Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Peeters Publishers L'interpretation de la Gnose (NH XI, 1)
On s'est plu a imaginer les auteurs gnostiques comme des solitaires misanthropes et leurs 'uvres, comme le resultat d'un prurit d'ecrire cause par leur haine du monde et des hommes. L'Interpretation de la gnose revele un auteur soucieux de la vie d'une communaute aux prises avec des divisions nees, du moins a ses yeux, de la jalousie. Dans le but de remedier a cette situation, il cherche a persuader son destinataire de la necessite de supporter les epreuves comme le Christ crucifie l'a fait. Il lui propose comme modele a imiter la patience de celui-ci devant le mepris et les moqueries dont il a ete l'objet, lui explique que les divisions dans la communaute sont l"uvre des archontes mauvais. Il reprend l'image paulinienne de l'Eglise corps du Christ et la tradition greco-romaine des discours de reconciliation, utilisant cette image pour exhorter son destinataire, peut-etre une femme si l'on en juge par l'emploi d'exemples mettant en scene des figures feminines dans la premiere partie de l"uvre, a se satisfaire de la place qui est la sienne dans la communaute. L'Interpretation de la gnose, le commentaire le montre, est vraisemblablement le produit d'un milieu valentinien ou influence par le valentinisme. Son caractere gnostique, dont le titre a lui seul ne constitue pas une preuve, est donc indeniable. Cet ecrit est a ranger, a cote d'autres textes gnostiques, parmi les ecrits de circonstances: l'Hypostase des archontes, dont l'auteur, qui y reprend un materiau gnostique traditionnel, s'evertue a rassurer son destinataire - peut-etre une femme ici aussi, representee dans le texte par Norea -, en lui demontrant que les archontes ne peuvent rien contre lui; l'Evangile de Judas et le Temoignage veritable qui, s'inscrivant dans une longue tradition biblique et extra-biblique du refus des sacrifices sanglants, prennent position contre une theologie sacrificielle exaltant le martyre et proposent plutot a leurs destinataires une legitimation theologique de son refus.
Widmaier Verlag Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language (Ddglc Working Papers 1)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Europa Jenseits Des Konvergenzparadigmas: Divergenz - Dynamik - Diskurs
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Sachsen: Textsammlung, Rechtsstand: 1. Februar 2015
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Saarland: Textsammlung, Rechtsstand: 15. Februar 2015
Universitatsverlag Winter Freiheit Und Verantwortung: Verfassung Und Menschenrechte Im Wandel Der Zeit in Ungarn Und in Deutschland
Universitatsverlag Winter Raum-Ordnung: Raum Und Soziopolitische Ordnungen Im Altertum
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Eine Wirtschaft, Die Leben Fordert: Wirtschafts- Und Unternehmensethische Reflexionen Im Anschluss an Papst Franziskus
Bohlau Verlag Die Bildlichkeit Korporativer Siegel Im Mittelalter: Kunstgeschichte Und Geschichte Im Gesprach
Rowman & Littlefield Insights for Students into Trade and Globalization: Who Wins and Who Loses?
The tremendous growth of international trade over the past several decades has both affected and been affected by of globalization. The volume of world trade since 1950 has increased twenty-folds-from $320 billion to $6.8 trillion, which exceeds expansion in the rate of production by three times. As a result, consumers around the world now enjoy a broader selection of products than ever before. A host of U.S. government agencies and international institutions has been established to help manage this ever-growing flow of trade. Although increased international trade has spurred tremendous economic growth across the globe-raising incomes, creating jobs, reducing prices, and increasing workers' earning power-trade can also bring about certain kinds of economic, political, and social disruption. Insights for Students into Trade and Globalization examines the fundamental economic principles behind international trade, familiarizes readers with the associated technical terminology, and offers insights into some of the controversies surrounding international trade policy both in the U.S. and abroad. This book is also excellent supplemental material for students in grades 9-14 in world history, culture studies, and economics.
Simon & Schuster The Untold History of the United States, Volume 1: Young Readers Edition, 1898-1945
Alfred Music A Mad Russian's Christmas: As Performed by Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Conductor Score & Parts
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Technology of Machine Tools
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Bioenergy: The Sustainability Challenge
The increasing deployment of bioenergy frequently raises issues regarding the use of land and raw materials, infrastructure and logistics. In light of these sometimes conflicting interests Advances in Bioenergy provides an objective and wide-ranging overview of the technology, economics and policy of bioenergy. Offering an authoritative multidisciplinary summary of the opportunities and challenges associated with bioenergy utilization, with international researchers give up-to-date and detailed information on key issues for biomass production and conversion to energy. Key features: *Discusses different bioenergy uses such as transportation fuels, electricity and heat production. *Assesses emerging fields such as bio-based chemicals and bio-refineries. *Debates conditions for the mobilization of sustainable bioenergy supply chains and outlines governance systems to support this mobilization. * Dedicated chapters to sustainability governance and emerging tools such as certification systems and standards supporting growth of a sustainable bioenergy industry. *Considers the political, environmental, social and cultural context related to the demand for energy resources, the impact of this demand on the world around us, and the choices and behaviours of consumers. This book will be a vital reference to engineers, researchers and students that need an accessible overview of the bioenergy area. It will also be of high value for politicians, policymakers and industry leaders that need to stay up to date with the state-of-the-art science and technology in this area.
University of Manitoba Press Sanaaq: An Inuit Novel
Sanaaq is an intimate story of an Inuit family negotiating the changes brought into their community by the coming of the qallunaat, the white people, in the mid-nineteenth century. Composed in 48 episodes, it recounts the daily life of Sanaaq, a strong and outspoken young widow, her daughter Qumaq, and their small semi-nomadic community in northern Quebec.Here they live their lives hunting seal, repairing their kayak, and gathering mussels under blue sea ice before the tide comes in.These are ordinary extraordinary lives: marriages are made and unmade, children are born and named, violence appears in the form of a fearful husband or a hungry polar bear. Here the spirit world is alive and relations with non-humans are never taken lightly. And under it all, the growing intrusion of the qallunaat and the battle for souls between the Catholic and Anglican missionaries threatens to forever change the way of life of Sanaaq and her young family.
Baker Publishing Group The Light and the Glory for Young Readers – 1492–1787
From the very beginning it would seem that God had a plan for America. From its discovery by Europeans to its settlement, from the Revolution to Manifest Destiny, from the stirrings of civil unrest to civil war, America was on a path. In our pluralistic world, when textbooks are being rewritten in ways that obscure the Judeo-Christian beginnings of our country, the books in the Discovering God's Plan for America series help ground young readers in a distinctly evangelical way of understanding early American history. As young readers look at their nation's development from God's point of view, they will begin to have a clearer idea of how much we owe to a very few--and how much is still at stake. These engaging books bring history alive in a way that will inspire young people to do their important part in shaping this nation into the future.
John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd Management, 7th Asia-Pacific Edition
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inorganic Glasses for Photonics: Fundamentals, Engineering, and Applications
Advanced textbook on inorganic glasses suitable for both undergraduates and researchers. Engaging style to facilitate understanding Suitable for senior undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers entering material science, engineering, physics, chemistry, optics and photonics fields Discusses new techniques in optics and photonics including updates on diagnostic techniques Comprehensive and logically structured
Oxford University Press Verb-Verb Complexes in Asian Languages
This volume is the first to present a detailed survey of the systems of verb-verb complexes in Asian languages from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective. Many Asian languages share, to a greater or lesser extent, a unique class of compound verbs consisting of a main verb and a quasi-auxiliary verb known as a 'vector' or 'explicator'. These quasi-auxiliary verbs exhibit unique grammatical behaviour that suggests that they have an intermediate status between full lexical verbs and wholly reduced auxiliaries. They are also semantically unique, in that when they are combined with main verbs, they can convey a rich variety of functional meanings beyond the traditional notions of tense, aspect, and modality, such as manner and intensity of action, benefaction for speaker or hearer, and polite or derogatory styles in speech. In this book, leading specialists in a range of Asian languages offer an in-depth analysis of the long-standing questions relating to the diachrony and geographical distribution of verb-verb complexes. The findings have implications for the general understanding of the grammaticalization of verb categories, complex predicate formation, aktionsart and event semantics, the morphology-syntax-semantics interface, areal linguistics, and typology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Cybersecurity and Identity Access Management
This textbook provides a comprehensive, thorough and up-to-date treatment of topics in cyber security, cyber-attacks, ethical hacking, and cyber crimes prevention. It discusses the different third-party attacks and hacking processes which a poses a big issue in terms of data damage or theft. The book then highlights the cyber security protection techniques and overall risk assessments to detect and resolve these issues at the beginning stage to minimize data loss or damage. This book is written in a way that it presents the topics in a simplified holistic and pedagogical manner with end-of chapter exercises and examples to cater to undergraduate students, engineers and scientists who will benefit from this approach.
Duncker & Humblot Bgb - Leicht Gemacht: Basiswissen Und Klausurerfolg Fur Jura- Und Wirtschaftsstudierende
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Arbeitsrecht: Individualarbeitsrecht Mit Kollektivrechtlichen Bezugen
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Digitalisierung Und Recht: Jahrbuch 2023
Books on Demand Brennholzverleih
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pi und Co.: Kaleidoskop der Mathematik
Mathematik ist eine vielseitige und lebendige Wissenschaft. Von den großen Themen wie Zahlen, Unendlichkeiten, Dimensionen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten spannen die Autoren einen Bogen zu den aktuellen mathematischen Anwendungen in der Logistik, der Finanzwelt, der Kryptographie, der Medizin und anderen Gebieten. Das Buch versammelt verständliche, unterhaltsame Texte ebenso wie anspruchsvollere mathematische Herausforderungen und bietet damit Lesern die Chance, einen ganz individuellen Zugang zu dieser spannenden Wissenschaft zu finden.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Strasburger − Lehrbuch der Pflanzenwissenschaften
Seit 120 Jahren liegt die Stärke des STRASBURGERs in der ausgewogenen Darstellung aller Teilgebiete der Pflanzenwissenschaften. In der vorliegenden 38. Auflage sind besonders die Teile Struktur und Entwicklung stark überarbeitet worden. • Der Teil Struktur beschreibt den pflanzlichen Aufbau ausgehend von der Ebene der Zelle über die Gewebe bis hin zur Ebene der Organe. Bei der Neufassung dieser Kapitel war es ein besonderes Anliegen, Struktur als Ausdruck von Funktion sichtbar zu machen. Neben einer Beschreibung der Formen wurde versucht, die Erklärung dieser Formen stärker zu gewichten. Der Teil Genetik wurde neustrukturiert und aktualisiert. • Der Teil Genetik wurde neustrukturiert und aktualisiert. Insbesondere die Bereiche Epigenetik und Gentechnik wurden erweitert. Hier spielen Weiterentwicklungen der Gentechnik zur gezielten Genomveränderung eine Rolle. Die methodischen Hintergründe werden im neuen Abschnitt Genomeditierung beschrieben.Der ebenfalls neu gestaltete Teil Entwicklung spiegelt die im Teil Strukturbehandelten Ebenen (Zelle, Gewebe, Organ, Organismus) wider, wobei das Werden dieser Ebenen im Mittelpunkt steht. Es werden zentrale Konzepte der Entwicklungsbiologie an Beispielen aus dem Pflanzenreich geschildert. In den anschließenden Kapiteln geht es dann um die Steuerung dieser Vorgänge durch Phytohormone und den Einfluss endogener und exogener regulatorischer Faktoren.• Im Teil Physiologie werden ausgehend von der Beschreibung grundlegender Transport- und Stoffwechselprozesse die Anpassung des pflanzlichen Stoffwechsels an entwicklungs- und umweltbedingte Veränderungen betrachtet. Die Abschnitte zum Primärstoffwechsel wurden ergänzt und überarbeitet und die übrigen Teile aktualisiert.• Der evolutionäre Prozess, die Phylogenie und Systematik der Pflanzen und anderer photoautotropher Eukaryoten sowie die Geschichte der Vegetation der Erde sind Inhalt des Teils Evolution und Systematik. • Im Ökologie-Teil wird die Pflanze in Beziehung zu den Lebensbedingungen am Wuchsort gesetzt. Pflanzliche Reaktionen auf Klima und Bodenfaktoren, Prozesse in Populationen und Artengemeinschaften sowie die großen Vegetationszonen der Erde werden erklärt. In dieser neu überarbeiteten Auflage wurden einige Abbildungen und Textstellen hinzugefügt sowie die Literatur aktualisiert.Der Tradition dieses einzigartigen Standardwerkes entsprechend soll es Studierenden als vierfarbig bebildertes Lehrbuch und Dozenten aller bio-, umwelt- und agrarwissenschaftlichen Fachrichtungen als verlässliches Nachschlage- und Referenzwerk dienen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kinder und Jugendliche mit Diabetes: Medizinischer und psychologischer Ratgeber für Eltern
Wenn bei einem Kind Diabetes diagnostiziert wird, fragen sich Eltern, wie sie sich der Verantwortung stellen können und wie sich der Familienalltag verändern wird. Die Autoren, zwei Kinder- und Jugendärzte und eine Psychologin, geben lückenlos Antwort und helfen Eltern, ihre Ängste abzubauen. Sie begleiten sechs Kinder und Jugendliche mit Diabetes und zeigen, wie das Familienleben mit der Krankheit organisiert werden kann. Mit vielen Tipps und Hinweisen zu allen Fragen, die die Lebensgestaltung und die Zukunft eines Kindes mit Diabetes betreffen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Taschenbuch der Wasserwirtschaft: Grundlagen – Maßnahmen – Planungen
Das Taschenbuch der Wasserwirtschaft, das bewährte Kompendium des gesamten Grundlagenwissens der Wasserwirtschaft, ist seit 1958 in jetzt neun Auflagen erschienen. Um auch bei Berücksichtigung zahlreicher neuer Erkenntnisse und Entwicklungen den Umfang des Werkes im Rahmen zu halten, sind allle Kapitel gänzlich neu gefasst und gestrafft worden. So ergab sich eine konzentrierte Darstellung alller Fachgebiete der Wasserwirtschaft und des Wasserbaus. Acht Kapitel sind den wasserwirtschaftlichen und wasserbaulichen Grundlagen gewidmet: Physik und Chemie des Wassers; Wasserhaushalt, Gewässer, Hydrometrie; Gewässerökologie; Hydraulik; Boden; Grundwasser; Ingenieurhydrologie; Wasserrecht und Abfallrecht. Sieben weitere Kapitel betreffen die wasserbaulichen Maßnahmen: Gewässerregelung; Be- und Entwässerung; Stau- und Wasserkraftanlagen; Küsteningenieurwesen; Binnenverkehrswasserbau; Wasserversorgung; Abwassertechnik. Schließlich befassen sich vier Kapitel mit den Themen Abfalltechnik; Altlasten; Umgang mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen, wasserwirtschaftlichen Planungen. Das "Taschenbuch der Wasserwirtschaft" somit wieder auf neuestem Stand, wendet sich vor allem an die im Beruf stehenden Wasserbau- und Wasserwirtschaftsingenieure sowie an die Studierenden, an die Mitarbeiter der Wasserwirschafts-, Wasser und Schifffahrtsverwaltungen, an Wasserwerke und Abwasserverbände, Stadtbauämter, Bau- und Hafenbehörden, Wasserwirtschafts-, Wasser- und Bodenverbände, Ingenieurbüros und Bauunternehmen, aber ebenso an Geographen, Landvermesser, Geologen, Chemiker, Land- und Forstwirte, Biologen, Limnologen, Ökologen, Landschaftsarchitekten und Umweltschutzbeauftragte, die sich mit Aufgaben und Problemen spezieller Fachgebiete der Wasserwirtschaft vertraut machen möchten.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Keynesianische Makroökonomik: Zins, Beschäftigung, Inflation und Wachstum
In dem Lehrbuch zur makroökonomischen Theorie werden die Einkommens-, Zins- und Beschäftigungstheorie, die Analyse von Inflation und Unterbeschäftigung sowie die Wachstumstheorie durchgängig aus keynesianscher Sicht betrachtet. Diese Ergebnisse stellen die Autoren insbesondere den Resultaten des Monetarismus sowie der Neo- und Neuklassik und dem derzeit dominanten Ansatz der New-Keynesians gegenüber. Damit bietet der Band eine wichtige Ergänzung zu den Lehrbüchern, die Inflations- und Wachstumsprozesse primär aus neoklassischer Sicht analysieren.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Systemisches Karrierecoaching: Berufsbiografien Neu Gedacht
Simon & Schuster Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love
Mac Keith Press Neuroendocrine Disorders in Children
Impairments in the interaction between the central nervous system and the endocrine system can lead to a number of disorders in children. These include type 1 diabetes, growth disorders, adrenal thyroid and pituitary problems, Addison’s disease and Cushing syndrome, among others. Neuroendocrine Disorders in Children provides a comprehensive examination of paediatric and adolescent disorders focusing on the basic science and its clinical relevance. Complex issues are discussed in an easy-to-follow manner and the latest developments in the area are reviewed. This volume will become invaluable reading for paediatric endocrinologists, paediatric and adult neurologists and trainee paediatricians. Sections in the book cover The GH-IGF1 axis and the brain The thyroid axis and the brain Regulation of appetite and weight Effects of treatment of cancer on the neuroendocrine system Adrenal disorders and the brain Neuroendocrinology and the reproductive axis Neurological complications of diabetes mellitus
GINGKO Mary in the Qur'an: Friend of God, Virgin, Mother
An entire chapter (surah) of the Qur'an bears her name. She is the only woman mentioned by name in the Qur'an-indeed, her name appears more frequently than that of either Muhammad or Jesus. From the earliest times to the present day, Mary has continued to be held in high regard by Christians and Muslims alike. And yet Mary has also been the cause of much rancour and tension between these two world religions. In this groundbreaking study, Muna Tatari and Klaus von Stosch painstakingly reconstruct the picture of Mary that is presented in the Qur'an and show how veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church intersects and interacts with the testimony of the Qur'an. Their sensitive and scholarly treatise is an important contribution to constructive interfaith dialogue in the 21st century.
SelfMadeHero Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
After Jekyll's experiment, the harrowing effects of his split personality transform him from a respected member of society into a sinister figure terrorising the streets. Klimowski and Schejbal have been lauded for capturing 'the real horror and tension of the original' in their masterful re-telling.
Cornell University Press Day-Shine: Poems
Powerfully inventive poems of love in contemporary life by Chong Hyon-jong, one of the most respected poets writing in Korea. The novelty of his poetic language with its narrative lyricism and provacative philosophy makes it impossible to classify Chong's poetry, and yet it is a holder of tradition which embodies the laws of life as seen by gifted poets in the zen poetic tradition of Korea. Chong Hyon-jong exposes contemporary reality, like a prophet, with profound insight.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Paediatrics: A Core Text on Child Health, Second Edition
In times of rapid change experience is no longer a sufficient guide to practice. Taking the principles of evidence-based medicine this is the first guide to evidence-based management. It will help managers and clinicians to make a difference to their organisation. Illustrated with case studies designed for 'the reader in a hurry' the clear layout of this practical guide is based on a questioning approach of Why? When? Where? How? and Who? which demonstrates how to apply the best evidence in decision making and in assessing performance. Obstacles to practising evidence-based management in healthcare are described with explanations of how to overcome them. Health managers and clinicians with managerial responsibilities will find this book an essential guide. Leaders in health service organisations public health doctors and public sector managers will find it of great benefit in their work.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Risk Assessment in Social Care and Social Work
Risk Assessment in Social Care and Social Work outlines the theoretical issues behind the decisions, processes and organisations involved in risk assessment. Written by leading academics and experienced practitioners, it considers implications for future policy, drawing on the full range of perspectives in the most recent research. It considers the following themes:* The concepts of risk and dangerousness, and the ethical questions, which arise when assessments of risk are made.* The wider context of social policy and legislation, and the interaction between rehabilitation and the distribution of risk.* Social services staff and the risks they pose to their clients - the issues of selection, supervision and accountability; and risks to practitioners themselves.Individual chapters describe and compare methods of risk assessment with different client groups, including older people, children, people with mental health problems, and sex offenders. This book will ensure that practitioners, managers and policy makers deepen and coordinate their understanding of the key issues involved in both the initial choices made about the extent of risk, and the stable and productive management of the outcomes of those decisions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Euro and Economic Stability: Focus on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
The Euro and Economic Stability assesses the euro area's merits as a shelter and the merits of euro assets as a safe haven and reviews the case for rapid euro adoption from a post-crisis view. Policymakers and economists provide relevant lessons from euro area divergences for future euro area members and, more generally, from the financial crisis, while banking representatives discuss post-crisis business models of banks in the area. Last but not least, a theoretical introductory chapter fills the gap between mainstream macroeconomic modelling and real-world decision-making. The prime audience for this invaluable book will be economists and other experts in the fields of economic policy and European integration from central, commercial and investment banks, governments, international organizations, universities and research institutes. The book is also aimed at readers with a particular interest in the contributions' special regional focus: Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd From Above: War, Violence and Verticality
The arrival of the aerostatic balloon at the end of the nineteenth century ushered in a new perspective on the battlefield, taking over from the mount - the hill at the edge of the field of combat - and the fortified tower positioned within it. Since then there has been no perspective more culpable in war, violence and security than the aerial one. From Above explores the aerial view in new depth and clarity. It draws in vivid detail on studies of the aerial perspective today and on rich empirical investigations of the aerial view from the past. Chapters examine a range of case studies and examples, from Vietnam and the balloon prospect, camouflage, colonial policing, to today's drone wars. The contributors draw on perspectives from history, international relations, political geography and cultural studies in order to provide a truly interdisciplinary perspective on the view from above. They also consider the view from above in relation to its technologies, legalities, practices, doctrines, and visual culture. Among the contributors are renowned international experts such as Derek Gregory, Trevor Paglen, Caren Kaplan, Klaus Dodds and Priya Satia. The aerial view is a perspective that can no longer be ignored, one that is of growing significance for those interested in geopolitics, militarism and conflict.
Emerald Publishing Limited Institutions and Ideology
This volume contributes to the literature on the sociology of organizations and management, especially to sociological institutionalism, by attempting to fill an important gap in institutional research. Our starting point is the conviction that organizational institutionalims is the conceptual and empirical venue to study ideology, both in its symbolic and material dimension and this volume represents an effort to refocus and revitalize these issues. The ten chapters of this volume engage directly and critical with several North American and European institutional traditions. Apart from organizational institutionalism's own classic and current research, they draw on a wide variety of theoretical legacies to make sense of the relationship between institutions and ideology: Weber, Foucault, Heidegger, Bourdieu, Archer, Wuthnow, critical discourse analysis, or Kuhn's discussion of paradigm shifts as ideological changes. Empirical areas covered range from technology and software development, the brewing industry, custodial facilities to the organization of birthing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Maritime Transport
This important volume brings together an authoritative selection of the leading papers on the subject of maritime transport. With a new introductory essay by the editors, the collection provides a thorough examination of the topics associated with this area, including maritime economics, transport law and policy.Part I includes articles on carrier management and operations. Part II looks in detail at competition policy and pricing. Part III discusses finance, the fiscal treatment of shipping and flag of registry issues. Part IV covers the area of law and policy and Part V examines market and structures. Finally, Part VI focuses on ports.This collection will be an invaluable resource for major maritime academies and to students and researchers in the subject of maritime transport.
Emerald Publishing Limited Contemporary Issues in Audit Management and Forensic Accounting
Recently, financial crimes have increased exponentially in many regions of the world. Considering that these crimes are usually due to accounting fraud, more sensitive and effective approaches to accounting fraud and corruption have started developing. In this context, regulations have been put into practice in many countries for measures to be taken against fraud and corruption. It is not possible to take measures against and fight financial crimes by using old traditional methods. Instead, the field of Forensic Accounting has arisen to directly tackle these issues. In the 18 chapters in this volume of Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis, expert contributors gather together to examine the extent and characteristics of forensic accounting, a field which has been practiced for many years, but is still not internationally regulated yet.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Loss of Homes and Evictions across Europe: A Comparative Legal and Policy Examination
The loss of a home can lead to major violations of a person's dignity and human rights. Yet, evictions take place everyday in all countries across Europe. This book provides a comparative assessment of human rights, administrative, procedural and public policy norms, in the context of eviction, across a number of European jurisdictions. Through this comparison the book exposes the emergence of consistent, Europe-wide standards and norms.With contributions from experts across Europe, the chapters provide an assessment of eviction procedures in 11 jurisdictions, including Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Each chapter examines a number of factors relating to evictions in the respective jurisdiction, such as, the human rights and legal framework, nature and extent of evictions taking place, risk factors leading to evictions and relevant best practice guidance. All together, this book will make a significant contribution to the understanding of the similarities and differences between eviction policies across European states. As the first work of it?s kind to provide an in-depth comparison of eviction policies across Europe, Loss of Homes and Evictions Across Europe will be of great interest to those who are researching European housing law and human rights law and policy. Housing law and public policy makers, and those working within associated European institutions, will also find the data and accompanying analysis invaluable for informing their work.Contributors include: E. Bargelli, W. Borysiak, P. Decker, G. Donadio, R.M. Garcia, M.F. Hrast, C. Hunter, P. Kenna, S. Nasarre-Aznar, S. Nikolic, N. Pleace, C.U. Schmid, P. Sparkes, N. Teller, D. Vermeir, J. Verstraete, M. Vols
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Cycles and the Real Economy: Lessons for CESEE Countries
What is the link between the financial cycle -financial booms, followed by busts - and the real economy? What is the direction of this link and how salient is this connection? This unique book examines these fundamental questions and offers a paramount contribution to the debate surrounding the recent financial and economic crisis.With contributions from eminent academics and policy makers, this multi-disciplinary collection ascertains the policy challenges perpetuated by financial cycles in the real economy. Prominent macroeconomic models are challenged as experts question the nexus between financial deepening and growth, and assess the contribution of real estate bubbles to financial crises. Focusing on Europe, and in particular on Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the collection provides country-specific accounts, suggesting policy initiatives for dealing with financial cycles. The book concludes that financial cycles are leading indicators for financial crises and calls for economists to integrate financial factors into macroeconomic modeling.The multi-faceted nature of this book will be invaluable to researchers and students interested in the post financial crisis debate. Policy makers and practitioners will find the expert insight into lessons learned in Europe in the wake of the financial crisis and the proposal for dynamic policy initiatives to be invaluable.Contributors: J. Asmussen, M. Belka, D. Bernhofer, C. Borio, C.M. Buch, G. M. Caporale, K. D'Hulster, M. Dumi i , O. Fernández-Amador, M. Gächter, U. Herman, O. Holtemöller, B. Jazbec, M. Lozej, D. Mihaljek, B. Mijailovi , E. Nowotny, E. Ortega, J. Peñalosa, C. Rault, F. Sindermann, V. o i , A. Sova, R. Sova, A. Subelyte, J.W. van den End, P. van den Noord, A. Winkler, E. Zamrazilová, V. árek
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century XVIII: Rulers, Regions and Retinues. Essays presented to A.J. Pollard
Essays on crucial aspects of late medieval history. The essays collected here, offered by three generations of his friends and pupils, celebrate the outstanding career of Professor A.J. Pollard and pay tribute to his scholarship and enduring influence in furthering our understanding of late medieval England and France. Drawing inspiration from his own research interests and writing, which illuminated military, political and social interactions of the period, they focus on three main themes. The contrasting styles of governance adopted by English monarchs from Richard II to Henry VII; the differing responses to civil conflict revealed in a variety of localities; and the lives of men recruited to fight overseas during the Hundred Years' War, and beyond the border with Scotland in later years, are all explored here. These topics take us across England from the far north to the Channel, to London, the south-west and the Welsh lordship of Gower, while on the way also examining how townsmen resisted taxation, the gentry administered their estates and the western marches were ruled.