Search results for ""Wiley VCH""
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Bulletproof Problem Solving: Komplexe Probleme in Unternehmen in 7 Schritten lösen
Komplexe Problemlösungen stehen ganz oben auf der Liste der wesentlichen Fähigkeiten für den beruflichen Aufstieg in der modernen Welt. Aber wie Problemlösung in unseren Schulen, Universitäten, Unternehmen und Organisationen gelehrt wird, ist oft nicht ausreichend. Im vorliegenden Buch lernen Sie einen siebenstufigen systematischen Ansatz zur kreativen Problemlösung, der in Top-Beratungsunternehmen entwickelt wurde, die in jedem Bereich und jeder Branche tätig sind, und der Sie zu einem sehr gefragten, "kugelsicheren Problemlöser" macht, der Herausforderungen meistern kann, die andere nicht meistern. Die in diesem Buch skizzierte Problemlösungstechnik basiert auf einer hochvisuellen, logischen Methode, die auf alles angewendet werden kann - von alltäglichen Entscheidungen über strategische Fragen im Unternehmen bis hin zu globalen sozialen Herausforderungen. Die Autoren, mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung bei McKinsey & Company, stellen 30 detaillierte, praxisnahe Beispiele zur Verfügung, damit Sie genau sehen können, wie die Technik in der Praxis funktioniert. Mit diesem kugelsicheren Ansatz zum Definieren, Enthüllen, Verstehen und schließlich Lösen von Problemen haben Sie eine persönliche Superkraft für die Entwicklung überzeugender Lösungen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz. Die Geheimnisse, die in diesem Buch enthüllt werden, werden die Art und Weise, wie Sie Probleme angehen, verändern und Sie auf die nächste Ebene des geschäftlichen und persönlichen Erfolgs führen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Assessment Center Training für Dummies
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Sie haben eine Einladung zu einem Assessment Center erhalten und damit die erste Hürde im Bewerbungsverfahren genommen. Nun ist es an Ihnen, sich planvoll vorzubereiten, um die vielfältigen, standardisierten Aufgaben zu bestehen. Pia Petruschke, Laura Lüneborg und Katharina Roth helfen Ihnen dabei. Sie erläutern Ziele und Absichten sowie den Aufbau eines Assessment Centers, nennen die Aufgabe der Beobachter, beschreiben die Methoden und geben Ihnen wertvolle Tipps für die Vorbereitung auf das Interview, die Präsentation und Diskussion, das Rollenspiel sowie die Gruppenübung. Auch die Materialschlachten rund um die Postkorbübung und die Fallstudien sowie Fähigkeits- und Persönlichkeitstests verlieren nach einer optimalen Vorbereitung ihren Schrecken. So können Sie bestens gebrieft und gelassen den diversen Aufgaben eines Assessment Centers entgegensehen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Solution Manual to Accompany Volume I of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë
Solution Manual to Accompany Volume I of Quantum Mechanics by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë Grasp the fundamentals of quantum mechanics with this essential set of solutions Quantum mechanics, with its counter-intuitive premises and its radical variations from classical mechanics or electrodynamics, is both among the most important components of a modern physics education and one of the most challenging. It demands both a theoretical grounding and a grasp of mathematical technique that take time and effort to master. Students working through quantum mechanics curricula generally practice by working through increasingly difficult problem sets, such as those found in the seminal Quantum Mechanics volumes by Cohen-Tannoudji, Diu and Laloë. This solution manual accompanies Volume I and offers the long-awaited detailed solutions to all 69 problems in this text. Its accessible format provides explicit explanations of every step, focusing on both the physical theory and the formal mathematics, to ensure students grasp all pertinent concepts. It also includes guidance for transferring the solution approaches to comparable problems in quantum mechanics. Readers also benefit from: Approximately 70 figures to clarify key steps and concepts Detailed explanations of problems concerning quantum mechanics postulates, mathematical tools, properties of angular momentum, and more This solution manual is a must-have for students in physics, chemistry, or the materials sciences looking to master these challenging problems, as well as for instructors looking for pedagogical approaches to the subject.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Java Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies
Dieses Buch ist für alle, die tief in die Java-Programmierung einsteigen möchten. Dennoch werden keine Programmierkenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Lernen Sie zunächst, wie Sie das Java Development Kit installieren und welche Java-Elemente es gibt. Machen Sie sich dann mit Methoden und objektorientierter Programmierung vertraut. Werfen Sie Exceptions, sammeln Sie Datenelemente in flexiblen Arrays und programmieren Sie Fenster, Mäuse und Grafik. Merken Sie was? Unversehens sind Sie zum Profi geworden. Datenspeicherung, Datenbankzugriff und der Umgang mit XML-Dateien sind genauso wie die Parallelverarbeitung mit Threads und die Netzwerkprogrammierung keine Hürde mehr. Programmieren lernt man in erster Linie dadurch, dass man es tut: Deshalb sind Aufgaben vorhanden. Die Lösungen dazu und alle Codebeispiele des Buchs stehen zum Download zur Verfügung.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Programmieren mit dem Calliope mini für Dummies Junior
Sieht er nicht schön aus - der Calliope mini? Sechseckig und voller Technik. Vielleicht arbeitest du damit in der Schule? Ja, das ist ein echter Computer. Du kannst ihn mit Programmen zum Leben erwecken. Bring seine Lämpchen zum Leuchten! Spiele Töne, komponiere Lieder! Baue eine Alarmanlage oder ein Thermometer! Bestimmt hast du ganz viele eigene Ideen. Wir helfen dir, dass du dich zuerst einmal auf dem Calliope mini zurechtfindest, der Rest geht dann fast von allein. Bestens geeignet für Kinder ab 8 Jahre.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Echt ehrlich!: So erreichen Sie im Verkauf heute und zukünftig Umsatz
Udo Kerzinger hat erkannt, dass der Mensch im Verkauf in den Mittelpunkt gestellt werden muss, um wirklich erfolgreich zu sein. Seine Erfahrungen und sein Wissen möchte er im vorliegenden Buch teilen. Er befasst sich darin zuerst einmal mit der Situation als Verkäufer aber auch als Kunde in unserer Gesellschaft. Das Bild und das Image, was ein Verkäufer hat, werden beschrieben. Die meisten Verkäufer und Verkaufsbücher arbeiten daran, mit welchen Techniken sie den Kunden "rumkriegen". Die wenigsten arbeiten an sich. Deshalb beginnt Kerzinger bei seinem Ansatz der radikalen Ehrlichkeit erst einmal beim Verkäufer selbst. Der erste Teil des Buches widmet sich damit, sich als Verkäufer selbst zu reflektieren, wie ehrlich er mit sich umgeht, woran es liegen könnte, dass er nicht erfolgreich ist und was er genau tun muss, um authentisch und anziehend zu sein. Der zweite Teil des Buches widmet sich dem Thema, wie ein Verkäufer anderen Menschen begegnen muss, um langfristige erfolgreiche Beziehungen aufzubauen. Wie muss er sein und was muss er tun - nämlich authentisch und wahrhaftig. Alles andere geht dann fast wie von allein.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Physics of Atomic Nuclei
This advanced textbook presents an extensive and diverse study of low-energy nuclear physics considering the nucleus as a quantum system of strongly interacting constituents. The contents guide students from the basic facts and ideas to more modern topics including important developments over the last 20 years, resulting in a comprehensive collection of major modern-day nuclear models otherwise unavailable in the current literature. The book emphasizes the common features of the nucleus and other many-body mesoscopic systems currently in the center of interest in physics. The authors have also included full problem sets that can be selected by lecturers and adjusted to specific interests for more advanced students, with many chapters containing links to freely available computer code. As a result, readers are equipped for scientific work in mesoscopic physics.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Physik in den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften, Band 1: Mechanik und Thermodynamik
Anschaulichkeit vor Formalismus - die unvergleichlich verständliche Einführung in die Mechanik und Thermodynamik für Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften in neuer Auflage! Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau, Chemie, Geophysik, Biologie: eine Einführung in die Physik gehört für alle Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften unumgänglich zum Studium dazu, sei es im Rahmen der Physikvorlesungen für Hauptfachstudierende oder in Form auf spezifische Studiengänge zugeschnittener Veranstaltungen. Die vierte Auflage des Lehrbuchklassikers von Friedhelm Kuypers gibt in gewohnt anschaulicher Weise eine Einführung in die Mechanik und die Thermodynamik; neu hinzugekommen sind ein leicht verständlicher Überblick zum schwer greifbaren Thema Entropie und zu erneuerbaren Energien. Jeder Abschnitt wurde vollständig überarbeitet, um noch besser auf immer wieder vorkommende Probleme der Studierenden einzugehen. Im Aufgaben- und Lösungsteil werden die mittleren und schweren Aufgaben mit einer anschaulichen Vorstellung der behandelten Physik eingeleitet, bevor die eigentlichen Rechnungen beginnen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Criticality in Neural Systems
Leading authorities in the field review current experimental and theoretical knowledge oncriticality and brain function.The book begins by summarizing experimental evidence for criticality and self-organizedcriticality in the brain. Subsequently, important breakthroughs in modeling of critical neuronal circuits and how to establish self-organized criticality in the brain are described.A milestone publication, defining upcoming directions of research in this new fi eld and set to become the primary source of information on the brain and criticality.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Nonlinear Optical Borate Crystals: Principals and Applications
This clear and self-contained review of the last four decades of research highlights in the hot field of nonlinear optical (NLO) crystals, particularly of borate-based ultraviolet and deep-ultraviolet NLO crystals, covers three major subjects: the structure-property relationship in borate crystals, the structural and optical characteristics of various promising borate crystals, and their fruitful applications in a wide range of scientific and technological fields. Edited by the discoverers and users of these optical borate crystals, this is a readily accessible reading for semiconductor, applied and solid state physicists, materials scientists, solid state chemists, manufacturers of optoelectronic devices, and those working in the optical industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH CO2 Conversion and Utilization: Photocatalytic and Electrochemical Methods and Applications
CO2 Conversion and Utilization Comprehensive overview of current development of various catalysts in CO2 conversion and utilization through photocatalytic and electrochemical methods CO2 Conversion and Utilization systematically summarizes the development of CO2 photo- and electro-conversion and utilization, especially the reaction mechanism, engineering and technology of testing, and preparation methods and physicochemical properties of various catalytic materials. The rational design and preparation of catalysts, development of characterization technologies, and in-depth understanding of catalytic mechanisms are systematically discussed. In particular, the various parameters influencing the photocatalytic and electrochemical CO2 reduction are emphasized. The underlying challenges and perspectives for the future development of efficient catalysts for CO2 reduction to specific chemicals and fuels are discussed at the end of the text. Written by a highly qualified author with significant experience in the field, CO2 Conversion and Utilization includes information on: Measurement systems and parameters for CO2 photo/electro-conversion, CO2 photo/electro-conversion mechanism, and Cu-based and Cu-free metal materials for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction Organic-inorganic, metal organic framework, and covalent organic framework hybrid materials for CO2 photo/electro-conversion Single/dual-atom catalysts, homogeneous catalysts, and high-entropy alloys for CO2 photo/electro-conversion Semiconductor composite and carbon-based materials for photocatalytic CO2 reduction, novel routes for CO2 utilization via metal-CO2 batteries, and CO2 conversion into long-chain compounds Providing comprehensive coverage of the subject, CO2 Conversion and Utilization is of high interest for scientific researchers as well as engineers and technicians in industry, including but not limited to photochemists, electrochemists, environmental chemists, catalytic chemists, chemists in industry, and inorganic chemists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Polymer Crystallization: Methods, Characterization, and Applications
Polymer Crystallization Control the development of polymer crystals with this groundbreaking introduction Polymer crystallization is a crucial component of polymer development that impacts processing, applications, presentation, and more. Intervention in the polymer crystallization process, in the form of nanofilters, compatibilizers, and more, has the potential to improve optical and chemical properties, improve degrees of crystallinity, and increase the hardness of polymer composites. The myriad applications of crystalline polymers make this one of the most exciting and fast-growing fields in polymer research. Polymer Crystallization provides a comprehensive introduction to this field and its most important recent developments. It characterizes and analysis an expansive range of crystalline polymers and discusses possible mechanisms for influencing their crystallization processes to impact a variety of outcomes and applications. These applications include industries from food packaging to automotive parts to medical and aerospace materials. Polymer Crystallization readers will also find: Detailed treatment of polymer morphology, rheology, modeling, and more Thorough introduction to the fundamentals of polymer crystallization Discussion of environmental safety issues and avenues for future research Polymer Crystallization is a useful reference for materials scientists, polymer scientists, biomedical scientists, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in these and related fields.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Two-Dimensional Materials for Nonlinear Optics: Fundamentals, Preparation Methods, and Applications
Two-Dimensional Materials for Nonlinear Optics Comprehensive resource covering concepts, perspectives, and skills required to understand the preparation, nonlinear optics, and applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials Bringing together many interdisciplinary experts in the field of 2D materials with their applications in nonlinear optics, Two-Dimensional Materials for Nonlinear Optics covers preparation methods for various novel 2D materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and single elemental 2D materials, excited-state dynamics of 2D materials behind their outstanding performance in photonic devices, instrumentation for exploring the photoinduced excited-state dynamics of the 2D materials spanning a wide time scale from ultrafast to slow, and future trends of 2D materials on a series of issues like fabrications, dynamic investigations, and photonic/optoelectronic applications. Powerful nonlinear optical characterization techniques, such as Z-scan measurement, femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, and microscopy, are also introduced. Edited by two highly qualified academics with extensive experience in the field, Two-Dimensional Materials for Nonlinear Optics covers sample topics such as: Foundational knowledge on nonlinear optical properties, and fundamentals and preparation methods of 2D materials with nonlinear optical properties Modulation and enhancement of optical nonlinearity in 2D materials, and nonlinear optical characterization techniques for 2D materials and their applications in a specific field Novel nonlinear optical imaging systems, ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy for investigating carrier dynamics in emerging 2D materials, and transient terahertz spectroscopy 2D materials for optical limiting, saturable absorber, second and third harmonic generation, nanolasers, and space use With collective insight from researchers in many different interdisciplinary fields, Two-Dimensional Materials for Nonlinear Optics is an essential resource for materials scientists, solid state chemists and physicists, photochemists, and professionals in the semiconductor industry who are interested in understanding the state of the art in the field.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Van der Waals Ferroelectrics: Properties and Device Applications of Phosphorous Chalcogenides
Van der Waals Ferroelectrics A comprehensive guide to a unique class of compounds with a variety of applications Since the discovery of graphene, there has been intensive interest in two-dimensional materials with similar electronic and industrial applications. The limitations on the usefulness of graphene itself, however, have powered the search for other materials with similar properties. One such class of materials, the phosphorous chalcogenides, has proven a particularly fruitful avenue for research, due to the favorable band gap and ferroelectric properties of these materials. Van der Waals Ferroelectrics provides, for the first time, a detailed overview of this highly relevant and sought-after class of materials, also known as transition metal chalcogenophosphates (TMCPs). Focusing on physical properties, the book explores the complex physics underlying these compounds as well as the unique characteristics that have driven their ever-increasing importance to the materials science community. Van der Waals Ferroelectrics readers will also find: Both computational and experimental perspectives on TCMP compounds In-depth discussion of the properties essential to the design and construction of devices like sensors, actuators, memory chips, and capacitors The first detailed review of the functional properties of TCMP compounds, such as ferrielectricity, electrostriction, and ionic conductivity Van der Waals Ferroelectrics is a useful reference for materials scientists, inorganic chemists, solid state chemists, solid state physicists, electrical engineers, and libraries supporting these professions.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH UV-Visible Photocatalysis for Clean Energy Production and Pollution Remediation: Materials, Reaction Mechanisms, and Applications
UV-Visible Photocatalysis for Clean Energy Production and Pollution Remediation Comprehensive resource detailing fundamentals of photocatalysis, clean energy production, and pollution treatment, as well as recent developments in each field UV-Visible Photocatalysis for Clean Energy Production and Pollution Remediation: Materials, Reaction Mechanisms, and Applications provides current developments in photocatalytic reactions for both inorganic and organic-based materials which operate under UV-visible light or sunlight irradiation, with a focus on the fundamentals and applications in clean energy production and pollution remediation. The text curates interesting and important research surrounding photocatalysis for hydrogen production, including the fundamentals and photocatalytic remediation of our better environments, which covers the reduction of CO2 and fixation of N2 with H2O under UV-visible light or sunlight irradiation. The first chapter of the book introduces these diverse subjects by including a brief history of the developments of photocatalysis research since around the 1960s. Specific sample topics covered in this book include: Visible-light active photocatalysts in pollutant degradation and conversion with simultaneous hydrogen production Application of S-scheme heterojunction photocatalyst and the role of the defects on the photocatalytic reactions on ZnO Strategies for promoting overall water splitting with particulate photocatalysts via single-step visible-light photoexcitation Polymeric carbon nitride-based materials in aqueous suspensions for water photo-splitting and photo-reforming of biomass aqueous solutions to generate H2 Visible light-responsive TiO2 thin film photocatalysts for the separate evolution of H2 and O2 from water For chemists, scientists, physicists, and engineers across a wide range of disciplines, UV-Visible Photocatalysis for Clean Energy Production and Pollution Remediation is an essential resource for understanding current developments in photocatalytic reactions on both inorganic and organic-based materials which operate under UV-visible light or sunlight irradiation.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Zinc-Air Batteries: Introduction, Design Principles, and Emerging Technologies
Zinc–Air Batteries Authoritative and comprehensive resource covering foundational knowledge of zinc–air batteries as well as their practical applications Zinc–Air Batteries provides a comprehensive understanding of the history and development of Zn–air batteries, with a systematic overview of components, design, and device innovation, along with recent advances in the field, especially with regards to the cathode catalyst design made by cutting-edge materials, engineering processes, and technologies. In particular, design principles regarding the key components of Zn–air batteries, ranging from air cathode, to zinc anode, and to electrolyte, are emphasized. Furthermore, industrial developments of Zn–air batteries are discussed and emerging new designs of Zn–air batteries are also introduced. The authors argue that designing advanced Zn–air battery technologies is important to the realization of efficient energy storage and conversion—and, going further, eventually holds the key to a sustainable energy future and a carbon-neutral goal. Edited and contributed to by leading professionals and researchers in the field, Zinc–Air Batteries also contains information regarding: Design of oxygen reduction catalysts in primary zinc–air batteries, including precious metals, single-atoms, carbons, and transition metal oxides Design of bifunctional oxygen catalysts in rechargeable zinc–air batteries, covering specific oxygen redox reactions and catalyst candidates Design of three-dimensional air cathode in zinc–air batteries, covering loading of carbon-based and transition metal catalysts, plus design of the three-phase interface Design of electrolyte for zinc–air batteries, including liquid electrolytes (e.g., alkaline) and gel polymer electrolytes (e.g., PVA hydrogel) For students, researchers, and instructors working in battery technologies, materials science, and electrochemistry, and for industry and government representatives for decision making associated with energy and transportation, Zinc–Air Batteries summarizes the research results on Zn–air batteries and thereby helps researchers and developers to implement the technology in practice.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Sodium-Ion Capacitors: Mechanisms, Materials, and Technologies
Sodium-Ion Capacitors Enables readers to quickly understand core issues and field development of sodium-ion capacitors Sodium-Ion Capacitors summarizes and outlines the dynamics and development of sodium-ion capacitors, covering key aspects of the technology including background, classification and configuration, key technologies, and more, allowing readers to gain an understanding of sodium-ion capacitors from the perspective of both industrial technology and electrochemistry. Sodium-Ion Capacitors includes information on: EDLC-type mechanism of SCs and battery-type mechanism of SIBs, definition and types of pseudocapacitance, and energy storage mechanism of pseudocapacitors Cathode materials for sodium-ion capacitors, covering EDLC cathode materials, carbon nanotubes, reduced graphene oxide, and hollow carbon microspheres Flexible battery-type anode and capacitive cathode SICs cell configurations, including flexible electrodes based on carbon nanofiber, graphene substrates, carbon cloth, MXenes, and metal foil Pre-sodiation technologies, covering operation with Li metal, usage of Li-based alternatives, and the sacrificial additives method Summarizing the development, directions, potential, and core issues of sodium-ion capacitors, Sodium-Ion Capacitors is an essential resource on the subject for materials scientists, solid-state chemists and electrochemists, and semiconductor physicists in both industry and academia.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH 1D Semiconducting Hybrid Nanostructures: Synthesis and Applications in Gas Sensing and Optoelectronics
1D Semiconducting Hybrid Nanostructures In-depth discussion on the physics, chemistry, and engineering beneath the construction of 1D semiconducting hybrid materials 1D Semiconducting Hybrid Nanostructures: Synthesis and Applications in Gas Sensing and Optoelectronics provides breakthrough research developments and trends in a variety of 1D hybrid nanostructures for chemi-resistive gas sensors and optoelectronics applications, including recent investigations and developments regarding the innovative designing approaches, fabrications, and methods used to characterize these hybrid nanostructures. The text also includes the surface and interface properties of 1D hybrid semiconducting nanostructured materials, as well as their optimization for applications in gas sensing and optoelectronics. This book further addresses the different issues of sensitivity, selectivity, and operating temperature of gas sensors based on hybrid 1D nanostructures. Moreover, it covers the novel and additional functional optoelectronic properties that originate at the interface of 1D semiconducting nanostructures combined with other low dimensional materials. Some of the specific sample topics covered in this book include: Gas sensing and optoelectronic applications of one-dimensional semiconducting hybrid nanostructures, plus synthesis and gas sensing application of 1D semiconducting hybrid nanostructures Room temperature gas sensing properties of metal oxide nanowire/graphene hybrid structures and highly sensitive room temperature gas sensors based on organic-inorganic nanofibers Synthesis and applications of 1D hybrid tin oxide nanostructures and recent advances in semiconducting nanowires-based hybrid structures for solar application Types of semiconducting hybrid nanostructures for optoelectronic devices and hybrid 1D semiconducting ZnO/GaN nanostructures Thanks to its comprehensive coverage of the subject from highly qualified authors who have significant experience in the field, 1D Semiconducting Hybrid Nanostructures is a must-have reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students, professionals, researchers, in the field of semiconductor physics, materials science, surface science, and chemical engineering.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chiral Nanoprobes for Biological Applications
A comprehensive overview exploring the biological applications of chiral nanomaterials Chirality has been the centerpiece of many multidisciplinary fields within the broader umbrella of the sciences. Recent advancements in nanoscience have spurred a growing interest in the dynamic field of chiral nanomaterials. In particular, the recent breakthroughs in chiral nanocrystals have presented an intriguing avenue whose potential application may address some key issues at the heart of nanosciences. While little attention has been focused on the biological implications of such advances, this arena is attracting theoretical and applicative interests. Seeking to provide a thorough introduction to the field as well as fill this gap in scholarship, Chiral Nanoprobes for Biological Applications first provides a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art development of strong chiroptical nanomaterials, describing how a synthesis and self-assembly approach can enable one to design and create a number of functional chiral nanomaterials. From there, the authors discuss the biological applications of chiral nanomaterials, such as extracellular bioanalysis, intracellular bioanalysis, and chiral recognition, as well as photothermal and photodynamics therapy. In doing so, the book seeks emphasize the potential in multidisciplinary approaches to this up-and-coming field. Chiral Nanoprobes for Biological Applications readers will also find: A particular emphasis on milestones achieved for key chiral nanoprobes research from the last five years A discussion of future research directions A helpful guide for new researchers and established professionals alike Chiral Nanoprobes for Biological Applications is a useful reference for materials scientists, biochemists, protein chemists, stereo chemists, polymer chemists, and physical chemists. It is also a useful tool for libraries.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products: Bioconversion, Bioprocessing, and Biorefining
Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products A comprehensive resource presenting different manufacturing bioprocesses of chemical substitutes, from agricultural and industrial by-products to value-added biorefinery products Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products: Bioconversion, Bioprocessing, and Biorefining discusses the biorefinery of chemical substitutes from agricultural and industrial by-products, covering the consolidated bioconversion, bioprocessing, and downstream process of the significant chemical substitutes produced. In each chapter, the individual aspects of bioconversion, bioprocessing, and downstream process of chemical substitutes produced from selected agricultural and industrial by-products to selected chemical substitutes are discussed. The text includes helpful case studies of specific processes to aid in reader comprehension. Edited by four highly qualified academics, Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products: Bioconversion, Bioprocessing, and Biorefining includes information on: Common substitutes for chemicals obtained from biomass of agricultural wastes and industrial by-products, including antioxidants, oleoresin, nanocarbon materials, enzymes, essential oils, bio-bleaching agents, and biosugars Alternative substitutes, including biofertilizers, cocoa butter substitutes, bio-succinic acids, furfural derivatives, levulinic acids, and cellulases Economic calculations, such as cost analysis, of different bioprocesses to analyze their feasibility in business and general industry Environmental impact analysis of chemical substitutes from agricultural and industrial by-products for a sustainable agriculture system Enabling readers to create a change in the perception of the waste agricultural biomass from waste to resource, Chemical Substitutes from Agricultural and Industrial By-Products: Bioconversion, Bioprocessing, and Biorefining is an essential resource for biotechnologists, chemists in industry, natural products chemists, process engineers, chemical engineers, and environmental chemists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biotechnology for Zero Waste: Emerging Waste Management Techniques
Biotechnology for Zero Waste The use of biotechnology to minimize waste and maximize resource valorization In Biotechnology for Zero Waste: Emerging Waste Management Techniques, accomplished environmental researchers Drs. Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain and Ravi Kumar Kadeppagari deliver a robust exploration of the role of biotechnology in reducing waste and creating a zero-waste environment. The editors provide resources covering perspectives in waste management like anaerobic co-digestion, integrated biosystems, immobilized enzymes, zero waste biorefineries, microbial fuel cell technology, membrane bioreactors, nano biomaterials, and more. Ideal for sustainability professionals, this book comprehensively sums up the state-of-the-art biotechnologies powering the latest advances in zero-waste strategies. The renowned contributors address topics like bioconversion and biotransformation and detail the concept of the circular economy. Biotechnology for Zero Waste effectively guides readers on the path to creating sustainable products from waste. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to modern perspectives on zero waste drives, including anaerobic co-digestion as a smart approach for enhancing biogas production Comprehensive explorations of bioremediation for zero waste, biological degradation systems, and bioleaching and biosorption of waste Practical discussions of bioreactors for zero waste and waste2energy with biotechnology An in-depth examination of emerging technologies, including nanobiotechnology for zero waste and the economics and commercialization of zero waste biotechnologies Perfect for process engineers, natural products, environmental, soil, and inorganic chemists, Biotechnology for Zero Waste: Emerging Waste Management Techniques will also earn a place in the libraries of food technologists, biotechnologists, agricultural scientists, and microbiologists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Organic Electronics for Electrochromic Materials and Devices
Organic Electronics for Electrochromic Materials and Devices Explore this comprehensive overview of organic electrochromic materials and devices from a leading voice in the industryOrganic Electronics for Electrochromic Materials and Devices delivers a complete discussion of the major and key topics related to the phenomenon of electrochromism. The text covers the history of organic electrochromism, its fundamental principles, different types of electrochromic materials, the development of device structures and multi-function devices, characterizations of device performance, modern applications of electrochromic devices, and prospects for future electrochromic devices.The distinguished author places a strong focus on recent research results from universities and private firms from around the world and addresses the issues and challenges faced by those who apply organic electrochromic technology in the real world. With these devices quickly becoming the go-to display technology in the field of electronic information, this resource will quickly become indispensable to all who work or study in the field of optics.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to organic electrochromism, including its history and the mechanisms of electrochromic devices An exploration of polymer electrolytes for electrochromic applications, including their requirements and types A discussion of electrochromic small molecules, including the development of technology in viologen materials, fluoran and fluorescein dyes, violene-cyanine hybrids, triarylamine molecules and liquid crystal electrochromic materials. A perspective analysis of the redox-active conjugated polymers and triarylamine based non-conjugated polymers applied in electrochromic devices A treatment of Prussian blue and metallohexacyanates, including their backgrounds, technology development, crystal structures, synthesis, nanocomposites, and assembled electrochromic devices Perfect for materials scientists, polymer chemists, organic chemists, physical chemists, and inorganic chemists, Organic Electronics for Electrochromic Materials and Devices will also earn a place in the libraries of physicists and those who work in the optical industry who seek a one-stop reference that covers all aspects of organic electrochromic materials.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Thermal Properties and Applications
Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites In-depth overview of thermal analysis of natural fiber-reinforced composites In Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Thermal Properties and Applications, a team of distinguished researchers has delivered a comprehensive overview of the thermal properties of natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites. The book brings together information currently dispersed throughout the scientific literature and offers viable and environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional composites. The book highlights the thermal analysis of natural fiber-reinforced composites with techniques such as Thermogravimetric Analysis, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Thermomechanical Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, etc. This book provides: A thorough review of the thermal characterization of natural fiber-based hybrid composites Detailed investigation of the thermal properties of polymer composites reinforced with various natural fibers such as flax fiber, pineapple leaf fiber, sisal, sugar palm, grass fiber and cane fiber Discussions on the thermal properties of hybrid natural fiber-reinforced composites with various thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers Influence of nanofillers on the thermal stability and thermal decomposition characteristics of the natural fiber-based hybrid composites Natural Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Thermal Properties and Applications is a must-read for materials scientists, polymer chemists, and professionals working in the industry. This book is ideal for readers seeking to make an informed decision regarding materials selection for applications involving thermal insulation and elevated temperature. The suitability of natural fiber-reinforced composites in the automotive, mechanical, and civil engineering sectors is highligted.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Battery Technologies: Materials and Components
Battery Technologies A state-of-the-art exploration of modern battery technology In Battery Technologies: Materials and Components, distinguished researchers Dr. Jianmin Ma delivers a comprehensive and robust overview of battery technology and new and emerging technologies related to lithium, aluminum, dual-ion, flexible, and biodegradable batteries. The book offers practical information on electrode materials, electrolytes, and the construction of battery systems. It also considers potential approaches to some of the primary challenges facing battery designers and manufacturers today. Battery Technologies: Materials and Components provides readers with: A thorough introduction to the lithium-ion battery, including cathode and anode materials, electrolytes, and binders Comprehensive explorations of lithium-oxygen batteries, including battery systems, catalysts, and anodes Practical discussions of redox flow batteries, aqueous batteries, biodegradable batteries, and flexible batteries In-depth examinations of dual-ion batteries, aluminum ion batteries, and zinc-oxygen batteries Perfect for inorganic chemists, materials scientists, and electrochemists, Battery Technologies: Materials and Components will also earn a place in the libraries of catalytic and polymer chemists seeking a one-stop resource on battery technology.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Tribological Properties, Performance, and Applications of Biocomposites
Tribological Properties, Performance, and Applications of Biocomposites Discover the principles and applications of biocomposites with this comprehensive guide For decades, lightweight composites composed of synthetic fibers have found an enormous range of industrial applications, often replacing metals in various industrial processes because of their distinctive properties. However, these synthetic fibers produce considerable carbon dioxide emissions and are difficult to recycle, making them unsuited to renewable industry and the demands of a sustainable world. In recent years, polymer composites of natural fibers—called biocomposites—have been gaining popularity, presenting a superior alternative both ecologically and mechanically. Tribological Properties, Performance, and Applications of Biocomposites provides a comprehensive overview of these natural fiber polymer composites and their properties as they behave in relate motion and interact with other substances. Drawing insights from both academic research and industry, it provides both theoretical insights and practical applications of biocomposite polymers. The result is an essential tool in updating industry with cutting-edge technology for a sustainable future. Tribological Properties, Performance, and Applications of Biocomposites readers will also find: Detailed discussion of biocomposites as they interact with different matrices, nanoparticles, and more Applications for technologies in areas including dental, biomedical, and tissue engineering An editorial team with decades of combined experience in biocomposite research Tribological Properties, Performance, and Applications of Biocomposites is ideal for materials scientists, chemists, and engineering scientists in both academia and industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Rechargeable Ion Batteries: Materials, Design, and Applications of Li-Ion Cells and Beyond
Rechargeable Ion Batteries Highly informative and comprehensive resource providing knowledge on underlying concepts, materials, ongoing developments and the many applications of ion-based batteries Rechargeable Ion Batteries explores the concepts and the design of rechargeable ion batteries, including their materials chemistries, applications, stability, and novel developments. Focus is given on state-of-the-art Li-based batteries used for portable electronics and electric vehicles, while other emerging ion-battery technologies are also introduced. The text addresses innovative approaches by reviewing nanostructured anodes and cathodes that pave new ways for enhancing the electrochemical performance. The first three chapters are dedicated to the general concepts of electrochemical cells, enabling readers to understand all necessary concepts for batteries from a single book. The following chapter covers the exciting applications of lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, while the subsequent chapters on Li-battery components include new types of anodes, cathodes, and electrolytes that have been developed recently, complemented by an overview of designing mechanically stable ion-battery systems. The last three chapters summarize recent progress in lithium-sulfur, sodium-ion, magnesium-ion and zinc and emerging ion-battery technologies. In Rechargeable Ion Batteries, readers can expect to find specific information on: Electrochemical cells, primary batteries, secondary batteries, recycling of batteries, applications of lithium and sodium batteries Next-generation cathodes, anodes and electrolytes for secondary lithium-ion batteries, which allow for improved performance and safety Multiphysics modeling for predicting design criteria for next generation ion-insertion electrodes Developments in lithium-sulfur batteries, sodium-ion batteries, and future ion-battery technologies Rechargeable Ion Batteries provides informative and comprehensive coverage of the subject to interested researchers, academics, and professionals in various fields, including materials science, electrochemistry, physical chemistry, mechanics, engineering, recycling and industry including the battery manufacturers and supply chain ancillaries, automotive, aerospace, and marine sectors, energy storage installers and environmental stakeholders. Readers can easily acquire a base of knowledge on the subject while understanding future developments in the field.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics
Graphdiyne Discover the most cutting-edge developments in the study of graphdiyne from a pioneer of the field In Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics, accomplished chemist Dr. Yuliang Li delivers a practical and insightful compilation of theoretical and experimental developments in the study of graphdiyne. Of interest to both academics and industrial researchers in the fields of nanoscience, organic chemistry, carbon science, and renewable energies, the book systematically summarizes recent research into the exciting new material. Discover information about the properties of graphdiyne through theoretical simulations and experimental characterizations, as well as the development of graphdiyne with appropriate preparation technology. Learn to create new graphdiyne-based materials and better understand its intrinsic properties. Find out about synthetic methodologies, the controlled growth of aggregated state structures, and structural characterization. In addition to demonstrating the interdisciplinary potential and relevance of graphdiyne, the book also offers readers: A thorough introduction to basic structure and band gap engineering, including molecular and electronic structure, mechanical properties, and the layers structure of bulk graphdiyne Explorations of Graphdiyne synthesis and characterization, including films, nanotube arrays and nanowires, nanowalls, and nanosheets, as well as characterization methods Discussions of the functionalization of graphdiyne, including heteroatom doping, metal decoration, and absorption of guest molecules Rigorous treatments of Graphdiyne-based materials in catalytic applications, including photo- and electrocatalysts Perfect for organic chemists, electronics engineers, materials scientists, and physicists, Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics will also find its place on the bookshelves of surface and solid-state chemists, electrochemists, and catalytic chemists seeking a one-stop reference on this rising-star carbon material.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Molecular Photoswitches: Chemistry, Properties, and Applications, 2 Volume Set
A comprehensive overview about the emerging field of photoswitches and their applications in materials science and biology Molecular Photoswitches guides the reader through the basic molecular structures of photochromic compounds and their applications in the area of photoresponsive materials as well as in the biological context. The initial chapters describe individual classes of molecular photoswitches, introducing their principles of photochromism, typical switching wavelengths, thermal stability of photoisomers and other key information, which is ordinarily spread in the literature. These classes comprise i.a. azobenzenes, diazocines, arylazoheterocycles, arylhydrazones, indigoids, photochromic imines, or acylhydrazones. The book also covers: Catalysis with molecular switches Applications in photochromic porous materials, liquid crystals, or nanoparticles Light-responsive molecular machines, logic devices, and molecular magnets Photomodulation of biological systems: photoswitchable biopolymers, lightmodulated antibiotics, cytotoxins, ion channel inhibitors, light-propelled artificial muscles, and computationally designed photochromic proteins This two-volume work is a valuable guide for researchers and non-experts working in the field of photochemistry, organic chemistry, catalysis, materials science, biology, and medicine.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biomedical Engineering: Materials, Technology, and Applications
Biomedical Engineering An exploration of materials processing and engineering technology across a wide range of medical applications The field of biomedical engineering has played a vital role in the progression of medical development technology. Biomedical Engineering: Materials, Technology, and Applications covers key aspects of the field—from basic concepts to advanced level research for medical applications. The book stands as a source of inspiration for research on materials as well as their development and practical application within specialized industries. It begins with a discussion of what biomedical engineering is and concludes with a final chapter on the advancements of biomaterials technology in medicine. Offers comprehensive coverage of topics, including biomaterials, tissue engineering, bioreceptor interactions, and various medical applications Discusses applications in critical industries such as biomedical diagnosis, pharmaceutics, drug delivery, cancer detection, and more Serves as a reference for those in scientific, medical, and academic fields Biomedical Engineering takes an interdisciplinary look at how biomedical science and engineering technology are integral to developing novel approaches to major problems, such as those associated with disease diagnosis and drug delivery. By covering a full range of materials processing and technology-related subjects, it shares timely information for biotechnologists, material scientists, biophysicists, chemists, bioengineers, nanotechnologists, and medical researchers.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH 3D and Circuit Integration of MEMS
3D and Circuit Integration of MEMS Explore heterogeneous circuit integration and the packaging needed for practical applications of microsystemsMEMS and system integration are important building blocks for the “More-Than-Moore” paradigm described in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. And, in 3D and Circuit Integration of MEMS, distinguished editor Dr. Masayoshi Esashi delivers a comprehensive and systematic exploration of the technologies for microsystem packaging and heterogeneous integration. The book focuses on the silicon MEMS that have been used extensively and the technologies surrounding system integration.You’ll learn about topics as varied as bulk micromachining, surface micromachining, CMOS-MEMS, wafer interconnection, wafer bonding, and sealing. Highly relevant for researchers involved in microsystem technologies, the book is also ideal for anyone working in the microsystems industry. It demonstrates the key technologies that will assist researchers and professionals deal with current and future application bottlenecks.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to enhanced bulk micromachining on MIS process, including pressure sensor fabrication and the extension of MIS process for various advanced MEMS devicesAn exploration of epitaxial poly Si surface micromachining, including process condition of epi-poly Si, and MEMS devices using epi-poly SiPractical discussions of Poly SiGe surface micromachining, including SiGe deposition and LP CVD polycrystalline SiGeA concise treatment of heterogeneously integrated aluminum nitride MEMS resonators and filtersPerfect for materials scientists, electronics engineers, and electrical and mechanical engineers, 3D and Circuit Integration of MEMS will also earn a place in the libraries of semiconductor physicists seeking a one-stop reference for circuit integration and the practical application of microsystems.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules: Salts, Cocrystals, and Polymorphism
Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules A guide to the lastest industry principles for optimizing the production of solid state active pharmaceutical ingredients Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules is an authoritative guide that covers the entire pharmaceutical value chain. The authors—noted experts on the topic—examine the importance of the solid state form of chemical and biological drugs and review the development, production, quality control, formulation, and stability of medicines. The book explores the most recent trends in the digitization and automation of the pharmaceutical production processes that reflect the need for consistent high quality. It also includes information on relevant regulatory and intellectual property considerations. This resource is aimed at professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and offers an in-depth examination of the commercially relevant issues facing developers, producers and distributors of drug substances. This important book: Provides a guide for the effective development of solid drug forms Compares different characterization methods for solid state APIs Offers a resource for understanding efficient production methods for solid state forms of chemical and biological drugs Includes information on automation, process control, and machine learning as an integral part of the development and production workflows Covers in detail the regulatory and quality control aspects of drug development Written for medicinal chemists, pharmaceutical industry professionals, pharma engineers, solid state chemists, chemical engineers, Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules reviews information on the solid state of active pharmaceutical ingredients for their efficient development and production.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation
Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation Discover the latest developments in homogeneous asymmetric (transfer) hydrogenation with this up-to-date resourceAsymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation delivers a current and cutting-edge investigation of homogenous asymmetric hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation reactions of prochiral substrates by using organometallic catalysts (like ruthenium, rhodium, iridium, iron, and copper) and organic catalysts.Distinguished researchers and editors Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal and Phannarath Phansavath also offer readers a comprehensive walkthrough of substituted ketones through dynamic kinetic resolution, as well a presentation of the mechanisms and application of asymmetric hydrogenation reactions to the synthesis of biologically relevant compounds.The book comprehensively details its complex subject matter clearly and plainly and covers everything from catalyst development and reactions to mechanisms and applications in academia and industry. The papers included within come from many of the leading voices in their respective fields and represent the newest and best research available today.Compiled for researchers and private-industry chemists alike, Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation also discusses a wide variety of other topics like: A discussion of the development of chiral metal catalysts for asymmetric transfer hydrogenation Several examinations of asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of a variety of chemical groups, including ketones, aryl and heteroaryl ketones, substituted ketones, and heteroaromatic compounds, alkenes, and imines An exploration of the mechanism of asymmetric hydrogenation and continuous flow asymmetric hydrogenation A full and thorough treatment of the industrial applications of asymmetric hydrogenation Perfect for catalytic chemists, chemists working on or with organometallics, organic chemists, natural product chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, medicinal chemists, and industrial chemists, Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation also belongs on the bookshelves of research and university institutes and libraries who wish to expand their selection on a topic fundamental to organic synthesis.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Organic Chemistry Deluxe Edition: Theory, Reactivity and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis
The know-how about reactivity, reaction mechanisms, thermodynamics and other basics in physical organic chemistry is the key for successful organic reactions. This textbook with its workbook presents comprehensively this knowledge to the student and to the researcher, too.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Photoinitiators: Structures, Reactivity and Applications in Polymerization
Photoinitiators A comprehensive text that covers everything from the processes and mechanisms to the reactions and industrial applications of photoinitiatorsPhotoinitiators offers a wide-ranging overview of existing photoinitiators and photoinitiating systems and their uses in ever-growing green technologies. The authors—noted experts on the topic—provide a concise review of the backgrounds in photopolymerization and photochemistry, explain the available structures, and examine the excited state properties, involved mechanisms, and structure, reactivity, and efficiency relationships. The text also contains information on the latest developments and trends in the design of novel tailor-made systems.The book explores the role of current systems in existing and emerging processes and applications. Comprehensive in scope, it covers polymerization of thick samples and in-shadow areas, polymerization under LEDs, NIR light induced thermal polymerization, photoinitiators for novel specific and improved properties, and much more. Written by an experienced and internationally renowned team of authors, this important book:Provides detailed information about excited state processes, mechanisms and design of efficient photoinitiator systemsDiscusses the performance of photoinitiators of polymerization by numerous examples of reactions and applicationIncludes information on industrial applicationsPresents a review of current developments and challengesOffers an introduction to the background information necessary to understand thefieldThe role played by photoinitiators in a variety of different polymerization reactionsWritten for polymer chemists, photochemists, and materials scientists, Photoinitiators will also earn a place in the libraries of photochemists seeking an authoritative, one-stop guide to the processes, mechanisms, and industrial applications of photoinitiators.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Macromolecular Engineering, 5 Volume Set: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications
Macromolecular Engineering Complete and Thorough Resource on Macromolecular Engineering for Researchers and Industry Professionals This book covers the entire field of macromolecular engineering, from design and preparation of well-defined macromolecules, to precise characterization, all the way to optimization for specific functions and applications. It provides background information, comparative advantages and limitations, the most recent advances of numerous synthetic approaches, characterization techniques, and potential applications. The second edition has been completely updated and edited by a world-class team of editors led by K. Matyjaszewski. Sample topics covered within the work include: Synthetic tools to precisely control various aspects of macromolecular structure including chain composition, microstructure, functionality, and topology Modern characterization techniques at the molecular and macroscopic level for various properties of well-defined (co)polymers in solution, bulk and at surfaces The correlation of molecular structure with macroscopic properties additionally affected by processing Self-healing polymers, renewable resources, photopolymerization, click chemistry, organocatalysis, hierarchical self-assembly, nanocarbon, and ionic liquids Polymer chemists and engineers, materials scientists, and professionals in the plastics and pharmaceutical industries will be able to use Macromolecular Engineering as a completely comprehensive reference work to understand macromolecular engineering and its many practical applications.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Physikalische Chemie: für natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftliche Studiengänge. Arbeitsbuch
Der "kleine" Atkins ist ideal für Bachelor-Studierende der Chemie und Studierende anderer Naturwissenschaften sowie der Ingenieurwissenschaften: das Buch führt ein in die Grundlagen der Physikalischen Chemie, die besonders hohe Anforderungen an die Studentinnen und Studenten stellt. Das erstmals auf Deutsch vorliegende Arbeitsbuch zur 5. Auflage des "kleinen" Atkins ermöglicht die eigenständige Kontrolle des Lernerfolgs dank der ausführlich durchgerechneten Lösungen der mehr als 800 Aufgaben aus dem Lehrbuch. Auch im attraktiven Deluxe-Set mit dem Lehrbuch erhältlich!
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Ullmann's Pharmaceuticals, 2 Volume Set
Based on the WHO's Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical (ATC) classification system, virtually all marketed therapeutics are covered here in 48 topical sections. Each section contains a general introduction to the therapeutic class, current developments, and challenges, followed by a systematic listing of all important marketed products. For each therapeutic, up-to-date information on compound structure, mechanism, formulation, clinical use, time on market, and production methods is provided, complete with refrences to the scientific and patent literature. With ULLMANN's being one of the most renowned and trusted references in the field of industrial chemistry, this selection of ULLMANN's articles is an indispensable guide for every professional in the pharmaceutical and medical sector and provides reliable data on more than 3,500 pharmaceutical products marketed up to 2021.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Addition Reactions with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons
Addition Reactions with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Provides comprehensive coverage of the atom-economic approach to functionalized molecules using unsaturated hydrocarbons as starting materials Unsaturated hydrocarbons have emerged as an important class of fundamental starting materials in organic synthesis. Synthetic methodologies incorporating unsaturated hydrocarbons continue to expand due to their numerous applications in the synthesis of a vast array of chemicals. Addition Reactions with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons presents an up-to-date overview of modern methods that utilize reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons as building blocks of organic synthesis, covering the conceptual and practical knowledge required for designing atom-efficient reactions to synthesize functionalized molecules. This authoritative volume discusses homo-dimerization and cross-dimerization of alkynes and/or alkenes, synthesis of carbonyl compounds from the hydration of alkynes, cycloadditions of alkynes and alkenes for the synthesis of carbocycles and heterocycles, double functionalization of alkynes and alkenes by addition reactions of element-element bonds, and more. Summarizes the most recent developments in the reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons Features more than 600 schemes describing typical reactions starting from unsaturated hydrocarbons Covers topics such as alkynylated reactions, addition and cycloaddition reactions of alkynes and alkenes, and carbonylation of alkynes and alkenes with carbon monoxide Includes examples of synthesis procedures of natural products involving alkyne transformation With comprehensive coverage of important reactions of unsaturated hydrocarbons, Addition Reactions with Unsaturated Hydrocarbons is a valuable resource for organic chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, and biochemists in both academia and industry as well as an excellent reference text for graduate students in relevant areas of chemistry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Applied Process Control: Essential Methods
The basic working knowledge for the practicing control engineer in industry, offered here as a handy deluxe edition comprising two volumes each devoted to methods and practical problems. Focusing on the practical implementation, the methods volume provides readers with rapid access to process modelling and control, while including the theoretical background necessary. Throughout, the essential knowledge is built up from chapter to chapter, starting with laying the foundations in plant instrumentation and control. Modelling abilities are then developed by starting from simple time-loop algorithms and passing on to discrete methods, Laplace transforms, automata and fuzzy logic. In the end, readers have the means to design simple controllers on the basis of their own models, and to use more detailed models to test them. With its clarity and simplicity of presentation, and illustrated by more than 200 diagrams, the volume supports self-study and teaches readers how to apply the appropriate method for the application required, and how to handle problems in process control. Bridging theory and practice, the second volume contains over 200 practical exercises and their solutions to develop the problem-solving abilities of process engineers. The problems were developed by the author during his many years of teaching at university and are kept brief, taken from the fields of instrumentation, modeling, plant control, control strategy design and stability of control. The algorithm flows and codes, which are mostly based on MATLAB®, are given in many cases and allow for easy translation into applications. With a clarity and simplicity of presentation, the two volumes are similarly structured for easy orientation.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Drying Technologies for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Applications
A comprehensive source of information about modern drying technologies that uniquely focus on the processing of pharmaceuticals and biologicals Drying technologies are an indispensable production step in the pharmaceutical industry and the knowledge of drying technologies and applications is absolutely essential for current drug product development. This book focuses on the application of various drying technologies to the processing of pharmaceuticals and biologicals. It offers a complete overview of innovative as well as standard drying technologies, and addresses the issues of why drying is required and what the critical considerations are for implementing this process operation during drug product development. Drying Technologies for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Applications discusses the state-of-the-art of established drying technologies like freeze- and spray- drying and highlights limitations that need to be overcome to achieve the future state of pharmaceutical manufacturing. The book also describes promising next generation drying technologies, which are currently used in fields outside of pharmaceuticals, and how they can be implemented and adapted for future use in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, it deals with the generation of synergistic effects (e.g. by applying process analytical technology) and provides an outlook toward future developments. -Presents a full technical overview of well established standard drying methods alongside various other drying technologies, possible improvements, limitations, synergies, and future directions -Outlines different drying technologies from an application-oriented point of view and with consideration of real world challenges in the field of drug product development -Edited by renowned experts from the pharmaceutical industry and assembled by leading experts from industry and academia Drying Technologies for Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Applications is an important book for pharma engineers, process engineers, chemical engineers, and others who work in related industries.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Advanced Characterization Techniques for Thin Film Solar Cells
The book focuses on advanced characterization methods for thin-film solar cells that have proven their relevance both for academic and corporate photovoltaic research and development. After an introduction to thin-film photovoltaics, highly experienced experts report on device and materials characterization methods such as electroluminescence analysis, capacitance spectroscopy, and various microscopy methods. In the final part of the book simulation techniques are presented which are used for ab-initio calculations of relevant semiconductors and for device simulations in 1D, 2D and 3D. Building on a proven concept, this new edition also covers thermography, transient optoelectronic methods, and absorption and photocurrent spectroscopy.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Handbook of 3D Integration, Volume 4: Design, Test, and Thermal Management
This fourth volume of the landmark handbook focuses on the design, testing, and thermal management of 3D-integrated circuits, both from a technological and materials science perspective. Edited and authored by key contributors from top research institutions and high-tech companies, the first part of the book provides an overview of the latest developments in 3D chip design, including challenges and opportunities. The second part focuses on the test methods used to assess the quality and reliability of the 3D-integrated circuits, while the third and final part deals with thermal management and advanced cooling technologies and their integration.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Sustainable Flow Chemistry: Methods and Applications
This ready reference not only presents the hot and emerging topic of modern flow chemistry, it is also unique in illustrating the important connection to sustainable chemistry. Focusing on more sustainable methods and applications, the text extensively covers every important field from reaction time optimization to waste minimization, and from safety improvements to microwave applications. In addition, green metrics are presented as a key aspect of the book, helping readers to evaluate the efficiency of flow technologies and their impact on the overall efficiency of a chemical process. An invaluable handbook for every chemist working in the laboratory, whether in academia or industry.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Atmospheric Aerosols: Life Cycles and Effects on Air Quality and Climate
The book describes the morphological, physical and chemical properties of aerosols from various natural and anthropogenic sources to help the reader better understand the direct role of aerosol particles in scattering and absorbing short- and long-wave radiation.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Material-Integrated Intelligent Systems: Technology and Applications
Combining different perspectives from materials science, engineering, and computer science, this reference provides a unified view of the various aspects necessary for the successful realization of intelligent systems. The editors and authors are from academia and research institutions with close ties to industry, and are thus able to offer first-hand information here. They adopt a unique, three-tiered approach such that readers can gain basic, intermediate, and advanced topical knowledge. The technology section of the book is divided into chapters covering the basics of sensor integration in materials, the challenges associated with this approach, data processing, evaluation, and validation, as well as methods for achieving an autonomous energy supply. The applications part then goes on to showcase typical scenarios where material-integrated intelligent systems are already in use, such as for structural health monitoring and smart textiles.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
Originally based on a graduate course taught by the author, this true classic has once again been extensively updated to incorporate key new findings in biological signaling. With over half of the content re-written, plus 70 brand new and 50 revised figures, this is the most up-to-date textbook on signaling available anywhere. Thanks to its clear structure, hundreds of illustrative drawings, as well as chapter introductions and newly added study questions, this text excels as a companion for a course on biological signaling, and equally as an introductory reference to the field for students and researchers. Generations of students and junior researchers have relied on "the Krauss" to find their way through the bewildering complexity of biological signaling pathways.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Synthetic Biology: Parts, Devices and Applications
A review of the interdisciplinary field of synthetic biology, from genome design to spatial engineering. Written by an international panel of experts, Synthetic Biology draws from various areas of research in biology and engineering and explores the current applications to provide an authoritative overview of this burgeoning field. The text reviews the synthesis of DNA and genome engineering and offers a discussion of the parts and devices that control protein expression and activity. The authors include information on the devices that support spatial engineering, RNA switches and explore the early applications of synthetic biology in protein synthesis, generation of pathway libraries, and immunotherapy. Filled with the most recent research, compelling discussions, and unique perspectives, Synthetic Biology offers an important resource for understanding how this new branch of science can improve on applications for industry or biological research.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Industrial Catalysis: A Practical Approach
Now in it's 3rd Edition, Industrial Catalysis offers all relevant information on catalytic processes in industry, including many recent examples. Perfectly suited for self-study, it is the ideal companion for scientists who want to get into the field or refresh existing knowledge.The updated edition covers the full range of industrial aspects, from catalyst development and testing to process examples and catalyst recycling. The book is characterized by its practical relevance, expressed by a selection of over 40 examples of catalytic processes in industry. In addition, new chapters on catalytic processes with renewable materials and polymerization catalysis have been included. Existing chapters have been carefully revised and supported by new subchapters, for example, on metathesis reactions, refinery processes, petrochemistry and new reactor concepts. "I found the book accesible, readable and interesting - both as a refresher and as an introduction to new topics - and a convenient first reference on current industrial catalytic practise and processes." Excerpt from a book review for the second edition by P. C. H. Mitchell, Applied Organometallic Chemistry (2007)