Search results for ""author charles""
Alba Editorial Estampas de Italia Prints of Italy Clasica
Siruela Cuentos fantasticos del XIX Fantastic tales of the nineteenth Lo Fantastico Visionario Lo Fantastico Cotidiano Visionary Fantasy Quotidian Fantasy Biblioteca Calvino
Para Calvino, el cuento fantástico es uno de los productos más característicos de la narrativa del siglo XIX y, para nosotros, uno de los más significativos, pues es el que más nos dice sobre la interioridad del individuo y de la simbología colectiva. Para nuestra sensibilidad de hoy, el elemento sobrenatural en el centro de estas historias aparece siempre cargado de sentido, como la rebelión de lo inconsciente, de lo reprimido, de lo olvidado, de lo alejado de nuestra atención racional. En esto se ve la modernidad de lo fantástico, la razón de su triunfal retorno en nuestra época.El gran escritor italiano ha dividido su antología en dos partes, que ordenan la sucesión cronológica de los relatos en dos clasificaciones estilísticas. La primera, Lo fantástico visionario, reúne a una cuidada nómina de autores ?Potocki, Eichendorff, Hoffmann, W. Scott, Balzac, Chasles, Nerval, Hawthorne, Gógol, Gautier, Mérimée y Le Fanu? cuyos cuentos tienen en común, bajo la descripción de un
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Psicocrtica del gnero cmico
La teoría de la comedia tiene, al revés de lo que ocurre con la teoría de la tragedia, pocos cultivadores originales. La falta de una atención en la Poética de Aristóteles al género cómico, bien sea porque el autor no escribió sobre él, bien sea porque se perdió lo escrito, hace que en los siglos posteriores la comedia (''género omitido'') se estudie siempre en contrapunto con la tragedia; aparte de unas páginas de Evantio y de Donato (De Fabula, De Comoedia) y los prólogos a las ediciones de las obras de Terencio (''Terencios con comento''), apenas encontramos investigaciones originales sobre ese género dramático y su naturaleza cómica. La obra de Mauron, Psicocrítica del género cómico, viene a llenar un hueco, la teoría de la comedia, analizando las obras de los autores más destacados desde la época clásica hasta Molière, y lo hace desde la perspectiva metodológica del psicoanálisis, que descubre unas insospechadas posibilidades de lectura de las obras, de los autores y del género en
Ediciones Paidos Iberica Fuentes Delyo
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Se Busca Una Mujer
En este libro ambientado en Los Ángeles se nota la continua presencia de la gran urbe en toda la escritura de Charles Bukowski, ciudad infernal, a pesar de estar situada en medio del paraíso californiano, sueño de todo pobre ciudadano USA, con sus naranjas, su sol y su vino, vino del que Bukowski da buena cuenta toda su vida, como el whisky, como la cerveza, que habrán de ser, inevitablemente, su fuente de inspiración. Bukowski toma una actitud de ermitaño loco, de lucidez exasperada, de humorista borracho en la barra de un bar solitario. Se ríe de todo, trata de ganar algo de dinero para un trago o una puta sin trabajar mucho, frecuenta otras ratas urbanas enloquecidas, odia a la humanidad, se encierra en su habitación y se entretiene en contarnos las historias que le ocurren o se le ocurren.
Mensajero, S.A. Cmo ser ms creativo
Editorial Periferica La Declaración de George Silverman
Ediciones Brontes, S.L. Cancin de Navidad
Vaso Roto Ediciones Mi séquito silencioso
A lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas, la poesía de Charles Simic se ha ganado la atención y el afecto de los lectores por la originalidad de sus imágenes, su humor negro y su atmósfera entre siniestra y extravagante, que es a la vez un homenaje a la Europa de entreguerras y una recreación lúdica de la Norteamérica de su juventud. Mi séquito silencioso, publicado originalmente en 2005, ahonda en las constantes de su obra anterior (El mundo no se acaba, Hotel insomnio) para pasearnos por sus escenarios favoritos ?andenes desiertos, el porche de una granja, una tienda de ropa de segunda mano, un hotel a medianoche? y hablarnos de los sueños y la memoria, del vacío de Dios y los disfraces del asombro, y del esfuerzo por llevar una vida consciente entre una multitud de presencias reales e imaginarias.Este nuevo libro de Charles Simic nos acerca una vez más su ingenio irónico, su agudeza moral y su riqueza metafórica, y confirma a su autor como uno de los poetas más importantes y sedu
Historia de dos ciudades
El título Historia de dos ciudades hace referencia a París y Londres en losaños sacudidos por los muchos y dramáticos acontecimientos que suscitó la Revolución Francesa. Tales son los polos de esta novela llena de acción y aventuras que salta de una orilla a otra del canal de la Mancha y que ofrece un vivo retrato del ambiente y los sucesos del París revolucionario dominado porla sombra de la guillotina. Entre los muchos y pintorescos personajes con que Charles Dickens (1812-1870) puebla sus páginas, sobresalen los de Charles Darnay y Sidney Carton, quienes, marcados por muy distintos orígenes y peripecias vitales, acaban fundiendo sus existencias como dos caras de una misma moneda.Traducción de Salustiano Masó
Planeta Publishing El Ángel de la Muerte
Editions Heimdal La Wiking Vol. 3
The Wiking Division was the only SS armoured division exclusively to fight on the Eastern Front. The division was partly composed of volunteers Flemish, Dutch and Scandinavian whose primary motivation, for many of them, was to fight against Bolshevism. They fought with an energy which never wavered even if the efforts and sacrifices were not always rewarded with victory. Counted among its ranks officers of unusual caliber as Felix Steiner, Herbert -Otto Gille , August Dieckmann and Hans Dorr Walter Schmidt to name a few. This book recounts their history in unparalleled details.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Persona. l'Elaboration d'Une Notion Rhetorique Au Ier Siecle Av. J.-C.: Volume I: Antecedents Grecs Et Premiere Rhetorique Latine
Classiques Garnier Le Depit Amoureux, Les Precieuses Ridicules
Arcade Crimewise Nighthawk's Wing: A Gideon Stoltz Mystery
Victory Belt Publishing Paleo Comfort Foods: Homestyle Cooking for a Gluten-Free Kitchen
Turtle Point Press What It Is Like: New and Selected Poems
Charles North is the master of the relaxed, urban and often wistful lyrical line. This new collection will delight fans and newcomers alike.
Ave Maria University Press The Church and the Human Quest for Truth
Do we need the Church? Does the Church, with her teaching, preaching, and sacramental life, get in the way of human happiness? What is the Church's relationship to Christ and to the grace of the holy Trinity? These are among the questions that Fr. Charles Morerod addresses in his richly pastoral and learned book. This book invites Christians to learn anew why the Church, the Body of Christ, is God's chosen mode of sharing Christ's life with us.
Blue Guides Sites of Antiquity: From Ancient Egypt to the Fall of Rome, 50 Sites that Explain the Classical World
Armchair travelers and history buffs alike will thrill to the beautiful illustrations, floor plans, and maps that complement Sites of Antiquity as it traces the evolution of the Classical world through fifty of its greatest sites. From the Egypt of the pharaohs through the democracies of Greece to the fall of Imperial Rome, this handsome volume reflects the perennial Blue Guides' strengths in erudition and research.
Emerald Books,U.S. The Power of Christ's Prayer Life
Emerald Books,U.S. The Power of Prayer in a Believer's Life
Booth-Clibborn Editions Known Unknowns
In his latest book, Known Unknowns, Charles Saatchi provides fascinating insights into some of the world's lesser-known but truly extraordinary historical events and social phenomena. 100 individual essays illustrated with 198 arresting photographs tackle subjects as varied as the tattoo habits of Russian criminals, the Vatican's favourite Barbie, North Korean traffic jams, American gun legislation and the world's richest animal.
PROFILE BOOKS China And America A Time of Reckoning
China and America points to the next risks. The current credit crunch is likely to be followed by an economic downswing, led by housing, but with weakened household wealth and confidence prolonging the pain.
Hesperus Press Ltd Somebodys Luggage
Capstone Press Rhinoceros vs. Triceratops
Capstone Press Rhinoceros vs. Triceratops
NY Research Press Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications
Arcadia Publishing Inc. The New Deal in Orange County California
Penzler Publishers Judas 62
Penzler Publishers BOX 88 A Novel
Arcadia Publishing Inc. University Park Los Angeles A Brief History
Adams Media Corporation The Everything Word Search for the Beach Book
Packed with 150 new puzzles from puzzlemaster Charles Timmerman, this collection is the beachgoer’s perfect companion for a fun day by the seashore! Puzzlers will love solving word searches with themes like: Sea Life; On the Ocean; America’s Beaches; Beach House; Seaside Food; Vacation at the Shore; and more. Beachgoers of all skill levels will relax while solving puzzles that help improve vocabulary, memory, and problem-solving skills. This is the ultimate puzzle book for people who want the best pencil puzzle fun under the sun!
Bunker Hill Publishing Inc The Story of Princess Olivia
Princess Olivia - How it came to be. A few years ago, my wife, Carol, was a vendor at a Vermont Farmers' Market. A farmer, Mimi, sold goat cheese in the stand next to her. Her daughter, Olivia was a shy, blonde, girl who raced around the market playing games with a friend. Every Saturday I helped Carol set-up her paintings and then enjoyed the market. When it was time to pack up, I helped Carol and Olivia helped Mimi. We all became friends. One day Olivia
Shawnee Press (TN) Testament of Praise
Rowman & Littlefield Feel Better Faster: Overcoming the Emotional Fallout of Your Illness or Injury
In this pioneering book, Dr Foster explores the impact that injuries and illnesses have on the mind, discussing the severe emotional problems that can stem from an ailment and impede a person's ability to fully recover and move forward with life. Here he outlines how a positive mental recovery can not only speed physical recuperation but lead to a healthier and rejuvenated sense of self.
Overlook Press Masters of Atlantis A Novel
Penguin Random House Group Cypher
The acclaimed photographer takes the viewer into the world of the greatest b-boys and girls with a twist of unexpected elegance.
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc A Traveller's Guide to the Battle for the German Frontier
Rowman & Littlefield Florida's Rivers
Broadview Press Ltd Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens’s famous second novel recounts the story of a boy born in the workhouse and raised in an infant farm as he tries to make his way in the world. Intended to raise feeling against the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 (which had emphasized the workhouse as an appropriate means of dealing with the problem of poverty), Oliver Twist also provides a sweeping portrait of London life in the 1830s—including the life of the criminal elements in society.Oliver Twist was first published in serialised form (with illustrations by George Cruikshank) in Bentley’s Miscellany between February 1837 and April 1839. It was issued with some corrections and revisions in ten numbers in 1846 by Bradbury and Evans (which then also issued the same text in a single volume). Each of these ten numbers, including the Cruikshank illustrations and the advertisements, is included in this facsimile reprint of the 1846 edition.This is one of a series from Broadview Press of facsimile reprint editions—editions that provide readers with a direct sense of these works as the Victorians themselves experienced them.
Harbour Publishing Hiking the Gulf Islands of British Columbia: 4th Edition
Adams Media Corporation The Everything Easy Large-Print Crosswords Book, Volume 8: More than 120 crosswords in easy-to-read large print
The newest addition to the popular series—122 all-new large-print crossword puzzles!Everything is bigger in The Everything® Easy Large-Print Crosswords Book, Volume 8—the clues, the numbers, the grids—even the answers! Enjoy all of the fun—without the eye-strain—with these mildly challenging puzzles. With clues ranging from beloved books and classic TV shows to favorite foods and popular vacation spots, these light and easy puzzles are perfect for taking a break—without having to use a dictionary! Perfect for beginners and experienced puzzlers alike.
Adams Media Corporation The Everything LargePrint Word Search Book Volume 12 More than 100 puzzles in easytoread large print
Simon & Schuster Butch Cassidy: The True Story of an American Outlaw
Simon & Schuster One Giant Leap The Impossible Mission That Flew Us to the Moon
Kensington Publishing Elizabeth and Monty: The Untold Story of Their Intimate Friendship