Search results for ""forum""
AALBORG UNIV PR Substainability in the Artic Proceedings from the Nordic Arctic Research Forum Symposium
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte Band 2 Gymnasium Hessen Vom Mittelalter bis zum Absolutismus Schlerbuch
Opus Magnum Jung Journal Heft 45: Bedrohte Ordnungen: Forum für Analytische Psychologie und Lebenskultur
University of Texas Press The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity: Transforming Public Space
In The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity, Gregor Kalas examines architectural conservation during late antiquity period at Rome’s most important civic center: the Roman Forum. During the fourth and fifth centuries CE—when emperors shifted their residences to alternate capitals and Christian practices overtook traditional beliefs—elite citizens targeted restoration campaigns so as to infuse these initiatives with political meaning. Since construction of new buildings was a right reserved for the emperor, Rome’s upper echelon funded the upkeep of buildings together with sculptural displays to gain public status. Restorers linked themselves to the past through the fragmentary reuse of building materials and, as Kalas explores, proclaimed their importance through prominently inscribed statues and monuments, whose placement within the existing cityscape allowed patrons and honorees to connect themselves to the celebrated history of Rome.Building on art historical studies of spolia and exploring the Forum over an extended period of time, Kalas demonstrates the mutability of civic environments. The Restoration of the Roman Forum in Late Antiquity maps the evolution of the Forum away from singular projects composed of new materials toward an accretive and holistic design sensibility. Overturning notions of late antiquity as one of decline, Kalas demonstrates how perpetual reuse and restoration drew on Rome’s venerable past to proclaim a bright future.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Forum für osteuropäische Ideen– und Zeitgeschich – Der lange Abschied vom totalitären Erbe
Text in German. Seit 1997 ist das FORUM fester Bestandteil der Zeitschriftenlandschaft der Osteuropaforschung. Neben Fakten der Zeitgeschichte bietet es tiefe Einblicke in die Ideengeschichte, spiegelt aktuelle Diskussionen wider und liefert Rezensionen zu Werken der mittel- und osteuropäischen Zeitgeschichte. Gerade in den Rubriken Ideengeschichte und Zeitgeschichte bietet es mehr als "nur" Geschichte fächerübergreifend kommen u.a. Politologen, Literatur-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftler sowie Philosophen zu Wort. Das FORUM versteht sich als Brücke zwischen Ost und West. Durch die Übersetzung und Veröffentlichung von Dokumenten und Beiträgen aus dem Russischen, Polnischen und Tschechischen bietet es dem westlichen Leser Einblicke in den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs Osteuropas. Heft 1/2014: Der lange Abschied vom totalitären Erbe Das Modell der bundesrepublikanischen Vergangenheitsbewältigung gilt als Vorbild für viele postautoritäre bzw. posttotalitäre Transformationsstaaten in Ost und West, ungeachtet mancher Schattenseiten des langwierigen Prozesses der deutschen Vergangenheitsbewältigung nach der "Stunde Null". Das aktuelle Forum-Heft vergleicht in seinem thematischen Schwerpunkt die Spezifika der deutschen Erinnerungskultur mit denjenigen der osteuropäischen Länder, vor allem Polens und Russlands, seit dem Beginn der Entstalinisierungsdebatten.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 7 Schuljahr Gymnasium Bayern Vom Mittelalter bis zum Absolutismus Schlerbuch
Fordham University Press The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment Myth and MemoryA Lincoln Forum Book
The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln remains one of the most prominent events in U.S. history. It continues to attract enormous and intense interest from scholars, writers, and armchair historians alike, ranging from painstaking new research to wild-eyed speculation. At the end of the Lincoln bicentennial year, and the onset of the Civil War sesquicentennial, the leading scholars of Lincoln and his murder offer in one volume their latest studies and arguments about the assassination, its aftermath, the extraordinary public reaction (which was more complex than has been previously believed), and the iconography that Lincoln’s murder and deification inspired. Contributors also offer the most up-to-date accounts of the parallel legal event of the summer of 1865—the relentless pursuit, prosecution, and punishment of the conspirators. Everything from graphic tributes to religious sermons, to spontaneous outbursts on the streets of the nation’s cities, to emotional mass-mourning at carefully organized funerals, as well as the imposition of military jurisprudence to try the conspirators, is examined in the light of fresh evidence and insightful analysis. The contributors are among the finest scholars who are studying Lincoln’s assassination. All have earned well-deserved reputations for the quality of their research, their thoroughness, their originality, and their writing. In addition to the editors, contributors include Thomas R. Turner, Edward Steers Jr., Michael W. Kauffman, Thomas P. Lowry, Richard E. Sloan, Elizabeth D. Leonard, and Richard Nelson Current.
A A Balkema Publishers International Mining Forum 2004, New Technologies in Underground Mining, Safety in Mines: Proceedings of the Fifth International Mining Forum 2004, Cracow - Szczyrk - Wieliczka, Poland, 24-29 February 2004
This book comprises technical papers that were presented at the International Mining Forum 2004. This event aims to bring together scientists and engineers in mining, rock mechanics, and computer engineering, with a view to explore and discuss international developments in the field. The book is addressed to researchers and professionals who work in the fields of underground mining technology, rock engineering and management of mines.Topics discussed in this book are:- Trends in the mining industry- New solutions and tendencies in underground mines- Rock engineering problems in undeground mines- Utilization and exploitation of methane- Prevention measures for the control of rock bursts in Polish mines- Current problems in Ukrainian coal mines.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 69th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, Volume 28, Issue 10
Based upon conference proceedings, including papers, from the 69th Annual Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, which was held in Nashville, Tennessee in May 2007.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Technologies for the Wireless Future: Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)
See the future through the vision of the Wireless World Research Forum. Technologies for the Wireless Future, the result of pioneering cooperative work of many academic and industrial researchers from WWRF, provides a wide picture of the research challenges for the future wireless world. Despite much emphasis on hard technology, the user is certainly not forgotten as this book provides an all-encompassing treatment of future wireless technologies ranging from user centred design processes and I-centric communications to end-to-end econfigurability and short-range wireless networks. The content will have a wide-ranging appeal to engineers, researchers, managers and students with interest on future of wireless. "An important publication that highlights the significance of WWRF to the wireless industry. Rarely has one publication covered the whole spectrum of future wireless technologies from human sciences to radio interface technologies, highlighting the research work done both in academic and the business worlds." Tero Ojanperä, Senior Vice President, Head of Nokia Research Center "Provides an excellent overview about the future development of mobile and wireless communication. Starting from a user centric approach and the service infrastructure, a reference model and roadmaps are being built up. This book presents useful and necessary information to all, who are involved in research and development, strategy and standardisation activities towards future systems." Anton Schaaf, CTO and Member of the executive board Siemens COM "The WWRF should be commended for taking an approach that defines technology requirements from a user perspective. This publication makes an important contribution to defining the technologies that will be most relevant to future wireless communications." Padmasree Warrior, Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer Motorola
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press International Forum on Audio-Visual Research Jahrbuch Des Phonogrammarchivs 5
Royal Society of Chemistry Particle Science and Engineering: Proceedings of UK-China International Particle Technology Forum IV
Discussing the state of the art research in particle science and technology and their roles in the environment, this book will contain a selection of high quality papers from the UK-China International Particle Technology Forum IV held in Shanghai. Coverage includes a wide range of topics - synthesis and crystallisation, characterisation and measurement across length scales, multi-scale modelling and simulation, processing and handling of particulate system, nanoparticle technology and particle mechanics - making this a valuable reference for the recent advances and future research directions in the field and related fields. With applications in emerging areas, it will integrate different perspectives of particle science and technology to help the understanding of the fundamentals of particle systems for scientists and engineers in the fields of environmental science, energy and modelling.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 56 Schuljahr Schlerbuch Gymnasium Niedersachsen Von der Vorgeschichte bis zum Frhmittelalter
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Art and Conscientization: Forum Theatre in Uganda, Rwanda, DR Congo, and South Sudan
How can the performing arts add value to peacebuilding programs? Is it possible to use participatory theatre to reconnect and reconcile enemies? What is the trauma-healing effect for those acting in a theatre troupe? Claus Schrowange has explored these questions and the opportunities of using forum theatre in peace work in Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and DR Congo. His conclusion is that forum theatre is more than mere entertainment. It is an aesthetic tool for social change. But the value of theatre is not generated automatically, the way it is done matters. If it is done in a participatory manner with an authentic, believable acting style, involving both the audience and stage actor in a vivid and touching experience, the impact is immediately felt. This book presents the approach Schrowange developed together with a team of African theatre practitioners in a variety of circumstances and environments. It is illustrated with case studies taken from the author s direct experience of using the approach he describes in Eastern DR Congo and Rwanda.
V&R unipress GmbH Wiener Forum fÃ"r Theologie und Religionswissenschaft.: Schlaglichter aus theologischer und religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 6. Schuljahr. Gymnasium Niedersachsen SchleswigHolstein Teilband Das Römische Reich Schulbuch 10erPack
Lit Verlag From Ethical Person to Dialogical Society 32 Challenges of Global Society Forum Religionsphilosophie
Stanford University Press Discreet Power: How the World Economic Forum Shapes Market Agendas
In Discreet Power, Christina Garsten and Adrienne Sörbom undertake an ethnographic study of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Accessing one of the primary agenda-setting organizations of our day, they draw on interviews and participant observation to examine how the WEF wields its influence. They situate the WEF within an emerging system of "discretionary governance," in which actors craft ideas and entice formal authorities and top leaders in order to garner significant sway. Yet in spite of its image as a powerful, exclusive brain trust, the WEF has no formal mandate to implement its positions. It must convince others to advance chosen causes and enact suggestions, rendering its position quite fragile. Garsten and Sörbom argue that the WEF must be viewed relationally as a brokering organization that lives between the market and political spheres and that extends its reach through associated individuals and groups.They place the WEF in the context of a broader shift, arguing that while this type of governance opens up novel ways of dealing with urgent global problems, it challenges core democratic values.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press International Forum on Audio-Visual Research - Jahrbuch Des Phonogrammarchivs 9
John Wiley & Sons Inc 66th Porcelain Enamel Institute Technical Forum, Volume 25, Issue 5
This volume is part of the Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceeding (CESP) series. This series contains a collection of papers dealing with issues in both traditional ceramics (i.e., glass, whitewares, refractories, and porcelain enamel) and advanced ceramics. Topics covered in the area of advanced ceramic include bioceramics, nanomaterials, composites, solid oxide fuel cells, mechanical properties and structural design, advanced ceramic coatings, ceramic armor, porous ceramics, and more.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte Band 1 Gymnasium Hessen Von der Urgeschichte bis zum Rmischen Reich Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 5 Schuljahr Gymnasium SachsenAnhalt Von der Frhgeschichte bis zum Rmischen Reich Schlerbuch
Oneworld Publications A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome
‘Those left cold by the sober tones of scholarship will find this voice liberating and intoxicating. Its energy is boundless and its range immense.’ Wall Street Journal In Ancient Rome all the best stories have one thing in common – murder. Romulus killed Remus to found the city, Caesar was assassinated to save the Republic, Caligula was butchered in the theatre, Claudius was poisoned at dinner. But what did killing really mean in a city where gladiators fought to the death to sate a crowd? Emma Southon examines real-life homicides from Roman history to take us inside Ancient Rome’s unique culture of crime and punishment, and show us how the Romans viewed life, death, and what it means to be human.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 8 Jahrgangsstufe Gymnasium Bayern Das lange 19 Jahrhundert Schlerbuch
Ilios Editore Luigi Moretti. Fencing Academy in the Mussolini's Forum, Rome 1933-1937
Set in the widest urban neighbourhood of the fascist Rome, the "casa delle armi" building show the deep and sophisticated typological research around the "balilla houses". Born as an advanced typological experiment it is the most modern of the "National Balilla Opera" buildings: an architecture both with a solid image and a massive functional complexity. The "fluxes" of athletes and the one of clients are sharply driven with no interference in the body of the building. Notwithstanding such a complexity, the parts are clear: two different immense interiors so much different each other. But, like in a Dostoevsky drama, the plot meet some troubles that made impossible the full completion and the celebration of its success. Quickly inaugurated, never really opened, abandoned and soon forgotten, it can be told that the building was born dead. Its oblivion lasted for thirty years when, in the eighties, the need to find a safe place to celebrate the trials against the terrorism, convinced the Ministry of Justice to finally destroy the interiors. The aim of this book is rather not to enter in the field of refurbishment of modern architecture than to tell about the story and the composition rules of this architecture: an affresco of the history and political, urban and architectural frame in which "Casa delle armi" is set. A very sharp 3d model help to come over the old shots imposed by the architect to the photographer, to set new points of view discovering, again, new sides and emotions.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of the 7th PURPLE MOUNTAIN FORUM on Smart Grid Protection and Control (PMF2022)
This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 7th PURPLE MOUNTAIN FORUM on Smart Grid Protection and Control(PMF2022), held in Nanjing, China, on August 14-15, 2022. The accepted papers cover the following topics: 1. Advanced power transmission technology2. AC/DC hybrid power grid technology3. Power Internet of Things Technology and Application4. Operation, control and protection of smart grid5. Active distribution network technology6. Power electronic technology and application7. New technology of substation automation8. Energy storage technology and application9. Application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data10. Application of Information and Communication Technology11. Low-carbon energy planning and security12. Low-carbon operation of the power system13. Low-carbon energy comprehensive utilization technology14. Carbon trading and power market15. Carbon emission stream and carbon capture technology16. Energy saving and smart energy technology17. Analysis and evaluation of low-carbon efficiency of power system18. Carbon flow modelling in power system operationThe papers included in this proceeding share the latest research results and practical application examples on the methodologies and algorithms in these areas, which makes the book a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and university students.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Die Basilica Aemilia am Forum Romanum Der Kaiserzeitliche Bau Und Seine Ornamentik 24 Palilia
JOVIS Verlag Young Research Forum: Research Papers for Future Megacities on Governance, Water, Planning, and Mobility
In addition to senior scientists, who have summarised their main results in the five volumes of the Future Megacities Book Series, ambitious young researchers have also contributed substantially to the German research programme on sustainable development of future megacities. The authors included in this volume were awarded the research programme's Young Researcher's Award in 2013, and a small but exemplary selection of their scientific work is presented here. Main topics are mobility with transit-oriented development and public transport in China, water demand and supply issues in the arid cities of Lima and Urumqi, governance questions in South Africa and India in the wide framework of energy, and improvement of urban planning procedures in Ho Chi Minh City.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 5 Schuljahr Von der Urgeschichte bis zum Rmischen Reich Gymnasium Niedersachsen Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 78 Schuljahr Gymnasium Niedersachsen Vom Dreiigjhrigen Krieg bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg Schlerbuch
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd The Asian Monetary Policy Forum 2014–2020: Insights for Central Bankers
Increased integration of financial markets has led to many tangible economic benefits in Asia and around the world; yet, greater financial globalization has also exposed emerging economies to the vagaries of international capital flows. Harnessing the benefits of financial globalization while mitigating the risks posed by procyclical financial flows is a major preoccupation that has required central bankers in Asia and around the world to extend their focus beyond price and exchange rate stability to include the stability and efficiency of the financial system. This expanded domain of concern for central bankers has brought new, often complex, policy challenges. Since 2014, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research, University of Chicago Booth Business School, and National University of Singapore Business School have organised the Asian Monetary Policy Forum (AMPF) annually, bringing together prominent academics, policymakers and private sector economists to deliberate pressing monetary policy issues particularly relevant for Asian countries. The aim is to draw lessons from experience for the benefit of policymakers in the region and beyond. This volume includes selected AMPF speeches and commissioned papers from 2014 to 2020. Based on the latest academic research in economics and finance and written for a more general audience, the chapters cover a range of topics that have assumed central importance in the global monetary and financial system over the past twenty years. These include the efficacy of traditional monetary policy frameworks against the backdrop of synchronised global financial flows, the challenges presented by the US dollar dominance in the international trade and monetary systems, and the optimality of central banks' use of a wider set of policy instruments within an integrated policy framework to attain price and financial stability.
V&R unipress GmbH Wiener Forum fÃ"r Theologie und Religionswissenschaft.: Neue Perspektiven der Debatte
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co Forum Geschichte 02 Mit Lesetraining Wahlaufgaben Methodenseiten Fragekompetenz und Urteilen Arbeitsheft
Taylor & Francis Ltd Competitiveness of New Europe: Papers from the Second Lancut Economic Forum
New Europe is a rhetorical term used by some analysts to describe European post-communist transition success stories. The term implies their recent return to European, or more precisely Western civilization, but suggests - given their (forced) communist detour - that there is no single Pan-European identity in the EU. This book examines the nations that make up the so-called New-Europe (those that joined the European Union in 2004) to look at the economic competitiveness in comparison with each other and the rest of Europe.The editor - a leading scholar on transition economics - draws together contributions from a wide range of contributors to look at this important issue. These essays stress the interaction between successful transition measures creating an encouraging, more transparent, liberal (i.e. free market) environment on the one hand and the inflow of foreign investors encouraged by that environment on the other.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 910 Schuljahr Gymnasium Niedersachsen Vom Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs bis zur Gegenwart Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 4 Das 20 Jahrhundert Arbeitsheft Mit Lesetraining Wahlaufgaben Methodenseiten Bilder und Urteilen Arbeitsheft
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Repraesentationsformen Von Wissen: Beitraege Zum XXVI. Forum Junge Romanistik in Bochum (26.-29. Mai 2010)
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Intelligent Information Systems: CAiSE Forum 2021, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 28 – July 2, 2021, Proceedings
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the CAiSE Forum 2021 which was held as part of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2021, in June 2021. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The CAiSE Forum is a place within the CAiSE conference for presenting and discussing new ideas and tools related to information systems engineering. Intended to serve as an interactive platform, the Forum aims at the presentation of emerging new topics and controversial positions, as well as demonstration of innovative systems, tools and applications. This year’s theme was “Intelligent Information Systems”.The 18 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in this book.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte Band 3 Gymnasium Hessen Von der Franzsischen Revolution bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 6 Schuljahr Vom Mittelalter bis zum Aufbruch in die Neuzeit Gymnasium Niedersachsen Schlerbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte Band 4 Vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis zur Gegenwart Gymnasium RheinlandPfalz Schlerbuch
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Vocal Score
Harrassowitz Nationalismus Auf Der Buhne: Theater ALS Forum Des National-Sakularen Diskurses in Der Fruhen Pahlavi-Zeit
United Nations Forum on crime and society: Vol. 9, Numbers 1 and 2, 2018 Special issue: Wildlife crime
This issue of the Forum focuses on wildlife crime. It contains articles by a range of researchers and academics with experience in the subject. Forum on Crime and Society presents policy-oriented articles on issues related to crime prevention and criminal justice, focusing on trends and practices in the field of criminal justice that are of special significance to the international community.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Forum Geschichte 8 Schuljahr Gymnasium BadenWrttemberg Vom Zeitalter Napoleons bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik Schlerbuch
L'Erma Di Bretschneider From Pen to Pixel: Studies of the Roman Forum and the Digital Future of World Heritage