Search results for ""author peter prinz"
FISCHER Taschenbuch Totentanz am Strand
FISCHER Taschenbuch Totenstille im Watt
S Fischer Verlag GmbH Ostfriesenholle
FISCHER Taschenbuch Totenstille im Watt Sommerfeldt taucht auf
FISCHER Taschenbuch Ostfriesenangst Kriminalroman
FISCHER Taschenbuch Ostfriesenfluch
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Arabiens Stunde der Wahrheit Aufruhr an der Schwelle Europas
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Ruland im Zangengriff
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsproze 4 Der erotische Leib
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Der Mythos vom Zivilisationsproze 1 Nacktheit und Scham
Schmidt, Erich Verlag Deutsch diachron
Quelle + Meyer Gesteinsbestimmung
Piper Verlag GmbH Wir alle spielen Theater Die Selbstdarstellung im Alltag
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Seppis Tagebuch Hammermig
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Seppis Tagebuch Echt genial
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Weihnachtstraum 24 bezaubernde Geschichten fr Weihnachten
Kösel-Verlag Lernen den Tiger zu reiten
Kösel-Verlag Vom Schmerz befreit
Kiepenheuer & Witsch Chicago am Rhein
Hogrefe AG Verbundenheit
Heyne Taschenbuch Der Thron der Finsternis Roman
Heymanns Verlag GmbH Bankrecht
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Schmerzmedizin kompakt
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH & Co. Todtnauberg
C.H. Beck Franz Kafka
C.H. Beck Exzellent
C.H. Beck EUZivilprozessrecht
C.H. Beck Danzig Biographie einer Stadt
C.H. Beck Geschichte Brandenburgs
Das Neue Berlin Ruhe gebe ich nicht
Westermann Berufl.Bildung VBRW Volks und Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit Rechnungswesen 1 Schlerband Berufsfachliche Kompetenz in der Wirtschaftsschule
Klett Sprachen GmbH Think. Second Edition Level 5. Workbook with Digital Pack
Klett Sprachen GmbH Think. Second Edition Level 3. Students Book with Interactive eBook
Klett Sprachen GmbH Think. Second Edition Level 2. Workbook with Digital Pack
FISCHER, S. Marktgeflster Eine verborgene Heimat in Paris
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Ich rechne mit 3 bungsheft stliche Bundeslnder Neubearbeitung
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Ich rechne mit Klasse 4 Arbeitsheft stliche Bundeslnder Nord Neubearbeitung Berlin Brandenburg MecklenburgVorpommern SachsenAnhalt
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Politik und Wirtschaft Oberstufe Gesamtband Schlerbuch
Rutgers University Press Flooded: Development, Democracy, and Brazil’s Belo Monte Dam
In the middle of the twentieth century, governments ignored the negative effects of large-scale infrastructure projects. In recent decades, many democratic countries have continued to use dams to promote growth, but have also introduced accompanying programs to alleviate these harmful consequences of dams for local people, to reduce poverty, and to promote participatory governance. This type of dam building undoubtedly represents a step forward in responsible governing. But have these policies really worked? Flooded provides insights into the little-known effects of these approaches through a close examination of Brazil’s Belo Monte hydroelectric facility. After three decades of controversy over damming the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon, the dam was completed in 2019 under the left-of-center Workers’ Party, becoming the world’s fourth largest. Billions of dollars for social welfare programs accompanied construction. Nonetheless, the dam brought extensive social, political, and environmental upheaval to the region. The population soared, cost of living skyrocketed, violence spiked, pollution increased, and already overextended education and healthcare systems were strained. Nearly 40,000 people were displaced and ecosystems were significantly disrupted. Klein tells the stories of dam-affected communities, including activists, social movements, non-governmental organizations, and public defenders and public prosecutors. He details how these groups, as well as government officials and representatives from private companies, negotiated the upheaval through protests, participating in public forums for deliberation, using legal mechanisms to push for protections for the most vulnerable, and engaging in myriad other civic spaces. Flooded provides a rich ethnographic account of democracy and development in the making. In the midst of today’s climate crisis, this book showcases the challenges and opportunities of meeting increasing demands for energy in equitable ways.
Salmon Poetry The weight of dandelions
Classical Press of Wales Poetry Underpinning Power: Vergil's Aeneid: The Epic for Emperor Augustus
In recent decades, international research on Virgil has been marked, if not dominated, by the ideas of the 'Harvard school' and similar trends, according to which the poet was engaged in an elaborate work of subtle subversion, directed against the new ruler of the Roman world, Octavian-Augustus. Much of Virgil's oeuvre consists prima facie of eulogy of the ruler, and of emphatic prediction of his enduring success: this is explained by numerous modern critics as generic convention, or as studied ambiguity, or as irony.This paradoxical position, which runs against ancient - as well as much modern - interpretation of the poet, continues to create widespread unease. Stahl's new monograph is the most thorough study so far to question modern Virgilian criticism on philological grounds. He bases himself on the internal logic and rhetoric of the Aeneid, and considers also political, historical, archaeological and philosophical subjects addressed by the poem. He finds that the poet has so presented the morality of his central figure, Augustus' supposed ancestor Aeneas, and of those who (eventually) clash with him, Turnus and Dido, as to make it certain that Roman readers and hearers of the poem were meant to conclude in Aeneas' favour. Virgil's intention emerges from Stahl's thorough, ingenious and original argumentation as decisively pro-Augustan. Stahl's work, in short, will not only enliven debate on current critical hypotheses but for many will enduringly affect their credibility.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics is a major new reference work which highlights the common ground between all the branches of the school while demonstrating the breadth and diversity within it. The Companion reflects the many areas where Austrian economists have made contributions, including technical economics, methodology of the social sciences, political theory and political science. This book includes contributions from an international group of scholars whose work demonstrates a basic similarity and interest in questions which have historically been associated with the Austrian approach to economics, although many of the contributors would not consider themselves to be strictly of this school. The distinguished team of contributors commissioned by the editor includes: K.D. Hoover, I.M. Kirzner, A. Klamer, D. Lavoie, C.K. Rowley, M. Rizzo, M. Rutherford, R.E. Wagner, U. Witt, L. Yeager.Each entry is fully referenced and includes suggestions for further readings on the topic. The Companion will be the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of Austrian Economics. It not only introduces students to the Austrian school, but also serves as an important research tool for scholars working within the Austrian tradition.