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WW Norton & Co Question of Lay Analysis
University of Washington Press Seeing Seattle
From the time that Roger Sale’s interpretive history Seattle Past to Present was published in 1976 he has often served as an unofficial guide for friends and visitors to Seattle, and has also been asked by those who run professional tours for advice on how to view Seattle with fresh eyes. In Seeking Seattle he invites the reader to join him in walking tours of the city in a collaborative process of looking, asking, and forming opinions and judgments. The book starts near where Seattle itself started and works out to the city limits in layers. In the first walk, the Pioneer Square area reveals through its buildings--many of them handsomely rehabilitated--how the city reestablished itself after the great fire of 1889. we are asked to observe and evaluate how new buildings and new uses have been combined with old ones, and how architects, builders, and planners have served this historical area. The same points are considered for the downtown business district, Pike Place Market, and other areas near the historic core of the city. We face the breathtaking downtown skyline form view points on Seattle’s many hills, from points across the bay at Duwamish Head, and from Seward Park, which ash Seattle’s largest stand of old-growth forest. What makes Seattle distinctively Seattle? Sale muses over this question as he walks through the older residential sections of Queen Anne Hill and Capitol Hill, with their mansions and near mansions. he traces the routes along Lake Washington Boulevard and the influence of the Olmsted brothers in shaping the social as well as the visual landscape of the city. He tours upscale neighborhoods with lake and sound views as well as working-class neighborhoods that owe their history and early growth to nearby mills and streetcar transportation. He visits the Chinatown/International District and the University of Washington, and learns to identify trees in Washington Park Arboretum and to recognize those trees elsewhere. He find the “enchanted house” where Mary McCarthy lived as a girl and the garden in which Theodore Roethke sought solitude among trees that “came closer with a denser shade.” Sale and photographer Mary Randlett have worked together to integrate photographs closely with text and promote a view of Seattle in a context of new and old, landscapes and skyscrapers, neighborhood streets and remarkable vistas. Estimated times for each walk (or drive, in outlying areas) and bus route information are provided.
OUP India Understanding the New Proxy Wars: Battlegrounds and Strategies Reshaping the Greater Middle East
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Gott Erfahren - Wie Soll Das Gehen?
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Sozialpsychologie für Bachelor
In dem Buch sind die prüfungsrelevanten Themen des Grundlagenfachs Sozialpsychologie, inklusive aktueller Trends wie positive Psychologie und soziale Neurowissenschaften, lerngerecht aufbereitet: mit Fallbeispielen, Definitionen, Studienboxen, Exkursen und Kontrollfragen. Auf der begleitenden Website stehen mp3-Hörbeiträge, Lerntools und Vorlesungsmaterialien für Dozenten zum Download bereit. Für Studierende im Bachelorstudium und alle, die einen leicht verständlichen Einstieg in die Sozialpsychologie suchen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Medienmarketing: Branding – Werbung – Corporate Identity
Wenn Sie sich für den Umgang mit Medien interessieren, bietet sich die „Bibliothek der Mediengestalt“ an. Dazu gehören neben dem Buch zum Medienmarketing verschiedene Werke, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Bereichen dieses Themenkomplexes beschäftigen. Alle Themen sind auf die aktuellen Prüfungsordnungen ausgerichtet und eignen sich daher hervorragend für die Prüfungsvorbereitung. So können Sie sich ein grundlegendes Wissen für den Umgang mit Medien aneignen.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Webtechnologien: JavaScript – PHP – Datenbank
Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ gibt eine Einführung in die Webprogrammierung mit JavaScript und PHP mit dem Ziel der Erstellung dynamischer Webseiten mit Datenbankanbindung.Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge.Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen sowie Hochschulen und zum Selbststudium.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Medienworkflow: Kalkulation – Projektmanagement – Workflow
Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ behandelt die wichtigsten Inhalte zum Medienworkflow sowie zur Kalkulation und zum Projektmanagement.Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge.Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen und Hochschulen sowie zum Selbststudium.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Typografie: Schrifttechnologie - Typografische Gestaltung - Lesbarkeit
Dieser Band der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ behandelt die Schrifterkennung und Schriftklassifikation, die Lesbarkeit von Schrift und den gestalterischen und technischen Einsatz von Schriften. Außerdem werden die Schrifttechnologie und die Verwaltung von Schriften thematisiert. Für diese Bibliothek wurden die Themen des Kompendiums der Mediengestaltung neu strukturiert, vollständig überarbeitet und in ein handliches Format gebracht. Leitlinien waren hierbei die Anpassung an die Entwicklungen in der Werbe- und Medienbranche sowie die Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rahmenpläne und Studienordnungen sowie Prüfungsanforderungen der Ausbildungs- und Studiengänge.Die Bände der „Bibliothek der Mediengestaltung“ enthalten zahlreiche praxisorientierte Aufgaben mit Musterlösungen und eignen sich als Lehr- und Arbeitsbücher an Schulen sowie Hochschulen und zum Selbststudium.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden VDI-Wärmeatlas: Fachlicher Träger VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen
Geschrieben von Spezialisten aus Industrie und Wissenschaft, ermöglicht das Standardwerk die Auslegung technischer Apparate und Anlagen, z. B. in der Verfahrens- und der Energietechnik. Dafür werden Daten bereitgestellt, Berechnungsmethoden eingehend erläutert und Konstruktionen vorgestellt. Die 11. deutsche Auflage enthält zahlreiche neue Beiträge, die Kapitel wurden komplett überarbeitet und dem Stand der Technik angepasst. Seit über 50 Jahren ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsmittel für Ingenieure, die sich mit Fragen der Wärmeübertragung beschäftigen.
Campus Verlag Legitimizing Science: National and Global Public
Since the founding in 1660 of the Royal Society, London, scientists engaging in experimental research have sought to establish a base for exploratory work in communities and their political institutions. This connection between science and the national state has only grown stronger during the past two centuries. Here, historians, sociologists, and jurists discuss the history of that relationship since 1800, asking such key questions as how have scientists conceived of the national setting for their transnational work in the past, and how do they situate their work in the context of globalization? Taken together, the essays reveal that while nineteenth-century scientists in many countries felt they had to fight for public recognition of their work, the twentieth century witnessed the national endorsement and planning of science. With essays ranging from an analysis of speeches by nineteenth-century German university presidents to the state of science in the context of European integration, this book will appeal to anyone interested in the public and political role of science and its institutions in the past, present, and future.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Trust in Biobanking: Dealing with Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in an Emerging Field of Biotechnology
Biobanks are promising instruments of biomedical research and of transnational medicine in particular. Ethical, legal and social issues associated with biobanking, however, have recently led to a more critical view on this concept. All efforts addressing these concerns have been grounded on well-established standards of biomedical ethics such as informed consent procedures, protection of individual autonomy, benefit sharing etc. By additionally highlighting the widely neglected aspect of trust, this book aims at broadening the horizon of the ELSI-debate and thus filling a gap in current research on biobanking. The contributions of leading experts and junior researchers cover a wide field of disciplines relevant for biobanking including law, ethics, medicine, public health, social sciences, philosophy and theology.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Der Sonntagsgottesdienst: Ein Gang Durch Die Liturgie
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Kreative Medien in Der Psychotherapie: Perspektiven Fur Die Praxis
Kohlhammer Insolvenzordnung (Inso): 2 Bande Im Schuber
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Entdeckung der inneren Welt: Religion und Psychologie in theologischer Perspektive
Die religions- und geistesgeschichtlichen Grundlinien der Entdeckung der "inneren Welt" des Menschen reichen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart. Der vorliegende Band sammelt zahlreiche Artikel von Wissenschaftlern und Wissenschaftlerinnen, die die Aktualität des besonders in der Moderne immer spannungsvolleren Verhältnisses zwischen Theologie und Psychologie anhand historischer und gegenwärtiger Problemfelder nachzeichnen und dabei vor allem die Potenziale ihrer interdisziplinären Wiederannäherung vor Augen haben. Im Rückgriff auf den Gefühlsdiskurs der jüngeren Vergangenheit loten die Beiträger neue Verbindungslinien der zumeist hochspezialisierten theologischen, psychologischen und anthropologischen Forschungsperspektiven auf die "innere Welt" der Religion aus.
De Gruyter Der Text und seine Kultur(en)
Walter de Gruyter Philosophische Schriften: Griechisch - Deutsch
Birkhauser typologie+: Innovativer Wohnungsbau
typology+ documents and analyzes roughly one hundred international housing structures. It uses diagrammatic drawings to elaborate a broad and varied range of residential types and present them systematically. In the process, it examines variants under the categories of access, space (ground plan and open space), and morphology, supplemented by detailed typological descriptions and the elaboration of the special qualities of each individual type. More general essays draw connections between the housing types and twentieth-century reference projects. All of the projects are newly drawn to uniform standards; every project is presented with its ground plan drawn to a scale of 1:200. Site maps, sections, elevations, and photographs illuminate the urban setting, the building structure and design, and the spatial and functional qualities of each residential structure. Thus, typology+ not only offers a broad range of sustainable approaches to apartment block construction, but also possibilities for using and transforming them in a practical planning context.
Springer International Publishing AG Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking
The present publication focusses the attention on new avenues in regional information and knowledge management, while we will zoom in particularly on the potential promises and hurdles of digital technology. This digital challenge has already generated a wealth of implications in the area of smart or intelligent cities, but as yet far less has been achieved in the field of regional planning and regional science. There is clearly a need for a more systematic and wide-ranging assessment and presentation of emerging approaches and concepts in this field, for instance, in regard to principles (e.g. geographic rule modeling), methodologies (e.g. blockchain systems), data analytics (e.g. machine learning) and data governance (e.g. data sovereignty) of regional information and knowledge. Especially in our ‘big data’ era, a systematic, comprehensible and reliable acquisition, storage, sharing and handling of data (e.g. on the basis of systematic decomposition and filtering principles) is more needed than ever before. The present study seeks to present a selection of state-of-the-art contributions on advanced – often digitally-oriented – regional information and knowledge management foundations, principles and practices written by several experts in the field of spatial informatics. These contributions were collected with a view to the design of a comprehensive knowledge and research agenda, which was discussed during a brainstorm workshop in Lyon, France (October 2021). This book covers various fields of interest, such as GeoAI, knowledge modelling, IoT and scalability, space syntax, rule extraction, data governance and data self-sovereignty. It is concluded with a knowledge and research agenda outlining future endeavors in the field of the spatial information sciences (or spatial informatics).
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Springer Handbook of Wood Science and Technology
This handbook provides an overview on wood science and technology of unparalleled comprehensiveness and international validity. It describes the fundamental wood biology, chemistry and physics, as well as structure-property relations of wood and wood-based materials. The different aspects and steps of wood processing are presented in detail from both a fundamental technological perspective and their realisation in industrial contexts. The discussed industrial processes extend beyond sawmilling and the manufacturing of adhesively bonded wood products to the processing of the various wood-based materials, including pulp and paper, natural fibre materials and aspects of bio-refinery. Core concepts of wood applications, quality and life cycle assessment of this important natural resource are presented. The book concludes with a useful compilation of fundamental material parameters and data as well as a glossary of terms in accordance with the most important industry standards. Written and edited by a truly international team of experts from academia, research institutes and industry, thoroughly reviewed by external colleagues, this handbook is well-attuned to educational demands, as well as providing a summary of state-of-the-art research trends and industrial requirements. It is an invaluable resource for all professionals in research and development, and engineers in practise in the field of wood science and technology.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG A Readable Introduction to Real Mathematics
Designed for an undergraduate course or for independent study, this text presents sophisticated mathematical ideas in an elementary and friendly fashion. The fundamental purpose of this book is to teach mathematical thinking while conveying the beauty and elegance of mathematics. The book contains a large number of exercises of varying difficulty, some of which are designed to help reinforce basic concepts and others of which will challenge virtually all readers. The sole prerequisite for reading this text is high school algebra. Topics covered include: * mathematical induction * modular arithmetic * the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic * Fermat's Little Theorem * RSA encryption * the Euclidean algorithm * rational and irrational numbers * complex numbers * cardinality * Euclidean plane geometry * constructibility (including a proof that an angle of 60 degrees cannot be trisected with a straightedge and compass)* infinite series * higher dimensional spaces.This textbook is suitable for a wide variety of courses and for a broad range of students of mathematics and other subjects. Mathematically inclined senior high school students will also be able to read this book.From the reviews of the first edition:“It is carefully written in a precise but readable and engaging style… I thoroughly enjoyed reading this recent addition to the Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics series and commend this clear, well-organised, unfussy text to its target audiences.” (Nick Lord, The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 100 (547), 2016) “The book is an introduction to real mathematics and is very readable. … The book is indeed a joy to read, and would be an excellent text for an ‘appreciation of mathematics’ course, among other possibilities.” (G.A. Heuer, Mathematical Reviews, February, 2015)“Many a benighted book misguidedly addresses the need [to teach mathematical thinking] by framing reasoning, or narrowly, proof, not as pervasive modality but somehow as itself an autonomous mathematical subject. Fortunately, the present book gets it right.... [presenting] well-chosen, basic, conceptual mathematics, suitably accessible after a K-12 education, in a detailed, self-conscious way that emphasizes methodology alongside content and crucially leads to an ultimate clear payoff. … Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates and two-year technical program students; general readers.” (D.V. Feldman, Choice, Vol. 52 (6), February, 2015)
Rutgers University Press Uncanny Histories in Film and Media
Uncanny Histories in Film and Media brings together a stellar lineup of established and emergent scholars who explore the uncanny twists and turns that are often occluded in larger accounts of film and media. Prompted by fresh archival research and new conceptual approaches, the works included here probe the uncanny as a mode of historical analysis that reveals surprising connections and unsettling continuities. The uncanny stands for what often eludes us, for what remains unfamiliar or mysterious or strange. Whether writing about film movements, individual works, or the legacies of major or forgotten critics and theorists, the contributors remind us that at the heart of the uncanny, and indeed the writing of history, is a troubling of definitions, a challenge to our inherited narratives, and a disturbance of what was once familiar in the uncanny histories of our field.
Conservation International,U.S. A Rapid Biological Assessment of North Lorma, Gola and Grebo National Forests, Liberia: RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment, #44
Liberia's national forests are among the last refuges in West Africa for large migrating mammals. This volume summarizes the findings of a biodiversity survey of three forests as part of the Liberia Forestry Initiative, an effort to rehabilitate and reform Liberia's threatened woodlands. The survey found each forest to harbor a wealth of biodiversity and a significant number of species of conservation concern. Researchers here document the discovery of six species new to science, report eighteen new findings for Liberia, and present conservation recommendations based on survey results.
Centrala Ltd Savages: 2023
AU Press The West and Beyond: New Perspectives on an Imagined “Region”
The West and Beyond evaluates and appraises the state ofWestern Canadian history, acknowledging and assessing the contributionsof historians of the past and present while showcasing the researchinterests of a new generation of scholars. It charts new directions forthe future and stimulates further interrogations of our past. This collection encourages dialogue among the generations ofhistorians of the West and among practitioners of diverse approaches tothe past. It also reflects a broad range of disciplinary andprofessional boundaries, suggesting a number of different ways tounderstand the west.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Business of Sustainable Mobility: From Vision to Reality
In many parts of the world, there is a crisis of mobility. The choices we have made over the past 200 years on modes and technologies of transport have brought us unprecedented global interaction and in many respects increased personal freedom. However, all this mobility has come at a cost to society, to the economy and to the environment. Mobility is in crisis, but few seem aware of the full extent of it. Though most people will be aware of congestion, accidents (although this aspect is often overlooked), parking restrictions or fuel prices, few will have considered the effects of the dramatic increase in mobility expected in China, India and elsewhere. Nor do many people in their daily lives consider the impact of climate change on our environment and the contribution our cars make to it. It is often thought that technology alone can solve this problem. For some observers, salvation could be achieved by means of hydrogen fuel cells, by hybrid cars, or by increased fuel efficiency, or even by telematics to reduce congestion. This book shows that "technology" may well not be enough in itself and that for a genuinely sustainable transport future far more radical change – affecting many aspects of society – is needed. It is likely, for example, that new business models are needed, as well as users and consumers adopting new forms of behaviour. Disruptive technological innovation may well contribute, but needs to be induced by a combination of market forces and government regulation. Many studies touch on transport and mobility issues and more mainstream books aimed at challenging the dominance of automobility are common, yet works dealing with the longer-term strategic, theoretical and broader conceptual issues needed to inform the move towards more sustainable transport are rare. Yet policy-makers, practitioners, as well as many sections of academia, acknowledge a need for guidance on new thinking on sustainable mobility. This book brings together a range of views representing both leading-edge thinking and best practice in the mobility sector. The individual expert contributions form the basis for framing a broader vision of future mobility and proposed transition trajectories towards that future. Much of the effort reflected in the chapters in this book is concerned with going beyond the "technofix" of new cars, to confront the more difficult challenges of institutional, cultural and social change within and beyond the industry that have to be resolved in the transition towards sustainability. It therefore seeks to break through the conventional boundary between engineering and the social sciences, and the contributors come from both sides of this traditional but unnecessary divide, combining economists, engineers, geographers, designers and others. The work is based on the sustainable mobility stream in the 2003 International Greening of Industry Network conference in San Francisco. This event brought together experts from industry and government, and the book combines some of the papers presented there, developed and updated into full chapters, with a number of additional chapters to capture some of the themes that emerged from the conference. The central problem addressed in this book is the private car: how to power it, how to build it and how to deliver it to customers in a more sustainable future. It starts with ideas of radical innovation in the propulsion system of the car, notably the hydrogen fuel cell. In one section, the book examines business models that could be used to deliver automobility in a more sustainable manner. This section looks at how the car is made and used, and looks beyond it by examining how we could change those aspects in our quest for sustainable mobility. The book then considers a number of recently introduced vehicles and alternative vehicle concepts within the context of a dominant existing paradigm. These vary from a minimalist single-seat commuter to a powertrain exchange concept that could breathe new life into the electric vehicle. A number of chapters then report on current practice and experience in the initial moves toward more sustainable automobility. Finally, more visionary views are presented to look at what conclusions we can draw from the strands discussed and suggest possible future scenarios: where do we go from here? When thinking about the car, it is often not appreciated to what extent our modern culture is integrated with the car and its systems: we have literally built our world around the car in its current form, and this inevitably shapes the scope for constructing sustainable mobility. We therefore need to tackle any change to the current automobility paradigm on a very broad front and we need to be prepared for the possibly dramatic social and economic changes we may bring about by changing just some elements. The Business of Sustainable Mobility will be essential reading for academics, practitioners, policy-makers and others interested in the latest thinking on sustainable mobility.
Wits University Press The People’s Paper: A centenary history and anthology of Abantu-Batho
This much-awaited volume uncovers the long-lost pages of the major African multi-lingual newspaper, Abantu-Batho. Founded in 1912 by African National Congress convener Pixley Seme, with assistance from the Swazi Queen, it was published until 1931, attracting the cream of African politicians, journalists, and poets S.E.K Mqhayi, Nontsizi Mgqwetho and Robert Grendon. In its pages burning issues of the day were articulated alongside cultural by-ways. Comprising both essays on and texts from the paper, it explores the complex movements and individuals that emerged. The essays contribute rich, new material to provide clearer insights into South African politics and intellectual life. The Anthology unveils a judicious selection of never-before-published columns from the paper spanning every year of its life, drawn from repositories on three continents. Abantu-Batho also had a regional and international focus, and by examining all these dynamics across boundaries and disciplines the book transcends established historiographical frontiers to fill a lacuna that scholars have long lamented.Distinguished historians and literary scholars, together with exciting young scholars, plumb the lives and ideas of editors, writers, readers and allied movements. Sharing the considerable interest in the ANC centenary, this unique book will have a strong appeal and secure audience among all interested in history, politics, culture, literature, gender, biography and journalism studies, from academics and students to a general public interested in knowing about this early ANC newspaper, its people and the stories that once captivated South Africans.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Instruments and Institutions
Economic Incentives are playing an increasingly important role in pollution control.This authoritative collection - edited by leading contributors to the field - presents the most important published work on the legal and economic instruments and institutions which have been used during the last thirty years to control pollution. The papers focus on issues of instrument design, implementation, enforcement and evaluation, and consider strategies for coping with uncertainty and 'second-best' situations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Organisations and the Psychological Contract: Managing People at Work
This is an excellent text for practising managers and students on management and occupational psychology courses. It deals with all aspects of organisational life from recruitment and selection to motivation, leadership and organizational change. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of behaviour at work.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Education and Inequality Across Europe
The relationship between education and income inequality is of fundamental importance. In this book, an international group of renowned contributors focus on patterns of inequality and their relationship to education using recent data from European countries. The fresh and unique research deals with important topics such as: wage and education inequality, differences in earnings related to gender, the role of labour market institutions, demographic and cohort effects on inequality, intergenerational education and income mobility, the extent of 'overeducation' and job and life satisfaction inequality.The wealth of new empirical evidence presented will make this book an invaluable resource for labour and education economists, educationalists, policy-makers and academics interested in the distribution of income, inequality and education within the fields of sociology and public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Relations: The Great Debates
The history of international relations has been shaped by a sequence of 'Great Debates', in which leading scholars of the field advanced, challenged, and defended views about the assumptions that should inform the study of world politics. In this authoritative collection, the editors bring together for the first time the most important contributions to these inspiring intellectual exchanges and provide an excellent overview of the discipline's development since its inception in the early 20th century. Students and scholars in international relations as well as neighboring disciplines will find this title to be an indispensable and highly informative source of reference.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: A Changing Landscape
This book provides authoritative academic and professional insights into the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on home and host countries. It highlights global trends and patterns, and explores related policy challenges all with a special focus on the countries in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.The book cuts through the existing data fog by offering a wide range of up-to-date academic findings and institutional expertise. Those findings are rounded off with lessons to be learned from historical developments (Ireland's success story), an evaluation of current trends (the role of China) and an investment promotion agency policy for attracting sustainable investment (CzechInvest). Contributions made by central bank officials, institutional representatives, members of academia and professionals provide for a uniquely complementary view on FDI developments and their implications.At a time of big changes in the FDI landscape, this book offers both empirical and econometric evidence on foreign direct investment and will be of great interest to economists and other experts in the fields of economic policy and European integration from central, commercial and investment banks, governments, international organizations, universities and research institutes. The special focus on FDI will attract those interested in, or directly involved in tackling the challenges of attracting sustainable investment or investing successfully abroad.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Planning History and Methodology
Planning as deliberate preparation for future action is as old as human history. Agricultural land allocation and cities were always planned, as were military warfare and defence. With the growing complexity of society in the 19th century, however, planning became a discipline and profession. Since then, not only has the perception of planning and its role in society undergone significant change, but its instruments and methods have also evolved. This collection of classic papers by leading individuals of their day reflects how thinking about planning has changed over time. It also includes seminal papers on the methodology of planning to show how sophisticated techniques have been developed to meet the diverse demands of planning in a rapidly changing world.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Wingfield College and its Patrons: Piety and prestige in medieval Suffolk
The 650th anniversary of the foundation of Wingfield College was the occasion for a special two-day symposium marking the culmination of a three-year UEA-funded research project into the college and castle. The building projects of the late medieval aristocracy focused on their homes and the monasteries, churches or chantry foundations under their patronage where their family were buried and commemorated. This commemoration allowed a visual celebration of their achievements, status and lineage, the scale and prestige of which reflected on the fortunes of the family as a whole. Wingfield is explored in the context of both the actual building of the castle, chantry chapel and the college, and that of the symbolic function of these as a demonstration ion of aristocratic status. The contributions to this book examine many topics which have hitherto been neglected, such as the archaeology of the castle, which had never been excavated, the complex history of the college's architecture, and the detailed study of the monuments in the church. The latest techniques are used to reconstruct the college and castle, with a DVD to demonstrate these. And the context of the family and its fortunes are explored in chapters on the place of the de la Poles in fifteenth century history, as soldiers, administrators and potential claimants to the throne.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transport Logistics
Logistics is the management function responsible for the flow of materials through the supply chain. Freight transport typically accounts for a third of total logistics costs and is a major determinant of the quality of a distribution service.This comprehensive and integrated collection includes a wide range of previously published articles from logistics management, operations research and economics journals, as well as the mainstream transport literature. The volume is divided into 13 sections covering the full spectrum of research in the field, including the modelling of freight flows, just-in-time delivery, modal split, vehicle routing and utilisation, the environmental impact of freight transport operations, city logistics and telematics and the deregulation of freight markets.This authoritative volume will be an essential compendium for those teaching in and researching in the rapidly-expanding field of transport logistics and will be of interest to those involved in the management of logistics and formulation of public policy on freight transport.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Frugal Innovation
This pioneering Handbook details the origins of the concept of frugal innovation, its emergence as an academic field of interest, and the driving forces behind it. It presents new empirical evidence and critical perspectives on what frugal innovation entails, from a range of disciplines including science and engineering, humanities, and the social sciences.Analysing case studies on frugal innovation from across the globe, this Handbook assesses the role of innovation in addressing societal challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Chapters examine key topics in the field, covering gender as a lens for frugal innovation, managing frugal innovation for sustainable development, design and engineering in frugal product formation, and the global markets for frugal innovation policies. Contributors pay specific attention to the role of technology as an enabler for frugal innovation, and the institutional and social contexts in which it takes place.Providing a comprehensive overview of frugal innovation, this Handbook will be essential reading for academics and students in the fields of development economics, business and management studies and organisational innovation. It will also be beneficial for policymakers and government officials interested in perspectives on innovation that could be instrumental in the formation and implementation of innovation policies.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Understanding the New Proxy Wars: Battlegrounds and Strategies Reshaping the Greater Middle East
Proxy warfare will shape the conflicts of the twenty-first century for the foreseeable future. Yet the popular understanding of proxy wars remains largely shaped by the experience of the Cold War. In reality, in the Greater Middle East and its periphery today, the growing power of regional states and non-state actors, combined with the proliferation of new technology, has reshaped proxy conflicts, in an increasingly multipolar and interconnected environment. In this collected volume, a range of researchers examine what constitutes proxy warfare and provide new insight into how these wars are waged, in contexts stretching from Ukraine to North Africa and Syria to Afghanistan. The volume draws upon research, surveys and interviews conducted in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Ukraine, as well as examining the propaganda output of those involved in these countries' wars. In doing so, 'Understanding the New Proxy Wars' helps reveal both the continuities and the differences between recent conflicts and those of times past.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Crisis in Global Ethics and the Future of Global Governance: Fulfilling the Promise of the Earth Charter
This thought-provoking book stimulates dialogue and action on the role of global ethics in the governance of both individual societies and the international order. Such inquiry is imperative given the extraordinary challenges that face the world today. Calling for a renewed discussion on global ethics, this unique book responds to two seminal texts on global ethics and the promise of the Earth Charter written by J. Ronald Engel whose pioneering work continues to influence the debate over democracy's place in the Anthropocene. It aims to inspire an active movement that can reclaim the moral high ground and motivate the vision of a just, sustainable future. Leading figures in environmental ethics, philosophy and law approach questions surrounding global ethics and governance from a range of cultural and philosophical perspectives. Emphasis is placed on the role that ''declarations'' such as the Earth Charter can play in this work, alongside the importance of deepening global dialogues. The Crisis in Global Ethics and the Future of Global Governance will appeal to students and academics working in the fields of law, philosophy and the social sciences, as well as community groups endorsing the Earth Charter and global initiatives.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bolt Action: Armies of the Soviet Union
This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of the Soviet Union. From the bitter urban warfare of Stalingrad, through the Winter War against Finland and the final drive to Berlin, the detailed army lists provided in this supplement allow players to construct Soviet armies for any theatre and any year of the war.
Primary Information Newspaper
O'Reilly Media Maker City
The Maker City Playbook is a comprehensive case studies and how-to information useful for city leaders, civic innovators, nonprofits, and others engaged in urban economic development. The Maker City Playbook is committed to going beyond stories to find patterns and discern promising practices to help city leaders make even more informed decisions. Maker City Playbook Chapter 1: Introduction and a Call to Action Chapter 2: The Maker movement and Cities Chapter 3: The Maker City as Open Ecosystem Chapter 4: Education and Learning in the Maker City Chapter 5: Workforce Development in the Maker City Chapter 6: Advanced Manufacturing and Supply Chain inside the Maker City Chapter 7: Real Estate Matters in the Maker City Chapter 8: Civic Engagement in the Maker City Chapter 9: The Future of the Maker City Maker City Project is a collaboration between the Kauffman Foundation, the Gray Area for the Arts, and Maker Media.
PM Press Words Of A Rebel
Fantagraphics Sweatshop
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum IV, Volume 1075
An accurate, inexpensive, and noninvasive method for the early diagnosis of cancer has been something of a holy grail among cancer researchers, but until recently a method meeting all three criteria has been elusive. Nucleic acids were first discovered in circulation in 1948, but it was not until the 1960s and 70s that patients with autoimmune disease and cancer were discovered to have higher levels of circulating DNA than were detected in in healthy persons. The focus in this volume is on three major applications of the circulating nucleic acids detection method: cancer, fetal medicine, and diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and myocardial infarction. In addition, there are reports on the biology and origins of circulating DNA and RNA and on improved methods for the detection of nucleic acids in plasma and serum. The circulating DNA found in cancer patients has many characteristics in common with their tumors, which made it an attractive candidate for use in the diagnosis and management of patients with malignancies. This method can also be applied to the assessment of the sublinical tumor burden in cancer patients, thus reducing the risk of unnecessary chemotherapy. Detection of nucleic acids circulating in maternal serum means that fetal diagnosis may be possible without resorting to the more dangerous and invasive methods now used (e.g., amniotic fluid and chorionic villus sampling). Detection of problems in the pregnancy such as preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation may also become possible through maternal blood samples. In diabetic patients, circulating nucleic acids can be used for the early detection of developments such as retinopathy. The benefits of using circulating nucleic acids in the diagnosis and management of cancer and chronic disease will be realized through earlier detection by means of this less expensive and less invasive testing technique and through its potential for closer monitoring of the disease. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member
University of Minnesota Press DIA-LOGOS: Ramon Llull's Method of Thought and Artistic Practice
The life and work of the outstanding Catalan-Majorcan philosopher, logician, and mystic Ramon Llull continues to fascinate thinkers, artists, and scholars worldwideIn this book, international experts from Europe and the United States address Lullism as a remarkable and distinctive method of thinking and experimenting. The origins and impact of Ramon Llull’s oeuvre as a modern thinker are presented, and their interdisciplinary and intercultural implications, which continue to this day, are explored. Ars combinatoria, generative and permutative generation of texts, the epistemic and poetic power of algorithmic systems, plus the principle of unconditional dialogue between cultural groups and their individual members, are the most important coordinates of this combinatorial–dialogical media and communication theory, which appeared very early in the history of science, technology, and art. It was developed in the work of Ramon Llull during the transition from the thirteenth to the fourteenth century when Arab-Islamic, Jewish, and Christian cultures intersected. The legacy of Lullism lives on in poetry and in the visual and electronic-based arts, as well as in research on the history of informatics, formal logic, and media archaeology. The primary idea of Llull’s teachings—to enable rational and therefore trustworthy dialogue between cultures and religions through a universally valid system of symbols—is today still topical and of great relevance, especially in the tensions prevailing in globalized spaces of possibility.Contributors: Miquel Bassols, Florian Cramer, Salvador Dalí, Fernando Domínguez Reboiras, Diane Doucet-Rosenstein, Jordi Gayà, Jonathan Gray, Daniel Irrgang, David Link, Sebastián Moro Tornese, Josep E. Rubio, Henning Schmidgen, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann, Gianni Vattimo, Janet Zweig.