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Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie: Gottesbeziehung als Kategorie praktisch-theologischer Theoriebildung
Thomas Micklich geht es um die Gottesbeziehung des Menschen. Der Denkbarkeit dieser Voraussetzung des Glaubens stellen sich aber rationalitätslogische Probleme in den Weg. Die Studie verfolgt eine doppelte Strategie. Einerseits sollen implizite Voraussetzungen theologischen Denkens expliziert sowie innere Widersprëchlichkeiten offen geleget, andererseits einzelne Konstellationen des Glaubens in den Blick genommen werden. Die Hauptthese der Studie ist, dass die "Gottesbeziehung" in der Regel als eine zweistellige Relation gedacht wird. Diese Konzeption ist jedoch aporetisch, aber nicht als Aporie des Glaubens, sondern der zugrunde liegenden rationalitätslogischen Struktur. Die Perspektive, die die Studie zu eröffnen sucht, ist, die Gottesbeziehung als eine genuin dreistellige Relation zu denken. Dieser formalen Pointe entspricht ihre materiale Fassung als soziale Beziehung der Intersubjektivität. Intersubjektivität besteht dabei nicht zwischen "Gott" und "Mensch", sondern zwischen Mensch und Mensch, derart, dass "Gott" als die Beziehung der Bezogenen zu denken ist. Nur so kann vermieden werden, dass der Mitmensch zur bloßen Randbedingung der Gottesbeziehung des Anderen wird, fër die er vielmehr mitkonstitutiv ist. Dies ist denkbar auf der Basis einer transitiven - triadischen - Relation. Die Kommunikation des Glaubens kann nun als eine spezifische Geschichte Gottes mit dem Menschen, als seine sozial fër uns wirkliche Mitmenschlichkeit, begriffen werden, deren Transzendenz sich inmitten unserer Welt erfahrbar realisiert.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Politik ALS Anti-Metaphysik: Rekonstruktion Und Kritik Der Politischen Theorie Hannah Arendts
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Predigen in Person: Theorie Und Praxis Der Predigt Im Gesamtwerk Otto Haendlers
Classiques Garnier Les Origines de la Theorie de la Concurrence Monopolistique d'Edward Hastings Chamberlin
Hogrefe AG Familien und umweltbezogene Pflege Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichts und ihre Umsetzung
Cornerstone Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power
_______‘Timely and troubling’ Evening Standard‘A necessary book’ David Aaronovitch‘Frequently jaw-dropping’ Huffington PostFrom UFOs to the New World Order, the inside story of how conspiracy theories won over America.In November 2017, a serial climate change denier and anti-vaxxer was elected President of the United States. The rise of Donald Trump marked the beginning of a new American epoch: the age of the conspiracy theorist. Now, Anna Merlan goes undercover in America’s sprawling network of conspiracy theorists and uncovers their secrets. She meets the UFOlogist who claims to have travelled to Mars with a young Barack Obama. She chats with the ‘pizzagate’ truthers who think Washington D.C.’s favourite pizzeria is run by a satanic paedophile ring. And she bumps into Alex Jones, the YouTube impresario who thinks the state is using chemical warfare to turn the population gay – and who happens to be on first-name terms with the leader of the free world.Merlan reveals a world of innuendo and propaganda lying just beneath the surface of US culture. It might just help explain the political turmoil of our time._______‘Through exhaustive research, personal interviews, and a critical yet at times appropriately empathetic approach, writer Anna Merlan has written a captivating book that illuminates the landscape of conspiracy theories.’ New York Magazine‘An entertaining taxonomy of toxic ideas’ Herald‘A rock-steady narrator with a ready command of history, nerves of steel, and incisive social insights . . . We need a thousand of her, or a million.’ The Nation
facultas.wuv Universitäts Theorie und Praxis der biopsychosozialen Medizin KrperSeeleEinheit und sprechende Medizin
Julius Beltz GmbH Kultursensible Didaktik Eine Einfhrung in Theorie und Praxis Mit Onlinematerialien
Stanford University Press Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Underdevelopment in Rumania and Brazil
A Stanford University Press classic.
Harvard Divinity School Theological Studies Beyond Essence: Ernst Troeltsch as Historian and Theorist of Christianity
Does Christianity have an essence? How should the identity of Christianity be defined in the modern world? As early as 1903, German theologian Ernst Troeltsch began to question the then-popular concept of an “essence of Christianity.” In his search for alternative categories and methods for conceptualizing Christianity and its potential roles in modern society, Troeltsch immersed himself in the study and analysis of Christian history. This book demonstrates the intimate connection between Troeltsch’s philosophical writings on the essence of Christianity and his historical investigations of Christianity’s past, focusing on Troeltsch’s conceptions of Christian origins, historical development, and the ideal types of church-sect-mysticism.Lori Pearson argues that as a result of his historical work, Troeltsch moved beyond the category of essence and sought new ways of theorizing Christian identity in the context of modernity’s pluralistic yet fragmented society.
University of California Press Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies
A cutting-edge introduction to contemporary religious studies theory, connecting theory to data. This innovative coursebook introduces students to interdisciplinary theoretical tools for understanding contemporary religiously diverse societies—both Western and non-Western. Using a case-study model, the text considers: A wide and diverse array of contemporary issues, questions, and critical approaches to the study of religion relevant to students and scholars A variety of theoretical approaches, including decolonial, feminist, hermeneutical, poststructuralist, and phenomenological analyses Current debates on whether the term "religion" is meaningful Many key issues about the study of religion, including the insider-outsider debate, material religion, and lived religion Plural and religiously diverse societies, including the theological ideas of traditions and the political and social questions that arise for those living alongside adherents of other religions Understanding Religion is designed to provide a strong foundation for instructors to explore the ideas presented in each chapter in multiple ways, engage students in meaningful activities in the classroom, and integrate additional material into their lectures. Students will gain the tools to apply specific methods from a variety of disciplines to analyze the social, political, spiritual, and cultural aspects of religions. Its unique pedagogical design means it can be used from undergraduate- to postgraduate-level courses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes
In 1913 and 1914, A. Mitchell Innes published a pair of articles that stand as two of the best pieces written in the twentieth century on the nature of money. Only recently rediscovered, these articles are reprinted and analyzed here for the first time. In addition, five new contributions analyze and extend the approach of Innes in a number of directions by including historical, anthropological, sociological, archeological, and economic analyses of the nature of money. The original articles by Innes contained two quite different approaches to money - what might be called the credit approach (later developed in a much less satisfactory manner by J.A. Schumpeter) and the state money approach (also called Chartalist and adopted by J.M. Keynes and by G.F. Knapp). This volume shows how the credit and state money approaches can be integrated to shed light on the origins of money, but more importantly, how they can be used to understand the way the modern money system operates. In addition to the articles by Innes, the volume contains chapters by John Henry, Geoffrey Ingham, Michael Hudson, Geoffrey Gardiner, and L. Randall Wray. An introduction by L. Randall Wray and Stephanie Bell provides an overview and a short biography of Innes.This authoritative collection of papers is a must-read for economists, policymakers and students interested in the history of economic thought, monetary policy and economic theory.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Imagining the Cognitive Science of Religion: Magic Bullets, Complex Theories, Experimental Adventures
Uniting Thomas Lawson's essays on the cognitive science of religion, this volume explores theoretical issues in the study of cultural phenomena such as religion, the role of imagination, and the experiments that emerge from these theories. The book begins with Lawson's influential essay “Towards a Cognitive Science of Religion,” which was the first to employ the phrase, and has since become widely adopted in many different disciplines. It signals to scholars in the humanities that the cognitive revolution has finally reached them and serves to introduce them to the world of science. The rest of the book focuses on theoretical issues in the study of cultural phenomena and describes experiments by scholars working on the connections between cognition and culture. Described as "the grandfather of the cognitive science of religion," Lawson offers a unique perspective on the development of the field and the principles that underlie it, which will be relevant to both newcomers and established scholars.
Duke University Press Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human
Habeas Viscus focuses attention on the centrality of race to notions of the human. Alexander G. Weheliye develops a theory of "racializing assemblages," taking race as a set of sociopolitical processes that discipline humanity into full humans, not-quite-humans, and nonhumans. This disciplining, while not biological per se, frequently depends on anchoring political hierarchies in human flesh. The work of the black feminist scholars Hortense Spillers and Sylvia Wynter is vital to Weheliye's argument. Particularly significant are their contributions to the intellectual project of black studies vis-à-vis racialization and the category of the human in western modernity. Wynter and Spillers configure black studies as an endeavor to disrupt the governing conception of humanity as synonymous with white, western man. Weheliye posits black feminist theories of modern humanity as useful correctives to the "bare life and biopolitics discourse" exemplified by the works of Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault, which, Weheliye contends, vastly underestimate the conceptual and political significance of race in constructions of the human. Habeas Viscus reveals the pressing need to make the insights of black studies and black feminism foundational to the study of modern humanity.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Social Theories of Jacksonian Democracy: Representative Writings of the Period 1825-1850
History's first national party with roots in a mass electorate, the Jacksonian Democrats were not so much unified around a shared policy program as they were a patchwork of conflicting interests. They came together most vigorously in the name of what they opposed: the emerging financial and commercial monopolies, the old Washington dynasty, and any whiff of privilege or aristocracy. Yet they demonstrated how even unprincipled national parties could invigorate representative democracy and repair the growing rifts between Northern industrialists, the Old South, and the developing West.These texts show the Jacksonian movement as a cross-section of nineteenth century America. A picture of popular democracy in its infancy, they together form a study of unity in diversity.
Indiana University Press Theorizing Colonial Cinema: Reframing Production, Circulation, and Consumption of Film in Asia
Theorizing Colonial Cinema is a millennial retrospective on the entangled intimacy between film and colonialism from film's global inception to contemporary legacies in and of Asia. The volume engages new perspectives by asking how prior discussions on film form, theory, history, and ideology may be challenged by centering the colonial question rather than relegating it to the periphery. To that end, contributors begin by excavating little-known archives and perspectives from the colonies as a departure from a prevailing focus on Europe's imperial histories and archives about the colonies. The collection pinpoints various forms of devaluation and misrecognition both in and beyond the region that continue to relegate local voices to the margins. This pathbreaking study on global film history advances prior scholarship by bringing together an array of established and new interdisciplinary voices from film studies, Asian studies, and postcolonial studies to consider how the present is continually haunted by the colonial past.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Der Wirkung Von Musik Auf Der Spur: Theorie Und Erforschung Der Komponenten
Classiques Garnier Theories Critiques Et Litterature de la Renaissance: Melanges Offerts a Lawrence Kritzman
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Regions and Competitiveness: Contemporary Theories and Perspectives on Economic Development
The field of regional development is subject to an ever-increasing multiplicity of concepts and theories seeking to explain uneven competitiveness. In particular, economic geographers and spatial economists have rapidly developed the theoretical tools by which to approach such analyses. The aim of this Handbook is to take stock of regional competitiveness and complementary concepts as a means of presenting a state-of-the-art discussion of the advanced theories, perspectives and empirical explanations that help make sense of the determinants of uneven development across regions. Drawing on an international field of leading scholars, the book is assembled and organized so that readers can first learn of the theoretical underpinnings of regional competitiveness and development theory, before moving on to deeper discussions of key factors and principal elements, the emergence of allied concepts, empirical applications, and the policy context. International in its scope, including global empirical analysis, the book is a definitive resource in terms of providing access to some of the seminal research and thinking on regional competitiveness. This contemporary Handbook is an ideal reference for students and academics in the fields of economic geography and spatial economics. It will also appeal to policymakers and other stakeholders involved in regional economic development.Contributors include: K. Aiginger, P. Annoni, M.J. Aranguren, D. Audretsch, P.-A. Balland, R. Boschma, R. Camagni, R. Cellini, J. Crespo, P. Di Caro, L. Dijkstra, J. Fagerberg, M. Firgo, U. Fratesi, R. Harris, R. Huggins, J. Jansson, C. Ketels, I. Lengyel, E. Magro, E.J. Malecki, A. Mamtora, R. Martin, P. McCann, H. Menendez, P. Ni, R. Ortega-Argilés, I. Periáñez, A. Richardson, A. Rodríguez-Pose, L. Saez, J. Shen, M. Srholec, M. Storper, P. Sunley, M. Thissen, P. Thompson, G. Torrisi, I. Turok, F. van Oort, Y. Wang, A. Waxell, C. Wilkie, J.R. Wilson
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht: Wolfgang Schluchters "Grundlegungen der Soziologie" in der Diskussion
Wie kaum ein Zweiter hat Wolfgang Schluchter in seinem Grundlagenwerk Klassikerinterpretation mit Theoriebildung verknüpft. Was heißt "Theoriegeschichte in systematischer Absicht"? Wie sehen die Konturen dieses Forschungsprogramms aus? Welche Vorzüge, aber gegebenenfalls auch Grenzen weist dieses Programm auf? Das sind die zentralen Fragen, die im vorliegenden Band von namhaften Soziologen und Sozialtheoretikern diskutiert werden. Von der Auseinandersetzung mit den Klassikern der Gesellschaftstheorie wie Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim oder Niklas Luhmann führt diese Diskussion zur Frage nach der Bedeutung von historisch informierter, systematischer Theoriebildung in der Soziologie heute. Wie ist sie angesichts des heutigen vielfältigen Theorieangebots noch möglich? Mit einem Beitrag von Wolfgang Schluchter, in dem er eine mögliche Fortschreibung seiner Grundlegungen der Soziologie skizziert.
Universitatsverlag Winter Gelegenheit Macht Dichter. l'Occasione Fa Il Poeta: Bausteine Zu Einer Theorie Des Gelegenheitsgedichts
Birkhauser Verlag AG Commentationes mechanicae ad theoriam corporum flexibilium et elasticorum pertinentes 1st part
Aschendorff Verlag Macht: Omniprasent Und Doch Tabu?: Theorien Und Praktiken Einer Sozialethischen Grundkategorie
Kohlhammer Vita Brevis, Ars Longa: Aktuelle Perspektiven Zu Geschichte, Theorie Und Ethik Der Medizin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Philosophies of Organizational Change: Perspectives, Models and Theories for Managing Change, Second Edition
This revised and extended second edition evaluates the diverse approaches to organizational change that have defined the field. Explaining the assumptions and implications that accompany these diverse philosophies, this book demystifies the complexities of conflicting perspectives and delivers valuable insights into the research and practice of organizational change. Philosophies of Organizational Change employs a critical analysis of scholarly writings that have shaped the evolution of alternative perspectives on change. It examines twelve unique approaches to change, charting the territory from philosophy and theory to practice and implications. By uncovering the deep assumptions associated with organizational change, the book supplies readers with a comprehensive analytical toolkit with which to pursue change in an unprecedented era of organizational disruption.Offering a guide through contradictory approaches to implementing change, this book will appeal to scholars and researchers in organization theory. It will also be valuable for MBA and DBA students, as well as undergraduate business students engaging with critical debates on theories and tools for introducing change.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Politische Scholastik - Spätmittelalterliche Theorien der Politik: Probleme, Traditionen, Positionen - Gesammelte Studien
Dieser Band versammelt zwischen 1980 und 2018 erstmals erschienene Studien, die politiktheoretischen Traktaten der scholastischen Universität des Spätmittelalters gelten. Die wissenschaftlichen Experten legten ihre Texte als Resultat eigenen Nachdenkens vor, oder ihre Stellungnahmen wurden aus der politischen Praxis angefordert. Die einzelnen Texte sollen jetzt nicht in eine lineare Ideengeschichte des politischen Denkens eingegliedert werden, vielmehr soll ihr Hintergrund aus dem Bezug zu konkreten Konflikten deutlich hervortreten. Denn mit ihren Ratschlägen leistete die Scholastik einen fundamentalen Beitrag zur Formulierung und Legitimation politischer Interessen und damit zum Bewusstsein der Zeitgenossen. Die meist für die Außenwelt und nicht für die Hörsäle bestimmten Texte trugen dazu bei, eine "politische Öffentlichkeit" auszubilden, wie sie in der Neuzeit noch eine große Zukunft haben sollte.
Neuer Merkur GmbH Die Kieferorthopdie Theorie und Praxis zur Herstellung kieferorthopdischer und funktionskieferorthopdischer Gerte
UTB GmbH Studienbuch Erlebnispdagogik Einfhrung in die Theorie und Praxis der modernen Erlebnispdagogik
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Beatmung für Einsteiger: Theorie und Praxis für die Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege
Beatmete Patienten sicher und professionell versorgen!Dieses Fachbuch bietet Pflegekräften umfangreiches Wissen aus Theorie und Praxis zum Thema Beatmung. Lernen Sie sämtliche relevanten Themen für die pflegerische Versorgung. Leicht nachvollziehbar, anhand der Behandlungsabfolge am Patienten, werden von der Intubation, über die Auswahl an Beatmungsformen, alle wichtigen Überwachungsparameter, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen sowie der weitere Verlauf mit Weaning und Extubation bearbeitet. Ausführlich stellt der erfahrene Autor die Zusammenhänge der Sedierung, die Auswertung der Blutgasanalyse oder auch die Patientenlagerung dar.Die 3. Auflage ist komplett aktualisiert und um neue Themen wie Nasale High-Flow-Sauerstofftherapie (HFOT) und Sekretmanagement erweitert.
Pennsylvania State University Press Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies: Anamorphosis in Early Modern Theories of Perspective
In Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies, Lyle Massey argues that we can only learn how and why certain kinds of spatial representation prevailed over others by carefully considering how Renaissance artists and theorists interpreted perspective. Combining detailed historical studies with broad theoretical and philosophical investigations, this book challenges basic assumptions about the way early modern artists and theorists represented their relationship to the visible world and how they understood these representations. By analyzing technical feats such as anamorphosis (the perspectival distortion of an object to make it viewable only from a certain angle), drawing machines, and printed diagrams, each chapter highlights the moments when perspective theorists failed to unite a singular, ideal viewpoint with the artist’s or viewer’s viewpoint or were unsuccessful at conjoining fictive and lived space. Showing how these “failures” were subsequently incorporated rather than rejected by perspective theorists, the book presents an important reassessment of the standard view of Renaissance perspective. While many scholars have maintained that perspective rationalized the relationships among optics, space, and painting, Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies asserts instead that Renaissance and early modern theorists often revealed a disjunction between geometrical ideals and practical applications. In some cases, they not only identified but also exploited these discrepancies. This discussion of perspective shows that the painter’s geometry did not always conform to the explicitly rational, Cartesian formula that so many have assumed, nor did it historically unfold according to a standard account of scientific development.
Pennsylvania State University Press Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies: Anamorphosis in Early Modern Theories of Perspective
In Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies, Lyle Massey argues that we can only learn how and why certain kinds of spatial representation prevailed over others by carefully considering how Renaissance artists and theorists interpreted perspective. Combining detailed historical studies with broad theoretical and philosophical investigations, this book challenges basic assumptions about the way early modern artists and theorists represented their relationship to the visible world and how they understood these representations. By analyzing technical feats such as anamorphosis (the perspectival distortion of an object to make it viewable only from a certain angle), drawing machines, and printed diagrams, each chapter highlights the moments when perspective theorists failed to unite a singular, ideal viewpoint with the artist’s or viewer’s viewpoint or were unsuccessful at conjoining fictive and lived space. Showing how these “failures” were subsequently incorporated rather than rejected by perspective theorists, the book presents an important reassessment of the standard view of Renaissance perspective. While many scholars have maintained that perspective rationalized the relationships among optics, space, and painting, Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies asserts instead that Renaissance and early modern theorists often revealed a disjunction between geometrical ideals and practical applications. In some cases, they not only identified but also exploited these discrepancies. This discussion of perspective shows that the painter’s geometry did not always conform to the explicitly rational, Cartesian formula that so many have assumed, nor did it historically unfold according to a standard account of scientific development.
The University of Chicago Press Drawing Theories Apart: The Dispersion of Feynman Diagrams in Postwar Physics
Feynman diagrams have revolutionized nearly every aspect of theoretical physics since the middle of the twentieth century. Introduced by the American physicist Richard Feynman (1918-88) soon after World War II as a means of simplifying lengthy calculations in quantum electrodynamics, they soon gained adherents in many branches of the discipline. Yet as new physicists adopted the tiny line drawings, they also adapted the diagrams and introduced their own interpretations. Drawing Theories Apart traces how generations of young theorists learned to frame their research in terms of the diagrams - and how both the diagrams and their users were molded in the process. Drawing on rich archival materials, interviews, and more than five hundred scientific articles from the period, Drawing Theories Apart uses the Feynman diagrams as a means to explore the development of American postwar physics. By focusing on the ways young physicists learned new calculational skills, David Kaiser frames his story around the crafting and stabilizing of the basic tools in the physicist's kit - thus offering the first book to follow the diagrams once they left Feynman's hands and entered the physics vernacular.
Peter Lang AG Designsoziologie: Der Erweiterte Designbegriff Im Entwurfsfeld Der Politischen Theorie Und Soziologie
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Revitalizing the Classics: What Past Social Theorists Can Teach Us Today
Revitalizing the Classics is a lively introductory text that relates classical social theories to contemporary social events. This updated definition of “the classics” avoids the Eurocentrism and androcentrism of many textbooks of social theory by including both non-European and women social thinkers. Besides highlighting the work of Ibn Khaldun and first wave feminist scholars, this book utilizes interactive figures, original source sidebars and current illustrative examples to provide a critical alternative to the standard texts in the field. In the process, Tony Simmons shows just how relevant classical social theories are in our present world, offering us analysis and clarification of a range of issues, from war, poverty and environmental destruction, to the sensory overload experienced in the digital age and even our personal relationships and interactions. Social theories are helpful – even necessary – to help us understand and, most importantly, be critical of the issues, systems and institutions in our world today.Revitalizing the Classics introduces students to a wide range of classical theorists and applies their theories to present-day examples: thus Durkheim’s ideas are invoked to explore “anomie” in the digital world as well as the “altruistic” elements of suicide bombings in contemporary combat zones. Similarly, Ibn Khaldun’s concept of “asabiyya” is used to explain the tribal code of the Taliban; Marx is summoned to explain the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor in Canada and around the world; and Pareto is enlisted to describe the “circulation of elites” in post-communist and post-colonial societies. Other sections explore and analyze the global war on terrorism and the Arab Spring. The book also includes a glossary of key concepts, giving readers an instant explanation of major terms and ideas used in each chapter. The combination of accessible writing and contemporary analysis provides a text that will empower readers to theorize and analyze many current events for themselves.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Kennedy Assassinations: JFK and Bobby Kennedy - Debunking The Conspiracy Theories
Few events have been the subject of more conspiracy theories than the assassinations of the two Kennedy brothers. Indeed, a great many people consider that there were other individuals than Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan involved in both murders. Was a shot fired from Dealey Plaza's grassy knoll? Why did Jack Ruby shoot Oswald? Was it the CIA, the Soviets, Cuban nationalists or the Mafia that arranged John Kennedy's assassination? Was Robert Kennedy shot from in front and behind, and who had the most to gain from his death? These are just a few of the questions that have been put forward by a myriad of conspiracy theorists and it is those people and their ideas that Mel Ayton has tackled head-on. Over many years, Mel Ayton has examined all the more substantial conspiracy theories and, through careful analysis of documents and eyewitness statements, he has demolished each one. In each case, Mel Ayton presented the results of his detailed investigations in periodicals as he worked through the various theories. These have now been brought together to provide a comprehensive analysis of all the main theories as to who, how and why the two Kennedy brothers met their deaths in such unusual circumstances. Though wild ideas will continue to be proposed and efforts will still be made to demonstrate that Oswald could not have fired off three shots with great accuracy in the few seconds available to him as the presidential cavalcade passed beneath the window where he crouched, or that there were sinister reasons why three CIA men were allegedly present on the night of Robert Kennedy's assassination, the harsh reality is that the Kennedy brothers were each killed by lone gunmen. This is an absorbing read, brought up to date with the addition of new material as it has been uncovered. Maybe, just maybe, this book will persuade people that the official accounts of both murders, although flawed, are not cover-ups but simply statements of fact.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Bodies, Territories, and Feminisms: Latin American Compilation of Political Practices, Theories, and Methodologies
This book is above all a commitment to encounter. Is the research result of a Working Group (Grupo de Trabajo) of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), which brings together people who study and research, but who, above all, carry out collective actions from social organizations to transform the reality of our continent. This character of thinking doing, or rather, of doing thinking, of the Grupo de Trabajo gives this text a peculiar cadence. A cadence that demands a collective and cooperative authorship. It is also a recovery of the struggles that precede us, the sutures of the loom of memory that patriarchal and colonial capitalism strives to pierce, and that is another of the powers of this book. The book invites to dismantle the patriarchal and colonial legacies embedded in the very foundations of hegemonic academic thought, and demonstrates the urgent need to understand this as a political task of the moment. It is organized into three main stations, which, like a train journey, can be travelled through sequentially from beginning to end, or entered randomly, stopping at one or another section according to the interests and concerns of the moment. The volumes contributors are Alicia Migliaro Gonzaìlez, Ana Luciìa Ramazzini, Colectivo Magdalenas UruguayTeatro de las oprimidas, Cristina Cucuriì, Cristina Vega, Delmy Tania Cruz Hernaìndez, Dina Mazariegos Garciìa, Elvira Cuadra Lira, Eva Vaìzquez, Gabriela Ruales, Gabriela Veras Iglesias, Giulia Marchese, Inþigo Arrazola, Ivonne Yaìnez, Jonatan Rodas, Juliana Diìaz Lozano, Lisset Coba, Lorena Rodriìguez Lezica, Manuel Bayoìn, Mariano Feìliz, Mauricio Arellano Nucamendi, Melissa Moreano, Miriam Garciìa-Torres, Miriam Lang, Rosa H.G. Govela Gutieìrrez (), Rossana Cantieri Cagnone, Sofiìa Zaragocin, and Walda Barrios-Klee (). Rosa Govela Gutiérrez and Walda Barrios-Klee died while the book was being edited.
ISTE Editions Ltd Développement, changements globaux et dynamiques des territoires: théories, approches et perspectives de recherche
Step Forward Publishing Ltd How Children Learn: From Montessori to Vygotsky - Educational Theories and Approaches Made Easy
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Transnational Corporations and International Production: Concepts, Theories and Effects, Third Edition
Thoroughly updated and substantially extended, this internationally successful text explores transnational corporations (TNCs), their activities and effects, as well as the theories developed to explain them. Invaluable for courses as well as researchers in international business, international economics, globalization, international relations, economic geography and history of economic thought on the TNCs. Key features of this edition: A unique critical analysis of all the theories of TNCs in their historical context and with insightful commentaries at the end of each chapter, now extended to cover network theory and dynamic capabilities theory Clear exposition of concepts on the evolution and the activities of TNCs Analysis of effects of TNCs' activities on: innovation; labour; trade; balance of payments and the fiscal revenue of countries Discussions on new topics such as the digital TNCs and global value chains A contribution to the history of economic thought on the TNC Summary boxes as well as suggestions for further reading within each chapter give opportunities for discussion and extended learning. Ideal for advanced bachelors and masters courses in international business, economics, international relations, globalization and economic geography as well as the history of economic thought, Transnational Corporations and International Production is an essential text for appreciating the evolution, explanations and impact of TNCs in a globalised world.
Edinburgh University Press The Political Theories of Raymond Aron: Freedom, Democracy and National Identity
An illuminating account of Raymond Aron's political philosophy and its enduring relevance today
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Le chémostat: Théorie mathématique de la culture continue de micro-organismes
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Coopération dans les réseaux ad hoc par application de la théorie des jeux
Wochenschau Verlag Kinder entdecken Geschichte Theorie und Praxis historischen Lernens in der Grundschule und im frhen Unterricht