Search results for ""Cengage Learning""
Cengage Learning, Inc Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair
Delivering complete coverage of ASE Education Foundation���s Maintenance & Light Repair (MLR) program standards, this accessible, practical resource features material spanning the entire MLR task list, as well as many supplemental tasks entry-level technicians need to master. In addition to being thoroughly updated to align to the ASE Education Foundation 2022 Maintenance & Light Repair (MLR) program standards, the Third Edition features color-coded safety information for easy reference, new content on advanced drive assistance systems (ADAS) and updated layouts and imagery to make content more appealing for today���s visual learners. With an engaging writing style and abundant illustrations, this reader-friendly text makes even complex material easier to understand. Proven learning features are integrated into every chapter, including Word Walls highlighting key technical and industry terms and ASE review questions to help you prepare for professional certification exams. Giving you a solid grounding in both automotive competencies and academic and lifelong learning skills like math, science and communication, AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE & LIGHT REPAIR, Third Edition, is the perfect choice to prepare you for classroom and career success.
Cengage Learning, Inc Food and Culture
Providing current information on the health, culture, food and nutrition habits of the most common ethnic and racial groups living in the United States, FOOD AND CULTURE supports human diversity and inclusivity and provides you with an accessible lens to see connection. This market-leading text for cultural foods courses is also designed to help health professionals, chefs, and others in the food service industry learn to work effectively with members of different ethnic and religious groups in a culturally sensitive manner. It also will help you develop a grounded perspective of the diversity in the United States and enhances effective communication across cultures in any field of work. The authors include comprehensive coverage of key ethnic, religious and regional groups, including Native Americans, Europeans, Africans, Black Americans, Mexicans and Central Americans, Caribbean Islanders, South Americans, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, people of the Balkans, Middle Easterners, Asian Indians, and regional Americans.
Cengage Learning, Inc Economics for Today
Master current economic concepts with the most reader-friendly economics text available -- ECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 11E by national award-winning author Irvin Tucker. No matter what your current level of economic understanding, this edition provides an interesting writing style, unique presentation and visual learning system with helpful, colorful graphs that clarify important economic principles and effectively explain the latest economic developments. Rather than presenting a confusing array of economic analyses for you to memorize, this edition demonstrates how to apply basic economic principles in daily life and recognize economics at work in today's news. You study the latest information on economic growth, income distribution, federal deficits, environmental issues, and other emerging developments in economics. Learning tools, road maps and corresponding interactive, digital MindTap resources with videos, tutorials and practice exercises immediately reinforce your understanding.
Cengage Learning, Inc Microeconomics
The economy is tough -- but understanding microeconomics doesn���t have to be. In fact, opening the world of economics can be exciting with Arnold's popular MICROECONOMICS, 14E. Economic tools, new thinking and theories show you how microeconomic forces impact daily events and form an important part of life 24/7. Current, everyday microeconomic examples and updated discussions and learning features illustrate many unexpected places economics can occur. You learn how supply and demand play out on a freeway, what a business cycle is, how a person pays for good weather and even why U-Haul rates are higher going from New York to Texas than from Texas to New York. Two new chapters examine health economics and economic research, including casual inference and machine learning. Digital video lectures and digital features guide you in understanding economic diagrams and building graphs, while online MindTap, Aplia and A+ Test Prep help you assess your understanding of microeconomics.
Cengage Learning, Inc Understanding Management
Examine the issues impacting today's current, fast-shifting business environment and the necessary management solutions with Daft/Marcic's market-leading UNDERSTANDING MANAGEMENT, 12E. Even before recent upheavals, managers and organizations were buffeted by competitive, social, technological and economic change. Today's managers face more demands than ever before in the scramble to cope with the turbulence of recent events, ethical and social turmoil, mobile commerce, economic instability, globalization, cybersecurity threats, increasing government regulation and global supply chains. This edition helps you, as a future manager, find leading-edge solutions to significant problems -- whether everyday challenges or once-in-a-lifetime crises. Content extends beyond techniques traditionally taught to encompass a breadth of management skills and new competencies you can use to face today's issues. MindTap and Write Experience digital resources are also available to help you seize opportunity and lead change.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings
Carefully review the decision-making process of business leaders today and discover common threads behind ethical challenges in Jennings' best-selling BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS, 10E. The latest cases, new examples and intriguing readings drawn from pop culture, business and history introduce today's ethical issues, the consequences and societal costs. You learn how to recognize and resolve ethical issues to become a stronger business leader. Probing questions prompt you to evaluate situations like actions of the NBA in China or the NFL���s Taking-a-Knee issue. You learn how specific behaviors can lead to ethical or legal breaches as you work through real examples of business decisions gone awry. You study patterns and choices in examples such as how behaviors have changed during the pandemic, how employees gamed fitness devices for insurance discounts or how parents cheated to get their children into top universities.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Shelly Cashman Series�� Microsoft�� 365�� & Office�� 2021 Intermediate
Helping you quickly get up to speed, THE SHELLY CASHMAN SERIES�� MICROSOFT�� 365�� & OFFICE�� 2021 INTERMEDIATE, 1st edition, includes the latest on Microsoft 365 and Office 2021 features along with enhanced support for Mac users. Its trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen, project-based approach enables you to expand your understanding of Office applications through hands-on experimentation and critical thinking. Module Learning Objectives are mapped to Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification objectives, reinforcing the critical skills needed for college and career success. Other Ways boxes reveal alternate click paths to achieve a step, while BTW call-outs offer helpful hints as you work through your projects so you can make the most of Microsoft Office tools. In addition, MindTap and SAM (Skills Assessment Manager) online resources help maximize your study time -- and results.
Cengage Learning, Inc New Perspectives Computer Concepts Comprehensive
Helping you understand the technological foundations for a wide range of digital devices, New Perspectives Computer Concepts Comprehensive, 21st edition, presents what every learner should know about using technology to complete your education, launch a successful career and engage in issues that shape today's world. The book's proven learning path is structured with today's busy reader in mind. Leading tech author June Parsons combines the latest on emerging technology with detailed illustrations and interactive activities that help you quickly understand technical topics. This edition provides updated information on current operating systems, digital rights management, the deep web and dark web, videoconferencing, the pandemic's impact on tech jobs, work-at-home and more. A unique module provides a hands-on introduction to programming, while MindTap offers anywhere, anytime learning solutions.
Cengage Learning, Inc Statistical Methods for Psychology
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR PSYCHOLOGY surveys the statistical techniques commonly used in the behavioral and social sciences, especially psychology and education. To help students gain a better understanding of the specific statistical hypothesis tests that are covered throughout the text, author David Howell emphasize conceptual understanding. Along with significantly updated discussions of effect size and meta-analysis, this Eighth Edition continues to focus on two key themes that are the cornerstones of this book's success: the importance of looking at the data before beginning a hypothesis test, and the importance of knowing the relationship between the statistical test in use and the theoretical questions being asked by the experiment.
Cengage Learning, Inc Learning and Behavior
LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR, Seventh Edition, is stimulating and filled with high-interest queries and examples. Based on the theme that learning is a biological mechanism that aids survival, this book embraces a scientific approach to behavior but is written in clear, engaging, and easy-to-understand language. Available with InfoTrac�� Student Collections
Cengage Learning, Inc Public Administration in America
Combining emerging trends, challenges and ethical considerations with current research, Milakovich/Gordon's PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN AMERICA, 12th edition, gives you a behind-the-scenes look at day-to-day operations of government administrative agencies as it examines policies and procedures across various levels of U.S. government. The most current concerns in public administration are analyzed from the second Obama administration, the Trump presidency and the beginning of President Biden's term. Up-to-date discussions explore the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, homeland security concerns, ongoing health care debates and more. "Point/Counterpoint" features enable you to debate and discuss key issues. As it builds your knowledge of core concepts, the text also highlights the path to a fulfilling career in politics and public administration -- and how you can make a difference.
Cengage Learning, Inc Inventors of Ideas: Introduction to Political Thought
Tannenbaum/McGinnis' INVENTORS OF IDEAS: INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL THOUGHT, 4th Edition, introduces you to the works of key figures in the history of political thought -- highlighting their context in history while also shedding light on current political questions. Thoroughly updated, the 4th Edition covers the traditional canon while also increasing inclusivity as it explores groundbreaking writings from the 20th and 21st centuries along with emerging trends in the field. New contributions include writings from women like Christine de Pizan and Harriet Taylor Mill as well as thinkers whose works are increasingly recognized as canonical, such as Ab�� Nasr al-F��r��bi and W.E.B. du Bois. INVENTORS OF IDEAS equips you with the practical and historical foundations to critically examine and understand today's political issues.
Cengage Learning, Inc Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions
Students often have difficulty learning anatomy and physiology because they cannot see how the material relates to their chosen health profession. Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professions unites the science with the clinical pathologies that students will experience in their chosen field, giving them the insight and added drive to be successful in this course. Along with the added clinical content, utilizing MindTap allows the students to interact with 3D models of both normal and pathologic anatomy and the associated physiology. This ability to control the models and explore the different anatomical structures helps to enhance their learning and ability to conceptualize the structures.
Cengage Learning, Inc Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth Through Adolescence
Packed with the latest research and best practices, Marotz/Allen's DEVELOPMENTAL PROFILES: PRE-BIRTH THROUGH ADOLESCENCE, 9th edition, helps you understand the complexity of children's development. Major characteristics for each developmental domain are presented in a concise, nontechnical, point-by-point format. This bestseller addresses typical daily routines and important safety considerations at each developmental stage as well as includes learning activities to promote brain development, developmental checklists, family resources and an overview of assessment tools. This edition provides extensive information that teachers, families and service providers will find useful for promoting individualized learning and identifying developmental delays in their earliest stage. It also emphasizes the importance of working collaboratively with diverse families to achieve maximum benefit for children.
Cengage Learning, Inc Human Diseases
Designed specifically for future allied health professionals, HUMAN DISEASES, Sixth Edition, includes everything you need to know about the diseases and disorders health care providers see and treat most often. Making pathology fully accessible, this best-selling text is packed with the most current research available and reflects the latest practices from the field. Following a basic review of anatomy and physiology, chapters present each disease's description, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, while detailed, full-color photos make it easier to gain a thorough understanding of key concepts. Completely up to date, the Sixth Edition includes information on new and emerging disorders, ICD-10 progress, pharmacology concerns, herbal and nontraditional remedies, current research and statistics and more. In addition, real-life cases and interactive learning tools give you hands-on experience to help you put what you learn into practice.
Cengage Learning, Inc Management
Master the process of management with the skills-based, functional approach in Griffin���s MANAGEMENT, 13E. Timely content focuses on active planning, leading, organizing and controlling as you examine emerging management topics. New discussions explore the impact of technology, the importance of a green business environment, the need to adapt in changing times, ethical challenges and the role of diversity. This is one of the first management books to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting economic turmoil. New cases and updated learning features support an effective balance of classic theory and contemporary practice. Hundreds of current examples highlight organizations such as Starbucks, Hilton Hotels, Quicken Loans and Honey Pot. New MindTap digital resources further guide you in thinking and acting like a successful manager with learning, application and study modules for each chapter. Immediate feedback and links to the printed book help you prepare for exams.
Cengage Learning, Inc Those Who Can, Teach
Take a close look at the challenges, realities and rewards of teaching today as Ryan/Cooper/Bolick/Callahan's THOSE WHO CAN, TEACH, 15E helps you make an informed decision about entering today's teaching profession. This edition's highly acclaimed author team draws from current research and multiple sources to pose the question "Why Teach?" A reader-friendly presentation takes a candid look at the importance of teaching, using compelling narratives, biographies, profiles and interviews with top educators. Video cases portray real teaching experiences and new discussions address technology in use with 2020 pandemic school shutdowns and critical topics, such as bullying, high-stakes testing and education reform. Engaging content corresponds to the latest professional teaching standards with digital downloads that offer teaching tools. The authors invite you to carefully consider the rewards, positive challenges and inspiring experiences that form today's high-impact teaching career.
Cengage Learning, Inc Income Tax Fundamentals 2022 (with Intuit ProConnect Tax Online)
Master the most important areas of today's tax law with Whittenburg/Altus-Buller/Gill's best-selling INCOME TAX FUNDAMENTALS 2022. This concise, practical introduction to tax preparation uses a unique, step-by-step workbook format that integrates actual tax forms. You learn the complexities of the U.S. income tax code as this edition's clear, up-to-date presentation walks you through real, current examples using the most recent tax forms. A variety of end-of-chapter problems and online exercises offers hands-on practice with tax return problems that use source documents identical to those of real clients. Professional Intuit�� ProConnect��� tax preparation software also accompanies each new book. In addition, numerous study tools and powerful online resources, including the CNOWv2 online homework tool, help you further refine your knowledge and practical skills to become a successful tax preparer today.
Cengage Learning, Inc Comprehensive Medical Terminology for Health Professions
Building on the best-selling MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONS series, this comprehensive text is designed to help students with no healthcare background achieve deep competence in medical terminology. In addition to 14 in-depth chapters on body systems and a unit on diagnostic procedures and nuclear medicine, the text includes chapters dedicated to key specialty areas, including mental health, infant and child health, gerontology, oncology and pharmacology. With a time-tested chapter and learning exercise structure that has made the series a leader for over 30 years, this reader-friendly new resource features streamlined content, contemporary illustrations and real-world examples to help make even complex material accessible to students with varied learning styles, as well as ESL learners. Each chapter begins with a vocabulary list of 60 key terms and 15 essential word parts. Terms are pronounced in MindTap as they appear, and the Pronounce app features innovative voice recognition software that allows you to record your pronunciations and receive immediate feedback. Application-based activities give you practice with critical skills such as term dissection and word-building in a real-world context, providing valuable exposure to a variety of medical reports.
Cengage Learning, Inc Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defense
Wilson/Simpson/Antill's HANDS-ON ETHICAL HACKING AND NETWORK DEFENSE, 4th edition, equips you with the knowledge and skills to protect networks using the tools and techniques of an ethical hacker. The authors explore the concept of ethical hacking and its practitioners -- explaining their importance in protecting corporate and government data -- and then deliver an in-depth guide to performing security testing. Thoroughly updated, the text covers new security resources, emerging vulnerabilities and innovative methods to protect networks, mobile security considerations, computer crime laws and penalties for illegal computer hacking. A final project brings concepts together in a penetration testing exercise and report, while virtual machine labs, auto-graded quizzes and interactive activities in the online learning platform help further prepare you for your role as a network security professional.
Cengage Learning, Inc Understanding Social Problems
Learn to think through today's complex social issues from a variety of perspectives with UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS, 11E by award-winning authors Mooney, Van Willigen and Clever. This reader-friendly approach highlights the latest data, policies, theories and relevant examples as you examine the most important social issues facing the world in 2021. You review the long-term impacts of COVID-19, repercussions of the 2020 election and emerging social movements. Quotes from prominent celebrities and captivating features emphasize how today's social problems affect your own life as well as those around you. This edition progresses from studying micro problems related to health care, drugs and alcohol, families and crime to examining larger issues of poverty and inequality, population growth, aging, environmental problems, science and technology and world conflict. MindTap digital resources help you further develop the tools to understand institutional change and become socially engaged.
Cengage Learning, Inc Personal Nutrition
Access the tools and knowledge you need to take charge of your life with PERSONAL NUTRITION, 11th Edition. Packed with the latest research, recommendations and emerging trends, this text equips you with a solid foundation in fundamental nutrition principles and the expertise you need to make informed, healthy choices. Lively illustrations, photographs and examples bring chapter concepts to life, while features like "The Savvy Diner" and "Make Every Bite Count��� offer practical tips you can put into immediate practice. The text is also supported by MindTap, which helps you learn on your terms. The most engaging and customizable online solution in nutrition, MindTap combines readings, multimedia, assessments, activities, and access to Diet & Wellness Plus--giving you everything you need to maximize your course success.
Cengage Learning, Inc Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective
Using a reader-friendly style and straightforward, interesting approach, SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS PERSPECTIVE, 11E blends logistics theory with practical applications. The latest content highlights emerging issues, technology developments, and global changes in the constantly evolving field of supply chain management today. This digital edition examines today's real companies and how public and private organizations are responding to the continual pressure to modernize and transform their supply chains. Updated features and short cases offer hands-on managerial experience as you examine the key decisions and circumstances that supply chain managers face daily. New profiles introduce each chapter with real organizations, people, or events that emphasize the relevance of what you are learning. Technology-focused features and global content examine key areas where change is occurring and provide a meaningful perspective on how today's changes impact current and future supply chains.
Cengage Learning, Inc Business and Professional Ethics
Businesses and the accounting profession have never been under such close ethical scrutiny because of the ethics scandals that have prevented organizations and people from reaching their objectives. Understanding why ethical behavior is so important to success and knowing potential pitfalls are key to your own success. Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants, 9e demonstrates that it���s not just about learning rules. You must learn how to use ethical strategies, make ethical decisions, and integrate the latest information on ethics and governance scandals, legal liability and professional accounting and auditing issues. You must understand why developing an ethical corporate culture is essential to maintaining stakeholder support, and for auditors to audit financial statements. To keep learning interesting and underscore the importance of ethical issues, this edition provides more than 130 cases, including classic frauds, bankruptcies, loss of reputation, and unprofessional practices. Cases provide excellent opportunities for role playing and for developing your understanding of soft skills, including communications, persuasion, presentation, leadership and a global mindset.
Cengage Learning, Inc Childhood and Adolescence: Voyages in Development
Walking you chronologically from infancy through the teen years, Rathus' CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE: VOYAGES IN DEVELOPMENT, Seventh Edition, helps you understand how developmental theories and research apply to everyday life. Interspersing personal and humorous stories with the latest research and theory, Rathus captures the wonder of child and adolescent development while portraying the field of development as the rigorous science that it is. The new edition integrates hundreds of new references and relevant information from the DSM-5 of the American Psychiatric Association, including changes to substance use disorders, autism spectrum disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Maximizing your success, the PQ4R method of learning and studying -- preview, question, read, reflect, relate and review -- is used throughout, while MindTap digital solution is also available.
Cengage Learning, Inc Welding: Principles and Applications
This proven guide provides the knowledge and skills you need to complete AWS SENSE Level I and Level II programs, create Workmanship Qualification Specimens, and earn professional certification. Advancing rapidly from basic concepts and processes to today���s most complex, cutting-edge welding technologies and practices, this comprehensive text features valuable information on topics such as welding metallurgy, metal fabrication, weld testing and inspection, joint design, job costing, and environmental and conservation tips. The author opens each section by introducing you to the materials, equipment, setup procedures, and critical safety information you need to execute a specific process successfully, while subsequent chapters focus on individual welding tasks leading to SENSE certification. In addition to hundreds of new photos showcasing current welding tools and techniques, the Ninth Edition includes new and updated information on GTAW cup walking, induction welding machine operations, innovations in PAC equipment, and other industry advances you are likely to encounter as you begin your career as a welding professional.
Cengage Learning, Inc Introduction to Psychology
Drawing from the latest research and literature, Kalat's bestselling INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY teaches you how to evaluate the evidence to separate the plausible from the scientifically demonstrable -- helping you become a savvier consumer of information. Thoroughly updated, it includes expanded coverage of replicability and research misconduct, and revisits several classic topics in the light of new scholarly insight. "What's the Evidence" coverage reviews important studies, encouraging you to question the strengths and limitations of the evidence. Hands-on "Try It Yourself" activities allow you to personally experience numerous phenomena to help you remember them better. With his friendly writing style and many learning tools, Kalat puts you at ease and enables you to actively participate in what you are studying. Also available: MindTap digital learning solution.
Cengage Learning, Inc Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach, Soft Cover Version
A longtime favorite among students, Acello/Hegner's NURSING ASSISTANT: A NURSING PROCESS APPROACH has prepared more nursing assistants for meaningful careers in acute care, long-term care and home health than any other text. Providing easy-to-understand explanations, the 12th Edition walks you step-by-step through more than 150 procedures, including key skills in patient handling and transfers, wound care, communication, safety and record keeping, as well as special care procedures for patients with medical devices, catheters and physical or mental impairments. Ensuring you have a solid foundation, it also explains essential background information on basic human anatomy, career planning and emerging health care trends. Vibrant color photos and illustrations bring chapter concepts to life, while numerous print and digital study tools help you maximize your course success.
Cengage Learning, Inc Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach
Finally, a textbook that you don���t mind reading. In fact, you���ll probably share it with your stressed-out family and friends. And when the class has finished, you probably won���t sell it back. STRESS MANAGEMENT FOR LIFE: A RESEARCH-BASED EXPERIENTIAL APPROACH, 5th Edition, and the accompanying stress-reducing audio files, contain all the leading-edge tools, principles, and experiences you need to help you profoundly reduce and even prevent stress. More than just a book about how to manage stress, this book offers you a life-changing experience. If you���re tired of headaches, difficulties sleeping, feeling burned out or depressed, or experiencing a host of other chronic stress symptoms; if you���d like to master mindfulness, meditation, yoga, positive self-talk, find meaning, manage your time, and dozens of other stress-managing tools, this is the only stress management book you���ll ever need.
Cengage Learning, Inc Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach
Learn the skills you need to succeed in your chemistry course with INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: AN ACTIVE LEARNING APPROACH, 7th Edition. Known for threaded remediation of topics, this text assumes no prior knowledge of Chemistry. This proven resource will help you every step of the way as you develop the skills you need write routine chemical formulas and equations, set up and solve chemistry problems, think about fundamental chemistry on an atomic or molecular level, and visualize what happens in a chemical change. The text combined with the online resources and instant feedback in OWLv2 sets you on your way to developing a deeper understanding of chemistry concepts and solving complex problems in all aspects of your life.
Cengage Learning, Inc Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians
Want to be indispensable to your veterinary care team? Instead of memorizing drug names, elevate your understanding of the drugs used to treat animal patients with Romich���s FUNDAMENTALS OF PHARMACOLOGY FOR VETERINARY TECHNICIANS, 3E. Following a body-systems approach, you build a foundation knowledge about important drugs, their actions and potentially harmful effects, diseases the drugs treat, how to administer drugs safely and most effectively, and much more. And to make what you���re learning practical, chapters cover veterinary technician roles, dosage calculations, legal requirements, pharmacy management, job duties and clinical tips. The MindTap platform also offers digital resources such as practice quizzes, games, drug updates, and other supplemental resources for use during your course, while studying for certification exams and in your career.
Cengage Learning, Inc Shelly Cashman Series�� Microsoft�� Office 365�� & Publisher 2019�� Comprehensive
Introduce your students to the important new features that the latest version of Microsoft�� Office has to offer with the focused approach found in MICROSOFT�� OFFICE 365�� & PUBLISHER 2019: COMPREHENSIVE. Part of the acclaimed Shelly Cashman Series��, this edition continues the series' strong history of innovation with an enhanced learning approach designed to engage students, improve retention and prepare learners for success with Microsoft�� Publisher. A trademark step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach encourages students to expand their understanding of the software through experimentation, critical thought and personalization while also engaging them in real-world scenarios to reinforce critical skills to make them successful in their educational and professional careers.
Cengage Learning, Inc Physical Geography
Take a unique look at the Earth as you examine its natural processes, complex systems and the reciprocal relationship between people and Earth���s natural environment. Written by three of today's most respected geographers, Petersen/Sack/Gabler���s PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 12E introduces geography from three perspectives: as a physical science, a spatial science and an environmental science. A reader-friendly presentation demonstrates the processes and interactions among Earth���s systems and emphasizes environmental sustainability -- highlighting how natural systems are affected by human activities and how natural processes impact human lives. Updated, compelling visuals illustrate concepts with vivid photos, helpful figures and information-rich maps. This edition also explores dynamic areas of the Earth, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire, and examines the latest digital and drone technologies used in geographical research. MindTap digital tools and videos are available to assist in review.
Cengage Learning, Inc Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application
Discover an exceptionally clear, concise introduction to microeconomics using an approach that avoids high-level mathematics but still offers meaningful practice with Nicholson/Snyder's INTERMEDIATE MICROECONOMICS AND ITS APPLICATION, 13E. These prestigious authors present the economics of markets using a managerial focus and a variety of approaches, including intuitive illustrations, graphical presentations and some simple algebra. A wealth of relevant applications and current examples demonstrate microeconomics at work in a variety of settings. In addition, updated step-by-step video problems and engaging activities allow you to learn by doing. This edition's full-color revisions explain the latest developments and events, including the economic impact of the COVID pandemic. New MindTap online resources are also available to further strengthen your mastery of microeconomic concepts.
Cengage Learning, Inc Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics
Master key spreadsheet and business analytics skills with SPREADSHEET MODELING AND DECISION ANALYSIS: A PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ANALYTICS, 9E, written by respected business analytics innovator Cliff Ragsdale. This edition's clear presentation, realistic examples, fascinating topics and valuable software provide everything you need to become proficient in today���s most widely used business analytics techniques using the latest version of Excel�� in Microsoft�� Office 365 or Office 2019. Become skilled in the newest Excel functions as well as Analytic Solver�� and Data Mining add-ins. This edition helps you develop both algebraic and spreadsheet modeling skills. Step-by-step instructions and annotated, full-color screen images make examples easy to follow and show you how to apply what you learn about descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics to real business situations. WebAssign online tools and author-created videos further strengthen understanding.
Cengage Learning, Inc Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft R Excel R
Develop a strong conceptual understanding of statistics and its importance in business today. MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS WITH MICROSOFT (R) EXCEL (R), 7E balances real-world applications with an integrated focus on the latest version of Microsoft (R) Excel (R). This best-selling, comprehensive edition clearly develops each statistical technique in an application setting. You master statistical methodology with an easy-to-follow presentation of a statistical procedure followed by a discussion of how to use Excel (R) to perform the procedure. Step-by-step instructions and screen images reinforce understanding. More than 160 new business examples, proven methods, and application exercises show how statistics provide insights into business decisions and problems. A problem-scenario approach emphasizes how to apply statistical methods to practical business situations. New case problems let you check your understanding, while MindTap digital resources help you master Excel (R), Excel Onlin
Cengage Learning, Inc Reading Explorer 4: Student's Book
Reading Explorer, a six-level reading series, prepares learners for academic success with highly visual, motivating National Geographic content that features real people, places, and stories.
Cengage Learning, Inc CompTIA A+ Core 1 Exam: Guide to Computing Infrastructure
Master the details of IT technical support as best-selling authors Andrews, West and Dark explain how to work effectively with users as well as how to install, maintain and troubleshoot computer hardware and networks in the leading COMPTIA A+ CORE 1 EXAM: GUIDE TO COMPUTING INFRASTRUCTURE, 10E. This step-by-step, highly visual approach uses CompTIA A+ Exam objectives as a framework to prepare you for the 220-1001 certification exam. Each chapter covers core and advanced topics while emphasizing practical applications of the most current technology, techniques and industry standards in IT today. You learn by doing with this edition's expanded coverage of the latest hardware, security, mobile device support, cloud computing and virtualization. Lab Manuals, CourseNotes, online labs and optional MindTap online resources provide additional certification test prep and interactive activities to prepare you for a role as a professional IT support technician
Cengage Learning, Inc Our World 3 (British English)
Learn your world. Achieve more with Our World, Second Edition, a best-selling seven-level series for young learners of English. Experience more of the real world with content that motivates learners to use English, including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geographic Explorers. Learn more about the world through cross-curricular topics that challenge learners and deepen their understanding of the world in English. Help learners achieve more through collaborative projects, extensive critical thinking and visual literacy work, and activities that inspire meaningful thinking and sharing. Our World truly brings the world into the classroom and improves learning outcomes, motivating learners to use English to show the world what they can do ��� and achieve more.
Cengage Learning, Inc Our World 5 (British English)
Learn your world. Achieve more with Our World, Second Edition, a best-selling seven-level series for young learners of English. Experience more of the real world with content that motivates learners to use English, including surprising photography, meaningful stories and readings, immersive video, and incredible National Geographic Explorers. Learn more about the world through cross-curricular topics that challenge learners and deepen their understanding of the world in English. Help learners achieve more through collaborative projects, extensive critical thinking and visual literacy work, and activities that inspire meaningful thinking and sharing. Our World truly brings the world into the classroom and improves learning outcomes, motivating learners to use English to show the world what they can do ��� and achieve more.
Cengage Learning, Inc Look 2: Flashcards
Cengage Learning, Inc Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II since 1500
Put the world today into context by learning about the past with this brief, best-selling Western Civilization text, which has helped thousands of students succeed in the course. Jackson Spielvogel's engaging writing style weaves the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural and military aspects of history into a gripping story that is as memorable as it is instructive. Learning and study tools include maps, illustrated chapter summaries, timelines, study questions and key terms. Also available is MindTap for WESTERN CIVILIZATION: A BRIEF HISTORY, 10th Edition, an online digital learning experience that combines readings and interactive activities into a learning path that guides you through the course. The textbook is available in the following split options: WESTERN CIVILIZATION: A BRIEF HISTORY, 10th Edition Complete; Volume I: To 1715 and Volume II: Since 1500.
Cengage Learning, Inc Nutrition Now, Enhanced Edition
Reach your diet and nutritional goals with NUTRITION NOW, ENHANCED 8th Edition! Understanding the basic principles of nutrition and its impacts on your health can lead to better choices and more successful diet planning now and throughout your lifetime. Chapters cover nutrition basics such as diet planning, the macronutrients, vitamins and minerals, exercise, pregnancy and lactation, global issues and much more. NUTRITION NOW, ENHANCED, organizes content into easy-to-read, manageable units that help you focus on the concepts while applying what you have learned to your own life.
Cengage Learning EMEA Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching
Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching explores the development of the learner over time, the learning process, individual differences in the classroom, as well as educational psychology in contemporary classrooms. The text caters for those who are planning to work with any age range from early childhood to adolescence and beyond. This seventh edition expands on Dynamic Systems Theory, the Information Processing Model and critical thinking around standardised testing. You will be presented with multiple views of learning, rather than just one, prompting you to think critically and develop your own philosophy of learning and teaching, while also drawing on the various theories.
Cengage Learning EMEA Marketing Research
Marketing Research, 5e gives you the knowledge and skills you need to successfully undertake marketing research. It combines theory with a practical, step-by-step approach. The text uses local and international examples, data sets and case studies to explain traditional marketing research methods, and also examines new theories and techniques as well as emerging industry practices. This text is essential if you���re studying marketing research in any business or marketing course.
Cengage Learning EMEA Business Economics
Within the highly successful Mankiw Economics franchise, this new fourth edition of Business Economics delivers a comprehensive overview and practical application of the principles of economics to business. All the Mankiw titles are known for their friendly and accessible approach which is retained in this new edition���s unique business perspective, enabling economic theory to be applied to real world scenarios. Such an active learning approach ensures academic skills can be easily absorbed and transferred to the workplace. This edition includes new chapters on business organization, supply chains and sustainability, together with a wealth of new and updated case studies and ���In the News��� features throughout. This title is supported by MindTap, a flexible online learning platform that provides students with all the tools they need to succeed including an interactive eReader, engaging multimedia, practice questions, assessment materials, revision aids, and analytics to help you track their progress.
Cengage Learning EMEA Economics
Now firmly established as one of the leading economics principles texts in the UK and Europe, the sixth edition of Economics has been fully updated. Much revered for its friendly and accessible approach, emphasis on active learning and unrivalled support resources, this edition features a brand-new chapter on sustainability economics as well as exciting coverage on modern monetary theory, digitization, Industry 4.0 and the costs and benefits of globalization. This title is available with MindTap, a flexible online learning solution that provides students with all the tools they need to succeed including an interactive eReader, engaging multimedia, practice questions, assessment materials, revision aids, and analytics to help you track their progress.
Cengage Learning EMEA Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation
Finance for Executives has shaped MBA and executive learning programs worldwide. With its clear and accessible writing style, the text enables students to easily master complex financial ideas while providing a comprehensive overview of the financial practice they will encounter as executives. Real examples from a range of international companies underpin this practical focus and demonstrate financial management in a modern business environment, always following the credo that executives should manage their firm���s resources ethically, and with the objective of increasing their firm���s value.