Search results for ""World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd""
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Pop! Lit For Kids (Set 1)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Investment In Startups And Small Business Financing
Successful startups and small businesses can play a significant role in economic growth and job creation. They also contribute to economic dynamism by spurring innovation and injecting competition. Startups are known to introduce new products and services that can create new value in the economy. It is notable that most startups exit within their first ten years, and most surviving young businesses do not grow but remain small. Startups and small businesses face several obstacles to their development. Accessing capital is a crucial constraint on their growth. Most startups and small businesses have difficulties getting the funds they need because of their lack of a performance track record and lack of collateral, making it difficult for lenders or investors to assess their risk. Besides, they are in the early stages of development and face a very high possibility of failure, which significantly raises financing and investment risk.Investment in Startups and Small Business Financing provides 12 thematic and case studies on new methods for bringing private investment (loans or equity) to startups and easing small businesses' access to finance (debt and capital). The contributors are senior-level policy experts and researchers from governments, think tanks, academia, and international organizations. The chapters are authored in a policy-oriented way to be understandable for the readers with a different background. This book is a precious source for the governments for adopting the right policies to develop small businesses and startups and valuable for the researchers in economics, business, and finance.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Trilogy Of Numbers And Arithmetic - Book 1: History Of Numbers And Arithmetic: An Information Perspective
The book is the first in the trilogy which will bring you to the fascinating world of numbers and operations with them. Numbers provide information about myriads of things. Together with operations, numbers constitute arithmetic forming in basic intellectual instruments of theoretical and practical activity of people and offering powerful tools for representation, acquisition, transmission, processing, storage, and management of information about the world.The history of numbers and arithmetic is the topic of a variety of books and at the same time, it is extensively presented in many books on the history of mathematics. However, all of them, at best, bring the reader to the end of the 19th century without including the developments in these areas in the 20th century and later. Besides, such books consider and describe only the most popular classes of numbers, such as whole numbers or real numbers. At the same time, a diversity of new classes of numbers and arithmetic were introduced in the 20th century.This book looks into the chronicle of numbers and arithmetic from ancient times all the way to 21st century. It also includes the developments in these areas in the 20th century and later. A unique aspect of this book is its information orientation of the exposition of the history of numbers and arithmetic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Practical Guide For Aspiring Ophthalmologists, A
If you are considering a career in ophthalmology, this book is for you. Ophthalmology is among the most popular and rewarding specialties in medicine. This book is packed full of useful strategies to maximise your chances of securing an ophthalmic specialist training (OST) post in the United Kingdom. Each step of the application process is covered, based on official guidance and the author's first-hand experience. An overview of the OST Person Specification and Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is provided. The Evidence Folder (portfolio) is covered in detail, with targeted strategies for boosting scores across all sections. Interview preparation material is provided for the in-person interview format, including critical appraisal, improving patient care (audit and quality improvement), communication skills and clinical knowledge. Interview preparation material is also provided for the 2021 online interview (patient consultation). Three mock interviews with solutions/guidance are provided for both the in-person and online interview formats. The author also gives a candid account of his own journey in ophthalmic specialist training, plus "a week in the life of an ophthalmology trainee". This book is unique in its broad, easy-to-access approach to preparation strategies, theory and practice for aspiring ophthalmologists applying for OST posts in the UK.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lewis Carroll's Cats And Rats... And Other Puzzles With Interesting Tails
British-Israeli recreational mathematician, communicator and educator, Yossi Elran explores in-depth six of the most ingenious math puzzles, exposing their long 'tails': the stories, trivia, quirks and oddities of their history and, of course, the math and mathematicians behind them. In his unique 'talmudic', associative way, Elran shows the hidden connections between Lewis Carroll's 'Cats and Rats' puzzle and the math of taxi driving, a number pyramid magic trick and Hollywood movie fractals, and even how packing puzzles are related to COVID-19!Elran has a great talent for explaining difficult topics — including quantum mechanics, a topic he relates to some original 'operator' puzzles — making the book very accessible for all audiences.With over 40 additional, original puzzles, and touching on dozens of hot math topics, this is a perfect book for math lovers, educators, kids and adults, and anyone who loves a great read.Yossi Elran is co-author of our bestselling The Paper Puzzle Book, and heads the Innovation Center at the Davidson Institute of Science Education, the educational arm of the world-renowned Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Preventive Diplomacy, Peacebuilding And Security In The Asia-pacific: Evolving Norms, Agenda And Practices
Preventive diplomacy constitutes an important part of international conflict resolution mechanisms. This book presents the latest research trends in ideations, institutions and practices in preventive diplomacy and other peacebuilding measures of Asia-Pacific countries to ensure traditional and non-traditional security within and beyond the region. It studies peacebuilding issues range from North Korea nuclear issue in Northeast Asia, disputes in the South China Sea, Afghanistan peace process and China-India-Pakistan interaction in South Asia, UN peacebuilding in Central Asia, etc. It explores general security issues at the state, international, regional and global levels by experts from the Asia-Pacific. This book is a useful guide for those interested to know the security and preventive diplomacy status in the region's distinctive context.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Science (Set 1)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd World Of Science (Set 1)
Our close relationship with plants goes back hundreds of thousands of years -- plants give us food, in addition to countless materials useful for building, decorating, curing illnesses and keeping us clothed and protected. Which plants have tasty, edible leaves? Why do some plants adopt 'disguises'? And which ones set 'traps' for tiny animals? From the 'bearded' banyan to the African baobab, get ready to branch out into our eye-opening world of plants!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Problems And Solutions In Mathematical Olympiad (Secondary 3)
The series is edited by the head coaches of China's IMO National Team. Each volume, catering to different grades, is contributed by the senior coaches of the IMO National Team. The Chinese edition has won the award of Top 50 most influential educational brand in China.The series is in line with the mathematics cognition and intellectual development level of the students in the corresponding grade. The volume lines up the topics in each chapter and introduces a variety of concepts and methods to provide with the knowledge, then gradually transitions to the competition level. The content covers all the hot topics of the competition.In each chapter, there are packed with many problems including some real competition questions which students can use to verify their abilities. Selected detailed answers are provided. Some of the solutions are from national training team and national team members, their wonderful solutions being the feature of this series.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advent Of Relativity, The
This popular book on special relativity was first published in Moscow back in 1961 under the Russian title 'Очевидное? Нет, ещё неизведанное', which can be roughly translated as 'Is it evident? No, it's unexplored yet!'This clear exposition of the history of the development of physical ideas which eventually led to the discovery of special relativity is a narration of how physicists, from Galileo, Newton to Lorentz, Poincare and Einstein were distracted in their reflections by numerous fallacies (like aether, dragged or not). Then by experiment, it was finally understood that the laws of cinematics and dynamics of the objects moving at high speed can only be formulated with physical definions for what is distance, time or force. After that and from the two basic Einstein postulates — the principle of relativity and the constancy of the speed of light — everything else followed.As the emphasis is on being exact from the scientific viewpoint, it is also accessible to any person with a high school background. The last chapter 'Photon dreams' is addressed to science fiction fans. However, the author proves to the disappointed reader that the laws of physics that we know do not allow the construction of spaceships that could reach even the nearest stars during the life span of the team.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Adventures In The Human Body
How do our bodies make sense of the world through the senses of sight, smell, taste and touch? Why do we have bones? What is the importance of eating well? From the secrets of the largest organ our skin, to the good and the bad about cholesterol, to what can go wrong with the tiny appendix, get ready for a journey of discovery into one of the most mysterious and fascinating realms known to science!The World of Science comics series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds.This book aligns with the following syllabi:
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Sustaining Tomorrow via Innovative Engineering
We cannot continue on a business-as-usual, carbon fuel dependent mode of operation, because the consequences of doing so are catching up with us. So, what must we do to ensure there is a tomorrow? In this book, experts from around the world come together to shed light on what we can do to preserve and expand resources key to the survival of human civilization - from the state-of-the-art of innovative engineering; to the latest status on energy, energy mix, and advancements in renewable energy - including the complementary energy storage using hydrogen; or innovative architecture for more sustainable buildings, including retrofitting of aging tall buildings; innovative ways to improve our air, water and coastline with nearshore biodiversity reclamation; to the subject of sustainable development through the water-energy-food nexus. This volume is recommended for research and graduate courses on energy and sustainability, and policymakers interested in the subjects.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Lecture Notes On General Topology
This book is intended as a one-semester course in general topology, a.k.a. point-set topology, for undergraduate students as well as first-year graduate students. Such a course is considered a prerequisite for further studying analysis, geometry, manifolds, and certainly, for a career of mathematical research. Researchers may find it helpful especially from the comprehensive indices.General topology resembles a language in modern mathematics. Because of this, the book is with a concentration on basic concepts in general topology, and the presentation is of a brief style, both concise and precise. Though it is hard to determine exactly which concepts therein are basic and which are not, the author makes efforts in the selection according to personal experience on the occurrence frequency of notions in advanced mathematics, and to related books that have received admirable reviews.This book also contains exercises for each chapter with selected solutions. Interrelationships among concepts are taken into account frequently. Twelve particular topological spaces are repeatedly exploited, which serve as examples to learn new concepts based on old ones.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Mars On Earth: A Study Of The Qaidam Basin
Mars has been extensively photographed by cameras and compositionally detected by spectrometers onboard orbiters on a global scale, and explored in-situ by landers and rovers at both local and outcrop scales in different locations. The results have proved that the Martian surface is rich in Earth-like geomorphologies, and the study of terrestrial analogs to Mars has been listed as one of the highest priorities of Martian science. With increasing new discoveries by in-situ explorations, Mars exploration has begun to enter the era of focusing on detailed analyses at regional to outcrop levels, rather than global mapping. Analog studies are playing a crucial role in this transition, making this book, which introduces the methodology and provides cases for readers, essentially important.Dozens of sites on Earth have been listed as analog targets for comparative study with the geomorphology, geology, geochemistry, environment and habitability of Mars. However, due to the diversity of landforms and forming mechanisms, and the long history of Mars, no single analog site on Earth can be fully compared to Mars. Nonetheless, the Qaidam Basin has been listed as an unique Mars analog site for studying the red planet's geomorphology, geology, and environmental changes, particularly regarding the evolution of paleolakes on Mars. This kind of setting has always been listed as a top priority for the search of life on Mars.This book contains first-hand information and on-site images obtained by the work's contributing authors, and is an essential read for anyone interested in Martian geomorphology and its evolution processes and history.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Islamic Banking And Finance: An Economic Analysis
This book, Introduction to Islamic Banking and Finance: An Economic Analysis, covers the basic principles of Islamic economics and finance. It discusses both the theory of Islamic economics and finance as well as the applications in the design of instruments of finance as well as Islamic financial institutions. The book enables its readers to gain an understanding of the structures and operations of Islamic banking, Islamic capital market investments, risk management, and taxation for Islamic banking contracts. The book sets forth the following objectives: An overview of the principles of Islamic economics and understand their contrast with mainstream economics. An overview of basic rules of commercial law in Islamic jurisprudence. An overview of basic principles, structures and operations of Islamic banking both in the liability side and asset side operations. An understanding of Islamic capital market instruments and investment management including some unique activities peculiar to Islamic investments, such as stock screening and income purification. An illustration of different Takaful structures, which are applied for risk management by individuals and corporates. Supplementary materials are available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: Testbank PowerPoint Slides Self-Assessment Questions (SAQ) Answer Key
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Our Folktales: The All-time Favourite Folktales From Asia
Our Folktales: The All-time Favourite Folktales from Asia is a collection of eight beloved children's stories from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Singapore. In these beautifully illustrated tales, you will meet brave heroes who outsmart others, mystical spells that enchant, talking animals that are full of mischief, and so much more. The diversity and wonder of Asia are found in these precious stories that have been passed down through generations, and now, adapted in this compilation, for your reading pleasure. These stories will not just fascinate young readers, they will also educate because they speak of admirable traits, like strength and determination, family loyalty, and and even, mysterious allegories that reveal history!
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Marketing Strategy In The Digital Age: Applying Kotler's Strategies To Digital Marketing
The market changes faster than marketing. In essence, marketing strategy has undergone only two eras, the entity era and the bit era, also known as the industrial age and the digital age. In the age of digital society, all CEOs, CMOs and senior marketing executives must consider how to change their strategies, improve the role of marketing and adopt emerging technological and data tools to integrate with the Internet. The goal of digital marketing strategy is not to disrupt existing marketing strategies, but to complement, integrate and develop the two at the same time.In this book, the authors provide detailed discussion and practical analysis on the relationship between marketing and digital technologies and propose a marketing implementation framework for digital strategy platforms. Standing for Recognize, Reach, Relationship and Return, the 4R system is a powerful strategic trading tool for digital implementation, especially for CEOs and CMOs. All other tools, such as data platforms, content marketing, DSP digital advertising and digital marketing ROI design essentially serve the 4R system. As such, the authors advocate for firms to restructure their digital marketing strategy around the 4R system.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Fractional Quantum Hall Effects: New Developments
The fractional quantum Hall effect has been one of the most active areas of research in quantum condensed matter physics for nearly four decades, serving as a paradigm for unexpected and exotic emergent behavior arising from interactions. This book, featuring a collection of articles written by experts and a Foreword by Klaus von Klitzing, the discoverer of quantum Hall effect and winner of 1985 Nobel Prize in physics, aims to provide a coherent account of the exciting new developments and the current status of the field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Food Cure, The: Clinically Proven Antioxidant Foods To Prevent And Treat Chronic Diseases And Conditions
Modern medicine has done much in the field of acute conditions, such as trauma, infections, burns and bone fractures, but it has limited success in treating chronic diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and diabetes, among others. At present, the root causes of most chronic diseases are still unknown. It is well known in the medical communities that at least 50% of all chronic diseases are preventable by dietary changes.The Food Cure presents the groundbreaking antioxidant food remedies to prevent and treat chronic diseases that to this day have been hidden in the vast scientific literature that is not accessible to the public.In this book, you will discover a treasure trove of dietary habits of tens of millions of people worldwide; unlock the secrets of the healing power of antioxidants in plant-based whole foods; how to safely and effectively prevent and treat major illnesses and cancers with antioxidant rich foods; why fish are important to brain health; seven disease-causative foods on your dining table that can kill you; why eating just one egg a day can be detrimental to your health; and science-based food remedies to prevent and treat hypertension, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and more.Meta-analysis is a statistical procedure for combining data from multiple studies. When the treatment effect (or effect size) is consistent from one study to the next, meta-analysis can be used to identify this common effect.The search using medical data bases reveals that hundreds of meta-analysis papers conducted with tens of millions of people worldwide confirmed that the efficacies of thirty antioxidant-rich food remedies in preventing or treating many chronic diseases. Meta-analysis is the most reliable statistical method for assessing the efficacy of food items in preventing or treating chronic diseases.The Food Cure will bring these clinically proven remedies in the general public and book consumers.Related Link(s)
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Abcs Of Cancer, The: Separating The Facts From The Myths
This exciting reader-friendly book addresses the general perspectives of cancer in diverse ways — everyday lifestyle, nutrition, environmental factors as well as genetics. The author, an expert in Immuno-Oncology, makes conscious efforts to break down the complexities of cancer development through the use of scientific evidences and everyday activities. There are so many myths about cancer out there. This book employs scientific basis to separate the facts from the myths while making it comprehensible to all readers irrespective of their scientific background. Readers are also introduced to the modern trends in cancer therapeutics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd From Photons To Atoms: The Electromagnetic Nature Of Matter
Motivated by a revision of the classical equations of electromagnetism that allow for the inclusion of solitary waves in the solution space, the material collected in this book examines the consequences of adopting the modified model in the description of atomic structures. The possibility of handling 'photons' in a deterministic way indeed gives a chance to review the foundations of quantum physics. Atoms and molecules are described as aggregations of nuclei and electrons joined through organized photon layers resonating at various frequencies, explaining how matter can absorb or emit light quanta. Some established viewpoints are subverted, offering an alternative scenario. The analysis seeks to provide an answer to many technical problems in physical chemistry and, at the same time, to raise epistemological questions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Understanding Globalization Through The Lens Of Gravity
Since 1962, economists have used the 'gravity equation' in international trade to explain empirically bilateral international trade flows, and have since more recently adopted the gravity model to explain foreign direct investment stocks. Motivated by its empirical success, Jeffrey H. Bergstrand provided one of the earliest formal theoretical foundations for the gravity equation in international trade in 1985. Since then, the gravity equation has become a fundamental element of international trade theory, empirical work, and policy analysis, especially of the effects of economic integration agreements and tariffs on trade flows and welfare. Understanding Globalization Through the Lens of Gravity is a curated collection of Bergstrand's published papers over the 30 years since his first paper on the theme of gravity. In four parts, the 17 papers span topics such as the determinants of international trade flows, economic determinants of free trade agreements, estimating the effects of economic integration agreements on trade flows, and economic determinants of multinational firms' foreign direct investment stocks, foreign affiliate sales and governments' bilateral investment treaties.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Advanced Continuum Theories And Finite Element Analyses
This comprehensive volume presents a unified framework of continuum theories. It indicates that (i) microcontinuum theories (micromorphic and micropolar theories) are natural extension of classical continuum mechanics, and (ii) classical continuum mechanics is a special case of microcontinuum theories when the deformable material point is idealized as a single mathematical point. The kinematics and basic laws are rigorously derived. Based on axiomatic approach, constitutive theory is systematically derived for various kinds of materials, ranging from Stokesian fluid to thermo-visco-elastic-plastic solid. Material force and Thermomechanical-electromagnetic coupling are introduced and discussed. Moreover, general finite element methods for large-strain thermomechanical coupling physical phenomena are systematically formulated. Also, non-classical continuum theories (Nonlocal Theory, Mechanobiology, 4D printing, Poromechanics, and Non-Self-Similar Crack Propagation) are rigorously formulated with applications and demonstrated numerically.As an advanced monograph, this unique compendium can also be used as a textbook for several graduate courses, including continuum mechanics, finite element methods, and advanced engineering science theories. Extensive problems are provided to help students to better understand the topics covered.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Principles Of Quantum Computation And Information: A Comprehensive Textbook
'The book is a useful compendium of most significant topics in quantum information and computation … It is readable by any undergraduate or graduate student in physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry or engineering … The book has a simple, attractive, easy to grasp and systematic treatment, with the final goal to be used as a substantial wide-ranging primer and single comprehensive material for quantum computation and information without the need for consulting supplementary texts.'Contemporary PhysicsQuantum computation and information is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field. It is not easy to understand its fundamental concepts and central results without facing numerous technical details. This book provides the reader with a useful guide. In particular, the initial chapters offer a simple and self-contained introduction; no previous knowledge of quantum mechanics or classical computation is required.Various important aspects of quantum computation and information are covered in depth, starting from the foundations (the basic concepts of computational complexity, energy, entropy, and information, quantum superposition and entanglement, elementary quantum gates, the main quantum algorithms, quantum teleportation, and quantum cryptography) up to advanced topics (like entanglement measures, quantum discord, quantum noise, quantum channels, quantum error correction, quantum simulators and tensor networks).It can be used as a broad range textbook for a course in quantum information and computation, both for upper-level undergraduate students and for graduate students. It contains a large number of solved exercises, which are an essential complement to the text, as they will help the student to become familiar with the subject. The book may also be useful as general education for readers who want to know the fundamental principles of quantum information and computation and who have the basic background acquired from their undergraduate course in physics, mathematics, or computer science, as well as for researchers interested in some of the latest spin-off of the field, including the use of quantum information in the theories of many-body systems.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Waking Up To Climate Change: Five Dimensions Of The Crisis And What We Can Do About It
For 15 years, author George Ropes has followed the unfolding story of climate change for the timely website Along the way, he has covered myriad individual research studies, innovations, catastrophes, and signs of progress, from the resurgence of sustainable communities to lessons learned from the Australian wildfires. This enlightening book presents a selection of these key writings to describe the multifaceted ways that climate change affects
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Liquid Crystals With Nano And Microparticles (In 2 Volumes)
'The overall book content is excellently coordinated to form a synchronised story, interesting to a broad scientific audience … The book summarises the present knowledge in the field, introduces fundamental concepts to the beginners, describes key measuring methods and presents several different typical demonstrative systems, some of them exhibiting an extraordinary rich spectrum of structures and superstructures. I am sure that with time the book will become an attractor to a broad audience (physicists, chemists, material scientists, engineers, etc.), ranging from students, beginners in the field to experienced researchers. To summarise, this is the book that I have been missing on my bookshelf.'Liquid Crystals TodayWhile liquid crystals are today widely known for their successful application in flat panel displays (LCDs), academic liquid crystal research is more and more targeting situations where these anisotropic fluids are put to completely different use, in varying contexts. A particularly strong focus is on colloidal liquid crystals, where particles, bubbles or drops are dispersed in a liquid crystal phase. The liquid crystal can act as a host phase, with the inclusions constituting foreign guests that disturb the local order in interesting ways, often resulting in large-scale positional arrangement and/or uniform alignment of the guests. But it may also be formed by solid particles themselves, if these are of nanoscale dimensions and of disc- or rod-shape, and if they are suspended in an isotropic liquid host at sufficient concentration.This book aims to cover both the modern research tracks, gathering pioneering researchers of the different subfields to give a concise overview of the basis as well as the prospects of their respective specialties. The scope spans from curiosity-driven fundamental scientific research to applied sciences. Over the course of the next decade, the former is likely to generate new tracks of the latter type, considering the exploratory and productive phase of this young research field.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Literature (2006-2010)
The great works of world literature contribute to our understanding of history and humanity. The Nobel Prize for literature recognizes modern classics and the efforts of authors to bridge gaps among different countries, cultures, and time periods.List of Nobel laureates, their Prize motivations and Nobel Lectures:2006 — Orhan Pamuk (Turkey) “who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures”; Nobel Lecture: My Father's Suitcase; 2007 — Doris Lessing (UK) “that epicist of the female experience, who with scepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilisation to scrutiny”; Nobel Lecture: On Not Winning the Nobel Prize; 2008 — Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio (France) “author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization”; Nobel Lecture: In the Forest of Paradoxes; 2009 — Herta Müller (Germany) “who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed”; Nobel Lecture: Every Word Knows Something of a Vicious Circle; 2010 — Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru) “for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat”; Nobel Lecture: In Praise of Reading and Fiction.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Applications Of Lie Group Analysis In Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
This is the first monograph dealing with the applications of the Lie group analysis to the modeling equations governing internal wave propagation in the deep ocean. A new approach to describe the nonlinear interactions of internal waves in the ocean is presented. While the central idea of the book is to investigate oceanic internal waves through the prism of Lie group analysis, it is also shown for the first time that internal wave beams, representing exact solutions to the equation of motion of stratified fluid, can be found by solving the given model as invariant solutions of nonlinear equations of motion. On the illustrative basis, it is also shown that the presence of the invariant solutions makes it possible to construct a more general class of disturbances, which represent wave beams propagating in certain direction coinciding with the beam energy.This book is designed for specialists in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Ocean and Atmospheric Modeling, as well as for researchers, teachers and students — mathematicians and nonmathematicians — interested in methods of applied group analysis for investigating nonlinear problems in physical, engineering and natural sciences. It can also serve as a textbook on practical applications of symmetries of nonlinear differential equations for graduate students in applied mathematics, physics and engineering.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Introduction To Biopolymer Physics
This book provides an ideal introduction to the physics of biopolymers. The structure, dynamics, and properties of biopolymers subjected to various forms of confinement are covered, and special attention is paid to the effect of charge and electrostatic screening (polyelectrolyte effect). By focusing on the development of physical intuition rather than mathematical rigor, readers will be better prepared to address complicated, real issues in the life sciences or related fields such as material or food sciences. The book is designed to serve as a bridge between undergraduate textbooks in physical (bio)chemistry and the professional literature, and is thus especially suitable for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate students and professionals who have already acquired basic knowledge of physics, thermodynamics, and molecular biology.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd General Systems Theory: Problems, Perspectives, Practice
Systems theorists see common principles in the structure and operation of systems of all kinds and sizes. They promote an interdisciplinary science adapted for a universal application with a common language and area of concepts. In order to solve problems, make recommendations and predict the future, they use theories, models and concepts from the vast area of general systems theory. This approach is chosen as a means to overcome the fragmentation of knowledge and the isolation of the specialist but also to find new approaches to problems created by earlier 'solution of problems.'This revised and updated second edition of General Systems Theory — Ideas and Applications includes new systems theories and a new chapter on self-organization and evolution. The book summarizes most of the fields of systems theory and its application systems science in one volume. It provides a quick and readable reference guide for future learning containing both general theories and practical applications without the use of complicated mathematics.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Essays On Non-classical Logic
This book covers a broad range of up-to-date issues in non-classical logic that are of interest not only to philosophical and mathematical logicians but also to computer scientists and researchers in artificial intelligence. The problems addressed range from methodological issues in paraconsistent and deontic logic to the revision theory of truth and infinite Turing machines. The book identifies a number of important current trends in contemporary non-classical logic. Among them are dialogical and substructural logic, the classification of concepts of negation, truthmaker theory, and mathematical and foundational aspects of modal and temporal logic.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Literature, Vol 4 (1991-1995)
Equally important to our understanding of history and humanity are the great works of literature. The Nobel Prize for literature recognizes modern classics and the efforts of authors to bridge gaps between different cultures, time-periods and styles.(1991) N GORDIMER — who through her magnificent epic writing has — in the words of Alfred Nobel — been of very great benefit to humanity; (1992) D WALCOTT — for a poetic oeuvre of great luminosity, sustained by a historical vision, the outcome of a multicultural commitment; (1993) T MORRISON — who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic import, gives life to an essential aspect of American reality; (1994) K OE — who with poetic force creates an imagined world, where life and myth condense to form a disconcerting picture of the human predicament today; (1995) S HEANEY — for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Wspc Handbook Of Astronomical Instrumentation, The (In 5 Volumes)
Review of Volume 4:'The Handbook can be a good reference for a higher-degree science student approaching the subject or for an expert in a similar field in astronomical instrumentation. The reader requiring an in-depth presentation of a specific topic will be guided by the rich reference lists included at the end of each chapter.'The ObservatoryOur goal is to produce a comprehensive handbook of the current state of the art of astronomical instrumentation with a forward view encompassing the next decade. The target audience is graduate students with an interest in astronomical instrumentation, as well as practitioners interested in learning about the state of the art in another wavelength band or field closely related to the one in which they currently work. We assume a working knowledge of the fundamental theory: optics, semiconductor physics, etc. The purpose of this handbook is to bring together some of the leading experts in the world to discuss the frontier of astronomical instrumentation across the electromagnetic spectrum and extending into multimessenger astronomy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Topology And Physics
'The book is an engaging and influential collection of significant contributions from an assembly of world expert leaders and pioneers from different fields, working at the interface between topology and physics or applications of topology to physical systems … The book explores many interesting and novel topics that lie at the intersection between gravity, quantum fields, condensed matter, physical cosmology and topology … A rich, well-organized, and comprehensive overview of remarkable and insightful connections between physics and topology is here made available to the physics reader.'Contemporary PhysicsSince its birth in Poincaré's seminal 1894 'Analysis Situs', topology has become a cornerstone of mathematics. As with all beautiful mathematical concepts, topology inevitably — resonating with that Wignerian principle of the effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences — finds its prominent role in physics. From Chern-Simons theory to topological quantum field theory, from knot invariants to Calabi-Yau compactification in string theory, from spacetime topology in cosmology to the recent Nobel Prize winning work on topological insulators, the interactions between topology and physics have been a triumph over the past few decades.In this eponymous volume, we are honoured to have contributions from an assembly of grand masters of the field, guiding us with their world-renowned expertise on the subject of the interplay between 'Topology' and 'Physics'. Beginning with a preface by Chen Ning Yang on his recollections of the early days, we proceed to a novel view of nuclei from the perspective of complex geometry by Sir Michael Atiyah and Nick Manton, followed by an entrée toward recent developments in two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces by Robbert Dijkgraaf and Edward Witten; a study of Majorana fermions and relations to the Braid group by Louis H Kauffman; a pioneering investigation on arithmetic gauge theory by Minhyong Kim; an anecdote-enriched review of singularity theorems in black-hole physics by Sir Roger Penrose; an adventure beyond anyons by Zhenghan Wang; an aperçu on topological insulators from first-principle calculations by Haijun Zhang and Shou-Cheng Zhang; finishing with synopsis on quantum information theory as one of the four revolutions in physics and the second quantum revolution by Xiao-Gang Wen. We hope that this book will serve to inspire the research community.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Undergraduate Introduction To Financial Mathematics, An
This textbook provides an introduction to financial mathematics and financial engineering for undergraduate students who have completed a three- or four-semester sequence of calculus courses.It introduces the Theory of Interest, discrete and continuous random variables and probability, stochastic processes, linear programming, the Fundamental Theorem of Finance, option pricing, hedging, and portfolio optimization. The reader progresses from a solid grounding in multi-variable calculus through a derivation of the Black-Scholes equation, its solution, properties, and applications.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Exploring Earth With Zolo
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Behind The Banyan Ho Kwon Ping On Building A Global Brand
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Who Me Set 3
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science Battles Set 2
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Science Battles Set 2
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Ultimate Battle Of Bacteria The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Commentary On Singapore Volume 3 Culture Identity And Society
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kalimantan Dolphin And Other Indonesian Tales The
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Toto Enters The Bacteria Universe
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Kiasunomics 3 Economic Insights For Everyday Life
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Emmy And The Black Hole That Stole Her Sock
One night, Emmy's sock flies off her foot and out of her bedroom window! So begins a fascinating adventure. On her quest to get her sock back, Emmy meets stars and planets, before finally coming face to face with the thief who stole her sock: a black hole!At the end of the book, curious readers can access four pages of information on the science behind black holes! It explains in simple terms what black holes are, what really happens to Emmy's sock and how come she is able to get it back again (although it is a little worse for wear).
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Nobel Lectures In Economic Sciences 20162020
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Solar Thermal Technologies: Concentrating Solar Power And Fuels (In 3 Volumes)
The three-volume handbook showcases the state of the art in the use of concentrated sunlight to produce electricity, industrial process heat, renewable fuels, including hydrogen and low-carbon synthesis gas, and valuable chemical commodities. The handbook illustrates the value and diversity of applications for concentrating solar power to contribute to the expanding decarbonization of multiple cross-cutting energy sectors.Volume 1: Concentrating Solar Thermal Power, provides an overview of key technologies, principles, and challenges of concentrating solar power (CSP) as well as the use of concentrating solar thermal for process heating and district markets. The ten chapters of this volume provide the reader with the technical background on the solar resource for concentrating solar thermal, the principles and design of concentrating optics, and descriptions of state-of-the-art and emerging solar collector and receiver technologies, thermal storage and thermal-to-electric conversion and power cycles for CSP. It also contains a comprehensive summary of operations and maintenance requirements for CSP plants, and commercial CSP plants and markets around the world.Volume 2, Solar Thermochemical Processes and Products, covers the use of concentrated solar radiation as the heat source to drive endothermic chemical reactions to produce renewable fuels and valuable chemical commodities, equivalently storing solar energy in chemical bonds. The thermodynamic underpinnings of a number of approaches to produce fuel and results of demonstrations of solar thermochemical reactors for these processes at prototype scale are presented. Processes presented include thermochemical metal oxide reduction/oxidation cycles to split water and carbon dioxide solar chemical looping reformation of methane to produce synthesis gas, high temperature electrochemistry, and gasification of biomass. Research on the thermochemical storage for CSP and high temperature production of cement and ammonia to illustrate the use concentrated solar energy to produce valuable chemical products are also included.Volume 3 contains reprinted archival papers to support and supplement the material in Volumes 1 and 2. These papers provide background information on the economics and alternative use cases of CSP not covered in Volume 1, and expand on the material related to the chapter topics presented in Volume 2. Potential commercialization, such as prototype and demonstration projects, are highlighted. The papers are intended as a starting point for a more in-depth study of the topics.