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La poeta Lara López vaga sin rumbo por detalles, casi impercep-tibles, para encontrarse con las dudas. Derivas es un poemario donde la mirada se esconde tras las conjeturas de la vida. Nada nos salva sino esta letanía de nombres amados. Las imágenes que generan sus delicadas palabras se enfrentan a las posibilida-des del destino y la música se posa como la lluvia en promesas y heridas. En las noches de amor es difícil escuchar el viento. Es necesario mirar la línea del horizonte, esa línea que aparece tenue a la deriva de la poesía, sin pestañear. Resguardarse a la sombra. Así es la lírica del libro.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Calculus Without Derivatives
Calculus Without Derivatives expounds the foundations and recent advances in nonsmooth analysis, a powerful compound of mathematical tools that obviates the usual smoothness assumptions. This textbook also provides significant tools and methods towards applications, in particular optimization problems. Whereas most books on this subject focus on a particular theory, this text takes a general approach including all main theories. In order to be self-contained, the book includes three chapters of preliminary material, each of which can be used as an independent course if needed. The first chapter deals with metric properties, variational principles, decrease principles, methods of error bounds, calmness and metric regularity. The second one presents the classical tools of differential calculus and includes a section about the calculus of variations. The third contains a clear exposition of convex analysis.
Willford Press Financial Derivatives: Markets and Applications
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Finanzmathematik: Die Bewertung von Derivaten
Kompakt und verständlich gelingt es dem Autor den Leser in die Methoden zur Untersuchung und Bewertung von Finanzderivaten einzuführen. So erlangen Sie ein vertieftes Verständnis für die faszinierende Welt der Finanzmärkte.
Milky Way Ediciones Cibercaf a la Deriva 6
Milky Way Ediciones Cibercafé a la deriva 3
Edinburgh University Press Derivative Images
A theoretical, interdisciplinary reading of French film and literary texts inspired by the 2008 global financial crisis.
Delta Publicaciones Instrumentos derivados para la empresa
La interrelación entre la economía real y las finanzas ha ido en aumento en los últimos años. Empresas de diverso tamaño y de diferentes sectores se enfrentan a la necesidad de gestionar el riesgo asociado a variaciones de tipos de interés, divisas e incluso en muchas ocasiones, materias primas. La variabilidad de los precios puede provocar desviaciones presupuestarias no deseables por un incremento de los costes financieros, depreciación de flujos vía exportaciones, aumento de costes de aprovisionamiento energético y, por supuesto, incremento de costes salariales con revisiones de inflación inciertas a futuro. Todos estos eventos se pueden mitigar o incluso desactivar en determinadas circunstancias con la anticipación suficiente y los instrumentos financieros adecuados. El futuro no se puede leer pero es posible prepararse para protegerse de efectos no deseados. Los instrumentos derivados se han visto etiquetados en los últimos años de como complejos, engañosos, peligrosos. 10
John Wiley & Sons Inc Derivatives Workbook
Apply practical derivatives knowledge to truly test your understanding Derivatives Workbook offers practical instruction for students and professionals seeking additional guidance on working with derivatives instruments. Created by CFA Institute as a companion to the comprehensive Derivatives text, this book helps you practice using what you've learned through problems that mimic real-world scenarios. Working with different derivatives instruments helps you gauge how well you understand the instruments' characteristics, both shared and unique; this intimate knowledge is essential to effective portfolio management, and this book provides an expertly-designed, low-stakes environment ideal for self-assessment. Derivatives—financial instruments that derive their value from the value of some underlying asset—have become increasingly important for effective risk management, and fundamental for creating synthetic exposures to asset classes. Whether you're a student aspiring to a career in finance, or a professional seeking a stronger skill set, this workbook is an invaluable tool for simulating the use of derivatives in everyday practice. Work more effectively with different types of derivative instruments Master the valuation of forward, future, options, and swap contracts Utilize options for risk management and portfolio optimization Explore the practical aspects of working within the derivatives markets As in other security markets, arbitrage and market efficiency play a critical role in derivative pricing. The experts at CFA Institute recognize the need for realistic, practical derivatives training that translates well into real-world practice; this workbook fills the gap with a wealth of practice problems that have value to both aspiring and practicing investment professionals. Derivatives Workbook provides authoritative training and comprehensive practical instruction on derivative instruments, their markets, and valuation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lichen-Derived Products: Extraction and Applications
The purpose of this book is to provide reference material that includes current developments along with a future outlook on the topic. It is divided into two sections; "Morphological Overview and Extraction Prospects" and "Trends and Applications". Part I contains four chapters that provide an overview and systematically discuss the physical morphology, suitability and extraction aspects of lichens and their secondary metabolites. Part II includes eight chapters that give in-depth insights on recent and valuable applications of lichen and their obtained products in several applied sectors, including ethnopharmacology, therapeutics, paper and dye, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, herbal industries, etc.
The University of Chicago Press Derivatives and the Wealth of Societies
Derivatives were responsible for one of the worst financial meltdowns we have ever seen, one from which we have not yet fully recovered. However, they are likewise capable of generating some of the most incredible wealth we have ever seen. This book asks how we might ensure the latter while avoiding the former. Looking past the usual arguments for the regulation or abolition of derivative finance, it asks a more probing question: what kinds of social institutions and policies would we need to put in place to both avail ourselves of the derivative's wealth production and make sure that production benefits all of us? To answer that question, the contributors to this book draw upon their deep backgrounds in finance, social science, art, and the humanities to create a new way of understanding derivative finance that does justice to its social and cultural dimensions. They offer a two-pronged analysis. First, they develop a social understanding of the derivative that casts it in the light of anthropological concepts such as the gift, ritual, play, dividuality, and performativity. Second, they develop a derivative understanding of the social, using financial concepts such as risk, hedging, optionality, and arbitrage to uncover new dimensions of contemporary social reality. In doing so, they construct a necessary, renewed vision of derivative finance as a deeply embedded aspect not just of our economics but our culture.
Edinburgh University Press Derick Thomson and the Gaelic Revival
Cengage Learning, Inc Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management
One text equips you with a rock-solid understanding of how derivatives are used to manage the risks of financial decisions. Extremely student friendly, market-leading INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVES AND RISK MANAGEMENT, 10e is packed with real-world examples while keeping technical mathematics to a minimum. With a blend of institutional material, theory, and practical applications, the text delivers detailed coverage of options, futures, forwards, swaps, and risk management as well as a balanced introduction to pricing, trading, and strategy. The financial information throughout reflects the most recent changes in the derivatives market--one of the most volatile sectors in the financial world. New 'Taking Risk in Life' features illustrate the application of risk management in real-world financial decisions.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cellulose: Structure & Properties, Derivatives & Industrial Uses
John Wiley & Sons Inc Implementing Derivative Models
Implementing Derivatives Models Les Clewlow and Chris Strickland Derivatives markets, particularly the over-the-counter market in complex or exotic options, are continuing to expand rapidly on a global scale, However, the availability of information regarding the theory and applications of the numerical techniques required to succeed in these markets is limited. This lack of information is extremely damaging to all kinds of financial institutions and consequently there is enormous demand for a source of sound numerical methods for pricing and hedging. Implementing Derivatives Models answers this demand, providing comprehensive coverage of practical pricing and hedging techniques for complex options. Highly accessible to practitioners seeking the latest methods and uses of models, including * The Binomial Method * Trinomial Trees and Finite Difference Methods * Monte Carlo Simulation * Implied Trees and Exotic Options * Option Pricing, Hedging and Numerical Techniques for Pricing Interest Rate Derivatives * Term Structure Consistent Short Rate Models * The Heath, Jarrow and Morton Model Implementing Derivatives Models is also a potent resource for financial academics who need to implement, compare, and empirically estimate the behaviour of various option pricing models. Finance/Investment
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management
One book gives you a solid understanding of how derivatives are used to manage the risks of financial decisions. Extremely reader friendly, market-leading INTRODUCTION TO DERIVATIVES AND RISK MANAGEMENT, 10e is packed with real-world examples while keeping technical mathematics to a minimum. With a blend of institutional material, theory, and practical applications, the book delivers detailed coverage of options, futures, forwards, swaps, and risk management as well as a balanced introduction to pricing, trading, and strategy. The financial information throughout reflects the most recent changes in the derivatives market--one of the most volatile sectors in the financial world.
Columbia University Press Interest Rate Swaps and Other Derivatives
The first swap was executed over thirty years ago. Since then, the interest rate swaps and other derivative markets have grown and diversified in phenomenal directions. Derivatives are used today by a myriad of institutional investors for the purposes of risk management, expressing a view on the market, and pursuing market opportunities that are otherwise unavailable using more traditional financial instruments. In this volume, Howard Corb explores the concepts behind interest rate swaps and the many derivatives that evolved from them. Corb's book uniquely marries academic rigor and real-world trading experience in a compelling, readable style. While it is filled with sophisticated formulas and analysis, the volume is geared toward a wide range of readers searching for an in-depth understanding of these markets. It serves as both a textbook for students and a must-have reference book for practitioners. Corb helps readers develop an intuitive feel for these products and their use in the market, providing a detailed introduction to more complicated trades and structures. Through examples of financial structuring, readers will come away with an understanding of how derivatives products are created and how they can be deconstructed and analyzed effectively.
APress Options and Derivatives Programming in C20
Master the features of C++ that are frequently used to write financial software for options and derivatives, including the STL, templates, functional programming, and numerical libraries. This book also covers new features introduced in C++20 and other recent standard releases: modules, concepts, spaceship operators, and smart pointers. You will explore how-to examples covering all the major tools and concepts used to build working solutions for quantitative finance. These include advanced C++ concepts as well as the basic building libraries used by modern C++ developers, such as the STL and Boost, while also leveraging knowledge of object-oriented and template-based programming. Options and Derivatives Programming in C++ provides a great value for readers who are trying to use their current programming knowledge in order to become proficient in the style of programming used in large banks, hedge funds, and other investment institutions. The
Taylor & Francis Inc Higher Order Derivatives
The concept of higher order derivatives is useful in many branches of mathematics and its applications. As they are useful in many places, nth order derivatives are often defined directly. Higher Order Derivatives discusses these derivatives, their uses, and the relations among them. It covers higher order generalized derivatives, including the Peano, d.l.V.P., and Abel derivatives; along with the symmetric and unsymmetric Riemann, Cesàro, Borel, LP-, and Laplace derivatives.Although much work has been done on the Peano and de la Vallée Poussin derivatives, there is a large amount of work to be done on the other higher order derivatives as their properties remain often virtually unexplored. This book introduces newcomers interested in the field of higher order derivatives to the present state of knowledge. Basic advanced real analysis is the only required background, and, although the special Denjoy integral has been used, knowledge of the Lebesgue integral should suffice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program
Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program presents accessible, cutting edge research on an enduring and fundamental question confronting all linguistic inquiry – the respective roles of derivation and representation. Presents accessible, cutting edge research on the respective roles of derivation and representation in syntactic inquiry. Discusses a wide range of phenomena and also includes alternative, representational perspectives. Features papers by M. Brody, C. Collins, S. Epstein, J. Frampton, S. Gutmann, N. Hornstein, R. Kayne, H. Kitahara, J. McCloskey, N. Richards, D. Seely, E. Torrego, J. Uriagereka, C.J.W. Zwart.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe All About Derivatives Second Edition
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DERIVATIVESAll About Derivatives, Second Edition, presents the complex subject of financial derivatives with a clarity and coherence you won’t find in other books. Using real-world examples and simple language, it lucidly illustrates what derivatives are and why they are so powerful. This second edition of All About Derivatives provides a rock-solid foundation on: The most common contracts available to you in today's market Key concepts such as cost of carry, settlement, valuation, and payoff Proven methods for establishing fair value How leverage can work for you--and against you The various derivative contracts traded today, including forwards, futures, swaps, and options Pricing methods and mathematics for determining fair value Hedging strategies for managing and reducing different types of risk INCLUDES A BRAND-NEW CHAPTER ON THE ROLEDERIVATIVES PLAYED IN THE 2008 FINANCIAL MELTDOWN
Milky Way Ediciones Cibercafé a la deriva 4
Nova Science Publishers Inc Derivatives Reform & Regulation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Polymer Derived Ceramics and Composites
This book collects some of papers presented at the very successful Symposium "Polymer Derived Ceramics and Composites" in the framework of the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology. There, over 70 researchers from around the world discussed their latest innovations over four full days. It covers all the main aspects of interdisciplinary research and development in the field of Polymer-Derived-Ceramics, from the precursor synthesis and characteristics to the polymer-to-ceramic conversion, from processing and shaping of preceramic polymers into ceramic components to their microstructure at the nano- and micro-scale, from their properties to their most relevant applications in different fields.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials: Production and Applications
Explores the sustainable production of carbon materials and their applications Of increasing interest to practitioners and researchers in a variety of areas, biomass-derived carbon materials can be easily produced and possess the large surface areas and porosities that enable many applications in materials science, biochemistry, chemistry, and energy research. In Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials: Production and Applications, a team of accomplished researchers delivers a thorough and up-to-date exploration of the preparation and activation processes of biomass-derived carbon materials, the fabrication of composites, and assorted and multidisciplinary applications of the technology. The book also covers future opportunities for research and application. Introductory chapters provide information about the production, functionalization, and characterization of biomass-derived carbon materials, while the latter parts of this edited volume discuss the applications of biomass-derived carbon materials such as catalysis, sensors, microbicidal activity, toxic chemicals removal, drug delivery, and energy conversion and storage applications. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to the production of biomass-derived carbon materials, as well as their characterization Comprehensive explorations of biomass-derived carbon-based materials for microbicidal applications and carbon-based nanomaterials prepared from biomass for catalysis Practical discussions of biomass-derived carbon quantum dots for fluorescence sensors and mesoporous carbon nanomaterials for drug delivery and imaging applications In-depth examinations of biomass-derived carbon as electrode materials for batteries and porous carbon synthesized from biomass for fuel cells Ideal for materials scientists as well as industrial chemists and biochemists, Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials: Production and Applications also belongs in the libraries of electrochemists and sensor developers.
Langle Editions La cavale de lpouvantail Lincroyable odysse dErich
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lévy Processes in Finance: Pricing Financial Derivatives
Financial mathematics has recently enjoyed considerable interest on account of its impact on the finance industry. In parallel, the theory of Lévy processes has also seen many exciting developments. These powerful modelling tools allow the user to model more complex phenomena, and are commonly applied to problems in finance. Lévy Processes in Finance: Pricing Financial Derivatives takes a practical approach to describing the theory of Lévy-based models, and features many examples of how they may be used to solve problems in finance. * Provides an introduction to the use of Lévy processes in finance. * Features many examples using real market data, with emphasis on the pricing of financial derivatives. * Covers a number of key topics, including option pricing, Monte Carlo simulations, stochastic volatility, exotic options and interest rate modelling. * Includes many figures to illustrate the theory and examples discussed. * Avoids unnecessary mathematical formalities. The book is primarily aimed at researchers and postgraduate students of mathematical finance, economics and finance. The range of examples ensures the book will make a valuable reference source for practitioners from the finance industry including risk managers and financial product developers.
Workman Publishing John Derian Paper Goods: Heavenly Bodies Notebooks
An Elle 2021 gift guide pick John Derian is an artist and designer whose work with printed images of the past transports the viewer to another time and place. Take the journey with him, in this set of notebooks perfect for recording thoughts, impressions, lists, and drawings. ·3 blank, unruled notebooks ·6 unique front and back cover illustrations ·64 pages each
Nova Science Publishers Inc General Physics Problem Solving with Cas Derive
Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag Optionen Derivate und strukturierte Produkte Ein Praxisbuch
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plant-Based Natural Products: Derivatives and Applications
The book deals with novel applications of plant derived natural agents and their derivatives in the food, textile dyeing, medicinal, and environmental areas. Plant based natural products and their derivatives have strong influence on our everyday lives. They are needed for many everyday applications ranging from food, medicine, agriculture, textiles, and healthcare. This new book presents significant research advances about the use of plant-based natural products, mainly dyes and pigments, bioactive compounds and other plant extracts in the textile coloration, food, medicine, bioremediation and environmental applications. The topics of the ten informative chapters in Plant-Based Natural Products include the following: potential resurgence of natural dyes in applied fields; natural colorants from indigoid rich plants; phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of Butea monosperma plant; irradiation as novel pretreatment methods to improve wash fastness properties of plant derived natural dyes; dyeing studies with colorants extracted from the Lawsonia inermis plant; effect of drumstick leaf powder incorporation on quality of khakhra; physico-chemical properties of pineapple pomace powder and its incorporation in buffalo meat products; synthesis of curcumin complexes for medicinal and other industrial uses and phyto-remediation of toxic arsenic from wastewaters.
Emerald Publishing Limited Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse?
Financial Derivatives have long been the subject of conflicting views. For some, they are a useful instrument, too often maligned by those who do not understand them; for others, they are a complete waste of time and money. But which is it? Should we embrace financial derivatives, or fear them? In Financial Derivatives: A Blessing or a Curse? Simon Grima and Eleftherios I. Thalassinos rigorously explore the theory and debates surrounding this controversial topic. First exploring the perceived problems and the uses of derivatives, they study and evaluate the people who use financial derivatives; the impacts of derivatives use; and examples of safe use of derivatives. Looking at real-world examples, Grima and Thalassinos include public case studies on financial firms such as Barings Bank PLC, Allied Irish Bank, and Société Générale, as well as non-financial firms including Metallgesellschaft AG and Enron. Through these case studies, the roots of firm failure and large losses become clear, asking whether it is the misuse of this financial instrument, rather than the derivatives instrument itself, that is the cause. For students and researchers in finance, or practitioners involved in trading, regulating, or auditing, this is a fundamental text exploring a controversial and relevant concept.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Natural Polymers: Derivatives, Blends & Composites -- Volume II
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program
Derivation and Explanation in the Minimalist Program presents accessible, cutting edge research on an enduring and fundamental question confronting all linguistic inquiry – the respective roles of derivation and representation. Presents accessible, cutting edge research on the respective roles of derivation and representation in syntactic inquiry. Discusses a wide range of phenomena and also includes alternative, representational perspectives. Features papers by M. Brody, C. Collins, S. Epstein, J. Frampton, S. Gutmann, N. Hornstein, R. Kayne, H. Kitahara, J. McCloskey, N. Richards, D. Seely, E. Torrego, J. Uriagereka, C.J.W. Zwart.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Derivatives: Markets And Applications (Fifth Edition)
This book is designed for beginners who possess no previous knowledge or familiarity with derivatives. Written in an easy-to-read style, it guides readers through the challenging and complex world of forwards, futures, options, and swaps. The emphasis on Asian markets and contracts enables easier understanding. Financial derivative contracts from Malaysia and select contracts from Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong derivative markets are covered. For each derivative contract, their three common applications hedging, arbitrage, and speculating are shown with fully worked out examples. Extensive use of illustrations, graphics, and vignettes provide for easy comprehension of the underlying logic of derivatives.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Financial Derivatives: Markets And Applications (Fifth Edition)
This book is designed for beginners who possess no previous knowledge or familiarity with derivatives. Written in an easy-to-read style, it guides readers through the challenging and complex world of forwards, futures, options, and swaps. The emphasis on Asian markets and contracts enables easier understanding. Financial derivative contracts from Malaysia and select contracts from Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong derivative markets are covered. For each derivative contract, their three common applications hedging, arbitrage, and speculating are shown with fully worked out examples. Extensive use of illustrations, graphics, and vignettes provide for easy comprehension of the underlying logic of derivatives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Treasury Securities and Derivatives
Treasury securities represent the largest sector of interest rate markets. This book will provide securities newcomers with the tools they need to get up to speed and seasoned professionals with a valuable reference source. The book covers every aspect of the market, including: the basics, valuation techniques, risk analysis, and utilizing derivatives to control interest rate risk.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Stilbene: Derivatives, Applications & Research
Workman Publishing John Derian Paper Goods: Everything Roses Notepad
John Derian is an artist and designer whose work with printed images of the past transports the viewer to another time and place. Take the journey with him, in this notepad perfect for jotting down lists, ideas, and important notes with colorful style. ·80 easy tear-off pages ·4 different designs repeat throughout
Workman Publishing John Derian Paper Goods: Everything Roses Notebooks
John Derian is an artist and designer whose work with printed images of the past transports the viewer to another time and place. Take the journey with him, in this set of notebooks perfect for recording thoughts, impressions, lists, and drawings. ·3 blank, unruled notebooks ·6 unique front and back cover illustrations ·64 pages each
Pearson Education Limited Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition
Build essential foundations around the derivatives market for your future career in finance with the definitive guide on the subject. Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Global Edition, 11th edition by John Hull, is the industry-leading, gold standard text for business and economics professionals. Ideal for students studying Business, Economics, and Financial Engineering and Mathematics, this edition gives you a modern look at the derivatives market by incorporating the industry's hottest topics, such as securitisation and credit crisis, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Written with the knowledge of how Maths can be a key challenge for this course, the text adopts a simple language that makes learning approachable, providing a clear explanation of ideas throughout the text. The latest edition covers the most recent regulations and trends, including the Black-Scholes-Merton formulas, overnight indexed swaps, and the valuation of commodity derivatives. Key features include: Tables, charts, examples, and market data discussions, reflecting current market conditions. A delicate balance between theory and practice with the use of mathematics, adding numerical examples for added clarity. Useful practice-focused resources to help students overcome learning obstacles. End-of-chapter problems reflecting contemporary key ideas to support your understanding of the topics based on the new reference rates. Whether you need an introductory guide to derivatives to support your existing knowledge in algebra and probability distributions, or useful study content to advance your understanding of stochastic processes, this must-have textbook will support your learning and understanding from theory to practice.
Orgullo protesta negocio y otras derivas LGTB
Todo el mundo conoce el Orgullo y tiene una opinión sobre él.Por tanto, este libro plantea nuevas perspectivas para interrogarlo desde los 4 factores que lo articulan y que influyen en el modo en que pensamos las realidades LGBT: el cuerpo, el activismo, la política y el mercado.Como eje vertebrador, el libro parte de la manifestación LGTB más grande de Europa (la de Madrid), para detallar las implicaciones políticas del Orgullo y responder a preguntas que hasta ahora no se habían planteado, tales como el vínculo entre reivindicación y fiesta; y la importancia (política) de estar y participar en el Orgullo.La autora huye de los debates oposicionales (activismo moderado vs queer; protesta vs negocio) para ensamblar una discusión a profundidad sobre la identidad, el activismo, la visibilidad y la mercantilización.Trata temas como:? la despolitización? los derechos humanos? el pinkwashing? los beneficios del turismo? la conveniencia o no de reivindicar?
de Gruyter The Phonetics of Derived Words in English
Serials Publications Indian Commodity Market: Derivatives and Risk Management
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Derivatives in Theory and Practice
The term Financial Derivative is a very broad term which has come to mean any financial transaction whose value depends on the underlying value of the asset concerned. Sophisticated statistical modelling of derivatives enables practitioners in the banking industry to reduce financial risk and ultimately increase profits made from these transactions. The book originally published in March 2000 to widespread acclaim. This revised edition has been updated with minor corrections and new references, and now includes a chapter of exercises and solutions, enabling use as a course text. Comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of financial derivatives. Discusses and elaborates on the theory of interest rate derivatives, an area of increasing interest. Divided into two self-contained parts ? the first concentrating on the theory of stochastic calculus, and the second describes in detail the pricing of a number of different derivatives in practice. Written by well respected academics with experience in the banking industry. A valuable text for practitioners in research departments of all banking and finance sectors. Academic researchers and graduate students working in mathematical finance.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Between Derivation and Inflection
Duncker & Humblot Tauschung Und Betrug Durch Derivative Finanzinstrumente
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Computational Finance: Scripting for Derivatives and xVA
An incisive and essential guide to building a complete system for derivative scripting In Volume 2 of Modern Computational Finance Scripting for Derivatives and xVA, quantitative finance experts and practitioners Drs. Antoine Savine and Jesper Andreasen deliver an indispensable and insightful roadmap to the interrogation, aggregation, and manipulation of cash-flows in a variety of ways. The book demonstrates how to facilitate portfolio-wide risk assessment and regulatory calculations (like xVA). Complete with a professional scripting library written in modern C++, this stand-alone volume walks readers through the construction of a comprehensive risk and valuation tool. This essential book also offers: Effective strategies for improving scripting libraries, from basic examples—like support for dates and vectors—to advanced improvements, including American Monte Carlo techniques Exploration of the concepts of fuzzy logic and risk sensitivities, including support for smoothing and condition domains Discussion of the application of scripting to xVA, complete with a full treatment of branching Perfect for quantitative analysts, risk professionals, system developers, derivatives traders, and financial analysts, Modern Computational Finance Scripting for Derivatives and xVA: Volume 2 is also a must-read resource for students and teachers in master’s and PhD finance programs.