Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Physiology Or Medicine 2001-2005
This volume is a collection of the Nobel Lectures delivered by the prizewinners, together with their biographies and the presentation speeches at the award ceremonies in Stockholm for the period 2001 - 2005. Each Nobel Lecture is based on the work for which the laureate was awarded the prize. This volume of inspiring lectures should be on the bookshelf of every keen student, teacher and professor of physiology/medicine as well as of those in related fields.The following is a list of the Nobel laureates during 2001 - 2005 with a description of the works that won them their prizes:(2001) Leland H Hartwell, Tim Hunt & Sir Paul Nurse — for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle; (2002) Sydney Brenner, H Robert Horvitz & John E Sulston — for their discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death; (2003) Paul C Lauterbur & Sir Peter Mansfield — for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging; (2004) Richard Axel & Linda B Buck — for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system; (2005) Barry J Marshall & J Robin Warren — for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Escape From Leipzig
With a foreword written by G *#x0027;t HooftIn the 1960s, Leipzig was the center of resistance in East Germany. Harald Fritzsch, then a physics student, contemplated escape. But before he left, he wanted to demonstrate to the government that they had gone too far when they destroyed St. Paul's Church in May 1968. He accomplished that by unrolling a protest transparency in spectacular fashion. Despite the great efforts of the secret police, the STASI, the government was unable to find out who was responsible for this act. Soon after, together with a friend, Fritzsch began his journey to Bulgaria in order to escape into Turkey by traversing the Black Sea in a folding canoe. This was a daredevil endeavor, never done before.In this book, Harald Fritzsch — now a world-renowned physicist — portrays in captivating detail an authentic picture of the East German regime and the events of the late 1960s. Today, 40 years later, he critically takes stock of the events since German reunification.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Medical Ethics: Patient's Interest First (2nd Edition)
Throughout history, men have repeatedly made judgments regarding their own conduct and that of their fellow men. Some acts have been judged to be right or good, while other acts have been denounced as wrong or evil. Ethical judgment in medicine, as in other areas of life, is an attempt to distinguish between good and bad conduct.This book is based on three lectures given by the author as the Medical Director of Eye Clinic Singapura International. The first lecture was an address delivered to medical undergraduates at the National University of Singapore in 1975. The second was a Commonwealth Medical Association lecture delivered a decade ago. The third was a Singapore Medical Association lecture delivered in 1981. This volume, emphasizing the principles of medical ethics, has been kept simple and brief, and it is hoped that it will make interesting reading for both medical professionals and the general public.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Energy And International War: From Babylon To Baghdad And Beyond
Will international wars where energy resources play a central role continue to hold sway over life and death for industrialized nations, or is this a transient phase in the evolution of industrial societies? This book answers this question by tracing the history of energy and conflict from antiquity, through the epic hot and cold wars of the twentieth century, to expected outcome of the war in Iraq. It points the way to the end of wars over control of fossil fuels, and demonstrates why these may be the last major international wars over other resources as well.This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of energy use or international conflict. Readers will find in it an illuminating overview of the sweep of historical events. The book further provides a compelling explanation of how a thorough understanding of the evolutionary direction of these events challenges the conventional wisdom that resource wars are endemic to the nature of industrial society, thus offering a fresh view on one of the most important challenges of our time.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Analysis In Mathematical Physics - Proceedings Of A Satellite Conference Of Icm 2006
The ideas and principles of stochastic analysis have managed to penetrate into various fields of pure and applied mathematics in the last 15 years; it is particularly true for mathematical physics. This volume provides a wide range of applications of stochastic analysis in fields as varied as statistical mechanics, hydrodynamics, Yang-Mills theory and spin-glass theory.The proper concept of stochastic dynamics relevant to each type of application is described in detail here. Altogether, these approaches illustrate the reasons why their dissemination in other fields is likely to accelerate in the years to come.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Migration And Social Protection In China
China has an estimated 120-150 million internal migrants from the countryside living in its cities. These people are the engine that has been driving China's high rate of economic growth. However, until recently, little or no attention has been given to the establishment of a social protection regime for migrant workers. This volume examines the key issues involved in establishing social protection for them, including a critical examination of deficiencies in existing arrangements and an in-depth study of proposals that have been offered for extending social security coverage. Featuring contributions from leading academics outside China who have written on the topic as well as experts from leading Chinese academic institutions such as Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Development Research Center in the State Council, this volume provides a comprehensive account from both inside and outside China.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Focus Of Discoveries, A
In 1887, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) was originally founded as the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (PTR) in Berlin in order to promote basic research in physics. It subsequently developed into the largest research center worldwide as a place where scientists could concentrate exclusively on their research subject, and served as a model for similar institutes established in other countries.Within a very short time, the PTR produced extremely important scientific results that cemented its international position at the top, such as Max Planck's radiation law and energy quantization theory as well as Walther Meissner's discovery of the Meissner effect which represented a turning point in the field of superconductivity. This book describes the scientific and industrial milieu of the time, and explains in detail the role of the key people, including Albert Einstein's involvement with the PTR. A brief discussion on how the PTR was affected by the Nazi dictatorship in Germany is also given.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Scholars' Secrets: How To Get Your A's
Do you wish to get better grades in school? Have you ever dreamed of being a top student? If your answer to these questions is “yes!”, then this is the book for you. In this book, the author shares his personal story about how he progressed from doing badly in primary school to topping his class in postgraduate studies, whilst dealing with obstacles like poverty and parental abuse. He also shares with readers the stories of other past scholars who won various scholarships. Unlike most books on study and examination techniques which are written by teachers, examiners, psychologists and other “experts”, this book is written from the perspective of the students themselves. From interviews conducted with these past scholars, we learn about their well-proven study and examination techniques as well as factors that either helped, hindered or motivated them in their studies. This, then, is one of the rare “How to …” books that addresses the issue of motivation and is generously garnished with lots of inspiration, for your success in studies, exams, and in life.Related Title:• Success Secrets
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 100 Inspiring Rafflesians, 1823-2003
This enlightening book describes the lives and achievements of eminent Rafflesians from Raffles Institution, Raffles Girls'; School and Raffles Junior College, many of whom have served in the Singapore public and community service in the highest positions. The biographies contain little known facts of interest, which have been embellished with personal anecdotes obtained from those interviewed.The book also represents a brave undertaking by a visually handicapped person, who is himself a Rafflesian.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd International Management Accounting In Japan: Current Status Of Electronics Companies
In the interests of globalization, many companies today are establishing theories and practices for international management accounting. This book discusses the current status of international management accounting in Japan through interviews with three major electronics companies. By tracing the history of the business expansion of the three companies, as well as their transition of strategies and accompanying organizational structure, key features and details of international management accounting are faithfully described. The book is divided into two parts. Part I describes general concepts of international management accounting in global companies, while Part II analyzes the experiences of three leading electronics companies — Matsushita, Sharp and Sanyo — in international management accounting. Written in a scholarly yet accessible manner, this book will benefit both academics and industry professionals practising in the field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd China Developing: Cultural Identity Of Emerging Societies
This book deals with the intellectual foundation of the sociopolitical, economic and legal systems of developing countries, using a methodological approach. It calls for not only the need to search for a country's cultural identity, but also a need to analyze the prevalent concepts important to a contemporary modern society, such as the respect for an individual, human rights, freedom, equality, democracy and the universal respect for law. Based on the author's lifelong reflection on why some of these deeply treasured Western values and institutions have not been useful in developing democracy in Asia, it examines which values are applicable and which are not to Asian emerging societies. Using China's historical and contemporary attempts in modernization and development, the author suggests that all mighty rivers are confluences of multiple tributaries. Likewise, an emerging society has to recognize that the dynamism of its history would also be derived from a confluence of multiple cultural traditions. As a valuable resource for decision-makers of developing countries, this book will help to shed some light on the potential pitfalls and fallacies they may encounter in their search for a cultural identity and values to subscribe to, among the many that are circulating in our globalized world.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Calculus And Techniques Of Optimization With Microeconomic Applications
This textbook is designed as a guide for students of mathematical economics, with the aim of providing them with a firm foundation for further studies in economics. A substantial portion of the mathematical tools required for the study of microeconomics at the graduate level is covered, in addition to the standard elements of microeconomics and various applications. Theorems and definitions are clearly explained with numerous exercises to complement the text and to help the student better understand and master the principles of mathematical economics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Dynamic And Stochastic Approaches To The Environment And Economic Development
This book is a collection of Amitrajeet A Batabyal's most important papers on the environment and economic development. It begins with a comprehensive and previously unpublished introductory chapter, followed by 12 chapters on different problems such as land use for agricultural purposes, environmental policy design, flood control, and renewable resource management. This book's uniqueness stems from the fact that it uses novel modeling tools that are largely unfamiliar to economists to shed valuable light on contemporary problems at the interface of the environment and economic development.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Creative Marketing For New Product And New Business Development
New products and new business development require innovative, creative marketing solutions in order to successfully differentiate them from competing products in the marketplace. This important book explores and elucidates the essence of creativity, with an emphasis on how to proceed with R&D activities strategically and how to connect them with successful products, services and commercialization. Using interesting, real case studies such as “Healthy Tea™” developed by Japan Coca-Cola, Inc., the recommendation engine “Teach Me Electronic Appliances”, and the development of various robots, the book uncovers the secret of successful marketing and shows how to develop and deploy new products and services on a sustainable basis. It will therefore appeal to both business practitioners as well as researchers and students interested in innovation and marketing issues.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adsorption: Progress In Fundamental And Application Research - Selected Reports At The 4th Pacific Basin Conference On Adsorption Science And Technology
Adsorption is the basis of various emerging technologies that will be essential for addressing the problems of technologies that will be essential for addressing the problems of energy conservation and environmental protection.This volume reviews recent progress and outlines the outlook for future development in adsorption theories, kinetics, pressure swing adsorption, SMB, and new nanoporous adsorbents. The contributions cover the fundamental knowledge and methodologies for adsorption experiments and calculations regarding equilibria, heat effects, adsorbent structural modeling, diffusion measurement, and selectivity control.The volume also includes topics concerning hydrogen storage, desulfurization of fuels, and chiral separation. The contributors are internationally renowned scholars in the field of adsorption.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Spin Structure Of The Proton, The
One of the main challenges in nuclear and particle physics in the last 20 years has been to understand how the proton's spin is built up from its quark and gluon constituents. Quark models generally predict that about 60% of the proton's spin should be carried by the spin of the quarks inside, whereas high energy scattering experiments have shown that the quark spin contribution is small — only about 30%. This result has been the underlying motivation for about 1000 theoretical papers and a global program of dedicated spin experiments at BNL, CERN, DESY and Jefferson Laboratory to map the individual quark and gluon angular momentum contributions to the proton's spin, which are now yielding exciting results. This book gives an overview of the present status of the field: what is new in the data and what can be expected in the next few years. The emphasis is on the main physical ideas and the interpretation of spin data. The interface between QCD spin physics and the famous axial U(1) problem of QCD (eta and etaprime meson physics) is also highlighted.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd From Quanta To Quarks: More Anecdotal History Of Physics
This enlightening book, a sequel to QUIPS, QUOTES, AND QUANTA, helps readers to understand how physicists think about and look at the world. Starting with the discovery and investigation of cosmic rays, the book proceeds to cover some major areas of modern physics in laymen's terms. Unlike other books that deal with the history of physics, this volume concentrates on anecdotes about the physicists who created the new ideas, with a heavy emphasis on personal incidents and quotes. At the same time it presents, in every day language, the ideas created by these physicists. Both thematic and biographical in nature, readers will be entertained with humorous events in the lives of some famous scientists. Readers will also learn quite a lot about modern physics without the mathematical details, but with the important concepts intact.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Theory Of Orbital Motion
Orbital motion is a vital subject which has engaged the greatest minds in mathematics and physics from Kepler to Einstein. It has gained in importance in the space age and touches every scientist in any field of space science. Still, there is almost a total dearth of books in this important field at the elementary and intermediate levels — at best a chapter in an undergraduate or graduate mechanics course.This book addresses that need, beginning with Kepler's laws of planetary motion followed by Newton's law of gravitation. Average and extremum values of dynamical variables are treated and the central force problem is formally discussed. The planetary problem in Cartesian and complex coordinates is tackled and examples of Keplerian motion in the solar system are also considered. The final part of the book is devoted to the motion of artificial Earth satellites and the modifications of their orbits by perturbing forces of various kinds.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd My Life's Journey: Reflections Of An Academic
Dr Wai-Fah Chen — a Chinese-born American academic and widely recognized structural engineering specialist in the field of mechanics, materials, and computing — has certainly led a fascinating life. A well-respected leader in the field of plasticity, structural stability, and structural steel design over the past half-century, he has made major contributions to introduce the mathematical theory of plasticity to civil engineering practice, especially in the application of limit analysis methods to the geotechnical engineering field. Having headed the engineering departments at the University of Hawaii and Purdue University, Chen is a widely cited author and the recipient of several national engineering awards, including the 1990 Shortridge Hardesty Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers and the 2003 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction.This book traces the life journey and reflections of Dr Chen. It presents a remarkable opportunity to understand his personal history and cultural passions: his struggle to achieve the American dream, his life as an eyewitness to the rise of China, and his career path to establish a solid engineering reputation. Presenting his scientific achievements spanning the last 40 years of his career, readers will thus be privy to his personal thoughts, experiences, and perspectives on these events.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Continuous Symmetries, Lie Algebras, Differential Equations And Computer Algebra (2nd Edition)
This textbook comprehensively introduces students and researchers to the application of continuous symmetries and their Lie algebras to ordinary and partial differential equations. Covering all the modern techniques in detail, it relates applications to cutting-edge research fields such as Yang-Mills theory and string theory.Aimed at readers in applied mathematics and physics rather than pure mathematics, the material is ideally suited to students and researchers whose main interest lies in finding solutions to differential equations and invariants of maps.A large number of worked examples and challenging exercises help readers to work independently of teachers, and by including SymbolicC++ implementations of the techniques in each chapter, the book takes full advantage of the advancements in algebraic computation.Twelve new sections have been added in this edition, including: Haar measure, Sato's theory and sigma functions, universal algebra, anti-self dual Yang-Mills equation, and discrete Painlevé equations.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Invitation To Noncommutative Geometry, An
This is the first existing volume that collects lectures on this important and fast developing subject in mathematics. The lectures are given by leading experts in the field and the range of topics is kept as broad as possible by including both the algebraic and the differential aspects of noncommutative geometry as well as recent applications to theoretical physics and number theory.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Collective Phenomena In Macroscopic Systems - Proceedings Of The Workshop
The contributions in this volume discuss numerous hot topics of interdisciplinary interest in plasma physics, astrophysics, and fluid dynamics. It collects the articles presented at a Workshop that has gathered world experts with a broad spectrum of research interests.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Passion For Discovery, A
This fascinating book assembles human stories about physicists and mathematicians. Remarkably, these stories cluster around some general themes having to do with the interaction between scientists, and with the impact of historic events — such as the advent of fascism and communism in the twentieth century — on scientists' behavior. Briefly, but lucidly, some of the beautiful science that brought these scientists together in the first place is explained.Author's webpage:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd 50 Math And Science Games For Leadership
Did you like Math or Science in school? Have you played games that stimulated your thought processes for Math and Science? Trying to be creative in your Math, Science or leadership class? Can leadership be taught? Is leadership an Art or a Science or Math? Seeking to impact your training program with creative games?A primer for leadership development, this book introduces Math and Science games with a review process component that can be used for leadership instruction. The book highlights key leadership principles which show that leaders must: Ask questions; Be disciplined; Create and see things differently; Develop resources; Engage in active listening; Make priorities; Multiply leaders; Problem solve; Set an example; Sacrifice; Search and explore; Strategize; Support diversity; Work in teams and collaborate.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Processes: Basic Theory And Its Applications
Most introductory textbooks on stochastic processes which cover standard topics such as Poisson process, Brownian motion, renewal theory and random walks deal inadequately with their applications. Written in a simple and accessible manner, this book addresses that inadequacy and provides guidelines and tools to study the applications. The coverage includes research developments in Markov property, martingales, regenerative phenomena and Tauberian theorems, and covers measure theory at an elementary level.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Beauty Of Physics, The
This book is a labor of love for Dr Wu Weimin whose favorite photography subjects are ordinary events which capture the heart of the common folks. The cameras Dr Wu uses may not be the most sophisticated but the images he has taken are truly striking. His award-winning collections of photographs are very well received worldwide.The introduction written by Dr Rick Vidal of Fermilab was endorsed by Dr Leon Lederman, Nobel Laureate in Physics (1988).Being a physicist by training, Dr Wu was among the pioneer scientists who helped to develop China's first atomic bomb and to launch its first satellite. He also participated in building the first Chinese electron-positron collider. Another extraordinary feat is that he sent out the very first e-mail from China on 25 August 1986.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Pattern Recognition - Proceedings Of The 6th International Conference
This volume contains the latest in the series of ICAPR proceedings on the state-of-the-art of different facets of pattern recognition. These conferences have already carved out a unique position among events attended by the pattern recognition community. The contributions tackle open problems in the classic fields of image and video processing, document analysis and multimedia object retrieval as well as more advanced topics in biometrics speech and signal analysis. Many of the papers focus both on theory and application driven basic research pattern recognition.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Harmonic, Wavelet And P-adic Analysis
The mutual influence between mathematics and science and technology is becoming more and more widespread with profound connections among them being discovered. In particular, important connections between harmonic analysis, wavelet analysis and p-adic analysis have been found recently.This volume reports these findings and guides the reader towards the latest areas for further research. It is divided into two parts: harmonic, wavelet and p-adic analysis and p-adic and stochastic analysis.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Felix Berezin: Life And Death Of The Mastermind Of Supermathematics
Felix Berezin was an outstanding Soviet mathematician who in the 1960s and 70s was the driving force behind the emergence of the branch of mathematics now known as supermathematics. The integral over the anticommuting Grassmann variables that he introduced in the 1960s laid the foundation for the path integral formulation of quantum field theory with fermions, the heart of modern supersymmetric field theories and superstrings. The Berezin integral is named for him, as is the closely related construction of the Berezinian, which may be regarded as the superanalog of the determinant.This book features a masterfully written memoir by Berezin's widow, Elena Karpel, who narrates a remarkable account of Berezin's life and his struggle for survival under the totalitarian Soviet regime. Supplemented with recollections by his close friends and colleagues, Berezin's accomplishments in mathematics, his novel ideas and breakthrough works, are reviewed in two articles written by Andrei Losev and Robert Minlos.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Stochastic Processes And Applications To Mathematical Finance - Proceedings Of The 6th Ritsumeikan International Conference
This volume contains the contributions to a conference that is among the most important meetings in financial mathematics. Serving as a bridge between probabilists in Japan (called the Ito School and known for its highly sophisticated mathematics) and mathematical finance and financial engineering, the conference elicits the very highest quality papers in the field of financial mathematics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Primary Intraocular Lymphoma
Essential reading for both medical students and academics in the fields of ophthalmology, neurology and oncology, this is the first textbook to cover the subject of primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL). The book serves to educate ophthalmologists, neurologists and oncologists on a disease process that is often difficult to diagnose. To help readers recognize the malignancy, a presentation of common and less frequently occurring clinical manifestations of the disease is given. The book provides ophthalmologists the guidelines on current diagnostic and therapeutic modalities as well as the historical background of PIOL.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Y Chromosome And Male Germ Cell Biology In Health And Diseases, The
The completion of the human genome and technological advances developed by the Human Genome Project have dramatically changed our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development and differentiation of male germ cells, and our ability to investigate such mechanisms. This book is a timely document of advances made in the field of male gonad and germ cell research in the postgenomic era.The coverage includes the role of Y chromosome genes in male reproduction, gene expression in spermatogonial stem cells and male germ cells, and the regulation of germ cell genes in reproduction and in germ cell tumors.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Minder Brain, The: How Your Brain Keeps You Alive, Protects You From Danger, And Ensures That You Reproduce
Ambition, genius, thought, imagination, love, hate, greed and, above all, consciousness ourselves as alive and as part of our world — all this is somehow enabled by the brain. The brain is the person, and if it goes wrong, a person is ruined. This book is about part of what the brain does — a role of which many of us are hardly aware, but one that has ensured, the survival of mankind. Despite famine, drought, wars, cold, infections and hostile environments, we survive as a species — though not always as individuals. All this time, our brains have been coping with what fate throws at us — a process that some call adaptation. How does the brain do it? How does it know what's needed? How does it enable us to provide that need? How much do we depend on our own brains, or on those of others?This book is different from other books on the brain. It deals with the brain's role in survival, rather than “higher” cognitive functions (such as language or thought). It describes the special part of the brain that keeps you alive: that makes you feel hungry when you need energy, makes you feel thirsty when you need water, drives you to reproduce so that your species survives, makes you fearful of things or individuals that might harm you, and defends you against adversity.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Foliations 2005 - Proceedings Of The International Conference
This volume takes a look at the current state of the theory of foliations, with surveys and research articles concerning different aspects. The focused aspects cover geometry of foliated Riemannian manifolds, Riemannian foliations and dynamical properties of foliations and some aspects of classical dynamics related to the field. Among the articles readers may find a study of foliations which admit a transverse contractive flow, an extensive survey on non-commutative geometry of Riemannian foliations, an article on contact structures converging to foliations, as well as a few articles on conformal geometry of foliations. This volume also contains a list of open problems in foliation theory which were collected from the participants of the Foliations 2005 conference.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advances In Statistical Modeling And Inference: Essays In Honor Of Kjell A Doksum
There have been major developments in the field of statistics over the last quarter century, spurred by the rapid advances in computing and data-measurement technologies. These developments have revolutionized the field and have greatly influenced research directions in theory and methodology. Increased computing power has spawned entirely new areas of research in computationally-intensive methods, allowing us to move away from narrowly applicable parametric techniques based on restrictive assumptions to much more flexible and realistic models and methods. These computational advances have also led to the extensive use of simulation and Monte Carlo techniques in statistical inference. All of these developments have, in turn, stimulated new research in theoretical statistics.This volume provides an up-to-date overview of recent advances in statistical modeling and inference. Written by renowned researchers from across the world, it discusses flexible models, semi-parametric methods and transformation models, nonparametric regression and mixture models, survival and reliability analysis, and re-sampling techniques. With its coverage of methodology and theory as well as applications, the book is an essential reference for researchers, graduate students, and practitioners.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problems And Solutions In Introductory And Advanced Matrix Calculus
As an extensive collection of problems with detailed solutions in introductory and advanced matrix calculus, this self-contained book is ideal for both graduate and undergraduate mathematics students. The coverage includes systems of linear equations, linear differential equations, functions of matrices and the Kronecker product. Many of the problems are related to applications in areas such as group theory, Lie algebra theory and graph theory. Thus, physics and engineering students will also benefit from the book. Exercises for matrix-valued differential forms are also included.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Legacy Of Albert Einstein, The: A Collection Of Essays In Celebration Of The Year Of Physics
This indispensable volume contains a compendium of articles covering a vast range of topics in physics which were begun or influenced by the works of Albert Einstein: special relativity, quantum theory, statistical physics, condensed matter physics, general relativity, geometry, cosmology and unified field theory. An essay on the societal role of Einstein is included. These articles, written by some of the renowned experts, offer an insider's view of the exciting world of fundamental science.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Counting: Supplementary Notes And Solutions Manual
This book is the essential companion to the authors' earlier book Counting (World Scientific, 2002), an introduction to combinatorics for junior college students. It provides supplementary material both for the purpose of adding to the reader's knowledge about counting techniques and, in particular, for use as a textbook for junior college students and teachers in combinatorics at H3 level in the new Singapore mathematics curriculum for junior college. The emphasis in combinatorics within the syllabus is to hone basic skills and techniques in general problem solving and logical thinking. The book also gives solutions to the exercises in Counting. There is often more than one method to solve a particular problem and the authors have included alternative solutions whenever they are of interest.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Course In Linear Algebra With Applications, A (2nd Edition)
This is the second edition of the best-selling introduction to linear algebra. Presupposing no knowledge beyond calculus, it provides a thorough treatment of all the basic concepts, such as vector space, linear transformation and inner product. The concept of a quotient space is introduced and related to solutions of linear system of equations, and a simplified treatment of Jordan normal form is given.Numerous applications of linear algebra are described, including systems of linear recurrence relations, systems of linear differential equations, Markov processes, and the Method of Least Squares. An entirely new chapter on linear programing introduces the reader to the simplex algorithm with emphasis on understanding the theory behind it.The book is addressed to students who wish to learn linear algebra, as well as to professionals who need to use the methods of the subject in their own fields.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nasdaq Market Simulation, A: Insights On A Major Market From The Science Of Complex Adaptive Systems
This pioneering book describes the applications of agent-based modeling to financial markets. It presents a new paradigm for finance, where markets are treated as complex systems whose behavior emerges as a result of interactions of market participants, market institutions, and market rules. This includes both a presentation of the conceptual model and its software implementation. It also summarises the result of the profound research on the successful practical application of this new approach to answer questions regarding the NASDAQ Stock Market's decimalization that was implemented in 2001.The book presents conceptual foundations for modeling markets as complex systems. It describes the agent-based model of the NASDAQ stock market, including strategies used by market-makers and investors, market participants interactions, and impacts of rules and regulations. It includes analyses of simulation behavior, comparison with the behaviors observed in the real-world markets (existence of fat tails, spread clustering, etc.), and predictions about possible outcomes of decimalization. A framework for calibrating the market behavior and individual market-makers strategies to historical data is also presented.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nuclear Weapons, Scientists, And The Post-cold War Challenge: Selected Papers On Arms Control
This volume includes a representative selection of Sidney Drell's recent writings and speeches (circa 1993 to the present) on public policy issues with substantial scientific components. Most of the writings deal with national security, nuclear weapons, and arms control and reflect the author's personal involvement in such issues dating back to 1960.Fifteen years after the demise of the Soviet Union, the gravest danger presented by nuclear weapons is the spread of advanced technology that may result in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Of most concern would be their acquisition by hostile governments and terrorists who are unconstrained by accepted norms of civilized behavior. The current challenges are to prevent this from happening and, at the same time, to pursue aggressively the opportunity to escape from an outdated nuclear deterrence trap.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Corporate Finance (2nd Edition)
This course of lectures introduces students to elementary concepts of corporate finance using a more systematic approach than is generally found in other textbooks.Axioms are first highlighted and the implications of these important concepts are studied afterwards. These implications are used to answer questions about corporate finance, including issues related to derivatives pricing, state-price probabilities, dynamic hedging, dividends, capital structure decisions, and risk and incentive management. Numerical examples are provided, and the mathematics is kept simple throughout.In this second edition, explanations have been improved, based on the authors' experience teaching the material, especially concerning the scope of state-price probabilities in Chapter 12. There is also a new Chapter 22: Fourteen Insights.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Physics And Modeling Of Mosfets, The: Surface-potential Model Hisim
This volume provides a timely description of the latest compact MOS transistor models for circuit simulation. The first generation BSIM3 and BSIM4 models that have dominated circuit simulation in the last decade are no longer capable of characterizing all the important features of modern sub-100nm MOS transistors. This book discusses the second generation MOS transistor models that are now in urgent demand and being brought into the initial phase of manufacturing applications. It considers how the models are to include the complete drift-diffusion theory using the surface potential variable in the MOS transistor channel in order to give one characterization equation.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Economic Reform And Cross-strait Relations: Taiwan And China In The Wto
This book provides a discussion of the general impact of WTO membership on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and addresses the political and economic impact on cross-Strait relations of common membership.The book begins with an introduction which analyzes the state of cross-Strait economic and political relations on the eve of dual accession to the WTO and briefly introduces the chapters which follow. The first chapter discusses the concessions made by both sides in their accession agreements and is followed by two chapters which describe the manner in which the Taiwan economy was reformed to achieve compliance as well as the specific, restrictive trade regime that was put into place to manage mainland trade. The next two chapters deal with the implications of that restrictive trade regime for the Taiwan economy in Asia and with the nature of the interactions between the two sides within the WTO. The final four chapters of the volume examine the impact of membership on four sectors of the economy: finance; agriculture; electronics and automobiles. There is a post-script which briefly covers developments since the chapters were completed.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Universal Mandelbrot Set, The: Beginning Of The Story
This book is devoted to the structure of the Mandelbrot set — a remarkable and important feature of modern theoretical physics, related to chaos and fractals and simultaneously to analytical functions, Riemann surfaces, phase transitions and string theory. The Mandelbrot set is one of the bridges connecting the world of chaos and order.The authors restrict consideration to discrete dynamics of a single variable. This restriction preserves the most essential properties of the subject, but drastically simplifies computer simulations and the mathematical formalism.The coverage includes a basic description of the structure of the set of orbits and pre-orbits associated with any map of an analytic space into itself. A detailed study of the space of orbits (the algebraic Julia set) as a whole, together with related attributes, is provided. Also covered are: moduli space in the space of maps and the classification problem for analytic maps, the relation of the moduli space to the bifurcations (topology changes) of the set of orbits, a combinatorial description of the moduli space (Mandelbrot and secondary Mandelbrot sets) and the corresponding invariants (discriminants and resultants), and the construction of the universal discriminant of analytic functions in terms of series coefficients. The book concludes by solving the case of the quadratic map using the theory and methods discussed earlier.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wealth Wisdom For Everyone: An Easy-to-use Guide To Personal Financial Planning And Wealth Creation
Wealth Wisdom for Everyone, as featured on Prime Time Morning on Channel NewsAsia, provides a simple yet powerful approach to managing your personal finances and building your personal wealth.With all necessary forms and explanations included, a Wealth Wisdom Plan will allow you to plan for your future, control your finances and gain greater peace of mind — invaluable benefits that can last an entire lifetime.As the book proves, if we don't control our finances, they will control us!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lectures On Algebra - Volume 1
This book is a timely survey of much of the algebra developed during the last several centuries including its applications to algebraic geometry and its potential use in geometric modeling.The present volume makes an ideal textbook for an abstract algebra course, while the forthcoming sequel, Lectures on Algebra II, will serve as a textbook for a linear algebra course. The author's fondness for algebraic geometry shows up in both volumes, and his recent preoccupation with the applications of group theory to the calculation of Galois groups is evident in the second volume which contains more local rings and more algebraic geometry. Both books are based on the author's lectures at Purdue University over the last few years.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pooling Designs And Nonadaptive Group Testing: Important Tools For Dna Sequencing
Pooling designs have been widely used in various aspects of DNA sequencing. In biological applications, the well-studied mathematical problem called “group testing” shifts its focus to nonadaptive algorithms while the focus of traditional group testing is on sequential algorithms. Biological applications also bring forth new models not previously considered, such as the error-tolerant model, the complex model, and the inhibitor model. This book is the first attempt to collect all the significant research on pooling designs in one convenient place.The coverage includes many real biological applications such as clone library screening, contig sequencing, exon boundary finding and protein-protein interaction detecting and introduces the mathematics behind it.