Search results for ""author robert louis stevenson""
Kaplan Publishing ScoreRaising Classics Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Fourth Edition
Makes scoring higher so easy, it's scary!Millions of readers have enjoyed Robert Louis Stevenson’s horror story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for its dark and gripping plot. But did you know that it's also packed with words you need to know to score higher on tests? Learning words by reading them in context is one of the most effective ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your scores on the SAT, ACT, AP exams and more! Classic novels are taught throughout high school and can now be read to learn vocabulary words that frequently appear on exams. Barron’s Score-Raising Classics: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is designed for easy use and features Hundreds of vocabulary words in bold typeface throughout Definitions for each highlighted word on the facing page Pronunciation, part of speech, and synonyms for defined words A complete index to help you quickly find the words you n
Union Square & Co. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Union Square & Co. Treasure Island
Young Jim Hawkins has no reason to suspect that Billy Bones, the pensioner who has taken up residence in his father’s inn, is anything other than an aging former mariner. But when violent altercations with visitors to the inn leave Billy on death’s doorstep, Jim discovers that they all are members of the crew of the notorious pirate Captain Flint, and that Billy has a map that shows the whereabouts of Flint’s buried treasure. . . First serialized in a children’s magazine between 1881 and 1882 as a coming-of-age story for young readers, Treasure Island has transcended its time and intended audience. Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel forged the template for the tale of pirate adventure, and many of its dramatic elements—including buried treasure, treasure maps, and pirate oaths, among others—have become iconic parts of virtually every pirate adventure story written in its wake.
Scholastic Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
A powerful and thrilling account of man’s dual nature. "Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil." The mysterious association between respectable Dr Henry Jekyll and despicable lowlife Edward Hyde is a puzzle to Dr Jekyll's friends, including his lawyer Gabriel Utterson. Where Jekyll is sociable, hardworking and pious, Hyde is a violent criminal, a wild hedonist. When Hyde beats a member of Parliament to death, Utterson is determined to discover the ties that bind the two men together. . . Robert Louis Stevenson's account of man's capacity for evil is as powerful today as it was on first publication in 1886. The classic tale has inspired film and television adaptations as well as numerous retellings STUDY GUIDES Check out the Scholastic GCSE Revision Guide and Practice Book for AQA English Literature with free app (GCSE Grades 9-1 Study Guides) 9781407182643 Want more? Learn how to write the best answers in your exams with Scholastic'sGCSE Essay Planner for AQA English Literature with free app (GCSE Grades 9-1 Great Answers) 9780702308505 SCHOLASTIC "INK DOT" CLASSICS - Collect them all! A Christmas Carol Black Beauty Five Children and It Frankenstein Jane Eyre Macbeth Oliver Twist Romeo and Juliet Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Treasure Island What Katy Did
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Kidnapped
Acclaimed by Henry James as Robert Louis Stevenson''s best novel, Kidnapped achieves what Stevenson called, the particular crown and triumph of the artist...not simply to convince, but to enchant.Spirited, romantic, and full of danger, Kidnapped is Robert Louis Stevenson''s classic of high adventure. Beloved by generations, it is the saga of David Balfour, a young heir whose greedy uncle connives to do him out of his inherited fortune and plots to have him seized and sold into slavery. But honor, loyalty, and courage are rewarded; the orphan and castaway survives kidnapping and shipwreck, is rescued by a daredevil of a rogue, and makes a thrilling escape to freedom across the wild highlands of Scotland.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Treasure Island
A beautiful hardback edition of Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. This lovely edition is part of the highly collectible Puffin 'cloth' Classics series - all the titles in the range have attractive 'cloth' textured covers with a stunning repeat pattern design specific to each story. Treasure Island makes a perfect addition to the collection which includes some of the best-loved Puffin titles of all time.Following the demise of bloodthirsty buccaneer Captain Flint, young Jim Hawkins finds himself with the key to a fortune. For he has discovered a map that will lead him to the fabled Treasure Island. But a host of villains, wild beasts and deadly savages stand between him and the stash of gold. Not to mention the most infamous pirate ever to sail the high seas . . .This editions makes a perfect gift and is a must for every family bookshelf.
HarperCollins Publishers The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘I thus drew steadily nearer to that truth, by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two.’ A London lawyer is drawn into a series of strange occurrences concerning his old friend Henry Jekyll and the despicable stranger Edward Hyde, a man who seems to epitomise the very meaning of evil. What is Hyde’s mysterious hold over Jekyll, and what is the reason behind Jekyll’s increasingly odd behaviour? The investigations will lead into the dark heart of Victorian London, and of human nature itself, as the shocking truth about Hyde’s true identity is finally revealed. Published in 1886 to critical acclaim, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a thrilling exploration of the interplay of good and evil and the terrifying duality that lies within us all. These themes held a constant fascination for Stevenson and are further explored in his short stories Markheim and The Body Snatcher, also included in this book.
OM Books International Kidnapped-Om Illustrated Classics
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. Kidnapped
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Treasure Island
HarperCollins Publishers Treasure Island (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest –Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!' When young Jim Hawkins finds an old map showing the location of a hoard of buried treasure, he joins the crew of the Hispaniola who set sail to find it. But they soon have a mutiny on their hands, led by the duplicitous pirate Long John Silver. As the quest turns murderous, Jim’s bravery is put to the test, and he discovers much about friendship, loyalty and betrayal on this daring voyage. Treasure Island was serialised in the children’s magazine Young Folks before being published in 1883. It has come to be regarded as one of the greatest adventure stories ever told.
HarperCollins Publishers Treasure Island (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest –Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!' Upon finding a map in his parents' inn, young Jim Hawkins joins a crew on route to the Caribbean to find buried treasure. One of his crew, the charming, yet devious Long John Silver is determined to snag the booty for himself and Jim's swashbuckling voyage becomes a mutinous and murderous adventure – where his own bravery is put to the test and he discovers much about friendship, loyalty and betrayal.
Everyman Kidnapped
First published as a serial in YOUNG FOLKS between May and July 1886 and now reprinted in an Everyman edition on the centenary of Stevenson's death. KIDNAPPED is an adventure story that has become the model for any thriller of escape and suspense. Set in 1751, the flight of David Balfour and Alan Breck across the Highlands of Scotland is based on real events. Through he wrote the book to make money, while living as an invalid in Bournemouth. Stevenson was proud of it; he inscribed a presentation copy with the couplet. Here is the one sound page of all my writing. The one I'm proud of and that I delight in. Rowland Hilder is famous for his paintings of the English countryside but his work in book illustration covered a much wider canvas. His drawing for KIDNAPPED were first published in 1930 and have undesevedly, been long out of print.
Alma Books Ltd Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Stories
One of Stevenson's most famous and enduringly popular works, the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde describes the mysterious relationship between a respectable and affable doctor and his brutal associate. Set in the grimy streets of Victorian London, this tale of murder, split personality and obscure science, with its chilling final revelation, became an instant horror classic when it was first published in 1886, and has enthralled and terrified generations of readers ever since. This volume also contains seven other Gothic stories by Stevenson - such as 'The Body Snatchers', 'Markheim' and 'Olalla' - showcasing the author's mastery of the horror genre and his interest in both the otherworldly and the strange ways the human brain can distort reality.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Treasure Island
‘Fifteen men on the dead man's chest-Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!’ Treasure Island is a tale of pirates and villains, maps, treasure and shipwreck, and is perhaps the best adventure story ever written. When young Jim Hawkins finds a packet in Captain Flint's sea chest, he could not know that the map inside it would lead him to unimaginable treasure. Shipping as cabin boy on the Hispaniola, he sails with Squire Trelawney, Captain Smollett, Dr Livesey, the sinister Long John Silver and a frightening crew to Treasure Island. There, mutiny, murder and mayhem lead to a thrilling climax.
Oxford University Press Essential Student Texts: The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Dr Jekyll is obsessed by the idea of the soul's dual nature; he believes the good and evil side of a person are distinct and can be separated, and he seeks to prove this, despite the derision of his contemporaries. Unpleasant Mr Hyde appears to be the perpetrator of a number of horrific and violent crimes, but when pursued by the police he is seemingly impossible to trace. And Dr Jekyll appears to be his unlikely ally. When Gabriel Utterson, lawyer, and concerned friend of Jekyll, takes it upon himself to investigate the strange happenings, he finds the truth to be far more sinister than anyone could have imagined... This Essential Student Texts edition of Stevenson's thrilling tale includes accessible and informative study notes.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Treasure Island: V&A Collector's Edition
Following the demise of bloodthirsty buccaneer Captain Flint, young Jim Hawkins finds himself with the key to a fortune. For he has discovered a map that will lead him to the fabled Treasure Island. But a host of villains, wild beasts and deadly savages stand between him and the stash of gold. Not to mention the most infamous pirate ever to sail the high seas . . .This special Puffin Classics edition brings together two of the most inspirational collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London - the works of Arts and Crafts pioneer William Morris and the literature of Robert Louis Stevenson.Illustrator Liz Catchpole has selected patterns from the V&A archive and introduced new artwork inspired by the collection to create a beautiful cover which brings Robert Louis Stevenson's timeless story to life.
HarperCollins Publishers The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. ’I thus drew steadily nearer to that truth, by whose partial discovery I have been doomed to such a dreadful shipwreck: that man is not truly one, but truly two’ A London lawyer is drawn into a series of strange occurrences concerning his old friend Henry Jekyll and the despicable stranger Edward Hyde, a man who seems to epitomise the very meaning of evil. What is Hyde’s mysterious hold over Jekyll, and what is the reason behind Jekyll’s increasingly odd behaviour? The investigations will lead into the dark heart of Victorian London, and of human nature itself, as the shocking truth about Hyde’s true identity is finally revealed. Published in 1886 to critical acclaim,The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a thrilling exploration of the interplay of good and evil and the terrifying duality that lies within us all. These themes held a constant fascination for Stevenson and are further explored in his short stories Markheim and The Body Snatcher, also included in this book.
Plutón Ediciones El diamante del Raj
La Fuga Ediciones, S.L. El tesoro de Franchard
El extrao caso del Dr Jekyll y Mr Hyde
Una novela que aborda un problema atemporal: la identidad del ser humano, la dualidad que todos llevamos en nuestro interior.Permanecí unos momentos ante el espejo..., dice Henry Jekyll en su confesión. Quién hay al otro lado del espejo?, parece querer averiguar. Soy yo el que se refleja en él o es el otro que está dentro de mí? Cómo soy realmente? Cómo quiero ser? Cómo creen los demás que soy?Todas estas preguntas se las planteó también Robert L. Stevenson cuando decidió escribir esta novela, que aborda un problema atemporal: la identidad del ser humano, la dualidad que todos llevamos en nuestro interior; en suma, el bien y el mal, tema tan viejo como la humanidad misma.Pero además, el autor no dejó de echar una mirada a la sociedad en la que le tocó vivir, para analizar si el hombre es libre de actuar como quiere o es su entorno el que condiciona su forma de vida. Obra, por tanto, que ni un segundo deja impasible al lector y cuyo interés mantiene en vilo hasta su últi
Anaya Educación Altxorraren uhartea
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Klasikoak EskuraEdad Recomendada: A partir de 10 años"Altxorraren uhartea " literatura unibertsaleko abentura-eleberririk garrantzitsuenetakoa da. Robert Louis Stevenson mapekin liluratuta zegoen, eta, 1881eko udako goiz batean, bihozkada baten eraginez, hitz hauek idatzi zituen mapa haietako batean: Altxorraren uhartea.Horrelaxe hasi zen Jim Hawkins gazteak, Smollett kapitainak, Livesey doktoreak eta John Silver sukaldari bereziak bizi izandako abentura zoragarria. Hispaniola itsasontzian ikusiko ditugu, Flint kapitainaren altxorraren bila.
Espasa Libros, S.L. La isla del tesoro
Todas las cualidades narrativas de Robert L. Stevenson llegan a su máxima expresión en La isla del tesoro , novela de aventuras por excelencia que, pese a haber sido escrita a finales del siglo XIX, sigue hoy suscitando el interés de los lectores.El mapa del tesoro del pirata Flint sirve de punto de partida para este clásico de la literatura que cumple 125 años desde su primera publicación.
Anaya La isla del tesoro
Alianza Editorial El Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Si bien en buena parte de la obra de R. L. Stevenson dominan el humor, el gusto por la aventura y la fantasía, "El Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde" evoca el lado oscuro de la condición humana, transmitiendo al lector la sensación de horror que suscita el descubrimiento de lo abominable dentro de la realidad cotidiana. La soberbia calidad literaria de este admirable relato, su perfección formal y la economía de medios de su argumento han hecho de él una obra perenne que admite varias lecturas que no se excluyen entre sí y que van desde la simple entrega al eficaz suspense de la trama, a su interpretación como una fábula sobre el hombre como escenario para la perpetua lucha entre el bien y el mal.
Nórdica Libros Caminar
Pasear es un entretenimiento distinguido, burgués, ocioso, elegante.; caminar es más bien algo instintivo, natural, salvaje. Pasear es un rito civil, y caminar es un acto animal. Pasear es algo social, y caminar algo más bien selvático, aunque sea por las calles de una ciudad. El que pasea se imagina paseando, o gusta de observarse según la perspectiva de los otros; el que camina es, en ese sentido, extrovertido, solo le importa el afuera. El que pasea coquetea diciendo que sale a buscarse a sí mismo, a conversar machadianamente con uno mismo, a reunirse consigo mismo, a reencontrarse o reconstruirse.; el que camina tampoco sabe nada pero por lo menos ya ha alcanzado a darse cuenta de que hay poco que escarbar dentro de sí, y rastrea vorazmente el exterior, las calles, los campos...
Plutón Ediciones La isla del tesoro The treasure island
Ambientada a mitad del siglo XVIII, tras la rebelión jacobita de 1745,Secuestrado (1886) es una novela en la que Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), quien había mostrado ya su capacidad de fabulación en El Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde y La Isla del Tesoro, toma la novela histórica romántica de Walter Scott y la transforma en la novela moderna de aventuras y acción. Cuando el joven David Balfour queda huérfano, acude a ver a su tío, al que no conoce, en busca de ayuda y una posible herencia. Es el inicio de una serie de trepidantes peripecias, que incluyen su secuestro y un naufragio, por mar y por las tierras de las Highlands escocesas, en las queDavid contará con la compañía del proscrito jacobita Alan Breck Stewart, uno más de esos pintorescos personajes de carácter que brillan con luz propia en las novelas del autor.Traducción de Miguel Ángel Pérez Pérez
Laughing Elephant A Childs Garden of Verses Childrens Board Book Vintage
Random House USA Inc Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Random House USA Inc Treasure Island
Dover Publications Inc. Kidnapped
mareverlag GmbH Der Master von Ballantrae Eine Wintergeschichte
Anaconda Verlag Gesammelte Werke
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Schatzinsel
Klett Sprachen GmbH Treasure Island Buch AudioCD Englische Lektre fr das 4 und 5 Lernjahr
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Abridged and Retold, with Notes and Free Audiobook
This reader contains an abridged text that is true to Stevenson's novel. It comes with a free CD of the novel, an introduction, detail about the author, notes on the themes, list of characters, and a glossary. The story concerns Dr. Henry Jekyll who feels he is struggling with the good and evil within himself. This leads to a struggle between his dual personalities of Jekyll and Edward Hyde. This classic novel has been made available for students. Whether you are a student, or an Englishlanguage learner, or just looking for somethinggreat to read in English, the Word PowerEnglish Readers are a new series with retoldtext that captures the best and key elementsof the novels they are based on, characternotes, author biography and details about thetime each novel was written. There is alsoa glossary of the less familiar words in eachbook. The English used in the books is veryclear and the elegance of the language willinspire calm in the reader. This series willhelp both students of the novels, as well asstudents of English, who are looking to gainfluency in English.Each book comes with an audio recording ona CD placed into the back of the book. Therecording is read by an actor who speaksclearly and slowly for those less familiar withthe English language. The book and audiorecording can be used together to helpstudents learn the correct pronunciation asthey read and to improve their sight wordrecognition. Audio-assisted reading also helpsto build fluency skills by allowing students tohear the tone and pace of a skilful reader.The level of the Readers is B1/B2.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Treasure Island
So you read, and read, and read, and read, wishing you could just disappear. But some books don't make you disappear. They make you come alive. Local lad Robbie Stevenson lives in the smallest bedroom of the smallest house on the smallest street of Scotland. He prefers to hide away from the world inside the pages of his favourite book, Treasure Island. But, with a little bit of imagination, the book comes to life, and he is thrust aboard. For some children in Scotland like Robbie, opening their bedroom door each morning requires phenomenal amounts of bravery. Robbie soon finds that you can't stay hiding forever when he must learn to navigate his own course and to discover the world is full of treasure if you're brave enough to look. Ross MacKay's adaptation of the classic story Treasure Island invites you to embark on a global journey along the Forth and Clyde canal and into the vast ocean. Treasure Island is published in Methuen Drama's Plays for Young People series which offers
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde the Suicide Club
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this thrilling edition of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde & the Suicide Club. Dr Jekyll faces awful consequences when he lets his dark side run wild with a potion that changes him into the disgustingly evil Mr Hyde.
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Arcturus Publishing Ltd Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
This beautiful pocket edition makes a wonderful gift.
Alma Books Ltd Kidnapped: Annotated Edition
After the death of his father, the seventeen-year-old orphan David Balfour discovers the existence of an uncle, and sets off in search of him. His uncle Ebenzer is far from welcoming, however, and David, after barely escaping with his life, finds himself kidnapped and bound for America, where he is to be sold into slavery. Yet when the hot-headed Jacobite rebel Alan Breck Stewart comes on board, David soon finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure, and fleeing for his life across the Scottish Highlands. Inspired by real historical events, Kidnapped is an unforgettable and action-packed adventure story that has delighted and captivated readers for more than a century.
Penguin Books Ltd Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide
The Penguin English Library Edition of Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide by Robert Louis Stevenson'"One more step, Mr Hands," said I, "and I'll blow your brains out"'In Treasure Island, a weathered old sailor known as Billy Bones arrives at the inn of young Jim Hawkins's parents - and it is the start of an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined. For when Bones dies mysteriously, Jim stumbles across a map of a mysterious island in his sea chest - where 'X' marks the spot of a stash of buried pirate gold. Setting sail with his friends on the ship Hispaniola to recover the treasure, Jim soon realizes that he's not the only one who knows about the hoard. Suddenly he is thrown into a world of treachery, mutiny, castaways and murder and, at the centre of it all, is the charming but sinister Long John Silver, who will stop at nothing to grab his share of the loot... The Ebb-Tide, a short novel published the year of Stevenson's death, is also a rollicking seafaring adventure, narrating the voyage of a stolen ship whilst exploring such themes as imperialism, violence, dishonesty, Christianity and corruption.The Penguin English Library - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.
Arcturus Publishing Treasure Island
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) was a prolific Scottish novelist, poet, and travel writer known for his adventurous spirit and vivid storytelling. Despite battling health issues, Stevenson pursued his literary passion, creating timeless classics such as Treasure Island and Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson's works continue to enchant readers with his exploration of human nature, adventure, and imagination, cementing his legacy as one of the greatest storytellers of the Victorian era.
Castellnou Edicions Lilla del tresor
L'illa del tresor explica les experiències d'un grup d'aventurers que van a la recerca d'un tresor enterrat en una illa per un vell pirata. Aquesta novella, narrada en primera persona per Jim Hawkins, el més jove dels mariners, ha entusiasmat milions de lectors des que es va publicar l'any 1883. És una obra que conté tots els ingredients d'un llibre d'aventures: una expedició a terres llunyanes i desconegudes, perills, pirates, baralles..
Ediciones Jaguar Los mejores relatos de terror
Nuestros sentidos se agudizan, percibimos lo que nos rodea de una manera especial, distinta a la de nuestras experiencias cotidianas, es el terror, el pánico, el miedo. Estos seis relatos consiguen que se nos pongan los pelos de punta y que nos atemorice la oscuridad.Edgar Allan Poe describe en El corazón delator uno de esos espeluznantes procesos que revelan la fragilidad de la mente y nos muestran el límite sutil que puede existir entre razón y locura. La cabellera, de Guy de Maupassant, nos envuelve con una onírica mescolanza de malsano refinamiento y necrofilia, que surgen de una romántica nostalgia de tiempos pasados. El relato de Robert Louis Stevenson, El ladrón de cadáveres, resulta ser una pesadilla en la que lo natural y lo sobrenatural se vinculan en una atmósfera siniestra, pero real. La Casa del Juez, de Bram Stoker, es uno de los relatos más sobrecogedores y horripilantes que se hayan escrito jamas, ideal para ser leído en una noche tormentosa... si hacemos acopio del
Igela Catriona