Search results for ""Author Anne"
Peeters Publishers Les jésuites et le mouvement flamand: Histoire d'un engagement tardif mais virulent
Les jésuites, contrairement au clergé séculier, se tinrent pendant tout le dix-neuvième siècle en général loin du mouvement flamand: ce ne fut qu’à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale que naquit un courant flamingant au sein de la Compagnie de Jésus. Ce courant, qui profita de la situation politique en Belgique et atteignit son apogée dans les années 1920 et 1930, visa avant tout la néerlandisation de la vie jésuite en Flandre. Mais plutôt que de mener leur combat dans les limites de leurs communautés et de leurs collèges, les jésuites flamingants l’étendirent à la société flamande tout entière. Dès avant 1914, quelques membres de la Compagnie œuvrèrent à la constitution d’une idéologie catholique du flamingantisme. Cette idéologie présentait la lutte en faveur de la langue, de la culture et de la nation flamandes comme faisant partie d’une autre lutte: celle pour la sauvegarde de la foi catholique en Flandre. Les jésuites flamingants en vinrent finalement à lier si étroitement le catholicisme au nationalisme, que leurs adversaires leur reprochèrent de faire passer le politique avant le religieux, à la manière de Charles Maurras et de son mouvement d’Action française. Tel ne fut pas le cas: leur objectif premier était bien de restituer la Flandre au Christ. Il n’en est pas moins vrai que cet objectif dont l’accomplissement, à leur avis, nécessitait la disparition de l’État belge, les poussa ipso facto à l’activité politique, activité politique qu’ils menèrent principalement par la voie des fidèles. Ceux-ci, avance la conclusion de cette étude, en furent rapprochés du national-socialisme, de la collaboration et de la sécularisation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics: From Design to Implementation
A unified view of metaheuristics This book provides a complete background on metaheuristics and shows readers how to design and implement efficient algorithms to solve complex optimization problems across a diverse range of applications, from networking and bioinformatics to engineering design, routing, and scheduling. It presents the main design questions for all families of metaheuristics and clearly illustrates how to implement the algorithms under a software framework to reuse both the design and code. Throughout the book, the key search components of metaheuristics are considered as a toolbox for: Designing efficient metaheuristics (e.g. local search, tabu search, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, scatter search, ant colonies, bee colonies, artificial immune systems) for optimization problems Designing efficient metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization problems Designing hybrid, parallel, and distributed metaheuristics Implementing metaheuristics on sequential and parallel machines Using many case studies and treating design and implementation independently, this book gives readers the skills necessary to solve large-scale optimization problems quickly and efficiently. It is a valuable reference for practicing engineers and researchers from diverse areas dealing with optimization or machine learning; and graduate students in computer science, operations research, control, engineering, business and management, and applied mathematics.
Casemate Publishers Limits of Empire: Rome'S Borders
The borders of the Roman Empire were frontiers that were often wild and dangerous. The expansion of the empire after the Punic Wars saw the Roman Republic become the dominant force in the Mediterranean as it first took Carthaginian territories in Gaul, Spain and north Africa and then moved into Greece with purpose, subjugating the area and creating two provinces, Achaea and Macedonia. The growth of the territories under Roman control continued through the rise of Julius Caesar - who conquered the rest of Gaul - and the establishment of the empire: each of the emperors could point to territories annexed and lands won.By AD 117 and the accession of Hadrian, the empire had reached its peak. It held sway from Britain to Morocco, from Spain to the Black Sea. And its wealth was coveted by those outside its borders. Just as today those from poorer countries try to make their way into Europe or North America, so those outside the empire wanted to make their way into the Promised Land – for trade, for improvement of their lives or for plunder. Thus the Roman borders became a mix - just as our borders are today - of defensive bulwark against enemies, but also control areas where import and export taxes were levied, and entrance was controlled. Some of these borders were hard: the early equivalents of the Inner German Border or Trump’s Wall - Hadrian's Wall and the line between the Rhine and Danube. Others, such as these two great rivers, were natural borders that the Romans policed with their navy.This book examines these frontiers of the empire, looking at the way they were constructed and manned and how that changed over the years. It looks at the physical barriers - from the walls in Britain to the Fossatum Africae in the desert. It looks at the traders and the prices that were paid for the traffic of goods. It looks at the way that civil settlements - vici - grew up around the forts and fortlets and what life was like for soldiers, sailors and civilians.As well as artefacts of the period, the book provides a guidebook to top Roman museums and a gazetteer of visitable sites
Peeters Publishers Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire. Tome 5
Voici le cinquième et dernier tome de l’étude consacrée aux chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Les quatre premiers tomes, parus entre 1986 et 1995, étaient consacrés aux modèles palestiniens (chaînes primaires, chaînes-scholies, chaînes mixtes) et aux modèles constantinopolitains (chaînes primaires, chaînes mixtes, chaînes secondaires). Le tome final a pour objet les chaînes secondaires de type variable et les chaînes fragmentaires, refaites ou juxtaposées. Il propose des conclusions, qui récapitulent les analyses antérieures, dégagent la postérité littéraire des chaînes, situent ces dernières dans l’histoire de la religion et de la culture byzantines, tracent des pistes à poursuivre, notamment la question de la récriture. En annexe, il donne un tableau de correspondance avec la contribution classique de Karo-Lietzmann, publie et commente les cinq listes d’auteurs présentes dans les chaînes, et consacre une notice à chacun des quatre-vingt-cinq auteurs auxquels les chaînes ont eu recours. Il se termine par un index des quelques 270 manuscrits analysés au cours de l’étude, dont la plupart offrent des chaînes sur les Psaumes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Mystery of Yew Tree House
''Always a treat reading Lesley Thomson.'' Ian Rankin''Lesley Thomson at her considerable best'' Elly GriffithsEighty years of secrets. A body that reveals them all.1941. Rupert and Adelaide Stride are raising their two daughters, Clare and Rosa, in the midst of war. When Rupert is called to fight, he dies on the beaches of Dunkirk, leaving his family to fend for themselves.2023. Decades later, Clare and Rosa have retreated to the annex, trapped in the place where they were raised: Yew Tree House.When the rooms are put up for rent, Jack Harmon sees the perfect spot for a family holiday with his twins and detective Stella Darnell. But then the children discover a skeleton with a hole in its skull hidden in the brambles of a decommissioned WWII pill box.This home has always been a complicated one, but Stella and Jack will need to confront a history of revenge, desperation, and wartime tragedy to unco
Stanford University Press World Hunger Series 2006: Hunger and Learning
This report, planned to be released annually, is about working through the real-life choices and practical constraints that make it difficult to address hunger effectively. It is aimed at policy makers in developing and developed countries, and attempts to fill an important gap in existing reports on hunger. While other reports monitor trends towards international goals or serve primarily as advocacy tools, the World Hunger Series (WHS) focuses on practical strategies to achieve an end to hunger. It examines themes related to three types of risks—social and health; markets and trade; and political and environmental—that perpetuate hunger and stymie development. Each report in the new series will present state-of-the-art thinking on that year's theme, combined with an analysis of the practical challenges to implementing solutions. Based on this context, the reports will identify realistic steps to address hunger. This edition of the report examines the relationship between hunger and learning. It takes a long-term perspective: what happens at one stage of life affects later stages, and what happens in one generation affects the next. The Series has four parts. Part one, the Global Hunger Situation, surveys the current state of hunger in the world. Part two, Hunger and Learning, explores the two-way relationship between hunger and learning through the life cycle. Part three is an Agenda for Action, identifying concrete interventions to promote hunger reduction and learning. Finally, part four, a Resource Compendium, contains technical annexes and supporting data.
Peeters Publishers Education Et Instruction En Chine 1. L'education Elementaire
Les etudes regroupees dans ce volume, premier de trois ouvrages traitant de l'education en Chine, portent sur la periode de l'enfance. Si toutes les epoques ne sont pas traitees, l'espace de temps couvert, de l'Antiquite au XXe siecle, est suffisamment etendu pour rendre compte des evolutions ou des constantes dans la maniere d'aborder l'education enfantine, que ce soit en matiere d'apprentissage, de pedagogie ou de contenu de l'enseignement. L'ouvrage s'ouvre sur un tableau des premieres annees telles qu'elles furent concues et traitees entre les XIe et XVIIe siecles. L'homme de bien se distinguait du vulgaire par une bonne education basee sur une morale de comportement et la connaissance des rites. Pour de nombreux auteurs, l'education et l'instruction avaient un role capital a jouer soit pour favoriser le plein epanouissement des bons cotes de la nature, soit pour corriger les mauvais penchants. Reprise et developpee au fil des siecles, cette idee a pour corollaire celle de l'extraordinaire receptivite de l'enfant. Pour une certaine categorie de la population, l'education commence des les origines de la vie, au moment de la conception; elle s'adresse tout d'abord a la mere avant de prendre en consideration la grossesse dans son ensemble. Quant a l'acquisition des connaissances, a l'apprentissage de l'ecriture et de la lecture, ces themes sont abordes dans plusieurs articles qui permettent d'aller des premiers manuels de caracteres sous les Han, aux manuels scolaires modernes de la fin du XIXe siecle, en passant par les exercises d'ecriture decouverts a Dunhuang et datant des IXe et Xe siecles, pour aboutir a la vogue actuelle (au moins editoriale) du fameux "Classique en trois caracteres". Si ces divers "manuels" semble de prime abord destines a maitriser l'ecriture, le public vise n'est pas forcement le meme au fil des siecles, et il est parfois difficile voire impossible de tracer une ligne de demarcation nette entre le contenu et son support, entre acquisition de connaissances generales et formation morale. Enfin, au debut du XXe siecle, a travers l'apparition d'une litterature enfantine, nous pouvons suivre la transformation de l'idee d'enfance.
Duke University Press Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy
With the NASDAQ having lost 70 percent of its value, the giddy, optimistic belief in perpetual growth that accompanied the economic boom of the 1990s had fizzled by 2002. Yet the advances in information and communication technology, management and production techniques, and global integration that spurred the “New Economy” of the 1990s had triggered profound and lasting changes. Frontiers of Capital brings together ethnographies exploring how cultural practices and social relations have been altered by the radical economic and technological innovations of the New Economy. The contributors, most of whom are anthropologists, investigate changes in the practices and interactions of futures traders, Chinese entrepreneurs, residents of French housing projects, women working on Wall Street, cable television programmers, and others.Some contributors highlight how expedited flows of information allow business professionals to develop new knowledge practices. They analyze dynamics ranging from the decision-making processes of the Federal Reserve Board to the legal maneuvering necessary to buttress a nascent Japanese market in over-the-counter derivatives. Others focus on the social consequences of globalization and new modes of communication, evaluating the introduction of new information technologies into African communities and the collaborative practices of open-source computer programmers. Together the essays suggest that social relations, rather than becoming less relevant in the high-tech age, have become more important than ever. This finding dovetails with the thinking of many corporations, which increasingly employ anthropologists to study and explain the “local” cultural practices of their own workers and consumers. Frontiers of Capital signals the wide-ranging role of anthropology in explaining the social and cultural contours of the New Economy.Contributors. Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff, Greg Downey, Melissa S. Fisher, Douglas R. Holmes, George E. Marcus, Siobhán O’Mahony, Aihwa Ong, Annelise Riles, Saskia Sassen, Paul A. Silverstein, AbdouMaliq Simone, Neil Smith, Caitlin Zaloom
Peeters Publishers Inscriptions nabatéennes datées de la fin du IIe siècle avant notre ère au milieu du IVe siècle
L’ouvrage explore l’histoire et la société nabatéenne dans son évolution à travers presque cent cinquante inscriptions et papyri datés. Le plan en cinq parties présente les documents provenant du royaume nabatéen, puis les grandes inscriptions funéraires de Hégra, ensuite celles trouvées en dehors des limites du royaume, enfin celles datant de l’époque romaine; un dernier chapitre fait le point sur les aspects paléographiques. D’importantes annexes présentent les listes selon l’ordre du catalogue et selon leurs datation, leur répartition régionale, leur typologie, les éléments de datation utilisés, les nombres et les chiffres, les concordances épigraphiques, les lieux de conservation, une chronologie, des index et une bibliographie. À travers les formules juridiques redondantes et les épithètes royales très développées, souvent négligées par la recherche, on discerne le rôle des archives du palais royal de Pétra ou des temples comme celui de la Mesure à Hégra au Ier siècle de notre ère.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen ?Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Altbergbau
Seit dem frühen Mittelalter werden in weiten Bereichen des mitteleuropäischen Raums Bodenschätzen abgebaut. Dabei entstanden zahlreiche tages- und oberflächennahe Hohlräume, aber auch Halden, Kippen und Restlöcher. Die Standfestigkeit der untertägigen Grubenbaue sowie der Tagebaurestlöcher, Kippen und Halden im Locker- und Festgestein unterliegen in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit grundlegenden geomechanische und hydrogeologische Veränderungen. Bei Versagen der Standfestigkeit sind Tagesbrüche und Einsenkungen an der Tagesoberfläche, Böschungsrutschungen, Felsstürze und Steinschläge typische Schadensbilder, die lokal katastrophale Größenordnungen annehmen. Standorte des Altbergbaus können daher, je nach Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche, ein hohes Risikopotential für Menschen und Sachwerte aufweisen. Die systematische, fachgerechte Untersuchung und Bewertung der zahlreichen Altbergbaurelikte mit ihren Schadensbildern sowie die Bewertung der möglichen Risikopotentiale bilden die Grundlage für eine effiziente Sanierung. Diese Problemstellungen gewinnen durch die zunehmend intensivere Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche stetig an Bedeutung. Aber auch der gravierende Rückgang der Bergbautätigkeiten in Europa wirft verstärkt die Frage auf, welches Risikopotential für die Tagesoberfläche von in Stilllegung befindlichen oder noch stillzulegenden bergbaulichen Betrieben ausgeht bzw. ausgehen wird. Die Empfehlungen unterstützen Ingenieure, Fachunternehmen und Behörden bei der Planung, Durchführung und der Dokumentation von Untersuchungen, Bewertungen und Sanierungsmaßnahmen von untertägigen Anlagen, Tagebaurestlöchern, Halden und Kippen des Altbergbaus im Locker- und Festgesteinsbereich.
Pluto Press Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel
After decades of occupation and creeping annexation, the situation on the ground in Palestine/Israel can only be described as a system of apartheid. Peace efforts have failed because of one, inconvenient truth: the Israeli maximum on offer does not meet the Palestinian minimum, or the standards of international law. But while the situation on the ground is bleak, Ben White argues that there are widening cracks in Israel's traditional pillars of support. Opposition to Israeli policies and even critiques of Zionism are growing in Jewish communities, as well as amongst Western progressives. The election of Donald Trump has served as a catalyst for these processes, including the transformation of Israel from a partisan issue into one that divides the US establishment. Meanwhile, the Palestinian-led boycott campaign is gathering momentum, prompting a desperate backlash by Israel and its allies. With sharp analysis, Ben White says now is the time to plot a course that avoids the mistakes of the past - a way forward beyond apartheid in Palestine. The solution is not partition and ethnic separation, but equality and self-determination - for all.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Voysey's Birds and Animals
Charles Francis Annesley Voysey (1857–1941) is, with William Morris, one of the most enduringly popular designers of the Arts & Crafts Movement. A practising architect, Voysey also designed a broad range of applied arts objects, from furniture, ceramics, and metalwork to wallpaper, carpets, tiles, and fabrics. His pattern designs, created from the 1880s to the early 1930s, are among his best-known works today. His wallpaper and textile designs are characterized by simple, stylized, rhythmic patterns that base their motifs on forms found in the natural world. Plants abound, but so too do birds and animals, represented as silhouettes or in soft pastel shades. This elegant, accessibly priced volume offers a wealth of colourful designs by Voysey in which birds and animals are the principal motifs. Written by Karen Livingstone, a published expert on Voysey and the Arts & Crafts Movement, this book brings together not only completed patterns but also working drawings in pencil and watercolour. Voysey's Birds and Animals will both inform and delight, appealing to a broad readership of museum visitors and lovers of art and design.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Written by one of the world’s leading experts on modern Russia, Putin’s Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts into which Russia has plunged since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president. From the First and Second Chechen Wars to the military incursion into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, and the eventual full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mark Galeotti has created a vivid insight into the inner workings of the Kremlin. Updated for this paperback edition to include both the aborted coup of June 2023 and a clear overview of how and why the Russian military has struggled in Ukraine, this is a thought-provoking history of how Putin and his wars have inexorably shaped Russia in the 21st century.
Yale University Press Rival Power: Russia in Southeast Europe
A nuanced and comprehensive study of the political dynamics between Russia and key countries in Southeast Europe Is Russia threatening to disrupt more than two decades’ of E.U. and U.S. efforts to promote stability in post-communist Southeast Europe? Politicians and commentators in the West say, “yes.” With rising global anxiety over Russia’s political policies and objectives, Dimitar Bechev provides the only in-depth look at this volatile region. Deftly unpacking the nature and extent of Russian influence in the Balkans, Greece, and Turkey, Bechev argues that both sides are driven by pragmatism and opportunism rather than historical loyalties. Russia is seeking to assert its role in Europe’s security architecture, establish alternative routes for its gas exports—including the contested Southern Gas Corridor—and score points against the West. Yet, leaders in these areas are allowing Russia to reinsert itself to serve their own goals. This urgently needed guide analyzes the responses of regional NATO members, particularly regarding the annexation of Crimea and the Putin-Erdogan rift over Syria.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Rome's Great Eastern War: Lucullus, Pompey and the Conquest of the East, 74-62 BC
Despite Rome's conquest of the Mediterranean, by the turn of the first century BC, Rome's influence barely stretched into the East. In the century since Rome's defeat of the Seleucid Empire in the 180s BC, the East was dominated by the rise of new empires: Parthia, Armenia and Pontus, each vying to recreate the glories of the Persian Empire. By the 80s BC, the Pontic Empire of Mithridates had grown so bold that it invaded and annexed the whole of Rome's eastern empire and occupied Greece itself. As Rome emerged from the devastating effects of the First Civil War, a new breed of general emerged, eager to re-assert Roman military dominance and carve out a fresh empire in the east, treading in the footsteps of Alexander. This work analyses the military campaigns and battles between a revitalized Rome and the various powers of the eastern Mediterranean hinterland, which ultimately heralded a new phase in Roman imperial expansion and reshaped the ancient East.
Lexington Books American Presidents and Jerusalem
Any casual observer of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict would immediately recognize that the holy city of Jerusalem is the core issue impeding a permanent peace settlement between the two antagonists. The religious symbolism of this city and its centrality to major religious faiths has never faded and has become increasingly vital to various strands of twentieth-century religious nationalisms. The political fate of Jerusalem was inevitably mired in international political struggles of the Cold War, particularly after the United States inherited Britain’s mantle as the ultimate arbiter of regional conflicts and strategic disputes. The asymmetrical balance of military power between Israel and Jordan made superpower intervention both inevitable and unpredictable. This study examines the policies of twentieth-century US presidents regarding the status of Jerusalem. It traces the evolution of the United States’ embroilment in the politics of Mandatory Palestine, successive wars, and regimes that vied for control over Jerusalem, and tracks the conflicting historical narratives presented by various states in the region. It also takes a detailed look at the role of the American Jewish lobby, which constantly pressured the United States to overlook Israel’s refusal to go back to the lines of June 5, 1967, or to stop creating facts on the ground in East Jerusalem. The role of the oil lobby in seeking the reversal of Israeli annexationist steps in Jerusalem is also analyzed. The failure of several American presidents to broker an Arab–Israeli peace agreement is seen here as the result of the latitude enjoyed by presidential advisers in determining the main contours of American foreign policy in this region and guarding access to the chief executive in times of crisis. Finally, the book is an illustration of the perils of downplaying the human rights abuses of junior client states in order to placate national lobby groups in the Untied States, leading to the entrenchment of the Israeli state not only over Jerusalem, but throughout the West Bank.
Peeters Publishers De la généalogie des langues à la génétique du langage: Une documentation interdisciplinaire raisonnée
Depuis la fin du 18e siècle, les philologues, puis les linguistes, notamment allemands tout au long du 19e siècle, ont parcouru la généalogie de toutes les langues des familles indo-européenne et sémitique. Dans le même temps, l’orientation «naturaliste» de la linguistique propagée par August Schleicher a été rejetée par la plupart de ses pairs, notamment Bréal et Saussure. À partir des années 1950 les linguistes généalogistes ont testé des méthodes de regroupement par familles et superfamilles applicables aux langues sans tradition écrite avec la lexicostatistique, la glottochronologie, la comparaison multilatérale et leurs développements informatiques récents. Quant à l’exploration génétique du langage, elle a disparu de l’agenda des linguistes pendant un siècle entier avant de se renouveler à partir de 1990. L’objectif central de cet ouvrage est de chercher le «lien manquant» entre la généalogie des langues et la génétique du langage comme faculté universelle de l’espèce humaine. La version de la théorie de la grammaticalisation développée par l’africaniste et typologue allemand Bernd Heine peut fournir une connexion entre les deux approches, car elle vise à dégager un catalogue d’universaux cognitifs lexicalisés dans toutes les langues et qui sont à la source de mots grammaticaux et de morphèmes dérivationnels et flexionnels qui permettent de s’imaginer la genèse de la grammaire générale et des grammaires particulières. S’adressant aux linguistes, l’ouvrage documente abondamment les travaux de chercheurs d’autres disciplines (psychologues et anthropologues évolutionnistes, archéologues préhistoriens, épistémologues) désireux de fournir des «preuves indirectes» de l’émergence d’un protolangage lexical, puis d’un langage grammaticalisé. Au contact de ces chercheurs, une nouvelle discipline est apparue, la «linguistique évolutionnaire», qui cherche à évaluer la plausibilité de ces preuves indirectes.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums: Fünf Vorlesungen zur Entstehung des rabbinischen Judentums
Peter Schäfer befasst sich mit den Rückwirkungen des sich herauskristallisierenden Christentums auf das zeitgenössische rabbinische Judentum, d.h. den Einflüssen, die das zu sich selbst findende Christentum auf das Judentum ausübte.Nach der viel diskutierten Erzählung vom verschwundenen Messiasbaby im Jerusalemer Talmud werden Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Rabbinen und diversen Häretikern bezüglich der Frage des einen Gottes oder einer möglichen Vielzahl von Göttern untersucht. Vor allem die im Christentum allmählich konkrete Gestalt annehmende Idee einer göttlichen Zweiheit (Vater und Sohn) bzw. Dreiheit (Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist) hat im rabbinischen Judentum deutlichere Spuren hinterlassen als bisher meist angenommen. Daneben spielen Vorstellungen eine wichtige Rolle, die sich aus dem Menschensohn des Danielbuches im Judentum und im Christentum entwickelten; im babylonischen Talmud und in der frühen jüdischen Mystik tritt uns dann die Gestalt eines höchsten Engels mit Namen Metatron entgegen, der sogar den Beinamen "Kleiner Gott" erhält. Abschliessend wird ein klassischer rabbinischer Midrasch vorgestellt, der ganz unbefangen den Gedanken des stellvertretenden Sühneleidens des Messias (wieder) in das Judentum einführt.Die Grenzen zwischen "Rechtgläubigkeit" und "Häresie" erweisen sich auch im Judentum als fließend, und mehr als einmal drängt sich die häretische Überlegung auf, ob man nicht nur von der "Geburt des Christentums aus dem Geist des Judentums" sprechen sollte, sondern umgekehrt auch von der "Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums".
Transworld Publishers Ltd Killer in the Kremlin: The instant bestseller - a gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin's tyranny
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER - NOW UPDATED WITH FOUR NEW CHAPTERS'This swashbuckling book is a furious attack on the Russian president. Killer in the Kremlin traces Putin's bloody career... a life littered with corpses.' - THE TIMESA gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin's tyranny, charting his rise from spy to tsar, exposing the events that led to his invasion of Ukraine and his assault on Europe.In Killer in the Kremlin, award-winning journalist John Sweeney takes readers from the heart of Putin's Russia to the killing fields of Chechnya, to the embattled cities of an invaded Ukraine.In a disturbing exposé of Putin's sinister ambition, Sweeney draws on thirty years of his own reporting - from the Moscow apartment bombings to the atrocities committed by the Russian Army in Chechnya, to the annexation of Crimea and a confrontation with Putin over the shooting down of flight MH17 - to understand the true extent of Putin's long war.Drawing on eyewitness accounts and compelling testimony from those who have suffered at Putin's hand, we see the heroism of the Russian opposition, the bravery of the Ukrainian resistance, and the brutality with which the Kremlin responds to such acts of defiance, assassinating or locking away its critics, and stopping at nothing to achieve its imperialist aims.In the midst of one of the darkest acts of aggression in modern history - Russia's invasion of Ukraine - this book shines a light on Putin's rule and poses urgent questions about how the world must respond.'An extraordinarily prescient and fascinating book.' - NIHAL ARTHANAYAKEInstant Sunday Times bestseller, March 2023
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Community Design Regulation: An Article by Article Commentary
Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 on Community designs (CDR) protects the appearance of a design against counterfeiting and piracy, be it registered or unregistered. The right is applicable throughout the European Union. The registered design will be obtained in a single procedure from the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) in Alicante. This commentary gives a detailed article-by-article analysis of the provision of the Regulation and its enforcement in each Member State of the European Union. Wherever feasible, the commentary provides an account of specific bibliography, gives a historical overview, shows the main features and principles underlying the provision, and analyses each paragraph with due regard to the case law of the European courts and the supreme courts of the Member States. The book is divided into five parts: Commentary Measures under Enforcement Directive 2004/48/EC Litigation in EU Member States Annexes Table of cases
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Martin Luthers Theologie: Eine Vergegenwärtigung
"[Das] Buch Bayers stellt im besten Sinne eine Vergegenwärtigung der Theologie Luthers dar, die man auch im Blick auf die sprachliche Gestaltung sehr gern liest. Die Darstellung fasst - das ist die Eigenart dieses literarischen Genus - die Theologie Luthers ebenso zusammen wie die daran gebildete des Verfassers, die eben bei Luther das hört und dazu anleitet, das zu hören, was menschliches Leben begründet und befreit: die promissio. Es leitet dazu an, bereits gemachte Leseerfahrungen mit Luthers Texten unter Perspektiven zu bündeln und es erschließt sein Werk so, dass der Leser und die Leserin Lust bekommt zur eigenen Lektüre und zur eigenen Erfahrung mit diesem existenzerschließenden Werk Luthers."Notger Slenczka in zeitzeichen 1/2004, S. 64ff."Insgesamt ein spannendes wie erhellendes Leseerlebnis und dies sicher auch für Nicht-Theologen."Marcus Meier auf "Die Lektüre von 'Martin Luthers Theologie' wirkt anregend, besonders durch Bayers gekonnte Auswahl von Originaltexten Luthers, die er kommentiert, ja geradezu meditiert. Er zeigt: Luther ist ein theologischer Klassiker von allerhöchster Aktualität und - zumindest im Dialog mit der römisch-katholischen Kirche der Gegenwart - von größter ökumenischer Reichweite und Bedeutung."Annemarie C. Mayer in Theologische Quartalschrift 186, 2006, S. 70f."Oswald Bayer gelingt es in gewohnter Weise, gewichtige theologische Themen so vorzustellen, daß der Leser neugierig wird, tiefer zu graben und weiter zu forschen. Es ist sein Verdienst, mit diesem Werk die Bedeutung der Theologie Luthers für unsere Gegenwart stilistisch glänzend und für alle theologisch interessierten Christen gut lesbar erschlossen zu haben, nicht ohne hier und da auch zu markieren, wo die Grenzen solcher Gegenwartsbedeutung Luthers liegen."Armin Wenz in Lutherische Beiträge 10 (2005), S. 253-255
Editions Heimdal Des Ailes Dans Les Jambes: Les MéMoires De Guerre D’André Courval
Trois évasions (Cherbourg, Carteret et Jersey), deux crashs, des blessures, une désertion, une fuite de 7 000 kilomètres à travers l’Afrique pour retrouver le combat : la guerre d’André Courval dans les Forces aériennes françaises libres est une perpétuelle aventure. Racontées par l’intéressé, les six années de guerre de ses Mémoires constituent un témoignage rare d’un personnel non-officier des Forces Françaises Libres ayant servi dans une arme technique mal connue : le bombardement aérien. Précédée d’une partie comprenant son apprentissage et son service militaire, l’occupation, la fuite par Jersey puis l’arrivée en Angleterre et son engagement dans les Forces Aériennes Françaises Libres sont particulièrement documentés. La guerre d’André Courval en Afrique saharienne est liée à l’épopée de Leclerc (Koufra, Fezzan, Lybie…) Les deux hommes se sont croisés à plusieurs reprises. Présent dès septembre 1940 à Odiham, André Courval nom de guerre Saillard, fut un pionnier du GRB1 puis du groupe Bretagne sur Blenheim puis Marauder. Sa guerre en Afrique noire, au Tchad, en Tunisie, en Syrie est celle des héros méconnus dont il nous raconte les exploits quotidiens si utiles à l’affirmation de la France Libre. Elle précède la reconquête du territoire national préparée en Algérie, partie d’Italie et achevée de la Provence à l’Alsace. Agrémenté de dessins originaux de la main d’André Courval qui illustrent son épopée et de photos et documents ayant appartenu à l’auteur, cette édition est une édition critique richement annotée. Elle est présentée, commentée et comparée à celles de deux autres volontaires de Carteret qui ont connu avec lui le risque de fuir la France occupée et gagné, à prix de sang, l’honneur de se battre pour sa libération. Elle a été préparée par Christian Kermoal, docteur en histoire, chercheur associé au laboratoire Tempora de l’Université Rennes 2. C’est un hommage à tous ces hommes libres devenus des guerriers.
Cornell University Press Children of Rus': Right-Bank Ukraine and the Invention of a Russian Nation
In Children of Rus', Faith Hillis recovers an all but forgotten chapter in the history of the tsarist empire and its southwestern borderlands. The right bank, or west side, of the Dnieper River—which today is located at the heart of the independent state of Ukraine—was one of the Russian empire’s last territorial acquisitions, annexed only in the late eighteenth century. Yet over the course of the long nineteenth century, this newly acquired region nearly a thousand miles from Moscow and St. Petersburg generated a powerful Russian nationalist movement. Claiming to restore the ancient customs of the East Slavs, the southwest’s Russian nationalists sought to empower the ordinary Orthodox residents of the borderlands and to diminish the influence of their non-Orthodox minorities.Right-bank Ukraine would seem unlikely terrain to nourish a Russian nationalist imagination. It was among the empire’s most diverse corners, with few of its residents speaking Russian as their native language or identifying with the culture of the Great Russian interior. Nevertheless, as Hillis shows, by the late nineteenth century, Russian nationalists had established a strong foothold in the southwest’s culture and educated society; in the first decade of the twentieth, they secured a leading role in local mass politics. By 1910, with help from sympathetic officials in St. Petersburg, right-bank activists expanded their sights beyond the borderlands, hoping to spread their nationalizing agenda across the empire.Exploring why and how the empire’s southwestern borderlands produced its most organized and politically successful Russian nationalist movement, Hillis puts forth a bold new interpretation of state-society relations under tsarism as she reconstructs the role that a peripheral region played in attempting to define the essential characteristics of the Russian people and their state.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Parallel Metaheuristics: A New Class of Algorithms
Solving complex optimization problems with parallel metaheuristics Parallel Metaheuristics brings together an international group of experts in parallelism and metaheuristics to provide a much-needed synthesis of these two fields. Readers discover how metaheuristic techniques can provide useful and practical solutions for a wide range of problems and application domains, with an emphasis on the fields of telecommunications and bioinformatics. This volume fills a long-existing gap, allowing researchers and practitioners to develop efficient metaheuristic algorithms to find solutions. The book is divided into three parts: * Part One: Introduction to Metaheuristics and Parallelism, including an Introduction to Metaheuristic Techniques, Measuring the Performance of Parallel Metaheuristics, New Technologies in Parallelism, and a head-to-head discussion on Metaheuristics and Parallelism * Part Two: Parallel Metaheuristic Models, including Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Genetic Programming, Parallel Evolution Strategies, Parallel Ant Colony Algorithms, Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithms, Parallel Scatter Search, Parallel Variable Neighborhood Search, Parallel Simulated Annealing, Parallel Tabu Search, Parallel GRASP, Parallel Hybrid Metaheuristics, Parallel Multi-Objective Optimization, and Parallel Heterogeneous Metaheuristics * Part Three: Theory and Applications, including Theory of Parallel Genetic Algorithms, Parallel Metaheuristics Applications, Parallel Metaheuristics in Telecommunications, and a final chapter on Bioinformatics and Parallel Metaheuristics Each self-contained chapter begins with clear overviews and introductions that bring the reader up to speed, describes basic techniques, and ends with a reference list for further study. Packed with numerous tables and figures to illustrate the complex theory and processes, this comprehensive volume also includes numerous practical real-world optimization problems and their solutions. This is essential reading for students and researchers in computer science, mathematics, and engineering who deal with parallelism, metaheuristics, and optimization in general.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy in the Workplace
This book explains how information literacy (IL) is essential to the contemporary workplace and is fundamental to competent, ethical and evidence-based practice. In today’s information-driven workplace, information professionals must know when research evidence or relevant legal, business, personal or other information is required, how to find it, how to critique it and how to integrate it into their knowledge base. To fail to do so may result in defective and unethical practice which could have devastating consequences for clients or employers. There is an ethical requirement for information professionals to meet best practice standards to achieve the best outcome possible for the client. This demands highly focused and complex information searching, assessment and critiquing skills. Using a range of new perspectives, Information Literacy in the Workplace demonstrates several aspects of IL’s presence and role in the contemporary workplace, including IL’s role in assuring competent practice, its value to employers as a return on investment, and its function as an ethical safeguard in the duty and responsibilities professionals have to clients, students and employers. Chapters are contributed by a range of international experts, including Christine Bruce, Bonnie Cheuk and Annemaree Lloyd, with a foreword from Jane Secker. Content covered includes: examination of the value and impact of IL in the workplace how IL is experienced remotely, beyond workplace boundaries IL’s role in professional development organizational learning and knowledge creation developing information professional competencies how to unlock and create value using IL in the workplace. This book will be useful for librarians and LIS students in understanding how information literacy is experienced by the professions they support and academics teaching professional courses. It will also be of interest to professionals (e.g. medical, social care, legal and business based) and their employers in showing that IL is essential to best practice and key to ethical practice.
Peeters Publishers Du Miel au Cafe, de L'ivoire a L'acajou
Peuple legendaire, les pygmees ont longtemps ete percus comme confines dans un cocon forestier et traversant les siecles en marge de l'Histoire. L'etude des chasseurs-collecteurs Aka d'Afrique centrale montre a quel point cette societe est en fait inseree de longue date dans un vaste complexe socioculturel et economique regional. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations entretenues par les Aka avec un ensemble de populations aux economies diversifiees et permet de mieux saisir des processus d'anthropisation de la foret equatoriale. Mais il ouvre aussi sur un cadre bien plus large avec la prise en consideration de la traite atlantique et de la penetration europeenne au coeur du bassin congolais. C'est ainsi que ce travail eclaire l'histoire meconnue de l'epoque coloniale dans l'immense interfluve Sangha-Oubangui (compagnies concessionnaires, conquete militaire, expansion de la maladie du sommeil, etc.) et l'evolution sociale et economique de certaines regions jusque dans les annees 1980. Au terme d'un siecle de mutations, les Pygmees Aka, aureoles de representations archaiques, nous introduisent en realite au coeur d'enjeux tres contemporains lies au devenir des milieux forestiers tropicaux.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz: Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr Erkenntniswert für das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts
Wie gewinnen Juristen ihr Wissen über die Lebenswelt, die sie regeln? Erfahrung ist eine wichtige Erkenntnisquelle, aber die komplex vernetzte Wissensgesellschaft erfordert zunehmend auch empirische Rechtsforschung. Dabei sind die Methoden empirischer Forschung gar nicht so leicht zu handhaben und ihre Ergebnisse nicht so einfach zu interpretieren, wie man annehmen möchte. Hanjo Hamann erörtert deshalb die Grundlagen quantitativ-empirischen Forschens und verbindet die kritische Reflexion empirischer Erkenntnismöglichkeiten mit spezifisch juristischen Erkenntnisinteressen. Daraus entsteht eine pragmatische Rezeptionslehre, die nach dem Vorbild der "evidenzbasierten Medizin" besonderen Wert auf sogenannten Metastudien legt. Deren praktischen Nutzen erprobt der Autor vor allem an den empirischen Grundannahmen des gesellschaftsrechtlichen "Kollegialprinzips", die sich aus dessen dogmatischer und rechtsvergleichender Analyse ergeben.Hanjo Hamann erhielt für seine Dissertation den Dissertationspreis der Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung, den Telekom-Preis für Zivilrecht der Universität Bonn sowie die Otto-Hahn-Medaille der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
The University of Chicago Press Edge of Irony Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire
Among the brilliant writers and thinkers who emerged from the multicultural and multilingual world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were Joseph Roth, Robert Musil, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. For them, the trauma of World War I included the sudden loss of the geographical entity into which they had been born: in 1918, the empire was dissolved overnight, leaving Austria a small, fragile republic that would last only twenty years before being annexed by Hitler's Third Reich. In this major reconsideration of European modernism, Marjorie Perloff identifies and explores the aesthetic world that emerged from the rubble of Vienna and other former Habsburg territories-an Austro-Modernism that produced a major body of drama, fiction, poetry, and autobiography. Perloff explores works ranging from Karl Kraus's drama The Last Days of Mankind and Elias Canetti's memoir The Tongue Set Free to Ludwig Wittgenstein's notebooks and Paul Celan's lyric poetry. Throughout, she shows that Austro-Modernist lit
Verso Books Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War
Towards the Abyss presents searching analysis of a decade of war and upheaval in Ukraine. Volodymyr Ishchenko has been among the left's most significant commentators on Ukraine since 2014, when pro-EU protestors toppled the government in Kiev, Russia annexed Crimea and pro-Russian separatists seized parts of the Donbass. One of his first thoughts when he read the news of the full-scale Russian invasion on 24 February 2022 was that no matter how the war ends, he will no longer have a homeland.What has happened in Ukraine ever since the Soviet collapse is a drawn-out process of de-modernization, and the downward spiral is getting faster. Ishchenko argues that the conflict being fought in Ukraine with tanks, artillery and rockets is the same conflict suppressed by police batons in Belarus and in Russia itself. The intensification of the post-Soviet crisis - the incapacity of an oligarchic ruling class in the territories of the former USSR to sustain political or moral leadership - is the root cause of the escalating violence.
Histria LLC The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness
As the multi-national Ottoman Empire began to fall apart in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish war of 1878, the Albanian people faced the peril of being absorbed into the surrounding newly formed nation-states of Southeastern Europe. Albanian leaders met at Prizren in 1878 to devise a strategy to defend their national rights. The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness explores the origins of the movement that ultimately led to the creation of the modern-day Albanian nation-state.Had a national consciousness failed to develop prior to the crisis of 1878, the creation of a national movement, which not only sought to protect Albanian lands against foreign annexation but also strove to unite the four Albanian vilayets into a single autonomous administrative unit, would not have been possible. The development of a national consciousness during the decades preceding 1878 built the foundation for the national movement that culminated in the creation of the League of Prizren and ultimately led to the formation of an independent Albanian nation-state in 1912.
Chicago Review Press William Walker's Wars: How One Man's Private American Army Tried to Conquer Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras
In the decade before the onset of the Civil War, groups of Americans engaged in a series of longshot—and illegal—forays into Mexico, Cuba, and other Central American countries in hopes of taking them over. These efforts became known as filibustering, and their goal was to seize territory to create new independent fiefdoms, which would ultimately be annexed by the still-growing United States. Most failed miserably. William Walker was the outlier. Short, slender, and soft-spoken with no military background—he trained as a doctor before becoming a lawyer and then a newspaper editor—Walker was an unlikely leader of rough-hewn men and adventurers. But in 1856 he managed to install himself as president of Nicaragua. Neighboring governments saw Walker as a risk to the region and worked together to drive him out—efforts aided, incongruously, by the United States’ original tycoon, Cornelius Vanderbilt.William Walker’s Wars is a story of greedy dreams and ambitions, the fate of nations and personal fortunes, and the dark side of Manifest Destiny, for among Walker’s many goals was to build his own empire based on slavery. This little-remembered story from US history is a cautionary tale for all who dream of empire.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Putin’s War on Ukraine: Russia’s Campaign for Global Counter-Revolution
Eight years after annexing Crimea, Russia embarked on a full-scale invasion of neighbouring Ukraine in February 2022. For Vladimir Putin, this was a legacy-defining mission—to restore Russia’s sphere of influence and undo Ukraine’s surprisingly resilient democratic experiment. Yet Putin’s aspirations were swiftly eviscerated, as the conflict degenerated into a bloody war of attrition and the Russian economy faced crippling sanctions. How can we make sense of his decision to invade? This book argues that Putin’s policy of global counter-revolution is driven not by systemic factors, such as preventing NATO expansion, but domestic ones: the desire to unite Russians around common principles and consolidate his personal brand of authoritarianism. This objective has inspired military interventions in Crimea, Donbas and Syria, and now all-out war against Kyiv. Samuel Ramani explores why Putin opted for regime change in Ukraine, rather than a smaller-scale intervention in Donbas, and considers the impact on his own regime’s legitimacy. How has Russia’s long-term political and foreign policy trajectory shifted? And how will the international response reshape the world order?
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Durkheim and After: The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020
Émile Durkheim’s major works are among the founding texts of the discipline of sociology, but his importance lies also in his immense legacy and subsequent influence upon others. In this book, Philip Smith examines not only Durkheim’s original ideas, but also reveals how he inspired more than a century of theoretical innovations, identifying the key paths, bridges, and dead ends – as well as the tensions and resolutions – in what has been a remarkably complex intellectual history. Beginning with an overview of the key elements of Durkheim’s mature masterpieces, Smith also examines his lesser known essays, commentaries and lectures. He goes on to analyse his immediate influence on the Année Sociologique group, before tracing the international impact of Durkheim upon modern anthropology, sociology, and social and cultural theory. Smith shows that many leading social thinkers, from Marcel Mauss to Mary Douglas and Randall Collins, have been carriers for the multiple pathways mapped out in Durkheim’s original thought.This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar seeking to understand this fundamental impact on areas ranging from social theory and anthropology to religious studies and beyond.
University of Toronto Press Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity
After the Anschluss (annexation) in 1938, the Nazis forced Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resign and kept him imprisoned for seven years, until his rescue by the Allies in 1945. Schuschnigg’s privileged position within the concentration camp system allowed him to keep a diary and to write letters which were smuggled out to family members. Drawing on these records, Prison Elite paints a picture of a little-known aspect of concentration camp history: the life of a VIP prisoner. Schuschnigg, who was a devout Catholic, presents his memoirs as a "confession," expecting absolution for any political missteps and, more specifically, for his dictatorial regime in the 1930s. As Erika Rummel reveals in fascinating detail, his autobiographical writings are frequently unreliable. Prison Elite describes the strategies Schuschnigg used to survive his captivity emotionally and intellectually. Religion, memory of better days, friendship, books and music, and maintaining a sense of humour allowed him to cope. A comparison with the memoirs of fellow captives reveals these tactics to be universal. Studying Schuschnigg’s writing in the context of contemporary prison memoirs, Prison Elite provides unique insight into the life of a VIP prisoner.
University of Texas Press The Mexican American Experience in Texas: Citizenship, Segregation, and the Struggle for Equality
A historical overview of Mexican Americans' social and economic experiences in Texas For hundreds of years, Mexican Americans in Texas have fought against political oppression and exclusion—in courtrooms, in schools, at the ballot box, and beyond. Through a detailed exploration of this long battle for equality, this book illuminates critical moments of both struggle and triumph in the Mexican American experience. Martha Menchaca begins with the Spanish settlement of Texas, exploring how Mexican Americans’ racial heritage limited their incorporation into society after the territory’s annexation. She then illustrates their political struggles in the nineteenth century as they tried to assert their legal rights of citizenship and retain possession of their land, and goes on to explore their fight, in the twentieth century, against educational segregation, jury exclusion, and housing covenants. It was only in 1967, she shows, that the collective pressure placed on the state government by Mexican American and African American activists led to the beginning of desegregation. Menchaca concludes with a look at the crucial roles that Mexican Americans have played in national politics, education, philanthropy, and culture, while acknowledging the important work remaining to be done in the struggle for equality.
Duke University Press Formations of United States Colonialism
Bridging the multiple histories and present-day iterations of U.S. settler colonialism in North America and its overseas imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific, the essays in this groundbreaking volume underscore the United States as a fluctuating constellation of geopolitical entities marked by overlapping and variable practices of colonization. By rethinking the intertwined experiences of Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, Chamorros, Filipinos, Hawaiians, Samoans, and others subjected to U.S. imperial rule, the contributors consider how the diversity of settler claims, territorial annexations, overseas occupations, and circuits of slavery and labor—along with their attendant forms of jurisprudence, racialization, and militarism—both facilitate and delimit the conditions of colonial dispossession. Drawing on the insights of critical indigenous and ethnic studies, postcolonial theory, critical geography, ethnography, and social history, this volume emphasizes the significance of U.S. colonialisms as a vital analytic framework for understanding how and why the United States is what it is today. Contributors. Julian Aguon, Joanne Barker, Berenika Byszewski, Jennifer Nez Denetdale, Augusto Espiritu, Alyosha Goldstein, J. K?haulani Kauanui, Barbara Krauthamer, Lorena Oropeza, Vicente L. Rafael, Dean Itsuji Saranillio, Lanny Thompson, Lisa Uperesa, Manu Vimalassery
Emerald Publishing Limited Structural Fire Engineering
Structural Fire Engineering provides comprehensive and practical design guidance on the application of structural fire engineering to specialist structural engineers. The chapters provide an insight into the explanation of the structural fire engineering design process, its position within the regulatory system and guidance on the selection of appropriate partial factors for the fire limit state for variations in material properties and loading. The book places structural fire engineering design procedures within a context and framework which will be familiar to many readers. The information on standard methods of test and assessment and their function within the regulatory framework provides a broader perspective to the design standards. Structural Fire Engineering: provides a unique approach to practical design guidance highlights the Eurocode standards in the context of fire engineering design and conformity to the requirements of the regulations demonstrates the options for design through several worked examples incorporates over 80 illustrations to complement the text provides guidance on the UK National Annexes for Eurocodes Structural Fire Engineering is invaluable reading for practising structural engineers, fire safety engineers, structural fire engineers, students and those who teach advanced fire design.
Harvard University Press Disunion within the Union: The Uniate Church and the Partitions of Poland
Between 1772 and 1795, Russia, Prussia, and Austria concluded agreements to annex and eradicate the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania. With the partitioning of Poland, the dioceses of the Uniate Church (later known as the Greek Catholic Church) were fractured by the borders of three regional hegemons.Larry Wolff's deeply engaging account of these events delves into the politics of the Episcopal elite, the Vatican, and the three rulers behind the partitions: Catherine II of Russia, Frederick II of Prussia, and Joseph II of Austria. Wolff uses correspondence with bishops in the Uniate Church and ministerial communiqués to reveal the nature of state policy as it unfolded.Disunion within the Union adopts methodologies from the history of popular culture pioneered by Natalie Zemon Davis (The Return of Martin Guerre) and Carlo Ginzburg (The Cheese and the Worms) to explore religious experience on a popular level, especially questions of confessional identity and practices of piety. This detailed study of the responses of common Uniate parishioners, as well as of their bishops and hierarchs, to the pressure of the partitions paints a vivid portrait of conflict, accommodation, and survival in a church subject to the grand designs of the late eighteenth century’s premier absolutist powers.
The University of Chicago Press Good Fences, Bad Neighbors: Border Fixity and International Conflict
Border fixity - the proscription of foreign conquest and the annexation of homeland territory - has, since World War II, become a powerful norm in world politics. This development has been said to increase stability and peace in international relations. Yet, in a world in which it is unacceptable to challenge international borders by force, sociopolitically weak states remain a significant source of widespread conflict, war, and instability. In this book, Boaz Atzili argues that the process of state building has long been influenced by external territorial pressures and competition, with the absence of border fixity contributing to the evolution of strong states - and its presence to the survival of weak ones. What results from this norm, he argues, are conditions that make internal conflict and the spillover of interstate war more likely. Using a comparison of historical and contemporary case studies, Atzili sheds light on the relationship between state weakness and conflict. His argument that under some circumstances an international norm that was established to preserve the peace may actually create conditions that are ripe for war is sure to generate debate and shed light on the dynamics of continuing conflict in the twenty-first century.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Durkheim and After: The Durkheimian Tradition, 1893-2020
Émile Durkheim’s major works are among the founding texts of the discipline of sociology, but his importance lies also in his immense legacy and subsequent influence upon others. In this book, Philip Smith examines not only Durkheim’s original ideas, but also reveals how he inspired more than a century of theoretical innovations, identifying the key paths, bridges, and dead ends – as well as the tensions and resolutions – in what has been a remarkably complex intellectual history. Beginning with an overview of the key elements of Durkheim’s mature masterpieces, Smith also examines his lesser known essays, commentaries and lectures. He goes on to analyse his immediate influence on the Année Sociologique group, before tracing the international impact of Durkheim upon modern anthropology, sociology, and social and cultural theory. Smith shows that many leading social thinkers, from Marcel Mauss to Mary Douglas and Randall Collins, have been carriers for the multiple pathways mapped out in Durkheim’s original thought.This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar seeking to understand this fundamental impact on areas ranging from social theory and anthropology to religious studies and beyond.
Reaktion Books Ukraine: A Nation on the Borderland
The Euromaidan uprising in Kiev, followed by radical regime change, the annexation of the Crimea and the war in Eastern Ukraine, have shattered European security. The Western response to Russian aggression has been uncertain and hesitant in handling the unfamiliar yet large nation of Ukraine, a country with a complicated past, and one whose history is little known in the rest of Europe. In Ukraine: A Nation on the Borderland, Karl Schloegel presents a picture of a country which lies on Europe's borderland and in Russia's shadow. In recent years, Ukraine has been faced, along with Western Europe, with the political conundrum resulting from Russia's actions and the ongoing Information War. As well as exploring this present-day confrontation, Schloegel provides detailed, fascinating historical portraits of a panoply of Ukraine's major cities: Lviv, Odessa, Czernowitz, Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Yalta - cities whose often troubled and war-torn histories are as varied as the nationalities and cultures which have made them what they are today, survivors with very particular identities and aspirations. Schloegel feels the pulse of life in these cities, analysing their more recent pasts and their challenges for the future.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Future of New Testament Textual Scholarship: From H. C. Hoskier to the Editio Critica Maior and Beyond
This volume fundamentally re-examines textual approaches to the New Testament and its manuscripts in the age of digital editing and media. Using the eccentric work of Herman Charles Hoskier as a shared foundation for analysis, contributors examine the intellectual history of New Testament textual scholarship and the production of critical editions, identify many avenues for further research, and discuss the methods and protocols for producing the most recent set of editions of the New Testament: the Editio Critica Maior. Instead of comprising the minute refinement of a basically acceptable text, textual scholarship on the New Testament is a vibrant field that impinges upon New Testament Studies in unexpected and unacknowledged ways. Contributors:Garrick V. Allen, J. K. Elliott, Gregory Peter Fewster, Peter J. Gurry, Juan Hernández Jr., H. A. G. Houghton, Annette Hüffmeier, Dirk Jongkind, Martin Karrer, Jennifer Wright Knust, Jan Krans, Thomas J. Kraus, Christina M. Kreinecker, Curt Niccum, D. C. Parker, Jacob Peterson, Stanley E. Porter, Catherine Smith, Jill Unkel, Klaus Wachtel, Tommy Wasserman, An-Ting Yi
Oxford University Press Inc Ukraine and the Art of Strategy
One of the most serious crises since the end of the Cold War began with Russia's seizure and annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and subsequent 'secret' war in Eastern Ukraine. As more territory was taken from Eastern Ukraine, Western countries countered with economic sanctions directed against Russia. While the conflict did not escalate to the levels originally feared, over time, it became apparent that President Putin had failed to affect the regime change intended in Ukraine, and Russia's economy had been damaged. In Ukraine and the Art of Strategy, Sir Lawrence Freedman provides an account of the origins and course of the Russia-Ukraine conflict through the lens of the theory and practice of strategy. That is, he explores Putin's near, medium, and long-term strategies when he decided to initiate the conflict. How successful has he been? In contrast to many who see Putin as a master operator who has resuscitated a supine Russia against all odds, Freedman is less impressed with his strategic acumen in terms of the long-term fallout. By exploring concepts such as coercive diplomacy, limited war, escalation and information operations, Freedman brings the story up to the present, where a low-level conflict between Ukrainian and breakaway rebel forces in the east grinds on, and illuminates the external challenges faced by the governments' involved. Freedman's application of his unique strategic perspective to this supremely important conflict has the potential to reshape our understanding of it, and his analysis of the likely outcomes will force readers to reconsider the idea that Vladimir Putin is unmatched as a strategic mastermind.
Rutgers University Press Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawai'i
Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawaiʻi is the first book to examine the collective history and contemporary experiences of the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi. This study reveals that contrary to popular discourse, Latinx migration to Hawaiʻi is not a recent event. In the national memory of the United States, for example, the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi is often portrayed as recent arrivals and not as long-term historical communities with a presence that precedes the formation of statehood itself. Historically speaking, Latinxs have been voyaging to the Hawaiian Islands for over one hundred and ninety years. From the early 1830s to the present, they continue to help shape Hawaiʻi’s history, yet their contributions are often overlooked. Latinxs have been a part of the cultural landscape of Hawaiʻi prior to annexation, territorial status, and statehood in 1959. Aloha Compadre also explores the expanding boundaries of Latinx migration beyond the western hemisphere and into Oceania.
Peeters Publishers Linguistique Et Ethnolinguistique. Anthologie D'articles Parus Entre 1961 Et 2003
Cet ouvrage est un recueil d'une quarantaine d'articles publies de 1961 a 2003 dans diverses revues, actes de colloques et ouvrages collectifs. Il permet de mieux apprecier la diversite et la coherence d'une reflexion poursuivie sur pres d'un demi-siecle et toujours fort active. Les premiers articles concernent les langues "Plateau" (Nigeria septentrional). Suivent des contributions sur le sango (langue vehiculaire de RCA) et sur la phonologie descriptive ou comparee de divers parlers, principalement oubanguiens et bantous (sara, ngbaka, monzombo, gbanziri, kirundi, ngando, mbati). Plusieurs concernent des problemes de description: definition des classes de mots/parties du discours et des unites a prendre en compte a differents niveaux descriptifs suivant une methode originale appelee systemique dynamique; ils relevent de la linguistique generale. Enfin, une bonne moitie des contributions illustre des problemes d'ethnolinguistique envisagee comme interaction reciproque entre la langue et le monde exterieur, propre a un groupe social: systemes de numeration, instruments de musiques, noms de plantes et taxinomie ethnique de celles-ci, litterature orale, lexique thematique, ideologies particulieres. En annexe, une bibliographie complete des travaux permet de resituer articles et ouvrages les uns par rapport aux autres.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics "The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time." The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Written by one of the world’s leading experts on modern Russia, Putin’s Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts into which Russia has plunged since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president. From the First and Second Chechen Wars to the military incursion into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea, and the eventual full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Mark Galeotti has created a vivid insight into the inner workings of the Kremlin. Updated for this paperback edition to include both the aborted coup of June 2023 and a clear overview of how and why the Russian military has struggled in Ukraine, this is a thought-provoking history of how Putin and his wars have inexorably shaped Russia in the 21st century.
Kerber Verlag Pascal Haas: Character Arc
Character Arc, the documentary photo series by Pascal Haas (b. 1976), features a collection of portraits of Berlin-based actors. The photos, taken between 2021 and 2023, depict the actors personally, in the park or on the street — outside of their roles, away from the stage and the set. The serene black-and-white analogue portraits show the artists as approachable, free from any artifice. In this way, the images reveal both their strength and their vulnerability, reflecting the uncertainties of the modern age. The rhythm of the series is based on the seasons, as can be discerned from the light, the clothes they are wearing, and the natural surroundings. Actors: Leonie Benesch, Pit Bukowski, Marie Burchard, Marlene Burow, Luka Dimić, Maren Eggert, Mala Emde, Michelangelo Fortuzzi, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Franz Hartwig, Jacob Matschenz, Wanja Mues, Johannes Nussbaum, Rick Okon, Valerie Pachner, Anneke Kim Sarnau, Daniel Sträßer, Sabin Tambrea, Mina Tander, Lena Urzendowsky, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Luise Wolfram. Text in English and German.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Makeover Television: Realities Remodelled
With the explosion of reality television onto screens and schedules worldwide, this timely and original book explores makeover tv, the ubiquitous reality format that has received little critical attention to date. Top writers and scholars take discussion of reality tv to the next level with lively examination of a wide range of contemporary makeover shows, such as "Extreme Makeover", "The Swan", "Faking It", "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy", and "The Apprentice", that ultimately speak to television's own enduring ability to reinvent itself. The book is organized around the overarching argument that contemporary makeover programming provides the paradigmatic example of reality television's far-reaching prominence and mass appeal, an appeal that lies in "powers of transformation' or televisual performance that tries not only to capture reality but to intervene in it, with the ultimate aim of remodelling reality. They examine how makeover programming annexes the private space of the home, transforms the body through surgery and rigorous discipline, recreates aspects of social identity and consumer lifestyle, and changes ordinary persons into celebrities and celebrities into ordinary persons.