Search results for ""author antonio""
Silvana Photography Bound: Reimagining Photobooks and Self-publishing
Photography Bound. Reimagining Photobooks and Self-publishing is essentially a portable library, where each book – selected by the most eclectic and vibrant voices working in the field today – is declared an urgent addition. The result is a multi-part manifesto that radically and intimately engages with photography and publishing. The book unfurls from a three-day conference organised by Antonio Cataldo and Adrià Julià in 2020 at the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen and Fotogalleriet, Oslo. The conference found common but fragile ground amid a global health crisis. From there, it managed to catapult discussion and explore in depth the need to print and publish photobooks. Each contribution discloses a unique relationship to photobooks and publishing. Together, they are a trigger for social, political and cultural demands. This book makes a collective call to action – or actions – and asks each reader to reimagine where photography is bound to go. Contributors: Terje Abusdal / Heidi Bale Amundsen / Delphine Bedel / Paul Gangloff / Erik Gant / Hans Gremmen / Cosmo Großbach / Abdul Halik Azeez / Michele Horrigan / Sohrab Hura / Kay Jun / Aglaia Konrad / Moritz Küng / Silja Leifsdottir / Hailey Loman / Catalina Lozano / Sean Lynch / Niclas Östlind / Vijai Patchineelam / Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger / Mette Sandbye / Ursula Schulz-Dornburg / Ahlam Shibli / Æsa Sigurjónsdóttir / Reyes Sisternas / Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung / Ina Steiner / Anne-Lise Stenseth / Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa / Antonio Zúñiga.
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd A great & terrible world The Pre-Prison Letters,1908-1926
This edition of letters by Antonio Gramsci vividly evokes the 'great and terrible world' in which he lived, a description he used a number of times in his correspondence. The letters show Gramsci beginning to form the theoretical concepts that come to fuller fruition in the Prison Notebooks, but they also give an essential and rounded picture of Gramsci's development, politically, intellectually and emotionally - the latter especially through letters to his family and wife. Broadly speaking, the letters are of three types: early letters to Gramsci's family; overtly political letters from Turin, Moscow, Vienna, and Rome; and letters to the Schucht sisters, including Jul'ka, whom he married while in Moscow. The political letters constitute a fascinating insight into the period, both with regard to the Communist International and, more often, to Italian politics. The volume also includes the famous letter of 1926 in which Gramsci, writing in the name of the Italian Party's Political Bureau, criticises the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party for their handling of internal opposition. The book follows a broadly chronological structure, and includes a general introduction, a guide to the main personalities involved, and additional contextual information for each chapter. It also includes some little-known photographic material.
Haymarket Books Por Siempre
A visual and verbal narrative of the grit and gentleness in Southwestern Latinx communities through photography by Antonio Salazar and poetry by José Olivarez, author of Citizen Illegal.Guns, tattoos, pit bulls, and cars appear alongside a tender aubade, a couple holding hands, a baby bathing in a kitchen sink; landscapes and skylines in Phoenix and Los Angeles show palm trees and messy garages; long white socks and acrylic nails of younger generations meet the smiles and traditions of elders. In a society that would rather disappear or ignore its own grittier dimensions, Salazar’s work is both a refusal to be silenced and a love letter to the communities that sing, dance, live, and love, in their own beautiful and dangerous ways.Alongside Salazar’s powerful visual narrative, a series of poetry by José Olivarez appears throughout the book. Each poem “speaks” in its own way—to, of, with, and beyond the subjects of Salazar’s photos—with humor, honesty, and compassion. These artists together in Por Siempre are a force: expanding and lifting each other’s best parts, as those in sincere and caring communities often do.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Activities of Thinking in Social Spaces
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd Selections from Political Writings: 1910-20
Penguin Books Ltd Little Misunderstandings of No Importance: And Other Stories
The short story collection that launched Tabucchi to fame, reflecting on the uncertainties, memories, mistakes and mysteries of life Eleven short stories pivoting on life's ambiguities and the central question they pose in Tabucchi's fiction: is it choice, fate, accident, or even, occasionally, a kind of magic that plays a decisive role in the protagonists' lives? Set in Paris, Lisbon, Madras and New York and blended with the author's wonderfully intelligent imagination, Tabucchi reflects on the elemental aspects of the human experience, exploring grief, uncertainty, adventure, memory and love.'One of the most admired Italian writers of his generation' The Times
Oxford University Press Gloria
for SSA soli, SATB and chamber orchestra The memorable tunes and infectious optimism of Vivaldi's Gloria have made it one of the most popular choral works in the repertoire. For this edition, the distinguished Vivaldi scholar Paul Everett has returned to the autograph manuscript as the most authoritative source. Both full and vocal scores make clear distinction between original and editorial markings, and information on performance practice is relevant without being prescriptive. The vocal score includes an orchestral reduction for rehearsal purposes, and the full score is supplemented by a comprehensive critical commentary and continuo realization. It also includes a unique transcription of Ruggieri's 'Cum Sancto Spiritu', on which Vivaldi based his own setting. Complete orchestral material and vocal scores are available on hire/rental, and full and vocal scores are also available on sale.
Barefoot Books Ltd How Starling Got His Speckles
Star the starling wants to sing all by himself so that everyone will look at his beautiful feathers . . . but when a hawk comes hunting, Star discovers that there’s more strength and power in community than in being alone. This thrilling original fable about why starlings flock in murmurations and why their wings have speckles will draw readers in again and again.
Editorial Kairós SA El paradigma akáshico revolución en la vanguardia de la ciencia
Al fin, la teoría definitiva del paradigma akáshico: una perspectiva nueva y audaz que emerge a partir de descubrimientos en la física de vanguardia. El concepto de ?akasha? abarca, y luego trasciende, los viejos esquemas de la religión y los paradigmas de la ciencia moderna. Se establece como un genuino paradigma de la unidad, capaz de integrar valores como la armonía o la verdad, y con profundas implicaciones para la sostenibilidad.
Editorial Ecir S.A. La flor de la Kantuta
Linkgua Obligar Contra su Sangre
Linkgua La fénix de Salamanca
Ediciones Salamina Islas Terceiras batalla naval de San Miguel operaciones navales espaolas del siglo XVI 15811582
Jirones de Azul La ltima aventura de Zeus en Nueva York
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. Diagnstico y teraputica en pediatra gua de actuacin
Sin perder el concepto fundamental de troncalidad, la Pediatría ha evolucionado hasta llegar a convertirse en una especialidad dotada de subespecialidades o áreas de capacitación específicas. Por ello, resulta necesario que la formación de los futuros pediatras se centre en una asistencia clínica supervisada y apoyada en materiales didácticos de fácil consulta y comprensión, y que aborde la patología pediátrica de una manera multidisciplinar y en sus diferentes grados de complejidad.
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Construcciones Locativas Y Cuantitativas
Este Cuaderno de Lengua Española recoge la descripción de las construcciones de "lugar" y de "cantidad" desde la función de complemento circunstancial, por ser la más habitual (pero no exclusiva) que contraen las unidades que las conforman. Su análisis, aunque se ha hecho desde presupuestos funcionalistas, se ha compatibilizado con cuestiones de la gramática tradicional (terminología, clasificación, etc.). El cometido de estos Cuadernos es llegar a un público entendido (profesores, estudiantes de enseñanzas medias y de primeros cursos de Universidad, así como a los estudiantes extranjeros) pero no especializado, de ahí que se hayan evitado planteamientos teóricos, discusiones o citas puntuales en favor de la sencillez y la claridad expositiva. El desarrollo de ambos capítulos está estructurado de la misma manera: se comienza por los adverbios, sustantivos, adjetivos, locuciones, cometido de las preposiciones y oraciones adverbiales. Al final se propone hacer una serie de ejercicios que
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones La Paz el Porvenir historia y patrimonio
La celebración del LXXV aniversario fundacional de la Hermandad de la Paz ha hecho posible la gestación de este libro que, con carácter conmemorativo, aúna una interesante voluntad investigadora y divulgativa. Un numeroso grupo de profesores universitarios, junto con otros investigadores de diversas áreas, abordan desde el análisis del complejo contexto histórico de la ciudad en los años treinta al estudio del templo de San Sebastián y a la investigación de su patrimonio devocional y artístico, pasando por la historia de la propia Hermandad y del barrio en que se asienta.
AutoCAD 2021
AutoCAD es el protagonista indiscutible entre las aplicaciones de dibujo técnico para trabajar en proyectos de Diseño Asistido por Ordenador. Además, incluso en aquellos procesos técnicos específicos en los que este programa no desempeña un papel principal, sigue siendo -y será- un aliado imprescindible. Este libro constituye una fenomenal herramienta para adentrarse en el buque insignia de los programas informáticos que todo técnico debe conocer y usar con frecuencia.En estas páginas, se facilita el aprendizaje a través de múltiples ejemplos resueltos de principio a fin, con un lenguaje comprensible para todos los niveles, una voluntad permanente de empatía con los lectores y un estilo que huye de los grandes tecnicismos y los conceptos enrevesados, para centrarse, simplemente, en enseñar. Por su parte, el lector experimentado disfrutará con las mejoras de esta versión, así como con los trucos y consejos de uso aquí expuestos.Este volumen consigue un aprendizaje
Almuzara Populismo Islmico
Editorial Almuzara Flamenco arqueología de lo jondo
"El origen del Flamenco lo lleva escrito en su nombre. Y en el nombre de sus palos. Y en el nombre de las mujeres y hombres que lo han conservado en su garganta, en sus manos, en sus pies, en el alma. Porque las cosas existen cuando se nombran. Y sólo
Editorial Renacimiento Animacin a la lectura y literatura juvenil
Ideas para motivar y animar a los jóvenes a la lectura y literatura.
Ediciones Irreverentes La verdadera identidad de Madame Duval
Ediciones Sequitur Los peligros de la obediencia
Linkgua El Esclavo del Demonio
Helion & Company Operativo Independencia
Austin Macauley Havana-Merida-Chicago (A Journey to Freedom)
Austin Macauley Publishers LLC Grit + Tenacity + Proactivism
EOS (Instituto de Orientación Psicológica Asociados) Programa de entrenamiento de habilidades cognitivas inteligencia numérica
Cuaderno de ejercicios.Con esta inteligencia se utilizan los números de forma efectiva y el razonamiento adecuado para resolver problemas de matemáticas y de lógica. Esta inteligencia se manifiesta cuando se está trabajando con argumentaciones de carácter complejo y conceptos abstractos.Se consigue un alto nivel de este tipo de inteligencia cuando las personas poseen facilidad para desarrollar esquemas y relaciones lógicas, proposiciones y funciones abstractas. Además, en la resolución de problemas en general, cuando se tiene la capacidad de razonar numéricamente, de comprender y plantear problemas aritméticos y de resolverlos.
Ediciones Encuentro, S.A. Centinela contra franceses Sentinel Against French La Arenga Patriotica Mas Importante De 1808 the Most Important Patriotic Harangue in 1808
Edición de Jesús Laínz. No es éste tiempo de estarse con los brazos cruzados el que puede empuñar la lanza, ni con la lengua pegada al paladar el que puede usar el don de la palabra para instruir y alentar a sus compatriotas. Nuestra preciosísima libertad está amenazada, la patria corre peligro y pide defensores: desde hoy todos somos soldados, los unos con la espada y los otros con la pluma. Con estas palabras comenzó el barcelonés Antonio Capmany y de Montpalau su Centinela contra franceses, obra maestra de la propaganda bélica escrita en el trágico Madrid de 1808 para encender en sus lectores la cólera contra los invasores franceses. De volcánico ardor patriótico, éste fue el último libro del insigne historiador y lingüista que fallecería en 1813 en Cádiz tras haber participado como diputado por Cataluña en la discusión de la primera Constitución española. Esta nueva edición del texto de Capmany pone en manos de los lectores españoles un documento esencial para conocer la Esp
Gemstone Press Engagement & Wedding Rings (3rd Edition): The Definitive Buying Guide for People in Love
New Directions Publishing Corporation The Missing Head of Damasceno Monteiro
Antonio Tabucchi, Italy's premier writer and a best-selling author throughout Europe, draws together Manolo the gypsy, Firmino, a young tabloid journalist with a weakness for Lukacs and Vittorini, and Don Fernando, an overweight lawyer with a professed resemblance to the actor Charles Laughton, to solve a murder that leads far up and down Portugal's social ladder. As the investigation leads deeper into Portugal's power structure, the novel defies expectations, departing from the formulaic twists of a suspense story to consider the moral weight of power and its abuse.
Putnam Publishing Group,U.S. Erandi's Braids
Dover Publications Inc. Four Seasons And Other Violin Concertos: In Full Score Op 8 Complete
ISTE Ltd Advances in Thermodynamics and Circular Thermoeconomics: Fundamentals and Criteria
This book on energy physics and energy efficiency discusses two essential components of energy physics: the fundamentals and the criteria. It covers the historical basis of Carnot models, the thermostatic cycles of double-function heat pumps and the optimization of thermomechanical engines, and discusses the results of various investigations, bringing together a number of previous works. The latter half of this book introduces the concept of "Circular Thermoeconomics" and assesses the physical costs of recycling waste in increasingly complex industrial processes. It then goes on to present "Relative Free Energy", allowing us to create a new mathematical theory of thermodynamic costs in order to diagnose malfunctions in thermal systems. The book shows the progression of knowledge on the existence of successive energy, power and efficiency, and pairs this with the economic aspects, which are already becoming linked to growing environmental concerns.
Pan Macmillan The Prince of the Skies: A spellbinding biographical novel about the author of The Little Prince
From the bestselling author of The Librarian of Auschwitz, Antonio Iturbe, comes a captivating historical novel based on a true story – the extraordinary life and mysterious death of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of The Little Prince. (Now in its 80th Anniversary year!)Flying. Love. War. For some men everything is an adventure . . .All Antoine de Saint Exupéry wants to do is be a pilot. But flying is a dangerous dream and one that sets him at odds with his aristocratic background and the woman he loves. Despite attempts to keep him grounded, Antoine is determined to venture forwards into the unknown. Together with his friends, Jean and Henri, he will pioneer new mail routes across the globe and help change the future of aviation. In the midst of his adventures, Antoine also begins to weave a children's story that is destined to touch the lives of millions of readers around the world. A story called The Little Prince . . .Fame and fortune may have finally found Antoine, but as the shadow of war begins to threaten Europe, he's left to wonder whether his greatest adventure is yet to come . . .Translated by Lilit Žekulin Thwaites, The Prince of the Skies is a moving tale of love and friendship, war and heroism, and the power of the written word.Praise for The Prince of the Skies:'I adored the character of Antoine' - Gill Paul, author of The Secret Wife'What a beautiful, thought-provoking read' - Jennifer Ryan author of The Chilbury's Ladies Choir and The Kitchen Front
Dover Publications Inc. The Jewelry Engravers Manual
Penguin Books Ltd Requiem: A Hallucination
'A funny, sad novella about how we got here from there, and how, in our youth, "our eyes saw things differently"' The TimesA private meeting, chance encounters and a mysterious tour of Lisbon haunt this moving homage to Tabucchi's adopted cityIn the city of Lisbon, Requiem's narrator has an appointment to meet someone on a quay by the Tagus at twelve. Misunderstanding twelve to mean noon as opposed to midnight, he is left to wait. As the day unfolds he has many unexpected encounters - with a young drug addict, a disorientated taxi driver, a cemetery keeper, the mysterious Isabel and the ghost of the late great poet Fernando Pessoa - each meeting travelling between the real and illusionary. Part travelogue, part autobiography, part fiction, Requiem becomes an homage to a country and its people, and a farewell to the past as the narrator lays claim to a literary forebear who, like himself, is an evasive and many-sided personality.'Tabucchi is a master of illusion and allusion, and this is a literary puzzle that teases, amuses and provokes' Sunday Telegraph
Columbia University Press Prison Notebooks: Volume 2
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) is widely celebrated as the most original political thinker in Western Marxism and an all-around outstanding intellectual figure. Arrested and imprisoned by the Italian Fascist regime in 1926, Gramsci died before fully regaining his freedom. Nevertheless, in his prison notebooks, he recorded thousands of brilliant reflections on an extraordinary range of subjects, establishing an enduring intellectual legacy. Columbia University Press's multivolume Prison Notebooks is the only complete critical edition of Antonio Gramsci's seminal writings in English. The notebooks' integral text gives readers direct access not only to Gramsci's influential ideas but also to the intellectual workshop where those ideas were forged. Extensive notes guide readers through Gramsci's extraordinary series of reflections on an encyclopedic range of topics. Volume 2 contains Gramsci's notebooks 3, 4, and 5, written between 1930 and 1932. Their central themes are popular culture, Italian history, Americanism, and the Catholic Church as a religious institution and formidable politico-ideological force. Gramsci also touches on the Renaissance and Reformation, language and linguistics, military and diplomatic history, and Japanese and Chinese culture. Notebook 4 features an innovative reading of canto 10 from Dante's Inferno and a philosophical analysis of materialism and idealism. It also includes the first draft of Gramsci's famous observations on the history and role of intellectuals in society.
Fordham University Press Form and Feeling: The Making of Concretism in Brazil
Winner, 2022 Association of University Presses Book, Jacket, and Journal Show in the Scholarly Illustrated Category A significant contribution on the development and aftermath of post–World War II Concretism in Brazil Form and Feeling features a collection of essays by noted scholars exploring the sensorial, experience-based, and participatory practices pioneered in the 1950s by artists and poets such as Flávio de Carvalho, Ivan Serpa, Hélio Oiticica, Haroldo de Campos, Mary Vieira, Lygia Pape, Anna Maria Maiolino, Lygia Clark, Waly Salomão, and Emil Forman, among many others. Fourteen thought-provoking essays examine how many of their strategies constituted a pertinent critique of the country’s wide-ranging embrace of Eurocentric modernity while anticipating a number of practices prevalent among contemporary artists today—namely, the rise of art as social practice, the embrace of pedagogical concerns by artists, and relational aesthetics. The fourteen essays collected in this volume consider the ramifications of modernist abstraction in the second half of the twentieth century and contribute to a growing academic field in postwar Brazilian and Latin American art history. Contributions to this anthology examine the development of modernist ideas that flourished in Brazil during a controversial period interspersed by dictatorial regimes. The global aspect of Brazilian art is especially evident in these studies, presenting the relational complexity of their subjects as transcultural, transnational actors while simultaneously contributing to a growing, increasingly nuanced understanding of visual and material culture, performance, and criticism in Brazil. Form and Feeling continues the important process of re-analyzing the intersections of Concretism and Neo concretism, arguing for greater affinities between the primary and lesser-known cast of characters while equally redistributing the strict geographical divisions of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. This anthology broadly situates this extraordinary period of artistic experimentation in direct relationship to contemporary factors, such as psychoanalysis, educational systems, poetry, politics, and feminism. It crafts innovative relationships about the constructive hierarchies of form and space, poetry and painting, and mathematics and philosophy, thus engendering new positions for a deeply ensconced period in Brazilian history.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Smart Appliances: Applications, Methodologies, and Challenges
Energy Smart Appliances Enables designers and manufacturers to manage real-world energy performance and expectations by covering a range of potential scenarios and challenges Energy Smart Appliances provides utilities and appliance manufacturers, and designers with new approaches to better understand real-world performance, assess actual energy benefits, and tailor each technology to the needs of their customers. With contributions from a fully international group of experts, including heads of prestigious research organizations and leading universities, and innovation managers of the main appliance manufacturers, Energy Smart Appliances includes discussion on: Enabling technologies for energy smart appliances, covering IoT devices and technology and active energy efficiency measures in residential environments Smart home and appliances, answering questions like ‘Where are we heading in terms of the overall smart homes’ future?’ and ‘What’s the energy impact from smart home devices?’ Demand-side management and demand response, covering overall system/ appliances readiness and ideal energy management scenario to drive demand response Energy smart appliances’ best practices and success stories, including refrigerators, washers, dryers, and more With practical coverage of a wide range of potential scenarios and existing and future challenges, Energy Smart Appliances is an essential learning resource for electrical engineering professionals, equipment manufacturers, and designers, along with postgraduate electrical engineering students and researchers in related fields and programs of study.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Recent Advances in Wine Stabilization & Conservation Technologies
Little Simon Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Random House USA Inc Magic Tree House Deluxe Edition: Dinosaurs Before Dark
Magic. Mystery. Time-travel. Travel in the magic tree house with Jack and Annie in this oversized, gorgeously illustrated deluxe edition of the adventure that started it all from the #1 bestselling chapter book series--for the first time with brand-new full-color illustrations!Where did the tree house come from?Before Jack and Annie can find out, the mysterious tree house whisks them to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark...or will they become a dinosaur's dinner?This fantasy adventure from the internationally bestselling Magic Tree House series will capture the imagination and is perfect for reading aloud. Newly illustrated by Antonio Javier Caparo with rich and whimsical art, this gorgeous edition is one to cherish.Did you know that there's a Magic Tree House book for every kid?Magic Tree House: Adventures with Jack and Annie, perfect for readers who are just beginning chapter booksMerlin Missions: More challenging adventures for the experienced readerSuper Edition: A longer and more dangerous adventureFact Trackers: Nonfiction companions to your favorite Magic Tree House adventuresHave more fun with Jack and Annie at!
Profile Books Ltd Like a Fading Shadow
Shortlisted for The Man Booker International Prize 2018 On April 4th 1968, Martin Luther King was murdered by a man named James Earl Ray. Before Ray's capture and sentencing to 99 years' imprisonment, he evaded the FBI for two months as he crossed the globe under various aliases. At the heart of his story is Lisbon, where he spent ten days attempting to acquire an Angolan visa. Like a Fading Shadow traces three journeys to the city: Ray's desperate attempt to evade justice in 1968; a research trip undertaken by the young Muñoz Molina for his breakthrough novel Winter in Lisbon in 1987; and the return journey taken by the novelist as he attempts to reconstruct these twin stories from the instability of the past, and interrogates his own obsession with one of the twentieth century's most notorious figures. Aided by the recent declassification of James Earl Ray's FBI case file, Like a Fading Shadow boldly weaves a taut retelling of Ray's assassination of King, his time on the run and his eventual capture together with a highly original, fearlessly honest examination of the novelist's own past.