Search results for ""author lee""
Hal Leonard Corporation Opera with a Touch of Jazz: 18 Beloved Masterpieces for Solo Piano
Oxford University Press Inc Windows into the Earth: The Geologic Story of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks
Millions of years ago, the North American continent was dragged over the world's largest continental hotspot (a hug column of molten rock rising from the earth's interior), tracing a 5 mile wide, 500 mile long path northeastward across Idaho and generating huge volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The hotspot lifted the Yellowstone Plateau to more than 7000 feet and pushed the Northern Rockies to new heights. This book is the story of those events and how the landscape of the two great national parks was shaped by earthquakes, volcanoes, geysers and, in the uplifted Rocky Mountains, mountain glaciers. The story is also a 'window' into the earth's interior, revealing the dynamic processes within.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Engaging Mirror Neurons to Inspire Connection and Social Emotional Development in Children and Teens on the Autism Spectrum: Theory into Practice through Drama Therapy
The innovative drama therapy programme develops social skills in children and teens on the autism spectrum by looking to the mirror neuron system as the key to social connection and interaction.Lee R. Chasen provides an accessible explanation of the approach's grounding in neuroscience, followed by a thirty-session program involving creative tools such as guided play, sociometry, puppetry, role-play, video modeling and improvisation. Scenarios drawn from his own practice provide useful insights into both the practicalities and positive results of this unique approach. This ground-breaking book will be of interest to drama and creative arts therapists, as well as teachers, school psychologists, counsellors and other professionals who work with children on the autism spectrum.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Social Skills, Emotional Growth and Drama Therapy: Inspiring Connection on the Autism Spectrum
Drama therapy provides valuable opportunities for children on the autism spectrum to interact and connect with others in a fun, supportive environment. The innovative model of drama therapy described in this book is rooted in neuroscience, and designed specifically to develop social, emotional and expressive language skills in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Lee R. Chasen provides an accessible explanation of the theoretical foundations, concepts and techniques that make up the approach, and describes in detail a thirty-session drama therapy program which uses creative and playful tools such as guided play, sociometry, puppetry, role-play, video modeling and improvisation. Scenarios drawn from his own practice provide useful insights into the practicalities of setting up and running such a program, as well as into how children's social, emotional and expressive language skills deepen through their immersion in this unique approach. This book will be of interest to drama and creative arts therapists, as well as teachers, school psychologists, counsellors and other professionals who work with children with autism spectrum disorders.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
Set aside trends to focus on the fundamentals of great leadership Reframing Organizations provides time-tested guidance for more effective organizational leadership. Rooted in decades of social science research across multiple disciplines, Bolman and Deal's four-frame model has continued to evolve since its conception over 25 years ago; this new sixth edition has been updated to include coverage of cross-sector collaboration, generational differences, virtual environments, globalization, sustainability, and communication across cultures. The Instructor's guide has been expanded to provide additional tools for the classroom, including chapter summary tip sheets, mini-assessments, Bolman & Deal podcasts, and more. These recent revisions reflect the intersection of reader recommendations and the current leadership environment, resulting in a renewed practicality and even greater alignment with everyday application. Combining the latest research from organizational theory, organizational behavior, psychology, sociology, political science and more, the model detailed here provides real guidance for real leaders. Guide, motivate, and inspire your team's best performance as you learn to: Optimize group, team, and organizational structure Build a positive, collaborative dynamic across generations, teams, and sectors Understand power and conflict amidst the internal and external political landscape Shape your organization's culture and build a cohesive sense of spirit Bolman and Deal's four-frame model has withstood the test of time because it offers an accessible, compact, and powerful set of ideas for navigating complexity and turbulence. In today's business climate, leadership trends come and go; today's flash in the pan is tomorrow's obsolete strategy, but a leadership framework built on a solid foundation will serve your organization well no matter what the future holds. Reframing Organizations provides clear guidance and up-to-date insight for anyone facing the challenges of contemporary leadership.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reichman and Hershfield's Tuberculosis: A Comprehensive, International Approach
Thoroughly examining tuberculosis from historical, theoretical, and clinical perspectives, this Third Edition merges state-of-the-art research developments with principles of programmatic TB management. Each of the 50 chapters analyze current studies on TB mechanisms and treatment and will meet the needs of all who work in the field of TB control, whether in low-income, high-prevalence areas or in low-prevalence industrialized countries.
University Press of Florida Archaeologies of Indigenous Presence
Highlighting collaborative archaeological research that centers the enduring histories of Native peoples in North AmericaChallenging narratives of Indigenous cultural loss and disappearance that are still prevalent in the archaeological study of colonization, this book highlights collaborative research and efforts to center the enduring histories of Native peoples in North America through case studies from several regions across the continent.The contributors to this volume, including Indigenous scholars and Tribal resource managers, examine different ways that archaeologists can center long-term Indigenous presence in the practices of fieldwork, laboratory analysis, scholarly communication, and public interpretation. These conversations range from ways to reframe colonial encounters in light of Indigenous persistence to the practicalities of identifying poorly documented sites dating to the late nineteenth century.In recognizing Indigenous presence in the centuries after 1492, this volume counters continued patterns of unknowing in archaeology and offers new perspectives on decolonizing the field. These essays show how this approach can help expose silenced histories, modeling research practices that acknowledge Tribes as living entities with their own rights, interests, and epistemologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Wizard and the Warrior: Leading with Passion and Power
The Wizard and the Warrior gives leaders the insight and courage they need to take risks on behalf of values they cherish and the people they guide. Great leaders must act both as wizard, calling on imagination, creativity, meaning, and magic, and as warrior, mobilizing strength, courage, and willingness to fight as necessary to fulfill their mission. Best-selling authors Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal present the defining moments and experiences of exemplary leaders such as Carly Fiorina, Thomas Keller (head chef of French Laundry), David Neeleman (CEO of Jet Blue), Mary Kay Ash, Warren Buffet, Anne Mulcahy, and Abraham Lincoln¾all of whom have wrested with their own inner warrior and wizard. These engaging, realistic case studies are followed by commentaries that will raise questions and suggest possibilities without rushing to resolution or simple answers.
Oxford University Press Inc A Legacy of Discrimination: The Essential Constitutionality of Affirmative Action
A timely defense of affirmative action policies that offers a more nuanced understanding of how centuries of invidious racism, discrimination, and segregation in the United States led to and justifies such policies from both a moral and constitutional perspective. Since 1961, the issue of "affirmative action" has been a hotly contested legal and political issue. Intended to address our nation's often horrifying discrimination against Black Americans and other minorities, affirmative action has led over the past sixty years to far greater minority representation across a vast range of industries, government positions, and academic institutions. Nonetheless, affirmative action policies in the United States continue to fall under assault. In A Legacy of Discrimination, Lee C. Bollinger and Geoffrey R. Stone, two of America's leading constitutional scholars, trace the policy's history and the legal challenges it has faced over the decades. They argue that in order to fully comprehend affirmative action's original intent and impact, we must re-acquaint ourselves with the era in which it arose, beginning with the most important Supreme Court decision of the 20th century, 1954's Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas. Assessing this history, Bollinger and Stone introduce subsequent, and evolving, affirmative-action case law that had the intent and effect of constraining social, educational, and economic progress for Black people and other minority groups. They demonstrate how and why affirmative action policies stand on firm legal ground and must remain protected. Further, they explain why Americans must view affirmative action as a long-term moral commitment to secure justice, especially for Black Americans, after three and a half centuries of grave injustice that violates the most essential aspirations of our nation. A timely and robust overview of the history of our nation's historical and continuing racial discrimination and of the advent of affirmative action as a critical means to address this history, this book will serve as a powerful defense of a policy that has accomplished more than most people realize in making America a fairer and more inclusive country.
Random House Publishing Group The Long Lavender Look
Random House Publishing Group The Scarlet Ruse
Mystic Productions Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries
In a wide variety of pagan paths, many forms of modern magic and mystery hold an expectation that all parties are heterosexual, cisgender, and, in many cases, white. In Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries, Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin bring together a diverse and passionate collection of authors and artists who break out beyond that belief and explore how being LGBT+ is not just acceptable when exploring magic, but powerful. Using the diverse tools of queer activism, education, and storytelling, through academic essays and first-person narratives to comics and poster-style art, this intersectional group exposes a world beyond what so many magical practitioners have presumed is "normal." The reality is that magic, whether in Wicca or Vodou, Heathenry or Polytheism, has been fueled by people and systems beyond the binary for millennia. For many within, magic and queerness are not separate, but deeply entwined pieces of identity, worldview, and culture experienced together, always. Drag queen magic, Inclusive witchcraft, and magic for healing and survival. Gender transition in Rome, possession practices, and DIY divination. Social justice, queer black tantra, and polarity beyond gender. Honoring ancestors, fluidity of consciousness, and reimagining the Great Rite. Queer sex magic, power sigils, deities that reflect diversity... and more. Whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, agender, genderqueer, or some other queer orientation, or you are curious about tools to access magic beyond what is often discussed, this book is for you. Each piece is a unique and passionate chance to look into your own relationship with magic, break out of the tales of what your practice "should" look like, and expand your awareness into the queer magic as well as your own power beyond boundaries.
Page Street Publishing Co. With Great Power: The Marvelous Stan Lee
Every superhero has their origin story: a radioactive spider bite turns ordinary teen Peter Parker into Spider-Man, wealthy Tony Stark escapes captivity by building his Iron Man suit, scientist Bruce Banner survives gamma rays only to transform into the Hulk. For Stan Lee, it was books of adventure, monsters, and magic that helped him transform from an ordinary boy to a superstar superhero creator. At first, reading these stories was a pathway to a world bigger than his family's tiny apartment in New York City, but it wasn't long until Stan was crafting his own stories, creating comics professionally when he was still just a teenager! Still, writing wasn't exciting when the heroes were always the same: strong, perfect, and boring. Stan had a revolutionary idea. What if anyone-even an ordinary kid-could be a superhero? Discover more about the life of the Cameo King, known to many for his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and how he revolutionized comics with this vibrant introduction bustling with action, humor, and references for fans new and old. 'Nuff said!
Astra Publishing House Alphathoughts
This clever collection of poems offers a word for each of the twenty–six letters— E for elevator, I for igloo, S for science—followed by a brief, playful definition. The subject of the poems are wide–ranging, and young readers will enjoy discovering the word or words in each poem that start with the featured letter.
Peter Pauper Press My First Baby Signs: Over 40 Fundamental Signs for You and Baby
Harlequin Bestselling Author Collection Fallen Angel & the Soldier's Secret Child
St Martin's Press The Picture Bride
WW Norton & Co The Photographer's Guide to Washington, D.C.: Where to Find Perfect Shots and How to Take Them
This detailed guide will help you enjoy, explore, and photograph Washington, D.C., whether you are an amateur photographer, a gifted professional, or an adventurer recording your experience graphically with a cell phone or a point-and-shoot camera.
Georgetown University Press The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process
The U.S. Supreme Court - at least until Bush v. Gore - had seemed to float along in an apolitical haze in the mind of the electorate. It was the executive branch and the legislative branch that mucked about in politics getting dirty, the judicial branch kept its robes - and nose - clean. "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process" makes it abundantly clear however that before, during, and after the judicial decision that made George W. Bush the President of the United States, everything was, is, and will likely be, politics-including the decisions handed down by the highest court in the land. This revised and updated edition takes into account not only the recent famous (or infamous, depending on the reader's point of view) judicial decision on the Presidency, but a myriad of others as well in which the U.S. Supreme Court has considered the constitutionality of a wide range of issues involving voting and elections, representation, and political participation. Practitioners and academics in both law and political science examine a number of court actions that directly affect how we choose those who govern us, and how those decisions have affected our electoral politics, constitutional doctrine, and the fundamental concepts of democracy, including: racial redistricting, term limits, political patronage, campaign finance regulations, third-party ballot access, and state ballot initiatives limiting civil liberties. Of the first edition, "Choice" said, "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Electoral Process" "plumbs the Supreme Court's constitutive apolitical role as 'primary shaper of the electoral system' and reveals the pervasive involvement of the Court in the political process."
Random House USA Inc A Purple Place for Dying: A Travis McGee Novel
Simon & Schuster Spectacular Science: A Book of Poems
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Wonderful Words: Poems about Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening
Stanford University Press Private Management and Public Policy: The Principle of Public Responsibility
Private Management and Public Policy is a landmark work at the intersection of business and society. First published in 1975, it focuses on the management processes that companies use to respond to social issues. The text develops the "principle of public responsibility" as an alternative to the notion that firms have unlimited accountability. And, it presents one of the first systems-based approaches to corporate responsibility, providing theoretical support for business involvement in public policy. Arguably, the book's major contribution is its broad outline of an alternative theory of the firm in society—one that offers the possibility of overcoming traditional public and private dichotomies.
Johns Hopkins University Press Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted
Time. Gravity. Night. So much of what surrounds us feels familiar and mundane. But each is a wonder that reveals profound insights into the world around us. C. Renee James's whimsical tour of seven everyday experiences-night, light, stuff, gravity, time, home, and wonder-opens the Universe to fantastical contemplation. Light? Although we need it to see, there's much more to it than meets the eye. Stuff? When it comes down to it, things are almost entirely empty space-99.9% nothing-especially when you get to the atomic level. Home? James's contemplation of our place in the Universe shows that it's not just a place to hang your hat-and that there's really nothing else like it. James introduces each of these seven wonders with a simple question that appears to be easily answered. The questions are deceptive, though-as is James's casual, light-hearted style. Underneath lie such concepts as relativity, matter and antimatter, and the electromagnetic spectrum. Her accessible discussion uses common analogies and entertaining illustrations to provide a bundle of detail on historical discoveries and to provoke serious pondering. Fun and edifying, Seven Wonders of the Universe That You Probably Took for Granted is an inviting introduction to secret knowledge of our everyday world. This book may be 99.9% nothing, but the thoughts it will inspire are massive.
Harvard Educational Publishing Group Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide
In this practical guide, Thomas Fowler-Finn identifies the key ideas explored in each phase of instructional rounds and discusses how facilitators can skilfully guide a network of educators through the rounds process while gradually transferring agency to the network.He shows how to scaffold participant learning and model effective teaching practices, and explores potential facilitator responses to issues that arise at each step. The book includes new and tested protocols to advance the work of all facilitators, whether novice or experienced.Written by a leading instructional rounds consultant who worked closely with the Harvard team that pioneered instructional rounds, Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide provides tools, suggestions, and reflections to ensure that facilitators—and the networks they lead—achieve maximum results.
Zondervan For a New Generation: A Practical Guide for Revitalizing Your Church
A New Generation Church is a church with attendees whose average age is at least as young as the average age of the community in which the church exists. Any church can become a New Generation Church that reaches and continues to reach the next generation.The Psalmist writes:We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. (Psalm 78:4 NLT)No Christian would purposely hide the timeless truths of Christianity from the next generation. But often we do, not because of the substance of our church, but because of the approach of our church.For A New Generation is not about changing your church’s statement of faith or core beliefs. It is about evaluating and changing, as needed, your church’s programs, ministries and practices in order to more effectively connect with and stay connected with the next generation.Written for both church leaders and members, For a New Generation presents 5 practical strategies that will lay a foundation for a church to thrive for generations to come. It is based on the assumption that accepting the status quo is the greatest threat to your church’s core mission and, perhaps, to the long-term survival of your church.
University of Pennsylvania Press Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur
This stunning catalogue includes color photographs of more than 230 objects, excavated in the 1930s by renowned British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley, from the third-millennium-B.C. Sumerian city of Ur. Learn the fascinating story of the excavation and preservation of these magnificent artifacts. Many of the objects are published in color and fully described for the first time—jewelry of gold and semiprecious stones, engraved seal stones, spectacular gold and lapis lazuli statuettes and musical instruments; and vessels of gold, silver, and alabaster. Curator Richard Zettler sets the stage with a history of Ur in the third millennium and the details of the actual excavations. Art historians Donald Hansen and Holly Pittman discuss the historical importance and significance of the many motifs on the most spectacular finds from the tombs.
Cambridge University Press The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time: A Proposal in Natural Philosophy
Cosmology is in crisis. The more we discover, the more puzzling the universe appears to be. How and why are the laws of nature what they are? A philosopher and a physicist, world-renowned for their radical ideas in their fields, argue for a revolution. To keep cosmology scientific, we must replace the old view in which the universe is governed by immutable laws by a new one in which laws evolve. Then we can hope to explain them. The revolution that Roberto Mangabeira Unger and Lee Smolin propose relies on three central ideas. There is only one universe at a time. Time is real: everything in the structure and regularities of nature changes sooner or later. Mathematics, which has trouble with time, is not the oracle of nature and the prophet of science; it is simply a tool with great power and immense limitations. The argument is readily accessible to non-scientists as well as to the physicists and cosmologists whom it challenges.
V&R unipress GmbH Berichte und Studien.: Eine Debatte
Boom! Studios Origins
One thousand years after humans have gone extinct and artificial intelligence has taken over the world, a single man is brought back to life—David Adams, the genius whose technology was responsible for the destruction of his species, and who has been given a second chance at life in order to save mankind and undo his biggest mistake. HUMANITY IS NO MORE. One thousand years after humans have gone extinct and artificial intelligence has taken over the world, a single man is brought back to life—David Adams, the genius whose technology was responsible for the destruction of his species, and who has been given a second chance at life in order to save mankind and undo his biggest mistake. But even with the help of Chloe, his first creation and the android that revived him, he may not be enough to reignite the spark of humanity or stop the AI overlords who plan to eliminate the last hope for mankind. Now, David and Chloe must embark on the greatest journey of their lives, as he seeks to find redemption and discover if humanity can - or should - have any kind of future. Acclaimed writer Clay McLeod Chapman (Absolute Carnage: Separation Anxiety) and illustrator Jakub Rebelka (Judas), present a stunning view of a future where humanity’s last hope may be the person who created its destruction. Collects Origins #1-6.
Atheneum Books VIVí En El Cerro Mariposa (I Lived on Butterfly Hill)
Red Wheel/Weiser Wild Idea Club: A Collaborative System to Solve Workplace Problems, Improve Efficiency, and Boost Your Bottom Line
Amazon Publishing Knight Kyle and the Magic Silver Lance
Welcome to Knight Kyle’s world! Beyond the great forest and towering Dragon Mountain lies Fairyland, a land of elves and trolls, dragons and giants, magicians and fairies. And in one corner, Fairyland East, lives Knight Kyle. Kyle’s great-grandfather once possessed a silver lance that, according to legend, gave its owner invincible power. The lance is now missing, and Kyle is always looking for it, but so are his worst enemies: the robber Rasputin and the evil magician Balduin. Luckily, Kyle has the help of his friends, including Lady Constance (who is as brave as a dragon), Dragobert (who really is a dragon), Elf Aurin (whose harp playing, unfortunately, puts Kyle to sleep), and Prince Nepomuk (who protects his friends and his wardrobe at all times). Almost every day they find themselves in a new amazing adventure.…
Stone Arch Books Captain Cold and the Blizzard Battle
Harvest House Publishers,U.S. Bedtime on Noah's Ark
It’s Time to Catch Some ZZZ's on the Open Seas From aardvarks to zebras, the ark carried them all. And just like little boys and girls, animals need their rest too! Children will love this colorful and creative board book following the nighttime regimens of some of Noah’s most adorable shipmates. Little ones will learn how to scrub like monkeys, rinse off like elephants, wash behind their bunny ears, and so much more. This Bible-inspired story is a fun way to help children acclimate to their own bedtime routine and for you to send your cute little critters off to bed to sleep like leopards until tomorrow comes.
Random House USA Inc Better Off Dead: A Jack Reacher Novel
Panini Publishing Ltd Doctor Who: Land of the Blind
Titan Books Ltd Rivers of London Vol. 1: Body Work Deluxe Writers' Edition
Ben Aaronovitch’s ‘Rivers of London’ Set For Adaptation By See-Saw, Pure Fiction TelevisionCSI meets Harry Potter in this fantastic SPECIAL EDITION graphic novel from Ben Aaronovitch, writer of the bestselling Rivers of London supernatural police procedural crime novel series! This Deluxe Writers' Edition presents the full script of the graphic novel along with the unlettered, full-color artwork, allowing the reader to read the original script and see the artwork side-by-side. Grant is part of a very special London police unit. Full-time cop and part time wizard he works on rather unusual crimes - those that involve magic and the general weirdness that permeates London's dark underbelly. His latest case begins with a perfectly innocent car on a homicidal killing spree - without a driver. But, before you know it, there's a Bosnian refugee, the Most Haunted Car in England, a bunch of teenagers loaded on Ketamine and seemingly-harmless wooden bench with the darkest of pasts...
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Grey Area: This Island Earth
ILLEGAL ALIENS!NORTH AMERICA, 2045. The Global Exo Segregation Zone (aka the ‘Grey Area’) is a huge holding area in Arizona housing all manner of aliens hoping to visit earth: a melting pot for alien disputes, crime and inter-species misunderstandings! The only thing standing in the way of chaos is the Exo Transfer Control squads: heavily-armed immigration cops that keep the peace and make sure everyone has their papers in order…From contemptuous extra-terrestrial ambassadors with diplomatic immunity, to xenophobic extremists and alien freeloaders disguised as luggage, new recruit Jana Birdy discovers that life in the E.T.C. might be the most interesting job on Earth… and the most dangerous!
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Taking Control: Sovereignty and Democracy After Brexit
Taking Control argues that neither side in the Brexit debate really understood the European Union or what was involved in reclaiming Britain’s sovereignty. The EU is neither a supranational nanny state, nor an internationalist peace project. It is the means by which Europe’s elites transformed their own states in order to rule the void where representative politics used to be. Leaving the EU is a necessary but not sufficient step towards closing the chasm between rulers and ruled. This book makes the democratic case for national sovereignty, arguing for a radical, forward-looking reconstitution of the British nation-state through strengthening representative democracy. It is essential for anyone who wonders why British politics is so dysfunctional and who wants to do better.
Marvel Comics Strange Vol. 2: The Doctor Strange Of Death
Running Press,U.S. Backcountry Cocktails: Civilized Drinks for Wild Places
Craft cocktails meet the great outdoors in this vibrant celebration of good times and good spirits, from the authors of The Cocktail Workshop. What could possibly enhance the natural beauty of a crystal clear lake, snow-capped mountain, or backyard fire pit? A craft cocktail, of course! So cozy up by the campfire, pack your cooler for a picnic out at the lake, or rent a mountainside cabin with your friends-it's time to head for the woods for some good times and good spirits courtesy of Backcountry Cocktails. Inspired by the singular natural beauty of New Hampshire's White Mountains, this book is a true celebration of entertaining in the outdoors-with dozens of seasonally-inspired and organized recipes to enjoy outside, whether you're on an early spring hike or a mid-winter retreat. Each recipe from authors Steven Grasse and Adam Erace, of The Cocktail Workshop, captures the energy of hitting the trails in an elevated yet approachable ode to craft cocktails and the beauty of the natural world. No matter your cocktailing style, there's something for everyone, from spiked cocoa to frozen fizzes (perfect for packing as a treat after an afternoon of hiking), and even foraged creations that will tie your experience to the land around you. All recipes are designed to use relatively few ingredients (for easy packability), and to be both portable and batachable-so you can enjoy them no matter what kind of adventure you have planned for the day. Each seasonal chapter also includes a handful of recipes for entertaining, like Crispy Cast-Iron Trout with Wild Greens, "field guide" how-tos on local experts covering topics from medicinal plants to preserving fruit, and DIYs (like fermenting your own vegetables or foraging for mushrooms).
Image Comics I Hate This Place
After inheriting a farmhouse, Trudy and Gabby are ready to start the next chapter of their lives together...except it’s already home to a mysterious force that’s attracted ghosts, aliens, and all kinds of supernatural beings for decades. Now, Gabby and Trudy must play by the “house rules” in order to survive living amongst the most frightening creatures on Earth in this new series from Kyle Starks (ASSASSIN NATION, THE SIX SIDEKICKS OF TRIGGER KEATON) and Artyom Topilin (Ice Cream Man Presents Quarantine Comix Special). Collects I HATE THIS PLACE #1-6.
DC Comics Before Watchmen ComedianRorschach
A New York Times Bestseller! The controversial, long-awaited prequels to the best-selling graphic novel of all-time are finally here: Before Watchmen! For over twenty years, the back stories of the now iconic characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon''s landmark graphic novel have remained a mystery, until now. DC Comics has assembled the greatest creators in the industry to further paint the world of Watchmen, with this second volume starring two of the most polarizing anti-heroes ever, Comedian and Rorschach. Eisner Award-winning writer and creator of 100 Bullets, Brian Azzarello brings his gritty, nuanced storytelling to these two recognizable characters. In Rorschach, Azzarello again teams with superstar artist Lee Bermejo (Joker, Luthor, Batman/Deathblow) to illustrate how one of most dangerous vigilantes the comic world has ever seen became even darker. Comedian, featuring art by J.G. Jones
Channel View Publications Ltd Tourism and Souvenirs: Glocal Perspectives from the Margins
Souvenirs are part of global and local travel and tourism in all corners of the world. This book portrays souvenirs as expressions of culture and as triggers of cultural change. The volume provides critique and theorisation of souvenirs of places, people and experiences in the context of lives lived at the margins of society, politics, tourism flows and urbanisation. Case studies in sustainable tourism illustrate dynamic ways that consumers and suppliers use souvenirs to respond to, resist and (re)interpret global and local influences upon cultures across informal, hybrid and formal economies.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co New Second Steps in Latin
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance To The Mask