Search results for ""Author RUDOLF STEINER""
Rudolf Steiner Press The Foundation Stone Meditation
"The Foundation Stone Meditation" holds a central place in the inner life of many students of Rudolf Steiner's work. First presented during the refounding of the Anthroposophical Society at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, it is a powerful and penetrating meditative text, which many consider to be a key to the spiritual mysteries of our time. This budget-priced pocket version features three alternative translations (by George Adams, Pauline Wehrle and Richard Seddon), together with the original German verses and an introduction by Michael Wilson.
Anthroposophic Press Inc The Riddles of Philosophy: Presented in an Outline of its History
Editorial Rudolf Steiner S.L. La comunicacin entre los vivos y los muertos
... En la vida física nunca nos acordamos del proceso de nuestro nacimiento.En cambio, durante todo el tiempo que vivimos entre la muerte y un nuevo nacimiento tenemos presente con toda claridad el momento de la muerte, pero desde el otro lado, desde el lado de la vivencia espiritual, desde la otra orilla, podríamos decir.Con cierta razón el hombre se asusta ante la muerte, porque representa la destrucción del cuerpo físico. En cambio, sucede justo lo contrario cuando el hombre, entre la muerte y un nuevo nacimiento, vuelve la mirada atrás a la superación de la muerte, ya que en todo momento se le pone de manifiesto la victoria del espíritu sobre la materia. Y entonces la muerte supone la vivencia más hermosa, grande, maravillosa y suprema que se pueda tener...RUDOLF STEINER, doctor en Filosofía y Letras, nació en 1861 en Kraljevec (Austria, hoy Croacia) y murió en 1925 en Dornach (Suiza). Cursó estudios de Ciencias Naturales, Matemáticas y Filosofía en Viena. Sus nume
Rudolf Steiner Ausgaben Kunst der Erziehung Kunst des Lebens Ein Grundkurs in Erziehungswissenschaft
Steiner Verlag, Dornach ber Gesundheit und Krankheit Grundlagen einer geisteswissenschaftlichen Sinneslehre Achtzehn Vortrge gehalten vor den Arbeitern am Goetheanumbau fr die Arbeiter am Goetheanumbau II
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Weihnachtsspiele aus altem Volkstum Die Oberuferer Spiele
Rudolf Steiner Ausgaben Die Kernpunkte der sozialen Frage
Rudolf Steiner Ausgaben Bewusstsein oder Geist Die Psychoanalyse und die Sonderstellung der Anthroposophie
Futurum Verlag Stichwort Karma
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Fhrung der Menschheit 23 Einzelvortrge 1911 und 1912 in verschiedenen Stdten
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Nationalkonomischer Kurs und Nationalkonomisches Seminar Vierzehn Vortrge gehalten in Dornach vom 24 Juli bis 6 August 1922 fr Studenten der in Dornach vom 31 Juli bis 5 August 1922
Steiner Verlag, Dornach gyptische Mythen und Mysterien im Verhltnis zu den wirkenden Geisteskrften der Gegenwart Ein Zyklus von zwlf Vortrgen gehalten in Leipzig vom 2 bis 14 September 1908
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das Wesen der Farben Drei Vortrge Dornach 1921 sowie 9 Vortrge aus dem brigen Vortragswerk 19141924
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Wahrheit und Wissenschaft Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Freiheit
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Ein Weg zur Selbsterkenntnis des Menschen Die Schwelle der geistigen Welt
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Schriften über soziale Dreigliederung. Die Kernpunkte der sozialen Frage In Ausführung der Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus.
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Herzdenken ber inspiratives Erkennen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Nervositt und Ichheit Stressbewltigung von innen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das architektonische Werk 01
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Soziale Zukunft
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Zu sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen der Gegenwart Ansprachen Vortrge und Wortmeldungen 19191924
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Eurythmie als sichtbare Sprache LautEurythmieKurs Dornach Fnfzehn Vortrge vom 24 Juni bis 12 Juli 1924
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhnge 4 Vierter Band Das geistige Leben der Gegenwart im Zusammenhang mit der anthroposophischen Ansprache letzte Ansprache Dornach 1924
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Soziales Verstndnis aus geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis Die geistigen Hintergrnde der sozialen Frage III Fnfzehn Vortrge Dornach 1919
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die spirituellen Hintergrunde der ueren Welt Der Sturz der Geister der Finsternis Geistige Wesen und ihre Wirkungen Bd 1
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Anthroposophie Psychosophie Pneumatosophie Zwlf Vortrge Berlin 2327101909 14111910 1216121911
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Wege und Ziele des geistigen Menschen Lebensfragen im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft Vierzehn Einzelvortrge gehalten 1910 in verschiedenen Stdten
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das christliche Mysterium
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Die Beantwortung von Welt und Lebensfragen durch Anthroposophie 21 Vortrge in verschiedenen Stdten 19081909
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Geistige Hierarchien und ihre Widerspiegelung in der physischen Welt
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Selbsterkenntnis und Gotteserkenntnis 1
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Der Mensch als Geist und Seelenwesen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Das Wesen des Menschen im Lichte der Geisteswissenschaft
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Anthroposophie Ein Fragment
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Bühnenbearbeitungen I
Steiner Verlag, Dornach LuciferGnosis Grundlegende Aufstze zur Anthroposophie und Berichte aus der Zeitschrift Luzifer und LuciferGnosis 19031908
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Grundlegendes fr eine Erweiterung der Heilkunst nach geisteswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Theosophie Einfhrung in bersinnliche Welterkenntnis und Menschenbestimmung
Rudolf Steiner Press Karmic Relationships: Esoteric Studies: Volume 8
During 1924, before his last address in September, Rudolf Steiner gave over eighty lectures on the subject of karma to members of the Anthroposophical Society. These profoundly esoteric commentaries examine the underlying laws of reincarnation and karma, and explore in detail the incarnations of specific historical figures. In Rudolf Steiner's words, the study of karma is '...a matter of penetrating into the most profound mysteries of existence, for within the sphere of karma and the course it takes lie those processes which are the basis of the other phenomena of world existence...' In this eighth and final volume of the series, Rudolf Steiner offers insights on a variety of subjects, including Cosmic Christianity, the Michael impulse, the Arthur and Grail streams of wisdom, as well as the individualities of Gregory VII, Haeckel, Swedenborg, Loyola, Haroun al Raschid, Byron, Voltaire and others.
Rudolf Steiner Press Self-Knowledge: The Journey to Wisdom. Higher Knowledge, the Guardian of the Threshold and the Power of Christ
Many spiritual traditions speak of a 'guardian' or 'dweller' who protects the threshold to the spiritual world, warning the unprepared to pause in their quest for access to higher knowledge. The Guardian reveals the consequences of our negative actions and points to the full reality of our untransformed nature. This experience is said to be one of the deepest and most harrowing on the inner path, but is an essential precondition to any form of true initiation. The words 'Know thyself' were inscribed at the forecourt of the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo. Those who sought initiation in 'the mysteries' were thus instructed first to look within themselves. Likewise today, as spiritual seekers we need true self-knowledge, to distinguish between what belongs to our consciousness and what is objectively part of the spiritual environment. Rudolf Steiner taught that as long as we draw back from such knowledge, our spiritual quest will be unsuccessful. When we begin engaging with anthroposophy, it becomes clear that Steiner's teachings are not a doctrine or set of dogmas, but a path towards deeper insights. In this essential handbook, the editor has drawn together many of Rudolf Steiner's statements on the intricate and arduous path of self-knowledge, offering ongoing support and guidance. Chapters include: The Importance of Self-Knowledge for Acquiring Higher Knowledge; Seeking to Form an Idea of the 'Guardian of the Threshold'; The Guardian of the Threshold and Some Characteristics of Supersensible Consciousness; Morality on the Path of Knowledge; Self-Knowledge and Nearness to Christ; The Powers of Christ in Our Own Life; Knowing Ourselves in the Other; Self-Knowledge - World-Knowledge.
Rudolf Steiner Press An Occult Physiology
Given the upsurge of interest in complementary therapies and treatments, medical researchers are gradually being pressured to reassess and expand existing knowledge about the structure and organization of the human body. But in spite of the advances in modern technology, there are vast areas of human physiological activity, which continue to remain undetectable. Such processes, indicates Rudolf Steiner, are connected to spiritual forces. In these revealing lectures Steiner concentrates on the relationship of such forces to the physical organs. In particular, he discusses the organs, which make up our digestive and respiratory systems; the significance of 'warmth' in the function of the blood and its effects upon the ego; and the evolutionary process implicit in the formation of the spinal column and brain. All are dealt with in a scientific manner that will appeal equally to doctors and therapists, as well as students of Steiner's spiritual philosophy. At the same time they are remarkably accessible to the general reader.
Anthroposophic Press Inc Approaching the Mystery of Golgotha: Ten Lectures Held in Various Cities in 1913-14
Anthroposophic Press Inc Death as Metamorphosis of Life: Seven Lectures Held in Various Cities November 29, 1917-October 16, 1918
Anthroposophic Press Inc What is Waldorf Education?: Three Lectures
Anthroposophic Press Inc Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path: Philosophy of Freedom
Rudolf Steiner Press On Fear: Spiritual Perspectives
'We must eradicate root and branch any fear and dread in our soul concerning the future that is coming towards us...We must develop composure with regard to all the feelings and sensations we have about the future; we must anticipate with absolute equanimity whatever may be coming towards us, thinking only that whatever it may be will be brought to us by the wisdom-filled guidance of the universe.' - Rudolf Steiner Based on brief, pithy quotations from Rudolf Steiner's collected works, the 'spiritual perspectives' in this volume present core concepts on the subject of fear. These brief extracts do not claim to provide exhaustive treatment of the subject, but open up approaches to the complexity of Steiner's extraordinary world of ideas. Some readers will find these fragments sufficient stimulus in themselves, whilst others will use the source references as signposts towards deeper study and understanding.
Rudolf Steiner Press Guidance in Esoteric Training: From the Esoteric School
Selected from the material given by Rudolf S teiner to members of his Esoteric School, this volume featur es exercises, meditations and practices for spiritual develo pment '
Steiner Verlag, Dornach Der innere Aspekt des sozialen Rtsels Luziferische Vergangenheit und ahrimanische Zukunft