Search results for ""Author Rose"
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division On Call Surgery: On Call Series
Ideal for any on-call professional, resident, or medical student, this best-selling reference by Drs. Gregg A. Adams, Stephen D. Bresnick, Jared Forrester, and Graeme Rosenberg covers the common problems you'll encounter while on call without direct supervision in the hospital. On Call Surgery, 4th Edition, fits perfectly in your pocket, ready to provide key information in time-sensitive, challenging situations. You'll gain speed, skill, and knowledge with every call - from diagnosing a difficult or life-threatening situation to prescribing the right medication. Highlights medications, doses, and critical information in a second color for fast reference. Features a logical, highly templated format so you can locate key information quickly. Delivers consistent, easy-to-follow coverage of the most common on-call problems and approaches, including what to do from the initial phone call, questions you should ask to assess the urgency of each situation, "Elevator Thoughts," how to immediately identify major threats to life, what to do at the bedside, and how to avoid common mistakes for every call. Provides updated content and references, as well as an up-to-date drug formulary, keeping you on the cutting edge of current, evidence-based information. NEW! Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Geographies of Globalization
Processes of globalization have changed the world in many, often fundamental, ways. Increasingly these processes are being debated and contested. This Handbook offers a timely, rich and critical panorama of these multifaceted developments from a geographical perspective. This Handbook explores the myriad of ways in which differing cross-border flows - of people, goods, services, capital, information, pollution and cultures - have (re)shaped concrete places across the globe and how these places, in turn, shape those flows. With original contributions from worldwide leading scholars, the Handbook positions globalization in a broader historical perspective, presenting a variety of geographical examples so that readers can better understand these processes. Regional studies and economic and human geography scholars will find this an invaluable resource for exploring the key topics of the geographies of globalization. Lecturers and advanced students will also find the detailed case studies useful to help explain the fundamental concepts outlined in the book.Contributors include: P.C. Adams, A.-L. Amilhat Szary, D. Arnold, D. Bassens, S. Choo, K.R. Cox, E. Currid-Halkett, S. Dalby, E. dell'Agnese, B. Derudder, T. Fogelman, C. Gaffney, J. Gupta, M. Hesse, R. Horner, S. Huang, A. Isaksen, A.E.G. Jonas, A. Jones, J.M. Kleibert, R.C. Kloosterman, R. Koetsenruijter, T. Lam, J. Luukkonen, V. Mamadouh, V. Mazzucato, E. McDonough, B. Miller, S. Moisio, M. Müller, B. Oomen, S. Park, M.W. Rosenberg, J.W. Scott, M. Sparke, P. Terhorst, K. Terlouw, F. Tödtling, M. Trippl, M. van Meeteren, P. Vries, L. Wagner, Y.-f. Wu, H.-g. Xu, T. Yamazaki, B.S.A. Yeoh
Penguin Random House Children's UK Carbonel
Magic and everyday life blend smoothly in this highly enjoyable fantasy, perfect for reading aloud - The Horn Book'You may call me Carbonel. That is my name.'This is the story of a cat, a broomstick and an ordinary schoolgirl called Rosemary. She bought them both in the market, quite cheaply. Of course, neither the cat nor the broomstick were just what they seemed, and they turned up just when Rosemary badly needed something nice to happen to her. A good cat is apt to be independent, so she did not have things all her own way, and as Carbonel proved to be a Royal cat in a very special sense, that was understandable. Between the cat and the broomstick, Rosemary picked up some useful spells and magic, and the adventures they brought about turned a dull-looking holiday into one long to be remembered for its unexpected excitements and rewards.Carbonel's adventures continue in The Kingdom of Carbonel.
Skyhorse Publishing Roland G. Henin: 50 Years of Mentoring Great American Chefs
Certified Master Chef Roland G. Henin has been our nation's top culinary mentor for the past fifty years, training such prestigious chefs as Chef Thomas Keller of French Laundry and Per Se and Certified Master Chef Ron DeSantis. For the first time, his story is being told—from his own perspective and through the lens of some of America’s most prominent chefs. Read about how Certified Master Chef Rich Rosendale was inspired by Henin to turn a decommissioned nuclear bunker into a training kitchen. Discover Thomas Keller’s motivation for becoming a chef—a philosophy he learned from Henin. This fascinating memoir includes more than fifty interviews from mentees and colleagues who were shaped in some way by Chef Henin. Full of humorous anecdotes and behind-the-scenes glimpses into the elite culinary world, this is a rare and fascinating look at the life and legacy of a culinary genius. Chef Henin was among the first European chefs to cross the Atlantic and bring classical cuisine to American culture. Pioneering chefs like Roland Henin and Jean-Jacques Rachou were subversive radicals of their Old World. You won’t be disappointed by this unique memoir. As Chef Henin says, “If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”
Walker Art Centre,U.S. Question the Wall Itself
Question the Wall Itself examines ways that interior spaces and décor can be fundamental to the understanding of cultural identity. It showcases 23 international artists who explore the political and social dimensions of interior architecture as well as its complicated relationship to history and their own backgrounds. The featured artists are Jonathas de Andrade, Uri Aran, Nina Beier, Marcel Broodthaers, Tom Burr, Alejandro Cesarco, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Theaster Gates, Ull Hohn, Janette Laverrière, Louise Lawler, Nick Mauss, Park McArthur, Lucy McKenzie, Shahryar Nashat, Walid Raad, Seth Siegelaub, Paul Sietsema, Florine Stettheimer, Rosemarie Trockel, Cerith Wyn Evans, Danh Vo and Akram Zaatari. The book and the exhibition it accompanies take as its guiding principle what Marcel Broodthaers termed “esprit décor”: a critique of ideas of nationality, globalization and the space of the institution through constructed interior scenes. Recasting our conception of interior space and design, the featured works exist between art, prop, and set or stage. Espousing this mise-en-scène approach, Question the Wall Itself plugs readers into material that expands the show in the form of book-as-exhibition. It includes an extensive photographic walk-through of the installations, and essays by Jordan Carter, Adrienne Edwards, Isla Leaver-Yap, Fionn Meade, and Robert Wiesenberger, as well as contributions from participating artists.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Yapping Away: WINNER of the Laugh Out Loud Awards and the People’s Book Prize
WINNER OF THE LAUGH OUT LOUD AWARDS AND THE PEOPLE'S BOOK PRIZE Joshua Seigal, winner of the 2020 and 2023 Laugh Out Loud Book Awards (the only UK prize for funny children's books voted for entirely by children), brings his raucous humour, creativity and wit to another brilliant collection of poems. Ideal for fans of Michael Rosen, this book will delight all young readers and fans of funny books. From hilarious to heartfelt poems – and everything in between – this collection offers something for everyone. Discover the eight steps for having a successful tantrum, and why you should NEVER attend a Teddy Bear’s Picnic (you have been warned). Packed full of fun illustrations by Sarah Horne, and covering a range of imaginative topics, Yapping Away is the perfect follow-up to Joshua Seigal’s prize-winning collection I Bet I Can Make You Laugh. Ideal for children as young as 3 to read with adults, or for children aged 5-7 to read by themselves. Book Band: Lime (ideal for ages 6+)
Synema Gesellschaft Fur Film u. Medien Screen Dynamics – Mapping the Borders of Cinema
From moving images on the Internet to giant IMAX displays: The number of screens in the public and private sphere has increased significantly during the last two decades. While this is often taken to indicate the "death of cinema," this volume attempts to reconsider the limits and specifics of film and the traditional movie theater. It analyzes notions of spectatorship, the relationship between cinema and the "uncinematic," the contested place of installation art in the history of experimental cinema, and the characteristics of the high definition image. Further contributions discuss the ways in which cinema interacts with other arts and media such as theater and television. Contributors include Raymond Bellour, Victor Burgin, Vinzenz Hediger, Tom Gunning, Ute Holl, Ekkehard Knörer, Thomas Morsch, Jonathan Rosenbaum and the editors.
Little, Brown & Company The Hero Is Overpowered But Overly Cautious, Vol. 4 (manga)
No sooner have Seiya and his friends made it back from Dragon Village than it’s time for them to face a new enemy—the Demon Lord’s army’s absurdly fast airborne strike force! And when they save the beautiful knight Rosalie, captain of the Roseguard Imperial Knights, from this horde of demonic flies, her hot-blooded personality is sure to put her at odds with the legendarily cautious Seiya...
Grub Street Publishing The Fish Store
When her sons inherited their father's childhood home in a Cornish fishing village, once a commercial building for storing and packing pilchards, Lindsey Bareham thought it would be a nice idea to record some of the recipes and memories of this extraordinary place. It started as a notebook for her sons' eyes only, with lists of favourite ways of cooking mackerel, monkfish and sole and how to make mayonnaise to go with the gift of a handsome crab or crayfish, but then it took on its own momentum and became this very special book, full of recollections and anecdotes and fabulous holiday food. Although the setting is of course English, Bareham's recipes take in influences from all over the world, including Portugal (Portuguese Cabbage Soup with Rosemary Bruschetta), Italy (Red Mullet Wrapped in Parma Ham with Garlic and Rosemary) and Turkey (Spiced Aubergine Salad with Cumin). Nor, despite the location, are her recipes completely devoted to matters piscine. Chapters on eggs, chicken, lamb, vegetables and, of course, puddings, sit alongside a wonderful collection of recipes for fish of all kinds.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry
For generations of practitioners, the Massachusetts General Hospital Handbook of General Hospital Psychiatry has been and is the "gold standard" guide to consultation-liaison psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. The fully updated 7th Edition, by Drs. Theodore A. Stern, Oliver Freudenreich, Felicia A. Smith, Gregory L. Fricchione, and Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, provides an authoritative, easy-to-understand review of the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of psychiatric problems experienced by adults and children with medical and surgical conditions. Covers the psychological impact of chronic medical problems and life-threatening diseases, somatic symptom disorders, organ donors and recipients, pain, substance abuse, and polypharmacy, including a thorough review of drug actions and interactions, metabolism, and elimination. Features DSM-5 updates throughout, as well as case studies in every chapter. Contains practical tips on how to implement the most current and effective pharmacological therapies as well as cognitive-behavioral approaches. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, videos (including video updates), glossary, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Random House Publishing Group The Smoke at Dawn
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Jeff Shaara returns to the Civil War terrain he knows so well, with the latest novel in the series that started with A Blaze of Glory and A Chain of Thunder. In The Smoke at Dawn, the last great push of the Army of the Cumberland sets the stage for a decisive confrontation at Chattanooga that could determine the outcome of the war. Summer, 1863. The Federal triumph at Vicksburg has secured complete control of the Mississippi River from the Confederacy, cementing the reputation of Ulysses S. Grant. Farther east, the Federal army under the command of William Rosecrans captures the crucial rail hub at Chattanooga. But Rosecrans is careless, and while pursuing the Confederates, the Federal forces are routed in north Georgia at Chickamauga Creek. Retreating in a panic back to Chattanooga, Rosecrans is pursued by the Confederate forces under General Braxton Bragg. Penned up, with their supply lines sever
Equinox Publishing Ltd Komeda: A Private Life in Jazz
Komeda: A Private Life in Jazz is the biography of Krzysztof (Trzcinski) Komeda (1931-1969), composer of no fewer than 40 soundtracks, including film scores to all of Roman Polanski's early films such as Knife in the Water and Rosemary's Baby; and revered figure in the world of jazz, which regards his album, Astigmatic (released in 1966), as a key album in the history of European jazz. This biography of Komeda, originally published in Polish by Znak in 2018, the first to be published in the English language, not only traces Komeda's life, but also the development of Polish jazz during this period, showing how this arose in large part out of a need for self-expression and personal freedom during a repressive period of Soviet communist dominance. The book is full of interviews between the biographer and people who worked with and knew Krzysztof Komeda personally, and, while thoroughly-grounded in primary sources, it is written in a playful, questioning, engaging style.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Complete Poems and Fragments
"In this expanded edition of his distinguished Sappho: Poems and Fragments (2002), Stanley Lombardo offers over 100 fragments not included in the original edition, as well as the new poems discovered in 2004 and 2014. His translation of this latter material yields fresh insights into Sappho's representations of old age, two of her brothers, and her special relationship with Aphrodite. Pamela Gordon’s engaging, balanced, and informative Introduction has been revised to incorporate discussion of the new fragments, which subtly alter our previous understanding of the archaic poet’s corpus. Complete Poems and Fragments also offers a useful updated bibliography, as well as a section on 'Elegiac Sappho' that presents the reception of the Lesbian poet in later Greek and Latin elegiac poems. A wonderful find for any Greekless reader searching for a complete and up-to-date Sappho. —Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, Department of Classics, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Stanford University Press Questioning Judaism: Interviews by Elisabeth Weber
In the wake of the Dreyfus affair and the Shoah, many French intellectuals have maintained rich and complex relationships with Judaism, beyond as well as within the religious dimension. Whether they approach it via history, philosophy, biblical studies or sociology, or following a personal itinerary, many contemporary intellectuals are deeply involved in Jewish culture. Interviewed at length by Elisabeth Weber, this volume presents the meditations of seven well-known French thinkers on the special relations of their own intellectual pursuit to Judaism. As memory or as the place of “circumfession” (in Jacques Derrida's words), as the symbol of the “unrepresentable” (Jean-François Lyotard) or as the witness, according to Emmanuel Levinas, to a “biblical humanity,” Judaism is continually engaged in renewing and displacing contemporary thought. The volume includes interviews with: Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Levinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, and Luc Rosenzweig.
Nosy Crow Ltd We're Going on a Present Hunt
A fun and festive reimagining of the American folk song, 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. Three children are off on a hunt for the perfect Christmas present! But first they've got to get through the spiky Christmas trees, a herd of hungry reindeer, some noisy carol singers and a very busy toyshop! But there are SO MANY toys . . . will they ever find the perfect present? This joyful follow-up to We're Going on a Pumpkin Hunt has zingy neon ink on the cover and throughout, and is filled with cute characters and Christmas surprises! Repeated phrases and sound words make this an interactive picture book, great for sharing with the whole family at Christmas. This is a perfect stocking filler for fans of the classic song 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', made famous by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
Enchanted Lion Books Merry Christmas;Dumpster Dog!
[This series] is for kids who can appreciate a little more action and a lot more voice in their reading. (There's more than a hint of Lemony Snicket's dark hilarity in Gutman's writing.)―Jenny Rosenstrach, The New York TimesIt’s Christmas once again. But this year, Dumpster Dog and Flat Cat have decided they’re going to celebrate in a house instead of their trash can! But can they find a home for Christmas? Enter the Noel family. Dumpster Dog scratches at their door, which is opened by the young Marie. How wonderful, she thinks, to finally have a disgustingly dumpy dog to leave under the tree for my brother. With that, she opens the door...
Skyhorse Publishing Live E.P.I.C.: Applying Excellence Personified In Character to Enjoy Greater Happiness and Personal Success
A modern spin on the timeless moral virtues, presenting a blueprint for using ethics to build a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.Thirty years ago, as a twenty-something engaged to her now-husband Anthony, Kristin found herself navigating that often-fraught relationship of daughter-in-law versus mother-in-law. In this case, Kristin and her future mother-in-law Roseanne were getting along famously, until things took a turn and then suddenly, they weren’t. By the time the wedding was over, and Kristin and Anthony were settled in their new life together, she was barely on speaking terms with Roseanne. After puzzling over what to do, Kristin eventually realized that in order for things to truly improve with her mother-in-law, she would need to improve herself.Through Kristin's “Excellence Personified in Character” system, readers will learn to embrace a growth mindset for personal character and cultivate the seven E.P.I.C. virtues: Gratitude, Faith, Honesty, Perseverance, Charity, Wisdom, and Prudence.This book reveals that when we Live E.P.I.C.we invest in ourselves, we are better equipped to navigate setbacks, and our lives and relationships become happier, richer, and more success-filled.
Flapjack Press Can of Worms: A COVID-19 Poetry Diary
Written daily throughout the UK's COVID-19 regulatory restrictions, Paul Cookson's new collection picks up directly from his first volume, Fighting Talk. These poems document the period of July to mid-October 2020 - from the pubs re-opening through to the introduction of the 'Three-Tier System'. Compassionate, humorous, political and principled, here is another extraordinary collection for extraordinary times and a continuing discourse on the mood of a nation. "Paul Cookson is on the ball with poetry and life in the here and now. These trying times need poets to help us find a compass. This book is a must." - Michael Rosen "Paul's poetry gives voice to all the things that scare us and all the things that lift us, and everything in between. When we look back at 2020/21 and think what was all that about? his work will help us to remember and to see how far we've come." - Rev. Kate Bottley "A sublime collection of instinctive and honest poems that will undoubtedly serve as a poignant and definitive record of a challenging, turbulent year." - Badly Drawn Boy
University of California Press Bruce Conner: It's All True
Artist Bruce Conner (1933-2008) moved to San Francisco in 1957 and quickly enmeshed himself in the Bay Area's distinctive cultural milieu, combining a vision and a multifaceted body of work that went beyond the limitations of any genre. From early assemblages of the 1950s and 1960s to iconic and pioneering works in film, from photography and photograms to prints, drawings, and paintings, Conner's oeuvre continues to exert tremendous influence on artists working today. This historic retrospective catalogue will be the definitive resource on this important artist for decades to come. Offering a highly anticipated contemporary perspective on Conner, it will prove revelatory in assessing his output and place in postwar art. Illustrated in full color throughout, this comprehensive volume provides access to a range of material that has never been published, including early paintings from the 1950s and works from the last decade of Conner's life, along with a trove of fascinating ephemeral materials. The publication features original scholarship by a range of luminaries, including essays by Frieling, Garrels, Stuart Comer, Diedrich Diederichsen, Rachel Federman, and Laura Hoptman as well as contributions from Michelle Barger, Kevin Beasley, Dara Birnbaum, Carol Bove, Stan Brakhage, Will Brown, David Byrne, Johanna Gosse, Roger Griffith, Kellie Jones, Christian Marclay, Greil Marcus, Michael McClure, Megan Randall, Henry S. Rosenthal, Dean Smith, and Kristine Stiles. Published in association with the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Exhibition dates: Museum of Modern Art, New York: July 3-October 2, 2016 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art: October 29, 2016-January 29, 2017 Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain: February 21-May 22, 2017
Hodder & Stoughton The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet: the most hopeful, charming and cosy novel to curl up with
LONGLISTED FOR THE BAILEY'S WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 'A quietly profound, humane tour de force' Guardian The beloved debut novel that will restore your faith in humanity#SmallAngryPlanetWhen Rosemary Harper joins the crew of the Wayfarer, she isn't expecting much. The ship, which has seen better days, offers her everything she could possibly want: a small, quiet spot to call home for a while, adventure in far-off corners of the galaxy, and distance from her troubled past.But Rosemary gets more than she bargained for with the Wayfarer. The crew is a mishmash of species and personalities, from Sissix, the friendly reptillian pilot, to Kizzy and Jenks, the constantly sparring engineers who keep the ship running. Life on board is chaotic, but more or less peaceful - exactly what Rosemary wants.Until the crew are offered the job of a lifetime: the chance to build a hyperspace tunnel to a distant planet. They'll earn enough money to live comfortably for years... if they survive the long trip through war-torn interstellar space without endangering any of the fragile alliances that keep the galaxy peaceful.But Rosemary isn't the only person on board with secrets to hide, and the crew will soon discover that space may be vast, but spaceships are very small indeed. PRAISE FOR THE WAYFARERS'Never less than deeply involving' DAILY MAIL'Explores the quieter side of sci-fi while still wowing us with daring leaps of imagination' iBOOKS'So much fun to read' HEAT'Chambers is simply an exceptional talent, quietly and beautifully redefining the space opera' TOR.COM'The most fun that I've had with a novel in a long, long time' iO9
Galison MoMA Earth & Sky Notecard Folio Box
The MoMA Earth & Sky Notecard Folio Box from Galison includes 8 iconic works of art from Museum of Modern Art collection, including Kiki Smith, James Rosenquist, Georgia O’Keeffe and more. The innovative two-piece box with triangular top nests in the folio base to create an artistic desktop accessory. - Size: 6 x 5 x 1.5" - 2 piece box with triangle lid - 8 artists, 16 notecards, 17 white envelopes
Profile Books Ltd We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves: Shortlisted for the Booker Prize
'Wise, provocative and wildly endearing' Guardian 'Readably juicy and surreptitiously smart' Barbara Kingsolver THE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER A Meghan Markle Book Recommendation Rosemary doesn't talk much, and about certain things she's silent. She had a sister, Fern, her whirlwind other half, who vanished from her life in circumstances she wishes she could forget. And it's been ten years since she last saw her beloved older brother Lowell. Now at college, Rosemary starts to see she can't go forward without going back to the time when aged five, she was sent away from home to her grandparents and returned to find Fern gone. It was Rosemary's parents who began all of the trouble - isn't it always? But, dear reader, exactly how they did it is a twist you'll have to discover for yourself.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Beatrix Potter The Complete Tales
A fabulous six-CD audio box-set containing the entire collection of stories by Beatrix Potter, complete and unabridged. The twenty-three tales in this giftset, have never lost their popularity, and sell in their millions all over the world. Meet again the famous characters that children love and adore... PETER RABBIT, SQUIRREL NUTKIN, THE FLOPSY BUNNIES, MRS TIGGY-WINKLE, TOM KITTEN, JEREMY FISHER, JEMIMA PUDDLE-DUCK and many more. These stories are beautifully brought to life by a talented cast of readers, including Patricia Routledge, Timothy West, Michael Hordern, Janet Maw, and Rosemary Leach.
Rizzoli International Publications Allan D'Arcangelo
Recognized as a major Pop artist in his day, Allan D’Arcangelo (1930–1998) has yet to receive the critical reevaluation of painters like Roy Lichtenstein and James Rosenquist. His first monograph in nearly a decade introduces new audiences to his iconic paintings, particularly his celebrated visions of life on the road.Like Pop peers Andy Warhol and Ed Ruscha, Allan D’Arcangelo incorporated mass-manufactured images in works that elevate scenes of everyday American life. While his work often features imagery from more familiar 1960s art—Jacqueline Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, smoking pin-up girls, Superman, Lucky Strike—it differs in the surreal elements he introduced to Pop tropes and romantic views of the American industrial landscape.D’Arcangelo once observed his “most profound experiences of landscape were looking through the windshield.” The artist brought a Pop sensibility to the tradition of landscape painting in a graphic style that touched on Minimalism, Precisionism, and Hard-edge painting. Often framed from the perspective of the driver’s seat, D’Arcangelo’s work captures the deeply American experience of flying down an endless road. D’Arcangelo’s signature scrolling landscape cut through with flashing signs is as familiar to road trippers as it is to video game racers.This comprehensive publication includes over 200 reproductions and three essays detailing what critic Dore Ashton describes as the “poetic awareness of the vastnesses both visible and invisible in American life [that] marked and distinguished [D’Arcangelo’s] work.” This book is edge stained.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd How to Keep your Doctorate on Track: Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences
The path of a doctoral student can feel challenging and isolating. This guide provides doctoral students with key ideas and support to kick-start a doctoral journey, inspire progress and complete their thesis or dissertation. Featuring observations from experienced supervisors, as well as the reflections of current and recent postgraduate researchers, this intimate and entertaining book offers vital insights into the critical moments in any doctoral experience. Bringing together the voices of doctoral supervisors and candidates past and present from around the globe, How to Keep your Doctorate on Track will be a trusted companion for any PhD, DBA or EdD student. Supervisors and those offering support and guidance to doctoral candidates will also glean valuable insight into fresh approaches and their own practice. Contributors include: A. Alecsandru, F. Archontoulis, C. Atkinson, A. Byrnes-Johnstone, J. Callahan, A. Casey, R. Cole, O.S. Crocco, M. Cseh, Z. Djebali, G. Dobson, J. Donaghey, D.C. Duke, U. Furnier, V.O. Gekara, T. Gray, T.W. Greer, A. Hallin, B. Harney, G. Henry, C. Hughes, P. Jordan, M. Knox, S.F. Lambert, A. Lee, Q.Y. Lee, A. Lobo, R. Markey, N.S. Mauthner, E. McDonald, L. McKerr, D. Nickson, K. Nimon, E. Partlow, H. Prescott, N. Reynolds, S. Riaz, A. Robertson, J. Robinson, K. Rosenbusch, G. Ryan, J.J. Saunders, M. Shirmohammadi, M.K. Tran, A. Trif, M. Valverde, P. Watson Black, V. Webster, R. Whiting, C.F. Wright
Editions Norma La Petite Escalère: Garden of the Haims
In the 1970s, in the region of the Landes, between Bayonne and Peyrehorade, on the banks of the Adour River, the photographer Jeannette Leroy and the art dealer Paul Haim created a sculpture garden around a modest farm, La Petite Escalère. With the help of the faithful gardener Gilbert Carty, amidst canals, bridges, paths made of railway ties, and many trees and flowers, they installed about 50 works, some of them monumental, by artists such as Rodin, Maillol, Niki de Saint Phalle, Zao Wou-Ki, Françoise Lacampagne, Cárdenas, Mark Di Suvero, Léger, Matta, Zigor… Paul positioned the sculptures, and to help them vanish into the natural environment Jeannette would plant a shrub, a rosebush, dahlias, an oak, a maple, a gingko, a Caucasian walnut… “I don’t want this garden to become ridiculous!” she said. Paul Haim has evoked the bewitching beauty of La Petite Escalère better than anyone else: “The nonchalant visitor will pass from the shade of Les Barthes to the brightness of the Moura, from the freshness of the fountains to the suffocating heat of the forest. Coming around a bush, he allows himselfto be surprised by an unusual presence. Immutable. … Far from the agitations of the world, sinking into nothing-ness, watching the clouds go by, contemplating the places of joy.” Text in English and French.
New York University Press Criminal Justice: Nomos XXVII
This, the twenty-seventh volume in the annual series of publications by the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, features a number of distinguised contributors addressing the topic of criminal justice. Part I considers "The Moral and Metaphysical Sources of the Criminal Law," with contributions by Michael S. Moore, Lawrence Rosen, and Martin Shapiro. The four chapters in Part II all relate, more or less directly, to the issue of retribution, with papers by Hugo Adam Bedau, Michael Davis, Jeffrie G. Murphy, and R. B. Brandt. In the following part, Dennis F. Thompson, Christopher D. Stone, and Susan Wolf deal with the special problem of criminal responsibility in governmentone of great importance in modern society. The fourth and final part, echoing the topic of NOMOS XXIV, Ethics, Economics, and the Law, addresses the economic theory of crime. The section includes contributions by Alvin K. Klevorick, Richard A. Posner, Jules L. Coleman, and Stephen J. Schulhofer. A valuable bibiography on criminal justice by Andrew C. Blanar concludes this volume of NOMOS.
Carcanet Press Ltd PN Review 253
The May-June 2020 issue. Tributes to the great Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Cardenal. Phoebe Power’s (Forward Prize winner) National Trust commissioned ‘Once More the Sea’ sequence in full. Walter Bruno’s controversial essay on Value Judgement. Tara Bergin reviews Poetry of the Holocaust: An Anthology. New poetry from Vahni Capildeo, Carol Rumens, Laura Scott, and Zohar Atkins. New to PN Review this issue: Jenny King, Suzannah V. Evans, Leo Boix, and Christina Roseeta Walker. And more...
Taylor & Francis Ltd Television and Psychoanalysis: Psycho-Cultural Perspectives
Despite the prominence of television in our everyday lives, psychoanalytic approaches to its significance and function are notoriously few and far between. This volume takes up perspectives from object relations theory and other psychoanalytic approaches to ask questions about the role of television as an object of the internal worlds of its viewers, and also addresses itself to a range of specific television programmes, ranging from Play School, through the plays of Jack Rosenthal to recent TV blockbuster series such as In Treatment. In addition, it considers the potential of television to open up new public spaces of therapeutic experience.Interviews with a TV producer and with the subject of a documentary expressly suggest that there is scope for television to make a positive therapeutic intervention in people's lives. At the same time, however, the pitfalls of reality programming are explored with reference to the politics of entertainment and the televisual values that heighten the drama of representation rather than emphasising the emotional experience of reality television participants and viewers. A recurring theme throughout is that television becomes a psychological object for its viewers and producers, maintaining the psychological 'status quo' on the one hand and yet simultaneously opening up playful spaces of creative, therapeutic engagement for these groups. This collection of essays makes a timely intervention into the field of television studies by offering a distinctive range of psycho-cultural approaches drawn from both academic criticism and an array of experiences grounded in both the clinical and televisual scenes of practice.
Alphabet Legends Pty Ltd Guitar Legends Alphabet
From Jimi Hendrix to Angus Young, Orianthi to Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Guitar Legends Alphabet strings together an A to Z of the most gifted axemen and women to ever strut the stage. Artistically illustrated and passionately written, Guitar Legends Alphabet is an inspiring history lesson and music to the ears of any young (or not so young!) guitar enthusiast.
Usborne Publishing Ltd Step-by-step Drawing Horses and Ponies
Children can discover how to draw lots of horses, ponies and unicorns in this colourful book with simple step-by-step instructions and lots of space to draw in. Learn how to draw a flying unicorn, a jumping horse, a rosette, castle and lots more, before completing detailed scenes including a horse show, stables and award ceremony.
Quercus Publishing Brandenburg: On the 30th anniversary, a brilliant thriller about the fall of the Berlin Wall
'A fascinating switchback roller-coaster of a plot' GuardianNovember 1989. The fall of the Berlin Wall. One man is caught between East and West...The Stasi was among the most sophisticated intelligence organisations in the world, but by the end of the 1980s the Orwellian state of East Germany was collapsing around it.In the last few paranoid weeks of the Communist world one man will carry out one last desperate mission under the very noses of the Stasi. Dr Rudolf Rosenharte is an academic from Dresden and agent for MI6; his controller is Robert Harland. When Rosenharte's security is compromised he is faced with a stark choice: to defect to the West, leaving his beloved family to the mercies of the Stasi, or return to East Germany to carry out the most dangerous assignment of his career. November 1989 will mean the end of communism. But will it mean the end of Rosenharte?As an eyewitness to the incredible scenes of November 1989, Henry Porter brings the fall of the Berlin Wall to vivid life. Now, 30 years on, immerse yourself in a gripping read and allow yourself to be transported back to 'the end of history'.
Cornerstone Disputed Land
Leonard and Rosemary Cannon summon their middle-aged offspring, along with partners and children, to the family home in the Welsh Marches for the Christmas holiday. As the gathered family settle in to their first Christmas together for some years, the grown siblings - Rodney, Jonny and Gwen - are surprised when they are invited to each put stickers on the furniture and items they wish to inherit from their parents. Disputed Land is narrated by Leonard and Rosemary's thirteen-year-old grandson, Theo, who observes how from these innocent beginnings age-old fissures open up in the relationships of those around him. Looking back at this Christmas gathering from his own middle-age - a narrator at once nostalgic and naïve - Theo Cannon remembers his imperious grandmother Rosemary, alpha-male uncle Jonny, abominable twin cousins Xan and Baz; he recalls his love for his grandfather Leonard and the burgeoning feelings for his cousin Holly. And he asks himself the question: if a single family cannot solve the problem of what it bequeaths to future generations, then what chance does a whole society have of leaving the world intact?
Archaeopress Kom al-Ahmer – Kom Wasit II: Coin Finds 2012–2016 / Late Roman and Early Islamic Pottery from Kom al-Ahmer
Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit were ideally placed to take advantage of the Mediterranean trade given their close proximity to the Egyptian ports of Thonis-Heracleion, Alexandria, and Rosetta during the Hellenistic, Roman, Late Roman, and early Islamic period. The social and economic vitality of the sites has been revealed during investigations undertaken by the Italian archaeological mission between 2012 and 2016 and published in Kom al-Ahmer – Kom Wasit I: Excavations in the Metelite Nome, Egypt ca. 700 BC – AD 100. This volume presents over 1070 coins (ca. 310 BC–AD 641) and 1320 examples of Late Roman and Early Islamic pottery, testimony to the considerable commercial activity in the region during the Late Antique period. Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit emerge as centers of an exchange network involving large-scale trade of raw materials to and from the central and eastern Mediterranean.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Studies in Medievalism VI: Medievalism in North America
Studies on the influence of the middle ages, and in particular the Arthurian legends, on the culture of North America. Fifteen essays trace North America's enthusiastic engagement with the middle ages from the Revolution to Disney. There are eight studies of the American reception of Arthur: in art (Abbey, Rosenthal), literature (Canadian writers,John Ciardi), scholarship (R.S. Loomis), politics (JFK), and popular culture (Arthurian youth groups, Disneyland, the Excalibur Casino). Other topics include Tom Paine, Elbertus Hubbard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, C.B. DeMille, popular treatments of Villon, the roots of the New Mexican cuento, and the rhetoric of the Gulf War. Contributors: ROGER WOOD, KYMBERLEY N. PINDER, ERICA E. HIRSHLER, ALAN LUPACK, CHARLOTTE OBERG, RAYMOND H. THOMPSON,STAN GALLOWAY, ROBIN BLAETZ, ROBERT D. PECKHAM, JEFF RIDER, KLAUS P. JANKOFSKY, MARY MORSE, PAMELA S. MORGAN, SUSAN ARONSTEIN, NANCY COINER, JONATHAN M. ELUKIN
Biblioasis Against Amazon: and Other Essays
A NEW YORK TIMES NEW & NOTEWORTHY BOOK Good bookshops are questions without answers. They are places that provoke you intellectually, encode riddles, surprise and offer challenges … A pleasing labyrinth where you can’t get lost: that comes later, at home, when you immerse yourself in the books you have bought; lose yourself in new questions, knowing you will find answers. Picking up where the widely praised Bookshops: A Reader’s History left off, Against Amazon and Other Essays explores the increasing pressures of Amazon and other new technologies on bookshops and libraries. In essays on these vital social, cultural, and intellectual spaces, Jorge Carrión travels from London to Geneva, from Miami’s Little Havana to Argentina, from his own well-loved childhood library to the rosewood shelves of Jules Verne’s Nautilus and the innovative spaces that characterize South Korea’s bookshop renaissance. Including interviews with writers and librarians—including Alberto Manguel, Iain Sinclair, Luigi Amara, and Han Kang, among others—Against Amazon is equal parts a celebration of books and bookshops, an autobiography of a reader, a travelogue, a love letter—and, most urgently, a manifesto against the corrosive influence of late capitalism.
Hachette Children's Group Football Superstars: Martens Rules
Filled with quizzes, stats and little-known facts, plus illustrated and told with all the fun of a Tom Gates novel, the Football Superstars series is perfect for young readers five and up. Is Lieke Martens your ultimate football heroine? She is a winner of multiple trophies at club level with Barcelona, including the Primera División (2019-20) and the Supercopa Femenina (2020). She also starred for the Netherlands when they won the Women's European Championship in 2017.Among the world's most accomplished female footballers, Martens began her career in her native Holland with Hereenveen before moving on to VVV-Venlo.Her skills and talent have seen her go on to play in Germany with Duisburg and in Sweden with Goteborg and then Rosengärd where she won the cup and Super Cup in 2016. In 2017, she was named UEFA Women's Player of the Year and FIFA Women's Player of the Year.The Football Superstars series is aimed at building a love of reading from a young age, with fun cartoons, inspirational stories, a simple narrative style and a cast of characters chipping in with quotes, jokes and comments.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Smiling Banjo: A Half Century of Love & Music at the Philadelphia Folk Festival
Attended by tens of thousands of people each August, it's the longest continually running folk festival in America. These pages capture 55 years of its beloved, creatively charged atmosphere. Over 800 photos from 1962 to today feature the more than 825 performers and bands who have taken the stage, including Jackson Browne, Roseanne Cash, Judy Collins, Ani DiFranco, Steve Earle, Arlo Guthrie, Janis Ian, Odetta, the Tuva Throat Singers, and Doc Watson. Enjoy stories of how the festival began, and the unusual and unique experiences that seem to transpire only at Festival. Revisit traditions like the creatively-constructed campground compounds, the Dulcimer Grove hammocks and kids' activities, and the origins of the “Smiling Banjo” logo. Whether you are a regular or haven't visited yet, learn why so many say of the Fest, "This is my home."
Kerber Verlag The World on Paper: Deutsche Bank Collection
The first of Deutsche Bank Collection's new exhibition series, presented at 'PalaisPopulair' in Berlin, is dedicated to the fascinating artistic medium of paper. The World on Paper shows how the everyday and at the same time sensual material paper opens up surprising possibilities, even in an era of innovative technologies. The publication also documents the fact that works on paper in particular give rise to connections with other media and hence visualise current art in all its breadth. Artists: Doug Aitken, Josef Albers, Georg Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Hanne Darboven, Ellen Gallagher, Hermann Glöckner, Katharina Grosse, Eva Hesse, Anish Kapoor, William Kentridge, Martin Kippenberger, Imi Knoebel, Maria Lassnig, Markus Lüpertz, Heinz Mack, Helen Marten, Joan Mitchell, Takashi Murakami, Wangechi Mutu, Bruce Nauman, Blinky Palermo, Sigmar Polke, Neo Rauch, Gerhard Richter, James Rosenquist, Karin Sander, Kara Walker, Andy Warhol, Lawrence Weiner, et. al. Text in English and German.
University of Pennsylvania Press Aristophanes, 1: Acharnians, Peace, Celebrating Ladies, Wealth
The Penn Greek Drama Series presents original literary translations of the entire corpus of classical Greek drama: tragedies, comedies, and satyr plays. It is the only contemporary series of all the surviving work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander. Aristophanes wrote most of his comedic masterpieces during the Peloponnesian War, parodying the tumultuous politics and society of that time with trademark innuendoes and bawdy stagings and dialogue. In these plays, Aristophanes brings every rhetorical strategem into play to treat the reader to stories of one man's attempt to create a "war-free zone," the rescue of the imprisoned Peace on the back of a giant dung beetle, a satire of Euripides's sympathies for women, and the hustling and healing of a blind and destitute Wealth in order to redistribute the world's riches. Translations are by Jack Flavin (Acharnians), Fred Beake (Peace), David Slavitt (Celebrating Ladies), and Palmer Bovie (Wealth). The volume includes an introduction by Ralph Rosen, Professor of Classics at the University of Pennsylvania.
HarperCollins Publishers New York Movies (Close-Ups, Book 3)
The indispensable, illustrated pocket guide to New York movies, from Martin Scorsese and Woody Allen to Lena Dunham and Noah Baumbach. ALSO AVAILABLE: Close-Ups: Wes Anderson Close-Ups: Vampire Movies New York has always been one of the world’s most filmed cities, with its apartments housing tenants like Rosemary's baby and the Royal Tenenbaums, its skyscrapers scaled by the likes of King Kong and graffiti artists and its rubble-strewn streets prowled by everyone from Travis Bickle to Carrie Bradshaw. In this illustrated pocket guide to New York and its movies, Mark Asch explores the Big Apple block by block and neighbourhood by neighbourhood, jogging past the iconic bench from Manhattan, eating at Katz’s Deli from When Harry Met Sally and mooching around the Coney Island boardwalk like one of The Warriors. Retracing the steps of countless iconic actors, cinematographers and directors, he draws up a unique cinematic map of The City That Never Sleeps.
Estrella Polar A la recerca de la meravella perduda Geronimo Stilton 2
Cafè amb llet? Però què hi té a veure el cafè amb llet? Sí, va ser així que va començar tot plegat... la meva boja passió per Matoneta, l'expedició a l'Illa Papallona i la recerca de la Vuitena Meravella... Va ser una història bigotuda, paraula de rosegador!
New York University Press Gender and Crime: Patterns in Victimization and Offending
While rates of violent victimization have declined, women are still much more likely than men to be attacked by an intimate partner. Simultaneously, women’s involvement in the criminal justice system, as arrestees and sentenced offenders, is increasing. Criminologists are struggling to understand these patterns of offending and victimization and how they can be prevented. Composed of original contributions by many of the top scholars in criminology, these essays will help to transform our understanding of women's relation to crime. Composed of original contributions by many of the top scholars in criminology, these essays will help to transform our understanding of women’s relation to crime. Contributors: Jennifer L. Castro, Stephen A. Cernkovich, Sarah Curtis-Fawley, Kathleen Daly, Laura Dugan, Jill A. Dienes, Rosemary Gartner, Carole Gibbs, Peggy C. Giordano, Karen Heimer, Gwen Hunnicutt, Candace Kruttschnitt, Gary LaFree, Janet L. Lauritsen, Ross Macmillan, Bill McCarthy, Jody Miller, Christopher W. Mullins, Callie Marie Rennison, Nancy Rodriguez, Sally S. Simpson, Hilary Smith, Stacy Wittrock, Halime Ünal, and Marjorie S. Zatz.
Walker Books Ltd The Mumsnet Book of Bedtime Stories: Ten Prize-winning Stories from Mumsnet and Gransnet
A beautifully illustrated treasury of stories to share at bedtime, written by members of Mumsnet and Gransnet and chosen by former Children’s Laureate, Michael Rosen.This beautiful gift book showcases the best new writing and illustration for children. It features ten prize-winning stories, each of which is illustrated by an up-and-coming artist. Perfect for reading aloud at bedtime, this is a book to enjoy again and again.
Hips Road/Tazadik Arcana II: Musicians on Music
In his preface to the first Arcana: Musicians on Music (2000), avant-garde composer and saxophone player John Zorn wrote: "This book exists to correct an unfortunate injustice, the incredible lack of insightful critical writing about a significant generation of the best and most important work of the past two decades." That the injustice was repaired by that collection was happily affirmed by its subsequent success. The range of writing--from the technical to the aphoristic/diaristic--demonstrated that sometimes critical writing on music can inspire as much as it can explicate. As Zorn acknowledged, though, Arcana was also a first step. Now Arcana II, also edited by Zorn, extends the scope of its predecessor, compiling further essential writing by luminaries of contemporary improvisation and composition such as Butch Morris, Evan Parker, Marina Rosenfeld, Ned Rothenberg, Sylvie Courvoisier, Steve Coleman, Dave Douglas, Annie Gosfield, Jim O'Rourke, Milford Graves, Zeena Parkins, Bill Laswell and Uri Caine.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The New Bread: Great Gluten-Free Baking
Buckwheat, cornmeal, and rosehip flour are some of the many alternatives to wheat, rye, and barley, our traditional grains. These ingredients open the way to endless possibilities both for the gluten-intolerant who are tired of sorry and crumbly commercial breads and for curious home bakers who want to try something new. These raw ingredients are naturally gluten-free and supply you with important nutrients. They are also sold in most grocery stores. The bread is baked with cold liquid for the dough, small amounts of yeast, and long rising times to add extra flavor. The book contains recipes for all kinds of bread, from tortillas to fiber rolls, as well as marmalades and other side dishes that go well with bread. With this book, you’ll find it’s nice and easy to bake without gluten. Note: all recipes are by weight and not by volume.
Skinner House Books The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide
This is the most complete introduction to Unitarian Universalism available, covering ministry, worship, religious education, social justice and history. Extensively revised, the sixth edition prepares readers with resources and information for this crucial moment in Unitarian Universalism. It, also, gives voice to many individual Unitarian Universalists - people of all ages, coming from many backgrounds and holding many beliefs - as they share their personal and deeply heartfelt testimonies. Contributors include Rosemary Bray McNatt, Erika Hewitt, Cheryl Walker, Jessica York, Elizabeth Nguyen, Aisha Hauser and Dan McKanan. The foreword was written by lifelong Unitarian Universalist Melissa Harris-Perry - writer, professor, political commentator and editor-at-large at
Springer Verlag, Singapore Post-Harvest Processing, Packaging and Inspection of Frozen Shrimp: A Practical Guide
The book is a practical guide for the various steps in the post-harvest technology of frozen shrimps. Shrimps are one of the most common and popular types of seafood consumed globally. The book discusses some of the most sought-after shrimps such as Penaeus monodon, P. vannamei, and Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Good-quality shrimp is a prerequisite for the seafood business as it is used for human consumption. Lack of proper knowledge in raw materials handling and post-harvest processing is the main obstacle in quality shrimp production. Complex business policy, commitment break in both parties (buyers and sellers), competition with other seafood-producing countries, and fluctuation of currency in international seafood market are the factors affecting international seafood business. This book closes this gap in literature and facilitates the production of excellent-quality exportable frozen shrimp through informed practices from experts. The book includes information about packaging of frozen shrimp, inspection, and shipment. It also compiles different mathematical calculations which are in practiced in the processing industries. The book is essential reading for professionals in the shrimp producing and processing industries. It is also useful for researchers in fisheries science, aquaculture, food technology, and food microbiology.