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Molden Verlag Willkommen in Wien So haben Marc Aurel und Maria Theresia Paradis Yoko Ono Thomas Bernhard und viele weitere die Stadt erlebt
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus als Lehrer: Frühjüdische Volksbildung und Evangelien-Überlieferung
Frühjüdische Gruppen wie die Essener und Pharisäer folgten dem deuteronomistischen Ideal, ihren Anhängern die Torah einzuprägen. Diesem Ziel dienten Synagogen und ihnen angeschlossene Elementarschulen. Wie in der gesamten Antike basierte auch der frühjüdische Unterricht auf der Schulung des Gedächtnisses. Jesus von Nazareth wuchs in einer frommen Familie auf und erhielt durch Elternhaus und Synagoge eine tiefe Kenntnis der heiligen Schriften Israels.Rainer Riesner zeigt, wie Jesus als messianischer Lehrer und endzeitlicher Offenbarer auftrat. Diesen Anspruch, der verhüllt hinter seiner öffentlichen Verkündigung stand, erschloss er dem engsten Kreis seiner Jünger. Das bedeutete für sie ein herausragendes Tradierungsmotiv. Wie andere frühjüdische Lehrer fasste Jesus Kernpunkte seiner Verkündigung in kurzen, poetisch geformten Lehrsummarien zusammen, die er den Hörerinnen und Hörern einprägte. Seine originellen Gleichnisse waren aufgrund ihrer Bildhaftigkeit gut zu behalten. Weil die Jünger Jesus ständig begleiteten, konnten sie seine Lehrworte, die er wiederholt vortrug, zuverlässig memorieren.Besonders durch den von Jesus berufenen Zwölferkreis bestand eine Traditionskontinuität in die nachösterliche Zeit. Die Jesus-Überlieferung wurde wegen ihrer besonderen Autorität als eigenständige Tradition weitergegeben, die in Missionspredigt und Paränese meist nur anspielend gebraucht wurde. Schon früh unterstützten informelle schriftliche Aufzeichnungen die feste mündliche Überlieferung. Der ausschließliche Gebrauch der Kodexform weist auf eine Entstehung der synoptischen Evangelien mithilfe solcher Notizen hin.
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Handeln im Handel 3. Ausbildungsjahr im Einzelhandel Lernfelder 11 bis 14 Arbeitsbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Mathematik real 5 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft mit eingelegten Lsungen Differenzierende Ausgabe NordrheinWestfalen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Parallelo 9. Schuljahr. NordrheinWestfalen Schülerbuch mit digitalen Hilfen Erklärfilmen und Wortvertonungen
Österr. Literaturgesell. Oko
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physical Properties of High-Temperature Superconductors
A much-needed update on complex high-temperature superconductors, focusing on materials aspects; this timely book coincides with a recent major break-through of the discovery of iron-based superconductors. It provides an overview of materials aspects of high-temperature superconductors, combining introductory aspects, description of new physics, material aspects, and a description of the material properties This title is suitable for researchers in materials science, physics and engineering. Also for technicians interested in the applications of superconductors, e.g. as biomagnets
Cato Institute,U.S. The Rich in Public Opinion: What We Think When We Think about Wealth
Blue Dome Press Where is Turkey Headed?: Culture Battles in Turkey
Royal Society of Chemistry Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Molecular Dynamics
This book outlines the unparalleled potential of NMR relaxation experiments to elucidate molecular dynamics for undergraduates to academics and those in industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Noumenal Republic
All human beings are born with equal dignity and possess equal rights.This statement appears normatively just as irrefutable as it is empirically refuted every day.But what are the grounds of this principle, and how should we think about its realization? Its philosophical truth can best be explained by going back to (and beyond) Kant's notion of a noumenal republic' in which every person is an equal co-author of the laws that bind all. At the same time, a critical analysis of society and politics must show the extent to which the reality of power and ideology makes a mockery of this constructivist conception of dignity. To bridge the gap between unworldly idealism and practical hopelessness, we need a critical theory after Kant. Rainer Forst, one of the world's most influential political philosophers, works to develop just such a theory in this powerful and illuminating volume. It contains no less than a new systematic account of concepts such as alienation, progress and regression, so
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Justification and Critique: Towards a Critical Theory of Politics
Rainer Forst develops a critical theory capable of deciphering the deficits and potentials inherent in contemporary political reality. This calls for a perspective which is immanent to social and political practices and at the same time transcends them. Forst regards society as a whole as an ‘order of justification’ comprising complexes of different norms referring to institutions and corresponding practices of justification. The task of a ‘critique of relations of justification’, therefore, is to analyse such legitimations with regard to their validity and genesis and to explore the social and political asymmetries leading to inequalities in the ‘justification power’ which enables persons or groups to contest given justifications and to create new ones. Starting from the concept of justification as a basic social practice, Forst develops a theory of political and social justice, human rights and democracy, as well as of power and of critique itself. In so doing, he engages in a critique of a number of contemporary approaches in political philosophy and critical theory. Finally, he also addresses the question of the utopian horizon of social criticism.
Taschen GmbH Gaudí. The Complete Works
The life of Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) was full of complexity and contradictions. As a young man he joined the Catalonian nationalist movement and was critical of the church; toward the end of his life he devoted himself completely to the construction of one single spectacular church, La Sagrada Familia. In his youth, he courted a glamorous social life and the demeanor of a dandy. By the time of his death in a tram accident on the streets of Barcelona his clothes were so shabby passersby assumed he was a beggar. Gaudí’s incomparable architecture channels much of this multifaceted intricacy. From the shimmering textures and skeletal forms of Casa Batlló to the Hispano-Arabic matrix of Casa Vicens, his work merged the influences of Orientalism, natural forms, new materials, and religious faith into a unique Modernista aesthetic. Today, his unique aesthetic enjoys global popularity and acclaim. His magnum opus, the Sagrada Familia, is the most-visited monument in Spain, and seven of his works are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Through brand-new photography, plans and drawings by Gaudí himself, historical photos, as well as an appendix detailing all his works—from buildings to furniture, decor to unfinished projects—this book presents Gaudí’s universe like never before. Like a personal tour through Barcelona, we discover how the “Dante of architecture” was a builder in the truest sense of the word, crafting extraordinary constructions out of minute and mesmerizing details, and transforming fantastical visions into realities on the city streets.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Grundrechte und grenzüberschreitende Sachverhalte: Human Rights and Situations of Transboundary Nature (English Summary)
Austin Macauley Where Have All the People Gone?
Getty Trust Publications The Conservation of Decorated Surfacces on Earthen Architecture
For millennia, people of all cultures have decorated the surfaces of their domestic, religious, and public buildings. Earthen architecture, in particular, has been, and continues to be, a common ground for surface decoration, such as paintings, sculpted bas-relief, and ornamental plasterwork. This volume explores the complex issues associated with preserving these surfaces. Case studies from Asia, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas are presented. The publication is the result of a colloquium held in 2004 at Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, co-organized by the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the National Park Service (NPS). The meeting brought together fifty-five conservators, cultural resource managers, materials scientists, engineers, architects, archaeologists, anthropologists, and artists from eleven countries to present recent conservation work and discuss possibilities for future research and collaboration. Divided into four themes - Archaeological Sites, Museum Practice, Historic Buildings, and Living Traditions - the papers examine the conservation of decorated surfaces on earthen architecture within these different contexts. It is part of the "Getty Conservation Institute Symposium Proceedings" series.
Ediciones Obelisco S.L. Cartas del Vivir
Ediciones Cátedra Historias del buen Dios Los apuntes de Malte Laurids Bridge
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Cartas sobre Czanne
Rilke quiso publicar estas cartas dirigidas a su mujer, Clara Westhoff, donde deja de manifiesto el hondo influjo de su alma gemela, Cézanne. Rilke se empeña en pintar el mundo con palabras, y compartirá opiniones con Orlik, Paul Klee, Vogeler, Rodin o Pasternak. Hay también lugar en sus cartas para los deberes de todo artista: la sumisión a la naturaleza, la sinceridad, etc. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) nació en Praga y es considerado uno de los poetas más importantes del siglo XX. Trató a muchos artistas de su época (Tolstoi, Cézanne y Zuloaga, y fue secretario de Rodin). Sus obras fundamentales son las Elegías de Duino, los Sonetos a Orfeo y las Cartas a un joven poeta, publicadas también en esta Selección Doce Uvas.
Innsalz, Verlag Goldi Goldinchen
Vitalis Verlag GmbH Larenopfer Frhe Gedichte
Schmetterling Verlag GmbH Russisch fr Besserwisser Band 1 Von Metros McDonalds und einer Kuh im Propeller
Verlag Der Autoren Fassbinder ber Fassbinder Die ungekrzten Interviews
Deutscher Wissenschafts V Krebs. Weckruf des Körpers
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Souveränität im Wandel
Ellert & Richter Verlag G Burgen und Schlösser in und um Hamburg
UTB GmbH Statistik für die Soziologie
Bruckmann Verlag GmbH Wochenend und Wohnmobil Kleine Auszeiten Franken
Insel Verlag GmbH Frhling
Insel Verlag GmbH Der Dichter und sein Astronom
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Walliser VierzeilerLes Quatrains Valaisans Deutsch und franzsisch
Insel Verlag GmbH Letters to a Young Poet
Insel Verlag GmbH Im ersten Augenblick Bildbetrachtungen
Penguin TB Verlag Die SchießlerBibel
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Sector Enterprise Resource Planning: Issues in Change Management
Worldwide, public sector organizations are implementing commercial packaged software solutions, or enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, to increase productivity and customer service as well as to deploy manageable business processes. To that end, this book provides workable solutions from experienced public sector program and project managers, consulting leaders and academic researchers who have proven expertise in large scale public sector ERP implementation.Existing research shows that while public sector enterprises generally agree by consensus, and thus have different management cultures than their private sector counterparts, their management practices are driven by a private sector model. Given the tremendous growth in public sector ERP spending and the risks associated with such politically-charged projects, new approaches to change management must be explored. The contributors present expertly researched federal, commercial and academic views on how public sector organizations are integrating their business processes, and how they relate to the private sector experience. The discussion covers all aspects of the new private sector management paradigm, including strategic planning, change management, process change, and information system implementation. The contributors provide details on the implementation steps, and make suggestions for how public sector program managers and contractor teams should plan change management and ERP initiatives. Researchers and students in the areas of management, public sector enterprises and public policy will find the volume's insights of great value. Managers with oversight in public sector organizations will find the volume of great practical interest.
University Press of New England Two Stories of Prague King Bohush The Siblings
Auf dem Berg BASEL live
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Optimization of the Communication System for Networked Control Systems
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH Reise KnowHow WohnmobilTourguide Bretagne
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Therapeutische Beziehungsgestaltung
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Classical Music for Children 22 Easy Pieces
Meiner Felix Verlag GmbH Erhard Weigels Philosophie