Search results for ""Author Rose"
University of Nebraska Press The Year the Stars Fell: Lakota Winter Counts at the Smithsonian
Winter counts—pictorial calendars by which Plains Indians kept track of their past—marked each year with a picture of a memorable event. The Lakota, or Western Sioux, recorded many different events in their winter counts, but all include “the year the stars fell,” the spectacular Leonid meteor shower of 1833–34. This volume is an unprecedented assemblage of information on the important collection of Lakota winter counts at the Smithsonian, a core resource for the study of Lakota history and culture. Fourteen winter counts are presented in detail, with a chapter devoted to the newly discovered Rosebud Winter Count. Together these counts constitute a visual chronicle of over two hundred years of Lakota experience as recorded by Native historians. A visually stunning book, The Year the Stars Fell features full-color illustrations of the fourteen winter counts plus more than 900 detailed images of individual pictographs. Explanations, provided by their nineteenth-century Lakota recorders, are arranged chronologically to facilitate comparison among counts. The book provides ready access to primary source material, and serves as an essential reference work for scholars as well as an invaluable historical resource for Native communities.
Surrey Books,U.S. Good LFE Cookbook: Low Fermentation Eating for SIBO, Gut Health, and Microbiome Balance
Improve gut health and maintain digestive balance with healthful and delicious recipes for every meal. The Good LFE Cookbook: Low Fermentation Eating for SIBO, Gut Health, and Microbiome Balance opens up a new world of eating options for those contending with SIBO, IBS, and other GI-related issues, as well as for readers interested in learning more about how various foods affect digestive health. An estimated 70 million people in the United States are affected by SIBO, IBS, or one of the more than a dozen other diseases linked to digestive health, and fully 74% of Americans say they live with symptoms of digestive discomfort. Your diet has a significant impact on your digestive health and personal microbiome, and choosing which foods to eat can be a frustrating challenge. Arranged by season, the recipes in The Good LFE Cookbook focus on fresh, in-season ingredients to prepare meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with delicious recipes for appetizers, snacks, and indulgences for whenever that craving strikes. From family favorites like Mac and Cheese, Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs, and Fish Tacos to more elevated dishes perfect for entertaining like Rosemary Olive Oil Lamb Chops and Branzino Stuffed with Herbs and Lemon, the recipes are a welcome addition to any kitchen, whether you entertain frequently at home or just an everyday cook for your family, or somewhere in-between. Each recipe is accompanied by comprehensive nutritional information developed with gastroenterologists and dietary experts. This book includes a number of handy gut-health tips and culinary hacks throughout. Created by an inspired home chef and a registered dietitian, the easy-to-execute recipes draw from more than 20 years of medical research from leading experts in the field of microbiome studies and will help you improve your knowledge of your microbiome and how to maintain digestive balance with every meal.
Hodder Education Reading Planet: Astro - Amazing Women in Black History - Mars/Stars
Black History is not just history - it is the history of people left out of the history books. But this book is different! In this book, we're going to meet 15 amazing Black women. Some were pioneers of the past - and some are doing incredible things today! Learn about Mary Prince, the first Black woman to publish her life story; Sister Rosetta Tharpe, the Godmother of rock and roll; Wangari Maathai, the environmental warrior; and Dina Asher- Smith, the fastest British woman in history! Why not learn about Amazing Men in Black History in the other book in this series too! Amazing Women in Black History is part of the Astro range from Rising Stars Reading Planet. Astro books are ideal for struggling and reluctant readers aged 7-11. Each book is dual-banded so that children can improve their fluency whilst enjoying exciting fiction and non-fiction relevant to their age. Reading Planet books have been carefully levelled to support children in becoming fluent and confident readers. Each book features useful notes and questions to support reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Interest age: 8-9 Reading age: 7-8 years
Columbia University Press Living Legacies at Columbia
From Margaret Mead and Zora Neale Hurston to Lionel Trilling and Lou Gehrig, Columbia University has been home to some of the most important historians, scientists, critics, artists, physicians, and social scientists of the twentieth century. (It can also boast a hall-of-fame athlete.) In Living Legacies at Columbia, contributors with close personal ties to their subjects capture Columbia's rich intellectual history. Essays span the birth of genetics and modern anthropology, constitutionalism from John Jay to Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Virginia Apgar's test, Lou Gehrig's swing, journalism education, black power, public health, the development of Asian studies, the Great Books Movement, gender studies, human rights, and numerous other realms of teaching and discovery. They include Eric Foner on historian Richard Hoftstader, Isaac Levi and Sidney Hook on John Dewey, David Rosand on art historian Meyer Schapiro, John Hollander on critic Mark Van Doren, Donald Keene on Asian studies, Jacques Barzun on history, Eric Kandel on geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan, and Rosalind Rosenberg on Franz Boas and his three most famous pupils: Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, and Zora Neale Hurston. Much more than an institutional history, Living Legacies captures the spirit of a great university through the stories of gifted men and women who have worked, taught, and studied at Columbia. It includes stories of struggle and breakthrough, searching and discovery, tradition and transformation.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Twenty Years On: Competing Memories of the GDR in Postunification German Culture
New essays on the evolution of cultural memory of the former German Democratic Republic since 1989-90 and its importance for Germany's continuing unification process. Twenty years on from the dramatic events that led to the opening of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the GDR, the subjective dimension of German unification is still far from complete. The nature of the East German state remains a matter of cultural as well as political debate. This volume of new research focuses on competing memories of the GDR and the ways they have evolved in the mass media, literature, and film since 1989-90. Taking as its point ofdeparture the impact of iconic visual images of the fall of the Wall on our understanding of the historical GDR, the volume first considers the decade of cultural conflict that followed unification and then the emergence of a morecomplex and diverse "textual memory" of the GDR since the Berlin Republic was established in 1999. It highlights competing generational perspectives on the GDR era and the unexpected "afterlife" of the GDR in recent publications.The volume as a whole shows the vitality of eastern German culture two decades after the demise of the GDR and the centrality of these memory debates to the success of Germany's unification process. Contributors: Daniel Argelès, Stephen Brockmann, Arne De Winde, Wolfgang Emmerich, Andrea Geier, Hilde Hoffmann, Astrid Köhler, Karen Leeder, Andrew Plowman, Gillian Pye, Benjamin Robinson, Catherine Smale, Rosemary Stott, Dennis Tate, Frederik VanDam, Nadezda Zemaníková. Renate Rechtien is Lecturer in German Studies, and Dennis Tate is Emeritus Professor of German Studies, both at the University of Bath, UK.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Creativity, Contradictions and Commemoration in the Reign of Richard II: Essays in Honour of Nigel Saul
Aspects of the turbulent rule of Richard II freshly examined. The reign of Richard II is well known for its political turmoil as well as its literary and artistic innovations, all areas explored by Professor Nigel Saul during his distinguished career. The present volume interrogates many familiar literary and narrative sources, including works by Froissart, Gower, Chaucer, Clanvow, and the Continuation of the Eulogium Historiarum, along with those less well-known, such as coroner's inquests and gaol delivery proceedings. The reign is also notorious for its larger than life personalities - not least Richard himself. But how was he shaped by other personalities? A prosopographical study of Richard's bishops, a comparison of the literary biographies of his father the Black Prince, and Bertrand du Guesclin, and a reconsideration of Plantagenet family politics, all shed light on this question. Meanwhile, Richard II's tomb reflects his desire to shape a new vision of kingship. Commemoration more broadly was changing in the late fourteenth century, and this volume includes several studies of both individual and communal memorials of various types that illustrate this trend: again, appropriately for an area Professor Saul has made his own. Contributors: Mark Arvanigian, Caroline Barron, Michael Bennett, Jerome Bertram, David Carpenter, Chris Given-Wilson, Jill Havens, Claire Kennan, Hannes Kleineke, John Leland, Joel Rosenthal, Christian Steer, George Stow, Jenny Stratford, Kelcey Wilson-Lee.
McGill-Queen's University Press Psychiatry Disrupted: Theorizing Resistance and Crafting the (R)evolution
There is growing international resistance to the oppressiveness of psychiatry. While previous studies have critiqued psychiatry, Psychiatry Disrupted goes beyond theorizing what is wrong with it to theorizing how we might stop it. Introducing readers to the arguments and rationale for opposing psychiatry, the book combines perspectives from anti-psychiatry and critical psychiatry activism, mad activism, antiracist, critical, and radical disability studies, as well as feminist, Marxist, and anarchist thought. The editors and contributors are activists and academics - adult education and social work professors, psychologists, prominent leaders in the psychiatric survivor movement, and artists - from across Canada, England, and the United States. From chapters discussing feminist opposition to the medicalization of human experience, to the links between psychiatry and neo-liberalism, to internal tensions within the various movements and different identities from which people organize, the collection theorizes psychiatry while contributing to a range of scholarship and presenting a comprehensive overview of resistance to psychiatry in the academy and in the community. Contributors include Simon Adam (University of Toronto), Rosemary Barnes University of Toronto, Peter Beresford (Brunel University), Bonnie Burstow (University of Toronto), Chris Chapman (York University), Mark Cresswell (Durham University), Shaindl Diamond (York University), Chava Finkler (Memorial University), Ambrose Kirby (therapist in private practice, Brenda A. LeFrancois (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Mick McKeown (University of Central Lancashire), Robert Menzies (Simon Fraser University), China Mills (Oxford University), Tina Minkowitz (World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry), Ian Parker (University of Leicester), Susan Schellenberg, Helen Spandler (University of Central Lancashire), and AJ Withers (York University). A courageous anthology, Psychiatry Disrupted is a timely work that asks compelling activist questions that no other book in the field touches.
El llibre dels jocs de viatge
En aquest llibre trobareu molts jocs per fer, quan aneu amb cotxe, amb autocar, amb tren, amb vaixell o amb avió... Per jugar i passar-s'ho bomba tots plegats! Bon viatge, amics rosegadors!
University of Minnesota Press Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field
An interdisciplinary, multifaceted look at feminist engagements with governance across the global North and global SouthGovernance Feminism: Notes from the Field brings together nineteen chapters from leading feminist scholars and activists to critically describe and assess contemporary feminist engagements with state and state-like power. Gathering examples from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, it complements and expands on the companion volume Governance Feminism: An Introduction. Its chapters argue that governance feminism (GF) is institutionally diverse and globally distributed—emerging from traditional sites of state power as well as from various forms of governance and operating at the grassroots level, in the private sector, in civil society, and in international relations. The book begins by confronting the key role that crime and punishment play in GFeminist projects. Here, contributors explore the ideological and political conditions under which this branch of GF became so robust and rethink the carceral turn. Other chapters speak to another face of GFeminism: feminists finding, in mundane and seemingly unspectacular bureaucratic tools, leverage to bring about change in policy and governance practices. Several contributions highlight the political, strategic, and ethical challenges that feminists and LGBT activists must negotiate to play on the governmental field. The book concludes with a focus on feminist interventions in postcolonial legal and political orders, looking at new policy spaces opened up by conflict, postconflict, and occupation.Providing a clear, cross-cutting, critical lens through which to map developments in feminist governance around the world, Governance Feminism: Notes from the Field makes sense of the costs and benefits of current feminist realities to reimagine feminist futures. Contributors: Libby Adler, Northeastern U; Aziza Ahmed, Northeastern U; Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College; Amy J. Cohen, Ohio State U; Karen Engle, U of Texas at Austin; Jacob Gersen, Harvard U; Leigh Goodmark, U of Maryland; Aeyal Gross, Tel Aviv U; Aya Gruber, U of Colorado, Boulder; Janet Halley, Harvard U; Rema Hammami, Birzeit U, Palestine; Vanja Hamzić, U of London; Isabel Cristina Jaramillo-Sierra; Prabha Kotiswaran, King’s College London; Maleiha Malik, King’s College London; Vasuki Nesiah, New York U; Dianne Otto, Melbourne Law School; Helen Reece; Darren Rosenblum, Pace U; Jeannie Suk Gersen, Harvard U; Mariana Valverde, U of Toronto.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mastering the World of Selling: The Ultimate Training Resource from the Biggest Names in Sales
Of the 17 million people in the U.S. who are involved directly or indirectly in sales, many repeatedly acknowledge facing four major challenges: No prior sales education or training Lack of formalized sales training, resources, and methodologies provided by their companies Due to the recession and downsizing era, lack of 12-18 month professional sales training for new hires provided by Fortune 500 companies A consistent struggle to keep their sales force, distributors, manufacturers reps and affiliates motivated and focused on effectively selling their products and services Mastering the World of Selling helps companies and entrepreneurs overcome these four major obstacles with candid advice and winning strategies from the leading sales trainers and training companies in the world: Acclivus*AchieveGlobal*Action Selling*Tony Allesandra*Brian Azar*Baker Communications, Inc.*Mike Bosworth*Ian Brodie*Ed Brodow*Mike Brooks*Bob Burg*Jim Cathcart*Robert Cialdini PhD*Communispond, Inc.*Tim Connor*CustomerCentric Selling*Dale Carnegie*Sam Deep*Bryan Dodge*Barry Farber*Jonathan Farrington*Jeffrey Fox*Colleen Francis*FranklinCovey Sales Performance Solutions*Thomas A. Freese*Patricia Fripp*Ari Galper*General Physics Corporation*Jeffrey Gitomer*Charles H. Green*Ford Harding*Holden International*Chet Holmes*Tom Hopkins*Huthwaite, Inc.*Imparta, Ltd.*InfoMentis, Inc.*Integrity Solutions*Janek Performance Group, Inc.*Tony Jeary*Dave Kahle*Ron Karr*Knowledge-Advantage, Inc.*Jill Konrath*Dave Kurlan*Ron LaVine*Kendra Lee*Ray Leone*Chris Lytle*Paul McCord*Mercuri International*Miller Heiman, Inc.*Anne Miller*Dr. Ivan Misner*Michael Macedonio*Sharon Drew Morgen*Napoleon Hill Foundation*Michael Oliver*Rick Page*Anthony Parinello*Michael Port*Porter Henry*Prime Resource Group, Inc.*Neil Rackham*Revenue Storm*Linda Richardson*Keith Rosen*Frank Rumbauskas*Sales Performance International, Inc.*Sandler Training*Dr. Tom Sant*Stephan Schiffman*Dan Seidman*Blair Singer*Terri Sjodin*Art Sobczak*Drew Stevens, PhD*STI International*The Brooks Group*The Friedman Group*The TAS Group*Brian Tracy*ValueSelling Associates*Wendy Weiss&*Jacques Werth*Floyd Wickman*Wilson Learning*Dirk Zeller*Tom Ziglar*Zig Ziglar
Silvana illy Art Collection: 30 Years of Beauty
For 30 years illy has entrusted its iconic coffee cups to the hand of the protagonists of contemporary art, so that they interpret the white surface, to offer their own customers an experience that involves senses and mind. In these pages it’s possible to retrace the history of the illy Art Collections: a collection of unique art objects for everyday use, which since 1992 brings together signed designer cups by over 120 internationally renowned artists. Artists: Marina Abramovic, Neil Aitken, Pedro Almod var, Hannah Anderson, Ron Arad, Felipe Arturo, Atelier Van Lieshout, Matteo Attruia, Felipe Baeza, Ernesto Bautista, Michael Beutler, Francesco Bonami, Louise Bourgeois, Daniel Buren, David Byrne, Waltercio Caldas, Maria João Calisto, Maurizio Cargnelli, Giulia Cenci, Paolo Cervi Kervischer, Sandro Chia, Francesco Clemente, Michel Comte, Ross Cooper, Francis Ford Coppola, Antonio Dias, Gillo Dorfles, An Du, Hope Esser, Jan Fabre, Willie Filkowski, Clo’e Floirat, Franco Fontana, Fratelli Fortuna, Cosimo Fusco, Maurizio Galimberti, Giorgio Galli, Anna Gelman Bagaria, Mario Giacomelli, Tatiana Goloviznina, Geni Grabuleda, Mona Hatoum, Jessica Iborra, Ernesto Illy, Francesco Illy, Vittoria Illy, Cameron Jamie, Natasha Jancovich, Anish Kapoor, William Lehmann, Nelson Leirner, Michael Lin, Marco Lodola, Emanuele Luzzati, Susan Mac William, Anna Maria Maiolino, Andrea Manetti, Marino Marini, Lorenzo Mattotti, Simone Meentzen, MentalKLINIK, Gintare Minelgaite, AD Minoliti, Luca Missoni, Soto Montserrat, Alanis Morissette, Marcelo, Moscheta, Ulrike Müller, Hironori Murai, Emmanuel Nassar, Norma J., Precious Okoyomon, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Mimmo Paladino, A.R. Penck, Max Petrone, Esteban Piedra León, Roberta Pietrobelli, Alexandra Pirici, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Darryl Pottorf, Emilio Pucci, MarcQuinn, Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, Robert Rauschenberg, Tobias Rehberger, Peter Roesch, James Rosenquist, Paolo Rossetti, Stefan Sagmeister, Sebastião Salgado, Beatrice Santiccioli, Aki Sasamoto, Julian Schnabel, Regina Silveira, Elias Sime, Slavs & Tatars, Kiki Smith, Haim Steinbach, Joseph Maria Subirachs, Annamaria Testa, MatteoThun, Padraig Timoney, Dean J. Toumin, Luca Trazzi, Adan Vallecillo, Alfredo Luiz Vasquez, Cecilia Vicuña, Ai Weiwei, Liu Wei, Rufus Willis, Robert Wilson, Shizuka Yokomizo, Olimpia Zagnoli, Elisabeth Zawada. Text in English and Italian.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Missy Series 2
Missy - alone, unleashed and unfettered. What does she get up to when the Doctor isn't around? 2.1 The Lumiat by Lisa McMullin. Missy is glorying in the chaos, hoping that a certain someone might turn up. What she doesn’t expect is an entirely different do-gooder spoiling her plans and teaching her life lessons. Because, whoever she is, the Lumiat knows far more about Missy than anyone should…2.2 Brimstone and Terror by Roy Gill. Missy wants an army, a brigade of willing youngsters, trained to serve. So she takes a teaching post at a remote Scottish boarding school. But one of these boys knows Missy of old. And when Oliver Davis summons his sister for help, Lucy brings an ally from London. One Mr Strax… 2.3 Treason and Plot by Gemma Arrowsmith. The Gunpowder Ploy. It’s a favourite of time travellers. If Missy’s going to hitch a ride, that’s the place to cause trouble. Especially if trouble makes a really big bang. The only person in her way, trying to keep history on track, is a rookie Time Agent. But Rita Cooper wanted excitement… 2.4 Too Many Masters by John Dorney.The Monk has captured Missy. And he will have his revenge… But the Ogrons are also looking to settle an old debt. And when they call it in, they find themselves with too many Time Lords on their hands. The Master owes then big – and the Ogrons know who the Master is. Don’t they? CAST: Michelle Gomez (Missy/Matis), Rufus Hound (The Meddling Monk), Gina McKee (The Lumiat), Dan Starkey (Strax), Ajjaz Awad (Lydia), John Banks (Radolf/Lieutenant Grappa/Feyza), Oliver Clement (Oliver Davis), Ben Fox (Robert Catesby), Helen Goldwyn (Empress Maule), Christopher Hatherall (Guy Fawkes), Alex Hope (Lawrence McAllister), Matthew Jacobs-Morgan (Bertram/Manilaius), Bonnie Kingston (Lucy Davis), Glen McCready (Burnsbright/Librarian/Ogron 2), Cameron Percival (Rowan Fairley), Philip Pope (Rita’s Boss/William/Baron Worthing), Dan Starkey (Strax/Mr Strackie/Mr Cosmo), Ony Uhiara (Rita Cooper), Eve Webster (Keeza/Captain Rosecco/Han), Robert Whitelock (Grolk/Ogrons/Servant). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Handbag Chic: 200 Years of Designer Fashion
This comprehensive new book celebrates over 550 top quality handbags by leading and unknown designers the world over, dating from 1759 to 2004, with detailed information to describe their outstanding qualities. These carefully selected handbags are arranged by their primary materials and chronologically within each chapter, for easy reference and interesting comparisons. Here fine leather, fabric, metal, beaded, skin, and plastic handbags from all over Europe, England, Canada, The United States, and Asia appear in over 600 beautiful color photographs. Examples appear from the design houses of Adele Handbags, Asprey, Bergdorf Goodman, Bonnie Cashin for Coach, Cartier, Chanel, Coblentz, Collins of Texas, deLillo, Elizabeth Arden, Emilio Pucci, Fendi, Givenchy, Gucci, Halston, Hermes, I. Miller, Joret, Judith Lieber, Keiselstein-Cort, Llewellen, Mandalian, Mark Cross, Marvel, Nettie Rosenstein, Patricia of Miami, Pierre Cardin, Raoul Calabro, Rialto, Roger Van S., Ronay, Rosenfeld, sydney love, Tiffany, Tropic, Tyrolean, Virginia Merrill, Viva, Whiting & Davis Co., Wilardy Original, Zandra Rhodes, and many more. An extensive Glossary, informative Resources section, Bibliography, and Index make this book friendly while instructional, securing an important place in the libraries of fashion historians, vintage clothing buffs, antique dealers, and accessories collectors alike.
Cornerstone Death And The Maiden: (Vienna Blood 6)
Vienna, 1903.An operatic diva, Ida Rosenkrantz, is found dead in her luxurious villa. It appears that she has taken an overdose of morphine, but a broken rib, discovered during autopsy, suggests other and more sinister possibilities. Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt seeks the assistance of his young friend, the psychoanalyst Dr Max Liebermann, and they begin their inquiries at Vienna's majestic opera house, where its director, Gustav Mahler, is struggling to maintain a pure artistic vision while threatened on all sides by pompous bureaucrats, vainglorious singers, and a hostile press. When the demagogue Mayor of Vienna, Karl Lueger, becomes the prime suspect - with an election only months away - the Rosenkrantz case becomes politically explosive. The trail leads Rheinhardt and Liebermann, via a social climbing professor of psychiatry, to the Hofburg palace and the mysterious Lord Marshal's office - a shadowy bureau that deals ruthlessly with enemies of the ageing Emperor Franz Josef.As the investigation proceeds, the investigators are placed in great personal danger, as corruption is exposed at the very highest levels. Meanwhile, Liebermann pursues two private obsessions: a coded message in a piece of piano music, and the alluring Englishwoman, Miss Amelia Lydgate. Romance and high drama collide as the Habsburg Empire teeters on the edge of scandal and ruin.
Associated University Presses Harcourt And Son...: A Political Biography of Sir William Harcourt, 1827-1904
Sir William Harcourt was a major figure in the Liberal politics of late Victorian Britain. Supported, as private secretary and inseparable companion, by his son Lewis, Harcourt served in all four of Gladstone's governments. He was home secretary from 1880-1885, and chancellor of the Exchequer in 1886, and again from 1892-1895. When Gladstone retired in 1894 Harcourt, who had served as deputy leader in the House of Commons, expected to succeed him as prime minister, but the queen preferred the much younger Lord Rosebery and most of Harcourt's colleagues, alienated by an overbearing manner, were unwilling to press his claims. Harcourt continued to serve as chancellor of the Exchequer under Rosebery, and his 1894 budget contained a comprehensive new system of graduated death duties whereby for the first time land was taxed on the same basis as personal property. Illustrated. Retired from British government service, Jackson's biographies specialize in Victorian parliamentary politics.
Little, Brown & Company Summer on Sunshine Bay
Welcome to Sunshine Bay, where the joys of summer last all year round. Lila Rosetti Sinclair returns to Sunshine Bay a bundle of nerves. After being gone for years, sharing the news that she’s engaged—to a man her mother has never met—is going to be difficult to navigate. But when her fiancé David surprises her with an engagement party at Windemere, the upscale inn his parents recently purchased and that just may put her family’s restaurant, La Dolce Vita, out of business, Lila’s got a whole new set of problems. Eva Rosetti is so ecstatic to finally have her daughter home that she pushes aside her misgivings about having to come face-to-face with Lila’s father again. That is until he sweeps into town and feelings Eva thought far behind her resurface.... With a family business to save and a wedding to plan, Eva and Lila’s reunion is more than either bargai
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Lost Princess
In the third book in the Rosewood Chronicles return to a world that effortlessly combines the charm of The Princess Diaries and the immersive magic of Harry Potter.Ellie is a rebellious princess hiding her real identity. Lottie is her Portman, acting as the princess for the public to shield Ellie from scrutiny. Jamie is Ellie's Partizan, a lifelong bodyguard sworn to protect the princess at any cost.Together they are attempting to stay safe from Leviathan, a group determined to take the princess for unknown reasons.When Leviathan force them to travel to their beloved Rosewood Hall's sister school in Japan, the threesome find that nowhere is beyond Leviathan's long reach. The only solace they find is a secret band of students called Banshee who are fighting against the evil organisation's hold. But when long-buried secrets are uncovered, the lives of Lottie, Ellie and Jamie will never be the same again...
Viatge en el temps 11. Missió dinosaures
Alto tothom, que arriben els dinosaures!Esteu a punt per viure amb mi una aventura extraràtica a les terres dels dinosaures? Serà un viatge extraordinari! Paraula de Stilton!Tots els rosegadors de Ratalona són al cinema a l?espera d?una nova pellícula sobre dinosaures! Però al cap d?un moment la pantalla s?esquinça i de dins en surten.... dinosaures de carn i ossos!Així va començar per a nosaltres, els Stilton, l?Operació Enxampa-dinosaures, per retronar aquests animals gegants en el Temps! Quina aventura inoblidable!
Nosy Crow Ltd We're Going on a Present Hunt
A fun and festive reimagining of the American folk song, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Three children are off on a hunt for the perfect Christmas present! But first they've got to get through the spiky Christmas trees, a herd of hungry reindeer, some noisy carol singers and a very busy toyshop! But there are SO MANY toys . . . will they ever find the perfect present? This joyful follow-up to We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt has zingy neon ink on the cover and throughout, and is filled with cute characters and Christmas surprises! Repeated phrases and sound words make this an interactive picture book, great for sharing with the whole family at Christmas. This is a perfect stocking filler for fans of the classic song 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', made famous by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Haunted Charlotte: Supernatural Stories from the Queen City
Entombed within these pages are twenty-seven accounts of the dead and the bizarre, tales of those who have experienced for themselves the Queen City's supernatural world. Meet a child ghost who died in a horrible auto accident and now haunts current area drivers. Consider the vanishing Monroe family or the disappearing murder suspect in Fourth Ward. Be careful of a knock at the door—it could be a ghost...or someone literally coming back from the dead. Visit a forest where a young spirit girl saves a boy, then haunts him as a man. Drive over the Catawba River Bridge, where you may be lured to jump by the ghosts struggling in the water beneath. Ramble about the Rosedale Plantation to understand its haunted past. Above all, enjoy the mystical, weird, horrifying, and sometimes funny, stories from behind Charlotte’s eternal curtain.
Sasquatch Books Pie School: Lessons in Fruit, Flour & Butter
Pie School is now in session!Since the first publication of Pie School in 2014, Kate Lebo has inspired bakers everywhere with her witty and encouraging lessons on all things flaky and sweet. This completely revised and updated edition includes 20 brand-new pies—including two new chapters, one on savory meat or vegetable pies and one on “difficult” (lesser-known) fruit pies—plus updates to the originals (80 in total). Her proven process to achieve flakiness and structure, along with recipes for delicious, inspired fillings, will give home cooks all the skills they need to make the best pie of their lives. Beyond the bake, Lebo also invites us to ruminate on the social history, the meaning, and the place of pie in the pantheon of favorite foods.Recipes include Brandied Apple and Cracked Cardamom Pie White Peach and Raspberry Galette Rosemary Rhubarb and Vanilla Chevre Galette Winter Luxury Pumpkin Pie Huckleberry Pie Marionberry Pie with Hazelnut Crumble Lamb, Pumpkin, and Quince Pie Chicken Pot Pie
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson
Selected by Rosemary Gray. Poignant, wry, chilling, challenging, amusing, thought-provoking and always intriguing, these accomplished tales from the pens of great writers are object-lessons in the art of creating a literary masterpiece on a small canvas. From the straightforwardly anecdotal to the more analytical of human behaviour, all are guaranteed to capture the imagination, stir the emotions, linger in the memory and whet the reader's appetite for more. In this book, Wordsworth Editions presents the modern reader with a rich variety of short stories by a host of towering literary figures ranging from Arnold Bennett to Virginia Woolf. This disparate and distinguished company of writers has rarely - if ever - met within the pages of one volume: the result is a positive feast.
Page Street Publishing Co. The Ultimate New Mom's Cookbook: A Complete Food and Nutrition Resource for Expectant Mothers, Babies and Toddlers
This cookbook is every mother’s must-have guide for healthy and easy recipes for pregnancy through the baby’s first year. As a mum, Aurora Satler knows how important proper nutrition is for a healthy pregnancy, but could never find the right book for her needs… so she wrote one. From therapeutic dishes to cure morning sickness, to nourishing dishes to eat during breastfeeding, and everything in between, Aurora and licensed dietitian Dr. Allison Childress have compiled all you need to know for a healthy mum and baby. Aurora and Dr. Allison’s recipes include nutritious snacks and meals for breastfeeding mothers. These double-duty recipes can provide delicious Butternut Squash Puree for your baby and Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese for the rest of the family. There are also full-family meals, like Friday Night Roast Rosemary Chicken and Sinfully Succulent Skirt Steak and Mango Salad, when baby is ready to join the family at the table. With over 80 recipes - each with a full-colour photo - this book has everything you need to start healthy and stay healthy during pregnancy, baby’s first year and beyond.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Long-Term Conditions: Nursing Care and Management
"This book is a very welcome tool, which will enable health professionals to understand the complexity, challenge and rewards of proactively managing long-term conditions. Putting this knowledge into skilled practice, in partnership with patients, will transform the lives of many individuals and their families, and thus fulfil the fundamental purpose of nursing."—From the Foreword by Professor Rosemary Cook CBE, Director, the Queen's Nursing Institute and Visiting Professor of Enterprise, University of Northumbria Long-Term Conditions is a comprehensive, practical guide for nurses and healthcare professionals on the care and management of people with chronic illness. It explores case management, individual care and management, the role of the 'expert patient', quality-of-life issues, counselling skills, self-management, and optimum self-care. Long-Term Conditions discusses the three main long-term conditions currently resulting in most hospital admissions: diabetes, respiratory, and coronary heart disease, with a focus on empowering the patient to self-manage. Key Features: A comprehensive guide to the care and management of long-term conditions Focuses on the management of the conditions from the patients' perspective Practical and accessible in style
New York University Press Modernism, Inc.: Body, Memory, Capital
Drawing on a variety of interdisciplinary debates in cultural studies and contemporary theory, Modernism, Inc. provides a new look at the relationship between modernism and postmodernism within the critical frame of twentieth-century American culture. Organized around the idea of "incorporation"--embodiment, repressed memory, and advanced capitalism--Modernism, Inc. covers a wide range of topics: Josephine Baker's "hot house style"; the president's penis in American political life; myth-making and the Hoover Dam; trauma, poetics, and the Armenian genocide; feminist kitsch and the recuperation of North America's "Great Lady painters"; Gertrude Stein and Jewish Social Science; the Reno Divorce Factory and the production of gender; Andy Razaf and Black Bolshevism. Collectively, the essays suggest that the relationship between the modern and the postmodern is not one of rupture, belatedness, dilution, or extremity, but of haunting. Modernism, Inc. looks at our ghosts, and at the unspeakable secrets of modernity from which they're derived. Contributors: Maria Damon, Walter Kalidjian, Walter Lew, Janet Lyon, William J. Maxwell, Cary Nelson, John Timberman Newcombe, David G. Nicholls, Thomas Pepper, Paula Rabinowitz, Daniel Rosenberg, Marlon Ross, Jani Scandura, Kathleen Stewart, Julia Walker.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd Sheet Pan Dinners: Over 150 All-in-One Dishes, Including Meat, Fish, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes
Everyone loves a one-pan wonder, and the dishes in this book will save you time and washing up whilst providing delicious dishes for meat eaters and plant-based diners alike. The sheet pan is your new best friend! More and more of us want to cook delicious and healthy dishes from scratch that can cater to the dietary requirements of our friends and families. But this is hard when you’re short on time to cook and plan elaborate meals. This book takes all the stress out of the situation with a comprehensive collection of one-pan recipes. Recipes range from global to speedy to sweet. Meat eaters can indulge in Smoky Lamb Ribs with Slow-Roasted Carrots or Cornflake Chicken Nuggets with Sweet Potato Fries, whilst veggies and vegans can enjoy Baked Butternut Squash with Saffron and Rosemary Risotto, or Tex-Mex Veggie Tacos with Tomato Salsa and Chipotle Mayo. Plus, everyone can tuck into desserts such as White Chocolate, Almond and Raspberry Ripple Brownies. These recipes will provide easy meals with even easier clean-up, giving you and your crowd maximum flavour with minimum effort.
Duke University Press ACA Policy Diffusion
The contributors to this issue investigate the complex ways that policies of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have diffused through the states over seven years of implementation. When the ACA was passed in 2010, states were given the option to set up their own health care exchanges, expand their Medicaid programs, and reform both their local public health and their health care delivery systems. These reforms significantly impacted citizens’ access to insurance. Contributors examine how local conditions account for variation in enrollment across states, analyze the evolution of Medicaid waivers in Republican-led states, show how early-adopting states affected later adopters, explore the role of public opinion in the diffusion of ACA policies, and argue for the importance of rhetorical framing when advocating in favor of the ACA. Contributors. Frederick J. Boehmke, Timothy Callaghan, Rena Conti, Bruce A. Desmarais, Colleen M. Grogan, Jeffrey J. Harden, Lawrence Jacobs, David K. Jones, Andrew Karch, Elizabeth Maltby, Julianna Pacheco, Aaron Rosenthal, Abigail A. Rury, Phillip McMinn Singer, Craig Volden
Princeton University Press Religion and Democracy in the United States: Danger or Opportunity?
The United States remains a deeply religious country and religion plays an inextricably critical role in American politics. Controversy over issues such as abortion is fueled by opposition in the Catholic Church and among conservative Protestants, candidates for the presidency are questioned about their religious beliefs, and the separation of church and state remains hotly contested. While the examination of religion's influence in politics has long been neglected, in the last decade the subject has finally garnered the attention it deserves. In "Religion and Democracy in the United States", prominent scholars consider the ways Americans understand the relationship between their religious beliefs and the political arena. This collection, a work of the Task Force on Religion and American Democracy of the American Political Science Association, thoughtfully explores the effects of religion on democracy and contemporary partisan politics. Topics include: how religious diversity affects American democracy, how religion is implicated in America's partisan battles, and how religion affects ideas about race, ethnicity, and gender. Surveying what we currently know about religion and American politics, the essays introduce and delve into the range of current issues for both specialists and nonspecialists. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Allison Calhoun-Brown, Rosa DeLauro, Bette Novit Evans, James Gibson, John Green, Frederick Harris, Amaney Jamal, Geoffrey Layman, David Leal, David Leege, Nancy Rosenblum, Kenneth Wald, and Clyde Wilcox.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Rift Gap Hinge A
Galerie nachst St. Stephan is one of Austria's, and indeed Europe's, most eminent and distinguished galleries for contemporary art. Located in the same place in the heart of Vienna since the 1920's it has been exploring the art of the modern era for nearly ninety years. With the exhibition 'Signs, Waves, Signals - Reconstructive and Parallel' Rosemarie Schwarzwalder, the gallery's director since 1978, presented in 1984 a program featuring basic elements that have proven relevant in numerous solo and group exhibitions up to the present. 'Rift Gap Hinge A' documents an internationally recognised exhibition staged at Galerie nachst St. Stephan in 2006/07. Curator and artist Heinrich Dunst had put together work by international artists, driving the trained relationship between media and sign, between the visible and the expressible to the extreme. The show made traceable the illuminating relation between visual art, film and literature. By transposing the display of art works into a book 'Rift Gap Hinge A' extends and consolidates at the same time the scope in the relation between art and its depiction. More than 70 photographs of art works and the exhibition are complemented by detailed descriptions of the works and an introductory essay. The artists represented in the exhibition include: John Baldessari, Konrad Bayer, Marcel Broodthaers, Rafal Bujnowski, Ernst Caramelle, Clegg & Guttmann: Michael Clegg & Martin Guttmann, Heinrich Dunst, Rainer Ganahl, Nikolaus Gansterer, Louise Lawler, Jan Mancuska, Christian Marclay, Michael S. Riedel, Ferdinand Schmatz, Peter Tscherkassky, JoA"lle Tuerlinckx & Remy Zaugg .
Paperblanks Enigma (Le Gascon) Midi Lined Journal
Our Enigma journal is inspired by a cover said to have been designed by Le Gascon, a legendary but little-known 17th-century bookbinder. Le Gascon was the inventor of the "pointillé" and "fanfare" styles, and his influence is felt throughout the rich bookbinding history that follows him.The original cover was made of red morocco leather embossed and gilded with rosettes, spirals and dotted lines. It also featured Le Gascon’s emblematic small compartments which were created by carving ridges into the leather. No matter who created the original binding, our cover pays homage to its consummate artistry and visionary design.
Vintage Publishing Turtle Moon
When teenager Keith Rosen runs away from his Florida home - inexplicably taking along a motherless baby - his divorced mother is perplexed and terrified. she takes off on her own journey to find him. Turtle Moon follows their path in a suspenseful, beautifully written story that confirms once again the exquisite talent of Alice Hoffman.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Mediterranean Diet
Scientists have discovered that traditional Mediterranean cuisine is one of the most healthful, nutritious diets in the world-one that can help everyone lose weight and enjoy lower rates of coronary heart disease and other chronic conditions, including diabetes and cancer. From tasty Moroccan vegetable stew to rosemary focaccia, from eggplant parmesan to lemon almond cake, The Mediterranean Diet offers a program that will make dieters everywhere-and food lovers in general-rejoice. * Includes a 7-day eating plan chock full of savory meals * Essential in-depth nutritional information about each food category * A 3-day exercise plan * Luscious soup-to-nuts recipes designed to satisfy your individual tastes Lose weight and worry with every delicious meal!
Emerald Publishing Limited Hayek in Mind: Hayek's Philosophical Psychology
Hayek's philosophical psychology as set out in his The Sensory Order (1952) has, for the most part, been neglected. Despite being lauded by computer scientist grandee Frank Rosenblatt and by Nobel prize-winning biologist Gerald Edelman, cognitive scientists -- with a few exceptions -- have yet to discover Hayek's philosophical psychology. On the other hand, social theorists, Hayek's traditional disciplinary constituency, have only recently begun to take note and examine the importance of psychology in the complete Hayek corpus. This volume brings together for the first time state-of-the-art contributions from neuroscientists and philosophers of mind as well as economists and social theorists, all critically engaging in many aspects of Hayek's philosophical psychology.
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Ai Ore!, Vol. 3
Balue Rosen is bumped from a gig because Yuya wants his own band to perform instead. Mizuki and her bandmates protest, and Yuya decides he'll let the all-girl band play - but only if he gets a date with Akira!
Guernica Editions,Canada Wordwings
In 1941, 12-year-old Rivka Rosenfeld lives in the Warsaw Ghetto with her grandfather and two sisters in a synagogue because housing is scarce. When German soldiers slash her grandfather's beard, Rivka is compelled to write in between the pages of a library book by Hans Christian Andersen. Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum, founder of the Underground Archive--a compilation of Warsaw Ghetto experiences, asks her to contribute her stories to the archives and Rivka agrees, imagining her words rising up from the ground on wings of their own.
Schofield & Sims Ltd Ancient Egypt
A highly informative, accessible poster depicting life in Ancient Egypt. A picture of the Nile serves as the backdrop to a timeline of Ancient Egypt, and photos of artefacts including the Rosetta Stone and the painted bust of Queen Nefertiti provide exciting evidence of the period. The poster also features a map of Egypt and information organised into the topics: the Nile; farming and food; clothes and make-up; writing; everyday life; dynasties; temples, tombs and pyramids; mummies; gods and goddesses.
Kensington Publishing Board to Death
The first in an ulta-charming new “quozy” mystery series starring Ben Rosencrantz, a queer 30-something English professor (and closet scifi fan) who’s returned to his hometown of Salt Lake City to run his family’s board game shop in the trendy Sugar House neighborhood – a community hotspot for players of all ages…and for killer collectors!Back in his hometown of Sugar House running his family’s board game shop and café, Ben Rosencrantz just can’t seem to get his life to pass go, much less collect $200. Once he was a happily married English professor in Seattle. Now he’s a divorced caregiver, looking after his ill father and a Chihuahua named Beans while still figuring out the rules of retail management. At least the town has become more LGBTQ+ friendly than when Ben was a teenager—and that flower shop owner, Ezra McCaslin, enjoys flirting with him.But despite his usual clientele of gamers, B
Scholastic US I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944
A beautifully rendered graphic novel adaptation of Lauren Tarshis's bestselling I Survived the Nazi Invasion, 1944, with text adapted by Georgia Ball and art by Álvaro Sarraseca. It's been years since the Nazis invaded Max Rosen's home country of Poland. All the Jewish people, including Max's family, have been forced to live in a ghetto. At least Max and his sister, Zena, had Papa with them … until two months ago, when the Nazis took him away. Now Max and Zena are on their own. One day, with barely enough food to survive, the siblings make a daring escape from Nazi soldiers into the nearby forest. They are found by Jewish resistance fighters, who take them to a safe camp. But soon, grenades are falling all around them. Can Max and Zena survive the fallout of the Nazi invasion? With art by Álvaro Sarraseca and text adapted by Georgia Ball, Lauren Tarshis's New York Times bestselling I Survived series takes on vivid new life in this explosive graphic novel edition. Includes non-fiction back matter with historical photos and facts about World War II and the Holocaust. Perfect for: readers who prefer the graphic novel format existing fans of the I Survived chapter book series I Survived graphic novels combine historical facts with high-action storytelling that's sure to keep any reader turning the pages.
University of Nebraska Press Selected Short Stories of Weldon Kees
By the age of thirty, Weldon Kees (1914–55) was a poet, journalist, musician, painter, photographer, and short story writer living in New York City. Despite a contract for a forthcoming novel, however, he stopped writing fiction, moved to San Francisco, and worked as an artist and filmmaker. On July 18, 1955, his car was found on the Golden Gate Bridge, and he has not been seen since. These stories by Kees, predominantly set in Depression-era mid-America, feature bleak, realistic settings and characters resigned to their meager lives. The owner of an auto parts store occasionally "sells" his sister Betty Lou to interested patrons; a cryptic message in library books indicates the yearnings of a silenced patron; a young woman taking tickets at the Roseland Gardens futilely dreams of escape from the future she sees for herself; and an old man carefully saves his money to fulfill the requirements of a chain letter only to be disappointed by a spiteful daughter-in-law. Many of these stories are set in the Nebraska of Kees's youth, and they are written from a Midwestern sensibility: keenly observant, darkly humorous, and absurdly fantastic.In this new edition, Dana Gioia has added three stories to the fourteen gathered in the first edition, The Ceremony and Other Stories. The New York Times named that first edition, published in 1984, a notable book of the year.
Pennsylvania State University Press Radical Dreams: Surrealism, Counterculture, Resistance
Surrealism is widely thought of as an artistic movement that flourished in Europe between the two world wars. However, during the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s, diverse radical affinity groups, underground subcultures, and student protest movements proclaimed their connections to surrealism. Radical Dreams argues that surrealism was more than an avant-garde art movement; it was a living current of anti-authoritarian resistance.Featuring perspectives from scholars across the humanities and, distinctively, from contemporary surrealist practitioners, this volume examines surrealism’s role in postwar oppositional cultures. It demonstrates how surrealism’s committed engagement extends beyond the parameters of an artistic style or historical period, with chapters devoted to Afrosurrealism, Ted Joans, punk, the Situationist International, the student protests of May ’68, and other topics. Privileging interdisciplinary, transhistorical, and material culture approaches, contributors address surrealism’s interaction with New Left politics, protest movements, the sexual revolution, psychedelia, and other subcultural trends around the globe. A revelatory work, Radical Dreams definitively shows that the surrealist movement was synonymous with cultural and political radicalism. It will be especially valuable to those interested in the avant-garde, contemporary art, and radical social movements.In addition to the editors, the contributors to this volume include Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen, Jonathan P. Eburne, David Hopkins, Claire Howard, Michael Löwy, Alyce Mahon, Gavin Parkinson, Grégory Pierrot, Penelope Rosemont, Ron Sakolsky, Marie Arleth Skov, Ryan Standfest, and Sandra Zalman.
Mad Norwegian Press Chicks Dig Gaming: A Celebration of All Things Gaming by the Women Who Love It
In Chicks Dig Gaming, editors Jennifer Brozek (Apocalypse Ink Productions), Robert Smith? (Who is the Doctor?) and Lars Pearson (editor-in-chief, the Hugo Award-winning Chicks Dig series) bring together essays by nearly three dozen female writers to celebrate the gaming medium and its creators, and to examine the characters and series that they love. Catherynne M. Valente (The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland, Indistinguishable from Magic) examines Super Mario Bros. through the lens of Samsara, the Wheel of Birth and Rebirth; Seanan McGuire (the October Daye series) details how gaming taught her math; G. Willow Wilson (Alif the Unseen) comes to terms with World of Warcraft; and Rosemary Jones (Forgotten Realms) celebrates world traveler Nellie Bly and the board game she inspired. Other contributors include Emily Care Boss (Gaming as Women), Jen J. Dixon (The Walking Eye), Racheline Maltese (The Book of Harry Potter Triffles), Mary Anne Mohanraj (Bodies in Motion), L.M. Myles (Chicks Unravel Time), Jody Lynn Nye (the MythAdventures series), and E. Lily Yu (The Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth
Today, economic growth is widely understood to be conditioned by productivity increases which are, in turn, profoundly affected by innovation. This volume explores these key relationships between innovation and growth, bringing together experts from both fields to compile a unique Handbook. The Handbook considers innovation from fresh perspectives, encompassing topics such as services innovation, inward investment and innovation, creative industry innovation and green innovation. It is divided into seven sections, dealing with regional innovation and growth theory, dynamics, evolution, agglomeration, innovation 'worlds', innovation system institutions, and innovation governance and policy. This definitive compendium on regional innovation and growth will undoubtedly appeal to teachers, students, researchers and practitioners of innovation and growth dynamics worldwide.Contributors: M. Abreu, E.S. Andersen, Y. Aoyama, B. Asheim, S. Bagchi-Sen, M. Bellandi, F. Belussi, R. Boschma, N. Bosma, S. Breschi, R. Capello, C. Carrincazeaux, J.L. Christensen, P. Cooke, M. Coris, O. Crevoisier, L. De Propris, A. Eriksson, D. Felsenstein, A. Frenkel, K. Frenken, E. Giuliani, V. Harmaakorpi, M. Heidenreich, R. Horner, S. Iammarino, A. Isaksen, A. James, M. Klofsten, K. Koschatzky, A. Lagendijk, L. Lazzeretti, E. Malecki, R. Martin, H. Melkas, C. Nauwelaers, S. Öberg, P. Prud'homme van Reine, S. Ptak, S. Rosenfeld, V. Schutjens, D. Schwartz, D. Shefer, J. Simmie, E. Stam, M. Steiner, P. Sunley, G. Tichy, F. Tödtling, M. Trippl, T. Tura, E. Vatne, D. Wolfe
University of Alberta Press Regenerations / Régénérations: Canadian Women's Writing / Écriture des femmes au Canada
Buttressed by a wealth of new, collaborative research methods and technologies, the contributors of this collection examine women's writing in Canada, past and present, with 11 essays in English and 5 in French. Regenerations was born out of the inaugural conference of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory held at the Canadian Literature Centre, University of Alberta, and exemplifies the progress of radically interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and publishing efforts surrounding Canadian women's writing. Researchers and students interested in Canadian literature, Québec literature, women's writing, literary history, feminist theory, and digital humanities scholarship should definitely acquaint themselves with this work. Contributors: Nicole Brossard, Susan Brown, Marie Carrière, Patricia Demers, Louise Dennys, Cinda Gault, Lucie Hotte, Dean Irvine, Gary Kelly, Shauna Lancit, Mary McDonald-Rissanen, Lindsey McMaster, Mary-Jo Romaniuk, Julie Roy, Susan Rudy, Chantal Savoie, Maïté Snauwaert, Rosemary Sullivan, and Sheena Wilson.
Duke University Press Trans in a Time of HIV/AIDS
The HIV/AIDS crisis is often imagined as over, yet it remains in ongoing relevance to trans life and trans death. Contributors to this special issue examine the intersection of HIV/AIDS and trans studies, theory, and politics. Topics include differences between past and present conjuncture of trans and the virus; how HIV/AIDS matters for present-day trans studies scholarship, especially in our purportedly post-AIDS-crisis moment; and the relationship between the virus and "trans visibility." Contributors. Bahar Azadi, Julie Beaulieu, Adam M. Geary, Jules Gill-Peterson, Che Gossett, Eva Hayward, Grace Lavery, Christopher Joseph Lee, Ellis Martin, Florence Michard, Nicholas C. Morgan, Zach Ozma, Gabriel N. Rosenberg, Kelly Sharron, Laura Stamm, Harlan Weaver, Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Julia Zélie
Rudolf Steiner Press Imagination: Enhancing the Powers of Thinking
Rudolf Steiner differentiated clearly between the spiritual concept of Imagination and our everyday understanding of the word. As living, pictorial thinking, Imagination is a primary aspect of the contemporary path of inner schooling – the first of three levels of initiate knowledge and cognition. Imagination leads us into a world of flowing, living pictures: a realm of soul and spirit in which everything is in continual movement. This anthology offers a survey of the diverse aspects of Imagination and imaginative cognition. As the thematically re-ordered texts reveal, Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy – anthroposophy – is itself often pictorial and imaginative in nature. Many of its fundamental concepts, such as the evolution of the world and the human being, were formulated by Steiner in vivid, living pictures. However, whilst imaginative perception leads us to the threshold of the spiritual world, we can also fall prey there to illusions, visions and hallucinations. This volume, expertly assembled by Edward de Boer, draws on the entirety of Rudolf Steiner’s collected works – from his earliest writings to passages from his many lectures. It is conceived as a stimulus to readers to practise, deepen and extend their own imaginative consciousness. Steiner’s commentary on `exemplary Imaginations’, in particular, encourages further study, contemplation and schooling of our own pictorial thinking. Chapters include `Imagination as Supersensible Cognition’; `The Rosicrucian Path of Schooling’; `Exercises to Develop Imagination’; `Understanding Imagination Through Inspiration and Intuition’; `Illusions, Hallucinations and Visions’; `Imaginative Perception as the Threshold to the Etheric World’; `Goethe’s Worldview’ and `Exemplary Imaginations’ (including commentary on `The Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily’, The Mystery Plays; The Great Initiates; the `Apocalyptic Seals’; The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz and the `Michael Imagination’).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Keep your Doctorate on Track: Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences
The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice. Contributors include: A. Alecsandru, F. Archontoulis, C. Atkinson, A. Byrnes-Johnstone, J. Callahan, A. Casey, R. Cole, O.S. Crocco, M. Cseh, Z. Djebali, G. Dobson, J. Donaghey, D.C. Duke, U. Furnier, V.O. Gekara, T. Gray, T.W. Greer, A. Hallin, B. Harney, G. Henry, C. Hughes, P. Jordan, M. Knox, S.F. Lambert, A. Lee, Q.Y. Lee, A. Lobo, R. Markey, N.S. Mauthner, E. McDonald, L. McKerr, D. Nickson, K. Nimon, E. Partlow, H. Prescott, N. Reynolds, S. Riaz, A. Robertson, J. Robinson, K. Rosenbusch, G. Ryan, J.J. Saunders, M. Shirmohammadi, M.K. Tran, A. Trif, M. Valverde, P. Watson Black, V. Webster, R. Whiting, C.F. Wright
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to Catalan Culture
Why Catalans insist on their identity. The tragic fate of the millenary personality of Catalonia has rarely been fully appreciated abroad. Since the early eighteenth century its national voice has been submerged and fractured by a centralist state intent on its arbitrary, unitarian vision of a homogenized Spain. Catalan difference has emerged sporadically in the persons of such irrepressible geniuses as Gaudí, Dalí, Miró and Bigas Luna but, in the configuration of modern Europe, the relentlessinevitability of the unified state has imposed and re-imposed its singular cultural voice. The present volume attempts to equip the English-speaking reader with a fuller understanding of the uniqueness and quality of the culture of Catalonia by providing a comprehensive portfolio of the creative contribution of the nation across a broad spectrum of achievement. Though the artistic wealth of the medieval period is acknowledged appropriately, this study, with its focus on the modern age, privileges excellence not only in the more conventional, academic spheres of history, music, language, literature and the arts but also explores the value of more basic, popular experience inareas such as sport, cinema, festivals, cuisine and the city of Barcelona. DOMINIC KEOWN is Reader in Catalan at the University of Cambridge. CONTRIBUTORS: Elisenda Barbé, Robert Davidson, Alexander Ibarz, Louise Johnson, Dominic Keown, Tess Knighton, Jaume Martí-Olivella, Dorothy Noyes, Montserrat Roser i Puig, Antoni Segura, Miquel Strubell.
University of Illinois Press New Media Futures: The Rise of Women in the Digital Arts
Trailblazing women working in digital arts media and education established the Midwest as an international center for the artistic and digital revolution in the 1980s and beyond. Foundational events at the University of Illinois and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago created an authentic, community-driven atmosphere of creative expression, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration that crossed gender lines and introduced artistically informed approaches to advanced research. Interweaving historical research with interviews and full-color illustrations, New Media Futures captures the spirit and contributions of twenty-two women working within emergent media as diverse as digital games, virtual reality, medicine, supercomputing visualization, and browser-based art. The editors and contributors give voice as creators integral to the development of these new media and place their works at the forefront of social change and artistic inquiry. What emerges is the dramatic story of how these Midwestern explorations in the digital arts produced a web of fascinating relationships. These fruitful collaborations helped usher in the digital age that propelled social media. Contributors: Carolina Cruz-Niera, Colleen Bushell, Nan Goggin, Mary Rasmussen, Dana Plepys, Maxine Brown, Martyl Langsdorf, Joan Truckenbrod, Barbara Sykes, Abina Manning, Annette Barbier, Margaret Dolinsky, Tiffany Holmes, Claudia Hart, Brenda Laurel, Copper Giloth, Jane Veeder, Sally Rosenthal, Lucy Petrovic, Donna J. Cox, Ellen Sandor, and Janine Fron.