Search results for ""author ralph""
Oxford University Press How Genes Influence Behavior
How Genes Influence Behavior takes a personal and lively approach to the study of behavioral genetics, providing an up-to-date and accessible introduction to a variety of approaches and their application to a wide range of disorders, and modeling a critical approach to both methods and results. This second edition includes additional biology content to help students understand the biological foundations of the field, while maintaining an appropriate focus on the main issues of relevance to psychology students; updates coverage of genomic technologies and their applications; and covers a wider range of disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, eating disorders, and intellectual disability. A new final chapter guides students through a range of quantitative approaches using worked examples that relate directly to cases and examples used earlier in the text, and addresses current issues arising from debates around reproducibility. The online resources that accompany this book include: For students * Multiple choice questions for students to check their threshold knowledge * Data sets for students to manipulate, so that they can apply what they have learned For lecturers * Figures and tables from the book, ready to download
Peeters Publishers Fiction Sacree: Spiritualite Et Esthetique Durant Le Premier Age Moderne
Le present volume explore les echanges entre esthetique et spiritualite au premier age moderne. Alors qu'on a eu tendance a etudier ces deux champs independamment ou a les penser dans leur succession chronologique (l'ere de l'image/l'ere de l'art), comme dans leur opposition structurelle et ideologique (discours laic/discours religieux), il s'agit ici d'envisager leur dialogue et leur confrontation a travers differents lieux, parmi lesquels la litterature artistique, la litterature spirituelle, la litterature ekphrastique, l'emblematique, la poetique, la rhetorique...En portant l'attention sur le role de l'inspiration, de la contemplation, de l'imitation, du prodige, du langage, de l'imagination, de l'entendement..., sont mises ainsi en evidence les modalites selon lesquelles les arts et la litterature ont pu s'approprier certains elements du discours theologique relatif a la representation, et comment, en retour, la litterature spirituelle a pu reconnaitre et exploiter sa dimension esthetique en empruntant a la theorie litteraire et artistique.
Laurenz Foundation, Schaulager Future Present: The Collection of the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Diversitat Und Interessenvertretung - Zwischen Beharrung Und Bewegung: Geschlechterpolitik Und Generationswechsel Im Betriebsrat
Dr Ludwig Reichert Glaswerk: Beitrage Zur Erforschung Von Glas Und Glashutten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Ende der Zuversicht?: Die siebziger Jahre als Geschichte
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Gemeinsames Gebet: Form Und Wirkung Des Gottesdienstes
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Rockville
Cengage Learning, Inc The Global West: Connections & Identities, Volume 1: To 1790
Intimidated by the thought of taking Western civ? You may be in for a pleasant surprise because THE GLOBAL WEST isn't a typical Western civ textbook. Developed by authors who've spent years helping a diverse range of students understand history, the book uses stories of ordinary people and their impact on history, along with stunning images and maps that make the subject interesting. You'll also have lots of help learning concepts with learning objectives, an easy-reading narrative and a clear message that helps you "get" the origins of today's interconnected world.
Gary Snyder Gallery Ralph Humphrey
University of Pennsylvania,Institute of Contemporary Art Charles Ledray: Sculpture 1989-2002
Documenting this American artist's first solo museum exhibition, Charles LeDray will focus on his obsessively crafted miniature sculptures in a variety of media, including textiles, ceramics, seashells, and bone, that reflect on childhood, gender, sexuality, and autobiography.
Cengage Learning, Inc Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice
ETHICAL DECISIONS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE will help you recognize ethical issues and dilemmas, reason carefully about ethical issues, clarify your ethical aspirations at the level demanded by the profession, and achieve a more ethical stance in your practice. It places ethical decision making within the context of professional ethics and provides guidelines, including two ethical screens, to help you identify priorities among competing ethical obligations.
University of New Mexico Press 3 Toes
“Yip, Yippy Yap Yippy Yay, I’m a clever fellow, they say,” howls Three-Toes the cunning coyote. Quiet as the shadow of a floating cloud, he gets around to escaping Rancher Brown’s trap, tricking Towser the dog, and sending Hop-a-long jumping for shelter on his long jack rabbit legs. The final book of the Mesaland Series follows Three-Toes as he pops in and out of mischief on the sunny mesa.First published between 1943 and 1949 and now available again, the seven books in the Mesaland Series introduce a new generation of readers to the animals and plants of the great Southwest.
Marvel Comics Eternals: A History Written In Blood
Marvel Comics X-men: The Animated Series - The Adaptations Omnibus
New Directions Publishing Corporation Early Light
Early Light offers three very different aspects of Osamu Dazai's genius: the title story relates his misadventures as a drinker and a family man in the terrible fire bombings of Tokyo at the end of WWII. Having lost their own home, he and his wife flee with a new baby boy and their little girl to relatives in Kofu, only to be bombed out anew. "Everything's gone," the father explains to his daughter: "Mr. Rabbit, our shoes, the Ogigari house, the Chino house, they all burned up," "Yeah, they all burned up," she said, still smiling. "One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji," another autobiographical tale, is much more comic: Dazai finds himself unable to escape the famous views, the beauty once immortalized by Hokusai and now reduced to a cliche. In the end, young girls torment him by pressing him into taking their photo before the famous peak: "Goodbye," he hisses through his teeth, "Mount Fuji. Thanks for everything. Click." And the final story is "Villon's Wife," a small masterpiece, which relates the awakening to power of a drunkard's wife. She transforms herself into a woman not to be defeated by anything, not by her husband being a thief, a megalomaniacal writer, and a wastrel. Single-handedly, she saves the day by concluding that "There's nothing wrong with being a monster, is there? As long as we can stay alive."
Stanford University Press The Mosaic of Economic Growth
A Stanford University Press classic.
Phaidon Press Ltd Paul McCarthy
Definitive monograph on America's most challenging and influential artist Los-Angeles-based artist Paul McCarthy (b.1945) creates Disneyesque installations, sculptures of animal/vegetable/human hybrids and slapstick performances in a purge of a national subconscious. The psycho-sexual desires and anxieties induced by the media and the built environment of contemporary America emerge in his collisions of plastic prosthetic limbs and condiments that stand in for bodily fluids. These works have been variously deployed: through live actions, often documented on video, and more recently in outsized figures and artificial rural environments, combined in overtly sexual ways. McCarthy's work echoes that of European artists such as Joseph Beuys or the Viennese Aktionistes, but gives 'action art' a postmodern twist. This new revised and expanded edition includes contributions by luminaries such as Kristine Stiles, Ralph Rugoff, Massimiliano Gioni and Robert Storr.
Aurora Metro Publications On the Trail of Americana Music
In this thorough exploration of the history and spread of Americana Music around the world, Ralph Brookfield goes beyond the headlines to uncover what drives singer songwriters to go to Nashville, play in small clubs and create their music against the increasingly difficult backdrop of Covid-19, dwindling recording revenues and fragmentation of the music industry. With so many music venues closed and incomes reduced, musicians speak of their hopes and fears for the future of the industry in challenging times. Based on numerous interviews with leading musicians and music industry professionals, this book explores the illusive genre and movement that is Americana. From its historical roots in Country, Folk and other rebel music, the story of Americana music is told by those who are taking it in new directions today. Extracts from interviews with: Emily Barker, Yola, Troy Cassar-Daley, Kasey Chambers, Dave Cobb, Paul Kelly, Lindi Ortega, Wildwood Kin and many more. --Publisher "Publisher website"
Institute of Economic Affairs Brexit: Directions for Britain Outside the EU: 2015
During 2013-14, the IEA ran a competition to find the best blueprint for Britain outside the EU, with the objective of securing a free and prosperous economy should it choose to leave. The IEA does not have a position on whether Britain should leave the EU. However, it is part of their educational mission to promote a wider understanding of the importance of a free economy and the institutions that are necessary for a free economy. They therefore regarded it as important to promote debate on the best way to achieve this in the event of the British people choosing to leave the EU: that was the main purpose of the competition. To provide a longer-lasting contribution to this debate, the IEA decided to publish this monograph examining the various options using, in the main, entries to the British Exit ('Brexit') competition. There was a wide range of possible approaches suggested by entrants to that competition.Some proposed that Britain should promote free trade and openness through the unilateral removal of trade and other barriers to economic activity; others proposed maintaining formal relationships with European countries through the European Free Trade Association and/or the European Economic Area; still other entrants took the view that Britain should seek to form economic and political alliances and partnerships with countries outside Europe - for example with the Commonwealth or the --Anglosphere - normally with a view to that being a gateway to free trade with as much of the world as would be willing. The winner was Foreign Office diplomat Iain Mansfield, who received most of the publicity at the end of the competition. However, in understanding how Britain can be free and prosperous in the event that it leaves the EU, it is worthwhile considering a range of other approaches to 'Brexit'. It is only through determining the best destiny for Britain outside the EU that the correct decision will be taken about whether to leave the EU and, if so, how. This book therefore brings together Iain Mansfield's submission with edited versions of two other entries.One of those, by Robert Oulds, proposes that the UK remains a member of the European Economic Area and rejoins the European Free Trade Association; another, by Ralph Buckle and Tim Hewish, proposes that Britain pursues free trade through the route of the Commonwealth and the Anglosphere. The final contribution, by John Hulsman, was not an entry to the competition but re-examines an approach to promoting free trade first proposed in his IEA monograph published in 2001, The World Turned Rightside Up. This involved the development of a global free-trade association. Overall, this book is an important contribution to the debate about how Britain should leave the EU, should it choose to do so. It distils clearly the different options and the advantages and disadvantages of alternative approaches with reference to the objective of promoting a free and prosperous economy. The authors have different views about how to achieve the same objective. It is hoped that, by presenting those different views in this volume, the debate will move beyond 'Britain - in or out?' to a debate about something just as important: 'If Britain should leave, how should it leave?'
Cengage Learning EMEA Principles of Business Information Systems
The new fourth edition of Principles of Business Information Systems features new cases, new questions and assignments and the latest technologies, whilst retaining its comprehensive coverage of Information Systems issues. It also boasts a wealth of real world examples from a broad range of countries and updated coverage of IT and technological issues, making it perfect for courses that prepare students for the modern corporate world.
Helion & Company Italian Soft-Skinned Vehicles of the Second World War Volume 1: Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks, Artillery Tractors 1935-1945
Fantom Films Limited Who Talk: The Web of Fear
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Global Health Promotion
Introduction to Global Health Promotion addresses a breadth and depth of public health topics that students and emerging professionals in the field must understand as the world's burden of disease changes with non-communicable diseases on the rise in low- and middle-income countries as their middle class populations grow. Now more than ever, we need to provide health advocacy and intervention to prevent, predict, and address emerging global health issues. This new text from the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) prepares readers with thorough and thoughtful chapters on global health promotion theories, best practices, and perspectives on the future of the field, from the individual to the global level. The world's biggest health care challenges—including HIV, malaria, heart disease, smoking, and violence, among others—are explored in detail in Introduction to Global Health Promotion. The state of the science, including the latest empirical data, is distilled into 19 chapters that update readers on the complex issues surrounding a variety of illnesses and conditions, and disease epidemics and individual, social, institutional, and governmental barriers to preventing them. Expert authors bring to the fore human rights issues, new uses of technology, and practical application of theory. These perspectives, along with the book's multidisciplinary approach, serve to create a well-rounded understanding of global health today. Learn more from the Editors of Introduction to Global Health Promotion here.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Genomes, Evolution, and Culture: Past, Present, and Future of Humankind
This book combines recent information and discoveries in the field of human molecular biology and human molecular evolution. It provides an interdisciplinary approach drawing together data from various diverse disciplines to address both the more classical anthropological content and the current more contemporary molecular focus of courses. Chapters include a history of human evolutionary genetics; the human genome structure and function; population structure and variability; gene and genomic dynamics; culture; health and disease; bioethics; future.
Johns Hopkins University Press The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: A Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia
The War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain was fought throughout nearly all of the country, from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean to the vast frontier between the U.S. and Canada. No theater of war suffered more than the Chesapeake Bay region, where 11 battles-including Craney Island, Hampton, Bladensburg, and Baltimore-63 skirmishes, and 86 raids took place. Featuring a comprehensive list of more than 800 of the war's historical sites in the region, this book is an indispensable reference to the second great war for independence. One chapter each covers Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. The authors draw on both American and British accounts in describing battlefields and the locations of skirmishes. The book includes historic maps and drawings, descriptive overview essays, the most complete chronology of the War in the Chesapeake ever assembled, and a thorough bibliographic essay. Supported by such primary documents as diaries, journals, and newspaper articles, the material compiled in this encyclopedia surpasses any collection thus far brought together on the subject. Local librarians, historians, tour guides, history buffs, school teachers, and genealogists will find this guide to be informative and enlightening.
Harvard University Press Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume II: 1836–1838
The notable link between Ralph Waldo Emerson’s journals and his essays is formed by the lectures that reflected his developing views on issues of his time. This second volume of a welcome edition of the early lectures follows the earlier experimental series of lectures and presents the works of Emerson the now professional lecturer who revealed to his audience central ideas and themes which later crystallized into Essays, First Series.“The Philosophy of History,” a series of 12 lectures, explores the nature of man in his society, past and present, and singles out the individual as the center of society and history. A second series of 10 lectures on “Human Culture” begins with the duty and the right of the individual to cultivate his powers and proceeds to consider various means by which this cultivation can be accomplished. The occasional “Address on Education,” which Emerson delivered between these two series, may be seen as a link between them.Of the twenty-three lectures in this volume, only three have been previously published. The lectures have been reproduced from Emerson’s manuscripts, approximating as nearly as possible the original version read by the author to his audience.
Harvard University Press Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume I: 1833–1836
Famous first as a lecturer, Ralph Waldo Emerson molded his books on the rostrum. Yet relatively few of his hundreds of lectures have ever been published. Now, in a projected series of three volumes of which this is the first, the complete surviving lectures of Emerson’s earlier years are made available. In a readable and critical text, these volumes will establish an important step in Emerson’s creative process—that which lies between the notes jotted down in the journals and the finished text of the essays as prepared for print.The lectures, more sustained and organized than the journals and fresher and more direct than the essays, represent the vital missing middle panel in the total picture of Emerson’s literary achievement. It is in the early lectures, fruits of those vigorous and formative years, that we find the first ordering of his journal thoughts. To see his mind at its most sustained activity in these crucial few years when he was first exploring his own proper world of thought and growing with a sense of “power and hope,” we need above all to have the complete, original texts of the lectures.For the years covered by this volume, all passages later published elsewhere by Emerson and others are included together with much new material. The lectures are the immediate source of much in his essays, whose composition cannot be understood without them. As important in their own right as either journals or essays, the lectures also have a coordinate interest and should be studied with the other two forms of his writing.This volume contains among others the lectures on Science, Biography, and English Literature. The editors have supplied extensive textual and informational notes, invaluable for an intelligent reading of material originally intended for oral communication.
Thames & Hudson Ltd The Thames & Hudson Introduction to Art
This is a bestselling and comprehensive introductory textbook that uses a four-part structure to cover all aspects of the visual arts, including: how art is designed - the visual language of art; how art is made - the media and processes, covering everything from painting and sculpture to graphic design, digital media, film and installations; the history of art, from prehistoric times to the twenty-first century and including art from all parts of the world; and major themes that recur across cultures and throughout history. A unique feature, the 'Gateways to Art', uses eight iconic images, examined repeatedly from different points of view (compositional, stylistic, etc.), to stimulate perceptions about how great works are created and take their effect. No other book currently available has such a wide coverage, provided in a modular form that enables students and teachers to learn or teach in a truly flexible way. Beautifully illustrated with more than 1,000 images of art, this dynamic and accessible book will appeal as much to the art enthusiast as to those looking for an outstanding educational resource.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Complete CFO Handbook: From Accounting to Accountability
This must-have reference covers all of the major areas of cost accounting and analysis including product costing, relevant costs, cost-volume analysis, performance evaluation, transfer pricing, and capital budgeting. Includes methods of reorganizing, classifying, allocating, aggregating, and reporting actual costs and comparing them with standard costs. Equips experienced cost accountants with a reference tool and students with a thorough textbook. Provides numerous examples, succinct language, chapter review, glossary, and appendices. Includes an abundance of exercises, many of which are based on exam questions from the CPA and CMA exams.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen II
Cornell University Press Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States
In much of North America, crickets and katydids provide the soundtrack to summer nights, and grasshoppers frequent the fields and roadsides of midsummer days. Although insects from this group have long been the bane of those who make their living from the land, grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets are themselves crucial food sources for many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians, and other creatures.Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States introduces readers to the biology, behavior, and ecological significance of one of the most obvious (abundant, large, and colorful) and important (ecologically and economically significant) insect groups in North America, the order Orthoptera. A simple, illustrated identification guide assists the reader in distinguishing among the various groups and narrows down the options to expedite identification. The book treats more than a third of the species found in the United States and Canada in brief, easy-to-understand sections that provide information on distribution, identification, ecology, and similar species. Distribution maps accompany each profile, and 206 species are pictured in color. Black-and-white drawings highlight distinguishing characteristics of some of the more difficult-to-identify species. Sonograms provide a graphic representation of the insects' distinctive sounds, which may be heard on Thomas J. Walker's website: Singing Insects of North America.This is the first treatment of North American grasshoppers, katydids, and crickets to portray the insects in full color, and it will be the first time many amateur naturalists and students have the opportunity to see the amazing and colorful world of Orthoptera, because many are cryptically colored (their bright colors evident only in flight) or cryptic in behavior (nocturnal in their habits). John L. Capinera, Ralph D. Scott, and Thomas J. Walker designed their book for amateur naturalists who wish to know the local fauna, for students who seek to identify insects as part of entomology and natural history courses, and for professional biologists who need to identify invertebrates. This invaluable field guide will be a useful supplement for laboratory and field activities and a reference for classrooms at every level.
Harvard University Press Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume XIV: 1854–1861
The journals from 1854 to 1861 show the ripeness of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s thought overshadowed by the gravest problem of his time—slavery. In addition to completing English Traits (1856) and Conduct of Life (1860), Emerson wrote many of the lectures and articles that made up his next book, Society and Solitude. He also contributed often to The Atlantic Monthly after helping to found that magazine in 1857. Throughout these years he extended his strenuous trips as a lyceum lecturer, crossing and recrossing the frozen Mississippi several times each winter. In Concord, he continued his omnivorous reading, his beloved walks, and his friendships with Alcott, Channing, and Thoreau, but at home or away he saw America’s future darkening daily. In 1856, Emerson wrote to his brother William, “But what times are these, & how they make our studies impertinent, & even ourselves the same! I am looking into the map to see where I shall go with my children when Boston & Massachusetts surrender to the slave-trade.”Influenced by events such as the murder of New England men in bloody Kansas and the assault on Charles Sumner in the U.S. Congress in 1856, by a growing friendship with Theodore Parker, and by John Brown’s visits to Concord in 1857 and 1859, Emerson became one of the most notable speakers against slavery. He armed himself for his emergence from the study by marshalling his thoughts on liberty as he would have ranged his thoughts on any other topic. Notebook WO Liberty, rediscovered in the Library of Congress in 1964, collects his ideas on slavery and human liberty. Probably begun in 1854 it contains drafts or records of seven antislavery speeches, including his major antislavery address, “American Slavery,” first given in January, 1855. These notebooks and journals bring the philosopher of "the infinitude of the private man" to January 1861 and the brink of war.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metal Fatigue in Engineering
Classic, comprehensive, and up-to-date Metal Fatigue in Engineering Second Edition For twenty years, Metal Fatigue in Engineering has served as an important textbook and reference for students and practicing engineers concerned with the design, development, and failure analysis of components, structures, and vehicles subjected to repeated loading. Now this generously revised and expanded edition retains the best features of the original while bringing it up to date with the latest developments in the field. As with the First Edition, this book focuses on applied engineering design, with a view to producing products that are safe, reliable, and economical. It offers in-depth coverage of today's most common analytical methods of fatigue design and fatigue life predictions/estimations for metals. Contents are arranged logically, moving from simple to more complex fatigue loading and conditions. Throughout the book, there is a full range of helpful learning aids, including worked examples and hundreds of problems, references, and figures as well as chapter summaries and "design do's and don'ts" sections to help speed and reinforce understanding of the material. The Second Edition contains a vast amount of new information, including: * Enhanced coverage of micro/macro fatigue mechanisms, notch strain analysis, fatigue crack growth at notches, residual stresses, digital prototyping, and fatigue design of weldments * Nonproportional loading and critical plane approaches for multiaxial fatigue * A new chapter on statistical aspects of fatigue
John Wiley & Sons Inc Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research
"Here is a 'must-read' for all health promotion researchers and practitioners eager to stay one step ahead of the pack. A panoply of insightful and promising new approaches is presented for consideration and exploration in our contemporary behavioral science arsenal." — M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, Chief Executive Officer, Society for Public Health Education "This book is an essential addition to the health practice and research literature, concentrating on theories that have not been extensively covered elsewhere and that have great currency. It provides an up-to-date rendition on the interplay among contemporary public health concerns, sound public health practice, and the theoretical bases for practice."— Robert M. Goodman, PhD, MPH, Dean and Professor, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Indiana University "The authors of Emerging Theories provide vivid descriptions of the state of the science in health promotion and presents an exciting map for future research. Understanding and using theories is the hallmark of an excellent practitioner. Creating and elaborating theories is the mark of an excellent researcher. This text will be very valuable for both." — Noreen M. Clark, PhD, Myron E. Wegman Distinguished University Professor; Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan "Emerging Theories captures the dynamic growth in theories of health promotion and illustrates how divergent theoretical perspectives are being integrated into richer explanatory and practice models." — Matthew W. Kreuter, PhD, MPH, Professor of Social Work and Medicine; Director, Health Communication Research Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis
Nova Science Publishers Inc USDA 2007 Farm Bill Proposal
Cardiotext Publishing Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age
Empires have fallen, and the land is broken. The great oathmarks that once stood as testaments to the allegiances and might of nations have crumbled into ruin. In this lost age, fealty and loyalty are as valuable as gold and as deadly as cold iron, and war is ever-present. Created by Joseph A. McCullough, designer of Frostgrave and Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, Oathmark is a mass-battle fantasy wargame that puts you in command of the fantasy army you’ve always wanted, whether a company of stalwart dwarves or a mixed force with proud elves, noble men, and wild goblins standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the battle-line. Fight through an integrated campaign system and develop your realms from battle to battle, adding new territories, recruiting new troop types, and growing to eclipse your rivals… or lose what you fought so hard to gain and fall as so many would-be emperors before you.
Elsevier Health Sciences McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy
Understand foot, ankle and lower limb anatomy visually and clinically. McMinn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy is the ideal study aid or trusted visual reference for the range of students and practitioners who require a detailed understanding of the anatomy of the foot, ankle and lower limb. It provides you with the perfect grasp of all the important lower limb structures that are likely to be encountered in practice or in the anatomy lab. Superb images of dissections, osteology, radiographic and surface anatomy offer an unmatched view of muscles, nerves, skeletal structures, blood vessels and more. Figures are accompanied by concise notes and commentaries, as well as orientational artworks to help you locate the structure accurately on the body. This updated fifth edition offers increased clinical relevance and features an entirely new chapter on Imaging of the Lower Limb, reflecting the very latest modalities and techniques. It also comes with the complete, enhanced eBook for the first time. All new state-of-the-art clinical imaging chapter - provides new insights and reflects anatomy as seen in modern practice Easily correlates essential anatomy with clinical practice - through over 200 high-quality photographs, combined with explanatory illustrations for more complex areas and concise, accompanying notes throughout Bonus information in Appendices - including practical guidance to administering nerve blocks accurately and effectively in the regional anaesthesia section Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase - this enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Mostly life-size dissections and osteology - corresponds to what students/practitioners will see in the dissection lab or in real life Includes radiography and surface anatomy pictures - helps maximise clinical relevance (and necessary for modern courses) Orientational and explanatory artworks - helps the reader to position on the body Short accompanying text - expands on the illustrations and serves as study tool Numbered labels - helps facilitate self-testing Appendix containing key information on Skin, Muscles, Arteries and Nerves All new and expanded 'Imaging' chapter to reflect what is seen in current teaching and practice Revised section on regional anaesthesia of the lower limb, to improve layout and reflect practice updates Print + electronic package for the first time, incorporating new and enhanced eBook version via Expert Consult
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Primer of Diagnostic Imaging
Widely known as THE survival guide for radiology residents, fellows, and junior faculty, the "purple book" provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of diagnostic imaging in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Focusing on the core information you need for learning and practice, this portable resource combines the full range of diagnostic imaging applications with the latest imaging modalities, making it the perfect clinical companion and review tool. Features more than 1,200 detailed illustrations now in full color, plus images that clearly depict the latest applications of CT, MRI, PET/CT, and other diagnostic imaging modalities. Provides new coverage of non-interpretive skills such as quality and safe dosing. Balances new information and anatomic drawings with timeless, relevant material to fully prepare you for the boards and for daily practice. Explains the nuances of key diagnostic details for all body systems, including signs and symptoms, anatomic landmarks, and common radiologic-pathologic alterations, for the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties. Uses a bulleted format and provides mnemonics, descriptive terminology, and space for note taking that make it easy to learn and remember key facts, techniques, and images. Allows you to work through diagnoses with hundreds of differentials for board certification preparation. Clarifies the impact of the latest disease entities on the interpretation of radiologic findings. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cancer Metabolism: Historical Landmarks, New Concepts, and Opportunities
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume I: Nature, Addresses, and Lectures
In 1849 Ralph Waldo Emerson collected in one volume all of his published work he thought worthy of preservation that had not been contained in the two series of Essays (1841, 1844) and the Poems (1847). Included were the essay Nature (1836); four orations, “The American Scholar,” “The Divinity School Address,” and two others; and five lectures which had appeared in The Dial.As the first volume of a projected new Collected Works, this edition of Nature, Addresses, and Lectures now provides for the first time a definitive text based on collation of all editions in which Emerson might have had a hand, together with a wholly new introduction and extensive notes. The recently published Journals and Lectures from this period help bring to this volume a fresh perspective on the first and formative stage of Emerson’s career as a public figure and man of letters.Introduction and Notes by Robert E. Spiller; Text Established by Alfred R. Ferguson
Harvard University Press Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume IX: Poems: A Variorum Edition
At his death in 1882, Ralph Waldo Emerson was counted among the greatest poets in nineteenth-century America. This variorum edition of all the poems Emerson chose for publication during his lifetime offers readers the opportunity to situate Emerson’s poetic achievement alongside his celebrated essays and to consider their interrelationship.Decades before Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson took their places in the firmament of American poets, Emerson was securely enthroned. Though his reputation as essayist now eclipses his reputation as poet, Emerson self-identified as a writer of verse and worked out his transcendental philosophy in this genre, establishing his belief in the authority of individual experience and in the essential metaphoric nature of language. Albert J. von Frank’s historical introduction traces the development of Emerson the poet, considering how life events, as well as his reading of German philosophy and Sufi poetry, influenced his thought and expression. Alongside accounts of the critical reception of his poems are public and private writings that reveal Emerson’s own estimation of his poetic project and achievement.The textual introduction and apparatus make transparent the theoretical and practical concerns that inform these critical texts. Also included are a chronological lists of variants and texts constituting the historical collation, notes clarifying obscure allusions, and headnotes identifying sources and context.