Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Liverpool University Press Augustine The City of God Books VI and VII
This edition of Augustine's The City of God is the only one in English to provide a text and translation as well as a detailed commentary of this influential document. Books VI and VII focus on the figure of Terentius Varro, a man revered by Augustine’s pagan contemporaries. Latin text with facing translation, introduction and commentary.
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia Notes of a Son and Brother and The Middle Years
This first fully annotated critical edition of Notes of a Son and Brother and The Middle Years, this offers the reader extensive support in appreciating the demands of James’s late prose and illuminates the context in which one of literature’s most influential figures developed a characteristic voice.
State University Press of New York (SUNY) Deconstructive Subjectivities
Nosy Crow Who Works at Night?
Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Sounds Good Level 1 Students Book
Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi Uitgevers/Publishers) Platform Urbanism
Verlag-Antike 'Demokratie' Im Hellenismus?: Von Der Herrschaft Des Volkes Zur Herrschaft Der Honoratioren?
Africa Magna Verlag Journal of African Archaeology 13 (1) 2015
Africa Magna Verlag Journal of African Archaeology. Vol. 12(2) 2014
Africa Magna Verlag Journal of African Archaeology 5 (2)
Africa Magna Verlag Journal of African Archaeology 3 (1)
Kehrer Verlag Alzheimer
Schiler & Mucke Gbr Verlag Unterwegs Am Golf / Along the Gulf: Von Basra Nach Maskat- Photographien Von Hermann Burchardt/ From Basra to Muscat - Photographs by Hermann Burchardt
Dr Ludwig Reichert Pali Literature Transmitted in Central Siam: A Catalogue Based on the SAP Songkhro
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Agyptisch-Arabischen Dialekte. Glossar Deutsch-Arabisch
Dr Ludwig Reichert Agypten. Arabische Dialekte. a VIII 12: 1: 1 Mio.
Ugarit Verlag Geschichte Israels Und Deuteronomistisches Geschichtsdenken: Festschrift Zum 70. Geburtstag Von Winfried Thiel
Austrian Academy of Sciences Pres Phonetik in Und Uber Osterreich
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 10 Years of Eu Eastern Enlargement: The Geographical Balance of a Courageous Step. Proceedings of the Symposion in Vienna, 3-4 December 2014
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Evangelische Mystik
-Mystik ist katholisch. Mystik und Protestantismus passen nicht zusammen." Diese Meinung ist weit verbreitet, aber trotzdem falsch. Stattdessen stellt sich das Verhältnis von Mystik und Protestantismus als eine Problemgeschichte dar. Phasen der Hochschätzung und solche der Ablehnung wechselten einander ab. Seit der Reformation gab es Männer und Frauen, die dem Mainstream des Protestantismus angehören, deren Glaube und Theologie mystisch geprägt waren. Martin Luthers (1453-1546) reformatorische Erkenntnis entsprang einer mystischen Erfahrung. Seine reformatorische Theologie war mystisch orientiert. Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608), Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676), Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Gerhard Tersteegen (1697-1769) und Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf (1700-1760) verliehen in Liedern und Musik ihren mystischen Erfahrungen klassischen Ausdruck. Selbst Leben und Werk protestantischer Zeitgenossen aus dem 20. Jh. wie Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961), Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) und Dorothee Sölle (1929-2003) waren mehr oder weniger offensichtlich mystisch geprägt. Sölle bekannte sich klar zur Mystik als einer Angelegenheit nicht von wenigen, sondern von allen Menschen. Tatsächlich war protestantische Mystik von Anfang an keine Angelegenheit religiöser Eliten, sondern stand allen offen. Da die evangelischen Choräle mystisch geprägt waren und das Abendmahl mystisch verstanden wurde, bot gerade der lutherische Gottesdienst allen Christen Zugang zu mystischem Glauben.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Greek Federal States and Their Sanctuaries: Identity and Integration
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Notions of Space and Time. Early Modern Concepts and Fundamental Theories /Begriffe Von Raum Und Zeit. Fruhneuzeitliche Konzepte Und Fundamentale Theorien: Zeitsprunge. Forschungen Zur Fruhen Neuzeit. Band 11. Heft 1/2
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen / Uberlegungen XII - XV: (schwarze Hefte 1939-1941)
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Vigiliae Und Notturno: (Schwarze Hefte 1952/53 Bis 1957)
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Gesamtausgabe. 4 Abteilungen / Anmerkungen VI-IX: ('Schwarze Hefte' 1948/49-1951)
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Heinrich Bullinger. Schriften. 6 Bande Und Registerband / Schriften III: Dekaden, 1. Teil
Kohlhammer Wege Und Irrwege Zum Historischen Jesus
Kohlhammer Einfuhrung in Die Soziale Arbeit
Kohlhammer Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah
Walter de Gruyter Marketing und Vertrieb
Brepols N.V. Urban Theatre in the Low Countries, 1400-1625
Classiques Garnier Robespierre: Une Vie Revolutionnaire
Classiques Garnier Ceremonial Politique Et Ceremonial Religieux Dans l'Europe Moderne: Echanges Et Metissages
Simon & Schuster Extraordinary Canadians: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation
Daylight Books Jumper: Flying in the Heartland
For two weeks every winter, a rarefied group of ski jumpers travel the Midwest competing in a Five Hills Tournament across some of America’s most notable ski jumps. Thousands of fans pack local ski clubs to witness competitors launch themselves from the large towers that rise menacingly above the flat Midwest landscape. A ski jumper himself, Cooper Dodds’ color photographs highlight a Nordic tradition transplanted in middle America and sustained through extensive volunteer support and young athletes obsessed with the art of flying.
Three Rooms Press Maintenant 11: A Journal of Contemporary Dada Writing and Art
The spirit of Dada continues to thrive in this stunning annual collection of provocative and disruptive Dada-inspired art and writing culled from a plethora of top international contributors, with 50+ color images. MAINTENANT 11: A JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DADA WRITING AND ART is the latest edition of an annual collection of contemporary Dada work inspired by Dada instigator and Three Rooms Press spiritual advisor Arthur Cravan. This year’s theme, An Eye for a Lie,” offers artists’ responses to the increasing madness of the world, punctuated by creative anti-war art and writing. The journal is a full journey into the most imaginative minds in the world, showcasing work of artists and writers from more thirty countries on six of the seven continents. The journal is archived in museums worldwide.
BenBella Books The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook: Inside the Kitchens, Bars, and Restaurants of Mad Men
UNOFFICIAL AND UNAUTHORIZED Dine like Draper and Drink like Sterling with More Than 70 Recipes from the Kitchens, Bars, and Restaurants Seen on Mad Men Ever wish you could mix an Old Fashioned just the way Don Draper likes it? Or prepare Oysters Rockefeller and a martini the way they did fifty years ago at one of Roger Sterling's favorite haunts, The Grand Central Oyster Bar? Ever wonder how Joan Harris manages to prepare a perfect crown roast in her tiny apartment kitchen? Or about the connection between Jackie Kennedy's 1962 White House tour and Betty Draper's Valentine's Day room service order? The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook serves up more than 70 recipes to satisfy a Mad Men appetite! From the tables of Manhattan's most legendary restaurants and bars to the Drapers' Around the World dinner, this book is your entree to the culinary world of Man Men-era New York. Packed with period detail, The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook provides invaluable historical and cultural context for the food and drink featured in the show, tips on throwing a successful '60s cocktail party, and even a guide to favored Mad Men hangouts. Every recipe inside is authentic to the time. Whether you're planning a Mad Men-themed dinner party, need to mix up some authentic Mad Men cocktails, or just can't get enough of the show itself, this is your essential resource, a guide to all foods and drinks Mad Men. So hang up your coat, pour yourself a cocktail, and get ready to dine like Draper and drink like Sterling with The Unofficial Mad Men Cookbook. Includes a color photo insert of 16 dishes, plus additional black and white photos and other images of bars, restaurants, and food advertisements from the 1960s. RECIPES INCLUDE: * Playboy Whiskey Sour * Sardi's Steak Tartar * Connie's Waldorf Salad * Sal's Spaghetti and Meatballs * Pat Nixon's Date Nut Bread * Lindy's Cherry Cheesecake
Lantana Publishing My Mommies Built a Treehouse
Brepols N.V. Renaissance Metapainting
Birlinn General Behind the Ryder Cup: The Players' Stories
Enter the locker room: this is a history of the Ryder Cup like you have never experienced it before. From the origin matches that preceded the first official trans-Atlantic encounter between Britain and America at Worcester Country Club in 1927, all the way through to the fortieth installment at Gleneagles in 2014, this is the complete history of the Ryder Cup – told by the men who have been there and done it. With exhaustive research and exclusive new material garnered from interviews with players and captains from across the decades, Behind the Ryder Cup unveils the compelling truth of what it means to play in golf's biggest match-play event, where greats of the game have crumbled under pressure while others have carved their names into sporting legend.
Chester Music Shirtless Stephen And The Children's Crusade
Archaeopress The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandhāran Art: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop of the Gandhāra Connections Project, University of Oxford, 24th-26th March, 2021
The ancient Buddhist art of Gandhāra was rediscovered from the 1830s and 1840s onwards in what would become the North-West Frontier of British India. By the end of the century an abundance of sculptures had been accumulated by European soldiers and officials, which constituted the foundations for a new field of scholarship and internationally celebrated museum collections. Both then and since, the understanding of Gandhāran art has been impeded by gaps in documentation, haphazard excavation, forgery, and smuggling of antiquities. Consequently, the study of Gandhāran archaeology often involves the evaluation and piecing together of fragmentary clues. In more subtle ways, however, the modern view of Gandhāran art has been shaped by the significance accorded to it by different observers over the past century and a half. Conceived in the imperial context of the late nineteenth century as ‘Graeco-Buddhist’ art – a hybrid of Asian religion and Mediterranean artistic form – Gandhāran art has been invested with various meanings since then, both in and beyond the academic sphere. Its puzzling links to the classical world of Greece and Rome have been explained from different perspectives, informed both by evolving perceptions of the evidence and by modern circumstances. From the archaeologists and smugglers of the Raj to the museums of post-partition Pakistan and India, from coin-forgers and contraband to modern Buddhism and contemporary art, this fourth volume of the Classical Art Research Centre’s Gandhāra Connections project presents the most recent research on the factors that mediate our encounter with Gandhāran art.
Hardie Grant Children's Publishing What's the Matter, Aunty May?
Hendrickson Publishers Inc A Hebrew Reader for the Psalms
Peachtree Publishers,U.S. Adventures with My Daddies
The New York Review of Books, Inc After Lorca