Search results for ""american bar association""
American Bar Association The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Acrobat DC, Second Edition
PDFs have become the standard for creating, analyzing, storing, and exchanging digital documents, for filing documents in courts with electronic filing systems, and for many other uses. The completely updated second edition of The Ultimate Guide to Adobe® Acrobat® DC includes instructions for Windows and Mac users. This practical resource provides step-by-step instructions and nearly 300 screenshots showing how to get the most from Acrobat, from its most common tools to its most advanced features. The book will introduce you to the product's many benefits, including: Editing and annotating PDF files Sharing PDF files Sending PDF files electronically Redacting and Bates numbering documents Allowing users with free Adobe® Reader to fill forms, add comments, and suggest revisions Inserting notes and comments Storing e-mail Securing PDFs to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the files Securing documents of all types to prevent the disclosure of confidential information Removing metadata and other information from PDF files Preventing other users from making changes to PDF files Improving workflow and increasing productivity Reducing the use of paper The most comprehensive guide available, the fully updated second edition of The Ultimate Guide to Adobe® Acrobat® DC discusses and demonstrates the features that all businesses and law offices use, and explains and illustrates what the features are, why they are important, and how to use them.
American Bar Association Sword and Shield: A Practical Approach to Section 1983 Litigation, Fifth Edition
This fifth edition of Sword & Shield: A Practical Approach to Section 1983 Litigation is substantially reorganized to provide practitioners with easier access to the information they need as they are handling civil rights claims. As in prior editions, the authors provide a timely analysis of practical considerations necessary to practice effectively in this technically difficult and ever-evolving area of law. The chapters are now more tightly focused to provide a roadmap for handling civil rights litigation under § 1983. Topics covered are: A Comprehensive review of the fundamentals of Section 1983 litigation into state court, including a discussion of state court jurisdiction, forum choice considerations, the methodology of state court Section 1983 litigation, and more; Procedural intricacies of Section 1983 litigation in federal court identifying ripeness, forum choice, and removal, and more; A defense-oriented view of municipal liability under Section 1983; Police misconduct claims in the context of the complex search and seizure rules that police must follow under the Fourth Amendment; The constitutional rights of public employees; The Section 1983 land use case from its inception to the Supreme Court’s recent expansion of the right of property owners; Students’ constitutional rights in public school settings; and Individual immunity defenses under Section 1983.
American Bar Association Professional Responsibility in Litigation, Third
Addressing the numerous and significant professional responsibility challenges in litigation, this compendium traces the ethical issues in the life of a lawsuit from start to finish. In discussing the various subjects, the authors broadly define “professional responsibility” to include not only legal ethics but also the related issues of sanctions and professional liability. This completely revised edition now includes new chapters on conflicts of interest and accidental and impromptu clients, and also provides a wider discussion of social media ethics in a focused chapter on this evolving topic. All other chapters have been substantially updated and, in some cases, prudently condensed for ease of use and provide ample citations to authority to guide readers in their own research. Each chapter covers a key aspect of litigation in depth, compartmentalizing the subjects so that readers do not have to jump back and forth between chapters to understand the principles and rules in play. Topics covered include: Conflicts of interest Pre-suit investigation and frivolous claims Surreptitious investigations and discovery Compensating fact witnesses Ex parte communications Civility and candor False testimony by clients and witnesses Lawyers as witnesses Negotiation and settlement Social media Accidental and impromptu clients Ethics on appeal, and more
American Bar Association Embrace GENgagement: How to Transform Generational Challenges into Opportunities for You and Your Firm
"The best way to find the right solutions is to spend more time understanding the problems. Haserot delves deep into the problems that prevent law firm leaders from engaging and retaining multi-generational talent. A great read for anyone committed to changing perspectives and creating a culture that embraces age and generation diversity in the workplace." -- Michele DeStefano, author, Legal Upheaval; founder, LawWithoutWalls; professor, University of Miami School of Law Embrace GENgagement is a cross-generational resource that's full of checklists for lawyers and the greater legal community. Read this book if you want: To take the stress, frustration, and negative energy out of working with people of different generations so you understand and accomplish common goals--and do it faster with more engaged and committed workers To build confidence in all generations that you are prepared to gain and retain clients and other external stakeholders of all generations Action steps and tools for winning over other generations and being an effective "bridge" leading change with empathy To start the conversations that enable you and your colleagues to thrive in work and life Tips for maintaining relevance at each stage of your career and new ways to contribute meaningfully This book will help you be an agent of positive change to humanize business in a collaborative manner and foster a culture of camaraderie.
American Bar Association Getting Started with Advance Directives
An advance directive helps give a person some control over medical decisions needing to be made at a time when the person may be unable to express what medical treatment or care they would like to receive. While every state has statutes regarding end-of-life decision making, the decision-making powers and the forms used to make those decisions can vary. It is important to ensure you are familiar with your state's laws on living wills, have your state's living will form or an acceptable variation of it, and understand the options presented in the living will when going over it with a client. Ever-advancing medical technology begs the question of patient autonomy and the use of extraordinary measures to save or extend a patient's life. This book focuses on a person's ability to make decisions regarding end-of-life medical treatment and health care decisions and how each state's laws allow a person to make these decisions ahead of time. It will also touch on other end-of-life planning devices and look at special problems that may come up when an individual is considering end-of-life planning and executing an advance directive.
American Bar Association The Community Resilience Handbook
Community resilience requires collaboration across many sectors and professions, and this book’s interdisciplinary authorship reflects that collaboration. Chapters present perspectives on: Recommended approaches and resources; Resilient infrastructure; Avoiding legal challenges to higher standards for development and redevelopment; Organizational resilience and business continuity; Resilient agriculture and environmental considerations; Financial considerations; Measuring and assessing risk; The role of lawyers in promoting resilience; Government leadership in promoting resilience; Collaboration and building a culture of continuity; and International standards on resilience.
American Bar Association Automated Vehicle Law: Legal Liability, Regulation, and Data Security
Automated vehicle law is a growing and rapidly changing area of law. Currently the industry has limited current commercial activity, but many people expect the industry to grow and be vibrant. It will be one of the legal community's first significant encounters with artificial intelligence and its effects on existing doctrines. As the automated vehicle industry shifts from research and development to commercialization, attorneys will have a significant role in shaping policy, design, and deployment; suing or defending crashes of automated vehicles; protecting privacy rights and data collection; and prosecuting or defending persons who use these vehicles. This book is framed around five areas of automated vehicle law: Background on automated vehicles The regulation of automated vehicles Civil liability for automated vehicle crashes Data security and privacy Criminal law This book is a reference guide for automated vehicle law and will provide you with legal authority and context to apply the law to the new factual situations created by automated vehicles.
American Bar Association Discovery Problems and Their Solutions, Fourth Edition
Today, lawyers and clients devote a great deal of time, effort, and expense to discovery. More often than not, discovery, and not trial, is the central battleground of a case. Most civil lawsuits in federal court end before trial, either by pretrial settlement or on dispositive motion. In either case, the fruits of discovery can be critical to the outcome. The need for analytical and strategic guidance on problems in discovery is heightened by the fact that much of it is handled by relatively inexperienced lawyers, and in the case of document production, legal assistants. Effective discovery is crucial. This book is written to address that need. It describes the problems that civil litigators encounter most frequently in pretrial discovery and presents suggestions and strategies for solving these problems. Following a background discussion on the scope and types of discovery, discovery problems are presented as hypotheticals (many of which the authors have encountered in their experience) followed by a discussion that includes the law and helpful practice tips. In this edition, particular emphasis has been placed on discussion and interpretation of the new rules, and evolving case law, concerning discovery of electronically stored information (ESI).
American Bar Association Internet Legal Research on a Budget: Free and Low-Cost Resources for Lawyers, Second Edition
"No matter what you're looking for, this book will help you find it. And best of all, most of the resources discussed in this 365-page guide are low-cost or free!" -- Nicole Black, MyCase With cost-conscious clients scrutinizing legal bills, lawyers cannot afford to depend on expensive legal research databases, especially when reliable free resources are available. This updated edition of Internet Legal Research on a Budget will help you quickly find the best free or low-cost resources online and use them for your research needs. The authors share the top websites, apps, blogs, and crowdsourced resources that will save you time, money, and frustration during the legal research process. This book will help you locate and use: Legal portals and directories (government, academic, and commercial); Case law databases (government and commercial); Federal Statutory research; Federal, legislative, and congressional materials; Starting points for state, local, territorial, and tribal law; Foreign, international, and comparative law resources; And more!
American Bar Association Smarter Pricing, Smarter Profit: A Guide for the Law Firm of the Future, Second Edition
American Bar Association The Law of Trade Secret Litigation Under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, Second Edition
American Bar Association Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers
This practical guide covers more than fifty key negotiation topics. It is the only book on negotiation that takes an array of crucial negotiation elements and makes them easy not only to read, but to use. All chapters share a standard format, so lawyers can find the essentials quickly. Subject matter experts from a variety of fields summarize the best and most recent research and theoretical advances in negotiation.
American Bar Association Defining Moments: Insights Into the Lawyer's Soul: Insights Into the Lawyer's Soul
This book serves as a roadmap for leadership and personal growth applicable to all audiences. Interviews by Melanie Bragg revealed that each lawyer has a "LEAD Line," or success principle, that he or she has lived by on their road to success. This unique compilation is organized into Bragg's own leadership model consisting of L–Legacy, E–Excellence, A–Authenticity, and D–Determination. Touching upon every aspect of our lives, the LEAD Lines are practical and inspiring principles that can take any aspiring person from where they are to where they want to be in life. The stories are told by a wide range of lawyers - past ABA presidents, judges, big firm lawyers, small firm lawyers, non-practicing lawyers - what they all have in common is their ultimate success was driven by their defining moments.
American Bar Association The Annotated Franchise Agreement
The key document in establishing a franchise relationship is the franchise agreement. It is the core and foundation of the franchise relationship where the franchisor grants the franchisee a time-limited right to use the franchisor's system and trademarks to conduct business. There is no one-size-fits-all template because a well-drafted franchise agreement is the product of careful analysis of many considerations Drawn from the authors' years of practice in negotiating and drafting these agreements, The Annotated Franchise Agreement demonstrates that every provision in an agreement has a meaning and purpose. These provisions need to consider many factors, including the size and maturity of the franchise system, the nature of the goods or services provided to the franchisee’s clients, the franchise's culture, and the regulatory environment. This book explains how to draft an agreement with both precision and care, involving clear and concise language, follow a logical structure, and be easy for anyone reviewing the agreement to understand and see the “big picture” of the franchise relationship. Among the topics covered in this book are: Introductory terms, grant, territory, and reservation of rights Fees, initial terms, and renewal Training, site selection, construction, and opening Operation of the business Operating manual, advertising, trademarks, and other intellectual property Accounting, records, reports, audits, inspections, insurance, and restrictive covenants Transfer, assignment, death or incapacity of the franchisee Termination and default Dispute resolution Other common provisions The Annotated Franchise Agreement provides an essential resource for attorneys focused on franchise law, but serves as an equally useful resource for business attorneys who are relatively new to analyzing and drafting these agreements.
American Bar Association Representing People with Mental Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers
For criminal defense lawyers of all types, clients with mental disabilities are a part of their practice. This ranges from the white collar criminal defense lawyer who represents an executive charged with tax evasion who functions in spite of a variety of conditions which he keeps hidden, to the public defender assigned as standby or advisory counsel for the defendant who wants to represent himself at trial, to the sole practitioner representing the man with Asperger’s charged with possession of child pornography on his computer. Depending on the statistics you read, approximately a third of the inmates in our jails and prisons have some sort of mental disability. It has become cliche to say that our jails and prisons have become de facto mental institutions. Representing People with Mental Disabilities is easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate. It is intended that you can throw the book in your briefcase on the way to the courthouse, or load it on your I-Pad, and turn to the appropriate chapter or chapters when needed. If you want to learn more about a topic, the Suggested Works section at the end of the book contains titles of books and articles as well as websites. Additionally, many chapters contain the statement at the end, “Complete citations are available from the author/authors upon request.” The accompanying website has motions and pleadings which you can adapt to your jurisdiction.
American Bar Association Positive Professionals: Creating High-Performing Profitable Firms Through the Science of Engagement
Many firms take it on faith that there's only one way to attract and retain top talent and motivate peak performance: Ever-rising salaries. But has it worked? Firms’ hyper-competitive cultures, complaints of growing incivility and demoralization, a diversity crisis at the top, and a revolving door of talent suggest that it's time to try something new. Positive Professionals is a practical handbook of science-backed strategies to foster full engagement by enhancing people's experience of meaningful work, of feeling valued and valuable, and of growing and developing. Skeptical of a new approach? That’s natural. But it has science on its side. The book's well-researched business case convincingly shows that greater engagement boosts not only individual well-being but also profitability, productivity, performance, retention of talent, and client satisfaction.
American Bar Association A Lawyer's Guide to Estate Planning: Fundamentals for the Legal Practitioner, Fourth Edition
This book provides a helpful introduction to the basics of estate planning. It is written with an eye toward the needs of general practitioners and those who are seeking to develop a specialty in the estate-planning field. For this reason, the text is written in a user-friendly manner that provides basic text treatment of the subject along with cautions, examples, and planning pointers clearly denoted throughout the book. The cautions point out problem areas that must be considered to avoid an unwanted tax or other problem. The examples supplement the text and illustrate the point being discussed. The planning pointers show how to use the tax laws to benefit the tax and other planning needs of clients.
American Bar Association What is a Trademark Fifth Edition
American Bar Association The Foreign Corrupt Practices ACT Handbook
American Bar Association Lessons Learned from a Life on Trial
American Bar Association The Financial Institution Bond and Commercial Crime Policy
American Bar Association The False Claims Act and Government Contracts
American Bar Association The Fundamentals of Guardianship: What Every Guardian Should Know, Second Edition
Co-sponsored by the National Guardianship AssociationServing as guardian is never simple or easy. Having the responsibility to make major life decisions for another is much more difficult than making decisions for oneself. Recent studies by the National Center for State Courts estimate that between one to two million adults are under court-supervised guardianship. The Administrative Conference of the United States estimates that approximately 75 percent of guardians are family members or friends. A constant refrain in multiple national studies and legislative reports is that once guardians are appointed they receive little instruction on how to carry out their responsibilities and have few resources to guide them.The new edition of Fundamentals of Guardianship is the much-needed, basic manual for new guardians that explains those roles and responsibilities. The court orders guardians to make decisions; Fundamentals of Guardianship explains how to make those decisions. It guides the new guardian step-by-step through the process of how to make responsible and ethical decisions, prudently manage another's resources, avoid conflicts of interest, and involve the person under guardianship in the decision process. Fundamentals of Guardianship is the authoritative resource written by guardians with decades of experience and members of the National Guardianship Association.This book will appeal to all who have been appointed as guardian or conservator, whether lawyer, family member, friend, volunteer, or public or private entity, as well as all those who serve vulnerable adults. Included on this list are judges, court administrators, law enforcement officials, adult protective services, social workers, health care providers, case managers, residential care administrators, long-term care ombudsmen, financial institutions, and financial advisors.
American Bar Association A Practitioner's Guide to Arbitration
Table of Contents: An Introduction to Arbitration The Arbitration Presumption Arbitrability, Severability, and Delegation Choosing an Arbitrator Challenging Arbitrator Selection Virtual Hearings Discovery in Arbitration Third-Party Evidence Third Parties in Arbitration Injunctions Consolidation and Waiver Enforcement
American Bar Association Technology in Construction Law
Table of Contents: Construction Technology: Past and Future - Russ Gibbs, Anoop Sattenini, and Hala Nassereddine Lawyer's Duty of Technological Competence - Sanjay Kurian and Benjamin T. Johnson Data/Cybersecurity and Insurance - Reggie Jones and Kristen Broz Dealing with Construction Technology in Law Practice - Rebecca Sherman and Megan George Overview of Electronic Discovery in Construction Law Cases - Brett Lamb, Elisabeth Malsch, and Leslie King O'Neal Gathering ESI from Construction Projects - Brett Lamb, Elisabeth Malsch, and Leslie King O'Neal Presenting ESI Evidence at Trial, Arbitration Hearings, and Mediation - Elisabeth Malsch and Leslie King O'Neal Technology Tools for the Construction Litigator -Joseph T. Imperiale, John J. Gazzola, and Chris G. Haley
American Bar Association The Law of Trustee Investments, Second Edition
A practical guide for trustees on how to fulfill their fiduciary duties to the trust beneficiaries in determining how to invest the trust assets.
American Bar Association A Legal Guide to Recovering for Flood Losses
A Legal Guide to Recovering for Flood Losses is a first-of-its-kind compendium of strategies for recovery from flood damages. It explains the component parts of the standard water/flood exclusion in property policies and identifies potential remedies. It has four parts:• The First Section begins with an analysis of the components parts of the standard water/flood exclusion in property policies. That is followed by a discussion of discrete clauses in property policies that provide limited coverage for flood losses.• The Second Section explores coverage under private flood insurance—both primary and excess—and under the Federal Emergency Management Agency Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP). Discussion of the SFIP examines in depth the requirements for proofs of loss as deficient or untimely proofs of loss is the most common reason policyholders are denied coverage.• The Third Section highlights when recovery may be obtained under other types of coverages: business interruption; builder’s risk; equipment breakdown; commercial general liability; Directors & Officers; and automobile insurance. For each type of insurance policy, the treatise explains the coverage generally and then focuses on policy language that either covers or excludes flood losses.• The Fourth and Final Section concerns recovery from tortfeasors: insurance agents and brokers; landlords and tenants; governments; meteorologists and businesses providing inaccurate information about flooding dangers or failing to warn customers about known dangers.
American Bar Association A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting Fifth Edition
American Bar Association Advancing Equity at the Intersection of Race, Mental Illness, and Criminal Justice Involvement
Mental illness and racial inequity are prevalent within the criminal justice system. This book provides key concepts necessary for attorneys to develop their own personal equity framework and approaches to their legal practice.
American Bar Association Her Honor: Stories of Challenge and Triumph from Women Judges
Her Honor – Stories of Challenge and Triumph from Women JudgesEdited by Lauren Stiller Rikleen At a time when surveys reveal declining trust in our courts, this book offers reasons for hope and even pride. Her Honor features a collection of personal stories by and about some of the country’s most respected female judges. Each chapter author openly shares nuanced stories of challenges and successes, including the inequality, bias, and other barriers they faced and overcame in their lives. The 25 judges featured in Her Honor are from all levels of the state and federal courts, including Chief Judges and two Supreme Court Justices. Their moving stories will be all too recognizable by women who may currently be experiencing similar challenges and biases in their own career. Her Honor also demonstrates how the best of our judges share a passion for ensuring an accessible and fair system of justice, without a political agenda. They reveal a deep compassion for humanity along with an abiding respect for the law, respecting precedent but acting with courage if the law offers a way forward. All the judges in this book have lived lives of deep influence. The stories shared will extend that influence further and inspire future generations to persevere in their careers during even the most difficult times.
American Bar Association Patent Claim Drafting Practice: Tactics, Strategy, and Analysis
No existing work instructs patent practitioners regarding the legal pitfalls of patent claim drafting in light of major court decisions and related to the substantive aspects of patent law as it exists today in a portable and relatively compact form. Patent Claim Drafting Practice addresses common concerns and/or pitfalls in this area of law, offering invaluable knowledge drawn from experience.For the less experienced practitioner, Patent Claim Drafting Practice discusses the basics of patent claim drafting. In particular, patent claim drafting mechanics is treated in detail. Extensive discussion is provided on types of patent infringement and types of patent claims. Patent claim construction is also handled. This discussion of the legal rules related to claim construction is used as a springboard to develop a set of principles to guide claim drafting.For the practitioner with a bit of experience desiring to sharpen his or her skills, Patent Claim Drafting Practice develops and provides a set of guiding principles to use when drafting patent claims, both basic principles and relatively advanced principles, respectively identified as such. The book, therefore, provides an extensive discussion for handling many important drafting issues, such as patent eligibility considerations, as simply one important example. In addition to providing up-to-date legal analysis based on up-to-date case law, many other considerations that may affect how best to draft patent claims are discussed, such as underlying economics or markets, differences in technical arts, etc. Throughout the book, discussions are supported with many examples of patent claim drafting using state of the art technology examples.The book, consequently, covers a host of patent law considerations and doctrines that have the potential to affect the drafting of patent claims. The book highlights key principles using bolded text within text boxes throughout. In addition to listing key principles at the beginning of each chapter and in an appendix, the book also includes in an appendix a sample of patent application boilerplate that covers a wide range of existing technologies.
American Bar Association Chinese Family Law and Practice
Chinese Family Law and Practice provides the most up-to-date information about statutes, court rules, and reported cases relevant to issues arising from the day-to-day practice of Chinese family law. It is a much-needed reference guide of Chinese family law for attorneys and judges around the globe. It offers not only a comprehensive overview of the rules of Chinese family law but also in-depth analyses to demonstrate how these rules are applied in Chinese courts. In addition, this book offers a critical introduction to Chinese family law for further academic research from the perspective of a practitioner. It illustrates not only the framework of Chinese family law but also its historical, cultural, and ideological context from a comparative perspective. Written in plain language, this book is also a good source of information for non-lawyers who are navigating through Chinese family law system.
American Bar Association The Fraudulent Transfer of Wealth: Unwound and Explained
Modern fraudulent transfer law dates back to the Roman era, however, fraudulent transfer law in the U.S. closely reflects the law developed in England and the Statute of 13 Elizabeth. This unique guide tracks the historical development of this ancient creditors' rights law, as well as addresses and warns against fraudulent wealth transfer. Wealth transfer planning is a legitimate service if done properly. However, it is important for all parties impacted by the transfer of wealth to understand the scope and application of fraudulent transfer law. This book discusses the factors involved with the fraudulent transfer of wealth and outlines steps that planners can take to minimize a transaction's exposure to avoidance. Proactive measures that creditors can take to reduce the chance of losing assets or legal measures to restore the creditor are discussed. Real-life scenarios are included to show where advisers face liability for their role in facilitating the transfer of wealth meant to frustrate a creditor's claim. Today, the transfer of wealth can still be challenged successfully using centuries' old fraudulent conveyance law. This book includes an extensive listing of case law that provides ample opportunity for creditors to analyze new strategies by analogy to old tricks. This book will guide wealth transfer planners to plan for their clients successfully, while navigating complex fraudulent transfer laws to ensure the effective transfer of wealth.
American Bar Association Guide to State Procurement: A 50-State Primer on Purchasing Laws, Processes, and Procedures, Third Edition
The legal frameworks for procurement that states have developed contain both similarities as well as critical differences, making it difficult for suppliers who provide products to multiple states.With each state having its own procurement statutes, regulations, and policies, there are similarities as well as important differences in the legal frameworks that have developed over the years, making it difficult and time-consuming for suppliers who provide products to multiple states. Now fully updated, this useful, single-volume resource contains a summary of purchasing laws and processes for all 50 States. Each chapter is written by individuals knowledgeable in each state's' laws and processes, and includes: A listing of purchasing laws and regulations Descriptions of purchasing methods An explanation of: Bid protest procedures Contract claims processes, and Administrative and judicial review Those involved in state procurement -- government officials, contract administrators, attorneys, and contractors -- will find the information in this Guide to be invaluable.
American Bar Association Impact Investing and Social Enterprises: Global Progress and Challenges
This guide focuses on key issues in impact investing, including legal structure, measurement and reporting, forming an impact investment fund, and doing the deal. It also examines regional and country coverage using the comparative approach and drawing on the expertise of local experts across multiple jurisdictions.
American Bar Association The Valuation of Monetary Damages in Injury Cases: A Damages Expert's Perspective
The Valuation of Monetary Damages in Injury Cases includes many examples and work samples presented derive from actual cases, and accompanying discussions intend to provide on-point, insightful, and instructive analyses to promote the discernment and presentation of injury damages. Additionally, this book offers many practical, tested resources—information-gathering forms, sample retention letters and agreements, affidavits, and administrative documents, etc. — to facilitate and safeguard expert and lawyer efforts to gather, assemble, and preserve information necessary to perform competent analyses during adversarial proceedings.
American Bar Association What is a Copyright, Fourth Edition
This monograph covers what a copyright is, what can be copyrighted, ownership of copyright, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, duration of a copyright, statutory formalities of copyright, infringement, fair use, remedies, and criminal offenses.
American Bar Association The Law of Commercial Surety and Miscellaneous Bonds, Third Edition
Updated and expanded, The Law of Commercial Surety and Miscellaneous Bonds provides a more comprehensive analysis of the law relating to commercial and miscellaneous bonds. The book's twenty chapters address the various types of commercial surety and miscellaneous bonds, including their basic nature and purpose, what they cover, who is entitled to coverage under such bonds, and sureties' defenses to claims under such bonds. Each chapter covers a different type of commercial surety or miscellaneous bond. In addition, the book devotes an entire chapter to the commercial surety's collateral in a principal's bankruptcy case. In order to facilitate the use of this book as a reference source, a detailed table of contents sets forth the various topics addressed by each chapter. This book is an indispensable reference tool for experienced and entry level claim professionals and practitioners, as well as for general practitioners who can use this publication as an initial source from which to learn this complex area of law.
American Bar Association A Practitioner's Guide to Tax Evidence, Third Edition
A must-read for anyone preparing for trial before the U.S. Tax Court, this book takes the reader step-by-step through the Federal Rules of Evidence as applied by the Tax Court and brings coverage of Tax Court opinions current through 2021.This compilation results in an easy-to-follow collection of cases to support or guide a practitioner facing an evidentiary problem before the Tax Court. New material in the third edition includes a discussion of the scope of review for different types of cases and additional examples of how the Tax Court has applied the rules of evidence.
American Bar Association The Law Firm Client Service Interview Playbook
There is an unspoken understanding that when a client retains counsel, the attorney will be competent and will meet the client’s needs. But in today’s day and age, competence and deliverables by themselves are not enough to make a firm stand out in the marketplace. So how do you differentiate yourself from the competition? Simple: You do everything you can to make sure that your client has a positive experience working with you. A client service interview is a particularly effective way to gain insight into how effectively your firm is creating a positive client experience and learn what your firm could do to make clients’ experience even better. Speaking directly with the source can open up a world of possibility and help a law firm stand out from the rest. This step-by-step guide gives you all the tools you’ll need to incorporate client service interviews into your firm’s client relationship management strategy.
American Bar Association The Fine Art of Trial Advocacy: A Young Lawyer’s Resource for Success
This book introduces young lawyers to the art of trial advocacy. The author provides a historical context and shares engaging stories of exemplary trial lawyers throughout history. He then walks the reader through the role and qualities of the trial lawyer and presents an in-depth primer on rhetoric and persuasion. Each stage of the trial is considered in depth with examples from real cases.
American Bar Association The Deadly Force Script: How the Police in America Defend the use of Excessive Force
How many times have you read a news story about someone being shot by the police while reaching for their waistband? Or about an officer who testified at trial that the person he shot during a physical struggle had superhuman strength or a thousand-yard stare in his eyes? And how many times have you watched a police chief or sheriff during a press conference invoke the “21-foot rule” to justify their officer’s killing of a mentally ill person with a knife? These and a host of other verbal devices are what author William Harmening calls the “deadly force script.” It is a strategy that has been employed with great success by the law enforcement community in the decades following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Tennessee v. Garner (1985), the case that for the first time placed significant restrictions on a police officer’s use of deadly force. It is a strategy that has gone relatively unnoticed by the general public, the media, elected prosecutors, and the judges and juries who must rule on the reasonableness of an officer’s actions. Now, perhaps for the very first time, William Harmening pulls back the veil to expose the deadly force script for all to see. He does this in a unique and informative way by presenting actual case studies where the script was employed following a deadly police encounter, typically right under the unsuspecting noses of local media and the prosecutor tasked with deciding whether to criminally charge the officers involved. Anyone with an interest in the twin ideals of an equitable system of justice and a professional and bias-free police force will find this book both fascinating and enlightening.
American Bar Association Mastering Voir Dire and Jury Selection: Supplemental Juror Questionnaires
American Bar Association Internal Corporate Investigations, Fourth
American Bar Association The Crime of Complicity: the Bystander in the Holocaust
If you are a bystander and witness a crime, should intervention to prevent that crime be a legal obligation? Or is moral responsibility enough? In The Crime of Complicity, Amos N. Guiora addresses these profoundly important questions and the bystander-victim relationship from a deeply personal and legal perspective, focusing on the Holocaust and then exploring cases in contemporary society. Sharing the experiences of his parents, who were Holocaust survivors, and his grandparents, who did not survive, and drawing on a wide range of historical material and interviews, Guiora examines the bystander during three distinct events: death marches, the German occupation of Holland, and the German occupation of Hungary. He explains that while the Third Reich created policy, its implementation was dependent on bystander non-intervention. Bringing the issue of intervention into current perspective, he examines sexual assault cases at Vanderbilt and Stanford Universities, as well as other crimes where bystanders chose whether or not to intervene, and the resulting consequences. After examining the intensely personal example of his own parents’ survival of the Holocaust, Guiora asserts that a society cannot rely on morals and compassion alone in determining our obligation to help another in danger. It is ultimately, he concludes, a legal issue. Should we make the obligation to intervene the law, and thus non-intervention a crime?
American Bar Association Justice at Dachau: The Trials of an American Prosecutor
In a makeshift courtroom set up inside Hitler's first concentration camp, Denson was charged with building a team from lawyers who had no background in war crimes and determining charges for crimes that courts had never before confirmed. Among the accused were Dr. Klaus Schilling, responsible for hundreds of deaths in his research" for a cure for malaria; Edwin Katzen-Ellenbogen, a Harvard psychologist turned Gestapo informant; and one of history's most notorious female war criminals, Ilse Koch, Bitch of Buchenwald," whose penchant for tattooed skins and human bone lamps made headlines worldwide.Denson, just 32 years old, with one criminal trial to his name, led a brilliant and successful prosecution, but nearly two years of exposure to such horrors took its toll. His wife divorced him, his weight dropped to 116 pounds, and he collapsed from exhaustion. Worst of all was the pressure from his army superiors to bring the trials to a rapid end when their agenda shifted away from punishing Nazis to winning the Germans' support in the emerging Cold War. Denson persevered, determined to create a careful record of responsibility for the crimes of the Holocaust. When, in a final shocking twist, the United States used clandestine reversals and commutation of sentences to set free those found guilty at Dachau, Denson risked his army career to try to prevent justice from being undone.Originally published in hardcover by Random House in 2001, this is the first time Justice at Dachau is available in paperback.
American Bar Association One Hundred Days Before Trial: A Family Lawyer's Guide to Preparation and Strategy
The author offers an alternative to the mad-dash scramble model of trial preparation, with a simple message: start early with the end in mind, develop a plan, and maintain self-discipline to work the plan on a regular basis. The book is broken into segments based upon arbitrary time periods. The reader need not precisely follow the schedules suggested; they are simply guidelines to consider. Each case is different and one must prepare according to each case's dynamics. What is essential and common to all cases, however, is the necessity of thinking first, acting second and being mindful both of the big picture and the fine details.
American Bar Association You Raised Us, Now Work With Us: Millennials, Career Success, and Building Strong Workplace Teams
Millennials are often stereotyped, they are "entitled," seek promotions prematurely, and require constant praise. They see themselves, however, buried in historically high student debt and thwarted by an outdated workplace structure. This ground-breaking book is an indispensable resource to help Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers create a more effective work environment. Beautifully written, the book separates myths from reality, and provides practical advice, based on detailed research, to strengthen intergenerational teams and develop the next generation of talented leadership.