Search results for ""schattauer""
Schattauer GmbH Anatomie der Vgel Klinische Aspekte und Propdeutik Zier Greif Zoo Wildvgel und Wirtschaftsgeflgel
Schattauer GmbH Verhaltensmedizin bei Hund und Katze tiologie Diagnose und Therapie von Verhaltensproblemen
Schattauer GmbH Medizinische Dokumentation Grundlagen einer qualittsgesicherten integrierten Krankenversorgung Lehrbuch und Leitfaden
Schattauer GmbH Ansthesie und Analgesie beim Klein und Heimtier mit Exoten Labortieren Vgeln Reptilien Amphibien und Fischen
Schattauer GmbH VetSkills Arbeitstechniken in der Kleintierpraxis
Schattauer GmbH MusikerMedizin Diagnostik Therapie und Prvention von musikerspezifischen Erkrankungen
Schattauer GmbH Zahnheilkunde bei Kaninchen und Nagern Leitfaden fr die Praxis
Schattauer GmbH Wirbelsule interdisziplinr Operative und konservative Therapie
Schattauer GmbH Verhaltensberatung bei kleinen Heimtieren Haltung Normalverhalten und Behandlung von Verhaltensproblemen
Schattauer GmbH Farbduplexsonografie der hirnversorgenden Gefäße ColorCoded Duplex Ultrasonography of the Cerebral Vessels
Schattauer GmbH Untersuchungs und Behandlungsmethoden bei Hund und Katze MemoVet
Schattauer GmbH KommunikationsSkills Erfolgreiche Gesprchsfhrung in der tierrztlichen Praxis VetCoach
Schattauer GmbH Endovense Verfahren Minimalinvasive Therapie der Varikosis griffbereit Zustzlich online auch ber QRCodes OPVideos
Schattauer GmbH Gynkologische Onkologie Diagnostik Therapie und Nachsorge auf Basis der AGOLeitlinien
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Schaurigschönes Europa
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Ich war noch niemals in ...
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Ich war noch niemals in ...
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Glamping Natur erleben Freiheit genieen Europas coolste Unterknfte
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Deutschland mit Hund
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Glamping: Glamorous Camping in the Great Outdoors
Experience the stunning natural beauty and indulgent luxury of "glamorous camping" in this book featuring the best and most-beautiful glamping locations throughout Europe. Have the best of both worlds: an outdoorsy, authentic blend of camping in the wild and the glamorous comforts of a swanky, serene hotel. That is “glamping”—glamorous camping—a growing and highly sought-after form of travel. It's perfect for those who want to be close to nature, who love to wake up to birdsong and seek solace in the scents of the forest, but who don’t want the cramped tents, pesky bugs, aching backs, and communal showers of the camping sites of yore. Glamping gives readers the most-amazing glamping destinations in Europe for planning their next nature-inspired (yet comfortable!) getaway. When you “glamp,” you don’t have to pitch a tent, there are no air mattresses to inflate, and you won’t get annoyed at those rocks or rain ruining your good night’s rest. Instead, you’ll enjoy high-quality accommodations in the great outdoors—from quaint treehouses in vineyards to a cozy igloo under a starry sky, and from traditional yurts set within a Zen-like forest to mysterious caves overlooking a gorgeous mountain range. It's all here to dream about and plan, including locations in: Finland Sweden Norway Iceland Great Britain Germany France The Netherlands Belgium Switzerland Italy Spain Portugal Albania Greece Czech Republic Poland Slovenia Hungary Slovakia Romania Lithuania Estonia Latvia Detailed descriptions and gorgeous full-color photos immerse readers in the beauty of nature and the lap of luxury in the finest destinations. So indulge in the perfect vacation that satisfies all your needs, being in the great outdoors while enjoying all the modern comforts of the best hotels in the world. It's time to get your glamp on, and Glamping will show you how!
5M Books Ltd Avian Anatomy 2nd Edition: Textbook and Colour Atlas
Bringing together annotated images and anatomical terms, this reference book is a unique combination of a practical, clinically oriented textbook and pictorial atlas of avian anatomy. Containing very high quality photographs, including histological and radiographic images and schematic diagrams, this edition focuses on ornamental birds and poultry. Among the various species examined are chickens, ducks and geese, as well as budgerigars, psitaccines and many others. In addition, wild bird species such as the common buzzard and falcon are taken into account and raptors are featured in a dedicated new chapter. Translated from Anatomie der Vögel, first published by Schattauer, Avian Anatomy is an ideal book for veterinary practitioners and students.
5M Books Ltd Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats: Assessing Common Illnesses by Differential Diagnosis
A handy pocket reference book for the busy practising vet providing a differential diagnosis guide to common conditions, The Handbook of Symptoms in Dogs and Cats is an invaluable practice resource ideal as a quick look-up guide during consultation. The book allows vets to look up a condition and identify the cause of the problem through a list of symptoms. It includes: 100 Main symptoms and their differential diagnoses and 100 laboratory findings, their standard values and analysis and diagnostic pathways for each symptom along with numerous tables for finding the confirming diagnosis. This practical and up-to-date manual is an indispensable companion for all small animal medicine veterinarians as well as for students of veterinary medicine Translated from Leitsymptome und Leitbefunde bei Hund und Katze: Differenzialdiagnostischer Leitfaden 3rd Ed, published by Schattauer.
5M Books Ltd Examination and Treatment Methods in Dogs and Cats 2nd edition
Examination and Treatment Methods in Dogs and Cats 2nd Edition is an essential pocket-sized reference for the busy veterinary practitioner. The book is organized in a quick look-up format with step-by-step diagrams and punchy, concise text, ideal for any clinical environment. Each entry covers a standard procedure that is carried out in everyday small animal practice – whether that is restraining patients, taking a blood or tissue sample, performing an endoscopy, taking an X-ray, or carrying out a biopsy – and provides a step-by-step pictorial guide on how to do so, accompanied by easy to read text – ideal for quick access before a procedure or during a consult. The contents are organized by body system, and include examination methods in: cardiology, respiratory medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, urology, gynaecology, andrology, orthopedics, neurology, ophthalmology, otology and dermatology. The book also includes extensive sections on giving injections, catheter use, transfusions, inhalation techniques, parenteral nutrition, drainage, flushes and bandaging. Covering a vast array of standard veterinary procedures, this is an ideal support guide from an established veterinarian, with extensive experience in veterinary practice. It is also an invaluable resource for the veterinary practitioner and veterinary student. This is the English translation of the German work Untersuchungsund Behandlungsmethoden bei Hund und Katze 2 Auflage which was published by Schattauer 2014. ©