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Duo Press LLC My First Book of Growing Food
Introducing Terra Babies at Home, a new board book series that presents plants, animals, and the environment to early readers from the intimacy of their home and helps them connect to the natural world. My First Book of Growing Food is a beautiful introduction for babies and toddlers to the benefits of growing food, helping them to develop a connection with the natural world. Like other titles in the earth-friendly series Terra Babies at Home, this book is made with FSC materials and nontoxic inks, and it is recyclable. Simple and quirky text pairs with charming art by Asa Gilland (The Perfect Shelter) in this book where future nature lovers will learn about growing simple foods in a friendly and easy way while being introduced to basic concepts of the environment. Tots will learn that lettuce and tomatoes are easy to grow; herbs like rosemary, mint, and cilantro grow happily next to a bright window; and yes, tots can grow their own strawberries. And that's not all: The book shows readers how to start their own herb garden in twelve easy steps!
Desclée De Brouwer Misticismo cristiano en Oriente y Occidente las enseñanzas de los maestros
Este libro expone con detalle los aspectos espirituales de una tradición cristiana a menudo olvidada que, dentro de su etiqueta de cristianismo oriental, contiene una superabundancia de confesiones individuales antiguas y únicas.El lenguaje de la mística constituye la ?piedra Rosetta? necesaria para descifrar el significado de los símbolos y acontecimientos de nuestra vida. El misticismo significa colocar a Dios ante todo, buscando nuestro centro a través de la oración y la meditación, creando el tiempo y dotando a ese tiempo de un espacio sagrado. El misticismo hace del universo un espejo de lo que ya está aquí en el ?eterno ahora? del Maestro Eckhart.Según los misticismos universales, el crecimiento personal afecta al mundo desde el interior, moviéndose hacia fuera como acción consagrada. Así, cuanto más profunda es nuestra vida contemplativa, más profundo se hace nuestro entendimiento de la gente, las culturas, los países y las religiones. Como observó Paul Reps, autor budis
She Writes Press Life's Accessories: A Memoir (and Fashion Guide)
• About 38% of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. Nearly everyone in the world will be touched by cancer by adulthood.• Many best-selling books have examined mother/daughter relationships • The value of the global fashion industry is estimated at $3 trillion dollars—2% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).• General nonfiction book sales increased by 10% last yearAUDIENCE:• Smart, well-educated women of all ages who value family and friendship• Mothers of young and grown daughters• Adult daughters• The cancer community (patients, survivors, family members, friends)• Fashionistas—women who follow the fashion industry, read the fashion magazines, and who enjoy shopping for clothes and accessories• Fans of book club memoirs who like thought-provoking, humorous, poignant, page-turning books• Fans of Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Kelly Corrigan, Jill Kargman, and Jessi Klein
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Greetings From San Diego
Take a nostalgic, scenic journey through the San Diego of days gone by. 226 vintage postcards show the city as it appeared decades, and even a century, ago. From crisp Marine formations at Fort Rosecrans to casual strolls through Balboa Park, you'll see San Diego's history unfold. Dozens of images celebrate San Diego's red-carpet welcome for the 1915 Panama-California International Exposition. Romantic views portray Casa de Estudillo, where novelist Helen Hunt Jackson's heroine Ramona captured the nation's heart. Dodge trolleys and horses on D Street, ogle the glorious U.S. Grant Hotel, explore famous beaches and resort areas, and take in the panorama from Mission Cliff when it was an idyllic garden. These wonderful images illustrate sites that lured so many people to San Diego in the early to mid twentieth century.
Ediciones Morata, S.L. Escuelas democrticas
En este libro, APPLE y BEANE han seleccionado cuatro experiencias de trabajo cotidiano de profesores y profesorasdirectamente comprometidos en prácticas escolares innovadoras, y que hacen de la democracia su estilo de vida y su ideal. Sus acciones atestiguan el poder de las personas que trabajan en equipo para superar dificultades y conseguir metas creativas en educación.En momentos en los que se está poniendo en cuestión la viabilidad de la escuela pública, las experiencias que aquí se recogen nos recuerdan su importante papel en la cimentación de bases firmes sobre las que asegurar y perfeccionar sociedades democráticas.**************Prefacio. La defensa de las escuelas democráticas, por J. A. Beane y M. W. Apple. El colegio de educación secundaria de Central Park Este: lo difícil es hacer que suceda, por D. Meier y P. Schwarz. Más allá del taller: reinventar la formación profesional, por L. Rosenstock y A. Steinberg. La Escuela Fratney: un viaje hacia la democracia, por B.
Salamandra Català 772007
Segur que en alguna ocasió tothom ha pensat que el caràcter aspre i mordaç del viceqüestor Rocco Schiavone és la cuirassa d?un home que viu torturat per la culpa i rosegat per la ira i el dolor. En aquesta cinquena entrega de la sèrie ?que va arribar una vegada més al primer lloc de les llistes de vendes a Itàlia? es revela per fi el passat tèrbol d?en Rocco a Roma, on, darrere l?aparent normalitat del seu dia a dia a la feina i del seu amor incondicional per la Marina, la seva dona, l?incorregible policia teixeix un entramat d?amistats i lleialtats perilloses que l?acabaran conduint a la perdició.L?estiu de 2007, en plena canícula romana, en Rocco rep un cop que el deixa atordit i desconsolat: la Marina se n?ha anat de casa, trista i desenganyada després de descobrir que l?elevat nivell de vida que porten té l?origen en els tripijocs d?en Rocco i els seus amics de la infantesa. Sumit en la desesperació, el viceqüestor Schiavone ha d?investigar la mort de dos estudiants de Dret, ass
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Crouch and Alers Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health
Celebrating its evolution over thirty-four years, the sixth edition of Crouch and Alers Occupational Therapy in Psychiatry and Mental Health continues its legacy as a trailblazing guide, reshaped to address the challenges of a post-Covid, globalised world. Led by renowned expert Rosemary Crouch, this edition embraces an inclusive perspective on human functionality, social inclusion, and participation in everyday life. Highlighting the pressing need for occupational therapy's role in addressing the burden of mental health disorders, it forecasts the staggering economic impact and emphasises prevention, resilience-building, and adaptive participation in daily activities. Featuring thirty interconnected chapters by seasoned practitioners and academics, this book: Aligns with international mental health standards and sustainable development policies, emphasising universal health access and human rights Covers key aspects of occupational therapy, explorin
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Jewish Philosophy: An Introduction
This text introduces the most important Jewish philosophers of contemporary times from the point of view of their original approach to both Judaism and philosophy and include: Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenweig, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss, Emmanuel Levinas.It shows how for them the dialogue between Judaism and philosophy is necessary in order to avoid on one side, an attachment to Jewish tradition which is only nationalistic or non-rational; and on the other, an idea of philosophy which first of all focuses the problems of nature, human existence in the world, or God as the origin of being. In reconstructing the intellectual evolution of each of these twentieth-century philosophers with a view to their meaning today, this book is unique and goes beyond the standard historical account provided by other books. Contemporary Jewish Philosophy is essential reading for researchers and students of philosophy, Judaism and the history of religions.
Octopus Publishing Group Natures Apothecary
The go-to guide explaining how to use adaptogens to regulate, rebalance and restore your health DISCOVER THE RESTORATIVE POWER OF ADAPTOGENS In Nature's Apothecary, Medical Herbalist Paula Grainger provides the solution for stress, anxiety and exhaustion by introducing us to a group of healing herbal ingredients known as adaptogens. Adaptogens have been scientifically proven to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and prevent adrenal imbalances that can lead to fatigue and burnout. In this illustrated guidebook, you will delve into the history and science of these miraculous plants and learn how to maximize wellness using the most easy-to-source adaptogens, incorporating them into your life via delicious smoothies, energy bites and desserts, invigorating teas, tonics and lattes and wonderful beauty elixirs. Covering all the common adaptogens such as Ashwagandha, Maca, Korean ginseng, Turmeric, Liquorice, Rosemary
Liverpool University Press Prevenge
Prevenge (2016) is an entertainingly dark 21st-century horror movie detailing the serial killing journey of heavily pregnant Ruth. It’s a cleverly crafted narrative full of stark social commentary, traversing the delicate line between comedy and tragedy by fusing together a kitchen sink approach with a supernatural revenge plot. This book, as part of the Devil’s Advocates series, examines how the film deconstructs the slasher mythology and the sexism therein, and upends stereotypical representations of the ‘weak’ woman and ‘delicate’ mother. With new exclusive input from writer, director and star Alice Lowe, the text also looks at the production’s inception and development, assesses its debts to cult British cinema, and inspects its umbilical connections to Rosemary’s Baby, Alien, Village of the Damned and many other ‘Monstrous Child’ silver screen features.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Olmsted Parks in New Jersey
A historic overview of the parks the Olmsted companies created in New Jersey primarily for the county park commissions in Essex, Union, and Passaic counties. Son and stepson of the creator of New York’s Central Park, Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. and John Charles Olmsted, continued with their father’s naturalistic style of landscape architecture, with 20th-century modifications, into the 1960s. Illustrated with more than 200 historic and contemporary photographs, vintage postcards, and Olmsted sketches and plans, this survey chronologically details the development of each park or reservation as it was transformed from former farmland, swamp, forest, or a previous park. Included are the gems of Branch Brook Park in Newark, Cadwalader Park in Trenton, Warinanco Park in Roselle, and Brookdale Park in Montclair and Bloomfield. Discover the Olmsted legacy in some of the most magnificent public parks in New Jersey
HarperCollins Publishers Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear (Mr Gum)
Completely hilarious … kind of The League of Gentlemen for kids' Zoe Ball Shabba me whiskers! It's a bold new look for Mr Gum, the best-selling cult classic, ready for a new generation of nibbleheads. Good evening. Do you like bears called Padlock? Course you do. Do you like hot-air balloons? Course you do. Do you like tall sailing ships with mad sea captains, and horrifying old villains and words like ‘wab!’, ‘tungler’ and ‘kelp’? COURSE you do! Well, guess what, THE TRUTH IS A LEMON MERINGUE. Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear is the fifth book in the internationally best-selling series by Andy Stanton, which has won everything from the Blue Peter Book Award (twice) to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award. Don't miss Mr Gum's other villainously brilliant adventures… You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum! Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire Mr Gum and the Goblins Mr Gum and the Power Crystals Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear What's for Dinner, Mr Gum? Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout Andy Stanton studied English at Oxford but they kicked him out. Before becoming a children’s writer he was a film script reader, a market researcher, an NHS lackey, a part-time sparrow and a grape. He is best known for the hilarious, bestselling and award-winning Mr Gum series and has also written picture books, including Danny McGee Drinks the Sea. Andy lives in North London and likes cartoons, books and music (even jazz). David Tazzyman studied illustration at Manchester Metropolitan University. As well as illustrating the Mr Gum series, he has illustrated many picture books Eleanor's Eyebrows, You Can't Take an Elephant on the Bus, Michael Rosen's Jelly Boots, Smelly Boots and My Mum's Growing Down by Laura Dockrill. He lives in Leicester with his wife and three sons.
Edinburgh University Press The Philosophical Foundations of the Late Schelling: The Turn to the Positive
A defence of the rationality and rigour of the late Schelling's visionary philosophy of religion A major new effort to organise and evaluate Schelling's arguments for a Philosophy of Revelation and to demonstrate their importance for contemporary debates Finds in largely unexamined texts of the late Schelling new resources for critiquing rationalism, reductive naturalism, and posthumanism Will appeal to the many scholars in various fields working on political eschatology in the works of Benjamin, Taubes, Rosenzweig, Derrida, i ek, Moltmann and Levinas Schelling's positive philosophy has long been recognised as the historical root of Marxism, existentialism, and other central trends in continental philosophy, but its main argument has never been fully elaborated as a tenable philosophical strategy for thinking Christianity forward into its future. According to McGrath, Schelling's late turn to speculative theological realism (the positive) is neither fideistic nor arbitrary, but rather the consequence of the free decision of the philosopher who has soberly assessed the results of logic, nature-philosophy and historical-critical and systematic theology.
Simon & Schuster A Bucket of Questions
A hilarious picture book of curious questions with refreshingly quirky answers perfect for fans of Mac Barnett and Amy Krouse Rosenthal! Why do kids lose their teeth? Why do seals clap? What is at the bottom of the ocean? Artist and musician Tim Fite is here to almost-answer all your most important questions—and then some!—in this marvelously wacky, utterly imaginative, and irreverently playful picture book.
The Book Guild Ltd Silver Spurs and a Twelve Pound Heart
As a child, Katie loved ponies, all things pink and sparkly and dashing event rider Roger Fleming Bowen. Now in her twenties, she’s escaped a desk job in London, packed her collection of pink polo shirts and moved to Northumberland to work for her childhood hero. The attraction between the two of them is instant and Katie’s keen to win more than rosettes and the silver spurs on offer at the Scottish Championship, but Roger has vowed to never again get involved with his staff, having learnt from casual but disastrous relationships in the past. Then, at an international competition near Inverness, catastrophe strikes for Katie, and Roger is forced to question everything he has been so certain of…
HarperCollins Publishers Mr Gum and the Goblins (Mr Gum)
Completely hilarious … kind of The League of Gentlemen for kids' Zoe Ball Shabba me whiskers! It's a bold new look for Mr Gum, the best-selling cult classic, ready for a new generation of nibbleheads. Well, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and the hideous Billy William the Third are once more mucking things up for everyone. They’re a-schemin’ and a-hatchin’ an’ making their bad plans up on Goblin Mountain. And why? Because they’re raising up an army of goblins to stink up the town of Lamonic Bibber once and for all! Can the brave travellers (the wise old man Friday O’Leary and the small girl Polly) make it past the Three Impossible Challenges of Goblin Mountain and save the town from a fate worse than something very bad indeed? In an epic tale of courage, valour and plain idiocy only one thing is sure: the truth is a lemon meringue! Mr Gum andthe Goblins is the third book in the internationally best-selling series by Andy Stanton, which has won everything from the Blue Peter Book Award (twice) to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award. Don't miss Mr Gum's other villainously brilliant adventures… You're a Bad Man, Mr Gum! Mr Gum and the Biscuit Billionaire Mr Gum and the Goblins Mr Gum and the Power Crystals Mr Gum and the Dancing Bear What's for Dinner, Mr Gum? Mr Gum and the Cherry Tree Mr Gum and the Secret Hideout Andy Stanton studied English at Oxford but they kicked him out. Before becoming a children’s writer he was a film script reader, a market researcher, an NHS lackey, a part-time sparrow and a grape. He is best known for the hilarious, bestselling and award-winning Mr Gum series and has also written picture books, including Danny McGee Drinks the Sea. Andy lives in North London and likes cartoons, books and music (even jazz). David Tazzyman studied illustration at Manchester Metropolitan University. As well as illustrating the Mr Gum series, he has illustrated many picture books Eleanor's Eyebrows, You Can't Take an Elephant on the Bus, Michael Rosen's Jelly Boots, Smelly Boots and My Mum's Growing Down by Laura Dockrill. He lives in Leicester with his wife and three sons
WW Norton & Co Bread-Free Bread: Amazingly Healthy Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Breads, Muffins, Cookies & More
Most, if not all, gluten-free and grain-free (paleo) baking cookbooks use flour substitutes that aren't healthy, because it's the only option. That is, until now. Nerissa Oden has developed recipes that use pure, wholesome ingredients in place of any type of flour, to make breads that look and act like the real thing—only much healthier. By blending vegetables with flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, spices, and other natural ingredients, these “bread-free” breads are miraculously similar to traditional breads, with a great texture and taste. She's also come up quick breads, muffins, tortillas, and other baked goods with the same healthy ingredients. All of them are easy-to-make and packed with omega-3, fiber, and protein. More than 75 recipes range from basic Acorn Squash Sandwich Bread to Lemon-Rosemary Flatbread to Sunflower Seed Cookies. Perfect for people following a paleo diet or trying to avoid gluten, grains, yeast, and sugar, Bread-Free Breads deserves a spot on every home baker’s bookshelf.
Prestel William Morris
One of the most influential artists and thinkers of his time comes to life in this stunning graphic biography inspired by Morris' designs and filled with the colors and patterns that defined the Arts and Crafts Movement.Readers of all ages will learn much from this unique biography that highlights the most important aspects of the artist's life and career. It traces his childhood fascination with medieval history, nature, and his friendships with the Pre-Raphaelite BrotherhoodDante Gabriel Rosetti, Edward Burne-Jonesand with other leading figures of the day such as Philip Webb and John Ruskin.It takes readers inside Morris' famous homesRed House, which became a hub for artistic and intellectual activities, and served as a testing ground for his ideas about the integration of art and daily life; and Kelmscott Manor, a tranquil retreat whose natural surroundings and historic setting resonated with his romantic ideals. The visual narrative captures key mo
Cornell University Press Shapes of Time: History and Eschatology in the Modernist Imagination
Shapes of Time explores how concepts of time and history were spatialized in early twentieth-century German thought. Michael McGillen locates efforts in German modernism to conceive of alternative shapes of time—beyond those of historicism and nineteenth-century philosophies of history—at the boundary between secular and theological discourses. By analyzing canonical works of German modernism—those of Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig, Siegfried Kracauer, and Robert Musil—he identifies the ways in which spatial imagery and metaphors were employed to both separate the end of history from a narrative framework and to map the liminal relation between history and eschatology. Drawing on theories and practices as disparate as constructivism, non-Euclidean geometry, photography, and urban architecture, Shapes of Time presents original connections between modernism, theology, and mathematics as played out within the canon of twentieth-century German letters. Concepts of temporal and spatial form, McGillen contends, contribute to the understanding not only of modernist literature but also of larger theoretical concerns within modern cultural and intellectual history.
Rowman & Littlefield Simple Farmhouse Life: DIY Projects for the All-Natural, Handmade Home
Transform your home into a simple farmhouse--no matter where you live--with this beautiful guide to slow living. Country girl and popular blogger Lisa Bass shares her favorite hearty recipes, handmade projects, and tips for natural living that she uses in her own from-scratch life. Slow down and enjoy the simplicity of a country lifestyle with recipes and projects such as: Natural Kitchen: rosemary lemon foaming dish soap, stonewashed linen apron, market tote Handmade Décor: pillow covers from reclaimed materials, dipped beeswax candles, linen ruffle throw blanket Natural Body: chamomile body butter, lavender calendula salve, relaxing bath soak and body mist Natural Laundry: essential oil spot remover, wool dryer balls, lavender linen spray Natural Cleaning: orange dusting spray, glass cleaner Farmhouse Cooking: cast iron sourdough cinnamon roll, orange cream kefir smoothie, roasted red pepper and tomato soup Gardening: windowsill herb garden, cut flower garden, essential oil pest spray
Manchester University Press André TéChiné
This is the first full-length monograph in English about one of France’s most important contemporary filmmakers, perhaps best known in the English-speaking world for his award-winning Les Roseaux sauvages/Wild Reeds of 1994. This study locates André Téchiné within historical and cultural contexts that include the Algerian War, May 1968 and contemporary globalisation, and the influence of Roland Barthes, Bertolt Brecht, Ingmar Bergman, William Faulkner, and the cinematic French New Wave. The originality of Téchiné’s sixteen feature films lies in his subtle exploration of sexuality and national identity, as he challenges expectations in his depictions of gay relations, the North African dimensions of contemporary French culture, and the centre-periphery relationship between Paris and especially his native southwest. The book also looks at the collaborative nature of Téchiné’s filmmaking, including his work with Catherine Deneuve, who has made more films with him than with any other director, and the role of Philippe Sarde’s musical scores.
HarperCollins Publishers The Governor: My Life Inside Britain’s Most Notorious Prisons
THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER As seen on This Morning Back in the day, I was Governor of Security and Operations for HMP Wormwood Scrubs. If you’re easily shocked or offended, you best look away now… Having worked for 16 years in a high-security women’s prison dealing with the likes of Rosemary West and Myra Hindley, Vanessa Frake thought she’d seen it all. That was until she was transferred to the notorious Wormwood Scrubs. Thrust into a ‘man’s world’, her no-nonsense approach and fearless attitude saw her swiftly rise through the ranks. From dealing with celebrity criminals and busting drug rings, to recruiting informers and being subject to violent attacks, this hard-hitting but often humorous memoir reveals all about life behind bars in unflinching detail. Now, for one last time, The Gov opens the prison gates. Prepare for the madness and horror of daily life with the UK’s most ruthless criminals.
Trafalgar Square Favorite Rag Rugs: 45 Inspiring Weave Designs
Creating rag rugs has enthralled weavers for over a century. Now you, too, can recycle your favorite fabrics and transform them into unique rugs that will bring a striking personal touch to every room in your home. From stripes, checks, and rosettes to mosaic, twists, and diamond twill; from soft to sturdy, and subtle to statement-making, Tina Ignell's superb selection of rag rugs provides you a wealth of inspiration, conveniently paired with practical instruction. Inside, find: - Six technique-based sections with 45 designs by 20 professional weavers - Charts, illustrations, and color photos of finished projects - Creative use of unusual materials, like lambskin, straw, and leather - Specialty patterns, such as a round rug and a runner for a spiral staircase - Instructions for finishing, including fringed and woven edges - A bonus section of five different rugs woven on the same warp - Resources and supplier contact information
HarperCollins Focus The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook: A Tantalizing Collection of Over 200 Delicious Recipes for Every Kitchen
A tantalizing collection of over 250 recipes tailor-made for the ultimate cooking tool: a cast iron skillet.The stovetop-to-oven ease of the cast-iron skillet makes it simple to create mouth-watering meals the whole family will love. Complete with full-color photographs and a wide range of recipes covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between (even desserts), The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook is a must-have. Inside this cookbook, you will find recipes such as: Smoked Salmon Frittata Black Bean Burgers Lamb Chops with Rosemary and Lemon Moussaka Polenta Cakes with Greens Veal Parmigiana While the broad variety of original recipes will appeal to seasoned chefs, chapters dedicated to the care and keeping of your cast iron skillet make this cookbook perfect for newcomers to this booming culinary trend, as do the easy-to-follow step-by-step recipes.
Columbia University Press The Cinema of the Dardenne Brothers: Responsible Realism
The brothers Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne have established an international reputation for their emotionally powerful realist cinema. Inspired by their home turf of Liege-Seraing, a former industrial hub of French-speaking southern Belgium, they have crafted a series of fiction films that blends acute observation of life on the social margins with moral fables for the postmodern age. This volume analyses the brothers' career from their leftist video documentaries of the 1970s and 1980s through their debut as directors of fiction films in the late 1980s and early 1990s to their six major achievements from The Promise (1996) to The Kid with a Bike (2011), an oeuvre that includes two Golden Palms at the Cannes film festival, for Rosetta (1999) and The Child (2005). It argues that the ethical dimension of the Dardennes' work complements rather than precludes their sustained expression of a fundamental political sensibility.
Nick Hern Books Harlequinade & All On Her Own
A double bill by Terence Rattigan, featuring two plays of striking contrast that display his astonishing range as a writer. The comic gem Harlequinade follows a classical theatre company whose intrigues and dalliances are revealed with increasingly calamitous consequences in an affectionate celebration of the lunatic art of putting on a play. A powerfully atmospheric one-woman play, All On Her Own tells the story of Rosemary who, alone at midnight in London, has a secret burden to share that is both heartbreaking and sinister. Harlequinade & All On Her Own was performed as part of the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company’s Plays at the Garrick Season in 2015, starring Zoë Wanamaker and Kenneth Branagh, and co-directed by Branagh and Rob Ashford. This official tie-in edition features both plays, plus exclusive additional content including an introduction to Rattigan's work, interviews with Kenneth Branagh, Rob Ashford, Zoë Wanamaker and designer Christopher Oram, and reproductions of Oram's original design sketches.
Pennsylvania State University Press Menopause: A Comic Treatment
Hot flashes. Vaginal atrophy. Social stigma. The comics in this unapologetic anthology prove that when it comes to menopause and its attendant symptoms, no one needs to sweat it alone. Featuring works by comics luminaries such as Lynda Barry, Joyce Farmer, Ellen Forney, and Carol Tyler, Menopause is the perfect antidote to the simplistic, cheap-joke approach that treats menopause as a cultural taboo. This anthology challenges stereotypes with perspectives from a range of life experiences, ages, gender identities, ethnicities, and health conditions. Other contributors include Maureen Burdock, Jennifer Camper, KC Councilor, MK Czerwiec, Leslie Ewing, Ann M. Fox, Keet Geniza, Roberta Gregory, Teva Harrison, Rachael House, Leah Jones, Monica Lalanda, Cathy Leamy, Ajuan Mance, Jessica Moran, Mimi Pond, Sharon Rosenzweig, Joyce Schachter, Susan Merrill Squier, Emily Steinberg, Nicola Streeten, A. K. Summers, Kimiko Tobimatsu, Shelley L. Wall, and Dana Walrath.
The Trout Gallery Reflections and Undercurrents: Ernest Roth and Printmaking in Venice, 1900-1940
In the 1880s, James McNeil Whistler revolutionized the way artists represented the city of Venice by producing images that moved away from the major tourist monuments to depict the squares, back alleys, and isolated canals that only residents knew. His novel approach inspired generations of printmakers who worked in Venice, and this book celebrates their work. Ernest David Roth (1879-1964) was one of the most significant American etchers of the first half of the 20th century, and his most important achievements are the views he did of Venice between 1905 and 1941. Roth and his friends John Taylor Arms and Louis Rosenberg formed the nucleus of a circle of American etchers that created a timeless vision of European and American cityscapes and landscapes in the 1920s and 1930s, and their Venetian views are at the center of their accomplishment.
Little, Brown Book Group No Country for Love
''An expansive novel reminiscent of the literary breadth, humanity, and historical depth found in Vasily Grossman''s Life and Fate'' Christophe Boltanski, winner of the 2015 Prix Femina for The Safe House''A captivating sweep of a novel about love, resilience and impossible choices... I loved it!'' Christina Lamb, chief foreign correspondent Sunday TimesSeventeen-year-old Debora Rosenbaum, ambitious and in love with literature, arrives in the capital of the new Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Kharkiv, to make her own fate as a modern woman. The stale and forbidding ways of the past are out; 1930 is a new dawn, the Soviet era, where skyscrapers go up overnight. Debora finds work and meets a dashing young officer named Samuel who is training to become a fighter pilot. They fall in love, and begin to mix with Ukraine''s new cultural elite. But Debora''s prospects - and Ukraine''s - soon dim. State-induced famine rolls thro
Hodder & Stoughton The Language of Birds: the novel inspired by the Lord Lucan affair
Drawing on the infamous Lord Lucan affair, this compelling novel explores the roots of a shocking murder from a fresh perspective and brings to vivid life an era when women's voices all too often went unheard. In the summer of 1974, Mandy River arrives in London to make a fresh start and begins working as nanny to the children of one Lady Morven. She quickly finds herself in the midst of a bitter custody battle and the house under siege: Lord Morven is having his wife watched. According to Lady Morven, her estranged husband also has a violent streak, yet she doesn't seem the most reliable witness. Should Mandy believe her? As Mandy edges towards her tragic fate, her friend Rosemary watches from the wings - an odd girl with her own painful past and a rare gift. This time, though, she misreads the signs.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Bookend Revue
This is a pioneering study of bookends. Through 600 color photographs, bookends are displayed from their beginnings in 19th-century Europe, through their development in 20th-century America. Bookends are practical sculpture, and therefore reflect many of the artistic movements of their day; Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, Art Deco, International, folk art and traditional styles are covered here in depth. Bookends made of metal, wood, glass, and ceramics are shown, including a selection by Roycroft, Bradley & Hubbard, Roseville, and Rookwood. Information is provided about the sculptors who designed bookends, and about the foundries that produced their work. Promotional bookends made for advertising purposes are shown, as are handicraft and folk art pieces made by book lovers throughout the century. The bookends are indexed according to subject and manufacturer for easy reference. A current market price is provided for each design.
Little, Brown Book Group The Apothecarys Daughter
*The ebook bestseller*A story bursting with colour and flavour, perfect for fans of Susanna Gregory, Georgette Heyer and Joanne Harris 1665. Susannah Leyton has grown up behind the counter of her father''s apothecary shop in bustling Fleet Street. A skilled student - the resinous scents of lavender, rosemary, liquorice and turpentine run in her blood - her father has granted her the freedom to pursue her considerable talents. But Susannah is dealt a shocking blow when her widowed father marries again, and her new step-mother seems determined to remove her from the apothecary shop for good.A proposal of marriage from the charming Henry Savage seems to offer Susannah an escape. But as the plague sweeps through London, tragedy strikes, and dark secrets in her husband''s past begin to unfold. It will take all of Susannah''s courage and passion to save herself from tragedy . . .
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Papercutting: Geometric Designs Inspired by Nature
These 25 projects show how ammonites, lichen rosettes, honeycomb, and other natural forms can help you apply the rules of mathematics to create complexly beautiful works. Clear, paper-art-focused explanations teach you the principles of mathematics we see in nature, including the Golden Angle and Golden Spiral, Fibonacci numbers, and symmetry. Learn about using flaps and piercings with various projects, including “A Murmuration of Starlings.” Benefit from lessons in the Japanese art of kirigami and geometric principles, with projects such as “Falling Water” and “Sunflower.” Tesselations and 2-D weaving, 3-D form assembly, woven 3-D forms, and stacked layers come into play for “Radiolarian” and “Sea Urchin.” The role that display plays in your work is covered too, including flexagons in the “Undersea Frieze,” black light in “UV Jellyfish,” and lightbox effects in “Diatoms.”Art really does mirror nature, as these fascinating cut-paper sculptures show.
Quail Publishing Modern Women's Knits: 12 Hand Knit Designs
Knit in colour. Introducing Modern Women's Knits, where neutrals meet colour. I truly love a good neutral. Over the years, I have knitted with many wonderful hues of grey, navy, black and white. But lately, I haven't been able to resist the exploration of intense, saturated colour in combination with these neutrals. I find inspiration in pop art, contemporary art, cubism and abstract expressionism. The art world is an endless source of colour inspiration. The works of Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, Wassily Kandinsky and Claes Oldenburg are some of my favourites. Their art inspires me to knit in colour and play with new techniques, such as adding contrast stitching or patchwork to knitwear. My hope is that you'll have fun knitting the patterns in this collection and perhaps knit something you might not ordinarily knit. Create something that is entirely colourful; entirely you.
Ebury Publishing Casino: The Rise and Fall of the Mob in Las Vegas
The Stardust… The Fremont… The Marina. They ran them all.And they lost.Big time.No one knew more about casinos than Frank 'Lefty' Rosenthal, the gambling mastermind who, along with his best friend and partner, Anthony 'the Ant' Spilotro, virtually ran Las Vegas for the mob. For years it was the perfect arrangement – Lefty provided the smarts, while Tony kept the bosses happy with weekly suitcases filled with millions in skimmed cash. It should have lasted forever but Lefty’s obsessions with running the town – and Tony’s obsession with Lefty’s beautiful showgirl wife, Geri – eventually led to betrayals and investigations that exploded into one of the greatest scandals in mob history.Casino is the shattering inside account of how the mob finally lost its stranglehold on Las Vegas, the neon money-making machine it had created.
Ebury Publishing The Ultimate Slow Cooker Cookbook: Over 100 delicious, fuss-free recipes - from family favourites to dishes for a dinner party
Time is short in the working day and it is difficult to find time at the end of it to produce a hot meal. With a slow cooker, you can be eating a nutritious and thrifty hot supper every evening, with minimal effort and preparation time. This must-have guide is an invaluable companion to your slow cooker, with delicious recipes for every occasion - from a mid-week family supper to a more elaborate dinner party; you can even take your cooker camping! Rustle up classic dishes such as Lamb Shanks with Redcurrant and Rosemary Sauce and Traditional Pot-roasted Gammon in Cider with Apples or impress your friends with Satay-style Pork with Coriander, Goan Fish Curry with Lentils or Sticky Toffee Pudding. The cookbook also contains guidance on choosing a slow cooker according to your needs; how to care for your cooker and how to adapt cooking times and recipes for different scenarios.
David Zwirner Hilma af Klint: Tree of Knowledge
“Revelatory and sublime…Her work remains conceptually open enough for viewers to draw their own conclusions, insert their own meaning and feel transported to other glorious worlds.” —The New York Times One of the most inventive artists of the twentieth century, Hilma af Klint was a pioneer of abstraction. Her first forays into her imaginative non-objective painting long preceded the work of Kandinsky and Mondrian and radically mined the fields of science and religion. Deeply interested in spiritualism and philosophy, af Klint developed an iconography that explores esoteric concepts in metaphysics, as demonstrated in Tree of Knowledge. This rarely seen series of watercolors renders orbital, enigmatic forms, visual allegories of unification and separateness, darkness and light, beginning and end, life and death, and spirit and matter. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Hilma af Klint: Tree of Knowledge at David Zwirner New York in 2021 and David Zwirner London in 2022, this catalogue features a text by the art historian Susan Aberth examining af Klint’s spiritual and anthroposophical influences. With a conversation between the curator Helen Molesworth and the US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo discussing connections between Tree of Knowledge and native theories about plant knowledge, the publication broadens the scope of philosophical interpretations of af Klint's timeless work. Also included is a newly commissioned essay by the celebrated af Klint scholar Julia Voss, a contribution by the artist Suzan Frecon, and a text by art historian Max Rosenberg that further develops the conversation around why af Klint’s work was not recognized in its time.
HarperCollins Publishers Stories for 8 Year Olds
A classic collection of stories by Michael Rosen, Alexander McCall Smith, Ted Hughes, Michael Morpurgo and others, specially chosen for young readers of around eight by children’s book expert, Julia Eccleshare. Mary Poppins takes Jane and Michael on a topsy-turvy day; a boy watches over a beautiful swan… These classic stories are wonderful to share and enjoy with your child at any time of the year, or would make the perfect birthday gift.
Vintage Publishing Amaretto, Apple Cake and Artichokes: The Best of Anna Del Conte
'The best Italian food writer around...anyone who loves food - reading about it, cooking it, eating it - should have this book. I kiss the ground she walks on' Nigella LawsonIn this book Anna Del Conte has collected together the best of her delicious recipes along with tips, anecdotes and reminiscences about her life in Italy and London. Packed with inspiring information from the best way to make a tomato sauce and a tiramisu to more unusual dishes such as nettle risotto and chestnut mousse, each chapter is devoted to a different ingredient. As well as explaining the basics and introducing more surprising recipes, Anna includes special additional chapters describing traditional regional and historical menus. So whether you want to eat tagliatelle with ham and peas or rabbit with rosemary and tomato, a Roman Late Supper or a Renaissance Dinner, you will find what you need here.
Visor libros, S.L. Poesa completa memoria y deseo 19632003
MANUEL VÁZQUEZ MONTALBÁN (Barcelona, 1939 - Bangkok, 2003) cultivó con enorme éxito la novela, el periodismo, el memorialismo colectivo y el ensayo, pero el centro de su vocación literaria lo ocupó siempre la poesía, caracterizada especialmente por su sentido lúdico y su conciencia cívica, su sagacidad irónica, siempre con notables referencias testimoniales y críticas. La poesía de Vázquez Montalbán se revela totalmente unitaria en su concepción ?y en los temas, y en el rigor estético que la caracterizan? a lo largo de los diez títulos que llevan desde Una educación sentimental (1967), hasta el póstumo Rosebud. La presente y definitiva Poesía completa ofrece al lector la obra más esencial de un escritor imprescindible.Si algún día alguien emprende el estudio de su extensa producción literaria tendría que empezar por la poesía, donde se encuentran la mayoría de las claves para comprender una obra de múltiples resonancias, expresada a través de muy diversos géneros literarios.J.M
John Wiley & Sons Inc Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science
Many of the things discovered by accident are important in our everyday lives: Teflon, Velcro, nylon, x-rays, penicillin, safety glass, sugar substitutes, and polyethylene and other plastics. And we owe a debt to accident for some of our deepest scientific knowledge, including Newton's theory of gravitation, the Big Bang theory of Creation, and the discovery of DNA. Even the Rosetta Stone, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the ruins of Pompeii came to light through chance. This book tells the fascinating stories of these and other discoveries and reveals how the inquisitive human mind turns accident into discovery. Written for the layman, yet scientifically accurate, this illuminating collection of anecdotes portrays invention and discovery as quintessentially human acts, due in part to curiosity, perserverance, and luck.
The Experiment LLC Fresh From Poland
Authentically Polish. All vegetarian. There's so much more to Polish food than kielbasa and schnitzel: Poland is home to beautiful fruits, vegetables, and grains--and a rich cooking tradition that makes the most of them. In Fresh from Poland, Saveur award winner Michal Korkosz celebrates recipes from his mother and grandmother--with modern, personal touches and gorgeous photos that capture his passion for cooking. Vegetables are his stars, but Michal doesn't shy away from butter, flour, and sugar; the ingredients that make food--and life--more rozkoszny (delightful)! The result? Over eighty comforting dishes for every occasion. Indulgent breakfasts: Brown Butter Scrambled Eggs; Apple Fritters; Buckwheat Blini with Sour Cream and Pickled Red Onion Hearty vegetarian mains: Barley Risotto with Asparagus, Cider, and Goat Cheese; Potato Fritters with Rosemary and Horseradish Sauce; Stuffed Tomatoes with Millet, Cinnamon, and Almonds Breathtaking baked goods: Sourdough Rye Bread; Sweet Blueberry Buns with Streusel; Honey Cake with Prunes and Sour Cream Pierogi of all kinds: From savory Spinach, Goat Cheese, and Salted Almonds to sweet Plums and Cinnamon-Honey Butter These satisfying recipes will make you feel right at home--wherever you're from!
Milkweed Editions Copper Nickel (30)
Issue 30 includes:Fiction by Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy contributor Helena Bell, Vincent Czyz, Maureen Langloss, and Lucas Southworth.Nonfiction by NEA and Camargo Foundation Fellow Don Bogen, death row inmate and essayist Lyle May, Bill Marsh, and Lesley Wheeler.Poetry by NEA Fellows Hadara Bar-Nadav, Bruce Bond, and Jenny Browne; PEN Discovery Award winner Andrea Cohen; Gregory O’Donogue International Prize winner Shangyang Fang; MacArthur “Genius” Edward Hirsch; National Book Critics Circle Award winner Troy Jollimore; Donald Hall Prize winner Kirsten Kaschock; Rilke Prize winner David Keplinger; National Book Critics Circle Award finalist Erika Meitner; Iowa Prize winner Alicia Mountain; Best New Poets contributor Shakthi Shrima, and many others.Translation Folios featuring short fiction by Bangladeshi writer Ruma Modak (trans. Shabnam Nadiya), and poetry by Dutch poet Lucas Hirsch (trans. Donnna Spruijt-Metz), Polish poet Tomasz Różycki (trans. Mira Rosenthal), and Israeli poet Maya Tevet Dayan (trans. Jane Medved). The cover features work by Denver-based artist Kate Petley, who has been featured in twenty-seven solo exhibitions and has received an NEA Rockefeller Foundation Grant (among other honors).
Pennsylvania State University Press Drawing Degree Zero: The Line from Minimal to Conceptual Art
Drawing Degree Zero examines a pivotal moment in the history of drawing, when the medium was disengaged from its connoisseurial associations and positioned at the forefront of contemporary art. From Mel Bochner’s seminal exhibition Working Drawings and Other Visible Things on Paper Not Necessarily Meant to Be Viewed as Art of 1966 to the Museum of Modern Art’s major survey Drawing Now ten years later, Anna Lovatt documents this period of restless artistic experimentation and fierce political ambition.Traditionally considered a preparatory or subsidiary practice, drawing’s notational, provisional, and incidental qualities accrued new value in the context of post-Minimal and Conceptual art. Considering the work of Bochner, Sol LeWitt, Rosemarie Castoro, Dorothea Rockburne, and Richard Tuttle, Lovatt explores the strategies these artists used to confound long-standing presumptions about drawing, rendering it systematic rather than autographic, public rather than private, and conceptually rigorous rather than manually dexterous. Drawing Degree Zero argues that these artists pursued a neutral, anonymous mode of inscription analogous to Roland Barthes’s concept of “writing degree zero.”A lively examination of the resurgence of interest in drawing, Drawing Degree Zero highlights the medium’s ability to foreground issues of authorship, process, location, and participation that remain fundamental to contemporary art. Scholars and art aficionados will welcome Lovatt’s insights.
University of California Press Braid of Feathers: American Indian Law and Contemporary Tribal Life
In this ambitious and moving book, Frank Pommersheim, who lived and worked on the Rosebud Sioux Indian Reservation for ten years, challenges the dominant legal history of American Indians and their tribes - a history that concedes far too much power to the laws and courts of the 'conqueror'. Writing from the perspective of the reservation and contemporary Indian life, Pommersheim makes an urgent call for the advancement of tribal sovereignty and of tribal court systems that are based on Indian culture and values. Taking as its starting point the cultural, spiritual, and physical nature of the reservation, "Braid of Feathers" goes on to trace the development of Indian law from the 1770s to the present. Pommersheim considers the meaning of justice from the indigenous point of view. He offers a trenchant analysis of the tribal courts, stressing the importance of language, narrative, and story. He concludes by offering a 'geography of hope,' one that lies in the West, where Native Americans control a significant amount of natural resources, and where a new ethic of development and preservation is emerging within the dominant society. Pommersheim challenges both Indians and non-Indians to forge an alliance at the local level based on respect and reciprocity - to create solidarity, not undo difference.
University of Illinois Press Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
For well over a decade, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne have produced highly original and ethically charged films that immerse their audiences in an intense and embodied viewing experience. Their work has consistently attracted international recognition, including the rare feat of two Palmes d'Or at Cannes.In this first book-length study of the Belgian brothers, Joseph Mai delivers sophisticated close analyses of their directorial style and explores the many philosophical issues dealt with in their films (especially the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas). Mai discusses the Dardennes' varied and searching career from its inception in the late 1970s, starting with the working-class political consciousness and lost utopias of their documentary period; passing through their transition toward fictional narrative, experimental techniques, and familial themes; and finishing with a series of in-depth and philosophically informed interpretations of the brothers' more recent work. In such highly influential films such as La promesse, Rosetta, The Son, and The Child, the brothers have recast filmmaking through what Mai calls a "sensuous realism"--realism capable of touching the audience with the most compelling problems and moral dilemmas of contemporary society. This volume also features an interview in which the Dardennes discuss their approach to film production and the direction of actors.
Liverpool University Press Mr Freedom
William Klein’s Mr. Freedom (1969) is one of the most important American satirical films ever produced, the tale of an American superhero with disastrously misguided priorities. Although it was made in France and with a largely French cast, Klein was an American expatriate, and the film’s primary topic is American culture. That it is still so largely unseen seems to have something to do with a view of it as being, in the words of critic Jonathan Rosenbaum, “conceivably the most anti-American movie ever made”.In his contribution to the Constellations series, Tyler Sage argues that to call Mr. Freedom “anti-American” is to misunderstand not only the film but the satirical tradition of American arts and letters from which it descends. The film is challenging, Sage asserts, not because it is unpatriotic but because it lays bare the ideological nature of American films themselves. By interweaving a startling range of topics, including the cultural conditions surrounding the Vietnam War, the foundations of the American obsessions with race and violence, and our contemporary superhero film cycle, Sage explores the ways Mr. Freedom compels the viewer to come to terms with the fact that the stories we tell ourselves can never be separated from the larger forces of history, culture and film tradition.
Little, Brown Book Group The Mammoth Book of True Hauntings
This giant collection includes a huge range of 20th-century first-hand accounts of hauntings, such as the American troops who repeatedly saw the ghosts of a dead platoon of men while on patrol in Vietnam; and the witnessed haunting of a house near Tintagel in Cornwall that led actress Kate Winslet to pull out of buying the property.It covers the full spectrum of credible hauntings, from poltergeists (the noisy, dangerous and frightening spirits that are usually associated with pubescent girls, like the Bell Witch), to phantoms (like the Afrits of Saudi Arabia) and seduction spirits (such as the Lorelei, which have lured German men to death).Also included are the notes of the most famous ghost hunters of the twentieth century such as Hans Holzer, Susy Smith (USA); Harry Price, Jenny Randles (UK); Joyce Zwarycz (Australia), Eric Rosenthal (South Africa), and Hwee Tan (Japan). Plus essays by such names as Robert Graves, Edgar Cayce, and M. R. James outlining their own - often extraordinary - conclusions as to just what ghosts might be; along with a full bibliography and list of useful resources.Praise for MBO Haunted House Stories:'A first rate list of contributors ... Hair raising!' Time Out'All we need say is buy it.' Starlog