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Pinter & Martin Ltd. Nurturing Maternity Staff: How to tackle trauma, stress and burnout to create a positive working culture in the NHS
That maternity staff are under pressure, with many leaving their jobs each year, is well known. Personal sacrifices, long working hours, lack of resources and an overstretched system take their toll, and occasionally staff are involved in traumatic and emotionally difficult situations. Many tolerate these conditions in the service of doing a job they love, but what happens to their mental health over time? Nurturing Maternity Staff explains how the system and individuals within it relate to each other, highlighting both the vital role compassionate leadership has in creating psychologically safe working environments, as well as tools individuals can use to optimise their own mental wellbeing. Let’s dare to dream maternity services could be different.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Breastfeeding Uncovered: Who really decides how we feed our babies?
Across the world mothers are urged to breastfeed, but in Western society many find it difficult. Those who stop can feel unhappy and demoralised – but why should such a desired, encouraged and biologically normal behaviour seem so challenging in reality? Breastfeeding Uncovered reveals how complex social and cultural messages work against new mothers, damaging the normal physiology of breastfeeding and making it seem unmanageable. Professor Amy Brown removes the focus from the mother and instead urges society to rethink its attitude towards breastfeeding and mothering, in order to support, encourage and protect mothers who want to breastfeed their babies. This book is for anyone who has ever struggled with breastfeeding, supported new mothers or just wondered what all the fuss is about. Most of all it is a must-read for anyone who has ever thought a breastfeeding mother should cover up, or feed her baby elsewhere. This new edition has been revised and updated with new case studies and links to research, plus a chapter on how the COVID-19 pandemic affected breastfeeding, so that it continues to be an up-to-date reflection of society’s attitudes to breastfeeding.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Let's talk about the first year of parenting
Becoming a parent is about so much more than just taking care of a baby – it involves changes in all areas of your life and it can be everything from fantastic and fulfilling to overwhelming and exhausting… sometimes all at once. It can be hard to work out what’s normal and what’s not, about everything from newborn baby behaviour, feeding and sleep, to your postnatal body, mental health, and relationships including who does the chores and who goes back to work and when. In this warm, reassuring and practical book, Amy Brown talks you through the first year of parenthood, helping you navigate some of the challenges caring for a newborn can bring for both parents. She focusses on you and your needs, while recognising that each family is unique, in a broad discussion that also tackles men’s mental health and dads staying home, and the experiences of single parents and same-sex couples. The central focus is on making sure you get the information and support you need, whatever your circumstances.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Why Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Matter
Although women are often advised to exercise during pregnancy and after birth, there is little information available about the tremendous benefits of physical activity for both mother and baby, or what kinds of exercise are safe and appropriate. In Why Pregnancy and Postnatal Exercise Matter, Rehana Jawadwala, an exercise physiologist and perinatal yoga teacher, looks at the evidence for supporting physical activity in mothers, as well as how women’s physiology changes during pregnancy and after they give birth, answering in detail the questions that mothers and those supporting them may have.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Why Formula Feeding Matters
Making infant feeding decisions relies on parents having access to evidence-based information – but when it comes to formula feeding that can be hard to come by. Commercial interests and misunderstandings about the way breastfeeding is promoted can mean that important knowledge about formula feeding is not communicated to parents. Why Formula Feeding Matters aims to address this situation so that parents can make fully informed choices about how they feed their babies. All infants should be fed as safely and effectively as possible, and benefit from the best evidence we have about feeding practices. If you are formula feeding your baby, or thinking about doing so, this book is for you.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Why Mothers' Medication Matters
Prescribing medication for breastfeeding women can be complex, and often there are no studies to show whether drugs are safe for lactating women. Yet mothers often need medication: whether short term use of painkillers, mental health drugs, or drugs to treat chronic conditions Wendy Jones gives mothers and those treating them the information they need to make decisions about medication, while allaying fears that many have about adverse effects on babies of drugs passing through breastmilk as well as explaining the cautions on patient information leaflets in all medication boxes. Why Mothers’ Medication Matters is a practical, reassuring book that aims to put mothers and babies at the heart of their own care.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Informed is Best: How to spot fake news about your pregnancy, birth and baby
From the moment you share the news that you are pregnant or have a new baby it feels like everyone becomes an expert. Did you see that headline? Did you hear that story on TV? Have you heard the latest about what they say is best? In a world overflowing with information telling you what is best for you and your baby, making decisions can feel overwhelming. Who do you trust? Who is telling the truth? And how do you know if what they are saying is right for you? How? By becoming your own expert in sorting the media spin and politics from the actual facts and data. This isn't a book that is going to tell you which decisions to make, or that there is ever one right answer. It is not going to tell you that the same thing is always best for everyone. Instead this is a guide to help you evaluate information and evidence to decide what is right for you, your body and your baby. In three main parts it will firstly open your eyes to how information is shared in the media and how this can affect our thinking and decision making. Next it will help you spot who is funding, leading and promoting research and how this can affect the content of what is shared. Finally it will talk you through reading, understanding and evaluating evidence for yourself across topics in pregnancy, birth and caring for babies. You'll learn how to spot weaknesses in methods used, how to determine the real risk for you and your baby, and how wider context and other factors can influence what research means for you. Information is power. Making your own decisions that are right for you is empowering. #informedisbest
Pinter & Martin Ltd. New Walk: The Midwife Diaries
Meet Chloe: passionate about midwifery and on the cusp of adulthood. As a student midwife in inner-city Leicester, Chloe finds fulfilment caring for women and families from wide-ranging backgrounds – but will her own personal challenges derail her ambitions? Having recently lost her mother, and supporting her father through addiction, Chloe must make difficult choices and reconcile her rewarding yet demanding career with loyalty for those she loves. New Walk is a profoundly moving coming-of-age story, where midwifery, birth and the decisions life throws at us combine to shape a young woman’s life.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. The Positive Breastfeeding Book: Everything you need to feed your baby with confidence
How often does my baby really need to feed? How do I know my baby is getting enough? Is it normal for my baby to wake at night? When you’re expecting a new baby, suddenly everyone around you becomes an expert – particularly when it comes to how to feed them. It is easy to become overwhelmed by conflicting advice, myths and exaggerated stories. The Positive Breastfeeding Book cuts through the anecdotes, giving you clear, no-judgement, non-preachy, evidence-based information to help you make the right decisions for you and your baby. It will help you understand how breastfeeding works, and supports you in developing strategies to make sure that whilst you’re looking after the baby, you’re getting taken care of too. Jam-packed with everything you ever wanted to know about breastfeeding (and a whole lot you never knew you did!), it will take you through tips for planning for your baby’s arrival, coping with those early months, and knowing what to do and where to seek help if challenges come up. It will guide you through feeding in public, going back to work, and even rediscovering a glass of wine. You’ll find plenty of real stories and guidance throughout from mothers and experts in supporting breastfeeding. There are handy chapters on formula and mixed feeding, which cut through advertising spiel and give you the facts you need to choose and use formula safely. The Positive Breastfeeding Book doesn’t promise to make it easy, nor will it get up in the middle of the night for you, but it will empower you with the knowledge and encouragement you need to feed your baby with confidence.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Manhood: The Bare Reality
100 men bare all in a collection of photographs and interviews about manhood and ‘manhood’. These days we are all less bound by gender and traditional roles, but is there more confusion about what being a man means? From veteran to vicar, from porn addict to prostate cancer survivor, men from all walks of life share honest reflections about their bodies, sexuality, relationships, fatherhood, work and health in this pioneering and unique book. Just as Bare Reality: 100 women, their breasts, their stories presented the un-airbrushed truth about breasts for women, Manhood: The Bare Reality shows us the spectrum of ‘normal’, revealing men’s penises and bodies in all their diversity and glory, dispelling body image anxiety and myths. Sensitive and compassionate, Manhood will surprise you and reassure you. It may even make you reconsider what you think you know about men, their bodies and masculinity.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Birth in Focus: Stories and photos to inform, educate and inspire
Birth In Focus offers the reader a chance to see birth made real. Water birth, breech birth, twin birth, Caesarean birth – all are shown in ‘photo stories’, with accompanying text written both by the woman and her midwife, and sometimes also the partner or a child who was present. Clear images of the birth process provide an excellent educational tool for students, as well as offering inspiration to those who may not have had the opportunity to see birth in this way. A chapter on reflection points for practitioners will help professionals and birth supporters explore further the issues highlighted in the individual stories. Foreword by Ina May Gaskin.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is the natural and healthy way to nourish your baby, yet it's not always easy. New mothers need practical information about getting off to a good start and solving breastfeeding challenges. Health professionals need this information too, because it is rarely taught in medical school. Dr. Jack Newman's Guide to Breastfeeding covers the most common problems and questions that mothers encounter: - How do I help my baby to get a good latch - How can I know if my baby is getting enough milk - How can I help him get more? - Can I avoid sore nipples? - Will my medication affect my baby? - How do I fit breastfeeding into my life when I'm so busy? The answers are here. Dr. Jack Newman and Teresa Pitman are two of the world's foremost lactation experts and have helped tens of thousands of new mothers find solutions that work. In this comprehensive guide, they share the most current information about breastfeeding and provide new, effective strategies and solutions to make breastfeeding work for you.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Do We Need Midwives?
What is the future of the human capacity to give birth? What is the future of underused physiological functions? Should we expect an evolution of Homo sapiens in relation to the way babies are born? Can fast-developing scientific disciplines induce a new awareness? In this wide-ranging, interdisciplinary look at the future of birth, renowned obstetrician Michel Odent takes the question ‘Do we need midwives?’ as a starting point. If a paradigm shift occurs, what kind of midwives shall we need? For how long can we go on neutralizing the laws of natural selection? Are human beings able to raise vital questions before it is too late? Unprecedented situations should first and foremost inspire appropriate questions.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Your Daddy and Me
A delightful and beautifully illustrated book for children about how parents meet, fall in love, and decide to start a family. Your Daddy and me is part of a delightful series of illustrated books by Monica Calaf and Mikel Fuentes, which also includes When you were in my tummy, How you were born, and You, me and the breast.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. The Patient Paradox: Why Sexed Up Medicine is Bad for Your Health
Welcome to the world of sexed-up medicine, where patients have been turned into customers, and clinics and waiting rooms are jammed with healthy people, lured in to have their blood pressure taken and cholesterol, smear test, bowel or breast screening done. In the world of sexed-up medicine pharmaceutical companies gloss over research they don't like and charities often use dubious science and dodgy PR to 'raise awareness' of their disease, leaving a legacy of misinformation in their wake. Our obsession with screening swallows up the time of NHS staff and the money of healthy people who pay thousands to private companies for tests they don't need. Meanwhile, the truly sick are left to wrestle with disjointed services and confusing options. Explaining the truth behind the screening statistics and investigating the evidence behind the hype, Margaret McCartney, an award-winning writer and doctor, argues that this patient paradox - too much testing of well people and not enough care for the sick - worsens health inequalities and drains professionalism, harming both those who need treatment and those who don't.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Dynamic Positions in Birth: A Fresh Look at How Women's Bodies Work in Labour
Most women give birth in hospitals, institutions modelled around the needs of the people who work there. The delivery room is designed around the obstetric bed which was designed for the benefit of the obstetrician rather than the woman giving birth. Despite research showing the benefit of upright positions in labour and birth, most women in the UK still give birth in the semi-reclined position, pushing their baby out against the forces of gravity. Jowitt argues that unnatural positions make labour and birth more painful and difficult for modern women than it was for their ancestors. How did we come to put the needs of care givers above those of the labouring woman? Is there anything that can be done? Starting with a short history of birth furniture, Dynamic Positions in Birth goes on to explore the anatomy and physiology of labour from an evolutionary perspective. This updated edition expands Jowitt's new biomechanical model of how the uterus works first published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2018 which has profound implications for giving mothers freedom of movement in labour and birth. It explores how rethinking positions for labour and birth could benefit mothers and their babies. Equally important is the need to change attitudes to birth so that women are encouraged to play a more active part in the birth of their babies instead of being subjected to clinical interventions designed to mitigate the adverse effects of labouring in a starkly unnatural environment. Jowitt argues that it is possible to give women labouring in hospital a better chance of giving birth naturally. The book concludes by calling for a fresh look at the environment for birth. Delivery rooms can be made more user friendly by introducing furniture designed around women’s need for physical support during labour as well as for the birth, and by hiding away the more alarming technology unless it is needed. Women need a less forbidding environment and more encouragement to move freely and adopt positions which will enhance their chance of achieving a normal birth.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Ashtanga Yoga: Yoga in the Tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois : The Primary Series Practice Manual
New in paperback, Petri Raisanen, one of the world’s most popular yoga teachers offers the complete guide to to the yoga poses (asana), breathing techniques and philosophy of Ashtanga yoga. The most physical and dynamic form of yoga, Ashtanga combines an impressive sequence of yoga poses with special breathing techniques to heat the body internally and allow safe stretching of the muscles. Ashtanga’s enthusiasts point to the powerful impact of the practice on their overall health and well-being: regular practice tones and strengthens the muscles, cleanses the body of toxins, calms the mind and increases concentration. Each of the yoga poses in the Primary Series is presented both separately and as part of complete practice. The reader will gain a deep knowledge of the multidimensional philosophy of Ashtanga yoga and how it relates to everyday life. This is a clearly and simply written guide, packed full of knowledge and insight, that will delight beginners, advanced students and yoga teachers alike.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. The Individual in a Social World: Essays and Experiments
Stanley Milgram revolutionized our understanding of human nature with his classic research on obedience to authority – but the obedience experiments form just a small part of an extraordinary wealth of ground-breaking research that made him one of the most important social psychologists of our times. By the time the first edition of The Individual in a Social World appeared in 1977, Milgram had moved beyond obedience to other innovative research, such as the psychology of city life, the small world phenomenon (also known as ‘six degrees of separation’), mental maps of cities, the lost-letter technique, the familiar stranger, as well as a large-scale experiment on media influence, which is still unique to the present day. In 1992, a second, posthumous edition appeared containing additional articles which Milgram had written after the first edition. This third, expanded edition of The Individual in a Social World combines articles that appeared in both of the earlier editions as well as previously uncollected material. Among the latter is, for example, an article in which Milgram provides a perspective on the Jonestown massacre and then uses it as a stepping stone for a ringing affirmation of the power of situational determinants of behavior. Another article, ‘The Social Meaning of Fanaticism,’ is almost uncanny in its relevance to our times, despite the fact that it was written several decades ago, as is his take on the potential impact of the Internet in ‘Network Love’. Stanley Milgram possessed a relentless curiosity about the hidden workings of our social world, which he tried to make visible through his experiments and think pieces brought together in this unique, revealing and engaging book – a must-read for anyone interested in social psychology.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic
This is a book about fear. Fear of a virus. Fear of death. Fear of losing our jobs, our democracy, our human connections, our health and our minds. It’s also about how the government weaponised our fear against us – supposedly in our best interests – until we were the most frightened country in Europe. But why did the government deliberately frighten us, and how has this affected us as individuals and as a country? Who is involved in the decision-making that affects our lives? How are behavioural science and nudge theory being used to subliminally manipulate us? How does the media leverage fear? What are the real risks to our wellbeing? Ahead of any official inquiry into the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, Laura Dodsworth explores all these questions and more, in a nuanced and thought-provoking discussion of an extraordinary year in British life and politics. With stories from members of the general public who were impacted by fear, anxiety and isolation, and revealing interviews with psychologists, politicians, scientists, lawyers, Whitehall advisers and journalists, A State of Fear calls for a more hopeful, transparent and effective democracy.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Bare Reality: 100 Women, Their Breasts, Their Stories
This new paperback edition features 'No Less a Woman', the breast cancer awareness campaign with Stella McCartney. 100 women bravely share un-airbrushed photographs of their breasts alongside honest, courageous, powerful and humorous stories about their breasts and their lives. Women from all walks of life took part, aged from 19 to 101, sized AAA to K, from Buddhist nun to burlesque dancer. Their perspectives and experiences are revealing and profoundly moving. Intimate, visually refreshing, maybe even surprising, Bare Reality will make you reconsider how you think and feel about your own body, and those of the women in your life.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. The Little Red Schoolbook
When it first appeared in the 1970s, The Little Red Schoolbook was banned by the UK authorities, which confiscated copies and prosecuted the publisher under the Obscene Publications Act. Why? Because this little book aimed to educate teenagers about democracy, sex and drugs - in frank, simple language - and encouraged them to view adults as "paper tigers". The Little Red Schoolbook has been unavailable for more than 40 years, but it remains surprisingly relevant for young people today. Reissued here in its original and uncensored format, with informative footnotes and a new foreword by the surviving author Soren Hansen, it encourages teenagers to have the confidence to seek information for themselves, challenge authority and question the status quo.