Search results for ""author rose"
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Struggle Over the Modern: Purity and Experience in American Art Criticism 1900 - 1960
In Struggle Over the Modern, Dennis Raverty argues that there was not one, but two, competing 'modernisms' vying for dominance of the critical field in American art during the first half of the twentieth century. The most familiar strain of this debate to us today is formalism, which emphasized 'purity' in art and culminated in the writing of the influential late modern critic, Clement Greenberg. The other critical position, he contends, is not as familiar to us today, partly because it was so overshadowed by formalist thought in the postwar period. This position emphasized the importance of 'experience' over formal purity and is evident in the writing of Greenberg's rival, Harold Rosenberg, as well as in a number of American writers and critics from the first half of the century. Struggle Over the Modern reconstitutes this neglected yet important dimension of the avant-garde debate in American art criticism decade by decade. Far more than an obscure aesthetic dispute, this was a battle over the very terms and limits appropriate to art, a competition - stretching all the way back to the turn of the twentieth century - to define art either narrowly as an exclusive self-referential endeavor, or broadly delineating the boundaries between art and experience in a more inclusive manner. Examined historiographically, critical writings can yield important information because, beyond their immediate functions of explanation and evaluation of contemporaneous art, these writings imply an unspoken strategy for capturing and dominating the field of critical discourse, thereby influencing the way people think and talk about art. The history of critical thought in twentieth-century American art is also the history of this struggle for critical dominance, a struggle within the avant-garde, over which ideas would define the era for future generations. In a sense, it was a battle for the very soul of modern art. Dominance of the critical arena was so important during the era of the emergence of modern
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Sanctuary Wood and Hooge: Ypres
This guide to the battlefields of Ypres is intended for both the casual tourist and the serious scholar. Sanctuary Wood and the village of Hooge saw intense fighting during World War I, being situated for much of the time in the front line of the notorious Ypres Salient. Beginning at the museum at the wood itself, the book takes the reader on an explanatory tour of the immediate area, which includes the neighbouring British cemetery. Text and supporting photographs help to explain the significance of individual burials, such as that of the German aviator, Hans Roser, the victim of an air battle with the Royal Flying Corps pilot, Lance Hawker, who for his exploits in this action and others on the same day was awarded the first VC for aerial combat. Between May and September 1915, Hooge was rarely out of the newspapers, and the fierce battles that took place here - including the first use of the dreaded "Flamenwerfer" against British troops - are described in a series of chapters supported by maps and contemporary accounts. Also recounted are the exploits of Canadian troops in June 1916, when valuable ground was lost and almost immediately recaptured. (In one incident, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry came very close to losing their regimental colour to the Germans.) Rather less violent, but typical aspects of World War I life are covered with sections of a trench raid (1918) and the usual routine of an engineer officer in the trenches. The guide directs readers to view certain areas and explains what they would be seeing more than 70 years ago - whether it would be the British or German lines. Names that were given to geographical features at the time of the fighting are explained, together with military terms and methods of operation.
Intellect Books Agency: A Partial History of Live Art
Notoriously difficult to define as a genre, Live Art is commonly positioned as a challenge to received artistic, social and political categories: not theatre, not dance, not visual art... and often wilfully anti-mainstream and anti-establishment. But as it has become an increasingly prevalent category in international festivals, major art galleries, diverse publications and higher education streams, it is time for a reassessment. This collection of essays, conversations, provocations and archival images takes the twentieth anniversary of the founding of one of the sector’s most committed champions, the Live Art Development Agency (LADA) in London, as an opportunity to consider not only what Live Art has been against, but also what it has been for. Rather than defining the practices in oppositional terms – what they might be seeking to critique, reject or disrupt – this collection reframes these practices in terms of the relations and commitments they might be used to model or advocate. What kinds of care and recovery do they enable? What do they connect as well as reject? What do they make possible as they test the impossible? What ideas of success do they stand for as they risk failure? In this way, the central theme of the collection, and to which all contributors were invited to respond, is the idea of agency: the capacity for new kinds of thoughts, actions and energies as enacted by individual artists and groups. It seems appropriate that this question would be considered in relation to the history of one particular ‘agency’: LADA itself. These questions are explored in a unique conversational format, bringing together a diverse range of emerging and established practitioners, curators and leading figures in the field, each paired with another practitioner for a live conversation that has been sensitively edited for the page. Curated within a structure of five overlapping themes – Bodies, Spaces, Institutions, Communities and Actions – this format produces unexpected insights and accounts of the development of the field. Each theme also contains two provocative essays by leading scholars, thinkers and makers, exploring the conceptual frames in more detail. The result is a collection that is as heterogeneous, ambitious, contradictory and inspiring as the field of Live Art itself. Contributors: Aaron Williamson, Adrian Heathfield, Alan Read, Alastair MacLennan, Alexandrina Hemsley, Amelia Jones, Andrew Mottershead, Andy Field, Anne Bean, Barby Asante, Bryan Biggs, Cassils, Catherine Wood, David A. Bailey, Dominic Johnson, Gary Anderson, George Chakravarthi, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Hayley Newman, Heike Roms, Helen Paris, James Leadbitter, Jamila Johnson-Small, Jane Trowell, Jen Harvie, Johanna Tuukkanen, John Jordan, John McGrath, Jordan McKenzie, Joshua Sofaer, Katherine Araniello, Kira O'Reilly, Lena Šimić, Leslie Hill, Lois Keidan, Lois Weaver, Manuel Vason, Martin O'Brien, Mary Paterson, Rajni Shah, Rebecca French, Richard Dedomenici, Ron Athey, RoseLee Goldberg, Selina Thompson, Simon Casson and Tim Etchells. Co-published with Live Art Development Agency. Winner of the 2021 TaPRA Edited Collection Prize
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Robert Graves: From Great War Poet to Good-bye to All That (1895-1929)
Robert Graves: From Great War Poet to Good-bye to All That casts new light on the life, prose and poetry of Graves, without which the story of Great War poetry is incomplete. The writer and poet Robert Graves suppressed virtually all of the poems he had published during and just after the First World War. Until his son, William Graves, reprinted almost all the Poems About War in 1988, Graves’s status as a ‘war poet’ seems to have depended mainly on his prose memoir (and bestseller), Good-bye to All That. None of the previous biographies written on Graves, however excellent, attempt to deal with this paradox in any depth. Robert Graves the war poet and the suppressed poems themselves have been largely neglected – until now. Jean Moorcroft Wilson, celebrated biographer of poets Siegfried Sassoon, Isaac Rosenberg and Edward Thomas, relates Graves’s fascinating life during this period, his experiences in the war, his being left for dead at the Battle of the Somme, his leap from a third-storey window after his lover Laura Riding’s even more dramatic jump from the fourth storey, his move to Spain and his final ‘goodbye’ to ‘all that’. In this deeply-researched new book, containing startling material never before brought to light, Dr Moorcroft Wilson traces not only Graves’s compelling life, but also the development of his poetry during the First World War, his thinking about the conflict and his shifting attitude towards it.
University of Minnesota Press The Birth of Computer Vision
A revealing genealogy of image-recognition techniques and technologies Today’s most advanced neural networks and sophisticated image-analysis methods come from 1950s and ’60s Cold War culture—and many biases and ways of understanding the world from that era persist along with them. Aerial surveillance and reconnaissance shaped all of the technologies that we now refer to as computer vision, including facial recognition. The Birth of Computer Vision uncovers these histories and finds connections between the algorithms, people, and politics at the core of automating perception today.James E. Dobson reveals how new forms of computerized surveillance systems, high-tech policing, and automated decision-making systems have become entangled, functioning together as a new technological apparatus of social control. Tracing the development of a series of important computer-vision algorithms, he uncovers the ideas, worrisome military origins, and lingering goals reproduced within the code and the products based on it, examining how they became linked to one another and repurposed for domestic and commercial uses. Dobson includes analysis of the Shakey Project, which produced the first semi-autonomous robot, and the impact of student protest in the early 1970s at Stanford University, as well as recovering the computer vision–related aspects of Frank Rosenblatt’s Perceptron as the crucial link between machine learning and computer vision.Motivated by the ongoing use of these major algorithms and methods, The Birth of Computer Vision chronicles the foundations of computer vision and artificial intelligence, its major transformations, and the questionable legacy of its origins. Cover alt text: Two overlapping circles in cream and violet, with black background. Top is a printed circuit with camera eye; below a person at a 1977 computer.
Human Kinetics Publishers Winning Ways of Women Coaches
We’ve entered a new era of women in coaching. Women coaches across the globe have triumphed, using their expertise, experience, and sustained success to break down barriers and establish new standards of excellence in their coaching roles.Winning Ways of Women Coaches reflects this new era. Some of the most exceptional women coaches in the world have contributed to this groundbreaking book, each examining a different coaching topic from her unique viewpoint. Representing 15 different sports—including professional football and baseball—and earning more than 50 national championships and dozens of world and Olympic titles, these coaching pioneers provide the acumen and inspiration to succeed in the coaching profession: Lonni Alameda Rachel Balkovec Becky Burleigh Denise Corlett Melody Davidson Kelly Inouye-Perez Roselee Jencke Valorie Kondos Field Melissa Luellen Teri McKeever Missy Meharg Felecia Mulkey Carla Nicholls Carol Owens Carolyn Peck Ellen Randell Nancy Stevens Tara VanDerveer Amber Warners Jen Welter Edited by volleyball coaching legend Cecile Reynaud, PhD, the book equips current and aspiring women coaches with innovative strategies and real-world insights to address common coaching challenges, build and maintain successful sport programs, foster player engagement and growth, and further their coaching careers. In addition, contributing coaches weave a common thread throughout the chapters by discussing the importance of building team chemistry and their own approaches to fostering a team culture.Whether you’re searching for proven coaching techniques, creative new approaches, or sage troubleshooting advice, Winning Ways of Women Coaches will prove to be your most valuable resource. After reading this book, you’ll discover that it’s your ability to instruct, develop, and care for your athletes—not just your knowledge of Xs and Os—that will propel your career and separate you from the rest.Showcasing women coaches who have reached the top of their profession and embodying the idea of “If she can see it, she can be it,” Winning Ways of Women Coaches will reinvigorate current coaches and inspire would-be coaches to make the leap into coaching.
The University of Chicago Press All the Boats on the Ocean: How Government Subsidies Led to Global Overfishing
Most current fishing practices are neither economically nor biologically sustainable. Every year, the world spends $80 billion buying fish that cost $105 billion to catch, even as heavy fishing places growing pressure on stocks that are already struggling with warmer, more acidic oceans. How have we developed an industry that is so wasteful, and why has it been so difficult to alter the trajectory toward species extinction? In this transnational, interdisciplinary history, Carmel Finley answers these questions and more as she explores how government subsidies propelled the expansion of fishing from a coastal, in-shore activity into a global industry. While nation states struggling for ocean supremacy have long used fishing as an imperial strategy, the Cold War brought a new emphasis: fishing became a means for nations to make distinct territorial claims. A network of trade policies and tariffs allowed cod from Iceland and tuna canned in Japan into the American market, destabilizing fisheries in New England and Southern California. With the subsequent establishment of tuna canneries in American Samoa and Puerto Rico, Japanese and American tuna boats moved from the Pacific into the Atlantic and Indian Oceans after bluefin. At the same time, government subsidies in nations such as Spain and the Soviet Union fueled fishery expansion on an industrial scale, with the Soviet fleet utterly depleting the stock of rosefish (or Pacific ocean perch) and other groundfish from British Columbia to California. This massive global explosion in fishing power led nations to expand their territorial limits in the 1970s, forever changing the seas. Looking across politics, economics, and biology, All the Boats on the Sea casts a wide net to reveal how the subsidy-driven expansion of fisheries in the Pacific during the Cold War led to the growth of fisheries science and the creation of international fisheries management. Nevertheless, the seas are far from calm: in a world where this technologically advanced industry has enabled nations to colonize the oceans, fish literally have no place left to hide, and the future of the seas and their fish stocks is uncertain.
Sunflower Books Sorrento, Amalfi and Capri Walking Guide: 73 long and short walks plus 7 car tours
The go-to Sorrento walking guide for over 30 years. Strap on your boots and discover Sorrento on foot with the Sunflower Sorrento, Amali and Capri walking guide. And on the days when your feet may have had enough, enjoy some spectacular scenery on one of our legendary car tours. The Sunflower Sorrento travel guide is indispensable for hiking in Sorrento or seeing Sorrento by car. Accident of history and steepness of terrain have preserved a network of ancient footpaths linking the coastal towns of the Neapolitan Riviera and the surrounding countryside. You can either climb almost from your hotel doorstep up into the lemon groves or take a bus into the hills and walk back down. All along the way you will visit hillside villages or remote monasteries and be regaled by the most stunning views. The flowers are a constant delight: from broom and rosemary in March to freesias and cistus in May. In autumn, the woods are carpeted with cyclamen. Most of the paths can be followed easily by people who do not claim to be regular walkers, though committed hikers will like them just the same. Inside the Sunflower Sorrento walking guide book you’ll find: 73 long and short walks for all ages and abilities – each walk is graded so you can easily match your ability to the level of walk Topographical walking maps – give you a clear sense of the surrounding terrain Free downloadable gps tracks – for the techies 7 car tours and fold-out touring map – for easy reference on your tour Strolls to idyllic picnic spots – enjoy our recommendations for where to picnic along the way Timetables for public transport – ideal if you want to link two walks or avoid hiring a car on your holiday Online update service for the latest information Area covered: The entire Amalfi (Sorrento) Peninsula, from the famous Amalfi Coast to the foothills of the Lattari Mountains; also the island of Capri, 6km off the coast Whether you tour the region by car or explore on foot, this book is one of our most popular guides ever. We look forward to showing you around.
Bradt Travel Guides Taverna by the Sea: One Greek Island Summer
The Taverna by the Sea is an enchanting, funny, poignant travel memoir about answering the call of adventure by taking on the challenge of running a Greek beach taverna. During a walking holiday on the island of Karpathos, a chance encounter with a Greek-American hotel owner results in a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Jennifer Barclay. The best-selling travel writer and long-term resident of Greece drops everything, returning with dog and tent to the remote bay that will form her home for one hectic, event-filled summer. This book offers a rare account of life in north Karpathos in the South Aegean, famous for its traditional community and dramatic, rugged landscape. While primarily a light, engaging, amusing read full of anecdotes, one-liners, twists and turns - perfect for summer - Barclay's fourth book about life in Greece also conveys the life-affirming importance of trusting one's instincts, taking risks and grasping opportunities. Wake with Jennifer to experience a summer of pink dawns over the olive grove and an empty bay, and swim with her in moonlight, hearing only the waves. Or help yourself to local cuisine - creamy yoghurt and local honey and warm figs, olive oil and rosemary, freshly baked bread, and wine on tap. Alongside a cast of characters from farmers to fishermen, mad guests and a wicked witch, meet Minas the hotel owner, a creative, unconventional Greek-American with the ability to fix anything mechanical and create money out of thin air with food, plus a penchant for drinking, singing and falling asleep. Experience days full of music, days of no running water, and days with a goat tied to a tree - but also nights when the overworked taverna manager awoke convinced there was a large fish in the tent, and customers outside waiting to be served. In The Taverna by the Sea, Barclay reveals what happens behind the scenes of an apparently blissful, peaceful paradise, capturing both the magic and the difficulties of island life. Underpinning an entertaining read for lovers of Greece and its cuisine is an inspiring call to live life to the full - and even escape the rat race.
HarperCollins Publishers Liar’s Circus
In this work of daring and immersive contemporary anthropology, Carl Hoffman, who has written about the most dangerous and remote corners of the world, journeys deep inside Donald Trump’s rallies seeking to understand the strange and powerful tribe that forms the president’s base. This book proceeds from the premise that Donald J. Trump's rallies are a singular and defining force—a kind of Rosetta stone to understanding the Age of Trump. Yet while much remarked upon, the rallies are, in fact, little examined, with the focus almost always on Trump’s latest outrageous statement. But who are the tens of thousands of people who fill America’s stadiums and arenas? What do they see in Trump? And what curious alchemy—between president and adoring crowd—happens there that might explain Trump’s rise? To those on the Left, the rallies are a Black Mass of American politics at which Trump plays high priest, recklessly summoning the darkest forces within the nation. To the MAGA faithful, the rallies are a form of pilgrimage, a joyous ceremony that like all rituals binds people together and makes them feel a part of something bigger than themselves. Both sides would acknowledge that this travelling roadshow (the Wall Street Journal reports there have been more than 550 ticketed campaign events since 2015) is the pressurised, combustible core of Trump’s political power, a meeting of the faithful where Trump is unshackled and his rhetoric reaches its most extreme, with downstream consequences for the rest of the nation. To date, no reporter has sought to understand the rallies as a sociological phenomenon examined from the bottom up. In 2019, Carl Hoffman began to do just this and embedded himself in the Trump rallies. He has stood in line for days with crowds of supporters; he has traveled across the country from Minnesota to Texas to Mississippi interviewing hundreds of attendees and immersing himself in their culture. A former contributing editor to National Geographic Traveler, Hoffman has travelled to 80 countries on assignment; he has written about cannibals in New Guinea, Mumbai’s railways (the deadliest in the world), and the indigenous tribes of Borneo. Now he trains his unique eye on his own country.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Astrochemistry: The Physical Chemistry of the Universe
A fully revised new edition of an introductory text to the dynamic and fascinating subject of astrochemistry Since the first edition in 2006 of Astrochemistry, the Mars rovers have driven 31.18 miles, there has been fly-by of Pluto changing it from a 4-pixel world on the Hubble Space Telescope into a mysterious non-planet. There have been visits to asteroids, revisiting Mercury, discovery of the Higgs Boson, discovery of over 2000 extrasolar planets and landing on the comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko by Rosetta mission – hence the timely publication of this new edition. This core textbook now includes more detailed information on the kinetic modelling of chemistry in the interstellar medium, extending the same principles of physical chemistry to meteor ablation and finally atmospheres and oceans. The increase in density from near-emptiness to 1.35 x 1021 L of water in the world's oceans is used to take single collision kinetics into ensemble thermodynamics. A new introduction of thermodynamic using meteor ablation replaces traditional bomb calorimetry and per-biotic chemistry leads to spontaneous reactions. New to the second edition: An extended discussion on matter, dark or otherwise, interstellar and stellar chemistry and the origin of pre-biotic molecules Detailed chemical kinetic models for mechanisms of chemistry in the interstellar medium Origins of life in solution, enzyme kinetics and catalysis A review of Mars and Titan as habitats for life Fully referenced throughout to reflect the research frontier An introduction to the idea of analytical mathematical engines that can do all of the heavy mathematics and fostering the skill of setting up a model and testing it 200 problems with detailed solutions Written for undergraduate and postgraduate students in astrochemistry or more generally physical chemistry, the new edition of Astrochemistry is an important introductory text to the topic, the latest developments in the field and the ubiquity of physical chemistry.
Karma Let's Have a Talk: Conversations with Women on Art and Culture
Conversations with leading women artists, composers and writers from Judy Chicago, Anohni and Lynne Tillman to Ellie Ga, Tauba Auerbach and Renee Green This massive volume comprises over 80 interviews published across a 13-year span of Lauren O’Neill-Butler’s career as a writer, educator, editor and cofounder of November magazine. The majority of the interviews first appeared on’s interviews column, which O’Neill-Butler edited for 11 years. The book is divided into two sections, “Q&A” and “As Told To”—the first comprising interviews in a traditional format and the second recast by O’Neill-Butler in the interviewee’s voice. Interviewees include: Judy Chicago, Shannon Ebner, Carolee Schneemann, Lucy R. Lippard, Joan Semmel, Liz Deschenes, Eleanor Antin, Andrea Fraser, Anohni, Claudia Rankine, Lorrie Moore, Adrian Piper, fierce pussy, Nan Goldin, Nell Painter, Frances Stark, Sara Greenberger Rafferty, Alex Bag, Agnès Varda, Lisi Raskin, Mary Mattingly, Carol Bove, Jennifer West, Aki Sasamoto, Mary Ellen Carroll, Rebecca Solnit, Rita McBride and Kim Schoenstadt, Karla Black, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Lynda Benglis, Sturtevant, Rachel Foullon, Ellie Ga, Lisa Tan, Mira Schor, Jo Baer, Ruby Sky Stiler, Suzanne Lacy, Rebecca Warren, Katy Siegel, Marlene McCarty, Rachel Mason, Mary Kelly, Dianna Molzan, Lynne Tillman, Polly Apfelbaum, Jesse Jones, Dorothea Rockburne, Sarah Crowner, Lucy Skaer, Sophie Calle, Mary Beth Edelson, W.A.G.E., Mary Heilmann, Pauline Oliveros, Kathryn Andrews, Jessamyn Fiore, Aura Rosenberg, Lucy McKenzie, Rhonda Lieberman, Lucy Dodd, Hong-Kai Wang, Sakiko Sugawa, Beverly Semmes, Virginia Dwan, Jeanine Oleson, Tauba Auerbach, Renee Green, Iman Issa, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Joan Jonas, Yoko Ono, Donna J. Haraway and more.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Comfort: A Winter Cookbook: More Than 150 Warming Recipes for the Colder Months
When the weather turns cold, what could be better than sitting by the fire and enjoying home-cooked food with family and friends. From comforting casseroles and bakes to seasonal snacks and warming drinks — this is the ideal cook’s companion for the winter months. Make the most of being holed up indoors and prepare some warming Snow Day Snacks. Enjoy sharing tasty treats such as Creamy Pancetta and Onion Tart or Cheddar and Cider Fondue. When it’s chilly outside, what we naturally crave is comforting food. In Cold Day Comforts you’ll find plenty of warming dishes including Spiced Pumpkin and Coconut Soup or Salmon Broccoli and Potato Gratin with Pesto. What better way to spend an icy afternoon than preparing a delicious meal to share with family and friends. Fireside Feasts is full of great ideas for winter entertaining. Try a Braised Pot Roast with Red Wine, Rosemary and Bay or Slow-cooked Lamb Shanks with Lentils. Make the most of the finest seasonal ingredients the winter has to offer and prepare healthy and satisfying Winter Salads. Choose from recipes such as Steak and Blue Cheese Salad or Roast Butternut Squash Salad with Spiced Lentils, Goat Cheese and Walnuts. Whether you enjoy a luxurious dessert or a slice of cake in front of the fire, there are plenty of delicious options to choose from in Indulgent Treats. Try Pecan Cheesecake Swirl Brownies, Arctic Roll with Vanilla and Chocolate or Brown Sugar Pavlova with Cinnamon Cream and Pomegranate. Finally, in A Cup of Cheer there are plenty of ideas for festive drinks and toddies. Relax at home with a warming Chocolate Marshmallow Melt or enjoy winter entertaining with a delicious Mulled Wine, guaranteed to make any holiday gathering a success.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Camp Men: The SS Officers Who Ran the Nazi Concentration Camp System
nside these pages you will meet over 960 infamous men – the officers of Nazi Germany's Totenkopf (Death's Head). You will encounter the 256 SS officers who worked at Dachau – the SS concentration camp that doubled as a training school for death. You will encounter twelve SS officers who served in Treblinka and the other very secret camps of Operation Reinhard – Heinrich Himmler's extermination plan for the Jews of Poland. And, you will confront the 161 SS officers who ran the largest killing center of all time – Auschwitz. These officers of the Death's Head, many of whom later served in the Waffen-SS, were not the bureaucrats who meticulously planned Adolf Hitler's Final Solution from behind a desk in Berlin, or those who quietly scheduled the trains that carried the victims to the camps. Quite the contrary; these men stood on the front-line of the Nazi war to exterminate the Jews – they poured the gas pellets, they conducted the gruesome medical experiments, they supervised the crematoria, they smelled the stench of death, they heard the screams, they ordered the guards to shoot. They were The Camp Men – and they were at the heart of darkness. The photographic section of the book, with well over one hundred photographs – a large portion previously unpublished – is the largest collection of photographs of SS camp personnel ever to appear in one work. The images come from the extensive files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Berlin Document Center, Yad Vashem and many other institutional collections. There are additionally photographs from private sources, including almost twenty rare pictures from the Gross-Rosen camp kommandant's personal photograph album.
Penguin Books Ltd The Scottish Nation: A Modern History
HERALD BOOKS OF THE YEAR and NEW STATESMAN BOOKS OF THE YEAR 2014 Part of a trilogy on Scottish history, T.M. Devine's The Scottish Nation: A Modern History traces the epic story of a nation from the Union with England to today's debates on the possibilities of Scottish independence. Drawing on extensive research and exploring everything from the high politics of the devolved parliament to the everyday effects of huge and growing levels of social inequality, this bestselling history places Scotland firmly within an international context and provides a key focus for the ongoing debate regarding Scotland's future. Ranging from high politics to everyday life, The Scottish Nation is the most read modern history of Scotland at home and abroad: vital to understanding an ancient nation at a crucial time. 'Outstanding ... if you are after answers to the big questions of Scottish history, Devine is your man' Niall Ferguson 'Magnificent ... a high achievement, a history of modern Scotland which, rarely for the subject, endows with sweep and power the changes that have created the country we live in' Michael Fry, The Herald 'The work of a compendious historical mind ... the first history of Scotland which both a nationalist and a unionist Scot can keep on their shelves with pride, and that is a large achievement in itself' John Lloyd, Financial Times 'A formidable work ... quite remarkable' Donald Dewar 'A fiercely intelligent account of Scotland ... Devine is the country's most prominent historian, and from the evidence of this book, rightly so' Rosemary Goring, Scotland on Sunday T.M. Devine, OBE is University Research Professor and Director of the Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies at the University of Aberdeen. His other books include The Scottish Nation and To the Ends of the Earth.
Skyhorse Publishing Keto Power Bowls: Easy, Nutritious, Low-Carb, High-Fat Meals for Busy People
Eat Your Way to Health with 75 Quick and Easy and Gluten-Free LCHF Recipes for Busy People on a Keto Diet Keto power bowls are the perfect way to pack a ton of nutrition into a single balanced meal for busy individuals and families on a keto diet! High-quality proteins, healthy fats, and non-starchy fruits and vegetables are the base of these customizable bowls. Use bases like zucchini noodles, cauliflower rice, and stir-fry, and add a protein, flavorful sauce, and nutrient-dense sides for one-bowl meals that are satisfying, easy to whip up (and can be made ahead of time), budget-friendly, and crowd-pleasing! Featuring 75 easy-to-follow ketogenic recipes (that are also gluten-free and grain-free with no added sugar), Keto Power Bowls is for everyone—busy parents cooking for their families, singles who pack a healthy lunch for work, people who are trying to bulk up in the gym, and anyone who is short on time but doesn't want to sacrifice health. Learn to make breakfast, dinner, salad, soup, and desert bowls, as well as components like sauces and sides, with a variety of international flavors and dairy- and nut-free options: Poached Eggs with Pan-Fried Summer Squash Turkey Sausage Breakfast Hash Sweet and Sour Chicken Stir Fry Rosemary Lamb Greek Meatballs with Creamy Cucumber Salad and Feta Chipotle Lime Shrimp Cauliflower Rice Bowls Classic Taco Salad Bowls Thai Coconut Curry Bowls Kiwi Raspberry Smoothie Bowls And More! Including information on how to meal prep power bowls, what a balanced meal looks like on a low-carb diet, how to swap out components to create new flavor profiles, and how to use power bowls to achieve different health goals (weight maintenance, weight loss, and weight gain), Keto Power Bowls is your ultimate guide for keto cooking and eating that will help you meet your macros.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Media for Educators: Strategies and Best Practices
Praise for Social Media for Educators "At last, a book that provides a straightforward discussion of the pedagogical reasons to use social media, and how to effectively use the tools to enhance learning experiences. A practical must-have!"Rita-Marie Conrad, instructional strategist and technologist, Duke University School of Nursing; coauthor, Engaging the Online Learner and The Online Teaching Survival Guide "This insightful and in-depth exploration effectively makes a case for embracing the best characteristics of social media to foster deeper learning experiences, promote collaboration, and provide timely feedback. This book is a can't-miss for educators."Amy M. Collier, associate director for technology and teaching, Center for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University "Thought about using social media in your online courses but don't know where to begin? Joosten's comprehensive hands-on book describes step-by-step how social media can add richness to your course content and have a positive impact on student outcomes." Rosemary Lehman and Simone ConceiÇão, eInterface; coauthors, Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching and Managing Online Instructor Workload "Many faculty are hesitant to incorporate social media into their teaching for fear that it will be a distraction or too time consuming. Tanya Joosten has done a remarkable job outlining the benefitsand considerationsof doing so. Faculty who read this book will be able to make informed, educated decisions about the best approach to take." John Dolan, director, digital media and pedagogy, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State University Social Media for Educators This is a down-to-earth resource filled with strategies for designing learning activities that work toward specific outcomes. It illustrates the ways in which social media will improve learning and contains case studies that clearly demonstrate social media's ability to: Increase communication and interactivity in a course Facilitate engaging learning activities Enhance students' satisfaction, learning, and performance
Duke University Press The Revival of Pragmatism: New Essays on Social Thought, Law, and Culture
Although long considered the most distinctive American contribution to philosophy, pragmatism—with its problem-solving emphasis and its contingent view of truth—lost popularity in mid-century after the advent of World War II, the horror of the Holocaust, and the dawning of the Cold War. Since the 1960s, however, pragmatism in many guises has again gained prominence, finding congenial places to flourish within growing intellectual movements. This volume of new essays brings together leading philosophers, historians, legal scholars, social thinkers, and literary critics to examine the far-reaching effects of this revival. As the twenty-five intellectuals who take part in this discussion show, pragmatism has become a complex terrain on which a rich variety of contemporary debates have been played out. Contributors such as Richard Rorty, Stanley Cavell, Nancy Fraser, Robert Westbrook, Hilary Putnam, and Morris Dickstein trace pragmatism’s cultural and intellectual evolution, consider its connection to democracy, and discuss its complex relationship to the work of Emerson, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein. They show the influence of pragmatism on black intellectuals such as W. E. B. Du Bois, explore its view of poetic language, and debate its effects on social science, history, and jurisprudence. Also including essays by critics of the revival such as Alan Wolfe and John Patrick Diggins, the volume concludes with a response to the whole collection from Stanley Fish. Including an extensive bibliography, this interdisciplinary work provides an in-depth and broadly gauged introduction to pragmatism, one that will be crucial for understanding the shape of the transformations taking place in the American social and philosophical scene at the end of the twentieth century. Contributors. Richard Bernstein, David Bromwich, Ray Carney, Stanley Cavell, Morris Dickstein, John Patrick Diggins, Stanley Fish, Nancy Fraser, Thomas C. Grey, Giles Gunn, Hans Joas, James T. Kloppenberg, David Luban, Louis Menand, Sidney Morgenbesser, Richard Poirier, Richard A. Posner, Ross Posnock, Hilary Putnam, Ruth Anna Putnam, Richard Rorty, Michel Rosenfeld, Richard H. Weisberg, Robert B. Westbrook, Alan Wolfe
University of Washington Press Winning the West for Women: The Life of Suffragist Emma Smith DeVoe
In 1856, in an opera house in Roseville, Illinois, Susan B. Anthony called for the supporters of woman suffrage to stand. The only person to rise was eight-year-old Emma Smith. And she continued to take a stand for the rest of her life. As a leader in the suffrage movement, Emma Smith DeVoe stumped across the country organizing for the cause, raising money, and helping make the West central to achieving the vote for women. DeVoe used her feminine style to great advantage in the campaign for the vote. Rather than promoting public rallies, she encouraged women to put their energies toward influencing the votes of their fathers, brothers, and husbands. Known as the still-hunt strategy, this approach was highly successful and helped win the vote for women in Washington State in 1910. Winning the West for Women demonstrates the importance of the West in the national suffrage movement. It reveals the central role played by the National Council of Women Voters, whose members were predominantly western women, in securing the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Winning the West for Women also tells a larger story of dissension and discord within the suffrage movement. Though ladylike in her courtship of male support for the cause, DeVoe often clashed with other activists who disagreed with her tactics or doubted her commitment to the movement. This fascinating biography describes the real experiences of women and their relationships as they struggled to win the right to vote. Watch the book trailer:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Construction Inspection: A Guide for Architects
Fundamentals of Building Construction Materials and Methods Second Edition Edward Allen This remarkably complete introduction to the art of building sets the materials and building systems in an historical context. This unique evolutionary approach to building construction includes a description of how materials are obtained and processed, an outline of the people and organizations who work with each material, their tools and working methods, and the role of one building system in relation to others. Chapters include a listing of key terms and concepts useful in enlarging a technical vocabulary, review questions that underscore key concepts, and exercises that apply lessons to real-life situations. 1990 (0 471-50911-6) 803 pp. Understanding Infrastructure A Guide for Architects and Planners George Rainer This landmark reference--written for concerned professionals--describes the basic mechanisms essential to city function. Each element of infrastructure is discussed--from water supply, sewers and storm drainage, solid and hazardous wastes, energy, telecommunication, streets, bridges, to water-front infrastructure, rail/transit and aviation, buses, and parks--and set in a context familiar to the design professional. Includes an extensive discussion of standard and innovative solutions as well as relevant environmental, legal, and economic considerations. 1990 (0 471-50546-3) 278 pp. Construction Specifications Writing Principles and Procedures Third Edition Harold J. Rosen and Tom Heineman The classic guide to the principles and practice of specifications writing has been fully updated to reflect the latest AIA and CSI standards, the newest computer applications to spec writing, and the linkage of key databases to specifications. Retaining the format of its successful predecessors, this Third Edition outlines the basic principles, concepts and uses of specifications, showing how they relate to contract documents developed by the architect and engineer. Specific guidelines include methods for establishing the scope and general requirements of the project specification, evaluating and specifying building materials, and writing specifications that conform to industry standards in style and format. 1990 (0 471-61892-6) 286 pp.
Apollo Publishers Witch, Please: A Memoir: Finding Magic in Modern Times
A touching and thought-provoking account of how a woman explored a spectrum of religions—ancient and new—and ended up, unexpectedly, becoming a bona fide witch—plus a celebration of modern Wicca and witchcraft, spell books, broomsticks, holiday recipes and recipes for the changing of the seasons, and much more. Misty Bell Stiers set out on a spiritual path to find a faith that worked for her, and accidentally became a witch. She knew the Bible well, and got to know the Torah and Koran. She studied Eastern philosophies, even the stories of the Egyptians and Greeks. Finally, after overcoming an immediate prejudice ("Um, no," she writes as her initial reaction), she found Wicca. Witch, Please reveals what makes the mysterious religion of Wicca so desirable for more than a million Americans. In her witty, direct, and heartfelt text, Misty explores spirituality, perseverance, and finding oneself. She shares what Wicca means to her and what defines her as a witch; what she uses her spell book, cauldron, and broomstick for; the significance of Wiccan holidays, many about new beginnings; the surprising history of Wicca; and what kinds of witches there are. She also shares how in her busy New York City life, as a mother and a creative director, her faith grounds and sustains her. Her uplifting, you-too-can-find-what-works-for-you voice speaks like a best friend: relatable, honest, and encouraging. This unusual and beautifully written memoir explores what it's like to be a modern-day witch, and how it's changed Misty's outlook on life. It's candid, but it's also threaded with magic and has a warming, lightheartedness to it. Bewitching original drawings by Misty are throughout, and Misty even shares ten original recipes for her Wiccan holiday treats (including the likes of her cinnamon rolls and roasted garlic rosemary bread, sprinkled with magic and seasoned with love, laughter, and healing).
New York University Press Fast-Food Kids: French Fries, Lunch Lines, and Social Ties
2018 Morris Rosenberg Award, DC Sociological Society In recent years, questions such as “what are kids eating?” and “who’s feeding our kids?” have sparked a torrent of public and policy debates as we increasingly focus our attention on the issue of childhood obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that while 1 in 3 American children are either overweight or obese, that number is higher for children living in concentrated poverty. Enduring inequalities in communities, schools, and homes affect young people’s access to different types of food, with real consequences in life choices and health outcomes. Fast-Food Kids sheds light on the social contexts in which kids eat, and the broader backdrop of social change in American life, demonstrating why attention to food’s social meaning is important to effective public health policy, particularly actions that focus on behavioral change and school food reforms. Through in-depth interviews and observation with high school and college students, Amy L. Best provides rich narratives of the everyday life of youth, highlighting young people’s voices and perspectives and the places where they eat. The book provides a thorough account of the role that food plays in the lives of today’s youth, teasing out the many contradictions of food as a cultural object—fast food portrayed as a necessity for the poor and yet, reviled by upper-middle class parents; fast food restaurants as one of the few spaces that kids can claim and effectively ‘take over’ for several hours each day; food corporations spending millions each year to market their food to kids and to lobby Congress against regulations; schools struggling to deliver healthy food young people will actually eat, and the difficulty of arranging family dinners, which are known to promote family cohesion and stability. A conceptually-driven, ethnographic account of youth and the places where they eat, Fast-Food Kids examines the complex relationship between youth identity and food consumption, offering answers to those straightforward questions that require crucial and comprehensive solutions.
Fordham University Press Giving Beyond the Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would exceed the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Hence, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift.
Canelo Thank You For Sharing: This spicy, captivating and emotional read will make you swoon – the must-read romance of 2023!
She’s hated him since they were teenagers.He’s missed her just as long.The last time Daniel Rosenberg and Liyah Cohen-Jackson spoke to each other was as teenagers, sharing a first kiss. But when the path of young love didn’t run smooth, and Liyah found her heart bruised by Daniel, they parted ways for ever… until they are seated together on an aeroplane fourteen years later, butting heads just as badly but consoling themselves that at least they will never have to see each other again.That is, until Daniel’s marketing firm gets hired by the museum where Liyah works as a junior curator, and they’re forced to work together on a project that will change both of their careers.With every meeting, the tension (and chemistry) between Daniel and Liyah builds until they’re forced to confront the baggage from their childhood to work together.Despite themselves, their friendship blooms once again, each of them finding comfort in their shared experience as Jews of Colour. And as they try and fail to ignore their growing feelings for one another, Liyah must face the fears that she’s been running from her whole adult life and open her heart to love.This sizzling, utterly romantic and emotional debut will sweep you away in a captivating must-read for autumn 2023. Fans of Mhairi Macfarlane, Emily Henry and Talia Hibbert will love this.Praise for Thank You For Sharing:‘This book wrapped a fist around my heart and refused to let go…Rachel Runya Katz is a true talent.’ Rachel Lynn Solomon‘A magical love story. This is a poignant, sharp and sexy romance with the kind of complex, big-hearted characters and emotional honesty readers will adore. I loved it!’ Carley Fortune‘Impossible to put down! A delicious pressure-cooker-style slow burn of a romance…I have no doubt that readers will fall head over heels for Liyah and Daniel!’ Alexandria Bellefleur‘I can’t wait for everyone to fall head-over-heels for Thank You For Sharing…I treasured every moment I spent with Daniel, Liyah, and the rest of the vivid, complex supporting cast. This book is a gift.’ Ava Wilder
HarperCollins Focus The Clean Living Handbook: 80+ All-Natural Soaps, Cleaners, Detergents and Nontoxic Household Products
Rejuvenate your body care with 75 organic and all-natural recipes you can make at home for a greener and healthier you.Commercially bought soaps and shampoos are jam-packed with harmful chemicals that you might want to avoid, but buying organic products can get expensive. With so many DIY attempts resulting in failure, it can be hard to find safe and healthy alternatives. It's time to ditch the expensive creams and serums with ingredients you can't pronounce. The Clean Living Handbook features 100% natural products you can be confident in. What you put in and on your body impacts your overall wellness. Eliminating the harsh products from your routine and making the switch to all-natural body care has never been easier. These recipes are centered around natural ingredients such as cocoa butter, honey, oats, cucumber, mint, lemon balm, ginger, lavender, rosemary, essential oils, and more, so you can know what's going into your products and know what you'll get out of them.Inside you'll find: Affordable and nontoxic recipes that will get you looking and feeling better than ever Step-by-step instructions for mixing, melting, pouring, and more Recipes for scrubs, lotions, shampoos, body butters, body scrubs, cleansers, face masks, bath bombs, perfumes, deodorants, detergents, and more The natural benefits and healing properties of green body care Going green is effortless with these basic formulas for easy, at-home use. Simplify your self-care routines with The Clean Living Handbook.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Humanities and the Dynamics of Inclusion since World War II
The role played by the humanities in reconciling American diversity-a diversity of both ideas and peoples-is not always appreciated. This volume of essays, commissioned by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, examines that role in the half century after World War II, when exceptional prosperity and population growth, coupled with America's expanded political interaction with the world abroad, presented American higher education with unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The humanities proved to be the site for important efforts to incorporate groups and doctrines that had once been excluded from the American cultural conversation. Edited and introduced by David Hollinger, this volume explores the interaction between the humanities and demographic changes in the university, including the link between external changes and the rise of new academic specializations in area and other interdisciplinary studies. This volume analyzes the evolution of humanities disciplines and institutions, examines the conditions and intellectual climate in which they operate, and assesses the role and value of the humanities in society. Contents:John Guillory, "Who's Afraid of Marcel Proust? The Failure of General Education in the American University" Roger L. Geiger, "Demography and Curriculum: The Humanities in American Higher Education from the 1950s through the 1980s" Joan Shelley Rubin, "The Scholar and the World: Academic Humanists and General Readers"Martin Jay, "The Ambivalent Virtues of Mendacity: How Europeans Taught (Some of Us) to Learn to Love the Lies of Politics"James T. Kloppenberg, "The Place of Value in a Culture of Facts: Truth and Historicism"Bruce Kuklick, "Philosophy and Inclusion in the United States, 1929-2001"John T. McGreevy, "Catholics, Catholicism, and the Humanities, 1945-1985"Jonathan Scott Holloway, "The Black Scholar, the Humanities, and the Politics of Racial Knowledge Since 1945"Rosalind Rosenberg, "Women in the Humanities: Taking Their Place"Leila Zenderland, "American Studies and the Expansion of the Humanities"David C. Engerman, "The Ironies of the Iron Curtain: The Cold War and the Rise of Russian Studies"Andrew E. Barshay, "What is Japan to Us"?Rolena Adorno, "Havana and Macondo: The Humanities Side of U.S. Latin American Studies, 1940-2000"
Fordham University Press Giving Beyond the Gift: Apophasis and Overcoming Theomania
This book explores the co-dependency of monotheism and idolatry by examining the thought of several prominent twentieth-century Jewish philosophers—Cohen, Buber, Rosenzweig, and Levinas. While all of these thinkers were keenly aware of the pitfalls of scriptural theism, to differing degrees they each succumbed to the temptation to personify transcendence, even as they tried either to circumvent or to restrain it by apophatically purging kataphatic descriptions of the deity. Derrida and Wyschogrod, by contrast, carried the project of denegation one step further, embarking on a path that culminated in the aporetic suspension of belief and the consequent removal of all images from God, a move that seriously compromises the viability of devotional piety. The inquiry into apophasis, transcendence, and immanence in these Jewish thinkers is symptomatic of a larger question. Recent attempts to harness the apophatic tradition to construct a viable postmodern negative theology, a religion without religion, are not radical enough. Not only are these philosophies of transcendence guilty of a turn to theology that defies the phenomenological presupposition of an immanent phenomenality, but they fall short on their own terms, inasmuch as they persist in employing metaphorical language that personalizes transcendence and thereby runs the risk of undermining the irreducible alterity and invisibility attributed to the transcendent other. The logic of apophasis, if permitted to run its course fully, would exceed the need to posit some form of transcendence that is not ultimately a facet of immanence. Apophatic theologies, accordingly, must be supplanted by a more far-reaching apophasis that surpasses the theolatrous impulse lying coiled at the crux of theism, an apophasis of apophasis, based on accepting an absolute nothingness—to be distinguished from the nothingness of an absolute—that does not signify the unknowable One but rather the manifold that is the pleromatic abyss at being’s core. Hence, the much-celebrated metaphor of the gift must give way to the more neutral and less theologically charged notion of an unconditional givenness in which the distinction between giver and given collapses. To think givenness in its most elemental, phenomenological sense is to allow the apparent to appear as given without presuming a causal agency that would turn that given into a gift.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc The Autoimmune Protocol Baking Book: 75 Sweet & Savory, Allergen-Free Treats That Add Joy to Your Healing Journey
Get excited about baking again with this gorgeous cookbook featuring 100 recipes for all things baked, from cookies and cake to bread and biscuits, to crackers, crumbles, and crisps! Baking on the AIP is tough. Really tough. What’s a baker to do when standard baking ingredients such as grains, dairy, sugar, eggs, and nuts are off the table? What can you create that is free of the ingredients that make you sick, yet still tastes like the real thing? The answer is...not a lot. Until now! We cannot live on kale alone. Even if you are doing AIP for your health, you occasionally need a treat. The Autoimmune Protocol Baking Book shows you how to create the treats you thought were gone forever (as well as new favorites). Written by beloved AIP baking blogger Wendi Washington-Hunt of Wendi’s AIP Kitchen, each recipe is created and tested to be AIP compliant from start to finish. No more trying to adapt recipes that yield iffy results or aren’t fully AIP compliant. With her trademark humor and real-talk style, Wendi gives you the lowdown on working with unconventional ingredients and techniques. Packed with AIP baking best practices, you’ll learn how to skillfully sidestep common AIP baking pitfalls so that you get delicious results. From sweet to savory, you’ll find traditional favorites such as Sugar Cookies to showstoppers like Black Forest Cake and more, including: Apple Blossom Tartes Tatin Mushroom Onion Tartlets Beef Mince Pie Tigernut Butter & Jam Sammies Apple Butter Bars Carrot Cake Everything Streusel Cake “Cornbread” Muffins “Cheesy” Bacon Drop Biscuits Blueberry Scones Sweet Potato Bacon Breakfast Cakes Cherry Cobbler Peach Crumble Bagels Cauliflower Pizza Crust Cassava Lavosh Crackers Pesto Pinwheels Rosemary Olive Oil Crackers Graham Crackers Lavender Thyme Rounds With The Autoimmune Protocol Baking Book, holiday, birthday, and special occasion baked goods are back on the table. All without compromising taste or your health. Yes, you can have baking and AIP too!
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich
A critical history of the roots of Nazi occultism and its continuing influence• Explores the occult influences on various Nazi figures, including Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, and Heinrich Himmler• Examines the foundations of the movement laid in the 19th century and continuing in the early 20th century• Explains the rites and runology of National Socialism, the occult dimensions of Nazi science, and how many of the sensationalist descriptions of Nazi “Satanic” practices were initiated by Church propaganda after the warIn this comprehensive examination of Nazi occultism, Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D., offers a critical history and analysis of the occult and esoteric streams of thought active in the Third Reich and the growth of occult Nazism at work in movements today. Sharing the culmination of five decades of research into primary and secondary sources, many in the original German, Flowers looks at the symbolic, occult, scientific, and magical traditions that became the foundations from which the Nazi movement would grow. He details the influences of Theosophy, Volkism, and the work of the Brothers Grimm as well as the impact of scientific culture of the time. Looking at the early 20th century, he describes the impact of Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels, Rudolf von Sebottendorf, Friedrich Hielscher, and others. Examining the period after the Nazi Party was established in 1919, and more especially after it took power in 1933, Flowers explores the occult influences on key Nazi figures, including Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, and Heinrich Himmler. He analyzes Hitler’s usually missed references to magical techniques in Mein Kampf, revealing his adoption of occult methods for creating a large body of supporters and shaping the thoughts of the masses. Flowers also explains the rites and runology of National Socialism, the occult dimensions of Nazi science, and the blossoming of Nazi Christianity. Concluding with a look at the modern mythology of Nazi occultism, Flowers critiques postwar Nazi-related literature and unveils the presence of esoteric Nazi myths in modern occult and political circles.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc A Woman's Garden: Grow Beautiful Plants and Make Useful Things - Plants and Projects for Home, Health, Beauty, Healing, and More
Led by beautiful photography, take an inspirational tour around the garden for helpful growing advice and step-by-step instructions for creating over 35 projects, edibles, and art from your garden. In A Woman’s Garden, the creative force behind, Tanya Anderson, shares the great variety of ways you can use the power of plants for home and health. Gardens grow more than just pretty flowers. They grow well-being and a deeper connection with nature. Gardens can also produce plant material for creating homemade skincare, natural dyes, artisan crafts, delicious foods and beverages, and medicines—homegrown ways to create a wholesome lifestyle. Making things with your hands and heart, and then sharing the fruits of your labors with friends and family, is both satisfying and soul-stirring. Learn how to grow dozens of plants and then transform them into gorgeous items to nurture yourself or gift to others. Visit the kitchen garden where you will find tips for growing your own produce and learn how to make a strawberry planter from a pallet. Embrace the joys of edible flowers—learn to make floral ice cubes and food featuring flowers, both savory and sweet. Enjoy the flavors and scents of culinary herbs, which you will learn to use to enhance cooking oils, drinks, and pasta. Grow and harvest plants and flowers to make skin care products such as herbal bath fizzies, lavender and alkanet soap, and more. Grow plants for herbal medicine, including chamomile for calming tea and calendula for healing minor cuts and scrapes. Cultivate an array of plants with uses around the home, including rosemary and citrus kitchen-cleaning spray and lavender for scenting linens. Brighten your world with plants for dyeing wool and cloth—learn methods for extracting color from a rainbow of different plants, including goldenrod, onions, and butterfly pea flower. Make a garden that overflows with creativity by crafting garden makes such as fossil imprint stepping-stones, papier-mache leaf lanterns, and pressed flower candles. In addition to a wealth of hands-on projects, you’ll take a trip around the globe and visit the gardens of 8 women, including Deanna Talerico from Homestead and Chill, Ashlie Thomas from The Mocha Gardener, Melissa Will from The Empress of Dirt, Rekha Mistry from Rekha’s Garden and Kitchen, Giovanna Becker from Herbstead, in addition to several others. Find inspiration, healing, health, and happiness right outside your own backdoor with A Woman's Garden.
Liverpool University Press The Jews in the Caribbean
The Portuguese Jewish diaspora was born out of a double tragedy: the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and the forced conversion/expulsion of the Jews from Portugal in 1497. The potent combination of expulsion, Inquisition, and crypto-Judaism left people neither wholly Jewish nor wholly Christian in their identity. Subsequently many left the Iberian peninsula; some found refuge in the Caribbean, but succeeded in maintaining strong connections with Portuguese Jews in western Europe, the Ottoman empire, and the Far East, while they also forged ties with the surrounding peoples and cultures. This book looks at many different aspects of this complex past. Its interdisciplinary approach allows a wealth of new information to be brought together to create a comprehensive picture. Part I sets the context, and also considers the relationship of Caribbean Jewry to European trading systems; its special ties to Amsterdam and Dutch-ruled Curaçao; and the role of Jewish merchants in Jamaica’s commerce. Part II examines the material and visual culture of Jews in the British and Dutch Caribbean, while Part III looks at Caribbean Jewish identity and heritage and their modern manifestations. Part IV contains archival studies that illuminate other subjects of importance—adventure and piracy, Jewish participation in a nineteenth-century revolt of black slaves and in the first Jamaican elections after Jews were granted the right to vote, and questions of concubinage and sexual relations between Jews and blacks. Part V moves from the local to the international, in particular the connection with mainland America. In their diversity, the contributions to this volume suggest the many ways in which the formation of the Caribbean Jewish diaspora can be understood today: as a Jewish diaspora dispersed under different European colonial empires; as a Jewish cultural entity created by a set of shared traditions and historical memories; and as one component in a web of relationships that characterized the Atlantic world. Defining it is no simple matter: like all diaspora identities it was constantly in flux, reinventing itself under changing historical circumstances. CONTRIBUTORS: Aviva Ben-Ur, Miriam Bodian, Judah M. Cohen, Eli Faber, Rachel Frankel, Noah L. Gelfand, Jane S. Gerber, Josette Capriles Goldish, Matt Goldish, Jonathan Israel, Stanley Mirvis, Gérard Nahon, Joanna Newman, Ronnie Perelis, Jackie Ranston, James Robertson, Jessica Roitman, Dale Rosengarten, Barry L. Stiefel, Hilit Surowitz-Israel, Karl Watson, Swithin Wilmot
Penguin Books Ltd The Things We Do To Our Friends: A Sunday Times bestselling deliciously dark, intoxicating, compulsive tale of feminist revenge, toxic friendships, and deadly secrets
'Satisfyingly dark, cleverly plotted and pleasingly Donna Tarttish' Emma Flint, Little Deaths'Seamlessly blends Gone Girl and Promising Young Woman. Smart, sophisticated, seductive' S J Watson, Before I Go To Sleep'A deeply compelling story of friendships turned rotten' Rosemary Hennigan, The Truth Will Out*Sunday Times Bestseller**Shortlisted for the Bloody Scotland Crime Debut of the Year 2023**Longlisted for the McIlvanney Prize**Top Ten eBook bestseller**One of Cosmopolitan's Best Books for 2023**One of Apple's Best of the Month**One of FT's Best New Debut Fiction**Heat Book of the Week*------Clare arrives at the University of Edinburgh with a secret. This is her chance for a blank slate: to find the right people and reinvent herself.And then she meets Tabitha.Tabitha is charismatic, beautiful and intimidatingly wealthy. Soon Clare is sucked into her enigmatic circle of friends and their dizzying world of champagne on rooftops and summers in France.Her new life has begun.Then Tabitha reveals the little project they're working on, a project they need Clare's help with. It's reckless, possibly perilous and might finally allow Clare to become who she was meant to be...But how much is an extraordinary life worth if others have to pay?An intoxicating feminist page-turner with shades of The Secret History and Promising Young Woman, this novel will take youon a journey from Edinburgh's dazzling spires to the dripping staircases and dark alleyways of its underbelly.------'Startlingly lovely, like a fine, dark silk shivering on your skin' Julia Heaberlin, We Are All the Same in the Dark'Perfect for fans of dark academia stories like The Secret History and If We Were Villains' Cosmopolitan'Darwent has a great career as a thriller writer ahead of her' Sunday Times'Dark academia and twisted friendships in gothic Edinburgh - what more could you want?' Cailean Steed, Home'Creepy yet compulsive, this impressive novel will stay with you long after reading' Heat'Dark and compulsive, this will have you turning the pages late into the night' Sarah Bonner, Her Perfect Twin'Themes of obsession, revenge and desire collide in a twisty, dark and delicious feminist thriller' Big Issue'An intriguing and complex heroine' Phoebe Wynne, Madam'Darwent keeps the reader guessing. Any time the balance of power appears to settle, the plot takes another twist' Scotland on Sunday'Such an immersive, surprising, impressive debut' Niamh Hargan, Twelve Days In May'Power, privilege and the most toxic of friendships. All set against the stunning backdrop of Edinburgh' Carys Jones, The List
John Wiley & Sons Inc Executive's Guide to Information Technology: Shrinking the IT Gap
Plain language, clear explanations, and a focus on practical business applications. A recent A. T. Kearny study found that information technology is the number-one item on the agendas of a majority of CEOs and boards of directors. However, while senior managers are spending more time keeping abreast of developments in IT, many remain uncomfortable making decisions concerning technology issues that they don't entirely grasp. Executive's Guide to Information Technology presents a comprehensive, nontechnical model for understanding the IT environment. Focused on the issues that are most important to upper-level managers, this book supplies the big-picture perspective needed to understand IT as a whole, while explaining how various components work together to support business functions. Without getting bogged down in details, it provides clear, comprehensible overviews of: * Networking and platform technologies * Software infrastructurE * Information management systems * Enabling technologies * Applications * Middleware, application servers, and system management technologies The future belongs to organizations with the knowledge and confidence to exploit their IT resources wisely and use them aggressively. Executive's Guide to Information Technology gives business leaders the tools they need to do both. In a business environment increasingly driven by information technology, it is essential for top-level executives to keep abreast of the latest developments in IT. They must understand how information systems can help achieve business goals and be able to use this understanding to make critical business decisions. Unfortunately, many senior-level executives find themselves at the mercy of technicians who have little grasp of business issues, focus on details rather than broader functions, and speak an arcane and mystifying language. There is a clear need for an intermediary to help executives decipher technological language, seek and get the answers that are most important from a business perspective, and develop better working relationships with IT personnel. Executive's Guide to Information Technology provides a "Rosetta stone" that makes sense of a seemingly chaotic cluster of components-a coherent, trustworthy frame of reference that lays the foundation for more effective working relationships among business executives and technology managers. This book helps executives ask better questions about IT issues and better understand the answers they receive. Using integrated models that illustrate how information technologies form an infrastructure that supports practical business uses of information, it keeps the discussion focused on matters of direct concern to executives. Understanding these models develops a stronger grasp of the evolving role IT plays within organizations and establishes a comfort zone within which managers can develop a keener comprehension of component technologies and the strategic and tactical business decisions that surround them. Whether it is read from cover to cover or consulted as a quick reference, Executive's Guide to Information Technology is an indispensable tool for CEOs, board members, COOs, CFOs, controllers, treasurers, and other business professionals who need to establish firm control of the governance, direction, and management of two of their most valuable assets: information and the technologies that support it.
John Wiley & Sons Inc America's Best: IndustryWeek's Guide to World-Class Manufacturing Plants
In 1990, IndustryWeek magazine established a prestigious new competition, the America's Best Plants Award, designed to recognize and honor the top manufacturing operations in the nation. To date, sixty-two companies—from such well-known names as Hewlett-Packard, Sony Electronics, Steelcase, and Xerox to smaller companies such as Zytec, John Crane Belfab, and Lord Corporation—have earned the illustrious designation of being one of America's Best Plants. Now these award-winning plants are profiled in America's Best, a unique reference that takes an in-depth look at leading-edge manufacturing practices. Detailing the individual components of world-class manufacturing, while providing personal experience from the field, America's Best offers practical guidelines that will help managers make strategic decisions regarding their own organizations. The book begins with the nine essential components of world-class manufacturing, their individual make-up, and how they interact with each other. These components—customer focus, quality, agility, employee involvement, strong supplier relations, technology, new product development, green manufacturing, community involvement—come together to create the basis of manufacturing excellence and will serve as a road map for improving your organization, your products, and your people. Profiles of each of the 62 Best Plant winners celebrate individual excellence in the field. Highlighting these profiles are on-site visit reports by IndustryWeek editors; detailed coverage of the many unique programs, tools, and techniques currently in use at each plant; and a listing of contact information for individual plants. Also included is a complete set of the winners' statistical measurements for use in benchmarking your own organization, as well as an assessment survey to help you determine how your plant measures up against the best. Filled with helpful data, advice, "lessons," and firsthand stories from Best Plant leaders and employees, America's Best will be essential reading for managers in executive suites to the shop floor who are charged with the success of their manufacturing organization. "A clear and exciting depiction of the dramatic changes taking place in manufacturing and the innovative approaches used to sustain world-class excellence." — Jerry J. Jasinowski President, National Association of Manufacturers "Highly readable and packed with relevant examples of what makes the best, best." — Carla O'Dell, PhD President, American Productivity & Quality Center "A rousing standing ovation for Ted Kinni and the editors of IndustryWeek. America's Best is a benchmark book, and Kinni and colleagues have pulled off an Olympian feat. . . . If you've set a course for excellence, you must read this book." — Jim Kouzes, coauthor The Leadership Challenge and Credibility, Chairman and CEO The Tom Peters Group/Learning Systems Advanced Filtration Systems, Inc. Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. Allen-Bradley Company Baxter Healthcare Corp. Chesebrough-Pond's USA Co. Cincinnati Milacron, Inc. Coherent, Inc. Continental General Tire, Inc. Copeland Corporation Corning, Inc. Dana Corporation Digital Equipment Corp. Edy's Grand Ice Cream Engelhard Corporation Exxon Chemical Co. Fisher-Rosemount, Inc. Ford Electronics & Refrigeration Corp. Ford Motor Co. The Foxboro Company GE Fanuc Automation NA, Inc. General Electric General Motors General Motors Corp., Cadillac Gilbarco, Inc. Hewlett-Packard Company Honeywell, Inc. IBM Corporation John Crane Belfab Johnson & Johnson Medical, Inc. Kennametal, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corp. Lord Corporation Marlow Industries, Inc. MEMC Electronic Materials Mettler-Toledo, Inc. Milwaukee Electric Tool Motorola, Inc. New United Motor Mfg., Inc. Nippondenso Mfg., USA, Inc. Northrop Grumman Corp. Pella Corporation Rockwell International Siemens Automotive Sony Electronics, Inc. SPX Corporation Steelcase, Inc. Stone Construction Equipment, Inc. Super Sack Manufacturing Symbiosis Corporation Tennessee Eastman Company Texas Instruments, Inc. The Timken Company TRW Vehicle Safety Systems, Inc. Unisys Corporation Varian Associates, Inc. Wilson Sporting Goods Company XEL Communications, Inc. Xerox Corporation Zytec Corporation
Clavis Publishing The New Bicycle
Gold Medal Winner of the 2022 Key Colors Competition, the biennial national contest for illustrators of children’s books."I loved the lyrical but simple language, which was well-matched to the elegant and representational line drawings, filled with watercolor. This was a delightful celebration of the power and wonder of bikes and the independence they bring, whether they’re used to run errands, meet new friends, deliver packages (here, an elephant!), or fulfill dreams. " - Youth Services Book Review(...) The Massachusetts Review does not usually publish children’s literature. However, The New Bicycle by Darcy Day Zoells reminds us that we share a common humanity. This gentle and beautiful children’s book is not only for the young; it alights a smile in all. Like so many before, the child traveller does not cease from exploration. And at the end of all of her exploring, she returns home, and knows it anew. Is there a dream bigger than returning home? With a knowledge that we are also all the same? As the world splinters and divides, perhaps we need to remember what we share, and that beauty brings us closer to the just—whether it be encountering a flower, a late Beethoven quartet, a Raga Darbari, or a children’s book. - Tanya Jayani Fernando; The Massachusetts Review“Young Mari has a new bike, and—clad in a bright red dress and bike helmet, with a pup in the front basket—she’s going for a spin. After her parents see her off, Mari’s adventures begin, riding from her neighborhood into increasingly fanciful settings. Passing a cluster of animals, she picks up an elephant carrying a festive balloon, who squishes into her back basket. The trio soon find not even the ocean can stop them, as “on her new bicycle, Mari could make her own way. New ways could lead to new friends” (a cheerful whale; kids on a passing ship) and new experiences (riding down a pyramid, with a sphinx nearby). Her bike also makes deliveries—first, the elephant to its savanna home, and, eventually, Mari herself, back down the sidewalk, where her beaming parents and neighbors await. Accompanying the succinct, straightforward text, lively cartoon illustrations further illuminate the story in intricate scenes full of warm hues and idiosyncratic background details. A delightful blend of whimsy and realism that captures the joy of new bikes, imagination—and where both can take you.” — Shelle Rosenfeld; Booklist ReviewMari lives in a very normal house in a very normal neighborhood. One day, she gets a new bicycle. It's bight, bold and brimming with possibilities! Mari sets off to see where her new bicycle will take her and her trip down the block becomes a fantastic adventure. During her journey, paving her own way, she meets new friends, transports precious cargo, and finds endless places to explore before returning home. An imaginative little road movie layered with meaning to ride along.