Search results for ""author f. warne"
Guernica Editions,Canada Surviving the Apocalypse Volume 27: Understanding and Fighting Through the Coming Emergency
Almost daily scientists are sounding dire warnings about the effects of climate change. Our young will bear an unprecedented burden. They are eager to discover what can be done, as time slips away. But few of them – or us – are aware that global warming is but one facet of a looming planetary catastrophe. Most of the natural and social systems humans depend on for survival are also in various stages of collapse. Each failure will impact the other systems, including climate, in a series of feedback loops that can unleash a virtual tsunami of destruction, and do so far sooner than climate scientists, looking only at their own discipline, predict. The corona virus pandemic has shown how unprepared we are. Multiply its effects times 10, times 50, to get an idea of what's coming. We have entered what scientists term a "critical state," at the brink of an unstable precipice. The smallest push or pull, from any direction, could suddenly topple us. Despite the global scale of the emergency, its root causes are predominantly human and surprisingly simple. With courage to act, we can slow the devastating cascade and, perhaps, even reverse some of the worst impacts.
University of California Press Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization
When Coca-Cola was introduced in France in the late 1940s, the country's most prestigious newspaper warned that Coke threatened France's cultural landscape. This is one of the examples cited in Richard Kuisel's engaging exploration of France's response to American influence after World War II. In analyzing early French resistance and then the gradual adaptation to all things American that evolved by the mid-1980s, he offers an intriguing study of national identity and the protection of cultural boundaries. The French have historically struggled against Americanization in order to safeguard 'Frenchness'. What would happen to the French way of life if gaining American prosperity brought vulgar materialism and social conformity? A clash between American consumerism and French civilisation seemed inevitable. Cold War anti-Communism, the Marshall Plan, the Coca-Cola controversy, and de Gaulle's efforts to curb American investment illustrate ways that anti-Americanization was played out. Kuisel also raises issues that extend beyond France, including the economic, social, and cultural effects of the Americanized consumer society that have become a global phenomenon. Kuisel's lively account reaches across French society to include politicians, businessmen, trade unionists, Parisian intelligentsia, and ordinary citizens. The result reveals much about the French - and about Americans. As Euro Disney welcomes travelers to its Parisian fantasy land, and with French recently declared the official language of France (to defend it from the encroachments of English), Kuisel's book is especially relevant.
Vault Comics Zojaqan: The Complete Series
From Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, the acclaimed writers of JOY RIDE and GOTHAM CITY GARAGE, with art by award-winning artist Nathan Gooden, ZOJAQAN is a fantasy adventure like nothing you've ready before. PUBLISHER'S SYNOPSIS: A grieving mother wakes in a brutal but fantastic landscape, where the currents of time pull her into the future, lurching forward days, years, and millennia. Her name is Shannon Kind, and her life in our world has vanished without warning. Perhaps she can find peace in her new home. Perhaps she can shape Zojaqan into a better world. But first, she must survive. PRAISE FOR ZOJAQAN: “Impeccably written and gorgeously illustrated. The kind of lavish, rich fantasy story I thought wasn’t being made in comics form anymore. It’s beautiful, it’s funny, it’s fierce, it’s heartbreaking. This is why I read comics, this book right here.” – Gail Simone (Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman, Deadpool, Batgirl, Red Sonja, Crosswinds) “Gorgeous, exotic, whimsical, and dripping with the sort of elegiac sadness that makes every triumph exult and every setback howl. ZOJAQAN feels like the wonderchild of a Vonnegut hi-concept and a Burroughs adventure—with an alien violin dirge on the soundtrack. Transportational, in every conceivable way.” – Si Spurrier (X-Force, Silver Surfer, Judge Dredd, Angelic, God Shaper) “ZOJAQAN #1 is an impressive first issue, emotionally arresting.” 10/10 – C.K. Stewart, Newsamara “Unmistakably Black. Feminine. Strong. Older. Tired, but not beaten. Shannon’s a real person in an utterly unreal situation.” 10/10 – L.E.H. Light, Black Nerd Problems
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Enterprise Interoperability: Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference IWIE 2013)
In a fast changing global economy governed by Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, enterprises and virtual factories will self-organize in distributed, interoperable, innovation Ecosystems where the issues of Enterprise Interoperability need to be solved in a multi-view of information, services and processes throughout Enterprise Networks. The book constitutes the proceedings of five workshops co- located with the Fifth IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2013. It contains the presented peer reviewed papers and summaries of the workshop discussions. Complementing the IWEI Conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability and Manufacturing Eco Systems. The scope of the workshops spanned over a range of interoperability issues in Service Science and innovation, Model Driven Service Engineering Architectures, Service Modelling Languages, reference ontology for manufacturing , Case studies and tools particularly for SMEs, Business – IT alignment and related Standardization. Contents 1 – Model Driven Services Engineering Architecture (MDSEA): A Result of MSEE Project An Architecture for Service Modelling in Servitization Context: MDSEA, Y. Ducq. A Set of Templates for MDSEA, D. Chen. 2 – Interoperability to Support Business–IT Alignment Report Workshop 2, I.-S. Fan, V. Taratoukhine, M. Matzner. Interoperability as a Catalyst for Business Innovation, J.H.P. Eloff, M.M. Eloff, M.T. Dlamini, E. Ngassam, D. Ras. Process-Oriented Business Modeling – An Application in the Printing Industry, A. Malsbender, K. Ortbach, R. Plattfaut, M. Voigt, B. Niehaves. A Comparative Study of Modelling Methodologies Using a Concept of Process Consistency, E. Babkin, E. Potapova, Y. Zelenova. Maintenance Support throughout the Life-Cycle of High Value Manufacturing Products. Interoperability Issues, A. Fedotova, V. Taratoukhine, Y. Kupriyanov. Using Enterprise Architecture to Align Business Intelligence Initiatives, I.-S. Fan, S. Warner. Towards Enterprise Architecture Using Solution Architecture Models, V. Agievich, R. Gimranov, V. Taratoukhine, J. Becker. 3 – Standardisation for Interoperability in the Service-Oriented Enterprise Report Workshop 3, M. Zelm, D. Chen. Standardisation in Manufacturing Service Engineering, M. Zelm, G. Doumeingts. Service Modelling Language and Potentials for a New Standard, D. Chen. An Approach to Standardise a Service Life Cycle Management, M. Freitag, D. Kremer, M. Hirsch, M. Zelm. Open Business Model, Process and Service Innovation with VDML and ServiceML, A. J. Berre, H. De Man, Y. Lew, B. Elvesæter, B.M. Ursin-Holm. Reference Ontologies for Manufacturing, R. Young, N. Hastilow, M. Imran, N. Chungoora, Z. Usman, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle. Standardisation Tools for Negotiating Interoperability Solutions, T. Santos, C. Coutinho, A. Cretan, M. Beca, R. Jardim-Goncalves. 4 – Case Studies on Enterprise Interoperability: How IT Managers Profit from EI Research Report Workshop 4, S. Kassel. Experiences of Transferring Approaches of Interoperability into SMEs, F. Gruner, S. Kassel. 5 – Selected New Applications of Enterprise Interoperability . 179 Report Workshop 5, L. Ferreira Pires, P. Johnson. Service-Oriented Enterprise Interoperability in Logistics, W. Hofman. An Ontological Approach to Logistics, L. Daniele, L. Ferreira Pires. Social Vision of Collaboration of Organizations on a Cloud Platform, A. Montarnal, W. Mu, F. Bénaben, A.-M. Barthe-Delanoë, J. Lamothe. Semantic Standards Quality Measured for Achieving Enterprise Interoperability: The Case of the SETU Standard for Flexible Staffing, E. Folmer, H. Wu. Requirements Formalization for Systems Engineering: An Approach for Interoperability Analysis in Collaborative Process Model, S. Mallek, N. Daclin, V. Chapurlat, B. Vallespir.
Fonthill Media Ltd The Diary of a Cotswold Parson
The diary of a Cotswold parson, from 1820 to 1852, throws new light on to a fascinating period of English social history. It was just before the railways made travel faster, and we are astonished how well the Reverend F. E. Witts manages to commute from Upper Slaughter to Gloucester on his horse or in his carriage.He is a shrewd observer and notices how the fashionable world behaves as he passes through Cheltenham, and how the building of the town progresses. For the first time we discover that John Forbes the architect of the beautiful Pittville Pump-room was sentenced for fraud to transportation for life, even though it was subsequently commuted to a few years in prison.Witts may not savour each unique experience to the same extent as the diarist parson Kilvert did later in the century; but he had far wider and more interesting contacts. His references, for instance, to the widow of Warren Hastings, to Dr Jenner, to the bibliophile Sir Thomas Phillipps, the philanthropist Samuel Warneford, or to Bishops Monk, enable us to form much more complete pictures of these historical figures. Reading the diary is an enjoyable experience for anyone; but particularly for those who love Gloucestershire.
Permuted Press Joy and Fear: The Beatles, Chicago and the 1960s
A riveting look at the polarizing nature of the Beatles phenomenon, and how it transformed a generation, through the lens of a singular city in the center of America.For many, the Beatles offered a delightful alternative to the dull and the staid, while for others, the mop-top haircuts, the unsettling music, and the hysterical girls that greeted the British imports wherever they went were a symbol of unwelcome social and cultural change. This opposition to the group—more widespread and deeper rooted in Chicago than in any other major American city—increased as the decade wore on, especially when the Beatles adopted more extreme countercultural values. At the center of this book is a cast of characters engulfed by the whirlwind of Beatlemania, including the unyielding figure of Mayor Richard J. Daley who deemed the Beatles a threat to the well-being of his city; the Chicago Tribune editor who first warned the nation about the Beatle menace; George Harrison’s sister, Louise, who became a regular presence on Chicago radio; the socialist revolutionary who staged all of the Beatles’ concerts in the city and used much of the profits from the shows to fund left-wing causes; the African-American girl who braved an intimidating environment to see the Beatles in concert; a fan club founder who disbelievingly found herself occupying a room opposite her heroes when they stayed at her father’s hotel; the University of Chicago medical student who spent his summer vacation playing in a group that opened for the Beatles’ on their last tour; and the suburban record store owner who opened a teen club modeled on the Cavern in Liverpool that hosted some of the biggest bands in the world. Drawing on historical and contemporary accounts, Joy and Fear brings to life the frenzied excitement of Beatlemania in 1960s Chicago, while also illustrating the deep-seated hostility from the establishment toward the Beatles.
The University Press of Kentucky Hal Wallis: Producer to the Stars
Hal Wallis might not be as well known as David O. Selznick or Samuel Goldwyn, but the films he produced—Casablanca, Jezebel, Now Voyager, The Life of Emile Zola, Becket, True Grit, and many other classics (as well as scores of Elvis movies)—have certainly endured. As producer of numerous films, Wallis made an indelible mark on the course of America's film industry, but his contributions are often overlooked and no full-length study has yet assessed his incredible career.A former office boy and salesman, Wallis first engaged with the film business as the manager of a Los Angeles movie theater in 1922. He attracted the notice of the Warner brothers, who hired him as a publicity assistant. Within three months he was director of the department, and appointments to studio manager and production executive quickly followed. Wallis went on to oversee dozens of productions and formed his own production company in 1944.Bernard F. Dick draws on numerous sources such as Wallis's personal production files and exclusive interviews with many of his contemporaries to finally tell the full story of his illustrious career. Dick combines his knowledge of behind-the-scenes Hollywood with fascinating anecdotes to create a portrait of one of Hollywood's early power players.
Princeton University Press Between Quantum and Cosmos: Studies and Essays in Honor of John Archibald Wheeler
The forty papers collected here honor one of the great scientists of our time--John Archibald Wheeler. In this volume are gathered the six issues of the journal Foundations of Physics (February through July 1986) that celebrate his seventy-fifth birthday. Enlivened by Professor Wheeler's celebrated drawings, the book captures and illuminates his many contributions to physics, including his discovery of the scattering matrix and his elucidation, with Niels Bohr, of the mechanism of nuclear fission, his many contributions to Einstein's theory of gravity (for instance, the black hole), his deep insights into quantum theory and measurement (the elementary quantum phenomenon), and his efforts to explain the origins of the quantum postulate and quantum gravity (the meaning circuit and the Wheeler-DeWitt Equation). The majority of the papers reflect and build on Professor Wheeler's revolutionary ideas. Many scientists are convinced that his insights into the foundation of modern-day physics will induce a profound change in our perception of the universe. This book will appeal to scientists and philosophers who wish to look at one man's rendering of the "big picture" through the eyes of his colleagues. The work is prefaced by a compilation of quotes from Professor Wheeler, edited by Kip S. Thorne and Wojciech Zurek. The contributors to Between Quantum and Cosmos are M. Alexander, A. Anderson, H. H. Barschall, J. D. Bekenstein, C. H. Bennett, P. G. Bergmann, V. B. Braginsky, D. R. Brill, L. Brown, I. Ciufolini, L. Cohen, M. Demianski, D. Deutsch, B. DeWitt, C. DeWitt-Morette, R. H. Dicke, B. d'Espagnat, R. P. Feynman, J. Geheniau, U. H. Gerlach, R. Geroch, J. Glimm, J. B. Hartle, F. W. Hehl, M. Henneaux, P. A. Hogan, S. Hojman, J. Isenberg, F. Ya. Khalili, A. Kheyfets, K. V. Kuchar, R. Landauer, S. G. Low, V. N. Lukash, B. Mashhoon, R. A. Matzner, J. D. McCrea, A. Mezzacappa, W. A. Miller, Y. Ne'eman, I. D. Novikov, A. Peres, I. Prigogine, I. Robinson, L. S. Schulman, M. O. Scully, D. H. Sharp, L. C. Shepley, A. Y. Shiekh, C. Teitelboim, E. Teller, K. S. Thorne, W. G. Unruh, R. M. Wald, L. Wilets, W. K. Wootters, J. W. York, Jr., and W. H. Zurek. Originally published in 1988. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology: Integrating Conceptual, Theoretical, and Empirical Approaches
A key way that behavioral ecologists develop general theories of animal behavior is by studying one species or a closely related group of species--"model systems"--over a long period. This book brings together some of the field's most respected researchers to describe why they chose their systems, how they integrate theoretical, conceptual, and empirical work, lessons for the practice of the discipline, and potential avenues of future research. Their model systems encompass a wide range of animals and behavioral issues, from dung flies to sticklebacks, dolphins to African wild dogs, from foraging to aggression, territoriality to reproductive suppression. Model Systems in Behavioral Ecology offers an unprecedented "systems" focus and revealing insights into the confluence of personal curiosity and scientific inquiry. It will be an invaluable text for behavioral ecology courses and a helpful overview--and a preview of coming developments--for advanced researchers. The twenty-five chapters are divided into four sections: insects and arachnids, amphibians and reptiles, birds, and mammals. In addition to the editor, the contributors include Geoff A. Parker, Thomas D. Seeley, Naomi Pierce, Kern Reeve, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Bert Holldobler and Flavio Roces, George W. Uetz, Michael J. Ryan and Gil Rosenthal, Judy Stamps, H. Carl Gerhardt, Barry Sinervo, Robert Warner, Manfred Milinski, David F. Westneat, Alan C. Kamil and Alan B. Bond, Paul Sherman, Jerram L. Brown, Anders Pape Moller, Marc Bekoff, Richard C. Connor, Joan B. Silk, Christopher Boesch, Scott Creel, A.H. Harcourt, and Tim Caro and M. J. Kelly.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Challenge of Local Government Size: Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience and Policy Reform
In the efficient delivery of local public services, size matters. Many countries around the world have vertical government structures that are perceived as inefficient because of their high levels of jurisdictional fragmentation. This timely volume examines the different strategies used to address local government fragmentation and their observed results and consequences.Expert contributors in economics and political science offer a comprehensive breakdown of the issue of local jurisdiction fragmentation and provide recommendations for successful policy reform. Topics discussed include economies of scale, the costs and benefits of voluntary and forced amalgamation programs, the correlation between government size and corruption, privatization, and inter-municipal cooperation. A combination of theory and empirical evidence provides depth and makes this book an invaluable addition to the literature.Economists, public administrators and political scientists will find much of interest in this innovative volume, as will professors, students and international institutions with an interest in local government structure and reform.Contributors: R. Andrews, G. Bel, N. Charron, B. Dafflon, L. de Mello, B. Dollery, J. Fernández-Albertos, N. Fiorino, E. Galli, J.L. Gómez-Reino, B. Grant, M. Kortt, S. Lago-Peñas, V. Lapuente, J. Martinez-Vazquez, M.A. Nelson, F. Padovano, M.E. Warner
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulating for Equitable and Job-Rich Growth
This book offers a critical reflection on the operation and effects of labour regulation. It articulates the broad goals and extensive potential for it to contribute to inclusive development, while also considering the limits of some areas of regulation and governance. Drawing on both field studies and innovative theoretical perspectives, the contributors reveal an emerging consensus that labour regulation is neither negative nor positive for economic and social outcomes. By comparing the concerns and methodologies of various disciplines, they argue that balanced regulation is essential. Following analysis of how the global financial crisis has increased labour market segmentation, the book addresses the needs of key groups often at the periphery, including young women, workers in the informal economy, migrants and home-care workers. The book argues that effective and efficient labour market regulation can contribute to achieving key policy goals of employment formalization and inclusive labour markets, while also pursuing equitable distribution. An important comparative work, academics and students will find this book to be of exceptional value, particularly those studying law, economics, political science, international relations and development studies. Practitioners and policy-makers from both developed and developing countries will also benefit from the wide range of perspectives.Contributors include: D. Bailey, F. Bertranou, L. Casanova, S. Charlesworth, A. De Ruyter, C. Fenwick, M. Freedland, J. Grundy, B.-H. Lee, R. Rachmawati, J. Rubery, M.I. Syaebani, M.P. Thomas, K. Tijdens, V. Van Goethem, M. Van Klaveren, A.M. Vargas Falla, L.F. Vosko, T. Warnecke
Cornell University Press Unions and the City: Negotiating Urban Change
Labor unions remain the largest membership-based organizations in major North American cities, even after years of decline. Labor continues to play a vital role in mobilizing urban residents, shaping urban conflict, and crafting the policies and regulations that are transforming our urban spaces. As unions become more involved in the daily life of the city, they find themselves confronting the familiar dilemma of how to fold union priorities into broader campaigns that address nonunion workers and the lives of union members beyond the workplace. If we are right to believe that the future of the labor movement is an urban one, union activists and staffers, urban policymakers, elected officials, and members of the public alike will require a fuller understanding of what impels unions to become involved in urban policy issues, what dilemmas structure the choices unions make, and what impact unions have on the lives of urban residents, beyond their members.Unions and the City serves as a road map toward both a stronger labor movement and a socially just urbanism. The book presents the findings of a collaborative project in which a team of labor researchers and labor geographers based in New York City and Toronto investigated how and why labor unions were becoming more involved in urban regulation and urban planning. The contributors assess the effectiveness of this involvement in terms of labor goals—such as protecting employment levels, retaining bargaining relationships with employers, and organizing new workforces—as well as broader social consequences of union strategies, such as expanding access to public services, improving employment equity, and making neighborhoods more affordable. Focusing on four key economic sectors (film, hospitality, green energy, and child care), this book reveals that unions can exert a surprising level of influence in various aspects of urban policymaking and that they can have a significant impact on how cities are changing and on the experiences of urban residents. Contributors Simon Black, Brock University; Maria Figueroa, Cornell University; Lois S. Gray, Cornell University; Ian Thomas MacDonald, University of Montreal; James Nugent, University of Toronto; Susanna F. Schaller, City College Center for Worker Education; Steven Tufts, York University; K. C. Wagner, Cornell University; Mildred Warner, Cornell University; Thorben Wieditz, York University
John Wiley & Sons Inc New Psychotherapy for Men
"From childhood onward, men appear to be at risk. Infant males aremore likely to undergo complications during labor and delivery andto have more birth defects. Boys often manifest behavioraldifficulties and learning disabilities in elementary school. Byeighth grade, boys are only half as likely as girls to aspire to bea professional or career person; boys are nine times more likely tosuffer from hyperactivity and more than twice as likely to besuspended from school. Men are less likely to attend college and/orgraduate school than women. Compared to young women, young men arefour times more likely to be victims of homicide and five timesmore likely to kill themselves. "Men suffer under a code of masculinity that requires them to be:aggressive, dominant, achievement oriented, competitive, rigidlyself-sufficient, adventure seeking, willing to take risks,emotionally restricted, and constituted to avoid all thingsperceived as 'feminine.' Such a code is bound to take a toll onmen's longevity. The average life expectancy for males in theUnited States is seven years shorter than that for women.Traditional male role traits inhibit men from seeking medical helpin the early stages of disease and from being sufficiently attunedto their own internal processes to detect early warnings ofillness." --from the Introduction. Slowly, the truth emerges. In a society in which men are expectedto be strong, independent, aggressive, and impervious to emotionalstress, boys are nine times more likely than girls to suffer fromhyperactivity, young men are five times more likely to commitsuicide than young women, and men have far higher rates ofsubstance abuse and antisocial personality disorder than women.Clearly, many men are in need of psychological treatment andpsychotherapy. Ironically, however, the very qualities that areresponsible for many of their emotional and behavioral difficultiesmake it much more difficult for men to admit they have problems,seek professional help, or have faith in the efficacy oftreatment. In New Psychotherapy for Men, leading figures in the field of men'spsychology explore the psychological sources of men's emotionaldifficulties and offer specific techniques to help therapistsovercome men's resistance to therapy. With the help of full-lengthcase studies, they trace the sources of emotional and psychologicaldisturbances in men and present new models for assessing andtreating men's unique emotional difficulties. This book illuminatesthe unhealthy aspects of masculinity through the lens of genderrole strain, creating state-of-the-art, gender-specific treatmentsfor men. Major issues addressed in New Psychotherapy for Men include: * Reluctant men in couples therapy * Group therapy for traditional men * Gender role strain in the family system * Recognizing and treating depression in men * Men's shame and trauma in therapy * Gender role strain as a factor in male impotence * Treating male violence * Helping men find a voice for their feelings * Adapting psychodynamic therapy for men. This book also takes a multicultural perspective, discussing thespecial problems of anger and stress experienced by AfricanAmerican men, psychotherapy for gay men, and the difficulties thatcan arise when a female therapist treats a male patient. Groundbreaking, broad in scope, and infused with countlesspractical suggestions, New Psychotherapy for Men is anextraordinarily helpful guide for all mental health professionalswho deal with men. It is also an excellent graduate-level text,offering today's students a rich, fully developed body of newknowledge with which to begin their careers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Companion to the Political Economy of Rent Seeking
This twenty-seven chapter book provides an excellent and accessible overview of the literature on rent seeking since its inception. What makes the book a fascinating reading is its application to different areas, such as regulation and economic aid, and presentation of an array of highly readable cases studies, including on China, Greece, India and Russia. It is a must for both students of public finance and policy makers.'- Sanjeev Gupta, International Monetary Fund'Indeed, this book is an indispensable companion to everyone working on rent seeking or the theory or politics of contests. It combines excellent surveys and innovative work of the most eminent researchers in this field.'- Kai Konrad, Director, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, GermanyThe quest for benefit from existing wealth or by seeking privileged benefit through influence over policy is known as rent seeking. Much rent seeking activity involves government and political decisions and is therefore in the domain of political economy, although rent seeking can also take place in personal relations and within firms and bureaucracies. The contributions in this outstanding volume provide an accompaniment or 'companion' to the literature on rent seeking and the related political economy of rent creation and extraction. The chapters, written by leading scholars in the field, demonstrate the centrality of rent-related incentives to the study of economics, politics, culture, public administration and history.The expert and original contributions summarize and extend the literature in both theoretical and applied areas of research. The book begins with a clear and comprehensive description of the theory of rent seeking and of contest design for political and bureaucratic rent extraction. This is followed by a series of case studies showing the relevance of rent seeking for regulatory policies, international-trade policies, public finance, natural-resource discoveries, development aid, behavior in international bureaucracies, litigation and judicial systems. The applied chapters also include overviews of rent seeking and rent extraction in Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa and the US.This volume will appeal to a broad readership, including economists, political scientists and development practitioners, wishing to gain an understanding of the concept of rent seeking. The chapters in this book also provide an excellent introduction to the extensive literature.Contributors: J. A. Amegashie, M. Brooks, R.D. Congleton, G. Dari-Mattiacci, R.T. Deacon, G.S. Epstein, S. Flamand, R.J. Hagan, A.L. Hillman, R.G. Holcombe, C. Kang, M.S. Kimenyi, E. Langlais, M.I. Levin, N. Van Long, B. Lovat, B. Luppi, S. Marjit, J.M. Mbaku, Y. Mealem, T. Moutos, D. C. Mueller, V. Mukherjee, S. Nitzan, M. Paldam, F. Parisi, L. Pechlivanos, L. Qijun, A. Rode, G.A.Satarov, R.M. Sheremeta, W.F. Shughart II, D.W. Thomas, G. Tridimas, O. Troumpounis, R. Vaubel, K. Wärneryd
Bodleian Library Father Christmas' ABC: A Fascimile
Q is the Quadrille, danced at our party R for the Reindeer, of Santa Claus hearty This very special picture book is an unusual and utterly enchanting ABC entirely devoted to the theme of Christmas. Each of the twenty-six images opens a window onto festive celebration, from the lighting of the candles on the tree, to bell-ringing, ice skating and making jam tarts. The images are of superb quality, bringing to life each event with vivid strokes and colour. The accompanying verses tell simply but engagingly of the round of joyful activities which delighted young children. Together, they tell a narrative story of a child’s Victorian Christmas, celebrated in the splendour and cosiness of the family home. First printed in 1894, this beautiful book is sure to become a new children’s classic, evoking Christmas of a bygone era with tremendous appeal and unrivalled charm.
New York University Press Scheherazade's Children: Global Encounters with the Arabian Nights
Scheherazade’s Children gathers together leading scholars to explore the reverberations of the tales of the Arabian Nights across a startlingly wide and transnational range of cultural endeavors. The contributors, drawn from a wide array of disciplines, extend their inquiries into the book’s metamorphoses on stage and screen as well as in literature—from India to Japan, from Sanskrit mythology to British pantomime, from Baroque opera to puppet shows. Their highly original research illuminates little-known manifestations of the Nights, and provides unexpected contexts for understanding the book’s complex history. Polemical issues are thereby given unprecedented and enlightening interpretations. Organized under the rubrics of Translating, Engaging, and Staging, these essays view the Nights corpus as a uniquely accretive cultural bundle that absorbs the works upon which it has exerted influence. In this view, the Arabian Nights is a dynamic, living and breathing cross-cultural phenomenon that has left its mark on fields as disparate as the European novel and early Indian cinema. While scholarly, the writers’ approach is also lively and entertaining, and the book is richly illustrated with unusual materials to deliver a sparkling and highly original exploration of the Arabian Nights’ radiating influence on world literature, performance, and culture.
Henry Bradshaw Society The Stowe Missal: MS. D. II. 3 in the library of the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Volume 31 & 32
The Stowe Missal, now housed in the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin as MS.D.II.3, is one of the most famous Irish manuscripts to have survived from the middle ages. The first part consists of excerpts from the Gospel of St John (fols. 1-11), the second the Stowe Missal proper (fols. 12-67). It is one of the earliest datable Irish manuscripts and an important witness to the early Irish church and to the Irish language at that time.
Harvard University Press How College Works
A Chronicle of Higher Education “Top 10 Books on Teaching” SelectionWinner of the Virginia and Warren Stone PrizeConstrained by shrinking budgets, can colleges do more to improve the quality of education? And can students get more out of college without paying higher tuition? Daniel Chambliss and Christopher Takacs conclude that the limited resources of colleges and students need not diminish the undergraduate experience. How College Works reveals the surprisingly decisive role that personal relationships play in determining a student's collegiate success, and puts forward a set of small, inexpensive interventions that yield substantial improvements in educational outcomes.“The book shares the narrative of the student experience, what happens to students as they move through their educations, all the way from arrival to graduation. This is an important distinction. [Chambliss and Takacs] do not try to measure what students have learned, but what it is like to live through college, and what those experiences mean both during the time at school, as well as going forward.”—John Warner, Inside Higher Ed
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organization Development Classics: The Practice and Theory of Change--The Best of the OD Practitioner
"Timeless, poetic and wise, the articles recaptured in this remarkable volume beg to be read again and again, a much for their spirit as for their practicality. This collection defines our roots, yet in its timelessness points the way to the road ahead for the theory and practice of organization development."—Gary E. Jusela, Corporate Director of Organization Development, The Boeing Company From the very first issue to the present, the OD Practitioner has been the premier publication of the organization development profession. Its articles defined organization development and envisioned its future. These articles are now considered classics. And for the first time, they are assembled here, all in one volume, for practitioners and aspirants to the field to study, learn from, and enjoy again and again. A wealth of innovative thinking that will continue to impact the OD profession for years to come. To discover where you're going, it helps to first know where you've been. And in the world of organization development, the surest road map is the OD Practitioner. Among the leading contributors to this volume are: Richard Beckhard Geoff Bellman Warner Burke Roger Harrison Rosabeth Moss Kanter Jim Kouzes David Noer Tony Petrella Barry Posner Ed Schein Marvin Weisbord Margaret Wheatley . . . and many more! Since its debut in 1968, the OD Practitioner has been the premier forum in which the field's founders, innovators, and working professionals have shared their ideas, values, and experiences regarding the practice of a dynamic discipline few can accurately define. With every issue published, the profession chronicles its history, refines its standards, and imagines its future. Readers will learn from these: Stories of OD successes and failures Interviews Historical insights into OD OD anecdotes Consulting tips Leadership ideas...and much more! In these pages, readers will gain a historical perspective on both the theory and work of organization development that will greatly inform their practice. They will discover reports and research that moved the field ahead. They will gain an appreciation of the foresight the field's founders and innovators had regarding OD's possibilities and usefulness. And they will benefit from a wealth of innovative thinking as relevant today as when originally published?thinking that will continue to impact the practice of organization development for many years to come.