knots to use in a survivalsituation, how to make your own ropes out of animal tendons or plants, how to useyour rope effectively when climbing, how to lash together a log raft. A simple rope can be a lifesaver in a survival situation. Knowing how to use a ropeand make effective knots will help you in an amazing variety of ways – fromconstructing shelters and creating weapons, to fishing and hunting. Most important,ropes and knots act as literal lifelines in dangerous environments, such as whencrossing a fast-flowing river or scaling a mountainside.
Alfred Music Trois Morceaux Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Five Little Pieces Op 3
Alfred Music Elegie for Viola Op 44 Kalmus Edition
Princeton University Press Vagrancy in Birds
Penguin Random House LLC Rogue One
Faber Music Ltd Zadok rules - Hallelujah!
Zadok Rules - Hallelujah! is a witty and whistle-stop tribute to kings and queens, royal music through the ages and the works of G. F. Handel. The result of a commission by period instrument orchestra The Hanover Band, this entertaining new community choral piece launched in Arundel Cathedral in 2013, marking the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, and is an 8-minute celebration of our rich cultural heritage. Based on the music of Handel, Arne (and Henry VIII!), it sets a rhyming text that cleverly traces all of the English monarchs from William the Conqueror to the present day. Lyrics include: Start with the Normans, Willy, Willy, Henry, Stee, Henry Two was a Plantagenet, Dick, John, Henry Three. Zadok Rules can be performed by children's choir and/or SATB chorus, with either chamber orchestra or piano accompaniment. In addition to the printed vocal score, there is a digital bundle available via, incorporating single-line children's part, children's part plus piano accompaniment and free audio learning tracks. Vocal scores can also be hired, along with the full score and set of band parts (
Faber Music Ltd Siyahamba
Faber Music Ltd Oh Shenandoah
Faber Music Ltd Low-Down on the Hoe-Down
Faber Music Ltd The Lark in the Clear Air
Faber Music Ltd (Is this the way to) Amarillo?
(Is this the way to) Amarillo? is about a man travelling to find his fiancée in Amarillo, Texas. After the second verse and chorus there’s a chance to go a cappella: the piano can leave out the small notes and give the singers a chance to show off what they can do! This piece is part of the Faber Choral Singles series, offering a selection of beautifully crafted arrangements in a diversity of musical styles. From Broadway, pop and folk to spirituals, gospel and original works, the series is arranged for 3-part choir (soprano, alto and a combined male-voice part) providing flexibility for any choir. Complete with straight-forward piano accompaniments supporting the vocal lines, the Faber Choral Singles series guarantees the perfect repertoire for every occasion – so get exploring and get singing!
Faber Music Ltd Early One Morning
Faber Music Ltd Famba Naye
Famba Naye is a South-African song, often sung at funerals. The first verse means ‘go with her, father’ (‘baba’ means ‘father’), followed by ‘you are love’, ‘we are sad’ and ‘sing with her’. The optional solo at the beginning of each verse sets up the call-and-response form that is so common in African vocal music. This song works beautifully with or without accompaniment. This piece is part of the Faber Choral Singles series, offering a selection of beautifully crafted arrangements in a diversity of musical styles. From Broadway, pop and folk to spirituals, gospel and original works, the series is arranged for 3-part choir (soprano, alto and a combined male-voice part) providing flexibility for any choir. Complete with straight-forward piano accompaniments supporting the vocal lines, the Faber Choral Singles series guarantees the perfect repertoire for every occasion – so get exploring and get singing!
Faber Music Ltd Another Christmas
Faber Music Ltd Afton Water
Faber Music Ltd My Song Is Love Unknown
My Song Is Love Unknown is a wonderful sacred work, set for a solo quartet of singers and SATB choir, and is based on John Ireland's well-loved hymn-tune Love Unknown. Alexander L'Estrange expertly takes fragments of Ireland's melody, developing, interweaving and re-harmonising them to create a powerful, ethereal sound-world that perfectly reflects the poem's themes of love, sorrow, passion, death and ecstasy. The Faber Choral Signature Series introduces a wealth of new or recently written choral music to choirs in search of fresh repertoire. The series draws in a rich diversity of contemporary composers and includes both lighter and more challenging contemporary works, offering a thrilling array of varied styles.
Faber Music Ltd Zimbe! Come, Sing The Songs Of Africa!
Zimbe! Come sing the songs of Africa! is the 40-minute choral fusion of African song and jazz for SATB chorus, children’s choir and jazz quintet which established composer Alexander L’Estrange's name worldwide and spawned a hugely successful series of large-scale works for the same forces. The addition of the children’s choir provides an opportunity for adult or secondary school SATB choirs to team up with local primary school or youth choirs, bringing communities together through singing, something for which L'Estrange has long been a passionate advocate. The work opens and closes with an attention-grabbing Njooni Zimbe*! Nyimbo za Africa! imploring us to "Come, sing the Songs of Africa!"; by the time you've heard the vibrant sequence of twelve songs, which includes playground, wedding, funeral, drinking, protest, worship songs and lullabies, you will want to do just that. Zimbe! is the ideal piece for choirs who have enjoyed performing L'Estrange's Songs of a Rainbow Nation, works by Karl Jenkins or David Fanshawe's African Sanctus. (* "Zimbe" is the anglicised version of the Swahili word "Ziimbe") Conductor’s score and band parts available for hire (contact:; Children’s rehearsal CD available on request; SATB part-learning CDs available here; Children's choral part available as sheet music download. Ideal for projecting or printing copies. Full CD also available.
Faber Music Ltd Prayers For Peace
Prayers for Peace is a collection of three beautiful prayer settings by Alexander L'Estrange: God be in my head, Lighten our Darkness, and The Lord's Prayer. Ideal as introits, anthems or in a concert programme, the pieces are testament to L'Estrange's ability to write music which is simple and accessible yet at the same time full of expression and exquisite harmonies. The settings are for unaccompanied SATB but they have an optional piano/organ part to provide support if required. Prayers for Peace is part of Faber Music's exciting Choral Signature Series which introduces a wealth of new or recently written choral music to choirs in search of fresh repertoire. The series draws in a rich diversity of living composers, offering a thrilling array of varied styles. Browse the full perusal score on