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Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. El legado de Darwin qué significa hoy la evolución
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. La ciudad y el hombre
"El tema de la filosofía política -escribe Leo Strauss en la introducción de esta obra- es 'la ciudad y el hombre'. La ciudad y el hombre es explícitamente -añade- el tema de la filosofía política clásica. La filosofía política moderna, mientras construye sobre la filosofía política clásica, la transforma y ya no trata ese tema en sus términos originales". Según el autor, no es posible comprender esa transformación, por lo demás legítima, si no se comprende la forma original. Pues no basta, dice Leo Strauss, con obedecer y escuchar el mensaje divino de "la ciudad de justicia, de la ciudad fiel". Es también necesario considerar en qué medida el hombre podría discernir los contornos de esta ciudad si se lo deja solo, librado al ejercicio de sus propias facultades.Compuesta por tres ensayos -sobre Aristóteles, Platón y Tucídides-, esta obra es un brillante intento de utilizar la filosofía política clásica como medio para liberar a la filosofía política moderna del dominio de la ideolo
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Comprando tiempo la crisis pospuesta del capitalismo democrtico
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. La mano del autor y el espíritu del impresor siglos XVIXVIII
En la temprana modernidad europea, los primeros lectores de un libro no eran quienes lo compraban: era los escribas que copiaban el manuscrito del autor o del traductor, los censores que lo autorizaban, el editor que decidía poner ese título en su catálogo, los revisores que preparaban el texto para la imprenta, lo dividían en capítulos o secciones y le añadían la puntuación, los cajistas que componían las páginas, los lectores de pruebas que lo corregían. La mano del autor no podía ser separada del espíritu del impresor.Este libro está dedicado al proceso de publicación de las obras que dan el marco a las representaciones que los lectores se hacen del pasado o del mundo. Relacionando historia cultural, crítica textual y estudios bibliográficos, y analizando obras canónicas como Don Quijote de Cervantes o las obras de Shakespeare o textos menos conocidos, Chartier identifica las discontinuidades fundamentales que transformaron la circulación de la palabra escrita entre la invención
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Erotismo de autoayuda Cincuenta sombras de Grey y el nuevo orden romántico
Con más de setenta millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo desde su publicación en 2011, 'Cincuenta sombras de Grey' se convirtió en uno de los éxitos editoriales más asombrosos de todos los tiempos. Pero, qué tiene de particular esta obra, pobremente escrita, repleta de fórmulas y lugares comunes, acerca de la relación entre una jovencita ingenua y un hombre que la introduce en el sexo sadomasoquista, para haber provocado semejante fascinación, principalmente entre mujeres mayores de 30 años?En este ensayo conciso y agudo Eva Illouz intenta comprender de qué modo el intenso placer que causa este libro resuena con la estructura sociológica de los hombres y las mujeres de la actualidad, con las preocupaciones colectivas de una cultura, sus valores, ansiedades y fantasías. Si la autoayuda -como señala la autora- "ha llegado a ser el núcleo de la subjetividad contemporánea", la lectura de 'Cincuenta sombras de Grey', un libro "que es, en realidad, un manual de autoayuda sexua
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Razones públicas seis conceptos básicos sobre la república
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Charles Darwin conocimiento Spanish Edition
Charles Darwin es, sin dudas, el arquitecto de la moderna biología evolutiva. Pero 'El origen de las especies' es mucho más que una teoría biológica: es un conjunto de principios que comportan un tremendo impacto filosófico más allá de los límitesde la ciencia natural. Y, dado que las hipótesis de Darwin involucran a la humanidad, se hace necesario examinar minuciosamente sus implicaciones éticas y epistemológicas. Michael Ruse, autoridad mundialmente reconocida en la historia y en la filosofía del darwinismo, ofrece en esta obra el análisis definitivo de la naturaleza filosófica del pensamiento de Darwin, y de su impacto no solamente sobre las ciencias naturales sino también sobre las ciencias humanas. Con un lenguaje claro, desprovisto de tecnicismos, Ruse establece con precisión el estatuto del pensamiento evolucionista como una teoría genuina, las implicaciones filosóficas, epistemológicas y éticas del darwinismo, así como su impacto en las modernas explicaciones naturalistas d
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. La voz del aprendizaje liberal
Una y otra vez se insiste en la "importancia de la educación" para el futuro de nuestra sociedad y de manera recurrente se afirma que la educación está en crisis: está ampliamente aceptado que existen problemas significativos, abundan las propuestas para realizar reformas y con frecuencia se ponen en marcha programas para lograr que la educación sea una cuestión socialmente relevante. Sin embargo, no hay una opinión clara acerca de cuáles son las características distintivas de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje, ni del carácter de los espacios en los que tradicionalmente se han emprendido esas actividades, y en ello reside la importancia fundamental de este libro de Michael Oakeshott, cuya preocupación no radica en definir los "contenidos" que deben ser transmitidos ni las "técnicas" de su transmisión, sino más bien en la interrogación en torno de ciertos conceptos y categorías que parecen haberse dejado de lado y que, empero, son los fundamentales. Según el autor, es importante no decir d
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Arte mito y ritual El camino a la autoridad poltica en la China antigua Conocimiento Spanish Edition
En la China antigua, el arte y el mito estuvieron estrechamente relacionados con la política. Aunque en realidad estamos bastante acostumbrados a pensar la política como un elemento crítico en la sociedad china moderna, por lo general se acepta menos que lo mismo ocurría en la China antigua. En este libro, K. C. Chang se propone hacer evidentes las relaciones del arte, el mito y la política en la China antigua a partir de un conjunto de datos derivados de la arqueología, la literatura y el arte. El autor, una de las eminencias mundiales en el tema, resume aquí lo conocido acerca de la antigua China, y examina las pruebas relativas a la transición de una sociedad recolectora a una productora de alimentos, el origen del urbanismo chino, la estructura del parentesco y los linajes, los modos de preparación de la comida y la mitología de las sociedades Shang (1766-1122 a.C.) y Zhou (1122-256 a.C.)."El objetivo de este libro -afirma su autor- es doble. En primer lugar, proporcionar una p
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Galileo cortesano la práctica de la ciencia en la cultura del absolutismo
Al ingresar en la corte de los Medici, Galileo redefine su identidad socioprofesional como una especie atípica de filósofo. Biagioli, en una fascinante reconstrucción de la vida cortesana, analiza la relación entre esa identidad y la obra de Galileo.
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Por qué la traducción importa
En este pequeño e incisivo ensayo, la eminente traductora Edith Grossman reflexiona acerca de la importancia cultural de la traducción, no sólo como el medio que nos permite acceder a la literatura escrita originalmente en uno de los incontables idiomas que no podemos leer, sino como una presencia literaria concreta que nos ayuda a conocer, a percibir desde un ángulo distinto y a atribuir nuevo valor a lo que hasta entonces era desconocido.Grossman explicita asimismo su concepción del trabajo del traductor como un acto de interpretación crítica, un acto creativo, en suma, que requiere "desarrollar un agudo sentido del estilo en ambos idiomas, afilando y ampliando nuestra conciencia crítica del impacto emocional de las palabras, el aura social que las rodea, el escenario y el clima que las informan, la atmósfera que crean". Y lo fundamenta con dos ejemplos bellos y elocuentes presentados en los últimos capítulos: su propia experiencia como traductora del 'Quijote' (que llevó a Harol
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Simone Weil el arte de leer Spanish Edition
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Una ética para laicos presentación de Gianni Vattimo
Las relaciones entre ética y religión, entre relativismo y fundamentalismo, entre naturaleza humana y deseo humano preocuparon largamente a Richard Rorty. Producto de esa preocupación es este libro en el cual, poco antes de su muerte, el filósofo norteamericano define una ética laica que no está situada en un lugar subordinado respecto de la religión, sino que tiene una autonomía precisa y constituye un importante recurso para garantizar el futuro espiritual de la humanidad. Apoyándose en los grandes autores que guiaron el conjunto de su obra, y en abierta y explícita oposición a las doctrinas promovidas por Benedicto XVI, Rorty afirma que la única fuente de ideales morales es la imaginación humana.
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Mi cosmopolitismo Las culturas sólo importan si les importan a las personas entrevista de Daniel Gamper Sachse
"En el testamento espiritual que dejó a sus hijos, mi padre nos instó a recordar siempre que éramos 'ciudadanos de mundo': utilizó exactamente estas palabras. Por ello, hoy quiero hablar de uno de los ideales filosóficos estoicos, un ideal que puede ayudar a la comunidad global en los años por venir, dado que resulta particularmente útil cuando nos enfrentamos a conflictos basados en identidades religiosas, étnicas, raciales y nacionales, tan característicos de nuestro mundo. El ideal al que me refiero, claro está, es el cosmopolitismo."
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Intimidades congeladas las emociones en el capitalismo
Habitualmente se ha afirmado que el capitalismo tiene un rostro frío, desprovisto de emociones, guiado por la racionalidad burocrática, ajeno a los sentimientos; que el comportamiento económico está en conflicto con las relaciones íntimas y que las esferas pública y privada se oponen irremediablemente.Sin embargo, en esta obra tan inteligente como provocadora, Eva Illouz muestra de qué modo el capitalismo ha alimentado una intensa cultura emocional, favoreciendo el desarrollo de una nueva cultura de la afectividad. Así, mientras el yo privado se manifiesta más que nunca en la esfera pública, las relaciones económicas han adquirido un carácter profundamente emocional y las relaciones íntimas se definen cada más por modelos económicos y políticos de negociación e intercambio. Eva Illouz explora este "capitalismo emocional", que se apropia de los afectos al punto de transformar las emociones en mercancías, en una variedad de lugares sociales, desde la literatura de autoayuda, las revi
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Hannah Arendt
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Expulsiones brutalidad y complejidad en la economa global
La economía global no se expande sin consecuencias: creciente desigualdad y desempleo, cada vez más poblaciones desplazadas o encarceladas, destrucción de la tierra y del agua. Se trata de dislocaciones socioeconómicas que no pueden ser explicadas con las herramientas tradicionales de la sociología, en los habituales términos de "pobreza" e "injusticia". De acuerdo con Saskia Sassen, esas dislocaciones se comprenden con mayor precisión si se conceptualizan como tipos de expulsiones: "En las últimas dos décadas, dice la autora, se ha presenciado un fuerte crecimiento de la cantidad de personas y empresas expulsadas de los órdenes sociales y económicos centrales de nuestro tiempo". Expulsiones que no son espontáneas, sino producidas con instrumentos que incluyen "desde políticas elementales hasta instituciones, técnicas y complejos sistemas que requieren mucho conocimiento especializado y formatos institucionales intrincados".El abordaje de la lógica de las exclusiones pone en eviden
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. Alienación y aceleración hacia una teoría crítica de la temporalidad en la modernidad tardía
Basado en una visión contemporánea de la Teoría Crítica, Hartmut Rosa examina aquí las causas y los efectos de los procesos de aceleración característicos de la sociedad contemporánea, así como sus innegables aspectos patológicos, y elabora una teoría de la temporalidad en la modernidad tardía que abre la discusión para un nuevo enfoque sobre la alienación. Sostiene y desarrolla con fuerza la idea de que este proceso engendra formas de alienación graves relativas al tiempo y al espacio, a las cosas y a la acción, al yo y a los otros, que socavan absolutamente la promesa de autonomía reivindicada en la modernidad. Bajo la presión de un ritmo que crece sin cesar, los individuos se enfrentan al mundo sin poder habitarlo y sin llegar a apropiarse de él.Aunque la rápida aceleración de la vida social es una de las características más destacadas de nuestro presente, no había sido hasta ahora suficientemente estudiada. El análisis innovador que de ella realiza Hartmut Rosa hace de esta una
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. El superorganismo belleza y elegancia de las asombrosas sociedades de insectos
Los insectos sociales -entre ellos las abejas, hormigas, avispas y termitas- han provocado siempre fascinación de los hombres, maravillados por la idea de una sociedad sólida y regida por reglas inflexibles, en la que cada individuo tiene una competencia definida y nada es dejado al azar. Sin embargo, recién con la publicación de esta obra se completa el cuadro que explica el funcionamiento de las sociedades de insectos.Basado en investigaciones realizadas a lo largo de dos décadas, el libro muestra cómo los superorganismos -esas colonias cohesionadas formadas por cooperación altruista, comunicación compleja y división del trabajo- representan uno de los estadios básicos de la organización biológica, a medio camino entre el organismo y la especie.Al celebrar la "belleza y elegancia de las asombrosas sociedades de insectos", Hölldobler y Wilson se abstienen de cualquier extrapolación al mundo de las sociedades humanas y permanecen anclados en el ámbito específico de la historia
Katz Editores / Katz Barpal S.L. msterdam historia de la ciudad ms liberal del mundo
Cómo fue posible que una pequeña ciudad, fundada sobre la endeble base de ciénagas y pantanos, constantemente amenazada por las inundaciones, llegara a ser la cuna del liberalismo y uno de los centros de poder más importantes del mundo? Esta es la historia que se cuenta en Ámsterdam, una historia que comienza con la construcción de los primeros canales en el siglo XIV, pasa por la dura lucha de sus habitantes para independizarse de España y por la Edad de Oro neerlandesa en el siglo XVI, momento en que Ámsterdam se convierte en el centro de un vasto imperio mundial, hasta alcanzar su complejo presente, cuando la ciudad con mayor diversidad étnica del mundo ve los valores del liberalismo puestos a prueba una y otra vez.A través de un relato cautivante y vivaz que funde pasado y presente, Russell Shorto nos deja ver, en medio de canales, callejuelas sinuosas y casas con gablete, a Rembrandt y Spinoza, a los aventureros y comerciantes de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales, a los neg
Katz Casimir Verlag Die Holzbarone Chronik einer Industriellenfamilie Die literarische Vorlage zum TVZweiteiler Die Holzbaronin
Katz Casimir Verlag Der Trkenlouis Markgraf Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden und seine Zeit
Katz Casimir Verlag Cesare Borgia
Cengage Learning, Inc Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections, Extended Version with Modern Physics
Master physics with Debora Katz���s new, ground-breaking calculus-based physics program, PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS: FOUNDATIONS AND CONNECTIONS. Dr. Katz���s one-of-a-kind case study approach enables you to connect math and physics concepts in a modern, interactive way. By leveraging physics education research (PER) best practices and her extensive classroom experience, Debora Katz addresses the areas where students like you struggle the most: linking physics to the real world, overcoming common preconceptions, and connecting the concept being taught with the mathematical steps to follow. How Dr. Katz deals with these challenges���with case studies, student dialogues, and detailed two-column examples���distinguishes this text from any other and will assist you in going ���beyond the quantitative��� to master your physics course.
Indiana University Press Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism
Reexamining Emmanuel Levinas's essays on Jewish education, Claire Elise Katz provides new insights into the importance of education and its potential to transform a democratic society, for Levinas's larger philosophical project. Katz examines Levinas's "Crisis of Humanism," which motivated his effort to describe a new ethical subject. Taking into account his multiple influences on social science and the humanities, and his various identities as a Jewish thinker, philosopher, and educator, Katz delves deeply into Levinas's works to understand the grounding of this ethical subject.
Cengage Learning, Inc Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections
Master physics with Debora Katz���s new, ground-breaking calculus-based physics program, PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS: FOUNDATIONS AND CONNECTIONS. Dr. Katz���s one-of-a-kind case study approach enables you to connect math and physics concepts in a modern, interactive way. By leveraging physics education research (PER) best practices and her extensive classroom experience, Debora Katz addresses the areas where students like you struggle the most: linking physics to the real world, overcoming common preconceptions, and connecting the concept being taught with the mathematical steps to follow. How Dr. Katz deals with these challenges���with case studies, student dialogues, and detailed two-column examples���distinguishes this text from any other and will assist you in going ���beyond the quantitative��� to master your physics course.
Simon & Schuster Counting Kisses: Counting Kisses
How many kisses does a tired baby need before they say goodnight? Find out in this adorable kiss-and-count concept book from Karen Katz!Count and kiss along with this lift-the-flap bedtime book, from children’s book legend, Karen Katz!
Simon & Schuster Babys Big Busy Book
From beloved author-illustrator Karen Katz comes a brand-new busy book filled with touch-and-feels, lift-the-flaps, mirrors, and more!
Temple University Press,U.S. Dancing the Fairy Tale: Producing and Performing The Sleeping Beauty
In Dancing the Fairy Tale, Laura Katz Rizzo claims that The Sleeping Beauty is both a metaphor for ballet itself, and a powerful case study for examining ballet and its production and performance. Using Marius Petipa and Pyotr Tchaikovsky's classical dance--specifically as it was staged in Philadelphia over nearly 70 years--Katz Rizzo looks at the gendered nature of women staging, coaching, and reanimating this magnificent ballet, and well as the ongoing push-pull between tradition and innovation within the art form. Using extensive archival research, dance analysis, and American feminist theory, Dancing the Fairy Tale places women at the center of a historical narrative to reveal how the production and performance of The Sleeping Beauty in the years between 1937 and 2002 made significant contributions to the development and establishment of an American classical ballet. Katz Rizzo highlights not only what women have done not only behind the scenes, as administrators, producers, or directors of ballet companies and schools, but also as active interpreters embodying the ballet's title role. In the process, Katz Rizzo also emphasizes the importance of regional sites outside of locations traditionally understood as central to the development of ballet in the United States.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Janácek beyond the Borders
This contextual study of Janácek's operas reveals the composer's creative responses to a wide range of Czech and non-Czech traditions. Leos Janácek is increasingly recognized as one of the major operatic masters of the early twentieth century. In Janácek beyond the Borders, Derek Katz presents an interpretive and critical study of Janácek's major operas that questions prevailing views of the composer's relationship to the Czech language and to Slavic culture and demonstrates that the operas are deeply indebted to various existing operatic traditions outside of the Czech-speaking realm. Katz discusses the implications for Janácek's operas of the composer's notorious "speech-melody" theories and of his fascination with Russia. He also points out revealing and persuasive parallels to certain major operas in non-Czech traditions -- French, Italian, and German -- that deserve notice and that demonstrate how the composer developed a practical operatic aesthetic through emulation and creative adaptation. In this fresh and novel approach, Katz goes beyond the normal evidentiary record (letters, sketches, and published writings) and allows Janácek's works to speak for themselves. Derek Katz is Associate Professor of Music History at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has written about Czech music for American and European academic journals and for the New York Times.
The University of Chicago Press How Emotions Work
How can it be that rational adults suddenly find themselves making obscene gestures at drivers who just cut them off? Why do people react with tears to events as disparate as winning a sports championship and the death of a parent? How can a child cry continuously in a cunningly strategic manner for five minutes, and then speak with no trace of the tears that were just shed? Jack Katz develops methods for unravelling these mysteries. His book undertakes to answer the fundamental questions at the heart of our emotional life. Katz fills the book with real-life emotions - crying under the pressure of police interrogation, road rage on California freeways, laughter in a funhouse, 8-year-olds shamefacedly striking out at baseball games - where their rise and fall can be observed without the artificial influence of the research process. By using videotapes, interviews, ethnographic description, participant observation and the insights of novelists, Katz studies emotions as physical and embodied - vibrantly, "under the radar" of a person's perceptual reach - rather than as remembered and recounted. Katz illustrates his methods with photographs and video stills that demonstrate the embodiment of emotion. The portrait that emerges is one in which people are much more sensually, intimately and aesthetically bound up in the landscapes of their lives than previous scientific studies would suggest. The text seeks to reveal the poetic and coherent logic of emotional experience and revolutionize the study of this enigmatic and essential aspect of human life.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Fermentation as Metaphor: From the Author of the Bestselling "The Art of Fermentation"
Los Angeles Times Best Cookbooks 2020 Saveur Magazine "Favorite Cookbook to Gift" Esquire Magazine Best Cookbooks of 2020 "The book weaves in reflections on art, religion, culture, music, and more, so even if you’re not an epicure, there’s something for everyone."—Men's Journal Bestselling author Sandor Katz—an “unlikely rock star of the American food scene” (New York Times), with over 500,000 books sold—gets personal about the deeper meanings of fermentation. In 2012, Sandor Ellix Katz published The Art of Fermentation, which quickly became the bible for foodies around the world, a runaway bestseller, and a James Beard Book Award winner. Since then his work has gone on to inspire countless professionals and home cooks worldwide, bringing fermentation into the mainstream. In Fermentation as Metaphor, stemming from his personal obsession with all things fermented, Katz meditates on his art and work, drawing connections between microbial communities and aspects of human culture: politics, religion, social and cultural movements, art, music, sexuality, identity, and even our individual thoughts and feelings. He informs his arguments with his vast knowledge of the fermentation process, which he describes as a slow, gentle, steady, yet unstoppable force for change. Throughout this truly one-of-a-kind book, Katz showcases fifty mesmerizing, original images of otherworldly beings from an unseen universe—images of fermented foods and beverages that he has photographed using both a stereoscope and electron microscope—exalting microbial life from the level of “germs” to that of high art. When you see the raw beauty and complexity of microbial structures, Katz says, they will take you “far from absolute boundaries and rigid categories. They force us to reconceptualize. They make us ferment.” Fermentation as Metaphor broadens and redefines our relationship with food and fermentation. It’s the perfect gift for serious foodies, fans of fermentation, and non-fiction readers alike. "It will reshape how you see the world."—Esquire
Temple University Press,U.S. Dancing the Fairy Tale: Producing and Performing The Sleeping Beauty
In Dancing the Fairy Tale, Laura Katz Rizzo claims that The Sleeping Beauty is both a metaphor for ballet itself, and a powerful case study for examining ballet and its production and performance. Using Marius Petipa and Pyotr Tchaikovsky's classical dance--specifically as it was staged in Philadelphia over nearly 70 years--Katz Rizzo looks at the gendered nature of women staging, coaching, and reanimating this magnificent ballet, and well as the ongoing push-pull between tradition and innovation within the art form. Using extensive archival research, dance analysis, and American feminist theory, Dancing the Fairy Tale places women at the center of a historical narrative to reveal how the production and performance of The Sleeping Beauty in the years between 1937 and 2002 made significant contributions to the development and establishment of an American classical ballet. Katz Rizzo highlights not only what women have done not only behind the scenes, as administrators, producers, or directors of ballet companies and schools, but also as active interpreters embodying the ballet's title role. In the process, Katz Rizzo also emphasizes the importance of regional sites outside of locations traditionally understood as central to the development of ballet in the United States.
The University of Chicago Press A Language of Its Own: Sense and Meaning in the Making of Western Art Music
The Western musical tradition has produced not only music but also countless writings about music that remain in continuous - and enormously influential-dialogue with their subject. With sweeping scope and philosophical depth, A Language of Its Own traces the past millennium of this ongoing exchange. Ruth Katz argues that the indispensable relationship between intellectual production and musical creation gave rise to the Western conception of music. As ideas entered music from the contexts out of which it arose, its internal language developed in tandem with shifts in intellectual and social history. Katz explores how this infrastructure allowed music to explain itself from within, creating a self-referential and rational foundation that has begun to erode in recent years. A magisterial exploration of this frequently overlooked intersection of Western art and philosophy, A Language of Its Own restores music to its rightful place in the history of ideas.
Karma Moby-Dick
A sumptuous edition of Melville’s epic tale of hubris and obsession, gorgeously illustrated by Alex Katz In 1948, while enrolled in an illustration course at Cooper Union, Alex Katz (born 1927) created 27 pen and ink drawings inspired by Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. Katz, who had first read the book at 13 years old, was drawn to its experimental and digressive structure. Moby-Dick “doesn’t really have a beginning, a middle, and an end,” he notes; rather, “it’s a big form.” The artist’s whimsical illustrations capture this quality while expressing the early formation of his now highly recognizable style, celebrated for its elegant formal economy. Katz later returned to maritime motifs with a series of work based on his trips to Maine that began in the mid-1950s. Like Melville’s literary attempts to elude representation, Katz’s drawings attempt to represent the unknowable. “The great Leviathan is that one creature in the world which must remain unpainted to the last,” Melville writes. “True, one portrait may hit the mark much nearer than another, but none can hit it with any very considerable degree of exactness.”
The University of Chicago Press Ill-Gotten Gains: Evasion, Blackmail, Fraud, and Kindred Puzzles of the Law
This work leads us through a tangled realm, with puzzles and dilemmas, to find the underlying principles that not only guide the law but our moral decisions as well. Katz aims to uncover what is really at stake in crimes such as insider trading, blackmail and plagiarism. He then goes on to look at their connections to cases that try to evade the law by finding refuge in it, from the convict who staves off execution by rendering himself incompetent with mind-altering drugs to companies that sell strategies to beat the SAT test. Ultimately, Katz argues that the law, as well as our conscience, is surprisingly uninterested in final outcomes, but sensitive to how we get there. He states that the fact that we abhor sins of commission so much more than sins of omission is just one manifestation of that.
Humanix Books RULES TO LIVE BY
RULES TO LIVE BY FOR WEALTH, HEALTH & HAPPINESS“There is a lot in this book that can turn lives around, towards fulfillment and happiness.”—The Jewish PressBorn in Spain during the height of the Middle Ages, Maimonides, also known as Rambam, is recognized as one of the greatest scholars of all time. Influential throughout the Middle East, he was both a traditionalist and an innovator - a Rabbi, physician, and philosopher - and his teachings continue to be widely respected today by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. Jeffrey Katz is recognized as one of the foremost contemporary interpreters of Maimonides’ teachings. In RULES TO LIVE BY: Maimonides'' Guide to a Wonderful Life, Katz shows today’s readers how the strategies and advice of this medieval philosopher stand the test of time and serve as a roadmap to health, wealth, and satisfaction
Chelsea Green Publishing Co Sandor Katz’s Fermentation Journeys: Recipes, Techniques, and Traditions from around the World
Selected as a best cookbook of the year by BBC Food Programme ‘…the high priest of fermentation - the Guardian ‘The godfather of fermentation.’ -The Telegraph ‘Sandor Katz’s teachings and writings on fermentation have changed lives around the world.’ - Dan Saladino, BBC’s The Food Programme From Sandor Katz - New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Fermentation, and the world’s most respected advocate of all things fermented - comes his first new cookbook in nearly a decade; destined to become a modern classic. For the past twenty years, Sandor Katz has travelled the world, learning, teaching and sharing his knowledge of fermentation, discovering fascinating techniques for creating fermented foods. Sandor Katz’s Fermentation Journeys is the long-awaited follow up to the award-winning The Art of Fermentation, where Sandor shares the recipes, processes, cultural traditions and stories from around the globe that have inspired his life’s work. This new cookbook explores the transformative process of fermentation through local customs and ceremonies along with detailed descriptions of traditional fermentation techniques. Katz profiles farmers, makers, and experimenters who he has met on his lifelong culinary journeys, and shares their important stories and connections to truly extraordinary fermented foods. It contains over 60 recipes for global ferments, including: Chicha de jora (Peru) Misa Ono's Shio-koji, or salt koji (Japan) Doubanjiang (China) Efo riro spinach stew (Nigeria) Whole sour cabbages (Croatia) Chucula hot chocolate (Colombia) Katz reminds us that the magical power of fermentation belongs to everyone, everywhere. Perfect for adventurous foodies, armchair travelers, and fermentation fanatics who have followed Katz's work through the years, this book reflects the enduring passion and accumulated wisdom of this unique and much-loved man, who is arguably the world's leading voice on all things fermented. ‘In his Fermentation Journeys, Sandor Katz’s life of curiosity-filled travel and exploration elicits a sense of wonder as tastes, sights, and smells leap off the pages to ignite your imagination.’ – David Zilber, chef, fermenter, food scientist, and coauthor of The Noma Guide to Fermentation
Columbia University Press Saints and Soldiers: Inside Internet-Age Terrorism, From Syria to the Capitol Siege
Winner, 2022 Nellie Bly Book Award, Chanticleer International Book AwardsMore than a decade ago, counterterrorism expert Rita Katz began browsing white supremacist and neo-Nazi forums. The hateful rhetoric and constant threats of violence immediately reminded her of the jihadist militants she spent her days monitoring, but law enforcement and policy makers barely paid attention to the Far Right. Now, years of attacks committed by extremists radicalized online—including mass murders at a synagogue in Pittsburgh and mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, as well as the Capitol siege—have brought home the danger. How has the internet shaped today’s threats, and what do the online origins of these movements reveal about how to stop them?In Saints and Soldiers, Katz reveals a new generation of terrorist movements that don’t just use the internet, but exist almost entirely on it. She provides a vivid view from the trenches, spanning edgy video game chat groups to what ISIS and Far-Right mass-shooters in El Paso, Orlando and elsewhere unwittingly reveal between the lines of their manifestos. Katz shows how the online cultures of these movements—far more than their ideologies and leaders—create today’s terrorists and shape how they commit “real world” violence. From ISIS to QAnon, Saints and Soldiers pinpoints the approaches needed for a new era in which arrests and military campaigns alone cannot stop these never-before-seen threats.
Columbia University Press Women in the Mosque: A History of Legal Thought and Social Practice
Juxtaposing Muslim scholars' debates over women's attendance in mosques with historical descriptions of women's activities within Middle Eastern and North African mosques, Marion Holmes Katz shows how over the centuries legal scholars' arguments have often reacted to rather than dictated Muslim women's behavior. Tracing Sunni legal positions on women in mosques from the second century of the Islamic calendar to the modern period, Katz connects shifts in scholarly terminology and argumentation to changing constructions of gender. Over time, assumptions about women's changing behavior through the lifecycle gave way to a global preoccupation with sexual temptation, which then became the central rationale for limits on women's mosque access. At the same time, travel narratives, biographical dictionaries, and religious polemics suggest that women's usage of mosque space often diverged in both timing and content from the ritual models constructed by scholars. Katz demonstrates both the concrete social and political implications of Islamic legal discourse and the autonomy of women's mosque-based activities. She also examines women's mosque access as a trope in Western travelers' narratives and the evolving significance of women's mosque attendance among different Islamic currents in the twentieth century.
Columbia University Press Women in the Mosque: A History of Legal Thought and Social Practice
Juxtaposing Muslim scholars' debates over women's attendance in mosques with historical descriptions of women's activities within Middle Eastern and North African mosques, Marion Holmes Katz shows how over the centuries legal scholars' arguments have often reacted to rather than dictated Muslim women's behavior. Tracing Sunni legal positions on women in mosques from the second century of the Islamic calendar to the modern period, Katz connects shifts in scholarly terminology and argumentation to changing constructions of gender. Over time, assumptions about women's changing behavior through the lifecycle gave way to a global preoccupation with sexual temptation, which then became the central rationale for limits on women's mosque access. At the same time, travel narratives, biographical dictionaries, and religious polemics suggest that women's usage of mosque space often diverged in both timing and content from the ritual models constructed by scholars. Katz demonstrates both the concrete social and political implications of Islamic legal discourse and the autonomy of women's mosque-based activities. She also examines women's mosque access as a trope in Western travelers' narratives and the evolving significance of women's mosque attendance among different Islamic currents in the twentieth century.
Karma The House of the Seven Gables
Alex Katz illustrates Hawthorne’s classic gothic tale of Puritan New England While enrolled in an illustration course at Cooper Union in 1948, Alex Katz (born 1927) created nine ink drawings to accompany Nathaniel Hawthorne’s gothic romance, The House of the Seven Gables. Published a century earlier, in 1851, Hawthorne’s classic novel is a solemn study of greed, guilt and atonement under the Puritan moral code of 19th-century New England, inspired by the curse pronounced on Hawthorne's own family by a condemned woman during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–64) was one of the most influential American writers of the 19th century, known for his darkly romantic stories and novels such as The Scarlet Letter. He was born in Salem, Massachusetts, and belonged to a prominent circle of New England–based writers and philosophers including Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Louisa May Alcott. Alex Katz (born 1927) is a New York–based artist known for his large-scale Pop-inspired canvases of two-dimensional figures set against monochrome backgrounds. For over seven decades, his work has been the subject of hundreds of solo and group exhibitions worldwide.
The University of Chicago Press Ill-Gotten Gains: Evasion, Blackmail, Fraud, and Kindred Puzzles of the Law
In Ill-Gotten Gains, Leo Katz describes the underlying principles that not only guide the law but also moral decisions. Mixing wit with insight, anecdotes with analysis, Katz uncovers what is really at stake in crimes such as insider trading, blackmail, and plagiarism. With its startling conclusions and myriad twists, this book will fascinate all those intrigued by the perplexing relationship between morality and law."An ambitious and well-written book of legal and moral theory to overthrow both utilitarianism and its cousin, the economic approach to law."—Richard A. Posner, New Republic"A good, well-written book full of interesting examples."—Library Journal"[An] elegant defense of circumvention and subterfuge . . . a heroically counterintuitive book."—Malcolm Gladwell, New Yorker
Scholastic The Grinny Granny Donkey
The Grinny Granny Donkey is the third picture book from Craig Smith and Katz Cowley, the bestselling creative team behind the phenomenal bestseller, The Wonky Donkey! Meet Grinny Granny - the latest addition to the beloved Donkey family. And just like Wonky Donkey and Dinky Donkey, she is silly and funny all at once. With a wonderful rhyming text and illustrations full of humour, The Grinny Granny Donkey will make you hee haw with laughter! The Wonky Donkey was recommended as a favourite bedtime read by Tom Fletcher on BookTrust A brilliantly funny story by Craig Smith and beautiful illustrations by Katz Cowley will guarantee that The Grinny Granny Donkey will become your new favourite picture book The perfect gift The award-winning Donkey books bring families together with love, laughter and fun
The University of Chicago Press A Language of Its Own: Sense and Meaning in the Making of Western Art Music
The Western musical tradition has produced not only music, but also countless writings about music that remain in continuous - and enormously influential - dialogue with their subject. With sweeping scope and philosophical depth, "A Language of Its Own" traces the past millennium of this ongoing exchange. Ruth Katz argues that the indispensable relationship between intellectual production and musical creation gave rise to the Western conception of music. This evolving and sometimes conflicted process, in turn, shaped the art form itself. As ideas entered music from the contexts in which it existed, its internal language developed in tandem with shifts in intellectual and social history. Katz explores how this infrastructure allowed music to explain itself from within, creating a self-referential and rational foundation that has begun to erode in recent years. A magisterial exploration of a frequently overlooked intersection of Western art and philosophy, "A Language of Its Own" restores music to its rightful place in the history of ideas.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Price of Citizenship: Redefining the American Welfare State
For Michael B. Katz, the term "welfare state" describes the intricate web of government programs, employer-provided benefits, and semiprivate organizations intended to promote economic security and to guarantee the basic necessities of life for all citizens: food, shelter, medical care, protection in childhood, and support in old age. In this updated edition of his seminal work The Price of Citizenship, Katz traces the evolution of the welfare state from colonial relief programs through the war on poverty and into our own age, marked by the "end of welfare as we know it." Katz argues that in the last decades, three great forces—a ferocious war on dependence, which has singled out the most vulnerable; the devolution of authority within both government and the private sector; and the application of market models to social policy—have permeated all aspects of the social contract. The Price of Citizenship shows how these changes have propelled America toward a future of increased inequality and decreased security as individuals compete for success in an open market with ever fewer protections against misfortune, power, and greed. A new chapter, written for this edition, explains how these trends continue in the post-9/11 era and how the response to Hurricane Katrina exposed the weaknesses of America's social safety net. Offering grounds for modest optimism, the new chapter also points to countervailing trends that may modify and even partially reverse the effects of recent welfare history.
University of Texas Press Red, Black, and Jew: New Frontiers in Hebrew Literature
Between 1890 and 1924, more than two million Jewish immigrants landed on America's shores. The story of their integration into American society, as they traversed the difficult path between assimilation and retention of a unique cultural identity, is recorded in many works by American Hebrew writers. Red, Black, and Jew illuminates a unique and often overlooked aspect of these literary achievements, charting the ways in which the Native American and African American creative cultures served as a model for works produced within the minority Jewish community. Exploring the paradox of Hebrew literature in the United States, in which separateness, and engagement and acculturation, are equally strong impulses, Stephen Katz presents voluminous examples of a process that could ultimately be considered Americanization. Key components of this process, Katz argues, were poems and works of prose fiction written in a way that evoked Native American forms or African American folk songs and hymns. Such Hebrew writings presented America as a unified society that could assimilate all foreign cultures. At no other time in the history of Jews in diaspora have Hebrew writers considered the fate of other minorities to such a degree. Katz also explores the impact of the creation of the state of Israel on this process, a transformation that led to ambivalence in American Hebrew literature as writers were given a choice between two worlds. Reexamining long-neglected writers across a wide spectrum, Red, Black, and Jew celebrates an important chapter in the history of Hebrew belles lettres.
Hachette Books Into Every Generation a Slayer Is Born: How Buffy Staked Our Hearts
Over the course of its seven-year run, Buffy the Vampire Slayer cultivated a loyal fandom and featured a strong, complex female lead, at a time when such a character was a rarity. Evan Ross Katz explores the show's cultural relevance through a book that is part oral history, part celebration, and part memoir of a personal fandom that has universal resonance still, decades later.Katz-with the help of the show's cast, creators, and crew-reveals that although Buffy contributed to important conversations about gender, sexuality, and feminism, it was not free of internal strife, controversy, and shortcomings. Men-both on screen and off-would taint the show's reputation as a feminist masterpiece, and changing networks, amongst other factors, would drastically alter the show's tone.Katz addresses these issues and more, including interviews with stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charisma Carpenter, Emma Caulfield, Amber Benson, James Marsters, Anthony Stewart Head, Seth Green, Marc Blucas, Nicholas Brendon, Danny Strong, Tom Lenk, Bianca Lawson, Julie Benz, Clare Kramer, K. Todd Freeman, Sharon Ferguson; and writers Douglas Petrie, Jane Espenson, and Drew Z. Greenberg; as well as conversations with Buffy fanatics and friends of the cast including Stacey Abrams, Cynthia Erivo, Lee Pace, Claire Saffitz, Tavi Gevinson, and Selma Blair.Into Every Generation a Slayer Is Born engages with the very notion of fandom, and the ways a show like Buffy can influence not only how we see the world but how we exist within it.