Search results for ""MP-AMM American Mathematical""
MP-AMM American Mathematical Arithmetical Wonderland
MP-AMM American Mathematical Theorie des Operations Lineaires
MP-AMM American Mathematical Grundzuge der Mengenlehre German Edition
Contains such topics as Symmetric Sets, Principle of Duality, most of the 'Algebra' of Sets, Partially Ordered Sets, Arbitrary Sets of Complexes, Normal Types, Initial and Final Ordering, Complexes of Real Numbers, General Topological Spaces, Euclidean Spaces, and the Special Methods Applicable in the Euclidean Plane.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Global Calculus
Suitable for a first year graduate course on global analysis, this title proves the basics of Fourier transforms, Sobolev theory and interior regularity at the same time as symbol calculus, culminating in beautiful results in global analysis, real and complex.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Brauer Type Embedding Problems
A monograph that is concerned with Galois theoretical embedding problems of so-called Brauer type with a focus on 2-groups and on finding explicit criteria for solvability and explicit constructions of the solutions. It also considers questions of reducing the embedding problems and reformulating the solvability criteria.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Theory of Matrices
Offers an easily accessible form a coherent account of matrix theory with a view to applications in mathematics, theoretical physics, statistics, and electrical engineering. This title includes individual chapters that have been kept as far as possible independent of each other.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Deformation Theory of Algebras and Their Diagrams
Brings together both the classical and current aspects of deformation theory. The presentation is mostly self-contained, assuming only basic knowledge of commutative algebra, homological algebra and category theory. In the interest of readability, some technically complicated proofs have been omitted when a suitable reference was available.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Ricci Flow Techniques and Applications Part IV LongTime Solutions and Related Topics
Ricci flow is a powerful technique using a heat-type equation to deform Riemannian metrics on manifolds to better metrics in the search for geometric decompositions. With the fourth part of their volume on techniques and applications of the theory, the authors of this volume discuss long-time solutions of the Ricci flow and related topics.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Generalized Cohomology
Aims to give an exposition of generalized (co)homology theories that can be read by mathematicians who are not experts in algebraic topology. This work starts with basic notions of homotopy theory and then introduces the axioms of generalized (co)homology theory. It focuses on spectral sequences and their use in generalized cohomology theories.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Codebreakers Arne Beurling and the Swedish Crypto Program During World War II
One of the greatest accomplishments in the history of cryptography occurred in 1940 when Arne Beurling broke the German code used for strategic military communications. This work describes Beurling's attack on the G-Schreiber system as well as attacks on other wartime crypto systems, noting high points from the history of Swedish cryptology.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Number Pi
Traces the thread of pi through the long history of mathematics. This book touches upon many major subjects in mathematics: geometry (of course), number theory, Galois theory, probability, transcendental numbers, analysis, and, as their crown jewel, the theory of elliptic functions, which connects many of the other subjects.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Wave Packet Analysis
The concept of 'wave packet analysis' originates in Carleson's famous proof of almost everywhere convergence of Fourier series of $L^2$ functions. This work emphasizes the classical successes (Carleson's theorem and the Hilbert transform) in the main development.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Hyperbolization Theorem for Fibered 3manifolds
The influence of Thurston's hyperbolization theorem on the geometry and topology of 3-manifolds has been tremendous. This book presents a proof of the hyperbolization theorem for 3-manifolds that fiber over the circle, following the plan of Thurston's original proof, though the double limit theorem is dealt with in a different way.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Intuitionism
In the area of mathematical logic, a great deal of attention is now being devoted to the study of nonclassical logics. This book intends to present the most important methods of proof theory in intuitionistic logic and to acquaint the reader with the principal axiomatic theories based on intuitionistic logic.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Concentration Functional Inequalities and Isoperimetry
MP-AMM American Mathematical Modern Spherical Functions
Presents an exposition of spherical functions on compact symmetric spaces, from the viewpoint of Cartan-Selberg. This title treats compact symmetric pairs, spherical representations for compact symmetric pairs, the fundamental groups of compact symmetric spaces, and the radial part of an invariant differential operator.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Real Solutions to Equations from Geometry
Focuses on equations from toric varieties and Grassmannians. Not only is much known about these, but such equations are common in applications. There are three main themes: upper bounds on the number of real solutions, lower bounds on the number of real solutions, and geometric problems that can have all solutions be real.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Coarse Geometry
Coarse geometry is the study of spaces (particularly metric spaces) from a 'large scale' point of view, so that two spaces that look the same from a great distance are actually equivalent. This book provides a general perspective on coarse structures. It discusses results on asymptotic dimension and uniform embeddings into Hilbert space.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Collisions Rings and Other Newtonian NBody Problems
Suitable for readers who want to learn about the Newtonian $N$-body problem, this book contains simple explanations of the apparent 'looping' orbit of Mars and the unexpected 'Sunrise, Sunset' behavior as viewed from Mercury. It also covers the weird dynamics exhibited by Saturn's F-ring.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Linear and Quasilinear Equations of Parabolic Type
Studies boundary value problems are from two points of view; solvability, unique or otherwise, and the effect of various smoothness properties of the given functions on the smoothness of the solutions. This title includes various chapters that introduce the various function spaces typical of modern Russian-style functional analysis.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lecture Notes on Motivic Cohomology
Provides an account of the triangulated theory of motives. The book’s purpose is to introduce Motivic Cohomology, to develop its main properties, and finally to relate it to other known invariants of algebraic varieties and rings such as Milnor K-theory, étale cohomology, and Chow groups.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Ramanujan
Contains essays on Ramanujan and his work. This book includes survey articles in areas that are influenced by Ramanujan's mathematics.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Rudiments of Ramsey Theory
MP-AMM American Mathematical An Introduction to Lie Groups and the Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces
The theory of Lie groups involves many areas of mathematics: algebra, differential geometry, algebraic geometry, analysis, and differential equations. This work outlines the prerequisites to get the reader started, and then chooses a path through this theory that aims for an understanding of the geometry of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Famous Puzzles of Great Mathematicians
Presents a collection of 180 mathematical puzzles and elementary problems that great mathematicians have posed, discussed, and solved. This book intends to show that famous mathematicians have all communicated brilliant ideas, methodological approaches, and absolute genius in mathematical thoughts by using recreational mathematics as a framework.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Mathematical Circle Diaries Year 1 Complete Curriculum for Grades 5 to 7
Contains everything that is needed to run a successful mathematical circle for a full year. The materials, distributed among 29 weekly lessons, include detailed lectures and discussions, sets of problems with solutions, and contests and games. In addition, the book shares some of the know-how of running a mathematical circle.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Enumerative Geometry and String Theory
Perhaps the most famous example of how ideas from modern physics have revolutionized mathematics is the way string theory has led to an overhaul of enumerative geometry, an area of mathematics that started in the eighteen hundreds. The book begins with an insightful introduction to enumerative geometry.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Interpolation and Sampling in Spaces of Analytic Functions
Contains the developments in a central theme of research on analysis of one complex variable. This book includes material that is based on lectures at the University of Michigan. It clarifies how certain basic properties of the space at hand are reflected in the geometry of interpolating and sampling sequences.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Large Networks and Graph Limits
MP-AMM American Mathematical Abelian Groups And Noncommutative Rings A Collection Of Papers In Memory Of Robert B. Warfield Jr.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Fundamentals of the Theory of Operator Algebras Volume III
The goal of this text is to teach the subject and lead readers to where the vast literature - in the subject specifically and in its many applications - becomes accessible. The choice of material was made from among the fundamentals of what may be called the ""classical'' theory of operator algebras.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Configurations of Points and Lines
Deals with the topic of geometric configurations of points and lines. This book presents the history of the topic, with its surges and declines since its beginning in 1876. It covers the advances in the field since the revival of interest in geometric configurations.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Attractors for Equations of Mathematical Physics
Presents a study of problems related to the theory of infinite-dimensional dynamical systems. This work studies their properties for various non-autonomous equations of mathematical physics: the 2D and 3D Navier-Stokes systems, reaction-diffusion systems, dissipative wave equations, the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, and others.
MP-AMM American Mathematical The Mathematical Heritage of Hermann Weyl Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Hermann Weyl was one of the most influential mathematicians of the twentieth century. This title contains the proceedings of the AMS Symposium on the Mathematical Heritage of Hermann Weyl, held in May 1987 at Duke University. It is suitable for mathematicians, theoretical physicists, and other scientists.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Classification of Algebraic Varieties
Contains the proceedings of the Algebraic Geometry Conference on Classification of Algebraic Varieties, held in May 1992 at the University of L'Aquila in Italy. This work discusses a variety of problems that illustrate interactions between algebraic geometry and other branches of mathematics.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Lectures on Rings and Modules
MP-AMM American Mathematical Exploring the Number Jungle A Journey into Diophantine Analysis
Diophantine analysis, an area of number theory that helps to discover hidden treasures and truths within the numbers by exploring rational numbers, comprises two different but interconnected domains - diophantine approximation and diophantine equations. This book presents the fundamental ideas and theorems from diophantine approximation.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Experimental Mathematics
Presents several new directions of mathematical research. All of these directions are based on numerical experiments conducted by the author, which led to new hypotheses that currently remain open. The hypotheses range from geometry and topology to combinatorics to algebra and number theory.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Open Algebraic Surfaces
Open algebraic surfaces are a synonym for algebraic surfaces that are not necessarily complete. An open algebraic surface is understood as a Zariski open set of a projective algebraic surface. This book contains an account of the theory of open algebraic surfaces, as well as several applications, in particular to the study of affine surfaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Riemann Surfaces by Way of Complex Analytic Geometry
MP-AMM American Mathematical Theta Constants Riemann Surfaces and the Modular Group
There are incredibly rich connections between classical analysis and number theory. This title uncovers interesting combinatorial identities by means of the function theory on Riemann surfaces related to the principal congruence subgroups $\Gamma(k)$. It is suitable for a graduate course or for independent reading.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Leopold Kroneckers Werke Part 2
MP-AMM American Mathematical Portraits of the Earth A Mathematician Looks at Maps
Explores the mathematical ideas involved in creating and analyzing maps. This book presents the famous problem of mapping the earth. Through the visual context of maps and mapmaking, it shows students how contemporary mathematics can help them to understand and explain the world.
MP-AMM American Mathematical SelfSimilar Groups
Self-similar groups (groups generated by automata) initially appeared as examples of groups that are easy to define but have exotic properties like nontrivial torsion, intermediate growth, etc. This book studies the self-similarity phenomenon in group theory and shows its relationship with dynamical systems.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Cones and Duality
Ordered vector spaces and cones made their debut in mathematics at the beginning of the twentieth century. They were developed in parallel (but from a different perspective) with functional analysis and operator theory. This book offers a modern perspective on cones and ordered vector spaces.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Training Manual on Transport and Fluids
Presents elementary models of transport in continuous media and a corresponding body of mathematical technique. This title includes physical topics such as convection and diffusion as the simplest models of transport; local conservation laws with sources as the general framework of continuum mechanics; and momentum and energy transport.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Finite Fields and Applications
Offers an introduction to the theory of finite fields and to some of their many practical applications. After covering their construction and elementary properties, the authors discuss the trace and norm functions, bases for finite fields, and properties of polynomials over finite fields. Each of the remaining chapters details applications.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Dynamical Systems and Linear Algebra