Search results for ""turner publicaciones""
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias XII
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias VII
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Comedias VI
Turner Publicaciones S.L. La Galatea Los trabajos de Persiles y Segismunda
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. La Ribot. Distinguished anyways
In 2021, La Ribot presented Distinguished Anyways at the Spanish Academy in Rome, four pieces that played with sunlight and paint, as part of her project, Distinguished Pieces, developed since 1993. One of these was created specifically for the occasion, creating a dialogue with a specific place. If these pieces were previously presented in theatrical or museum spaces, now they approach architecture, history and even astronomy to create an ephemeral space for representation within a place as peculiar as the Academy.Distinguished Anyways is not only a reflection on the career of an unclassifiable artist at her best, but it is the first book to celebrate one hundred and fifty years of the Spanish Academy in Rome.Text in English, Spanish and Italian.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Smoke/Humo
A collaboration between photographer Adrian Tyler and the writer and photography historian Horacio Fernández, to make a photobook in which the text is inseparably integrated with the image. The photographs were taken in a disused cigarette factory, which was essentially a state-owned tobacco manufacturing and distribution cartel. The texts come from the cigarette advertising archive at Stanford University and Horatio's responses to the images and advertising slogans not only subvert the intention of the advertising but add new depth and new meaning to the work. "One day we felt we owed a debt to smoke. It had surrounded us for so long that we missed it. Humo Smoke is our way of settling the score. The images show the decline of an industry through the ruins of a tobacco factory. The words have been chosen from among the endless literature on smoke, especially the advertising slogans of the business, which promised pleasures as numerous as the drawbacks they kept silent. Humo Smoke is a written photobook because we think images are too poetic when there is nothing to read, and words too ambiguous when there is nothing to see. It is also a rather melancholy photobook, and consequently a little playful, as light and whimsical as smoke itself, which never lets itself be tied down. We dedicate it both to those who like spending the hours watching it sway back and forth, and to those who believe it casts the most evil shadow". Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. The Palm: Collection at the Jardín Botánico Culiacán
The relationship between palms and humans has been very close since the beginning of ancient civilisations and this relationship shows no signs of diminishing. Palms are as relevant today as they were for the ancient Aztecs, since they have always provided food, shelter, materials and medicines. The Culiacan Botanical Garden recognises the importance of palms for humans and has worked on obtaining and protecting various species. This collection is one of the largest in Mexico. Each entry includes the common name of the species, other names by which the palm is known, its scientific name, conservation status and geographical distribution. It also mentions the habitat, its main characteristics, the relationship it has with others species and how it arrived at the Botanical Garden. This volume offers a selection of images with details of the leaves, the fruit, the trunk and the flower. There are also illustrations by the artist Sofía Táboas about the species in the nursery.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Rivelino
This publication features three essays by internationally recognised specialist authors, who offer three different insights into understanding and contextualising both the artist José Rivelino Moreno Valle, known as Rivelino, and his work. There is also a previously unpublished interview with Rivelino by Blanca González and during this open dialogue many questions are asked and answered about the creative future of the artist, as well as his relationship with criticism and collecting. The edition is rounded out by a selected catalogue of Rivelino's work from the 1990s through to the present. This is the most complete book published about Rivelino and the format invites re-reading in order to fully appreciate the texts and the images on offer. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. El futuro es historia Rusia y el regreso del totalitarismo
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. ... Expecting the Lightning: Feet in the Water, Staring at the Stars
...Expecting the Lightning uses science, art, astronomy, and anthropology to discuss what it means to be part of the universe. It is an invitation, through art, to be part of a discussion between those who acknowledge the extension of human ignorance and the desire for answers. This book, full of images, tells the history of humankind versus the universe, travelling through time by means of a multitude of artistic artefacts which interact and offer a sensorial experience. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. The Past is Present: Memories of Peru's Internal Armed Conflict
Over 15,000 Peruvians disappeared. More than 60,000 were mercilessly killed. These are individuals who Jonathan Moller will not allow us to forget. We are introduced to the victims of Peru once again, through his stark and raw photography, as Moller trawls this country in search of answers. Where have the missing gone? Can so many thousands of people be hidden? What do they do when they feel cold? Where do they find shelter? What do they eat when they are hungry? By humanising those who have been lost, Moller's photography unearths a new dimension to this tragedy.
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Before the Horizon: Luis Felipe Ortega
Various thinkers in the arts and humanities, who have dialogued with Luis Felipe Ortega and written about his work over the course of his career, have contributed to the creation of this book. It is conceived as a continuum; there is no table of contents at the beginning and the chronological listing of the images and texts it contains are at the end of the volume, where they function as index. Alexis Salas and Sergio González Rodríguez have prepared texts specifically for this work, in addition to the ammassed contributions from other renowned voices in the art and cultural field. Salas reviews Luis Felipe Ortega's career, in dialogue with the content of this book, while González focuses on one piece: "Truth Lives at the End if the Tunnel". Salas' overview works in conjunction with González's detailed analysis, forming a template for how to approach this intriguing artist. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. 50 discursos que cambiaron el mundo
Hablar en público en la asignatura pendiente de muchos políticos: convencer, mezclar lo personal y lo general, crear un estado de ánimo en la audiencia es una de las claves del éxito. Tanto como elegir lo que se dice, dónde se dice y cuándo se dice. Los cincuenta personajes cuyos discursos se recogen en este libro comparten esta habilidad, y no todos ellos para bien. Los sueños transformadores de Martin Luther King o Malala han movido tanto el mundo como los delirios de Hitler o de Stalin. Las palabras emocionantes de una feminista precoz como Emmeline Pankhurst aparecen aquí junto a un discurso amenazante de Bin Laden: el lector puede compararlos y sacar conclusiones. Y algunos discursos tan concisos y medidos como el ?Puedo prometer y prometo? de Adolfo Suárez tuvieron una importancia comparable a las largas filípicas de Ronald Reagan o de Fidel Castro. 50 discursos que abarcan las ideas y momentos más importantes de los siglos XX y XXI, ordenados cronológicamente, anotados con mucha
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Upfront. Foto-reporters: A World Generation
Photo journalism plays an important role in public life: providing accurate, contextualised information through images. When the camera lens focuses on the most harrowing realities, the photographer becomes the link transmitting the subjects' pain to all other people, thereby in a certain way becoming a spotlight taking some of the darkest sides of humanity out of the shadows. Upfront, both book and exhibition, was created precisely at a time when photo journalists in Spain and Latin America had begun to play an increasingly important role in the world. This book delves further into the work of twenty-three photo reporters from Latin America and Spain, not only the most highly acknowledged, but also others who, though having left behind a more modest mark and theories using more limited means, have helped to keep the their colleagues' commitment and excellence alive. Text in English and Spanish.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Historia mínima de Cataluña
Una historia breve para hacer saber, comprender y sentirCataluña en toda su sencilla complejidad. Disponible en castellano y catalán. La historia de Cataluña explicada de forma sintética, desdela prehistoria hasta la actualidad, y analizada en su contexto.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Rogelio Naranjo Vivir en la raya
Turner Publicaciones, S.L. Jose Maria Sicilia - Fukushima
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Impenitente ser cristiano en el siglo XXI
Estamos todos tan de vuelta de todo, tenemos tanta información, tantas opiniones, tanta ironía. No es fácil escribir un ensayo que descoloque y escandalice, que presente una idea novedosa e inesperada. Spufford lo ha conseguido con el argumento probablemente menos popular de nuestro tiempo: ?Creo en Dios, para mí el cristianismo tiene sentido y estoy harto de que ustedes, los ateos y agnósticos, se crean más listos que yo?. Profesor de literatura, intelectual progresista, Spufford demuestra aquí que se puede ser creyente y vivir en el mundo del siglo XXI sin aguantar que nadie le venga a perdonar la vida.Ya les hemos contado el final, pero háganse un favor: pasen y lean. No se arrepentirán.
Turner Publicaciones S.L. Sobre nada y otros escritos