Search results for ""author rainer"
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Steffen Verlag Oh hoher Baum des Schauns
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH Russisch fr Besserwisser 02 Krimis Kalender und ein Krokodil Eine Lesereise durch Russland
Verlag Der Autoren Bremer Freiheit Blut am Hals der Katze
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge Das Manuskript des Berner Taschenbuchs Faksimile und Textgenetische Edition
Schwabe Verlag Basel Gedichte in zwei Sprachen Poèmes en double version
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Vergessene Pfade Altmühltal
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wandergenuss Elsass und Vogesen 37 spannende Natur und Kulturerlebnisse auf aussichtsreichen Wegen
Bucheli Verlags AG MercedesBenz AKlasse W 169 Benziner und Diesel BR ab Modelljahr 2004
Motorbuch Verlag VW Polo IV ab Modelljahr 2001 Benzin und Dieselmotoren
FISCHER Taschenbuch Gedichte Fischer TaschenBibliothek
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Duineser Elegien
Insel Verlag GmbH Weihnachten naht
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Gedichte
Insel Verlag GmbH In einem fremden Park Gartengedichte
Insel Verlag GmbH In und nach Worpswede Verse fr meinen lieben Heinrich Vogeler
Reclam Philipp Jun. Schriften zur Literatur und Kunst
Reclam Philipp Jun. Dir zur Feier Eine Liebeserklrung
Dover Publications Inc. Letters to a Young Poet
Nova Science Publishers Inc Reading in America: Issues & Solutions
Carcanet Press Ltd Turning-point: Miscellaneous Poems 1912-1926
First published under the title "An Unofficial Rilke", Hamburger's translations have been critically acclaimed for their contribution towards a more complete understanding of one of the major poets of the 20th century. While Rilke has been perhaps more widely translated into English than any other modern poet, the emphasis has always been on 'major works' - the "New Poems" volumes, "Duino Elegies" and "Sonnets to Orpheus". Yet Rilke produced many more poems which had little or no airing beyond the confines of his workshop. Michael Hamburger argues in his perceptive and entertaining introduction that these poems are not inferior to the poems in the collections that form the accepted corpus; rather that they merely failed to fit in with Rilke's wish to form a definitive statement.
Penguin Books Ltd The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
While his old furniture rots in storage, Malte Laurids Brigge lives in a cheap room in Paris, with little but a library reader's card to distinguish him from the city's untouchables. Every person he sees seems to carry their death with them, and he thinks of the deaths, and ghosts, of his aristocratic family, of which only he remains. The only novel by one of the greatest writers of poetry in German, the semi-autobiographical Notebooks is an uneasy, compelling and poetic book that anticipated Sartre and is full of passages of lyrical brilliance.Michael Hulse's new translation perfectly conveys the unsettling beauty of the original and is accompanied by an introduction on Rilke's life and the biographical and literary influences on the Notebooks. This edition also includes suggested further reading, a chronology and notes.
Edizioni Periferia Urs Lüthi: Art Is the Better Life
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).: Konturen biblischer Didaktik am Beispiel Kinderbibel
V&R Unipress Kindertheologische Untersuchungen zu Auferstehungsvorstellungen von Grundschülerinnen und Grundschülern
V&R unipress GmbH Arbeiten zur Religionspädagogik (ARP).
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Rahmenubereinkommen Zum Schutz Nationaler Minderheiten: Handkommentar
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Jenseits Der Migrantologie: Aktuelle Herausforderungen Und Neue Perspektiven Der Migrationsforschung: Jahrbuch Migrationsforschung 6
Theologischer Verlag Das Alte Testament in Kinderbibeln: Eine Didaktische Herausforderung in Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart
Kohlhammer Lieblingsbilder: ... Und Das Bilderverbot?
Rowman & Littlefield Rush to Glory: Formula 1 Racing's Greatest Rivalry
The greatest duel in FORMULA 1 history: the 1976 season between Austrian Niki Lauda and Britain's James Hunt. As the '75 season ended, Hunt was out of FORMULA 1 racing while Lauda was world champion and the odds-on favorite for '76 with a year's contract ahead of him and Enzo Ferrari begging him to sign a multi-year deal. James Hunt, without a drive until Emerson Fittipaldi broke his McLaren contract, grabbed the McLaren drive with both hands and the help of friend John Hogan and Marlboro cigarettes. The result? Two drivers in an epic sixteen-race battle across the globe for the '76 title, ultimately decided by a single point. Fame, wealth, drugs, sex, and the rest of globetrotting 1970s FORMULA 1 racing are encompassed in the Lauda vs. Hunt duel. At the '76 German Grand Prix, Lauda nearly died in a fiery crash, only to emerge six weeks later, severe burns on his face and head, to pursue his rivalry with Hunt. It all came down to the last race, a rain-soaked affair in Japan, where Hunt won the championship by the slimmest possible margin. The book is a study in contrasts during an era of Brut aftershave and disco sex parties. James Hunt, legendary philanderer and FORMULA 1 rock star, versus supernatural racer Niki Lauda, who in '75 set the first sub-seven minute lap around the Ring.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Jungen ALS Opfer Von Sexueller Gewalt: Ausmass, Theoretische Zugange Und Praktische Fragen Fur Die Soziale Arbeit
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Psychiatrie: Einschließlich Psychotherapie
Der Lehrbuch-Klassiker in NeuauflageWelche Fachrichtung Sie auch eischlagen wollen, in Ihrem Leben als Mediziner werden Sie es unweigerlich auch mit Patienten zu tun haben, die an einer psychischen Störung leiden. Umso wichtiger ist es, dass Sie das notwendige Rüstzeug erhalten, um diese Erkrankungen zu erkennen und richtig einordnen zu können.Dazu gehört weitaus mehr, als Symptome und psychiatrische Diagnosen auswendig zu lernen. Ein grundlegendes Verständnis psychischer Erkrankungen und ihrer Behandlungsmöglichkeiten ist erforderlich, um auch diesen Patienten helfen und die richtige Entscheidung treffen zu können – und sei es nur die Frage „Konsil ja oder nein“. In der neuen Auflage wurden sämtliche Kapitel aktualisier und überarbeitet.· Die Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie ist in die entsprechenden Störungskapitel integriert.· Das Buch enthält das gesamte Wissen gemäß dem Gegenstandskatalog für Mediziner und der ICD 10 Klassifikation.· Patienteninterviews geben beispielhafte Berichte mit kurzen erläuternden Kommentaren wider.· Mit dem Repetitorium kann der Leser sein Wissen überprüfen. Der Tölle/Windgassen macht Psychiatrie in all ihren Zusammenhängen erfassbar und vermittelt Verständnis für die Patienten und wie sie ihre Krankheit erleben. Zum Lernen, Nachschlagen, Weiterdenken!
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH The Making of the 20th Century City: Towards a Transnational Urban History of Japan and Europe
Kohlhammer Mustervertrage Fur Das Krankenhaus: Praxishandbuch Der Bayerischen Krankenhausgesellschaft
De Gruyter Friedl Dicker-Brandeis: Werke aus der Sammlung der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Bauhaus artist Friedl Dicker-Brandeis The work of Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898–1944) occupies a key position in the broader history of the Austrian avant-garde while also deepening our understanding of modernism. Her work covers an impressive range of media and genres in the visual and applied arts. Influenced by her studies at Vienna’s Kunstgewerbeschule (which later became the University of Applied Arts Vienna), the Itten Private School, and the Bauhaus in Weimar, she worked as a painter, stage designer, architect, designer in Vienna and Berlin, in exile, and as a deportee. This book explores the heterogeneity of Dicker’s work, reconstructs her artistic strategies and references to aesthetic and political discourses from the 1920s to the 1940s, and documents for the first time her works in the collection of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Portrait of her work and collection catalog, dedicated to the artist, designer, and architect Friedl Dicker-Brandeis Essays by Julie M. Johnson, Robin Rehm, Daniela Stöppel, and others To accompany an exhibition in Vienna and Zurich; awarded as one of the most beautiful books in Austria in 2022
Walter de Gruyter & Co Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Relations: The Great Debates
The history of international relations has been shaped by a sequence of 'Great Debates', in which leading scholars of the field advanced, challenged, and defended views about the assumptions that should inform the study of world politics. In this authoritative collection, the editors bring together for the first time the most important contributions to these inspiring intellectual exchanges and provide an excellent overview of the discipline's development since its inception in the early 20th century. Students and scholars in international relations as well as neighboring disciplines will find this title to be an indispensable and highly informative source of reference.
American Society of Agronomy Quantifying and Modeling Soil Strucure Dynamics
Yale University Press Man from Babel
The autobiography of Eugene Jolas, available for the first time nearly half a century after his death in 1952, is the story of a man who, as the editor of the expatriate American literary magazine transition, was the first publisher of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake and other signal works of the modernist period. Jolas’s memoir provides often comical and compelling details about such leading modernist figures as Joyce, Stein, Hemingway, Breton, and Gide, and about the political, aesthetic, and social concerns of the Surrealists, Expressionists, and other literary figures during the 1920s and 1930s. Man from Babel both enriches and challenges our view of international modernism and the historical avant-garde.Born in New Jersey of immigrant parents, Jolas moved back to France with them at the age of two. He grew up in the borderland of Lorraine and later lived in Paris, Berlin, London, and New York, where he pursued a career as a journalist and aspiring poet. As an American press officer after the war, Jolas was actively involved in the denazification of German intellectual life. A champion of the international avant-garde, he continually sought translinguistic, transcultural, and suprapolitical bridges that would transform Western culture into a unified continuum. Compiled and edited from Jolas’s drafts and illustrated with contemporary photographs, this memoir not only reveals the multicultural concerns of the man from Babel, as Jolas saw himself, but also illuminates an entire literary and historical era.
Animal Media Group LLC Donald Judd Spaces: Judd Foundation New York & Texas
Imperial College Press Black Hole At The Center Of The Milky Way, The
Reviewing the fundamental instrumental techniques and current observational results, this book unveils the mysteries of the physical processes in the central parsec of our Milky Way: the super-massive black hole embedded in a central stellar cluster as well as the gas and dust in the circumnuclear region.The observations described cover the entire electromagnetic spectrum from decimeter radio-waves to high energy X-ray and γ-rays, and a comprehensive summary of up-to-date astrophysical interpretations is given.The emphasis is put on observational techniques, image processing aspects, and a detailed presentation of the most cutting-edge work carried out in the near-infrared wavelength regime. These recent results include both the first orbits of stars around the central black hole and the multiwavelength variability of the central source.