Search results for ""Author Moritz""
Transcript Verlag More-Than-Human Choreography: Handling Things Between Logistics and Entanglement
In the global context of the Great Acceleration, things and people have been on the move more than ever before. Moritz Frischkorn takes a fresh look at recent performing arts practices that deal with everyday objects on and beyond the stage. Contrasting these practices with the business field of logistics, he examines the aesthetic and ethical concerns of moving things. Drawing on concepts from performance as well as black studies and philosophy, and based on an artistic-research methodology, the book formulates a notion of more-than-human choreography as an ecologically informed, infinitely indebted practice of living within the material world.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Color: Light, Sight, Sense: Light, Sight, Sense
This book has been a classic color theory reference in Europe for several years, and is available now, for the first time, in English translation. The book is arranged to follow light from a stimulus outside the human body, through the reaction of the visual organs of the body and ultimately to the occurrence of the visual experience in the brain. Colorful schematic drawings and photographs presented with explanatory captions demonstrate many elements of color theory from the organization of color to the perception of a rainbow. Beyond as explanation of the actual processes, Mr Zwimpfer demonstrates the total relationship which takes the perception of color beyond a mere passive registering, such as in photography, to a three-dimensional perception of our world. The book will fascinate and inform artists, photographers, students and others who are interested in color theory.
Cambridge University Press Demanding Rights: Europe's Supranational Courts and the Dilemma of Migrant Vulnerability
While nominally protected across Europe, the human rights of vulnerable migrants often fail to deliver their promised benefits in practice. This socio-legal study explores both the concrete expressions and possible causes of this persistent deficit. For this purpose, it presents an innovative multifaceted evaluation of selected judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EU pertaining to such complex questions as the protection of persons fleeing from indiscriminate violence, homosexual asylum seekers, the Dublin Regulation, and the externalisation of border control. Highlighting the demanding character of migrant rights, the book also discusses some steps that could be taken to improve the effectiveness of Europe's supranational human rights system including changes in judicial and litigation practice as well as a reconceptualization of human rights as existential commitments.
Oxford University Press Culture in the Third Reich
'It's like being in a dream', commented Joseph Goebbels when he visited Nazi-occupied Paris in the summer of 1940. Dream and reality did indeed intermingle in the culture of the Third Reich, racialist fantasies and spectacular propaganda set-pieces contributing to this atmosphere alongside more benign cultural offerings such as performances of classical music or popular film comedies. A cultural palette that catered to the tastes of the majority helped encourage acceptance of the regime. The Third Reich was therefore eager to associate itself with comfortable middle-brow conventionality, while at the same time exploiting the latest trends that modern mass culture had to offer. And it was precisely because the culture of the Nazi period accommodated such a range of different needs and aspirations that it was so successfully able to legitimize war, imperial domination, and destruction. Moritz Föllmer turns the spotlight on this fundamental aspect of the Third Reich's successful cultural appeal in this ground-breaking new study, investigating what 'culture' meant for people in the years between 1933 and 1945: for convinced National Socialists at one end of the spectrum, via the legions of the apparently 'unpolitical', right through to anti-fascist activists, Jewish people, and other victims of the regime at the other end of the spectrum. Relating the everyday experience of people living under Nazism, he is able to give us a privileged insight into the question of why so many Germans enthusiastically embraced the regime and identified so closely with it.
Duncker & Humblot Transnationale Nomaden Im Volkerrecht: Staatsgrenzen Und Die Migration Von Volkern
BlueStar Verlag Kaffee Flashmob und versengte Haare
Kessinger Publishing Die Religion Der Griechen Und Romer Der Alten Aegypter Judier Perser Und Semiten 1848
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Okonomik Und Hauswirtschaft Im Klassischen Griechenland
Hal Leonard Corporation 5 Spanish Dances, Op. 12: One Piano, 4 Hands
Hal Leonard Corporation 15 Etudes De Virtuosite, Op. 72
Alfred Music Spanish Dances
Neuer Sportverlag Tenniscode
Polyglott Verlag Urlaub trotz Kindern
Nomos Verlags GmbH Die Strafrechtlichen Risiken Des Investigativen Journalismus Am Europaisierten Kapitalmarkt
riva Verlag Der verrückteste Reiseführer Deutschlands 2
Wochenschau Verlag Didaktische Perspektiven auf die Geschichte und Kultur des Pazifiks
GRIN Verlag Immanuel Kants Ewiger Frieden Die Vereinten Nationen als Verwirklichung einer moralphilosophischen Vision
Springer Brückenbau beginnt im Kopf: Ingenieursein - mehr als technische Lösungen
Das Besondere an diesem Buch: Es enthält in jedem Kapitel auch eine Audioversion des Textes.Bauingenieur zu sein ist ein erfüllender Beruf. Bauingenieure gestalten nachhaltige Infrastruktur. Wir errichten Häuser, Straßen, Brücken, Tunnel, Kulturstätten, Türme und vieles mehr. Dafür bringen wir häufig die ganze Ingenieurskunst auf, um solide Lösungen zu erreichen. Und häufig noch mehr, was jenseits der technischen Ingenieurskunst liegt. Das Buch schaut über die technischen Lösungen hinaus in das weitere Umfeld des Bauingenieurs und reflektiert seinen Beruf und die eigene Einstellung aus unterschiedlichsten Perspektiven. „Brückenbau beginnt im Kopf“ bedeutet, sich darauf einzulassen, Verbindungen zu suchen – zu einem ganzheitlichen Berufsbild und seinem Standort als Ingenieur. Wenn der sichere Brückenschlag zum Umfeld des Ingenieurs gelingt, heißt Ingenieursein mehr als perfekte Technik anzuwenden.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Nachhaltigkeit als Transformation: Potenziale und Probleme dissidenter Praktiken
Angesichts der sozial-ökologischen Krisendynamik stehen kapitalistische Gesellschaften vor dem Scheideweg. Gelingt es in den nächsten Jahren nicht, die ökologischen Wachstumskosten dauerhaft zu minimieren und die subjektiven Ressourcen der privaten Lebensführung vor ihrer Vernutzung zu bewahren, droht der Verlust einer offenen Zukunft für die kommenden Generationen. Weltweit richten sich Gruppen, Bewegungen und Institutionen gegen die Auswüchse des modernen Kapitalismus, der mittlerweile zu einer eigenen Lebensform avanciert ist. Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet aus dieser Perspektive eine Transformation der kapitalistischen Verhältnisse, die sich auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen vollziehen muss. Die praktische Dimension dieser Dissidenz ist jedoch bisher kaum zum Gegenstand soziologischer Untersuchungen geworden. Die Arbeit greift das Desiderat auf und skizziert mittels eines qualitativen Forschungsdesigns, wie sich kapitalistische in ökonomische Praktiken überführen lassen, an welchen Stellen Prozesse der Dekommodifizierung und Dekommerzialierung beobachtet werden können und auf welche Weise die Akteure kapitalistische Externalisierungskosten reduzieren.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Change-Management in IT-getriebenen Veränderungsprozessen: Methodik zur Bewertung von Veränderungsfähigkeit und -bereitschaft der Akteure
Der Erfolg von IT-getriebenen Veränderungsprozessen wie IT-Systemimplementierungen hängt maßgeblich von der Veränderungsfähigkeit und -bereitschaft der gestaltenden Akteure ab. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Nähe der Akteure auf Business- und IT-Seite zum implementierten IT-System ist jedoch oft eine asymmetrische Veränderungsfähigkeit und -bereitschaft dieser Akteure vorzufinden. Daher wird eine implementierungsreife Evaluationsmethode entwickelt, die im Zuge eines Change-Managements Transparenz über die Veränderungsfähigkeit und -bereitschaft der gestaltenden Akteure auf Business- und IT-Seite schaffen kann. Mithilfe dieser für Praktikerinnen und Praktiker aufbereiteten Evaluationsmethode lassen sich in Bezug auf das Kennen, Können, Sollen, Dürfen und Wollen unternehmensindividuelle „Stellschrauben“ identifizieren und einstellen.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Humanoid Service Robots: Customer Expectations and Customer Responses
Based on four empirical studies, Moritz Merkle examines the introduction of humanoid robots to the frontline service encounter in a customer-centric approach focusing on customer expectations and customer responses. The author identifies desirable robotic behavioral cues and shows that service robots meet great acceptance among customers. After service failures, customers are even more likely to forgive service robots than human employees. Further, he shows how crucial it is to manage customer expectations that depend on cultural dimensions and internal reference categories.
FISCHER Taschenbuch Literarische Moderne Das groe Lesebuch
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Tor
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Der Mann der durch das Jahrhundert fiel
Duncker & Humblot Die Befreiung Von Der Verschwiegenheitspflicht Des Aufsichtsrats Einer AG Mit Hoheitlicher Beteiligung
Anatiposi Verlag Ein ungarischer Nabob: Erster Band
Diogenes Verlag AG Die Zeit der Zikaden
Hueber Verlag GmbH Der Dachs hat heute Langeweile. DeutschSpanisch
Hueber Verlag GmbH Der Dachs hat heute Langeweile DeutschItalienisch
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Making of Eurasia: Competition and Cooperation Between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Russia
The Making of Eurasia investigates the multi-layered spectrum of China and Russia’s Eurasian policies towards each other, ranging from competition to cooperation, as well as the role of regional actors in between. The book examines the impact of and responses to the dynamic Sino-Russian interaction in the wake of China’s Belt and Road initiative, focusing on the selected case studies of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Uzbekistan, but also on inter-regional implications across the Eurasian space. With China’s imprint on inter-regional politics and ambition to make a distinctive Chinese contribution to ‘globalization’ and Russia’s vision of a ‘Greater Eurasia’ in which Moscow stakes out a place for itself as an indispensable power, other regional actors adopt policies that respond to and co-shape the resulting centrifugal forces. Meanwhile, power shifts are underway on a global plane, as the normative divide between Russia and the West has widened, and as the Sino-American rivalry is intensifying. The book therefore also sheds light on the effects of Eurasian power shifts on global governance in a context where global ‘leadership’ is contested, and in which the US and Europe are re-defining their relationship not only towards a self-confident China but also towards each other. As such, this study will provide valuable insight for students and scholars of Eurasian Asia Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, and International Relations at large.
The University of Chicago Press The Digital Factory: The Human Labor of Automation
The Digital Factory reveals the hidden human labor that supports today’s digital capitalism. The workers of today’s digital factory include those in Amazon warehouses, delivery drivers, Chinese gaming workers, Filipino content moderators, and rural American search engine optimizers. Repetitive yet stressful, boring yet often emotionally demanding, these jobs require little formal qualification, but can demand a large degree of skills and knowledge. This work is often hidden behind the supposed magic of algorithms and thought to be automated, but it is in fact highly dependent on human labor. The workers of today’s digital factory are not as far removed from a typical auto assembly line as we might think. Moritz Altenried takes us inside today’s digital factories, showing that they take very different forms, including gig economy platforms, video games, and Amazon warehouses. As Altenried shows, these digital factories often share surprising similarities with factories from the industrial age. As globalized capitalism and digital technology continue to transform labor around the world, Altenried offers a timely and poignant exploration of how these changes are restructuring the social division of labor and its geographies as well as the stratifications and lines of struggle.
Edition Michael Fischer Ich war Klaus Beimer Mein Leben in der Lindenstrae
Theater der Zeit GmbH Der urheberrechtliche Schutz performativer Kunst
Anchor Academic Publishing Professor Bloom's Delight on the Right: American Conservatism and The Closing of the American Mind
Europäische Verlagsanst. So macht man Geschichte
Residenz Verlag Die Abschaffung der Wochentage
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Deutschboden
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fluorite: Structure, Chemistry and Applications
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Uses and Misuses of International Economic Law: Private Standards and Trade in Goods in the WTO and the EU
Standardization is a classic form of rulemaking. Nonetheless, it is notoriously diffuse and gives rise to questions and debate; in particular over the standards' normativity, legitimacy and nature - whether public or private, national or international. Moritz J. K. Blenk applies a policy-orientated approach to international law to comparatively analyze the role of private rulemaking within the context of international economic integration in the World Trade Organization and the European Union. He thereby aims to elucidate the opaque phenomenon of private standardization from a legal perspective and, more profoundly, shed new light on economic integration.
NTV Natur und Tier-Verlag Der dunkle Tigerpython Python bivittatus bivittatus
Nomos Verlags GmbH Aktuelle Herausforderungen des WTOStreitbeilegungssystems
Duncker & Humblot Zwischen Contrat de Mandat Und Abstraktionsprinzip: Das Stellvertretungsrecht in Der Elsassischen Gerichtspraxis in Den Jahren 1871-1900
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Politik und Wirtschaft Oberstufe Gesamtband Schlerbuch
Dr Ludwig Reichert Istanbuler Mitteilungen 72, 2022
DOM Publishers Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s
In 1960 and 1961, a group of young Indonesians completed their studies in Berlin and Hanover with a degree in architecture (Diplom-Ingenieur Architektur; in Indonesian: Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek). Most of these graduates returned to Indonesia. At that time, the country sought independent forms of built expression to represent a modern civil society with contemporary structures that would reflect the culture and accommodate the climate. During this highly dynamic period, those who returned soon became influential architects in their homeland. Around a third of the graduates remained in Europe, where they pursued successful architectural careers in Germany, Switzerland, or the Netherlands. Using the final diploma projects of ten of those students as a starting point, Dipl.-Ing. Arsitek: German-trained Indonesian Architects from the 1960s provides multifaceted insights into this little-known aspect of German-Indonesian relations. Many of the cited plans and documents come from the architects’ personal archives and are now available to the public for the first time. Fifteen exemplary buildings are documented in their current context in new photographs produced for this project, highlighting their unique characteristics and qualities.