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Llewellyn Publications,U.S. The Long-Lost Friend: A 19th Century American Grimoire
"Der Lang Verborgene Freund", or "The Long-Lost Friend", is perhaps the most influential and well-known of all the grimoires to originate in the New World. Originally published in Reading, Pennsylvania, circa 1820, it has become an international bestseller. Llewellyn is pleased to present the most complete, accurate, and accessible version of this hard-to-find classic book of magic. Edited and annotated by magic scholar Daniel Harms, it features approximately one hundred recipes not available in any version of the text available now. It includes both the German text from 1820 and the English translation of 1856, with notes on variations with Hohman's translations in 1846 and 1863. In addition, the text includes an introduction providing the book's background and position in history, additional charms taken from the pirated 1837 Skippacksville edition, and a set of indices for general purposes, ingredients, and purposes of particular recipes.
O'Brien Press Ltd Dublin: The Story of a City
Dublin has taken many forms over the last millennium: first a Scandinavian settlement, linked by kinship to Norway; then a medieval town that formed part of a Norman sphere of influence across Western Europe. By the eighteenth century, it was a ‘polite’ city of the British Empire, before gaining independence and developing into a bustling, modern European capital. Merging archaeology with art, Stephen Conlin’s beautifully crafted views recreate Dublin’s most famous areas and buildings at key times in their development, such as Wood Quay in 1254, Parliament House circa 1760, O’Connell Street in 1945, and the Grand Canal Basin today. This wonderful imagery is complemented and enhanced by the vivid text of Peter Harbison, which moves through time to provide an entertaining history of Dublin, its people and its landmarks. Also available as a signed, limited edition with slipcase and special cover design. ISBN 9781847179227.
Red Lemonade Happy Talk: A Novel
Gun-slinging American student nurses and boozy New York--playwrights-turned-educational-filmmakers find themselves stuck in the Haiti of 1955 as part of a government plan to pump up tourism and turn the Magic Island into the next Hawaii. The story follows the travels of Culprit Clutch, who appears mostly through rumor and innuendo, and his strange encounters with a plane-hopping British spy, Haitian street magicians, and a Scandinavian zombie. Josie, Culprit's ghostly paramour with a morphine habit, may or may not have voodoo spirits flowing through her, but the power-mad doctor channeling Baron Samedi is sure as hell bent on Culprit's destruction. The novel's cascading epilogues include a legendary car race down the length of Mexico; street theatre in Golden Gate Park, circa 1968; a Skylab mutiny; origins of the musical comedy Godspell; and cameos by the Nation of Islam and early followers of Jim Jones.
Nick Hern Books LORENZO
When Ben Targét was nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2012 Edinburgh Comedy Awards, he was set on the path to becoming a critically acclaimed, multi-award-winning performance artist. Eight years later, amidst a global pandemic, he gave it all up to become the live-in carer for his uncle: an irascible octogenarian prankster called Lorenzo Wong. LORENZO is their story, a show that confronts the messiness of ageing and dying through the medium of storytelling, servitude to the audience and live carpentry, a combination not seen on the world stage since Nazareth circa 30AD. This book is the full script of that life-affirming show, with illustrations by Targét himself. It was directed by Adam Brace, and was premiered at Summerhall, Edinburgh, during the 2023 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, where it was awarded a Fringe First. It subsequently transferred to Soho Theatre, London.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Antique Woodwind Instruments: An Identification and Price Guide
This far-reaching and absorbing book is designed to help identify and value woodwind instruments made in Europe and the United States during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Drawing upon the author's many years of research in the field, the book includes a brief history of European woodwind instruments made during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; biographies of important makers; a glossary of terms that will be a welcome help for the novice; a list of key systems; resources for obtaining further information from books, museums, societies, and online; and most importantly, information and nearly 300 images taken from over 20 trade catalogs printed between 1880 and 1930 in Europe and the United States. Featured among these is a complete translation of William Heckel's rare, circa 1930 catalog. This comprehensive volume is an outstanding resource for beginning and advanced collectors of musical instruments as well as for museum curators.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Roman Conquests: Mesopotamia & Arabia
This volume explores the Roman invasions and military operations in two distinct yet related areas: Mesopotamia and Arabia. In these far-flung regions of the ancient known world, Rome achieved the greatest point of expansion in the history of her Empire. Under the reign of the Emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire reached the point of maximum expansion made famous by maps of the world circa AD 120\. Under the Severans, significant efforts were expended on a Roman dream of linking the two regions into one mighty provincial bulwark against Eastern enemies. Individual chapters detail the history of the conquest of these easternmost territories of the Empire, analysing the opposing armies involved (Roman, Parthian, Sassanian, Arab) and the reasons for success and failure. The story of how Rome won and lost her Far East offers a paradigm for the rise and fall of the greatest military empire of the ancient world.
Birkhauser Recueil de plans d habitation / Atlante delle planimetrie residenziali
L atlante delle planimetrie residenziali analizza circa 160 edifici realizzati in un contesto internazionale nell arco di oltre 40 anni, con particolare attenzione agli esempi contemporanei. Opere di architetti più o meno noti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo illustrano la varietà di approcci di tipo funzionale, tipologico e sperimentale rispetto ad un ampio spettro di temi progettuali. Ogni progetto è rappresentato in scala 1:200. Planimetria generale, sezioni e immagini fotografiche illustrano il contesto e la costruzione dell edificio. I dati sistematici riguardo alle dimensioni e al numero degli alloggi, ai modelli di finanziamento ecc. sono corredati da una dettagliata descrizione della forma dell abitare. La struttura complessiva del manuale - dalla classificazione in tipologie urbanistiche attraverso le modalità di rappresentazione fino ai dettagli costruttivi – fanno di questo libro uno strumento progettuale irrinunciabile per gli architetti, per chi partecipa a concorsi di progettazione, per studenti e committenti.
Harmony/Rodale The Essential Yoga Sutra Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali is a classic Sanskrit treatise consisting of 195 “threads,” or aphorisms, describing the process of liberation through yoga. Although little is known about Patanjali (most scholars estimate that he lived in India circa 200–300 B.C.), his writings have long been recognized as a vital contribution to the philosophy and practice of yoga. This new, expert translation of the original Sanskrit text of Patanjali’s best-known work presents his seminal ideas and methods in accessible, plain-language English. Patanjali organized the sutra into four parts: Samadhi (absorption), Sadhana (practice), Vibhuti (supernatural powers), and Kaivalya (liberation). Each represents a step in breaking free of our limited definition of consciousness and training the mind to achieve oneness with the universe. Geshe Michael Roach, one of the most respected teachers of Tibetan Buddhism in America and a renowned scholar of Sanskrit, provides authoritative
Skyhorse Publishing Vindicating Trump
Donald Trump is unquestionably the most unique and charismatic figure in American politics in a generation. Yet despite his familiarity on the public stage, he remains an enigmatic, mysterious figure. Not since Lincoln has a man drawn such intensely opposite responses, of love and hate, and even in Lincoln’s case the intensity was over the issue of slavery. With Trump, the intensity is over the man. How can the same man inspire such radically opposite reactions, to the point that there are some who would take a bullet for him, and others who celebrate the would-be assassin who actually attempted to take his life? This is the Trump enigma. Then there are Republicans and moderates who seek to sidestep the enigma of Trump the man by saying, “I don’t like him, but I like his policies.” Yet if Trump’s critics are right that he is an aspiring tyrant, a dictator, something akin to Hitler circa 1933, it is the man—not the
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Yesterday’s Silver for Today’s Table: A Silver Collector’s Guide to Elegant Dining
In his newest book, silver expert Richard Osterberg guides readers on a colorful, yet practical tour of fine antique silver. The book’s first part deals with silver flatware made circa 1875-1885, with a broad representation of patterns and forms. Next, a myriad of serving pieces are displayed, with examples of each type and function. In the third part, place settings are covered in many different patterns, showing the wide variety of pieces that were used, from the common knives, forks, and spoons to more obscure forms like individual bird knives, bird forks, and cherry forks. Finally, individual place settings are shown, together with silver, china, linen, and crystal to suggest dining as a truly stimulating visual expereince. Throughout the text value ranges are given, making it easy to look up individual prices. Using this book can be both inspirational and educational. It is both a must for collectors wishing to identify pieces of old family silver and an essential aid to the modern host or hostess.
Ebury Publishing Doctor Who: I Am a Dalek
Equipped with space suits, golf clubs and a flag, the Doctor and Rose are planning to live it up, Apollo mission-style, on the Moon. But the TARDIS has other plans, landing them instead in a village on the south coast of England; a picture-postcard sort of place where nothing much happens. Until now... An archaeological dig has turned up a Roman mosaic, circa AD 70, depicting mythical scenes, grapes and a Dalek. A few days later a young woman, rushing for work, is knocked over and killed by a bus, then comes back to life. It's not long before all hell breaks loose, and the Doctor and Rose must use all their courage and cunning against an alien enemy and a not-quite-alien accomplice who are intent on destroying humanity. Featuring the Doctor and Rose as played by David Tennant and Billie Piper in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Chinese Provincial Furniture: Selections From the Late Qing Dynasty
Focusing on provincial furniture of the early 1800s to early 1900s (late Qing Dynasty), this stunning book provides a detailed look at assorted chairs, benches, tables, storage pieces, beds, and screens originally created and used in eight Chinese provinces. Over 550 color photographs and accompanying text detail the construction and artistic differences characterizing these styles. Highly informative to collectors, dealers, and students of Asian furnishings, the book covers types of wood used, construction techniques, lacquer and other finishing processes, and original usage. Restoration and tips for care of antique furniture are also discussed. Descriptive captions include dimensions, circa dates, types of wood, and current market values for all pieces shown. Learning to authenticate classical antiques from China is becoming a necessity as facsimiles begin to appear in the marketplace. This book helps demystify the purchasing process and engenders an appreciation of lovely designs that blend wonderfully into contemporary homes.
Hub City Press Suburban Gospel
When the deacons at Mark Beaver’s Bible Belt church cue up an evangelical horror flick aimed at dramatizing Hell, he figures he'd better get right with God, and soon. Convinced he could die at age seven and spend eternity roasting on a spit in the fiery furnace of Hades, he promptly gets Saved. But once adolescence hits, the Straight and Narrow becomes a tight squeeze. But Suburban Gospel offers more than a look inside Bible Belt suburbia, circa Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority—it’s a tale of faith and flesh. Beaver invites us into a world filled with Daisy Duke fantasies and Prince posters, Nerf Hoops and Atari joysticks, raggedy Camaros and the neon light of strip malls. As much about the adolescent heart as the evangelical mind, the story explores similar emotional terrain as coming-of-age classics like Tobias Wolff's This Boy's Life and Mary Karr's Cherry. Suburban Gospel is a tale of growing up Baptist, all right—but also of just growing up.
Knockabout Comics The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic
Splendid news for enquiring minds, and guaranteed salvation for humanity! Messrs. Steve and Alan Moore, current proprietors of the celebrated Moon & Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels (sorcery by appointment since circa 150 AD) are presently engaged in producing a clear and practical grimoire of the occult sciences that offers endless necromantic fun for all the family. Exquisitely illuminated by a host of adepts including Kevin O''Neill, John Coulthart, Steve Parkhouse, Rick Veitch and Ben Wickey, this marvellous and unprecedented tome promises to provide all that the reader could conceivably need in order to commence a fulfilling new career as a diabolist. Its contents include profusely illustrated instructional essays upon this ancient sect''s theories of magic, notably the key dissertation ''Adventures in Thinking,'' which gives reliable advice as to how entry into the world of magic may be readily achieved. Further to this, a number of ''Rainy Day'' activity pages present l
Peeters Publishers Isacco Di Ninive. Terza Collezione: T.
Un manoscritto unico, copiato intorno al 1900 nella regione di Urmia (attuale Iran), ci ha restituito una collezione di discorsi di Isacco di Ninive fino ad ora sconosciuta. Le fonti antiche informano circa l'esistenza di piA' collezioni di suoi discorsi, ma sino a qualche decennio fa solo la Prima collezione era nota. Negli anni ottanta del secolo scorso e stata ritrovata la Seconda collezione, in seguito parzialmente edita, ed ora con quest'opera di fornisce la Terza collezione. Il manoscritto di Teheran, che resta unico per l'insieme dei discorsi, ha consentito l'individuazione di altri testimoni parziali, in siriaco e in arabo, che sono stati cosi collazionati con il manoscritto principale. Qui si fornisce dunque l'edizione critica dell'insieme, che tiene conto di tutti i testimoni siriaci e, per alcuni passi, anche della versione araba. Il secondo volume contiene invece la traduzione dei testi, corredata di un apparato di note volto in primo luogo a mettere in luce i paralleli lessicali e concettuali con le altre due collezioni isacchiane.
Pelican Publishing Company Majesty of Natchez The
Natchez, Mississippi, attracts thousands of visitors annually. One look through these pages and it is easy to see why. Beautiful exterior shots, rare interior photographs, and moving descriptions capture the essence of one of the largest and best-preserved collections of antebellum architecture in the country. Natchez truly is a living museum. King's Tavern, circa 1789, is believed to be the oldest building in Natchez and still operates as a tavern and restaurant. The stately Greek Revival Stanton Hall occupies an entire city block and is considered one of America's finest house museums. Longwood, the largest octagonal house in the country, stands unfinished today because Northern workers stopped in their tracks and left for home at the outbreak of the Civil War. For those fortunate enough to experience this bastion of the Old South or for those who hope to visit one day, The Majesty of Natchez makes the perfect memento or gift book. It presents the grandeur of this quintessenti
D Giles Ltd Double Exposure V1 - Through the African American Lens
Double Exposure is a major new series based on the remarkable photography collection held by the Earl W. and Amanda Stafford Center for African American Media Arts at the NMAAHC. From pre-Civil War daguerreotype portraits to 21st-century digital prints, this is a striking record of the key historical events, the cultural touchstones and the private and communal moments of African American life. In addition to over fifty photographs, each volume includes an introduction by a leading historian, activist, photographer or writer, and a foreword by the NMAAHC's founding director Lonnie Bunch. Photographers include Spider Martin, Gordon Parks, Ernest C. Withers, Wayne F. Miller and Henri Cartier- Bresson. There are iconic images, such as McPherson and Oliver's Gordon under Medical Inspection (circa 1867) and Charles Moore's photographs of the 1963 Birmingham Children's Crusade, as well as unfamiliar or recently discovered images, including Henry Clay Anderson's postwar pictures of everyday life in the segregated black community in Greenville, Mississippi.
Archaeopress Afetna Point, Saipan: Archaeological Investigations of a Latte Period Village and Historic Context in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
When Ferdinand Magellan first anchored off the island of Guam in 1521, the inhabitants of the small Chamorro village at Afetna Point on the southwest coast of Saipan were likely unaware. Archaeological investigations of the traditional village yielded Latte Period burials, ceramics, stone and shell tools, microfossils from food remains, and charcoal from cooking features dating between A.D. 1450 and 1700. No direct evidence of Spanish Contact before forced abandonment of the island circa 1730 was encountered, after which time Saipan remained virtually unpopulated until the arrival of Carolinian and Chamorro settlers from Guam nearly a century later. Spanish settlement in 1668, the German occupation from 1898-1914, and the Japanese sugarcane period from 1914-1944 left few traces at the site until WWII and subsequent American administration. Afetna Point and Saipan have therefore been a contested landscape for centuries, but the island’s prehistory has deep roots that tie the Mariana Islands and its modern culture to ancestral SE Asia.
Amazon Publishing The Last Queen of England
While on a visit to London, American genealogist Jefferson Tayte’s old friend and colleague dies in his arms. Before long, Tayte and a truth-seeking historian, Professor Jean Summer, find themselves following a corpse-ridden trail that takes them to the Royal Society of London, circa 1708. What to make of the story of five men of science, colleagues of Isaac Newton and Christopher Wren, who were mysteriously hanged for high treason? As they edge closer to the truth, Tayte and the professor find that death is once again in season. A new killer, bent on restoring what he sees as the true, royal bloodline, is on the is a Machiavellian heir-hunter who senses that the latest round of murder, kidnapping, and scandal represents an unmissable business opportunity. The Last Queen of England is a racing thriller with a heart-stopping conclusion. It is the third book in the Jefferson Tayte Genealogical Mystery series but can be enjoyed as a stand-alone story.
Orion Publishing Co All Clear
Traveling back in time, from Oxford circa 2060 into the thick of World War II, was a routine excursion for three British historians eager to study firsthand the heroism and horrors of the Dunkirk evacuation and the London Blitz. But getting marooned in war-torn 1940 England has turned Michael Davies, Merope Ward, and Polly Churchill from temporal tourists into besieged citizens struggling to survive Hitler's devastating onslaught. And now there's more to worry about than just getting back home: The impossibility of altering past events has always been a core belief of time-travel theory - but it may be tragically wrong. When discrepancies in the historical record begin cropping up, it suggests that one or all of the future visitors have somehow changed the past - and, ultimately, the outcome of the war.Award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds - great and small - of ordinary people who shape history.
Peeters Publishers Isacco Di Ninive. Terza Collezione: V.
Un manoscritto unico, copiato intorno al 1900 nella regione di Urmia (attuale Iran), ci ha restituito una collezione di discorsi di Isacco di Ninive fino ad ora sconosciuta. Le fonti antiche informano circa l'esistenza di piA' collezioni di suoi discorsi, ma sino a qualche decennio fa solo la Prima collezione era nota. Negli anni ottanta del secolo scorso e stata ritrovata la Seconda collezione, in seguito parzialmente edita, ed ora con quest'opera di fornisce la Terza collezione. Il manoscritto di Teheran, che resta unico per l'insieme dei discorsi, ha consentito l'individuazione di altri testimoni parziali, in siriaco e in arabo, che sono stati cosi collazionati con il manoscritto principale. Qui si fornisce dunque l'edizione critica dell'insieme, che tiene conto di tutti i testimoni siriaci e, per alcuni passi, anche della versione araba. Il secondo volume contiene invece la traduzione dei testi, corredata di un apparato di note volto in primo luogo a mettere in luce i paralleli lessicali e concettuali con le altre due collezioni isacchiane.
Duke University Press Transhistoricizing Claude McKay's Romance in Marseille
Claude McKay’s abandoned novel Romance in Marseille (circa 1929–1933), first published by Penguin Classics in February 2020, has been praised as a new-old text that transcends historical boundaries, resonating with both the present moment and the hundred-year-old era of the New Negro. This special issue offers the first-ever collection of academic essays on this novel, which arrived as an instant classic: both a benchmark of the Harlem Renaissance and a fresh statement that could have been written for twenty-first-century readers. Using McKay’s Romance as a critical compass point, the authors map new directions and historical territories in Black modernism, queer theory, disability studies, Marxist/materialist thought, and other established and emerging areas. Contributors Stephanie J. Brown, Nissa Ren Cannon, Zainab Cheema, Rich Cole, Michael J. Collins, David B. Hobbs, Gary Edward Holcomb, William J. Maxwell, Eric H. Newman, Laura Ryan, Jesse W. Schwartz, Agnieszka Tuszynska, Laura Winkiel
Laboratory Books Autograph Album
Like many middle-class Boston girls of the late 19th century, Annie McFarlane kept an autograph album, in which her schoolmates, family, and neighbours wrote messages of friendship and scraps of sentimental verse. This keepsake, with its stamped and coloured binding, was passed down through McFarlane''s family to her great-grandson, the independent scholar Theodore Dawes. Fascinated by the faded inscriptions in so many varied hands - from the spiky script of Andrew McFarlane (Father) to the laboured cursive of young Flossie L. Law - Dawes undertook an arduous course of archival research aimed at uncovering the identity and biographical details of everyone who signed the album.The result is this book, in which each page of Annie McFarlane''s autograph album is reproduced in facsimile, along with the biography of the person who signed it. Together these brief yet telling portraits reveal the texture of life in Boston circa 1890, as well as in Vanceboro, Maine, where the McFarlan
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. Excavations at Maresha Subterranean Complex 169: Final Report. Seasons 2000-2016
Tel Maresha is located in the foothills of Israel's Judaean Mountains. It was established in the Iron Age II (circa 700 BCE) and is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Josh 15:44; I Chron. 2:42). But it was mainly a Hellenistic-period town—a major Idumean political and administrative centre. One of the unique and fascinating aspects of Maresha is its subterranean city—hundreds of underground galleries and chambers filled to the gills with artifacts. This volume is a report of the excavations of one of these rich subterranean complexes—SC 169—which contained a full corpus of Hellenistic pottery forms, both local and exotic altars, figurines, amulets, seals and seal impressions, hundreds of inscriptions in Greek and Aramaic, coins, jewelry and much more. These finds tell the story of an affluent cosmopolitan society comprised of Idumeans, Phoenicians, Greeks, and Jews, who lived together in a vibrant urban setting until the city was destroyed, probably by the Jewish Hasmonean kingdom in 104 BCE.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Antique Boxes, Tea Caddies, & Society: 1700–1880
The charm of this remarkable book is overwhelming, in which antique boxes and tea caddies—along with the people who inspired, made, and used them—dance gracefully through the pages. The reader is guided through the aesthetic, cultural, and social influences of the years covered, accumulating a deep understanding of the form, decoration, and purpose of 18th- and 19th-century boxes. The extensive text covers wooden, tortoiseshell, ivory, papier-mâché, and lacquer boxes. There are chapters on Anglo-Indian, Scottish, Irish, Penwork, Straw work, and Tunbridge ware boxes, as well as on boxes made for special purposes. Captions include complete descriptions, values, and circa dates for all boxes shown. The 1,000 plus images include original drawings, magnificent photographs of complete pieces, and close-ups illustrating the structure and decoration of boxes. This is an indispensable companion for box collectors and reflects fascinating information about cultural forces that shaped the 18th and 19th centuries.
Yale University Press Kings, Queens, and Courtiers: Art in Early Renaissance France
This sumptuous catalogue provides an overview of French art circa 1500, a dynamic, transitional period when the country, resurgent after the dislocations of the Hundred Years' War, invaded Italy and all media flourished. What followed was the emergence of a unique art: the fusion of the Italian Renaissance with northern European Gothic styles. Outstanding examples of exquisite and revolutionary works are featured, including paintings, sculptures, illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, tapestries, and metalwork. Exciting new research brings to life court artists Jean Fouquet, Jean Bourdichon, Michel Colombe, Jean Poyer, and Jean Hey (The Master of Moulins), all of whose creations were used by kings and queens to assert power and prestige. Also detailed are the organization of workshops and the development of the influential art market in Paris and patronage in the Loire Valley.Distributed for the Art Institute of ChicagoExhibition Schedule:Grand Palais, Paris(10/06/10-01/10/11)The Art Institute of Chicago(02/27/11-05/30/11)
Design Originals Seek, Color, Find Mid-Century Retro Designs: A Treasure Hunt and Coloring Adventure
Color cool with mid-century modern! Talented designer Robin Pickens presents 32 nostalgic drawings to color with markers, colored pencils, watercolors, or gel pens. Discover a modern world, circa the 1950s and 60s, of fresh, engaging illustrations that evoke the clean lines, geometric structures, and understated cool of mid-twentieth century style think Eames lounge chairs, Mad Men decor, and Eichler homes. Nestled somewhere within each design are special little icons and symbols for you to find (shown on the back of each page so you know what to look for). Have fun finding these tucked-away friends as you bring each image to life with glorious color! Robin gets you started with the basics of choosing and combining colors for beautiful results. You ll also learn how to color the same image in different ways to create a feeling or set a mood. Full-color examples of finished pieces will get you inspired to pick up your coloring tools. Printed on one side only of high-quality, extra-thick paper, each page is perforated for easy removal and display."
HarperCollins Publishers The Purgatory Poisoning
A fabulously funny celestial crime caper, full of wit, warmth and heart.' Helen LedererHow do you solve your own murder when you're already dead?Purgatory (noun):1. Where the dead are sent to atone.2. A place of suffering or torment.3. A youth hostel where the occupants play Scrabble and the mattresses are paper thin.When Dave wakes up in his own personal purgatory (St Ives Youth Hostel circa 1992), he's shocked to discover he's dead. And worse he was murdered.Heaven doesn't know who did it so with the help of two rogue angels, Dave must uncover the truth.As divine forces from both sides start to play the game, can Dave get out of this alive? Or at the very least, with his soul intact?An utterly gripping and page-turning mystery for fans of Murder Before Evensong and The Appeal from the winner of the Comedy Women in Print Unpublished Prize!.Readers LOVE The Purgatory PoisoningVery original, very funny, and very well written. I loved it!' NetGalley reviewer ?????A hilarious story I li
Getty Trust Publications The Invention of the Colonial Americas: Data, Architecture, and the Archive of the Indies, 1781-1844
The Invention of the Colonial Americas is an architectural history and media-archaeological study of changing theories and practices of government archives in Enlightenment Spain. It centers on an archive created in Seville for storing Spain's pre-1760 documents about the New World. To fill this new archive, older archives elsewhere in Spain-spaces in which records about American history were stored together with records about European history-were dismembered. The Archive of the Indies thus constructed a scholarly apparatus that made it easier to imagine the history of the Americas as independent from the history of Europe, and vice versa. In this meticulously researched book, Byron Ellsworth Hamann explores how building layouts, systems of storage, and the arrangement of documents were designed to foster the creation of new knowledge. He draws on a rich collection of eighteenth-century architectural plans, descriptions, models, document catalogs, and surviving buildings to present a literal, materially precise account of archives as assemblages of spaces, humans, and data-assemblages that were understood circa 1800 as capable of actively generating scholarly innovation.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts
The present volume offers a glimpse at one currently thriving expression of the distinguished history of religions school approach to the New Testament and early Christian literature. Begun circa 1884 at the University of Göttingen and pioneered by scholars such as Albert Eichhorn, Wilhelm Bousset, Johannes Weiss, and William Wrede, today applications of this approach are diverse. Scholars adapt the method, incorporating the latest technologies and insights, to optimize the school's original goal of accurate biblical interpretation. In North America, the University of Chicago has long been a hub of this type of investigation. Over the last century, many of these Chicago studies have produced groundbreaking results. Still, the approach has never been without its critics. Applying the history of religions school approach to a range of interesting topics and themes, the essays in this collection demonstrate against current opposition how the history of religions school continues to steer scholarly innovation in the field of New Testament studies by offering constructive new interpretations of early Christian and other writings and advancing discussion in key areas of research.
Yale University Press Athens: A History of the World's First Democracy
A history of the world’s first democracy from its beginnings in Athens circa fifth century B.C. to its downfall 200 years later The first democracy, established in ancient Greece more than 2,500 years ago, has served as the foundation for every democratic system of government instituted down the centuries. In this lively history, author Thomas N. Mitchell tells the full and remarkable story of how a radical new political order was born out of the revolutionary movements that swept through the Greek world in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C., how it took firm hold and evolved over the next two hundred years, and how it was eventually undone by the invading Macedonian conquerors, a superior military power. Mitchell’s superb history addresses the most crucial issues surrounding this first paradigm of democratic governance, including what initially inspired the political beliefs underpinning it, the ways the system succeeded and failed, how it enabled both an empire and a cultural revolution that transformed the world of arts and philosophy, and the nature of the Achilles heel that hastened the demise of Athenian democracy.
The Lilliput Press Ltd The Junior Dean: R. B. McDowell: Encounters with a Legend
Dr RB McDowell is a legend. To graduates of Trinity College, Dublin, he is a symbol of their years at university, the enduring source of endless amusing anecdotes and memories. Now, for the first time, reminiscences by graduates and friends, recording entertaining encounters with ‘RB’ over a period of some seventy years, appear in book form, enlivened by comments from Dr McDowell himself and illustrated with evocative sketches of College circa 1950 by Bryan de Grineau, archival photographs, many hitherto unseen, and a Derek Hill painting in full colour. The result is an intriguing portrait of the traditions and the way of life at Ireland’s oldest university during the greater part of the twentieth century and the part played by the charismatic and unique RB McDowell. RB MCDOWELL is an Emeritus Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. His works include Irish Public Opinion 1750-1800, The Church of Ireland 1869-1969, Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution 1760-1801, Land and Learning: Two Irish Clubs, Crisis and Decline: The Fate of the Southern Unionists, and Grattan: A Life.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization
In this provocative collaboration from two Egyptology outsiders, Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., and Robert Bauval combine their decades of research to show how the Sphinx is thousands of years older than the conventional Egyptological timeline and was built by a long forgotten pre-Pharaonic civilization. They examine the known history of the Sphinx, contrasting what Egyptologists claim with prominent historical accounts and new research, including updates to Schoch’s geological water weathering research and reanalysis of seismic studies. Building on Bauval’s Orion Correlation Theory, they investigate the archaeoastronomical alignments of the monuments of the Giza Plateau and reveal how the pyramids and Sphinx were built to align with the constellations of Orion and Leo. Analyzing the evidence for a significantly older construction phase at Giza and the restoration and recarving of the Sphinx during the Old Kingdom era, they assert that the Sphinx was first built by an advanced pre-Pharaonic civilization that existed circa 12,000 years ago on the Giza Plateau, contemporaneous with the sophisticated Göbekli Tepe complex.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The ABC's of ABC Ware
This delightful book examines the graphics found on all kinds of children's alphabet ware, along with fascinating histories of the firms that produced it. Primarily made in nineteenth century Britain, America, and Germany, these ceramic plates, metal table and flatware, glass dishes, and mugs are considered a reflection of the technologies, values, and styles of the Victorian era. Alphabetically arranged, the twenty-six lettered chapters each tell part of the story: A begins the tale with a bit of American history, B tells of the early bonfires and nineteenth century bottle ovens, C discusses commercialism, D displays deep dishes, E reviews the role of the ware in educating the young … and so on, all the way to Z. The extensively researched text is accompanied by over 1000 stunning photographs of these historic pieces, with detailed captions providing measurements, information on manufacturers and marks, circa dates, and current values. A must for every enthusiast's library, this unique and comprehensive text guides readers through every aspect of collecting alphabet ware.
Baylor University Press Human in Death: Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb's Novels
Kecia Ali's Human in Death explores the best-selling futuristic suspense series In Death, written by romance legend Nora Roberts under the pseudonym J. D. Robb. Centering on troubled NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her billionaire tycoon husband Roarke, the novels explore vital questions about human flourishing. Through close readings of more than fifty novels and novellas published over two decades, Ali analyzes the ethical world of Robb's New York circa 2060. Robb compellingly depicts egalitarian relationships, satisfying work, friendships built on trust, and an array of models of femininity and family. At the same time, the series' imagined future replicates some of the least admirable aspects of contemporary society. Sexual violence, police brutality, structural poverty and racism, and government surveillance persist in Robb's fictional universe, raising urgent moral challenges. So do ordinary ethical quandaries around trust, intimacy, and interdependence in marriage, family, and friendship. Ali celebrates the series' ethical successes, while questioning its critical moral omissions. She probes the limits of Robb's imagined world and tests its possibilities for fostering identity, meaning, and mattering of human relationships across social difference. Ali capitalizes on Robb's futuristic fiction to reveal how careful and critical reading is an ethical act.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Psychosoziale Uroonkologie
Circa jeder 3. Patient in der Urologie ist ein Tumorpatient. In der Uroonkologie sind es meist ältere, an Prostatakrebs erkrankte Männer, die nicht gelernt haben, über Ihre Gefühle zu sprechen. Aber auch jüngere Männer leiden, besonders unter begleitenden sexuellen Funktionsstörungen.In diesem Praxisbuch werden die Grundlagen der psychosozialen Uroonkologie erläutert wie auch die Diagnostik und Therapie. Es schildert die Besonderheiten der männlichen Patientengruppe, stellt die wichtigsten Tumorentitäten kurz dar und richtet den Blick auch auf psychische Komorbiditäten. Intensiv werden Patientenängste, z. B. Progredienzangst, Sexualität, Tod thematisiert und Sie erhalten zahlreiche Tipps, wie Sie ein Patientengespräch führen und Hilfen anbieten können. Hinweise und Übersichten für den Arbeitsalltag zur Diagnostik und Therapie und Praxistipps zum Umgang mit der meist älteren, männlichen Patientengruppe erleichtern die Gesprächsführung und erweitern das Hilfsangebot für den Patienten. Das Buch basiert auf der Fachexpertise eines renommierten Autorenteams und spiegelt den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft wider. Es erfolgen viele Verweise und Erläuterungen zur S3-Leitlinie „Psychoonkologische Diagnostik, Beratung und Behandlung von erwachsenen Krebspatienten“.Für Urologen, Onkologen, Psychotherapeuten und jeden Arzt, der urologische Tumorpatienten behandelt, und diesen wertvollen Baustein in der Krebstherapie professionell nutzt - für mehr Lebensqualität des Patienten.
Yale University Press The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta: The Persian Challenge
A fresh appreciation of the pivotal role of Spartan strategy and tactics in the defeat of the mightiest empire of the ancient world More than 2500 years ago a confederation of small Greek city-states defeated the invading armies of Persia, the most powerful empire in the world. In this meticulously researched study, historian Paul Rahe argues that Sparta was responsible for the initial establishment of the Hellenic defensive coalition and was, in fact, the most essential player in its ultimate victory. Drawing from an impressive range of ancient sources, including Herodotus and Plutarch, the author veers from the traditional Atheno-centric view of the Greco-Persian Wars to examine from a Spartan perspective the grand strategy that halted the Persian juggernaut. Rahe provides a fascinating, detailed picture of life in Sparta circa 480 B.C., revealing how the Spartans’ form of government and the regimen to which they subjected themselves instilled within them the pride, confidence, discipline, and discernment necessary to forge an alliance that would stand firm against a great empire, driven by religious fervor, that held sway over two-fifths of the human race.
John Benjamins Publishing Co Dizionario Combinatorio Compatto Italiano
Le parole di una lingua non sono mai isolate ma si usano in combinazione e non con qualunque parola ma solo con alcune. Per parlare bene bisogna usare le combinazioni appropriate. In italiano si dice un tozzo di pane per indicare un pezzo di pane, ma si dice anche un tozzo di carne? E una discussione si solleva? O si solleva un’obiezione? Una discussione si affronta, ma un’obiezione? In italiano non si dice fare un appuntamento con qualcuno ma fissare o prendere un appuntamento. Ogni lingua preferisce combinazioni diverse e quindi è facile sbagliare quando si parla una lingua straniera. A volte però anche il parlante nativo sbaglia o non è sicuro. Questo dizionario ricostruisce l’ambiente linguistico di circa 3.000 entrate per aiutare ogni parlante a comunicare in italiano. È destinato al parlante straniero che ha una conoscenza avanzata della lingua italiana ma anche al parlante nativo che è in cerca della parola giusta. Un dizionario che si distingue dai normali dizionari monolingui e bilingui perché indica sistematicamente le combinazioni lessicali (circa 90.000), molto spesso spiegandole e/o accompagnandole con esempi per chiarirne l’uso.—Words are never used in isolation but in combination and not with any word but only with certain specific words. To use a language properly the appropriate combinations must be used. In Italian a piece of bread is a tozzo di pane, but is that the case for meat? Is a tozzo di carne an appropriate combination? If you want to make an appointment with somebody you should not say (as in English) fare un appuntamento but fissare un appuntamento. An Italian affronta una discussione (enters or tackles a discussion), but is it possible for him to say affrontare un’obiezione (to enter or tackle an objection)? Yes it is, as this dictionary shows. So every language has its own preferences in word combinations, misleading a non-native learner into making mistakes influenced by his own language.This dictionary reconstructs the frame to which 3,000 Italian entries belong and aims to help non-Italian speakers with an advanced linguistic competence to find the appropriate word combinations for communicating in Italian. Moreover, this dictionary can also be useful for native speakers who want to improve their lexical choices in writing and speaking Italian. The dictionary, contrary to ordinary monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, systematically lists word combinations (almost 90,000), explaining and/or exemplifying them.Also available: Dizionario Combinatorio Italiano, a more extensive, 2-volume hardcover edition with 6,500 entries listing over 200,000 word combinations.
Duke University Press Chinese Poetry, 2nd ed., Revised: An Anthology of Major Modes and Genres
This is the first paperback edition of a classic anthology of Chinese poetry. Spanning two thousand years—from the Book of Songs (circa 600 B.C.) to the chü form of the Yuan Dynasty (1260–1368)—these 150 poems cover all major genres that students of Chinese poetry must learn. Newly designed, the unique format of this volume will enhance its reputation as the definitive introduction to Chinese poetry, while its introductory essay on issues of Chinese aesthetics will continue to be an essential text on the problems of translating such works into English. Each poem is printed with the original Chinese characters in calligraphic form, coordinated with word-for-word annotations, and followed by an English translation. Correcting more than a century of distortion of the classical Chinese by translators unconcerned with the intricacies and aesthetics of the Chinese language, these masterful translations by Wai-lim Yip, a noted and honored translator and scholar, allow English readers to enter more easily into the dynamic of the original poems. Each section of the volume is introduced by a short essay on the mode or genre of poem about to be presented and is followed by a comprehensive bibliography.
Rizzoli International Publications Finding Home: The Houses of Pursley Dixon
Founded on the simple principle Build beautiful things, the architectural team of Pursley Dixon, like populist architects Bobby McAlpine and Jeff Dungan, is known for blending elements of tradition with a modern lifestyle. In Finding Home, they share 15 stunning houses in three distinct styles: rustic mountain escapes, dreamy retreats by the water, and elegant houses in town. Each house has its own thoughtful visual narrative, but all are connected on an innate and authentic level by their sense of proportion, attention to detail, and a marvellous affinity with nature, displayed in their soothing neutral palettes, oversize windows that bring the outdoors in, and natural materials such as rough-hewn stone and unfinished wood. Little touches of humanity await discovery, such as a sleeping nook perched right out into the highest branches of a tree. These eccentricities and secrets add to the distinctly Southern sense of warmth and refuge these homes provide, homes whose open interiors and majestic porches easily accommodate family and gatherings. Featuring their own interior design work as well as that of acclaimed decorators such as Suzanne Kasler, Phoebe Howard, and Circa Interiors, Finding Home is about creating houses of inherent beauty that will spark an emotional connection to last a lifetime.
New York University Press Understanding China's Legal System
This volume brings together ten original essays by leading Chinese law experts in the United States and beyond. Employing a variety of perspectives and materials, these writings tackle important issues that range from ancient Chinese legal history to aspects of the contemporary legal process in the People’s Republic of China. For example, how was law theorized and practiced during China’s Warring States period circa 4th century B.C? What was the role of case precedents in the Qing (1616-1911) judicial process? What role has law played in China’s on going transformation from central planning to a market economy? Does the current practice of village-level elections foretell a greater and more genuine development of democracy in China? And, given the complexities of its legal tradition, how can one best understand contemporary Chinese law and anticipate the pace and direction of its future development? The contributors are William P. Alford, Albert H. Chen, Tsung-fu Chen, Donald C. Clarke, Alison W. Conner, R. Randle Edwards, Jamie P. Horsley, William C. Jones, Natalie G. Lichtenstein, and Susan Roosevelt Weld. This collection of essays is dedicated to Jerome A. Cohen, Professor, New York University Law School, in honor of his pioneering role during the past forty years in American scholarship on law in China.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art
A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art provides a diverse, fresh collection of accessible, comprehensive essays addressing key issues for European art produced between 1300 and 1700, a period that might be termed the beginning of modern history. Presents a collection of original, in-depth essays from art experts that address various aspects of European visual arts produced from circa 1300 to 1700 Divided into five broad conceptual headings: Social-Historical Factors in Artistic Production; Creative Process and Social Stature of the Artist; The Object: Art as Material Culture; The Message: Subjects and Meanings; and The Viewer, the Critic, and the Historian: Reception and Interpretation as Cultural Discourse Covers many topics not typically included in collections of this nature, such as Judaism and the arts, architectural treatises, the global Renaissance in arts, the new natural sciences and the arts, art and religion, and gender and sexuality Features essays on the arts of the domestic life, sexuality and gender, and the art and production of tapestries, conservation/technology, and the metaphor of theater Focuses on Western and Central Europe and that territory's interactions with neighboring civilizations and distant discoveries Includes illustrations as well as links to images not included in the book
Taylor & Francis Ltd Imagining the Human Condition in Medieval Rome: The Cistercian fresco cycle at Abbazia delle Tre Fontane
The first monograph on the Vita Humana cycle at Tre Fontane, this book includes an overview of the medieval history of the Roman Cistercian abbey and its architecture, as well as a consideration of the political and cultural standing of the abbey both within Papal Rome and within the Cistercian order. Furthermore, it considers the commission of the fresco cycle, the circumstances of its making, and its position within the art historical context of the Roman Duecento. Examining the unusual blend of images in the Vita Humana cycle, this study offers a more nuanced picture of the iconographic repertoire of medieval art. Since the discovery of the frescoes in the 1960s, the iconographic programme of the cycle has remained mysterious, and an adequate analysis of the Vita Humana cycle as a whole has so far been lacking. Kristin B. Aavitsland covers this gap in the scholarship on Roman art circa 1300, and also presents the first interpretative discussion of the frescoes that is up-to-date with the architectural investigations undertaken in the monastery around 2000. Aavitsland proposes a rationale behind the conception of the fresco cycle, thereby providing a key for understanding its iconography and shedding new light on thirteenth-century Cistercian culture.
Indiana University Press Movies, Songs, and Electric Sound: Transatlantic Trends
How did the introduction of recorded music affect the production, viewing experience, and global export of movies? In Movies, Songs, and Electric Sound, Charles O'Brien examines American and European musical films created circa 1930, when the world's sound-equipped theaters screened movies featuring recorded songs and filmmakers in the United States and Europe struggled to meet the artistic and technical challenges of sound production and distribution. The presence of singers in films exerted special pressures on film technique, lending a distinct look and sound to the films' musical sequences. Rather than advancing a film's plot, songs in these films were staged, filmed, and cut to facilitate the singer's engagement with her or his public. Through an examination of the export market for sound films in the early 1930s, when German and American companies used musical films as a vehicle for competing to control the world film trade, this book delineates a new transnational context for understanding the Hollywood musical. Combining archival research with the cinemetric analysis of hundreds of American, German, French, and British films made between 1927 and 1934, O'Brien provides the historical context necessary for making sense of the aesthetic impact of changes in film technology from the past to the present.
Indiana University Press Movies, Songs, and Electric Sound: Transatlantic Trends
How did the introduction of recorded music affect the production, viewing experience, and global export of movies? In Movies, Songs, and Electric Sound, Charles O'Brien examines American and European musical films created circa 1930, when the world's sound-equipped theaters screened movies featuring recorded songs and filmmakers in the United States and Europe struggled to meet the artistic and technical challenges of sound production and distribution. The presence of singers in films exerted special pressures on film technique, lending a distinct look and sound to the films' musical sequences. Rather than advancing a film's plot, songs in these films were staged, filmed, and cut to facilitate the singer's engagement with her or his public. Through an examination of the export market for sound films in the early 1930s, when German and American companies used musical films as a vehicle for competing to control the world film trade, this book delineates a new transnational context for understanding the Hollywood musical. Combining archival research with the cinemetric analysis of hundreds of American, German, French, and British films made between 1927 and 1934, O'Brien provides the historical context necessary for making sense of the aesthetic impact of changes in film technology from the past to the present.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) A Bride without a Blessing: A Study in the Redaction and Content of Massekhet Kallah and Its Gemara
David Brodsky uses form and source criticism to date Massekhet Kallah and the first two chapters of Kallah Rabbati - which form a commentary on Massekhet Kallah - to the mid-amoraic period (circa late third and early fifth centuries CE respectively), and to locate their redaction in Babylonia. This makes these two sources the only known rabbinic texts whose final redaction took place in Babylonia during the amoraic period, and establishes them as the closest extant relatives of the Babylonian Talmud. Parallels between these two sources and the Babylonian Talmud elucidate the nature of oral transmission and of the redactional processes of Babylonian rabbinic material during this critical period, and, thereby, of the Babylonian Talmud itself. In addition, the author deciphers Massekhet Kallah's peculiar asceticism: a concern with men's inappropriate use of or interactions with their wives, charity, vows, and even with the group's own transmitted traditions. Massekhet Kallah fears the physical and at times cosmic effects of such inappropriate behavior. Brodsky finds that these items were all deemed consecrated, removed from the realm of normal interaction. To have mundane interaction with them was a powerful and dangerous act. Brodsky explores the fascinating gender and theological implications of this unique asceticism.
Leamington Books The Sinner
O tempora! O City of failed writers and successful folksingers - Great Whore of Babble-on, if only Mad John Knox could see you now! Wild, experimental and nihilistic, The Sinner was published just months after the death of its author, Stuart MacGregor who was killed in a motor accident in Jamaica in 1973. Denis Sellars, the self-serving narrator is a restless, suicidal folksinger and would-be novelist. The City of Edinburgh is his love ― his enemies are the forces of progress which seek to make commercial the art and music of Scotland. Rob Sellars, his twin, is a successful folk artiste and has succeeded where Denis has failed; but with the might of right on his side, Denis decides between favour ― wider success as an artist ― and the raging dark side of himself. Strikingly personal and unflinching in its portrayal of a man dealing head on with the brutal impulses of the id, The Sinner is the story of a man dedicated to defending grassroots music and literature, even if it comes to violence. Combining amazing moments of passion with a suicidal and godless fervour The Sinner is a novel of despair, forever coming to terms with itself, and capturing the literary and folk scene of Edinburgh, circa. 1970, like no other work.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Amarna Letters
An ancient inscription identified some of the ruins at el Amarna as "The Place of the Letters of the Pharaoh." Discovered there, circa 1887, were nearly four hundred cuneiform tablets containing correspondence of the Egyptian court with rulers of neighboring states in the mid-fourteenth century B.C. Previous translations of these letters were both incomplete and reflected an imperfect understanding of the Babylonian dialects in which they were written. William Moran devoted a lifetime of study to the Amarna letters to prepare this authoritative English translation. The letters provide a vivid record of high-level diplomatic exchanges that, by modern standards, are often less than diplomatic. An Assyrian ruler complains that the Egyptian king's latest gift of gold was not even sufficient to pay the cost of the messengers who brought it. The king of Babylon refuses to give his daughter in marriage to the pharaoh without first having proof that the king's sister -- already one of the pharaoh's many wives -- is still alive and well. The king of Karaduniyash complains that the Egyptian court has "detained" his messenger -- for the past six years. And Egyptian vassal Rib-Hadda, writing from the besieged port of Byblos, repeatedly demands military assistance for his city or, failing that, an Egyptian ship to permit his own escape.