Search results for ""author thomas"
Elliott & Thompson Limited Into the Tangled Bank: In Which Our Author Ventures Outdoors to Consider the British in Nature
‘Funny, accessible and full of wonders – a genuine breath of fresh air.’ – Melissa Harrison, author of All Among the Barley; Lev Parikian is on a journey to discover the quirks, habits and foibles of how the British experience nature. Open a window, hear the birds calling and join him. ; ---------; It's often said that the British are a nation of nature lovers; but what does that really mean? For some it’s watching racer snakes chase iguanas on TV as David Attenborough narrates, a visit to the zoo to convene with the chimps; for others it’s a far-too-ambitious clamber up a mountain, the thrilling spectacle of a rare bird in flight. ; Lev Parikian sets out to explore the many, and particular, ways that he, and we, experience the natural world – beginning face down on the pavement outside his home, then moving outwards to garden, local patch, wildlife reserve, craggy coastline and as far afield as the dark hills of Skye. He visits the haunts of famous nature lovers – reaching back to the likes of Charles Darwin, Etta Lemon, Gavin Maxwell, John Clare and Emma Turner – to examine their insatiable curiosity and follow in their footsteps.; And everywhere he meets not only nature, but nature lovers of all varieties: ramblers, dog-walkers, photographers; loving couples, striding singles, families; kite-flyers, den-builders, grass-loungers; young whippersnappers, old farts, middle-aged ne’er-do-wells; beginners, specialists, all-rounders; or just people out for a stroll in the sun.; Warm, humorous and full of telling detail, Into the Tangled Bank puts the idiosyncrasies of ‘how we are in nature’ under the microscope. And in doing so, it reveals how our collective relationship with nature has changed over the centuries, what our actions mean for nature and what being a nature lover in Britain might mean today.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thomas of Eccleston's De adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam ["The Arrival of the Franciscans in England"], 1224-c.1257/8: Commentary and Analysis
An indispensable guide to the earliest contemporary account of the Franciscan Order in England. Known as Friars Minor, Franciscans or Greyfriars, the followers of St Francis of Assisi pioneered a new type of religious life, moving beyond the monastic cloister. Their ministry was to bring the Gospel to life through example, preaching, gesture, drama, music and poetry. Founded in 1209, the movement became rapidly popular and spread widely across Europe. By around 1257 there were 49 communities In England, housing some 1,242 friars. The story of the Franciscans' arrival, and the growth of the Order up until c.1257/1258, is related by the chronicler Thomas of Eccleston In his De Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam. The story is not untroubled: for example, Eccleston does not shy away from the painful controversies of the later 1230s, when there were deep divisions about the exercise of authority in the Order. He was disturbed by some developments in the Order and showed his support for caution in the schools and in relation to building, at a time when friars were exposed to searching criticisms. The chronological account is accompanied by exemplum materials which illuminate the friars' preaching and teaching, and by a gallery of virtuous individual friars. This book is the first full-length study of the text, examining it in detail, and providing a careful elucidation.
Peeters Publishers Selected Writings - Thematische Geschriften: Thomas Aquinas, J. H. Newman, Theologia Fundamentalis (Edited by G. De Schrijver & J. J. Kelly)
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Ludwig Thoma
Reclam Philipp Jun. Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull von Thomas Mann Lektüreschlüssel mit Inhaltsangabe Interpretation Prüfungsaufgaben mit Lösungen Lernglossar. Reclam Lektüreschlüssel XL
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Thomas Denton A Perambulation of Cumberland 16878 including descriptions of Westmorland the Isle of Man and Ireland Cumbria Record Office MS Publications of the Surtees Society 207
Description of Cumberland in the late seventeenth century, with associated material.This volume prints for the first time the 'perambulation' of Cumberland compiled by the lawyer, Thomas Denton, for Sir John Lowther of Lowther in 1687-8. Denton's manuscript provides the most detailed surviving description of thecounty in the seventeenth century. Taking the methods of earlier antiquaries as a framework, and incorporating much of the text of the history of Cumberland written c.1603 by John Denton, the perambulation includes a wealth of contemporary detail for almost every parish and township in the county, including particulars of land tenure, valuations of estates, population estimates, descriptions of buildings and the histories of landed families. Appended to the description of Cumberland, are a perambulation of Westmorland, and the texts of two important tracts, the genealogy of the Clifford family and a treatise on customary tenantright. The volume is rounded off by descriptions of
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Thomas Melle über Beastie Boys die beste Band der Welt über frühe Konzerte und späte Versäumnisse
Yale University Press The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 7, Letter to Bugenhagen, Supplication of Souls, Letter Against Frith
More's Latin reply to Bugenhagen (1526), given here with a facing English translation, is a comparatively brief but intense rebuttal of the principal points of Lutheran teaching concerning scripture ant tradition, faith and works, grace and free will, clerical celibacy, and the sacraments. It presents arguments elaborated at much greater length in More's other polemical works. Supplication of Souls (1529) refutes A Supplication for the Beggars, an anticlerical pamphlet by Simon Fish which Henry VIII seems to have regarded with some favor. More places his response in the mouths of the souls in purgatory. In the first book, he contemptuously demolished Fish's loose railery with accurate statistics and historical analysis. In the second, he defends the traditional doctrine of purgatory with brief arguments drawn from reason and a detailed analysis of scriptural passages. Letter against Frith (1532) answers John Frith's Zwinglian arguments against the physical presence of Christ in the more. Written to an unknown correspondent, it is the briefest and mildest of More's polemical works and anticipates arguments presented moer elaborately in More's The Answer to a Poisoned Book (1533). Besides full introductions and commentaries, a glossary, and an index, this volume contains seven appendices giving the works to which More is replying and other thematic, historical, and bibliographical matter closely related to the three works by More.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Etre Et Signifier: Structure de la Sacramentalite Comme Signification Chez Saint Augustin Et Saint Thomas d'Aquin
Aschendorff Verlag Die Nackte Wahrheit Und Ihre Schleier: Weisheit Und Philosophie Im Mittelalter Und Fruher Neuzeit - Studien Zum Gedenken an Thomas Ricklin
Search Press Ltd Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches
This classic book has been the go-to embroidery reference work since it was first published in 1934, owing to its clear instructions and huge library of stitches. It includes full illustrated instructions for over 400 embroidery stitches, ranging from simple border and outline stitches, to filling stitches, canvas stitches and pulled fabric stitches. Scattered throughout are dozens of inspirational embroideries to show the stitches in use. This detailed guide is ideal for those starting out with needlework as well as more accomplished embroiderers looking for inspiration for different stitches and techniques. This new, redesigned edition includes the internationally renowned embroiderer Jan Eaton’s revisions to the original text, and includes a preface by famed embroiderer Mary Corbet.
Bertz + Fischer Kapitalismus Die ersten 200 Jahre Thomas Pikettys Das Kapital im 21 Jahrhundert und Kapital und Ideologie
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Early Mercantilists: Thomas Mun (1571–1641), Edward Misselden (1608–1634) and Gerard de Malynes (1586–1623)
The Mercantilist School never presented a common front but is associated with a common outlook: the idea of specie or bullion as the essence of wealth and the notion that a positive balance of trade is an index of national welfare. It is also associated with an emphasis on population growth and low wages, a concern with full employment and the far reaching denial of foreign trade as a source of net gain to the world as a whole; that is, international trade was regarded as a zero-sum gain and particular nations were thought to benefit from international trade only at the expense of others. The underlying idea that a permanent balance of trade surplus should be beneficial to a nation has been a source of discussion right down to the present day.
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Organizational Resilience (with bonus article "Organizational Grit" by Thomas H. Lee and Angela L. Duckworth)
Build resilience in your company to weather the greatest crises.If you read nothing else on organizational resilience, read these 10 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help your company prepare for and overcome disruption, social upheaval, and disaster.This book will inspire you to: Reposition your core business while launching a separate, disruptive business Build the ability to continually anticipate and adjust to emerging trends Prepare for the business implications of climate change Learn about the risks of hyperefficient businesses Develop organizational grit Rebound from a recession faster than your competitors Lead your company through any kind of crisis This collection of articles includes "How Resilience Works" by Diane Coutu; "The Quest for Resilience" by Gary Hamel and Liisa Valikangas; "Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave" by Joseph L. Bower and Clayton M. Christensen; "Organizational Grit" by Thomas H. Lee and Angela L. Duckworth; "Leading in Times of Trauma" by Jane E. Dutton, Peter J. Frost, Monica C. Worline, Jacoba M. Lilius, and Jason M. Kanov; "Learning from the Future" by J. Peter Scoblic; "Leading a New Era of Climate Action" by Andrew Winston; "The High Price of Efficiency" by Roger L. Martin; "Reigniting Growth" by Chris Zook and James Allen; "Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World" by Willy C. Shih; and "Roaring Out of Recession" by Ranjay Gulati, Nitin Nohria, and Franz Wohlgezogen.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.
Trafalgar Square Books Mary Thomas's Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Entdeckung Der Indischen Thomas-Christen (Text, Ubersetzung Und Kommentar): Mit Einem Anhang Zur Fruhneuzeitlichen Kartographie Indiens Von Gerhard Holzer
New York University Press On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage: The Commonplace Books of William Byrd and Thomas Jefferson and the Gendering of Power in the Eighteenth Century
"A brilliant . . . analysis of the fragile hegemony and identities of colonial Virginia's elite men. . . . On the Sources of Patriarchal Rage compellingly illuminates the ragged edge where masculinity and colonial identity meet. . . . [the book] will undoubtedly send Jefferson scholars scurrying back to their notes. . . . Most significant, by being among the first to tackle the subject of masculinity in early America, Lockridge forces colonial scholars to reexamine the lives of men they thought they already knew too well." William and Mary Quarterly Two of the greatest of Virginia gentlemen, William Byrd II and Thomas Jefferson, each kept a commonplace book--in effect, a journal where men were to collect wisdom in the form of anecdotes and quotations from their readings with a sense of detachment and scholarship. Writing in these books, each assembled a prolonged series of observations laden with fear and hatred of women. Combining ignorance with myth and misogyny, Byrd's and Jefferson's books reveal their deep ambivalence about women, telling of women's lascivious nature and The Female Creed and invoking the fallible, repulsive, and implicitly corruptible female body as a central metaphor for all tales of social and political corruption. Were these private outbursts meaningless and isolated incidents, attributable primarily to individual pathology, or are they written revelations of the forces working on these men to maintain patriarchal control? Their hatred for women draws upon a kind of misogynistic reserve found in the continental and English intellectual traditions, but it also twists and recontextualizes less misogynistic excerpts to intensified effect. From this interplay of intellectual traditions and the circumstances of each man's life and later behavior arises the possibility one or more specific politics of misogyny is at work here. Kenneth Lockridge's work, replete with excerpts from the books themselves, leads us through these texts, exploring the structures, contexts, and significance of these writings in the wider historical context of gender and power. His book convincingly illustrates the ferocity of early American patriarchal rage; its various meanings, however suggestively explored here, must remain contestable.
Aschendorff Verlag Gott Und Welt Ins Verhaltnis Gesetzt: Prozeaphilosophischer Panentheismus Und Die Konzeptionen Des Thomas Von Aquin Und Des Nikolaus Von Kues
Quercus Publishing The Bear Pit: a twisting historical thriller from the award-winning author of The Seeker
'Could challenge CJ Sansom for dominion' Sunday TimesLondon, 1656: Captain Seeker is back in the city, on the trail of an assassin preparing to strike at the heart of Oliver Cromwell's RepublicThe Commonwealth is balanced on a knife edge. Royalists and disillusioned former Parliamentarians have united against Oliver Cromwell, now a king in all but name. Three conspirators, representing these factions, plan to assassinate the Lord Protector, paving the way back to the throne for Charles Stuart once and for all.Captain Damian Seeker, meanwhile, is preoccupied by the horrifying discovery in an illegal gambling den of the body of a man ravaged by what is unmistakably a bear. Yet the bears used for baiting were all shot when the sport was banned by Cromwell. So where did this fearsome creature come from, and why would someone use it for murder?With Royalist-turned-Commonwealth-spy Thomas Faithly tracking the bear, Seeker investigates its victim. The trail leads from Kent's coffee house on Cornhill, to a German clockmaker in Clerkenwell, to the stews of Southwark, to the desolate Lambeth Marshes where no one should venture at night.When the two threads of the investigation begin to join, Seeker realises just what - and who - he is up against. The Royalists in exile have sent to London their finest mind and greatest fighter, a man who will stop at nothing to ensure the Restoration. Has Seeker finally met his match?
Orion Publishing Co Thirty Days in Paris: The gorgeously escapist, romantic and uplifting new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author
THE STUNNING AND ROMANTIC NEW NOVEL FROM SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR VERONICA HENRY - PRE-ORDER NOW!'Magical, romantic, fantastique' MILLY JOHNSON'A perfect Parisian fantasy every woman will love' KATIE FFORDE'Wow, wow, WOW. Her best and most perfect book yet. I adored every word. Sublime, as always' JILL MANSELL'The perfect weekend read. I was so captivated I didn't notice I was turning the pages' FANNY BLAKEBecause Paris is always a good idea...Years ago, Juliet left a little piece of her heart in Paris - and now, separated from her husband and with her children flying the nest, it's time to get it back!So she puts on her best red lipstick, books a cosy attic apartment near Notre-Dame and takes the next train out of London.Arriving at the Gare du Nord, the memories come flooding back: bustling street cafés, cheap wine in candlelit bars and a handsome boy with glittering eyes.But Juliet has also been keeping a secret for over two decades - and she begins to realise it's impossible to move forwards without first looking back.Something tells her that the next thirty days might just change everything...Your favourite authors are loving Thirty Days in Paris!'Gorgeously romantic. A lovely slice of Paris life' JO THOMAS'I loved this gorgeous, hopeful story of second chances in the City of Lights!' LIZ FENWICK'A gloriously escapist read, I absolutely loved it!' KATE EBERLEN'A delicious, dreamy, joy of a book' LIBBY PAGE'I was immersed in and inspired by this exquisitely told love story' HEIDI SWAIN'Captures the romance and magic of Paris perfectly. A blissful escape' SARAH MORGAN'A story of second chances and the most uplifting getaway' LUCY DIAMOND'Gloriously escapist and filled with joie de vivre' ALEX BROWN'Irresistibly romantic and bursting with joie de vivre. I adored it' PHILLIPA ASHLEY'A sumptuous, joyfully indulgent treat of a book. I devoured it' CRESSIDA McLAUGHLIN'Such wonderful characters & the perfect setting. BIG recommendation!' CARI ROSEN'Absolutely perfect for anyone who loves Paris and twisty love stories - a five star read!' LORRAINE BROWN
Molden Verlag Willkommen in Wien So haben Marc Aurel und Maria Theresia Paradis Yoko Ono Thomas Bernhard und viele weitere die Stadt erlebt
Yale University Press The Yale Editions of Horace Walpole's Correspondence, Volume 16: With Thomas Chatterton, Michael Lort, John Pinkerton, JohnFenn and Mrs. Fenn, William Bewley...
Parthian Books Ugly, Lovely: Dylan Thomas's Swansea and Carmarthenshire of the 1950s in Pictures
Ethel Ross, the sister in law of Alfred Janes, was the guardian of Dylan Thomas' legacy for decades. Shortly after his death in 1953, She compiled a photo memoir of his haunts in and around Swansea. Ugly, Lovely: Dylan's Swansea and Carmarthenshire of the 1950s in Pictures is a touching collection of Ethel's photos accompanied by quotes from Dylan Thomas' poetry and her own comments. Together they provide an unprecendented portrait of Swansea, Laugharne and Llansteffan in the 1950s, letting the reader see the Carmarthenshire landscape for the first time through the eyes of Wales' most celebrated poet. Ugly, Lovely also contains a rarely seen satirical sketch, 'Lunch at Mussolini's', written by Thomas as a schoolboy. 'This particular sketch he gave to me to put on at the Swansea Little Theatre. In those days I used to write comic sketches for the party held after each show; but it was never produced, probably because I managed in the end to put together something more topical for the society. I still have the script, however.'- Ethel Ross Lunch at Mussolini's offers a vivid and whimsical insight into the early workings of Dylan's mind and a caustic satire of the dictator's life. Patiently preserved by Ethel, the sketch will be published for the first time alongside her photo memoir.
Transworld Publishers Ltd Countdown to Christmas: The most uplifting and feel-good Christmas romance book of 2023 from the bestselling author
The queen of feel-good Christmas fiction returns with a snowy adventure to Canada!'If you love a rugged hero, a heroine you can relate to, a warm romantic story and a bit of armchair travel, Countdown to Christmas is for you!' Katie Fforde'It just wouldn't be Christmas without Jo's book in your stocking!' Jill Mansell-----------------------------------Chloe can't wait for Christmas . . . to be over! Her son Ruben is staying with his dad and Chloe is planning to ignore the holidays altogether. Her only festive touch is her son's advent calendar, to help count down the days till he's home again.But a surprise call changes everything. Chloe might be the unexpected owner of some land in Canada! Surely, it's a scam. Or could it be just the escape she needs right now? Ruben's latest note in the advent calendar tells her to 'say yes!'In a flash, Chloe's new countdown to Christmas involves a log cabin in the middle of a snowy forest, a community that's worried for its future, a gruff lumberjack who gives her butterflies and a lot of pancakes with maple syrup . . .For a happy Christmas read full of romance and festive surprises, choose Jo Thomas.Readers love Jo's books:'Bursting with flavour, adventure and romance' Ruth Jones'Jo sweeps you away to a better place with every book, which are always filled with warmth, love and a big spoonful of happiness' Veronica Henry'Sparkling, romantic, magical - and delicious' Milly Johnson
Bod Third Party Titles A Focus on two Portraits of Anthony van Dyck Thomas Wentworth 1st Earl of Strafford 16323 Lady Anne Carr Countess of Bedford 1638
Orion Publishing Co The Coincidence Authority
For fans of THE UNLIKELY PILGRIMAGE OF HAROLD FRY, THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, Mark Watson and Mark Haddon, here is a cleverly written mystery about fate, circumstance, destiny and coincidence from COSTA AWARD-shortlisted author, John Ironmonger. This quirky read is hard to put down and spans philosophy, conflict, relationships and romance.Thomas Post is an expert on coincidences. He's an authority. People come to see him, to ask him if he can explain strange events that have befallen them, and he can always explain these things away. We poor humans, he would say, have a tendency to make patterns out of random shapes, or to construct meaning from the random behaviour of the universe.But one day Thomas gets a visit from Azalea Lewis, and his world will never be the same again. For Azalea's coincidences seem to go off the scale. The lives of Thomas and Azalea become entwined, their destinies entangled. And now, with Azalea apparently dead in a foreign land, Thomas must reassemble the pieces of her life in search for the patterns that drove it. And that means he must try to unravel the coincidences that so afflicted her.
University Press Copublishing Division The Poems of Patrick Delany Comprising Also Poems About Him by Jonathan Swift Thomas Sheridan and Other Friends and Enemies
Pelican Publishing Co Thomas's Sheep and the Great Geography Test
Hodder & Stoughton Curiosity House: The Fearsome Firebird (Book Three): Book 3 in the Curiosity House series from New York Times bestselling YA author
In this third book in the exceptional Curiosity House mystery series by bestselling author Lauren Oliver and mysterious recluse H. C. Chester, four children must uncover the evil Nicholas Rattigan's newest dastardly scheme, wage war with a rival freak show, and deal with a spy who may have infiltrated their happy home.Sam, Philippa, Thomas, and Max have just started to recover from their capture and subsequent escape from Rattigan. But the children's lives don't stay quiet for long.A slew of bank robberies is terrorizing the city. And when Professor Farnum, the ringmaster of the museum's now immensely popular flea circus, is charged with murder, the search for the real killer uncovers a plot much bigger than any individual crime-a plot that can only be the work of Nicholas Rattigan.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kirchengeschichtliche Grundthemen: Historisch - Systematisch - Didaktisch. Unter Mitarbeit Von Thomas Breuer, Heidrun Dierk, Manfred L. Pirner Und Godehard Ruppert
Theologischer Verlag Handeln in Einer Mehrdeutigen Welt: Theologische Ethik Mit Einem Beitrag Von Thomas Wallimann-Sasaki Zu Kriterien, Methode Und Themen Angewandter Christlicher Ethik
Hodder & Stoughton Curiosity House: The Fearsome Firebird (Book Three): Book 3 in the Curiosity House series from New York Times bestselling YA author
In this third book in the exceptional Curiosity House mystery series by bestselling author Lauren Oliver and mysterious recluse H. C. Chester, four children must uncover the evil Nicholas Rattigan's newest dastardly scheme, wage war with a rival freak show, and deal with a spy who may have infiltrated their happy home.Sam, Philippa, Thomas, and Max have just started to recover from their capture and subsequent escape from Rattigan. But the children's lives don't stay quiet for long.A slew of bank robberies is terrorizing the city. And when Professor Farnum, the ringmaster of the museum's now immensely popular flea circus, is charged with murder, the search for the real killer uncovers a plot much bigger than any individual crime-a plot that can only be the work of Nicholas Rattigan.
Simon & Schuster Ltd More Happy Than Not: The much-loved hit from the author of No.1 bestselling blockbuster THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END!
From the author of the INTERNATIONAL NO.1 BESTSELLER THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END. In his twisty, gritty, profoundly moving New York Times bestselling-debut, Adam Silvera brings to life a charged, dangerous near-future summer in the Bronx.Please note that covers may vary.Life hasn’t been easy for sixteen‑year‑old Aaron Soto, but with the help of his girlfriend, Genevieve, he’s slowly remembering what happiness might feel like. Then Thomas shows up . . . Thomas is smart and funny, and before long Aaron is spending all his time with him. But as Aaron’s feelings for Thomas intensify, tensions with his other friends start to build. Soon Aaron is faced with a choice – one that will make him question what it is he wants, and how far he’ll go to get it.PRAISE FOR MORE HAPPY THAN NOT:'Silvera managed to leave me smiling after totally breaking my heart. Unforgettable.' Becky Albertalli, author of Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda 'Gut-wrenching' Guardian'Mandatory reading' New York Times
Penguin Books Ltd The Shadow Friend: The gripping new psychological thriller from the Richard & Judy bestselling author of The Whisper Man
THE GRIPPING NEW PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF RICHARD & JUDY BOOK CLUB PICK THE WHISPER MAN'Hugely atmospheric and deliciously creepy' Alex Michaelides, bestselling author of The Silent Patient'A surprising and moving finale that will live long in the memory' Daily Express_______THE VICTIM WAS YOUR FRIENDIt was just a silly game to start with. Paul never really believed in it.He never dreamed Charlie would take it so far.SO WAS THE MURDERERFor twenty years, Paul's tried to put his past behind him, but now his mother is dying, and he can't run any longer.But home isn't just full of bad memories. It's also the last place anyone saw Charlie alive.And Paul starts to wonder if Charlie might come back to finish what he started . . ._______'Alex North has outdone himself. The Shadow Friend is the work of a writer who is an absolute master of his craft' Jane Casey'Absorbing, headlong reading . . . As with all the best illusions, you are left feeling not tricked, but full of wonder' New York Times'Echoes of the chilling Slender Man myth' Crime Monthly Praise for Alex North 'The best crime novel of the decade' Steve Cavanagh, bestselling author of Thirteen 'First it's spooky. Then it's scary. Then it's terrifying. And then... well, dear reader, proceed at your own risk. An ambitious, deeply satisfying thriller - a seamless blend of Harlan Coben, Stephen King, and Thomas Harris. My flesh is still crawling' A. J. Finn, no.1 bestselling author of The Woman in the Window 'Alex North has achieved the seemingly impossible. The Whisper Man is a thriller that is both terrifying and utterly heartbreaking. Mesmerising and masterful' Mark Billingham 'A dark, creepy, thriller with a huge amount of heart. Damn, but Alex North can write!' Stuart MacBride
Dr Ludwig Reichert Raimundus Lullus - Thomas Le Myesier, Electorium Parvum Seu Breviculum: Textband Und Faksimile Der Handschrift St. Peter Perg. 92 Der Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe
Simon & Schuster Ltd Together, Again: tears, laughter, joy and hope from the much-loved Sunday Times bestselling author
THE NEW MILLY JOHNSON NOVEL, THE HAPPIEST EVER AFTER, IS OUT NOW!Together again after years apart, can they find a new beginning? The brilliant novel full of laughter, love, tears and hope from the Sunday Times bestselling author Milly Johnson. 'This masterpiece honestly describes the strength and acceptance required to be a family. 5 STARS' ADELE PARKS, Book of the Month, Platinum magazine 'Darkness and light, complexity and humour, Milly has nailed the perfect cocktail for a compelling, page-turning read. Absolutely magnificent.' VERONICA HENRY ‘Emotional, empowering and heart-wrenching – sisterhood at its finest’ CATHY BRAMLEY ‘Powerful, heartbreaking and ultimately uplifting’ JO THOMAS Sisters Jolene, Marsha and Annis have convened at their beautiful family home, Fox House, following the death of their mother, the tricky Eleanor Vamplew. Born seven years apart, the women are more strangers than sisters. Jolene, the eldest, is a successful romantic novelist who writes about beautiful relationships even though her own marriage to the handsome and charming Warren is complicated. Marsha, the neglected middle child, has put all of her energy into her work, hoping money will plug the gap in her life left by the man who broke her young heart. Annis is the renegade, who left home aged sixteen and never returned, not even for the death of their beloved father Julian. Until now. So when the sisters discover that their mother has left everything to Annis in her will, it undermines everything they thought they knew. Can saying their final goodbyes to Eleanor bring them together again?Together, Again is the story of truths uncovered and lies exposed, of secrets told – and kept. It is a novel about sister helping sister to heal from childhood scars and finding in each other support, forgiveness, courage and love. Your favourite authors love Milly Johnson: ‘Reading a Milly Johnson book is like spending time with a best friend – you always end up feeling better about the world. Written with genuine warmth and heart, they’re an absolute treat’ Lucy Diamond ‘Milly Johnson always delivers an absolutely cracking read’ Katie Fforde ‘One of those novels that draws you in to its world and makes you wish you could be friends with Shay. A tantalising juicy tale full of twists and turns that kept me gripped. Warm, funny and moving. One to curl up with and devour’ Ruth Jones ‘The feeling you get when you read a Milly Johnson book should be bottled and made available on the NHS’ Debbie Johnson ‘Milly’s writing is like getting a big hug with just the right amount of bite underneath’ Jane Fallon
Bod Third Party Titles Zum Situationskonzept in der Wissenssoziologie Basierend auf Die gesellschaftliche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit von Peter L Berger und Thomas Luckmann
Reclam Philipp Jun. Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee von Thomas Brussig Lektüreschlüssel mit Inhaltsangabe Interpretation Prüfungsaufgaben mit Lösungen Lernglossar. Reclam Lektüreschlüssel XL
Gale Ecco, Print Editions The eternal building or the Saints assurance of happiness A sermon preachd in Glasshousestreet near St Jamess on Lordsday April 24 1715 Elizabeth Auchmuty By Thomas Ely
Harvard Business Review Press HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing in a Downturn, Expanded Edition (with bonus article "Preparing Your Business for a Post-Pandemic World" by Carsten Lund Pedersen and Thomas Ritter)
How do the most resilient companies survive—and even thrive—during a slowdown?If you read nothing else on surviving a tough economy and coming back stronger, read these 15 articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help your company persevere through economic challenges and continue to grow while your competitors stumble.This book will inspire you to: Harness your resources to pull through a pandemic Learn the right lessons from previous recessions Minimize pain while cutting costs and managing risk Foster a healthy culture during anxious times Make smart moves to protect your own job Seize the opportunity to innovate and reinvent your business This collection of articles includes "Seize Advantage in a Downturn" by David Rhodes and Daniel Stelter; "How to Survive a Recession and Thrive Afterward: A Research Roundup" by Walter Frick; "How to Bounce Back from Adversity" by Joshua D. Margolis and Paul G. Stoltz; "Rohm and Haas's Former CEO on Pulling off a Sweet Deal in a Down Market" by Raj Gupta; "How to Be a Good Boss in a Bad Economy" by Robert I. Sutton; "Layoffs That Don't Break Your Company" by Sandra J. Sucher and Shalene Gupta; "Getting Reorgs Right" by Stephen Heidari-Robinson and Suzanne Heywood; "Reigniting Growth" by Chris Zook and James Allen; "Reinvent Your Business Model Before It's Too Late" by Paul Nunes and Tim Breene; "How to Protect Your Job in a Recession" by Janet Banks and Diane Coutu; "Learning from the Future" by J. Peter Scoblic; "5 Ways to Stimulate Cash Flow in a Downturn" by Eddie Yoon and Christopher Lochhead; "The Case for M&A in a Downturn" by Brian Salsberg; "Include Your Employees in Cost-Cutting Decisions" by Patrick Daoust and Paul Simon; and "Preparing Your Business for a Post-Pandemic World" by Carsten Lund Pedersen and Thomas Ritter.HBR's 10 Must Reads paperback series is the definitive collection of books for new and experienced leaders alike. Leaders looking for the inspiration that big ideas provide, both to accelerate their own growth and that of their companies, should look no further. HBR's 10 Must Reads series focuses on the core topics that every ambitious manager needs to know: leadership, strategy, change, managing people, and managing yourself. Harvard Business Review has sorted through hundreds of articles and selected only the most essential reading on each topic. Each title includes timeless advice that will be relevant regardless of an ever‐changing business environment.