Search results for ""author peter prinz"
DuMont Literatur und Kunst Verlag GmbH & Co KG Tony Swain: Paintings
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Die Tetragonos Agora in Ephesos: Grabungsberichte Von Archaischer Bis Byzantinischer Zeit - Ein Uberblick. Befunde Und Funde Klassischer Zeit
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gegen falsche Götter und falsche Bildung: Tatian, Rede an die Griechen
Tatians nach der Mitte des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. entstandene "Rede an die Griechen" ist die wortgewaltige und inhaltlich vehemente Attacke eines gebildeten Christen gegen die gesamte hellenische Kultur- und Götterwelt; sie bildet damit bereits einen Vorläufer der umwälzenden geistigen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen religiös-paganen Traditionen und Christentum im 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. Der Band bietet eine Einführung in den Autor und sein Werk sowie in seine hier im Mittelpunkt stehende Schrift, danach den griechischen Originaltext (gegenüber früheren Ausgaben gründlich revidiert) und eine neue deutsche Übersetzung, eine gründliche Kommentierung der zahlreichen inhaltlichen Details, die die Schrift bietet, sowie - im zweiten Teil - eine Reihe von Essays, die die Schrift in ihren theologischen, religiösen und geistesgeschichtlichen Kontext stellen und auch ihre spätere Rezeption beleuchten.
Springer International Publishing AG Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine: A Guide for Practitioners
This book addresses current issues surrounding hospital admissions and readmissions and the practice of post-acute and long-term care (LTC). Now in its fully revised and expanded third edition, it contains the most up-to-date knowledge and regulations pertinent to practice in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. Post-Acute and Long-Term Medicine is divided into four main sections. The first section is an introduction to long-term care. It includes chapters on home health care, assisted living and residential care, department of veteran affairs and nursing facilities, among others. The second section focuses on clinical medicine in post-acute and long-term care and contains chapters on common clinical conditions, preventing hospital admissions and readmissions, palliative care, weight and nutrition and wound care. The third section details psychosocial aspects of post-acute and long-term care. Chapters in this section describe dementia, delirium, depression, ethical and legal issues and caring for families. The fourth and final section centers on special issues in post-acute and long-term care. This section focuses on documentation and coding, medication management and rehabilitation and maximizing function. The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to two very important new chapters in this section. One chapter discusses challenges and opportunities in post-acute long-term care that have arisen during the pandemic. Another new chapter talks about the importance of virtual care and telemedicine in post-acute and long-term care amidst the COVID-19 outbreak. Written by experts in the field, many of whom have worked within AMDA – The Society for Post-acute and Long-term Care Medicine - to create and disseminate a knowledge base for post-acute and LTC, this is a valuable resource for clinicians and educators seeking to maximize the care and living experience of residents in post-acute and long-term care settings.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Noetique Et Theorie de la Connaissance Dans La Philosophie Arabe: Des Traductions Greco-Arabes Aux Disciples d'Avicenne Du Ixe Au Xiie Siecle
Orbis Books (USA) Street Homelessness and Catholic Theological Ethics
History Press Shreveport Martyr Father Louis Gergaud: In His Own Words
Destiny Image Hallelujah Diet
Duncker & Humblot Korperschaftsteuer - Leicht Gemacht: Das Kstg-Lehrbuch - Ubersichtlich - Lebendig - Einpragsam
Duncker & Humblot Arbeitsrecht - Leicht Gemacht: Eine Darstellung Mit Praktischen Fallen: Verstandlich - Kurz - Praxisorientiert
Duncker & Humblot Eur - Leicht Gemacht: Die Einnahme-Uberschuss-Rechnung: Ein Lehrbuch Fur Studium Und Praxis
Duncker & Humblot Abgabenordnung - Leicht Gemacht: Ao Und Fgo Fur Praktiker Und Studierende an Universitaten, Hochschulen Und Berufsakademien
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Berufsdermatologie
Dieses Buch beschreibt alle relevanten Aspekte der Berufsdermatologie. Neben häufigen berufsbedingten entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen wird auch berufsbedingter Hautkrebs ausführlich erläutert. Anamnese, Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention werden an vielen klinischen Fallbeispielen mit Abbildungen dargestellt. Zahlreiche Tipps, Warnhinweise und Exkurse machen das Buch für die Praxis unverzichtbar. Das Hautarztverfahren wird ausführlich erläutert und die Möglichkeiten der Prävention werden anhand konkreter Beispiele gezeigt. Das Buch orientiert sich am Curriculum der ABD-Zertifizierung/Zusatzbezeichnung "Berufsdermatologie" und enthält eine Einführung in die berufsdermatologische Begutachtung. Für Dermatologen in Klinik und Praxis, Gutachter, Arbeitsmediziner, Betriebsärzte, Gesundheitspädagogen, Präventionsdienste und Sachbearbeiter von Unfallversicherungsträgern.Aus dem Inhalt: Berufsbedingte Hauterkrankungen: BK 5101 Berufsbedingter Hautkrebs: BK 5103 Hautarztverfahren Hautarztbericht, Betriebsärztlicher Gefährdungsbericht Haut, Hautkrebsbericht, Nachsorgebericht Schutzhandschuhe, Arbeitssicherheitsschuhe und weitere persönliche Schutzausrüstung Hautschutzmittel, Hautpflege und Hautreinigung im Betrieb Therapie im Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Heilverfahren Abrechnung Begutachtung, einschließlich Beispielgutachten
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Malpractice and Liability in Psychiatry
This book comprehensively educates psychiatrists about malpractice and other liability. It is written to also specifically assist psychiatrists who are sued or are involved in other complaints. The first two sections discuss malpractice law and the litigation process; the litigation section mainly addresses some of the more emotionally charged issues, including do’s and don’ts, how an attorney will be looking at the case, the defendant doctor’s testifying at deposition and trial, and the stress of being sued. The subsequent three sections address specific topics that give rise to liability, with each section taking a different perspective such as risks in particular clinical, by practice site, and special issues, including practice in special situations such as the current pandemic. The final section discusses other forms of liability, such as complaints to medical boards or professional association ethics committees. An exceptional work, Malpractice and Liability in Psychiatry, functions as both a go-to handbook and all-encompassing read on the aforementioned topics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment
Over the last decade, economists have increasingly recognized the role of meta-analysis and value transfer in synthesizing knowledge and efficiently exploiting the existing pool of knowledge. Comparative Environmental Economic Assessment explores the potential significance of using these techniques, particularly in environmental economics.Both meta-analysis and value transfer constitute major research tools which efficiently use knowledge previously acquired from other studies. The book focuses on the potential role and usefulness of these tools in environmental economic research, and goes on to address their validity, relevance and applicability. A future agenda for research is also illustrated.Combining methodological analysis with a variety of case studies - on aircraft noise, environmental policy in European space and urban energy policy, amongst others - the contributors present an illuminating examination of the utilization of meta-analysis and value transfer.The insightful techniques highlighted in this book will prove invaluable in the field of environmental economics. Policymakers in various areas including the environment and planning will also find this state-of-the-art study interesting and informative.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Administrative Law: Second Edition
A comprehensive overview of the field of comparative administrative law that builds on the first edition with many new and revised chapters, additional topics and extended geographical coverage. This research handbook s broad, multi-method approach combines history and social science with more strictly legal analyses. This new edition demonstrates the growth and dynamism of recent efforts - spearheaded by the first edition - to stimulate comparative research in administrative law and public law more generally, reaching across different countries and scholarly disciplines.A particular focus is on administrative independence with its manifold implications for separation of powers, democratic self-government, and the boundary between law, politics, and policy. Several chapters highlight the tensions between impartial expertise and public accountability; others consider administrative litigation and the role of the courts in reviewing both individual decisions and secondary norms. The book concludes by asking how administrative law is shaping and is being shaped by the changing boundaries of the state, especially shifting boundaries between the public and the private, and the national and the supranational domains.This extensive and interdisciplinary appraisal of the field will be a vital resource for scholars and students of administrative and comparative law worldwide, and for public officials and representatives of interest groups engaged with government policy implementation and regulation. Contributors: B. Ackerman, A. Alemanno, M. Asimow, J.-B. Auby, D. Barek-Erez, J. Barnes, P. Cane, P. Craig, D. Custos, M. D'Alberti, L.A. Dickinson, C. Donnelly, Y. Dotan, B. Emerson, T. Ginsburg, D. Halberstam, H.C.H. Hofmann, G.B. Hola, C.-Y. Huang, N. Kadomatsu, K. Kovács, P. Lindseth, M.E. Magill, J. Mashaw, J. Massot, J. Mathews, J. Mendes, G. Napolitano, D.R. Ortiz, T. Perroud, M.M. Prado, A. Psygkas, V.V. Ramraj, D.R. Reiss, S. Rose-Ackerman, M. Ruffert, J. Saurer, K.L. Scheppele, J.-P. Schneider, M. Shapiro, B. Sordi, L. Sossin, P. Strauss, A.K. Thiruvengadam, A. Vosskuhle, J.B. Wiener, T. Wischmeyer, J.-r. Yeh
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Emerging Markets and the World Patent Order
The patent has emerged as a dominant force in 21st century economic policy. This book examines the impact of the BRICS and other emerging economies on the global patent framework and charts the phenomenal rise in the number of patents in some of these countries.Guided by three of the world's leading thinkers on patent law and development, a group of experts from around the world, including the BRICS and key developed country patent powers, examine critical issues raised by patent globalization. Is increasing use of the patent system in China, India, Brazil and other emerging markets part of a deeper change in world technological leadership? Do the established patent powers of Europe, Japan and the USA continue to lead regulatory development of patent systems or are new models being formed in emerging markets? What are the effects of patent globalization on regions like the Middle East, Africa and lower income areas of Asia? Through the answers to these questions, the reader is furnished with a rounded understanding of 21st century patent globalization and emerging market dynamics.This book will appeal to patent law specialists, as well as scholars interested in the intersection between patents, innovation and economic development. In particular, the in-depth analysis would also be useful for policy analysts within government or research institutes working on patent policy issues.Contributors include: F.M. Abbott, D. Borges Barbosa, C.M. Correa, P. Drahos, M. El Said, C. Fink, P. Gehl Sampath, K. Karachalios, R. Kher, J. Kuanpoth, A. Kudlinski, T. Payosova, P. Roffe, S.K. Sell, Y. Tamura, G. Van Overwalle, Y.A. Vawda, H. Zhang, W. Zhuang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Global Economic Architecture: The Asian Perspective
The traumatic experiences of the first half of the twentieth century helped shape the postwar global architecture, which saw the creation of the IMF, the GATT, and the World Bank. Today, this economic architecture is ill-fitted to the global economy. The balance of financial power has moved towards the emerging economies, especially those in Asia, a shift which is not sufficiently reflected in the governance of these institutions.New Global Economic Architecture addresses how a regional architecture, particularly in Asia, can induce a supply of regional public goods that strengthens the global public goods supplied through the global architecture, to promote sustainable economic development. The global network is moving towards a decentralized system with global, regional, and national institutions, and the book presents a comparison of the pace of reforms in various institutions and the identification of the reform agenda from an Asian perspective. It provides suggestions for strengthening regional institutions in Asia so they may better provide regional public goods. The evolution of institutions and policies that comprise the international monetary, financial, trade and development architecture is considered since their establishment after the Bretton Woods conference of 1944.Policymakers, academics, think tanks and practitioners will benefit from the international perspective of the book, particularly those interested in the influential Asian architecture. This book is also a useful reference tool for students of macroeconomics, development economics, international trade, and finance at both undergraduate and graduate levels.Contributors: A. Chabchitrchaidol, A.F. Cooper, H. Hill, M. Kawai, J. Menon, P.J. Morgan, V. Nehru, M.G. Plummer, F. Prada, P.B. Rana, R. Siregar, G. Wignaraja
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Biotechnology, Agriculture and Development
Recent innovations in agriculture and food technologies have brought benefits to many countries, particularly in developing regions, but information about the extent of these has often been sparse. This research review examines the best papers on the subject to form a comprehensive, global perspective on the impacts of agricultural biotechnology around the world. With an emphasis on the economic, environmental, health and food security aspects of agbiotech, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Development will prove to be an invaluable resource for academics, students and researchers alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Integration and Economic Development in South Asia
South Asian leaders have made it a priority to tackle key regional issues such as poverty, environment degradation, trade and investment barriers and food insecurity, among others. This book considers the leadership of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and the interaction with civil society in the process of South Asian regional cooperation and integration, and discusses how the emerging urgency in the provision of regional public goods provides an excellent opportunity to add to the successes in South Asian regional integration. The book explores civil society's role in regional and economic integration in South Asian industries, trade and services, and the importance of regional public goods such as food security for future integration efforts. It concludes that there are a few successes on which future cooperation and integration in South Asia can be built and where engagement with civil society could be productive, and that these success stories are sector specific - for instance, in industry and trade sectors where cross-border activities have been established within the framework of a South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA). However, a greater number of success stories are required at the sector level to serve as building blocks for further regional cooperation and integration. This highly original book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students and policy makers across a diverse range of fields including: Asian studies, development, economics and regional and urban studies. Contributors: R. Amjad, Z. Bakht, N.C. Behera, D. de Mel, N. Hanif, M. Hossain, M. Iqbal, S. Jayaratne, K. Moinuddin, D. Premaratne, M. Quddus, N. Shinkai, S. Sohail, A. Wijesinha, M. Yunus
Centre for the Study of Language & Information Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 13
Japanese and Korean are typologically quite similar languages, and the linguistic phenomena of the former often hve counterparts in the latter. These collections from the annual Japanese/Korean linguistics conference include essays on the phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, discourse analysis, prosody, and psycholinguistics of both languages. Such comparative studies deepen our understanding of both languages and will be a useful reference to students and scholars in either field.
University of Toronto Press Collected Works of George Grant: Volume 1 (1933-1950)
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Design Culture: Objects and Approaches
Design culture foregrounds the relationships between the domains of design practice, design production and everyday life. Its focus is on contemporary designed objects and the networks between the multiple actors engaged in their shaping, functioning and reproduction. It acknowledges the rise of design and the role of the designer as key components and key challenges of the modern world. Featuring an impressive range of international case studies, ranging from examples of everyday design such as IKEA furniture and amateur graphic design, to the role of the design professional and the functioning of design within organisations, Design Culture interrogates what this emergent discipline is, its methodologies, its scope and its relationships with other fields of study. The volume’s interdisciplinary approach brings fresh thinking to this fast-evolving field of study.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Forensic Science Education and Training: A Tool-kit for Lecturers and Practitioner Trainers
A comprehensive and innovative guide to teaching, learning and assessment in forensic science education and practitioner training Includes student exercises for mock crime scene and disaster scenarios Addresses innovative teaching methods including apps and e-gaming Discusses existing and proposed teaching methods
John Wiley & Sons Inc Neuromarketing For Dummies
Learn how to use neuromarketing and understand the science behind it Neuromarketing is a controversial new field where researchers study consumers' brain responses to advertising and media. Neuromarketing and the brain sciences behind it provide new ways to look at the age-old question: why do consumers buy? Neuromarketing For Dummies goes beyond the hype to explain the latest findings in this growing and often misunderstood field, and shows business owners and marketers how neuromarketing really works and how they can use it to their advantage. You'll get a firm grasp on neuromarketing theory and how it is impacting research in advertising, in-store and online shopping, product and package design, and much more. Topics include: How neuromarketing works Insights from the latest neuromarketing research How to apply neuromarketing strategies to any level of advertising or marketing, on any budget Practical techniques to help your customers develop bonds with your products and services The ethics of neuromarketing Neuromarketing for Dummies demystifies the topic for business owners, students, and marketers and offers practical ways it can be incorporated into your existing marketing plans.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Psychology of Globalization
In most parts of the world, globalization has become an unstoppable and potent force that impacts everday life and international relations. These articles in this book address the questions of how people make sense of and respond to globalization and its sociocultural ramifications; how people defend the integrity of their heritage cultural identities against the "culturally erosive" effects of globalization, and how individuals harness creative insights from their interactions with global cultures. The new theoretical insights and revealing empirical analyses presented in this issue set the stage for an emergent interdisciplinary inquirty into the psychology of globalization.
University of Pennsylvania Press Site, Sight, Insight: Essays on Landscape Architecture
Site, Sight, Insight presents twelve essays by John Dixon Hunt, the leading theorist and historian of landscape architecture. The collection's common theme is a focus on sites, how we see them and what we derive from that looking. Acknowledging that even the most modest landscape encounter has validity, Hunt contends that the more one knows about a site and one's own sight of it (an awareness of how one is seeing), the greater the insight. Employing the concepts, tropes, and rhetorical methods of literary analysis, he addresses the problem of how to discuss, understand, and appreciate places that are experienced through all the senses, over time and through space. Hunt questions our intellectual and aesthetic understanding of gardens and designed landscapes and asks how these sites affect us emotionally. Do gardens have meaning? When we visit a fine garden or designed landscape, we experience a unique work of great complexity in purpose, which has been executed over a number of years—a work that, occasionally, achieves beauty. While direct experience is fundamental, Hunt demonstrates how the ways in which gardens and landscapes are communicated in word and image can be equally important. He returns frequently to a cluster of key sites and writings on which he has based much of his thinking about garden-making and its role in landscape architecture: the gardens of Rousham in Oxfordshire; Thomas Whately's Observations on Modern Gardening (1770); William Gilpin's dialogues on Stowe (1747); Alexander Pope's meditation on genius loci; the Désert de Retz; Paolo Burgi's Cardada; and the designs by Bernard Lassus and Ian Hamilton Finlay.
Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies Old Norse Mythology—Comparative Perspectives
Old Norse mythology is elusive: it is the label used to describe the religious stories of the pre-Christian North, featuring such well-known gods as Odin and Thor, yet most of the narratives have come down to us in manuscripts from the Middle Ages mainly written by Christians. Our view of the stories as they were transmitted in oral form in the pre-Christian era is obscured.To overcome these limitations, this book assembles comparisons from a range of theoretical and analytical perspectives—across media, cultures, and disciplines. Fifteen scholars from a wide range of fields examine the similarities of and differences of the Old Norse mythologies with the myths of other cultures. The differences and similarities within the Old Norse corpus itself are examined to tease out the hidden clues to the original stories.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
This introductory text explains the fundamentals of the chemistry of the natural environment and the effects of mankind's activities on the earth's chemical systems. Retains an emphasis on describing how natural geochemical processes operate over a variety of scales in time and space, and how the effects of human perturbation can be measured. Topics range from familiar global issues such as atmospheric pollution and its effect on global warming and ozone destruction, to microbiological processes that cause pollution of drinking water deltas. Contains sections and information boxes that explain the basic chemistry underpinning the subject covered. Each chapter contains a list of further reading on the subject area. Updated case studies. No prior chemistry knowledge required. Suitable for introductory level courses.
University of California Press Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics
This original look at the dynamics of international relations untangles the vigorous interaction of domestic and international politics on subjects as diverse as nuclear disarmament, human rights, and trade. An eminent group of political scientists demonstrates how international bargaining that reflects domestic political agendas can be undone when it ignores the influence of domestic constituencies. The eleven studies in Double-Edged Diplomacy provide a major step in furthering a more complete understanding of how politics between nations affects politics within nations and vice versa. The result is a striking new paradigm for comprehending world events at a time when the global and the domestic are becoming ever more linked.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Geological Mapping
Part of The Geological Field Guide Series, Basic Geological Mapping, 5th Edition is an essential basic guide to field techniques in mapping geology. Now completely revised and updated the book retains the concise clarity which has made it an indispensable instant reference in its previous editions. It provides the reader with all the necessary practical information and techniques that they will need while carrying out work in the field, covering a wide spectrum of different conditions, needs and types of countries. This edition covers new developments in technology including Google Earth and the use of GPS. This is an ideal field guide to geological mapping for 2nd/3rd year undergraduates of Geology, Hydrogeology and Geological Engineering.
WW Norton & Co The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury
In the final decade of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century, the United States experienced exponential growth and a flourishing economy, and with it, a building boom. Grosvenor Atterbury (1869–1956) produced more than one hundred major projects, including an array of grand mansions, picturesque estates, informal summer cottages, and farm groups. However, it was his role as town planner and civic leader and his work to create model tenements, hospitals, workers’ housing, and town plans for which he is most celebrated. His Forest Hills Gardens, designed in association with the Olmsted Brothers, is lauded as one of the most highly significant community planning projects of its time. As an inventor, Atterbury was responsible for one of the country’s first low-cost, prefabricated concrete construction systems, introducing beauty and inexpensive good design into the lives of the working classes. The Architecture of Grosvenor Atterbury is the first book to showcase the rich and varied repertoire of this prolific architect whose career spanned six decades and whose work affected the course of American architecture, planning, and construction. Illustrated with Jonathan Wallen’s stunning color photographs and over 250 historic drawings, plans, and photographs, it also includes a catalogue raisonné and an employee roster. It is the definitive source on an architect who made an indelible imprint on the American landscape.
University of Texas Press Re-reading Cultural Geography
The geography of culture has held a sustained attraction for some of the most distinguished and promising geographers of the twentieth century. These notable voices have now been brought together to explore the cultural landscape in this fresh, encompassing survey of one of geography's most vital research areas.In Re-reading Cultural Geography, a worthy successor to the original and now classic Readings in Cultural Geography (1962), the editors have gathered articles, essays, and new commentaries, as well as extensive annotated reading lists and a comprehensive bibliography, into a book that will be ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses of all levels.Assessing an intellectual world far different from the one defined in the earlier volume, Re-reading Cultural Geography uncovers the common themes of a vibrant, often clamorous discipline. Broadly defined, these include "how the world looks"—the patternings of cultural traits and material artifacts; "how the world works"—the dynamics of human organizations in interaction with the environment; and "what the world means"—the systems of shared values and beliefs that shape communities.
Indiana University Press Modernization as Spectacle in Africa
For postcolonial Africa, modernization was seen as a necessary outcome of the struggle for independence and as crucial to the success of its newly established states. Since then, the rhetoric of modernization has pervaded policy, culture, and development, lending a kind of political theatricality to nationalist framings of modernization and Africans' perceptions of their place in the global economy. These 15 essays address governance, production, and social life; the role of media; and the discourse surrounding large-scale development projects, revealing modernization's deep effects on the expressive culture of Africa.
Emerald Publishing Limited Learning with Multiple Representations
The book is written in the framework of a European collaborative research programme, Learning in Humans and Machines, funded by the European Science Foundation. The book's purpose is to collect papers on learning declarative knowledge and problem solving skills that involve multiple representations such as verbal, graphical and mathematical representations, knowledge at different levels of abstraction (e.g. qualitative and quantitative, specific cases or general models). One of the goals of the research programme is to demonstrate existing and to initiate new collaboration between educational sciences, psychology and machine learning. The first aim of this book is to give an overview of the state of the art of the topic of learning involving different representations in the form of overview chapters. The book covers approaches to this topic from different perspectives: educational, cognitive modelling and machine learning. It includes both theoretical analyses and studies in application contexts. The second aim of the book is to present current research on these topics and to articulate research issues for future research. This is done in the form of a collection of research papers and two reflective chapters.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Asthmas: A Precision Medicine Approach to Treatable Traits, Diagnosis and Management
Key Features:• Covers both respiratory physiology and airway inflammation.• Highlights the use of biologic drugs.• Discusses Precision-based medicine.• Explores the co-morbidities through clinical cases.
Penguin Random House Group Resident Alien Volume 8 The Book of Life
Guilford Publications Understanding and Using Reading Assessment K12 Fourth Edition
Hachette Children's Group Step Into Science Plants
Step up your science knowledge with Step Into Science and discover the science of plants! Step Into Science: Plants explains why flowers have colourful petals; how leaves make food for plants; and how water moves inside roots and stems. With the help of a cast of funny blobby characters, you''ll different types of flower and discover what happens when seeds are kept in the dark. Colourful and quirky illustrations make these core science topics exciting and fresh and encourage interaction with the subject.Written to support the National Curriculum at Key Stage 2, each title explores key scientific topics through a combination of concise information and fun experiments. Perfect for readers aged 7+Titles in the series:ElectricityForces & MagnetsHabitatsLightPlantsRocks & SoilSoundThe Body
Hodder Education Cambridge Checkpoint Lower Secondary Science Teachers Guide 9 with Boost Subscription
Austin Macauley Publishers Robin Unhooded
Gilbert Knowle Publishers The Present A Christmas Story
Liverpool University Press Livy Book XL
Latin text with facing translation plus notes and commentary.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Romes Enemies 3 Parthians Sassanid Persians No3 MenatArms
MP-SYR Syracuse University P The Persistence of Orientalism
Although decades of scholarship have critiqued traditional binaries of developed and undeveloped in Arab studies, the narrative of 1798 symbolizing the coming of the modern west to the rescue of the static east endures. This book takes stock of this dominant paradigm, interrogating its origins and the ways in which scholarship perpetuates it.