Search results for ""Brepols N.V.""
Brepols N.V. Miscellaneous Manichaean Hymns: Middle Persian and Parthian Hymns in the Turfan Collection
Brepols N.V. Churches and Social Power in Early Medieval Europe: Integrating Archaeological and Historical Approaches
Brepols N.V. Hierarchies in Rural Settlements: Hierarchien in Landlichen Siedlungen. Des Hierachies Dans l'Habitat Rural
Brepols N.V. Wealth and Poverty in European Rural Societies from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century
Brepols N.V. Religious identities in the Levant from Alexander to Muhammed Continuity and Change 4 Contextualizing the Sacred
Brepols N.V. A Catalogue of Works Pertaining to the Explanation of the Creed in Carolingian Manuscripts
Brepols N.V. RURHE 07 Inheritance Practices, Marriage Strategies and Household Formation in European Rural Societies
Brepols N.V. Landscape and History on the Medieval Irish Frontier: The King's Cantreds in the Thirteenth Century
Brepols N.V. Sacred Communities, Shared Devotions: Gender, Material Culture, and Monasticism in Late Medieval Germany
Brepols N.V. Famagusta: Art and Architecture
Brepols N.V. Languages of Power in Italy (1300-1600)
Brepols N.V. Willem Key (1516-1568): Portrait of a Humanist Painter : with an Appendix to the Oeuvre of Adriaen Thomasz. Key
Brepols N.V. Conflict and Religious Conversation in Latin Christendom: Studies in Honour of Ora Limor
Brepols N.V. Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean: Cyprus
Brepols N.V. Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean: Middle Euphrates
Brepols N.V. Associated Regional Chronologies for the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean: Jezirah
Brepols N.V. A Renaissance Baron and His Possessions: Paolo Giordano I Orsini, Duke of Bracciano (1541-1585)
Brepols N.V. Music, Liturgy, and the Veneration of Saints of the Medieval Irish Church in a European Context
Brepols N.V. Anonymous Noblemen: The Generalization of Hidalgo Status in the Basque Country (1250-1525)
Brepols N.V. Rurhe 05 Contexts of Property: The Social Embeddedness of Property Rights to Land in Europe in Historical Perspective